New Uniforms

The restaurant menu board only had two options available. Kit quickly headed over to the black board to update the dismal display. He pulled up the menu then added the new items.



Red blooming purple tail turtle soup – 25 bronze crowns

Black spotted velvet frogs' legs – 35 bronze crowns


Apelop salad – 15 bronze crowns.

Wallowing blue poison – 40 bronze crowns

Red velvet lake pasta – 50 bronze crowns



Sweet Meadow beer – 5 bronze crowns


Lucky sticky candy apples – 1 silver crown

Kit's eyes crinkled with his large smile. His menu finally looked like it belonged in a real restaurant. He couldn't believe how far he had come with his restaurant in such a short time. He couldn't wait to see what it would look like after a year.

Kit noticed that the stats were missing from the menu board. He would have to ask Snickers if she knew how to correct it. Kit eyes wandered down the list on the board then got stuck on the candy apples.

"Smashing red potatoes! They are worth 1 sliver crown each!" Kit's eyes almost fell out of his head. Just selling the apples alone should give him a substantial amount of profit tomorrow. Kit felt giddy. He ran over to the table where the others were sitting to share his joy.

"Quick look at the menu board and tell me what you think."

Chuckles resounded around the table. They could all see his excitement.

"Looks good Kit, well done!" Mars beamed at him.

"I see new dishes. Kit, I hope you made some for us to try." Grandpa had a hungry look plastered on his face.

"Kit O.M.G, look at the lucky sticky candy apples! We will make a killing!" Snickers jumped out of her chair and gave him a hug.

There was the response he'd been waiting for. He should have known it would come from Snickers. The two of them happily danced around for a while. Once Kit wore himself out, he joined the others at the table.

He noticed the paper gift bags right away.

Kit picked one up to have a look. To his surprise a picture of a flower adorned each bag. The colour jumped out against the white background. The bloom was an intense fiery red with a golden centre. The petals looked like little curls that open up towards the tip of the petal to look like a spoon.

Kit immediately liked the unusual flower.

"What type of flower is this?"

"That is the Spartan Fire flower I was telling you about. It looks great doesn't it."

"Yes, Grandpa it looks good. Who came up with the idea to put these on the bags and how did you get it printed on all of them?"

"So many questions Kit. To answer, I came up with the idea, I remembered you wanted to use the flower a signature for the restaurant. Second, I used a little magic to put the design on all the bags. I've unlocked some pretty good skills since becoming the manager of the restaurant."

Snickers looked very pleased with herself after answering. Kit smiled at the elf. He had to agree she had some handy skills.

"Snickers do you think you could also put the design on the takeaway boxes."

Snickers blinked. "Why did I not think of that? Yes, I will get on it right away."

"Kit, do you need us to do anything else before tomorrow," Twix inquired.

"No, I'm all set in the kitchen. I came to see if you needed any help with the gift bags."

"We are just about done with these. If you're finished, can we try the new dishes now?" Grandpa was staring at Kit with a hopeful look.

"Sure thing, I'll go and prepare some for everyone."

Once Kit had finished preparing food for everyone, he returned to the dining area. The gift bags had been finished and the barrels with the gifts had been moved next to the service desk. Kit felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He was finally ready for the grand opening tomorrow.

He sat down with the others with a light heart. After the meal Kit closed the restaurant and headed back to his mud hut. Snowball was waiting outside for his return. Excited yips greeted Kit's ears.

"Snowball, I missed you to buddy."

Kit picked the small dog up. He noticed a slight change in his companion.

"Snowball, have you put on weight?"

Kit received a lick to the face in reply. Kit lifted the little fluff ball closer to his face to get a closer look.

"You really have put on weight. You also seem to have grown."

Kit was pleased at the progress Snowball was making. It looked like he had been devouring treasure while he was gone. Kit thought this should be why the little guy was getting bigger. He pulled up Snowballs stats to see his progress.

A smile spread across his face when he read the information. Snowball had reached level 46.

"You have been busy while I was away."

"That thing eats nonstop, of course he will grow. I'm glad you are back, he has been annoying me for the past six days. Who wants to go around hunting for treasure all day long? I have things to do myself."

Kit thought the haughty voice sounded familiar. He glanced around for the owner of the voice. Kit's eyes landed on a white cat walking out of his hut.

"Bai yue? How did you get here?"

"What do you mean? I have been here since you brought your land. I attached the White moon travelling pocket realm to your farm. I did not want to be near all these smelly people. It was nice and quiet there until Snowball came whingeing that you had left for a while."

"You have been here for that long. How did I not know this?"

"It was clearly in the terms of our contract. It's not my fault if you didn't read it properly. I have no responsibility to tell you every little thing that I do."

Kit blinked at the arrogant little white cat. Then he shook his head. He decided to ignore the barbs in his speech.

"I'm glad you're here. Welcome to Spartan Fire, Bai yue."

The white sphinx slowly blinked its eyes. "This is not someplace that you should be proud of. It is only filled with mud huts and tents. You need to make it a special place if you want to boast. Add some unique buildings at least."

Kit read between the lines. Bai yue was giving him some advice. He smiled at the white cat.

"Thank you Bai yue. I will try to find some unique structures to build in the village."

"Hmm, well that's good. At least you are not stupid."

