7. Chapter 7

Chapter 6

The morning following the Bennet sister's debut in London Society found Elizabeth Bennet in the garden attached to the Gardiners Townhome. Elizabeth loved this garden. She knew that her Aunt and Uncle had chosen this particular Townhome with her in mind as it had one of the larger gardens; although her Aunt would have her believe it was for her love of flowers. Elizabeth wandered the well trodden pathway, occasionally pausing to admire the tulips and early spring flowers. She let her thoughts flow unchecked as she leisurely meandered to the back of the garden.

The excitement of the evening before and her conversation with Jane prior to bed had caused Elizabeth a poor night's rest. In truth, she had not slept at all. In the quiet hours of the dark, her mind had dwelt on every detail of her interaction with him. She went over every look, every detail of his appearance, every word, and his touch...Her mind lingered on that moment and she blushed. Her bewildered mind could not make sense of what had happened. Why did he look at her that way? She had realized after pondering that particular thought, that he had been searching for her. But why?How did he know her? As the first rays of light had crept into her bedroom, she had conceded that sleep would not be found and had quickly risen, dressed and went to the garden. Maybe the light of a new day would add fresh perspective to her troublesome thoughts.

Coming to the large oak tree, she sat upon the beautiful, intricate wrought iron bench resting beneath the tree. Gazing up to the branches she thought it was the perfect tree for climbing. Feeling impulsive and slightly reckless, Elizabeth quickly stood on the bench and reached up to the lowest hanging branch. Quickly pulling herself up, she climbed until she was halfway to the top. Finding a sturdy, somewhat comfortable branch, she stopped and made herself comfortable.

As a young child she had loved to climb trees; feeling safe and secure high above the ground, amidst the branches. If she were being honest with herself, she had climbed trees to escape her mother's censure. An unfortunate fall at the age of 13 had resulted in a broken arm and put an end to her tree climbing...until now. Suddenly feeling liberated, she laughed. If the ton could see me now!I would be ridiculed out of polite society!

Elizabeth's laughter faded as her thoughts wandered again to him and the events of last night. Could he have mistaken her for someone else? Maybe he had gazed at her in that intense way because she resembled someone he had known. Maybe a lost love? Her heart stopped at the thought. She shook her head angrily. Stop being ridiculous! she berated herself. You don't even know him! He doesn't even know you!But despite the logic of her thoughts, her heart belied common sense. She couldn't adequately explain it, but from her first glimpse, she had felt drawn to him in an indescribable way. When she had observed his intense discomfort at being ogled like an exotic animal on display, she had felt compassion. When she observed the desperation in his eyes and the hopelessness in his demeanor as he scanned the ballroom, she felt an intense desire to relieve his pain. She knew instinctively that he was a man who was suffering and carrying a heavy burden.

His desperation and hopelessness had vanished as he had gazed upon her. She closed her eyes as she fixed that look in her mind and heart. She knew that if she lived to be a hundred, she would never forget the intensity of his gaze. He had looked at her like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time.

A short time later, Elizabeth began to feel uncomfortable and so began carefully to make her way to the ground. Coming to the bench, she jumped down, startling a maid who had obviously been searching for her.

Laughing, Elizabeth made her apologies and followed the astounded maid back to the house.


"Did you rest well, Jane?" Elizabeth smiled at her sister as she entered her sister's room later that morning.

"Well enough." Jane wearily responded.

"Jane, if you are in pain, you need to say so," Elizabeth lightly admonished her sister. Elizabeth knew her sister would rather suffer in silence than cause any perceived inconvenience.

"I am well, Lizzy. Don't fret." Jane looked at her sister, taking in her tired eyes, and subdued manner. "You did not sleep?"

Elizabeth turned her back to her sister and began preparing a draught left by the doctor for her sister's pain. "No, Jane. I did not."

Jane sighed lightly. "I am sorry, Lizzy. I should not have insisted you talk with me last night. I could have waited until this morning."

"It wouldn't have made a difference, Jane." Elizabeth turned and handed her sister a glass with her medicine. "In fact, it helped me to clarify my thoughts on the matter." Elizabeth sat on the chair besides her sister's bed. "I've decided that it was all a figment of my fanciful imagination. I've read too many novels. That is all." She looked down at her lap.

Jane snorted. "You don't really believe that, Lizzy!"

Elizabeth's head shot up. "I do!"

