Lucky sticky candy apples

When they arrived back at the restaurant. Snickers was talking to Leonard as he whittled wood. Kit froze at the sight of the large man's back.

"Kit, you're back. Did you get everything?"

Kit was too scared to answer. He couldn't take his eyes off Leonard. Snickers noticed his unusual behaviour. She then kicked Leonard and motioned towards Kit. Leonard turned around with a sullen face.

"Kit, I apologise for my earlier behaviour. Please let me continue to come to your restaurant."

Kit was taken back at his words. Then he realised Snickers had threatened him with entry into his establishment. Kit wanted to thank Snickers, but he held off, he didn't want to say anything that may anger the large man again.

"I apologise too Leonard. I should have warned everyone first what would happen. I promise next time to explain everything properly beforehand."

Kit really was remorseful over the incident. He knew how much Leonard doted on Snickers. It was natural for him to react that way when he thought Kit had done Snickers harm. Kit gave a small bow to the large man to further promote his sincerity.

When he straightened up Leonard had a stunned look on his face. Then he cleared his throat. "It's fine, Snickers explained everything to me when I returned."

Kit had no clue what Snickers had explained but he wasn't going to argue now that he was in the all clear.

"By the way thanks for making the restaurant look amazing."

"You're welcome, I can't let my Snoo Snoo work in a place that is not beautiful." Leonard had returned his focus to Snickers when he said her name. Kit supressed a laugh, the man really could not focus on other things for long when Snickers was in the room.

Kit left them alone and dragged Mars into the kitchen.

"Why am I coming into the kitchen?"

"Mars, you are going to be in charge of making the gifts for everyone."

"But I'm not a chef." Mars tried to back out the kitchen door. Kit grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside.

"You don't need to be for what I have in mind. It's a simple recipe and I'm not trying to create a stats meal out of it."

Kit had decided to make hard candy. It was simple and easy. He would just pour it in a tray then let it harden, then smash it to pieces. It would not look pretty but it would taste nice. Kit explained the process to Mars.

"Can you show me first, then I'll take over making them."

Kit agreed then got all the ingredients ready. He took out his large pot then put in the water, corn syrup and sugar. While he was stirring, he thought about what flavour he could add.

Kit got Mars to take over the stirring, then went to the magic storage pantry to see what was available. Plump cherries caught Kit's eye. He purchased a couple of sacks. He was going to make cherry juice to add flavouring and colour.

Kit pulled out the juice barrel and tipped a big sack of cherries in. He added a bit of water then closed the lid. Once the noised stopped he opened the lid to see a nice deep red mixture inside. The smell that was produced made him smile.

Kit took out a ladle and added some juice to the hard candy mix. It turned a light red. Kit took it off the stove then poured the mix into the waiting trays. He then washed the pot and handed over the reins to Mars.

Kit and Mars happily chattered while Kit got all the ingredients ready for his next experiment. He purchased another large pot and started to make his own hard candy for the outer coating of the apples.

Kit added in the Twin blooming Hope and blood root powder to his mixture. He looked at the cherry juice and decided he would add some as well. Kit then got to work piercing the apples with sticks. So he did not take up too much bench space, Kit put the pierced apples into his bag as he worked.

When the mixture was ready Kit twirled the apple into the sticky toffee then placed it onto the magic multiplier plate. Then he watched as the candy apple started to swirl with a blue sheen as the outer coating started to harden. Kit was in love with these apples!


[Lucky sticky candy apples created]

Quality level: Fair

Quality bonus: + 10 to all stats.

A sticky treat to sweeten one's mood. The sweet sugary taste brings a smile to any lips.

+ 5 Luck

For 1 hour

[Unlocked: Nil level restriction.]

Reward: 7,500 EXP, 7,500 culinary EXP, 50 silver crowns, 1,000 culinary points.


[Congratulations, you are now Level 27 Chef]

Kit let out a loud Woop. These apples were the best ingredients he had ever found in game. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to find them. He had now made three successful meals! Kit wondered if he could somehow grow the apples trees on the farm he now owned.

Kit decided to ask Grandpa about it later. Kit looked over at the empty time freeze storage shelf. He had a feeling that the candy apples would be his best seller, so he decided to fill all five empty slots with the sweets.

"I take it you were successful?" Mars came over to look at the candy apples.

"Yes, here try one." Kit handed Mars a candy apple. Mars eyes lit up as he looked at the apple on the end of a stick. A loud crunch was heard as Mars took a bite.

"Well hot dam Kit! This is incredible! I even have a feeling of being lucky today. I wonder what the apple pie would feel like if I ate a slice."

Kit's eyes crinkled after hearing Mars description of the apple stats. He decided he would try an apple himself. To Kit's surprise Mars was right. He felt a little lucky after trying the candy apple. After consuming the candy apple Kit got back to work.

Kit and Mars were busy making there treats until Snickers came to interrupt them.

"Kit the others are here for lunch. Time to stop and eat."

Kit looked around the kitchen at the mess that they had both made. Right now, Kit wished he had some employees so he could hand the task of cleaning off to them.

Snickers look at his crestfallen face and laughed. "Put your meals somewhere safe then I will show you something I have been working on."

"What about the mess?" Kit couldn't leave the kitchen in this state. He wouldn't be able to relax until it was clean.

Snickers just gave him a mysterious smile then told him to hurry up. Kit put the last of the candy apples into their slots. Then watched as Mars moved the barrel, they had stored the hard candy into the dining area.

"Ok, all done! What do you want to show me?"

