What should I do?

Kit walked back into the dining area. To find some familiar faces. Mars and Twix had joined Grandpa at a table. Kit walked over and sat down, Snickers followed.

"Did you see all the people? Your grand opening is going to be a smashing success."

Twix' eyes were twinkling with delight. Kit felt a crushing pressure take away his happiness about his newly designed restaurant at those words. He wanted to feel the same, but thoughts about how to feed so many people crushed all his high spirts. Kit had no clue how to solve this problem.

"Kit what's wrong? I thought you would be bursting at the seams with happiness." Snickers frowned.

"Sorry Snickers I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed. Let me just adjust for a moment. I need to get my head around the amount of people outside."

"Ok, but remember, we're all here to help. It won't just be you dealing with everything."

Kit felt a warm feeling in his chest at her words. 'That's right I will have support from everyone here.'

Kit felt himself relax. Soon his chaotic mind started to work. He broke down all the problems he could think of. This helped to reduce his anxiety further.

The first thing that need to be organised was how to serve so many people. Kit threw the question to the room.

"Why don't you just use the disposable boxes you already have for takeaway. That way if the dining area is full, people can still get a meal."

Kit looked at Mars with surprise. "Why did I not think of that? Mars, I could kiss you right now?"

"Please don't. Just give me a meal as thanks."

Kit laughed. "Ok done deal. Then my next issue will be having enough paper and chop sticks to make takeaway meals."

"We can go and have a look at the market. With so many people here, it actually has a wide variety of products to choose from."

"I can get Leonard to make the wooden chop sticks. Then you will only need to buy paper," Snickers chimed in.

Kit thanked Twix and Snickers for solving one more problem. Then he felt a wave of anticipation to see what would be at the market. With so many people here, the market should have a range of products for him to look at. He wondered if he could find anything else useful for his restaurant there.

Kit's mind soon moved onto the next problem.

"Then, next is workers. I wasn't expecting so many people and I don't know how long they will stay for. So can you guys help with the takeaway meals and serving customers for a few days. I think things should settle down after that."

Kit was greeted with a chorus of agreement from everyone in the room. He would have to think of some way to thank them after the grand opening finished.

Kit didn't expect the large crowd to stay for too long. If they did, he would have to think about hiring some permanent staff.

"Kit, I think because this is a grand opening, we should also be giving everyone a gift if they purchase a meal. What do you think?"

Kit seriously thought about Snickers suggestion. He thought it was a great idea but had no clue what they could give away as a gift.

"Kit, I agree with Snickers. Maybe something like a candy or chocolate would be suitable. I think having it food related would be best. Could you make something like that by tomorrow?"

"That is a great idea Mars. I just don't know if I can create anything like that before tomorrow."

"I don't think it would have to be a stats dish. Just normal candy or chocolate would make people happy. I know I'd like it."

Kit could tell Mars was thinking about the snacks he just mentioned. His eyes had glazed over.

"If it does not need stats then yes, I could definitely make something to give away as a gift."

Kit felt himself starting to get eager to put his plans in place. He was glad he had brainstormed with his friends. Kit decided to go to the market first. Then he could stay in the kitchen for the remainder of the day trying to make the gifts and candy apples he had put off making before he exited the game.

"By the way Snickers did you get the sticks I asked for?" Kit remembered he would need them before he could make the candy apples.

"Yes, there are a couple of boxes full tucked under one of the benches inside the kitchen. Speaking of the boxes. Kit, I think you need to build a storage room or else the kitchen will get too full. I also moved the beer barrels you had just left outside the back door. You can't leave them there, they will get stolen."

Snickers was looking at Kit like he was an idiot. Right now, he kind of felt like one. Honestly after making the alcohol, he had completely forgotten about them. He remembered he had planned to ask Grandpa to make a storage shed. But with everything going on the idea went up in a puff of smoke.

Kit turned towards Grandpa. "Do you think you could make me a storage shed please?"

"No problem, just make sure you unlock the blue print for me first."

Kit blinked at those words. He then opened the restaurant screen. There was no storage facility available!

"Ahh, looks like I can't make one yet. What should I do?"

"Never mind I will just stack them inside the restaurant as a decoration. You just won't be able to make too many at once." Snickers blew out a breath and shook her head. Kit could tell she was frustrated. He also couldn't wait to gain more blueprints.

Kit didn't want to waste any more time talking now that he had a plan. So, he said his goodbyes and went to the market with Mars and Twix. As they approached the market Kit jaw dropped open. The market was half full of stalls. He could also see a line of people standing in front of a table near the entrance.

Kit looked at the person behind the table and recognise Clive. "Twix are we already earning money for Spartan Fire with market stall rentals?"

Twix beamed. "Yes, we decided on 5 bronze crowns for a small plot, 7 bronze crowns for a medium and 10 bronze crowns for a large plot. The market has been very popular. We made a total of 660 bronze crowns yesterday."

Kit felt a jolt of surprise. Then a smile bloomed on his face. Spartan Fire was making an income! Kit was very happy with the progress of the village in such a short amount of time. He could see Clive was busy, so he just waved. Twix went over to see if Clive needed any help.