"You do not! I know you, Lizzy. You are not one to be overtaken with a flight of fancy. Lydia on the other hand..." Jane's voice trailed off. She looked firmly at her sister. "What do you really think, Lizzy?"

Elizabeth sighed and slumped back in her chair. "I don't know Jane. The more I think about it, the less sense it makes."

"Maybe it is something that can't be explained through rational means."

Elizabeth raised her brow and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that some things happen in this world that can't entirely be explained. I believe that you and your mystery man have a connection that defies rational explanation. You felt a connection Lizzy. I know you did. Don't deny it." Jane pointed her finger at her sister.

Elizabeth stood and began pacing. "That's just it Jane! Why do I feel drawn to him?"

"So, you do admit it." Jane grinned triumphantly at her sister.

Elizabeth shook her head. "I think it is more likely that he thought I looked like someone he knew. Someone he lost, a loved one, perhaps."

"But that doesn't explain why you feel drawn to him, Lizzy," Jane said patiently.

"Maybe it's because I only find him the handsomest man of my acquaintance. I am simply making this into something it is not. Besides, what could he possibly see in me? I am nothing a man of his station could desire..."

"Stop!" Jane interrupted her sister's erroneous words. "Those are our mother's words, Lizzy. Nothing she has told you is true. You are allowing her opinions to affect your own."

"I can't help it, Jane. I hear her words in my head." Elizabeth held up her fingers, and holding them up one by one said, "I am plain, headstrong, opinionated, impertinent, high-spirited..."

"All false, Lizzy. You are beautiful, steadfast, witty, intelligent, and lively. Not to mention loyal, kind, and the best sister and friend a woman could ever hope to have." Jane looked tenderly at her sister and best friend. "You have never seen yourself clearly, Lizzy. You make a lasting impression on others. The strength of your character makes you unforgettable."

Elizabeth gazed at her sister, tears in her eyes. Wordlessly, she embraced her sister and turned to leave the room.

Before Elizabeth reached the door, Jane said, "I wrote to Miss Darcy to inform her that you would be the only one attending tea tomorrow."

Elizabeth spun around. "What? Jane, I can't leave you here alone!"

"Don't be silly. Aunt Gardiner and I already decided. We know you are looking forward to spending more time with Miss Darcy. She is a dear girl. We can't deprive her of all her company. You know how shy she is.."

"Alright. Alright." Elizabeth held up her hands in conciliatory manner. "I'll go. Besides, I promised I'd tell her all about our first ball."

"And will you tell her about your mystery man?" Jane said teasingly.

"I hardly know how I would describe that in a manner befitting a young, impressionable 15 year old girl."

Jane shrugged her shoulders. "You did promise to tell her everything."

Elizabeth made a face at her sister. "We'll see. I'll wait and see how the conversation progresses. If I feel it is appropriate I'll tell her...something." With a last smile, Elizabeth left her sister's room.


Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam was used to getting what he wanted. As the second son of an Earl, he grew up with every privilege a man of his station could expect. It was a testament to his character that when he chose the Army as his profession, he did so without the influence and connections of his family name. He entered the Army as a lowly Lieutenant and rose through the ranks due to his hard work, intelligence, and pleasant personality. What most people did not realize was that behind the open, easy manners of Richard Fitzwilliam lay a tenacious, assertive, and fearless individual.

He stood on the threshold of the card room at White's, carefully and unobtrusively taking in the occupants. He had every reason to believe that Lynton would be present this evening. He was an avid Faro player and could be found in the card room most evenings, unless he had a social engagement.

Richard spied Lynton sitting alone at one of the back tables and began to make his way towards him. Not wanting to take a direct approach, Richard stopped to talk with acquaintances along his way to the back of the room. When he got close enough to Lynton's position he paused at the nearest table and spoke at length to another acquaintance. Luckily, Lynton saw him and called out a greeting.

Smiling slightly, Richard casually greeted Lynton. "I didn't think I'd find you here tonight, Lynton. Weren't you to attend Lord Morton's ball? " With a wink, he added, "I've see you escorting the youngest daughter around town. Pretty little thing."

Lynton grinned. "She is just a family friend, nothing more." Giving Richard a calculating look, he added, "Speaking of pretty little things, your cousin sure found one of my guests interesting last night."

Surprised that the topic came up so abruptly, Richard adopted an air of indifference and said, "Indeed? That sounds unlike my fastidious cousin. He's famous for not finding any of the misses worth his notice."