Snickers gave Kit a sly grin then flickers her fingers at the kitchen. Pink sparkling fog started to fill the kitchen.

"It looks very pretty Snickers."

Kit had seen her use the fog to teleport herself and Leonard previously. 'Is she trying to move the kitchen appliances? She can just use the menu to do that.' Kit was confused. Then the fog started to clear. Kit's mouth dropped open.

The kitchen was sparkling, it was so clean. Kit let out a delighted laugh. "Snickers you are the best employee ever. Can you teach me that?"

"Yes, just not yet. I don't think your magica level is high enough yet. When it gets to 200, I can teach you."

"That's great! I can't wait to learn it, that will make my life a lot easier."

Kit walked out to the dining area with a happy step. He handed out meals to the hungry group. Then sat down to fill his own stomach.

"How are things going, Kit my boy? Are you almost ready?" Grandpa inquired.

"Almost done. I just have one more slot to fill in the time freeze storage shelf and I already have an idea of what I will make. Though I will need everyone's help making the gift bags. The hard candy is ready thanks to Mars. It just needs to go into the paper bags now."

"Don't worry Kit, Mars and I will complete that job. You just worry about the cooking."

"Thanks Twix, for volunteering yourself and Mars."

"Kit about tomorrow. Who do you want to assign to the kitchen to help you, and who do you want on the floor?"

Kit thought about Snickers question. He and Mars had worked well together in the kitchen today. But he didn't know if he would want to do it again tomorrow.

"I think people can just volunteer for where they want to work. The positions I need help with are in the kitchen, serving on the floor, taking payments and finally the takeaway section."

Grandpa jumped in first. "This old man is too old to rush around all day so I will sit at the front desk and take the money."

"I'll oversee floor service. I can clean tables fast after the customers leave." Kit was thankful Snickers was going to handle the cleaning.

"I'll help in the kitchen. We worked well together today."

"Then I guess that leaves me in charge of the takeaway section." Twix looked nervous about handling the busiest section.

"Twix, I'll try to send Mars out if I can. I'm just not sure how busy I will be in the kitchen tomorrow. I know you'll be rushed off your feet. I'll also give you all enough candy apples to last you through the day. That way you should all hopefully have a smooth day."

With the meals finished and everyone's jobs sorted for tomorrow, Kit headed back into the kitchen to have a try at making frogs legs. He had a good idea of what he was going to try he just hoped it worked.

Before he started he decided to increase his luck. He only had today to perfect the frog legs. Kit took out a bottle of the Lucky sticky apple cider and poured himself a cup. It didn't matter that he couldn't talk for 30 minutes it was only himself inside the kitchen right now.

As the liquid entered his mouth Kit felt his nose scrunch from the sour taste. He held his breath and downed the whole cup. Kit felt his lips seal together. 'So that's why he wouldn't be able to speak. It literally makes my lips stuck together.'

Kit tried to pry his lips apart. He failed miserably. Kit then focused on his feelings of luck. To his delight he felt like anything was possible today. Kit happily moved on to trying to create the frog legs.

Kit took out one of the large frog legs and stared. He hoped he could cook this in the same manner as what he had watched previously. He was going to try to make a simple fried frog legs on top of a small serving of salad.

Kit went to the magic refrigerator and pantry and ordered the extra ingredients he would need. He then soaked some frog legs in milk and put them in the fridge. Kit then started to prepare the simple salad.

When he was finished, he took one of the legs out of the milk and added some butter to the fry pan. Once the butter was melted, he added the meat to the pan. He sprinkled some of the red velvet bloom and a pinch of the red velvet underwater magic moss to add seasoning.

Once the legs were done he placed them to the side then wiped out the pan. He then sautéed some garlic and lemon juice.


[Skill learnt: Beginner Sauté]

Player can cook food quickly over heat to form an aromatic, crispy crust. Player has basic sauté skills.

+ 25 Agility

+ 20 Intelligence

+ 25 Speed

Kit looked at his new unlocked skill with a happy heart. He was getting a nice variety of skills under his chef belt now. Kit smiled, then got back to the task at hand. He placed the large frog leg on top of the salad and drizzled the sauce over the top. Kit placed the saucepan down and held his breath.

Kit watched as a blue sheen started to spread over the plate, before it was completely covered it started to fade. A big grin cover Kit's face. He was almost there. He tasted the frog's leg to see where he could improve the taste.

Kit sunk his teeth in to the meat. As he chewed, he realised that it was similar to chicken wings. He scrutinised the sauce and seasoning. He felt it could use a bit more garlic and red velvet underwater magic moss.

Kit attempted the frog legs once again. This time the blue sheen swirled to completion.


[Black spotted velvet frogs legs created]

Quality level: Fair

Quality bonus: + 10 attack

Crisp fresh frogs legs with a delicious garlic sauce to tantalise the taste buds. Served as an entrée or main.

+ 40 agility

for 24 hours.

[Unlocked: Nil level restriction.]

Reward: 5,000 EXP, 1,000 culinary EXP, 20 silver crown, 200 culinary points.

Kit laughed with joy. He could now fill all the slots in the time freeze storage shelves. He felt he was ready for his grand opening tomorrow. Excitement coursed through his body. He couldn't wait for tomorrow to come. Kit got busy stacking the last spot in the time freeze storage shelf.

Once he was finished Kit cleaned the kitchen then headed out into the dining area with an extra pep in his step. He glanced around at his restaurant with satisfaction. As his eyes were roaming around, they stopped on the menu board.