Kit left Twix at the entrance, then headed inside with Mars. Kit's eyes darted around the stalls. The first one to take his interest was an armour stall. Kit walked over with hurried steps. He had been planning to get some armour for quite a while now. The armour pieces were made from a shiny metal.

Kit hoped they wouldn't cost too much.

"Can I help you with anything?" A rich deep voice rang in Kit's ears. He lifted his head to see a middle aged man with a thick chest staring at him politely.

"How much is a full set of armour?"

"20 gold crowns."

Kit jaw dropped in shock. He only had 15 gold crowns available to spend. Kit looked at the armour with regret. He couldn't afford it. The man saw his look of disappointment.

"Do you have anything to trade? I can take something off the price if its good."

Kit's eyes snaped back to the man. A twinkle entered his eye. "That I do have something to trade. I just didn't bring it with me."

Kit thought of the apple cider he had just made, although it had a side effect, it wasn't something that would hurt someone. Kit thought about the amount of luck it would give and was certain the man would approve of it in a trade.

"I'll bring it back." Kit beamed at the man.

"Kit, you won't have time to return. You have to get ready for tomorrow." Mars reminded Kit.

Kit frowned, then realised Mars was right.

"I take it you two are Spartan Fire residents?" Kit nodded to the stall owner.

"I will be here for a week, so there is plenty of time to return."

"Great. I'll come back another day then."

Kit happily chatted to Mars as they looked around for someone selling paper. He didn't stop to browse, time was short to prepare for tomorrow. They soon were in luck and found what they were after.

Kit brought 10 boxes of paper and surprisingly they had some small paper bags. He added the bags to his total then they started to head towards the exit. As they walked past a group of young boys about their age Kit overheard their conversation.

"Do you think that these hidden blueprints we found at the Ismelia ruins will be enough for Master Blake to let us apprentice?"

"I should think so, if Princeton could get an apprenticeship with his hidden blueprint, we should be able to as well."

"That's right! Then we can also learn from a master chef. Then I will climb the ranks to be a head chef of one of the levels of the Bountiful blue sea restaurant." The clear youthful voice had a wistful tone as he spoke.

Kit stood frozen. They had a hidden blueprint for a restaurant! How the hell had they gotten one. Kit couldn't stop himself from going over to the three youths he had just overheard talking.

"Hello." Kit put up his best smile, flashing his pearly white teeth.

Three pairs of eyes turned towards him. Kit froze once again. How was he supposed to ask how they found their blueprints? He had a feeling if he outright asked, he would be met with hostility. Kit realised he wouldn't be able to ask his burning question.

If a stranger asked him about something like that, he would run away quick smart, thinking they would most likely be trying to rob him. Kit sucked in a breath. Forget it, let's just make some friends with fellow aspiring chefs. Plus, he was curious about this master chef Blake and his restaurant.

"Sorry I caught the end of your conversation and was curious about the Bountiful blue sea restaurant. What does it look like?"

The three pairs of eyes squinted at him. Kit felt like he was being assessed. Kit came to the conclusion that his evaluation had failed in the eyes of the three. Hostility radiated from them. He felt a shiver go down his spine.

"Piss off. Trying to suck up to us won't work. Everyone in the Forsaken state knows what the Bountiful blue sea looks like. Just because you have heard what we are interested in doesn't mean we want to talk to a weakling like you."

"Get lost before we make you."

Kit was taken back by the harsh words. He was innocent, he really had no clue what the restaurant looked like. But why was he being scolded for trying to make conversation. Kit frowned. He then felt a brush against his shoulder. He turned his head to find Mars standing next to him.

When he looked into Mars eyes Kit had a bad feeling. Mars had his crazy eyes lit up like Christmas. Kit very carefully tugged on Mars' sleave.

"Hey Mars, let's just go."

Mars glanced down at Kit then back to the three young boys. "Apologize now!"

Kit shuddered at the command in Mars voice. This wasn't going to turn out well. He hoped the market wouldn't get damaged. Kit heard laughter coming from the boys. 'Ah crap, here we go. Please don't let me die I have a grand opening tomorrow.'

Kit watched as Mars descended on the boys. Mars made a chopping motion at each of their necks before they could react. Three bodies sunk to the ground. Kit blinked. 'Well at least there was no damage to the market.'

"Mars, lets go!"

Kit looked around to see they were starting to attract attention. Kit didn't wait for Mars reply. He pulled him out of the market back to the restaurant. Luckily, he had finished his shopping.

"Kit, what was that all about." Mars still had a glimmer of crazy in his eyes.

Kit filled him in on his thoughts at the time. Kit sighed it was a shame he didn't even get to find out about the restaurant. He was curious about the levels the boys had been talking about.

"We can ask Twix about those ruins later, then we can make some time to explore them ourselves."

Wait what was Mars talking about? Then it hit Kit. Those young boys had mentioned the ruins that they had found the blueprints at. Kit burst out laughing. This was fantastic! He could try his luck at finding a hidden blueprint!

Kit happily made his way into the kitchen ready to start preparing for tomorrow.