"Well, I have to admit, Miss Elizabeth is quite different from the normal offerings of the ton. I am not at all surprised she caught his eye." Lynton smirked. "In fact, he followed me around for the rest of the evening. No doubt wanting to find out her name. Am I correct?" Lynton smiled knowingly. Not waiting for Richard to respond, he continued, "Darcy must really be keen to learn who she is if she sent you to get the information."

Deciding to take a direct approach, Richard responded, "Seems I forgot one of the first rules of warfare. Never underestimate your opponent."

Lynton laughed good naturedly. "No, you should not. Especially if that opponent can beat you in chess with his eyes closed."

"Hah! That was once, and you got me drunk beforehand."

Lynton grinned. "Well, can you blame me? I had a lot of money riding on the outcome of that chess match. I had to win."

"So you cheated?"

"No. I simply evened out the playing field."

Richard snorted. "Well, then consider my request on behalf of my cousin compensation for that dastardly deed."

Lynton looked seriously at Richard. "I will give you the information you seek, willingly. On one condition."

Richard raised his eyebrows. He nodded, motioning for Lynton to continue.

Lynton looked Richard directly in the eye, and said, "I will give you the information, if you give me your word your cousin's intentions are entirely honorable."

Richard looked aghast at Lynton. "We are talking about Darcy, Lynton. Do either of us know a more honorable man?"

Lynton sighed. "I know, but I had to be sure. I have never understood Darcy's complete aversion to society. I thought maybe he had developed some...darker habits. Forgive me Richard. I hope I didn't offend."

Richard shook his head. "No, but it's a good thing you voiced your concerns to me and not Darcy. He wouldn't be so forgiving."

Lynton exhaled slowly. "Her name is Miss Elizabeth Bennet. She resides in Hertfordshire on her father's estate; which is called Longbourn. She and her older sister, a Miss Jane Bennet are currently residing with their Aunt and Uncle, Mr and Mrs Edward Gardiner."

Richard stared at Lynton in astonishment. Then suddenly he burst out laughing.

Lynton simply raised his eyebrows in obvious surprise and amusement.

Richard continued to laugh loudly, leaning forward in his chair, he gasped, "Oh the irony!" before succumbing to laughter once again.

"Care to explain, Richard?"

Rising to his feet, Richard shook his head. "Trust me, you don't want to know." With that, Richard took his leave. "Thank you, Lynton. Darcy really appreciates it."

After Richard left, Lynton rested his elbows on the table, deep in thought. He hadn't wanted to give up the information on Miss Elizabeth. He had found in her a rare jewel worth pursuing. I hope Darcy is up for a little competition.


Darcy waited anxiously for Richard to arrive. He had sent a note late the previous evening that he would come today, but he hadn't specified when. Darcy tried to occupy his thoughts and pass the time by completing a few matters of business, but he couldn't concentrate. He had every reason to hope that Richard would arrive with good news. Soon he would know Elizabeth's name and where she was staying.

Focusing his attention on the matters at hand, he quickly finished his business correspondence. Placing his letters in the appropriate tray, he stood and wandered through the connecting door from his study to the library. A good book would help pass the time until Richard arrived. Browsing his organized shelves, he grabbed a random book and absentmindedly flipped through the pages before placing it back on the shelf with a sigh of frustration. As he wandered over to the opposite side of the library, he heard an unmistakable knock on the door.

Finally! He quickly returned to his study to await Richard. Moments passed and the butler did not announce his cousin. Confused, Darcy walked to his study door and opened it. At the end of the hall, he spied Georgiana being followed by an unknown woman. Frowning, Darcy wondered who could be visiting his sister. He was about to follow his sister and her visitor, when the butler, followed by Richard appeared.

"Richard! It's about time. Come in."

"It's good to see you too, cousin." Richard gave Darcy a mocking bow.

"I'm sorry, Richard. Please come in."

"I'm teasing you Darcy. I know you are impatiently awaiting the news I have to impart." Richard grinned.

"You have her name?" Darcy asked eagerly.

"I do."

Darcy looked at Richard in anticipation. When it became apparent that he would not be forthcoming with any further information, he impatiently said, "Well? Are you going to tell me?" Richard's only response was a cheeky grin. "Richard!" Darcy growled.

Richard laughed. "I'm sorry Darcy. This is just too much fun! I want to fix this moment in my memory forever."

Darcy barely refrained from rolling his eyes. "Richard, I have waited eleven years for this."

"Then what's one more minute?"

'Richard, please. I am not in the mood for this."

"Oh, very well."

