6. Chapter 6

A/N: Have I mentioned how amazing you guys are? 71 reviews in 2 days! Well, they fed my muse. So thank you! Here is the result. I hope it meets your expectations. Send me a review and tell me what you think, good and bad.

Chapter 5

Darcy was captivated by the sight of the beautiful woman before him. The drawing did not come close to portraying her beauty. He surreptitiously followed Her and Lynton to where they took their places in the dance. He stood behind and slightly to the right of Lynton's shoulder so he could have an unobstructed view. He didn't want to lose her in the crowd.

His eager eyes roved over her features, cataloguing each one in his mind. He wanted to fix this moment in his mind and heart forever, the moment he first laid eyes on Her. His heart was beating erratically, and his palms began to sweat. He had to remind himself to breathe.

She was dressed in a simple, but elegant white silk gown. The bodice was adorned with intricate thread and bead work in a cerulean shade. Her hair was unadorned, save for small white silk flowers interspersed in her hair. She was without any glittering jewels, save a simple string of pearls. She was petite, barely reaching his shoulder. Despite her diminutive size, her figure was light and pleasing and she carried herself with a natural poise and grace. She was exquisite. It somehow did not surprise him that she was devoid of the trappings and trimmings so prevalent among the women of the ton. He had instinctively known that she would be different.

His eyes rested on her face and lingered, absorbing every detail. Her hair was a rich, dark mahogany, which shined under the glow of candlelight. He knew from his mother's drawing that her hair reached nearly to her waist in large, loose curls. Tonight, her hair was done in a combination of small and large braids, the intricate detail of her hairstyle barely keeping the unruly locks from escaping. A few curls framed her perfectly oval face. Delicate brows rose above the finest pair of dark eyes he had ever seen, which were framed by long lashes. Her perfect nose rested above a generous, pink mouth. She was laughing at something that Lynton had said and her eyes sparkled with radiant light. He felt a sudden wave of jealousy that another man was receiving her attentions.

She was perfect. She shined brighter than all the painted peacocks amongst the ton and he realized that he was not the only one who had noticed. He saw several men of various ages follow her with their eyes with keen interest. He bristled. No one should look at her that way but him.

In that moment, a lovely blond young woman danced down the line with her partner, and as the woman passed Her, she reached out and grasped her hand briefly with a light squeeze. He noticed a slight resemblance in the contours of their faces and determined that they must be related, cousins, perhaps.

His gaze returned to her face and in that instant, she looked up and met his intense gaze. As their gazes locked, time seemed to slow until he was aware of no one but the two of them. Her eyes widened imperceptibly and her mouth parted slightly in surprise. She held his gaze with an inquisitive look, but she didn't look away. Her distraction caused her to miss her cue to beginthe dance, and she stumbled slightly, causing a becoming blush over her face. He grinned slightly. As she began to dance down the line, she had a somewhat dazed look on her face.

He followed Her and Lynton as they moved further down the line, staying on the edge of the ballroom, his gaze never faltering from her face. She would meet his gaze from time to time, holding it briefly before looking away with a slight blush. Lynton twirled her around and she was suddenly directly opposite him. When she met his unwavering gaze, she raised one delicate eyebrow in silent inquiry. He couldn't resist responding by smiling broadly, infusing his joy at being in her presence. She gasped and stumbled. Instinctively he reached out and grasped her arm to prevent her from falling. As his hand closed over the warm skin just above her elbow length glove, he felt his whole hand begin to tingle. He leaned down and whispered near her ear, "Are you alright?"

She looked up, her eyes wide and said with a slight stammer, "Y-Yes, Th-Thank you." They continued to hold one another's gaze for what seemed an indeterminate amount of time. Darcy did not think he was even breathing.

The moment was broken when Lynton came rushing over and apologized profusely to the perplexed and dazed woman. "Forgive me, Miss Elizabeth, that was very clumsy of me. I suppose I don't know my own strength." Turning to Darcy, he said, "Thank you Darcy for that timely save. I would not want this lovely lady to take a fall."

