Lucky sticky apple cider

Kit left the purchasing of the warehouse to the others. He decided it was time to head to his restaurant. He still needed to try and create one more dish to fill the last slot in the time freeze storage shelf.

The apple pie yesterday, although he was excited about its stats, couldn't be sold immediately. Kit had been looking forward to spending the day with his friends. But time was pressing so he didn't delay. He said his goodbyes and left.

As he walked towards his restaurant. A notification popped up.



Warehouses now available to purchase/build in spartan fire.

Kit paused to read the notification, smiled then kept walking. The door to the restaurant was open when he arrived. Snickers was making decorations when he walked in.

"Good morning, Kit. Do you need me to help you with anything today?"

"Good morning Snickers. I'm ok for now, I'll let you know if I need any help later. I'll just be in the kitchen trying to make a new meal."

Kit walked into his kitchen with a smile. He really did love being in here. Kit looked at all the equipment and realised he had no clue what to even attempt. He decided to make a stack of beer barrels while he came up with ideas.

He got to work and soon had a collection of barrels stacked just outside the back door of the restaurant. He frowned at the sight. Having them there was not very safe, anyone could take off with them. Kit sucked in his bottom lip.

Where could he put them? If he left them in his pouch Snickers wouldn't be able to access them when she needed to. Could he build a storage shed? Kit decided to ask Grandpa when he arrived for lunch. He hoped it would be possible to have one.

While he had been making beer Kit had decided to try his hand at making candy apples. He didn't want to give up on the apples! Even though it was a snack food, he was sure it would be a hot seller if it had even a small increase to luck. He also came up with the idea to try making apple cider.

With two plans swirling in his mind. Kit went to see if Snickers could fix one of the problems with making the candy apples. He had no sticks! You can't eat a candy apple without having something to hold onto!

Snickers was calmly still making decorations when he walked out of the kitchen.

"Snickers I need some smooth sticks to pierce an apple so it can be used as a handle."

Snickers lifted an eyebrow at his request. "Leonard will be back in a couple of days, I'll get him to make you a box full."

Kit frowned. Then thought about it. It wouldn't take long to make candy apples. He could put it off until he returned. Kit nodded and thanked Snickers, then headed back into the kitchen to see if he could make apple cider.

Kit pulled out the barrels he had brought from Flower Field market. He frowned when he realised that none of the barrels were cider barrels. Kit didn't give up on making the alcoholic beverage. He decided to use the beer barrel. He would just add yeast into the mix to make up for the fermenting process.

Kit would have to look into buying a cider barrel, if the apple cider was a success. He then busied himself with collecting the ingredients he would need. He took out the Swamp dweller apples washed them then filled the barrel. He put in some of the sugar he had made from the White sticky sweet flower and added a few Twin blooming hope flowers.

This combination of ingredients had made the luck stats previously. Kit hoped it worked its magic again. He completed the mix with some yeast and blood root powder. With a smile Kit closed the lid, then started the magic barrel up.

Kit listened to the familiar hum with sweaty palms. He couldn't wait to take the lid off. Time seemed to slow down as he waited. Kit felt himself nervously shuffling from one foot to the other. When the noise stopped from the barrel. Kit couldn't stop himself from practically ripping off the lid.


[Lucky sticky apple cider created]

Quality level: Poor

Quality bonus: sour taste, so sour that mouth cannot be opened for 30minutes.

A drink to bring good fortune to a dull day. The crisp apple flavour bursts to life to tantalise the taste buds.

+ 50 Luck

For 1 hours

[Restricted: chef Level 50 to unlock for sale]

Reward: 15,000 EXP, 8,00 culinary EXP, 500 silver crowns, 7,500 culinary points.


[Congratulations, you are now Level 25 Chef]


[Congratulations, you are now Level 26 Chef]


[Skill learnt: Novice cidermaker]

Player has basic skills to turn fruits into flavoursome alcoholic beverages.

Agility + 20

Intelligence + 30

Kit wanted to cheer and curse at the same time. Why were the chef levels so high to unlock the cider! Kit felt crying from frustration. Then he felt himself swing towards happiness. He had made another drink to sell, well… eventually, he had to wait until he reached level 50 chef first.

Then his eyes flittered over to the new chef level and the happiness suppressed all the frustration. He could now sell the pasta! Kit felt like he was floating on air. All he had to do was to make a final meal to sell, and he would be all set for his grand opening.

Then he looked at the new skill he had unlocked, Cidermaker! These apples really wear lucky! Kit thought about the Sweet meadow beer. Why had he not unlocked a brewer skill? Maybe it had something to do with him not creating the recipe himself.

Kit shrugged he was too happy about the cider to care. Kit started to dance around the kitchen. With two successful luck creations he thought there would be no chance for the candy apples to fail. It would just be whether or not he could sell them on the day of the opening.

He hoped the snacks would be at a low enough level. Thinking about the candy apples Kit decided he needed to make some more sugar from the White sticky sweet flower. It would be one of the main ingredients in the candy apples. He had used quite a lot in the cider, so he wanted to make a large stock.