Before Richard could say anything else, he was interrupted by a soft knock on his study door. Darcy growled. "Enter!"

Georgiana poked her head in the door, with a wide grin. "Sorry to bother you brother. I was wondering if I could introduce you to my friend?"

Darcy sensed rather than saw someone hovering behind his sister. Darcy rubbed his eyes. He couldn't. Not now. "I'm sorry, Georgiana. Richard is here and we are discussing something very important. If we finish quickly, we will come find you, alright?" Darcy smiled gently at his sister.

Georgiana was disappointed, but she covered it by smiling. "Very well. I'll be taking her on a tour of the house. We are to take tea in about an hour."

"We'll come find you."

After Georgiana shut the door, Darcy turned to his cousin in anticipation. "Well, what is her name?"

Ignoring Darcy, Richard, with a slightly confused look, inquired, "Since when does Georgiana entertain guests? I didn't think she had anyone but family over for tea."

"I don't know." Darcy shrugged. "Someone she met at your mother's, I believe."

"My mother's? That seems unlikely. My mother is not fond of the ladies of the ton. She hates it when new debutantes try to get in her good graces for the express purpose of meeting you. They learn quickly that my mother is no fool."

Darcy laughed. "That doesn't stop her from trying to match me with all the daughters, nieces, and cousins of her friends and acquaintances," Darcy said in disgust. "I hope they aren't trying a new angle; befriending Georgiana to meet me. She is probably some mindless, greedy young miss who can't say two words of sense! Or worse, blathers on and on about mundane things like fashion and gossip."

Richard laughed. "Well, I don't think you'll have that problem. Now, where were we?" Richard wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Ah, yes! The name of your lady love. Well, dear cousin. The name of your Miss Elizabeth, is Bennet."

Darcy frowned. Bennet. Where had he heard that name before? He knew he had heard it recently. He searched his memory, trying to recall.

Seeing Darcy's bewildered expression, Richard decided to take pity on his cousin. "If you're wondering where you have heard that name before, Miss Elizabeth Bennet is one of the infamous nieces of Mrs Gardiner!" Richard looked expectantly at Darcy, watching an array of emotions pass over his face. Yes, he would remember this moment forever.

Darcy stared at Richard. Elizabeth. Gardiner. Niece. Jane. Georgiana! Darcy's mind was rapidly trying to make sense of his jumbled thoughts. He remembered that Georgiana was entertaining the Miss Bennets and Mrs Gardiner for tea today But...Miss Bennet, Jane had sprained her ankle at Lynton's Ball, so she wouldn't be here. That meant...Darcy's face paled as he realized the young friend of Georgiana's could be none other than His Elizabeth.

Richard watched Darcy as he made his startling revelation; although he didn't realize the significance or the connection between Georgiana and her friend. Seeing Darcy's face suddenly pale, he asked with concern, "Darcy, are you well?"

"She's here," Darcy whispered.

Richard leaned forward, "What? Who's here?" Not getting a response, he repeated, Darcy! Who's here?"

Darcy looked up at Richard with dawning realization. "Richard! Elizabeth! She's here!"

Thinking that Darcy had finally cracked, he asked again, "Who's here, Darcy?"

"Elizabeth!" Darcy's body finally caught up with his brain and without a word he turned and practically ran from the room, leaving behind a very bewildered Richard.


Elizabeth arrived at Darcy House with no small amount of trepidation. Her Aunt and Uncle lived in a very nice area of town, but this, this was something altogether more grand and intimidating. Elizabeth stared in awe at the facade of Darcy House as she climbed the steps to the massive front door. Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself that nothing unknown resided within. Just her sweet and wonderful young friend, who was expecting her.

Elizabeth was efficiently ushered into the beautiful foyer of Darcy House. She discreetly looked around, impressed with what she saw. Despite the imposing facade, the interior was tastefully elegant and unpretentious. Elizabeth half expected the interior to reveal extravagance and an ostentatious display of wealth.

Elizabeth's discreet inspection of her friend's home was interrupted by Georgiana quickly descending the steps to her friend.

"Miss Elizabeth! I am so glad you are here. I hope Miss Bennet is recovering well? I was so sorry to hear of her incident. It must be extremely painful."

Elizabeth smiled at her exuberant young friend. "Thank you for inviting me, Miss Darcy. Yes, Jane is recovering well. Thank you."