Darcy's mind reeled. Elizabeth. Her name was Elizabeth. He came back to the present and managed to get out, "It was no trouble at all. I was happy to be of assistance." As he turned to Elizabeth a sudden cry forced his attention away. Before he knew what was happening, Elizabeth had cried out, "Jane!" and rushed past him to kneel in front of the blond woman he had seen earlier. She was clutching her ankle, her face pale. Darcy froze. Before he could move and offer his assistance, Lynton was at hand and with the help of His Elizabeth, they moved the young blond woman off the dance floor.

The disturbance had caused the dance to come to an abrupt halt and before Darcy could move, he was surrounded on all sides by people. Frustrated, he tried to get through the crush to get to His Elizabeth and offer his assistance. He couldn't loose her! Not now! Vainly, he tried to glimpse through the crowd to where she had gone, but there were too many people in his way. Groaning in aggravation, he ran his hands through his hair.

Suddenly a thought transfixed him. Lynton. Of course. He would know who she was. Closing his eyes, he sighed in relief. Before the night was out he would know exactly who she was and with whom she was staying. And he would find a way for them to become properly introduced. Darcy smiled contentedly. She had come.


Elizabeth's mind was in a tumult. In truth, she didn't know what to think. She forced herself to focus on her sister. Jane needed her right now. She could indulge in thoughts of him later, when she was alone. Supporting her sister's weight with the help of Mr Lynton, they made their way over to their Aunt Gardiner.

Upon seeing her niece in obvious pain, Mrs Gardiner immediately vacated the chair she had been sitting upon. "Why, my dear Jane! What has happened?"

Collapsing in the chair, Jane gasped, "I turned my ankle. I believe it is only a sprain, Aunt. No need to worry yourself."

Sharing a look of commiseration with Elizabeth, she turned to Mr Lynton and asked, "Would you be so kind to call our carriage, Sir Reginald?"

"Would it not be better for Miss Bennet to remain here until her ankle is healed? I can call for a doctor..."

Before he could continue, Mrs Gardiner said kindly, but firmly, "That will not be necessary, Sir Reginald. We do not live far from here and I know Jane would be much more comfortable in her own surroundings. Thank you for your offer, but I believe it will be best if we leave."

"Of course, Mrs Gardiner. Please remain here and I will come and assist Miss Bennet myself when your carriage is ready."

"You are very kind, Mr Lynton. Thank you." Elizabeth smiled warmly at her dance partner.

"It is my pleasure to be of assistance, Miss Elizabeth." With a bow, he quickly departed.

As soon as Mr Lynton had left, they were accosted by several ladies all wanting to know what had happened. Mrs Gardiner spoke to them while Elizabeth attended to her sister.

"Are you well Jane?" Elizabeth looked anxiously at her sister.

"I am well enough Lizzy. But, oh! I am mortified! What an inauspicious beginning to our season in town!" Jane's distress was evident on her beautiful face.

"Don't worry, Jane. It will be forgot. You'll see. They will simply remember you as the most beautiful woman at the ball!" Elizabeth laughed lightly.

Jane smiled and grasped her sister's hand. "I am sorry you have to leave so early, Lizzy. I don't mean to spoil your evening."

Elizabeth's mind wandered to the tall, handsome man who had gazed at her with such intensity. His eyes were the most beautiful shade of blue. And his smile...Elizabeth blushed thinking of her reaction to that disarming smile.

Noting her sister's blush and guessing it had something to do with their host, Jane said knowingly, "Sir Reginald is a very handsome and charming man."

Elizabeth gazed at her sister in astonishment. "What do you mean Jane?"

"You know exactly what I mean. Your face betrays you, sister dear," Jane said with a teasing laugh.

"That's not... I mean... I don't know..." Exasperated, Elizabeth took a deep breath, and said quietly, "Something happened tonight, but I can't speak of it here. Not now."