Kit felt that this wording was a little familiar. Kit's eyes went wide. The white cat reminded him of CAL. Kit felt a shiver run down his spine. While Kit was starting to delve into being terrified, Bai yue was giving Kit an assessing look.

"Considering we are now friends, and you are stupid. I will give you a hint on where to find something special for your little Spartan Fire. Not far from here at the base of the mountains was a very special place that thrived over 100 years ago. It was home to a large number of special creatures."

"If you can find those creatures and make a connection with them. They might take you to the place they looked after. I would recommend starting your search for them at the Ismelia ruins."

Kit sucked in a breath at the mention of the Ismelia ruins. Was that not the place that the young men had been talking about at the market. Kit felt a thrill replace the building fear.

"Thank you Bai yue. I will definitely go there in the future."

Kit wanted to thank his friend for his advice. He took out a bottle of the Spiritual moon juice magic and handed it over to the white cat.

"Here take this as thanks for the advice."

The bottle disappeared faster than Kit anticipated. Kit started to laugh at the greedy cat.

"Thank you, friend Kit. I will look for more advice to give you in the future. It is time for me to return to my home."

With the words spoken the small white cat turned and left.

"Goodbye Bai yue."

Kit received no answer from the cat. Snowball started to squirm in Kit's arms. He had forgotten that he was still holding on to him. He placed him on the ground and entered his hut.

"Snowball, we have a big day tomorrow, so we need to go to bed."

Kit was worried he mightn't sleep well. He was starting to feel nervous about tomorrow. He tucked himself and Snowball in bed then fell asleep. Kit woke the next morning to soft chatter drifting through his window.

He was surprised he had a good night's sleep. He got dressed then headed out the door with nervous anticipation. Today was his grand opening!

Kit heard a soft yip at his heals as he walked. He looked down to see Snowball following.

"You are coming with me today?"

A pink tongue lolled out of Snowballs mouth in reply. Kit laughed and continued his walk. He felt a strange buzzing in the air today as he walked. It was like the excitement was tangible in the air. He looked over to his restaurant to see a line had already started to form at the door.

Kit's eyes went wide. There was already at least 50 people lined up! Kit felt a spark start to ignite inside himself at the sight. He could feel his excitement start to rise. This was what he had been waiting for! His dream was going to burst forth today!

He hurried his steps, then stopped.

"Snowball, I think it would be better to enter through the back door today."

He changed his direction and entered through the kitchen. Kit walked into the dining area to see Snickers and Grandpa were already waiting for him.

"KIT, did you see the line? I'm so nervous. How do I look? Do you like the uniform." Snickers spoke in a rush. She looked like she was about to burst with her anxiety waiting for his answer.

Kit looked at what Snickers was wearing. She had on a long black dress with a trail of Spartan Fire flowers running from the shoulder across the body to wrap around the back. It created bursts of red and gold against the dark background. A slit was cut into the side so she could easily move about.

"It looks fantastic Snickers."

Kit watched as her face glowed with pride at his praise.

"I was inspired by the Spartan Fire flower. I made a uniform for everyone."

She handed a shirt and pants over to Grandpa and Kit. He unfurled the shirt to see the same design on his black shirt. Kit grinned. He would look very professional today.

"Kit it doesn't just look great, it also has some added stats. It is not the final uniform. I'm still trying to gather materials for that. But this should do for the mean time."

Kit sucked in a breath. He had forgotten Snickers had a uniform bonus attached to her. He quickly used identify.

[Spartan Fire restaurant uniform, designed by Snickers]

A unique uniform designed especially for Spartan Fire restaurant. Adds flair to anyone wearing the outfit.


Agility + 500

Intelligence + 500

Speed + 500

Restriction: can only be equipped in Spartan Fire restaurant.

Kit felt his jaw drop. He couldn't believe the stats that the uniform gave. He rubbed his eyes to check he was not dreaming. If this was the interim uniform that Snickers made then what was the final product going to look like.

Kit felt his excitement grow. He really wanted to see the official uniform Snickers was trying to create. Kit couldn't contain himself any longer he ran into the kitchen to change his clothes. The moment he donned the shirt and pants he felt the changes in his movements.

He ran a lap around the kitchen to try his speed out. He couldn't believe how fast he could move. Kit even felt like he could do a backflip perfectly in these clothes. He couldn't stop himself from finding out. He jumped in the air and flipped backwards.

To his surprise he perfectly executed the move. Kit let out a whoop. He then rushed into the dining area and enveloped Snickers in a hug.

"These are amazing Snickers. Thank you so much for making them."

Tinkling laughter filled the room.

"You're welcome Kit."

Kit put Snickers down and glanced at Grandpa. The old man looked very smart in his new clothes. Kit nodded his head in satisfaction. As he was admiring the new clothes. Mars and Twix walked in from the kitchen.

"What is that your wearing Kit?" Mars had a gleam in his eyes staring at the clothes.

"Here, I made some for you two as well." Snickers handed over the new uniform to the waiting pair. She then pulled a scarf out and tied it around Snowballs neck.

"Oh, look how handsome you are Snowball. You can help me today. Kit will be too busy in the kitchen."

Snowball gave a soft yip to Snickers.

Mars and Twix donned their uniforms. Kit smiled at the sight of all of them wearing matching clothes.

"Well Kit are you ready my boy. I think it is time to open the doors." Grandpa had a twinkle in his eyes as he spoke.

Kit took in a lung full of air.

"Yes, let the grand opening officially begin."