Kit spent the morning making sugar and making more blood root powder. He stopped what he was doing when he heard voices in the restaurant. Kit wandered out to see his friends arriving for lunch.

"Kit, how is the progress in making new meals going?" Kit wanted to laugh at Mars enthusiasm for new dishes.

"Better than expected. I've made some apple cider, though I can't sell it just yet."

Twinkling eyes greeted Kit's words. "What have you all been doing this morning?"

"We finished the warehouse. After lunch we'll go and collect some materials to start to fill it." Twix looked happy with the progress they were making.

Kit couldn't wait to see the new structure. He was finding he enjoyed seeing all the new developments in the village. Kit decided he would wait until after dinner to have a look. He wanted to finish preparing everything he would need for the grand opening.

After lunch everyone returned to their own tasks. It didn't take long for diner to roll around. Once all the dishes were cleared away Kit went to look at the new building. Kit thought he would see the building as soon as he exited his restaurant.

He glanced around trying to find it. Twix and Mars had left with him to show him the building. "Where is it?"

"We built it away from the main part of town. We decided it would be better to leave these plots of land for more important buildings. Come, we will show you."

Kit followed the pair through trees that were scattered behind plot of land. Soon an enormous, wooden structure came into view. Kit looked at the first wooden structure in the village with awe. Even though it was plain it still looked a hundred times better than the mud structures.

Kit felt a little thrill thinking about his restaurant upgrading to a wooden framework. He couldn't wait to achieve this! Kit walked up to the building with a skip in his step. He couldn't wait to have a look around inside.

Twix led them to a large wooden door, then walked inside. Kit followed. Inside was a large open space. Large logs were piled hazardously against one of the wall of the building. Next to the logs were big boulders scattered around.

"This space could get messy very fast, if it's not organised properly. It might even become dangerous." Kit surmised.

"We already thought of that and have sent out an employee request for a warehouse manager." Twix assured Kit.

"That's good then. The wooden structure looks good."

Twix had a slight blush to his cheeks at Kit's words. "About that… We might have to rebuild it."

Kit was surprised at Twix words. "Why?"

"The structure is not sturdy enough. We only got a poor rating. So, it won't stand against strong winds. When Leonard gets back, I'll get him to help rebuild the warehouse. I'm also hoping to apprentice with him so I can learn how to properly make better buildings." Twix voice became more animated as he got to the end of his words.

Kit could tell he was looking forwards to the possibility of becoming a builder. "That's a great idea Twix. Having more builders in a growing village is a must."

Now that he had seen the building Kit got excited by the possible revenue it could bring in. when he logged out Kit decided he would also have to look up more ways a village could make money. Getting a regular flow of points into Spartan Fire was very important for the village growth.

They returned to their homes in a slow walk.

"Kit, do you have everything ready for your return?" Twix inquired.

"I think so. I have stocked the kitchen, so all I will have to worry about when I get back is filling the last slot in the time freeze storage shelf. I already have a plan for that slot I just hope it turns out. What are your plans while we're gone Twix?"

"I will work on raising prestige points and filling the warehouse. Hopefully I can also fill the clerical and warehouse manager positions as well."

Kit was happy with Twix plans. It looked like everything was on track for Mars and his return. Kit parted from the pair. He had already spoken with Mars over dinner on what time they would exit the game. They planned to log out first thing in the morning.

Kit went back to his house to speak to Snowball before he turned in for the night. The little fluffball was patiently waiting at his mud hut when he arrived. Kit picked him up gave him a hug and walked inside.

"Snowball, I need to leave again for awhile. So, you have to be good."

A soft bark left Snowballs mouth. Kit glanced down to the pile of treasure on the animal skin.

"Snowball why have you not devoured all your treasure yet?"

Snowball tilted his little head to the side. Kit chuckled at his movement. "This is all yours. I want you to grow big and strong, ok? So… any treasure you find you, please devour."

As much as Kit wanted to sell the pile of stones to fill his purse, he also wanted Snowball to level up. The faster he did the less Kit would worry about him getting into a situation where he got himself in trouble. Kit watched as Snowball jumped off his lap and went over to the colourful stones.

Snowball then opened his mouth and started to break all the stones. Kit was conflicted on whether he should be happy or devastated at the sight of the pile shrinking before his eyes. In no time the pile of treasure was gone.

Snowball waddled over to him with a very satisfied look in his big eyes. Kit picked him up and checked his current level. Snowball had risen to level 34 after consuming all the stones. Kit had never been happier that Snowball found his own treasure than right now. If he had to buy the stones for Snowball, he would be poor very fast.

"You're such a good boy Snowball. Make sure you eat all the treasure you find while I'm gone, ok."

Kit didn't receive a yip in reply. He looked at the small dog and realised he was fast asleep. "Devouring all those stones wore you out huh!"

Kit decided sleep sounded very good right now and joined Snowball in the land of dreams.