It was Jane's turn to look at her sister in astonishment. "What happened?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "Tonight. I promise."

Jane gave her sister a searching look, "I'll hold you to that promise, Lizzy."

Before Elizabeth could respond, Mr Lynton arrived to assist Jane to their carriage. As Elizabeth left the ballroom, she turned and scanned the occupants to see if she could catch another glimpse of him. Had he even been real? Did she imagine it all? Not seeing him in the crowd, Elizabeth hurried to catch up to her sister and Aunt.


Later that night, Elizabeth stood outside the door to her sister's room. Pausing briefly, she took a slow, deep breath and knocked lightly on the door.

After hearing Jane's quiet, "Come in Lizzy." Elizabeth opened the door and entered. Walking to Jane's bed, she climbed up beside her sister, careful not to jostle her propped ankle. She began to fidget with the coverlet of the bed knowing Jane would begin the conversation.

"Well? Are you going to explain that mysterious statement you made earlier this evening, Lizzy?"

Elizabeth looked at her sister's expectant expression. Where to begin? Elizabeth jumped up from the bed and began pacing agitatedly. How could she adequately express everything she had felt? Would Jane think it was simply her imagination? That she had created what happened...While Elizabeth was engaged in her internal debate, Jane followed her movements with a confused look on her face.

Misinterpreting her sister's anxiousness for distress, she concernedly asked, "Nothing...bad happened, did it Lizzy?"

"No! No, it was not bad. Not at all. In fact, it was quite the opposite." Elizabeth smiled reassuringly at her sister. "I am just uncertain how to explain what happened. It seems so unreal, like something that happens in a dream, not real life. I just don't know where to begin."

"Well...I find it easiest if you start at the beginning." Jane said with an impish grin.

Elizabeth laughed. "You are right, of course. I am being nonsensical." Taking a deep breath, Elizabeth began. "Right before Mr Lynton asked me to dance for the second time tonight, I...I noticed a man near me." Elizabeth paused and glanced at her sister to ascertain her reaction. Her face was calm, neutral. She continued. "I noticed he was surrounded by many beautiful women, all trying to get his attention." Remembering the bevy of beauties, she burst out, "Jane! They were making such a spectacle of themselves. I was truly ashamed to be a member of their sex. I have never seen so many fluttering fans and swooning misses in all my life!"

At this outburst, Jane simply raised her eyebrows and calmly asked, "And the man? What was his reaction to this spectacle?"

"He ignored them all."

"Indeed? How extraordinary."

"It was, truly. Jane, what man does not enjoy the attentions of beautiful women? And not only did he ignore them but he seemed extremely uncomfortable. But that was not the most extraordinary thing." Elizabeth resumed her pacing. "Not only was he ignoring them all, but he was searching the ballroom with the most intense expression on his face. It was like he was looking for someone. The look on his face was so desperate. I felt for him, wishing that he would find whomever he was looking for." Elizabeth looked at Jane sheepishly, "I even felt a longing to be the object of his intense search."

"So, is he handsome then?" Jane said mischievously.

"Very. Indeed, he is the most handsome man I have ever seen." Elizabeth blushed as she thought of him.

"Go on. What happened next?" Jane leaned forward slightly in anticipation. She had a feeling she knew where this was headed and she was anxious to have her sister confirm her suspicions.

"It happened right after you passed me in the dance line and grasped my hand." Elizabeth said dreamily.

"What happened?" Seeing her sister's dazed expression. She threw a pillow at her to get her attention. "Lizzy! What happened?"

Elizabeth looked up startled then looked down at the pillow at her feet. Shaking her head to clear her mind of her stupor, she said, "I looked up and he was standing directly behind Mr Lynton and he was, he was..."

Jane was almost bent over in half in anticipation. "He was what? Lizzy!"

"He was staring. At me."

Jane sat back with a satisfied smile. "And?" She prompted impatiently.