Grabbing Elizabeth by the hand, she took her down the hall to the drawing room. As they reached the door, Georgiana stopped. "Oh! I want to introduce you to my brother. Then I thought I would take you on a tour of the house before tea. Would that suit you?"

"I wouldn't want to inconvenience your brother, Miss Darcy."

"Oh, it is no trouble, I assure you. Fitzwilliam is the best of brothers, you'll see!"

Elizabeth found herself being led in the opposite direction. She had to refrain from giggling. Georgiana's enthusiasm was very endearing. Stopping in front of a large, closed door, Georgiana softly knocked, then opened the door to poke her head in.

Georgiana asked her brother if she could introduce her. When her brother responded, Elizabeth froze. That voice. She knew that voice. She had to refrain from stepping around Georgiana to peer inside the room to see what her ears had already determined. It was him!He is Georgiana's brother, Mr Darcy. Would he come out? What would he do when he saw her? Elizabeth had to force herself to take a deep breath to calm her suddenly racing heart.

Hearing Georgiana's farewell, she realized that he was not coming out. She didn't know if she should feel relieved or disappointed.

Georgiana turned to face her after shutting the door. "He's with my cousin, Richard. He said he'd come find us when they were done. Gesturing to a door she asked, "How about we start the tour in the library?"

Numbly, Elizabeth nodded and automatically followed Georgina into the library. He said he would find them later. Elizabeth suddenly felt very, very nervous. What would she say? She wasn't prepared for meeting him like this. In his home! What would he think?

Realizing that Georgiana was talking, Elizabeth focused on her friend.

"I am going to inform Mrs White that my brother and cousin will join us for tea. You don't mind waiting here in the library, do you? I know how much you love books."

"Of course not. I'll wait here."

With a smile, Georgiana left the room. Elizabeth wandered over to one side of the massive library, perusing books as she went. Her father would be in paradise surrounded by so many books. It would take more than a lifetime to read them all. As she approached the opposite side of the room, she noticed a door that stood slightly ajar. Nearing the door, she heard laughter. His laughter. Quickly realizing that it must be the connecting door to Mr Darcy's study, she hesitated. Curiosity outweighed propriety and she crept closer. She rationalized her actions by telling herself she simply wanted to hear Mr Darcy's voice again; to convince herself she hadn't imagined it. As she stepped nearer, she was rewarded with the sound of his low, pleasant baritone voice.

"...trying a new angle; befriending Georgiana to meet me.She is probably some mindless, greedy young miss who can't say two words of sense!Or worse, blathers on and on about mundane things, like fashion and gossip."

Elizabeth reeled back in shock. He was talking about her! Putting a hand over her racing heart, she quickly stepped back from the door. Hearing a different male voice, she retreated to the opposite side of the room. Serves me right, eavesdropping on a private conversation!

Elizabeth tried to make sense of what she had heard. Did he really think she was like that? Greedy? Mindless? Shaking her head, she realized that he couldn't know she was Miss Darcy's friend. He didn't even know her name! Or did he? Pacing the library, Elizabeth felt her ire rise. How dare he? How dare he insinuate that she was using his sister to meet him! He didn't even know her! Taking a deep breath, Elizabeth tried to think rationally.

Again, her mind wandered to that night at the ball. Their instant connection. She hadn't imagined it. Jane was right. It couldn't be explained by normal means, but it had happened. The question remained, did he know She was Miss Darcy's friend? If he did, it changed everything. It meant he couldn't have felt the same connection that she did; there was some other explanation. She again wondered if he looked at her because she resembled someone else. Elizabeth felt an almost physical pain at the thought.

It doesn't matter!The only thing I have to decide right now is how I am going to act when I meet him? Polite, but distant? Vapid? Loquacious? Elizabeth's first impression would either confirm or deny his assumption that she was using Miss Darcy to get to him. She wanted to prove to him that she wasn't like them. She didn't allow herself to think why it mattered so much. So, she would be herself. She would not let him get away with his erroneous statement.

Nodding her head at her decision, she turned and headed to the door thinking Miss Darcy should have been back by now. Opening the door, Elizabeth stepped outside and immediately collided with a tall, solid form. Firm hands gripped her upper arms to prevent her from falling and she looked up into the startled, piercing blue gaze of Mr Darcy.

A/N: I know, I know. I did it again. I can't seem to help myself :). Would you believe I am in as much suspense as you to read their first interaction? What do you think will happen? Should Elizabeth be hard on Mr Darcy? Forgiving? Cold? Distant? Please leave me a review and tell me what you think. Thanks!