"I don't know how to explain it! His gaze was so...it was so..." Elizabeth struggled to adequately express what she had seen in his eyes.

"Heated? Fervent?" Jane suggested.

Elizabeth stared at her sister is shock, her mouth dropping open. What happened to demure Jane? She started giggling, collapsing on the bed. She gasped, "Jane Bennet! What has come over you?"

Jane blushed, but unashamedly continued, "Well, was it?"

Elizabeth sat up, wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes. "He looked at me like he knew me. His gaze was elated, joyful. Gone was the desperation I had observed before."

"How did you feel when you looked at him?"

Elizabeth looked at her sister and without hesitation responded. "Hopeful. Expectant."

Jane nodded thoughtfully. "That is an echo of your words before the ball, Lizzy."

Elizabeth pondered her sister's words. She thought back to their earlier conversation before the ball when she had been trying to express what she was feeling. She had used those very words, trying to describe the change that she felt coming, something that would change her forever. Her eyes widened in realization. "I did. Jane! What does it mean?"

"I think it is obvious. He is the change you felt coming."

"But how? Why?" Elizabeth stood up and resumed her pacing. She abruptly stopped as she recalled another part of her conversation with Jane before the ball. She began laughing. "Jane! I also said that he would knock me off my feet! And he did! " As an afterthought, she added, "Nearly."

"What? "Jane sat up in alarm. "He knocked you off your feet? When?"

"I said nearly. I would have fallen, but he caught me by grasping my arm." Unconsciously, Elizabeth rubbed where his hand had gently gripped her upper arm. She remembered the feel of his strong fingers as he had gently encircled her arm. His hand had been so warm. She shivered.

"But why did you almost fall?"

Embarrassed, Elizabeth responded, "He...he smiled at me, which rendered my legs temporarily useless. And I stumbled."

Jane began laughing. "I see. It must have been quite a smile."

"Oh, it was. I thought him handsome before, but when he smiles..." Elizabeth smiled dreamily at the recollection. "I understand now why so many woman fawn over him. He is definitely a hazard to women's health." She laughed, then continued, "And his voice..."

"He spoke to you? What did he say?"

"He asked if I was alright." Elizabeth tried to remember the exact timbre of his voice. It was a deep baritone, rich, full, strong, but...warm. She shivered again.

"So, who is this paragon of masculine splendor?"

Elizabeth froze. "I...I don't know. We didn't exactly have time to exchange names, Mr Lynton appeared almost immediately, apologizing for causing my stumble."

"I thought this mystery man caused your stumble."

"He did. But Mr Lynton did not know that."

"So you don't know his name and he doesn't know your name..." Jane trailed off, her eyes widening in realization.

"I know, Jane. I have no idea if I will ever see him again. It is possible that Mr Lynton addressed him by his name, but I was still so dazed by our interaction that I barely took in what they were saying." Elizabeth flopped inelegantly on the bed in exasperation. "So it is unlikely that anything will come of it."

"Maybe Mr Lynton will divulge his name?"

Elizabeth looked at her sister in astonishment. "Jane! That would not be proper. Imagine me inquiring after a man I don't know to a man I have barely met! No, no that won't do at all."

"Well, maybe your mystery man will have no such scruples. I am sure he will have no problem at all discovering who you are."

Elizabeth sat up as she realized a terrible possibility. "Jane, you don't think he is one of those kind of men, do you?"

"I'm sure he is not, Lizzy. But what do your instincts tell you about him?"

Elizabeth searched her heart. She was so unfamiliar with men of the world, she did not know if she would recognize a dishonorable man from an honorable one. But then she remembered the way she had felt when she looked in his eyes, and the look she had seen in his. There was nothing evil lurking behind that handsome face, she was sure of it. "He is a good man, I think." As she said it, she felt in her heart confirm that it was so.

Jane smiled in satisfaction. "Well, I guess we will just have to sit back and be patient." With a playful grin she added, "I can't wait!"


Darcy paced back and forth in his study the morning following the ball. He had not been able to sleep; his thoughts alternating between euphoria and anger. Euphoria at finally finding Elizabeth, he smiled, and anger that Lynton had evaded his numerous attempts to talk to him.It's almost as if he knew what I was after, Darcy grumbled. Each time he had tried to approach him, Lynton had successfully avoided his presence. That man was more slippery than an eel.

As soon as he had returned to his Townhouse, he had sent off an urgent message to Richard to come as soon as possible. He might have mentioned that it was a matter of life or death. He needed Richard to help him track down Lynton and find out Elizabeth's family name, and more importantly where she was residing. Richard would know which club Lynton frequented most regularly and when he was usually present.

Where was he? Darcy looked at his pocket watch again to check the time. Nine o'clock. Darcy groaned. Richard was a late sleeper, and unless he had business to attend to would often sleep past noon. He was contemplating whether or not to go to Matlock House and rouse his lazy cousin from bed, when he heard the front door bell. Please let that be Richard, he prayed.

A moment later, his butler announced his cousin. Richard rushed into the room, with a rather wild look in his eye. "Darcy! What is it? Is everything alright? Is Georgiana well?"

Darcy realized that he probably should not have indicated in his message that it was a matter of life or death. He sighed. Well, he was here. That was the important thing. Darcy held up his hands reassuringly, "Calm yourself, Richard. Georgiana and I are well." Darcy took in Richard's rumpled appearance. His cousin was normally fastidious to a fault when it came to grooming. "Are you well, cousin?"

Richard stared at Darcy with a hard look. "Darcy, I swear, if you or Georgiana are not on the brink of some great catastrophe, I will cause one!"

"Well, there is a catastrophe, Richard. I need your help."

Richard's attitude changed immediately from hardened soldier, to solicitous friend. "Of course, Darcy, I am at your disposal." Taking a seat, he inquired calmly, "what is the catastrophe?"

Darcy took a seat opposite Richard and looked at his cousin, his best friend. Darcy sighed and smiled widely.

Richard stared at Darcy in shock. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen such an open smile on his gloomy cousin's face. What could possibly have caused his cousin such happiness and joy?

At Richard's shocked look, Darcy grinned wider and raised one brow. "Come now cousin. I know it is early in the morning, but even you can put two and two together."

Richard frowned. Sudden realization came swiftly and with energy, Richard nearly shouted, "You found her!"

Darcy laughed. "She was at Lynton's ball last night."

"Tell me everything." Richard leaned forward in anticipation. Of all the events to miss, he had to miss the one where Darcy finally found his lady love. Life really was not fair sometimes.

Darcy described the evening from the first moment he laid eyes on her, to their numerous exchanged looks, to preventing her fall, and her rushing off to help a woman with a sprained ankle.

"So her name is Elizabeth?" Richard grinned. How fitting that Darcy's lady love share the name of a Queen.

"I was not able to find out her family name, or where she was staying." Darcy ran his hands through his hair. "Lynton was surprisingly uncooperative."

"No doubt. Didn't you tell me that he had been dancing with your Elizabeth when she almost stumbled?"

"Yes...what does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, did it ever occur to you that maybe he had taken a special interest in her?"

"Surely not!"

"It is not outside the realm of possibility, Darcy. So what are you going to do?"

"This is where I could use your assistance cousin."

"Name it. I will do anything to help you find out who she is."

Darcy shared with Richard his idea to talk to Lynton while at his club. Stalk him if necessary.

"Hmmm..." Richard rubbed his chin in thought. "If Lynton is not forthcoming about your Elizabeth, tactics will have to be taken."

"Whatever it takes, Richard. I have to find her."

"We will. Lynton may be evasive, but I assure you he is no match for a military man!" Richard gave Darcy a sly look, "But in the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to attend a few more social events, now, would it?"