8. Chapter 8

A/N: A reader pointed out that you don't put cream in tea, but milk and if you put lemon with milk it will curdle. So I went back and changed it. Forgive me - I don't drink tea :) Thank you to Janeite for the correction!

Chapter Seven

Elizabeth closed her eyes in mortification. Not again! Taking a deep breath, her senses were invaded by his scent; a mixture of sandalwood, clean linen and something distinctly him. Quickly disengaging herself from Mr Darcy's firm grip, she stepped back. Unable to meet his gaze, she said, "Forgive me, sir. I was not watching where I was going." Squaring her shoulders, she took a fortifying breath and forced herself to meet his gaze. She almost faltered under his intense perusal. His gaze was warm and slightly amused.

"The fault is mine." He took a hesitant step towards her. "Are you alright?"

Elizabeth lightly laughed, "Yes. I am fine." With a mischievous look, she added, "You are very helpful to have around, sir. That is the second time you have prevented me from falling flat on my face."

Mr Darcy smiled. "As I believe I was the cause of your stumble on both occasions, I would have to protest and say I am hazardous to your health."

"Then what would you suggest, sir?" Elizabeth raised one eyebrow.

With a slight smile, Mr Darcy responded, "Hmmm...I would say to avoid me at all costs, but..." his gaze softened and in a deep, intimate voice said, "I cannot. Therefore, you will have to allow me to ensure your safety by being near you to prevent such a mishap from occurring again."

Elizabeth laughed, and responded playfully, "That, sir, is not very practical, and I fear, a terrible inconvenience for you."

"Believe me, it is no inconvenience." Mr Darcy gazed at her with such warm intensity, that Elizabeth lost all rational thought. Wordlessly, they gazed at one another for an indeterminate amount of time.

Someone cleared their throat nearby, which caused them break each other's gaze. Turning, Elizabeth saw a man that must be Miss Darcy's cousin; and if she was not mistaken, Lady Eleanor's son, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam.

Richard raised his eyebrows in amusement, and said, "Sorry to interrupt, your ah...interaction, but I believe Georgiana is coming to steal you away, Miss Elizabeth."

How did the Colonel know who she was? Elizabeth thought absently. Her musings were interrupted by Georgiana coming down the hallway with a happy grin on her face.

"Brother, I see you have met my friend. Richard! You will stay for tea, won't you?"

Mr Darcy turned to his sister, reluctantly tearing his gaze from Elizabeth's face. "No, we have not been properly introduced, Georgiana. Would you please do the honors?"

Georgiana beamed. "Of course. It would be my pleasure." Turning to her brother, she said, "Brother, may I present, Miss Elizabeth Bennet of Longbourn, Hertfordshire. Miss Elizabeth, may I present my brother, Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley, Derbyshire."

Elizabeth curtsied as gracefully as she could upon unsteady legs. Mr Darcy bowed and as he stood, he gently took her hand to bestow a feather light kiss, imperceptibly brushing his thumb across her hand. He raised his eyes to meet her startled gaze. Elizabeth suddenly found it difficult to breathe.

"It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Miss Elizabeth."

"Likewise, Mr Darcy." Elizabeth smiled, trying to steady her breathing.

"Well, now that introductions are over, I am going to take Miss Elizabeth..."

Richard interrupted his cousin, "Just a moment, Georgiana. Would you please introduce me to your friend as well?"

Georgiana stared at Richard. "I thought you were already acquainted?"

Richard shook his head. "Sadly, no. I have not had that pleasure." Turning to Elizabeth he said, with a sly look directed towards Darcy. "Although I feel that I already know you." At Darcy's startled look, he added, "My mother talks of you often." Richard grinned at Darcy and gave him a wink.

"Very well. Miss Elizabeth, may I present my cousin, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam. Cousin, may I present, Miss Elizabeth Bennet." Elizabeth curtsied as the Colonel offered a very proper bow. Introductions completed, Georgiana turned to her brother, and with a shooing motion, said, "Now, go with Richard while I take Miss Elizabeth on a tour. We have important things to discuss." Not waiting for a response, Georgiana took a slightly dazed Elizabeth by the arm and steered her towards the stairs.

Darcy gazed after Elizabeth with an euphoric look on his face. She was here. In his home.

"You heard her, Darcy. We're banished from the ladies. Come." In much the same manner as Georgiana, Richard took his dazed cousin by the arm and steered him back to his study.


Darcy entered his study in a contented daze. As soon as the door to his study was shut, Richard turned, took one look at Darcy's face and burst out laughing.

Richard's laughter did not faze Darcy and he said with humble gratitude, "Richard, I owe you. Name your price, and I will gladly pay it."

Richard rubbed his chin thoughtfully. What would he ask for? Thinking back to the interaction between Darcy and the lovely Miss Elizabeth, he was struck with a brilliant idea. "I was happy to be of service to you, cousin. It is payment enough to see such a smile on your face."

"Please, Richard. There must be something I can do for you. You know I worry about you and the dangers you face in your profession. Let me give you one of my small estates. You could sell out..."

"Darcy!" Richard looked at his cousin, aghast. "I could never ask such a thing of you."

"I am offering it Richard. Please. Do it for your mother and Georgiana's peace of mind."

Richard shook his head. "I thank you cousin, but no. I have my pride and self-respect. Besides, I enjoy my profession. It's not so bad, if a little boring working in the War Office. I am safe enough. Thank you for your generous offer. But my answer is no."

"Very well. But the offer still stands."

Richard nodded his head. "I would like to stay here at Darcy house. If that is alright with you?"

Darcy looked at his cousin in confusion. "Of course, Richard, you are always welcome to stay. Georgiana will be pleased." Darcy hesitated, before adding, "Is everything alright at Matlock House?"

"Yes, no problem on the home front. I just think it would be...interesting to stay here for the foreseeable future." Richard grinned.

Raising his brows, Darcy said, "Oh? And why is that?"

"Isn't it obvious? I want to witness firsthand the illustrious Mr Darcy fall in love."

Darcy looked at his cousin in astonishment. "What?"

Richard laughed. "Oh come now, Darcy. You're half in love with her already. I just want to be here to watch the show. I have a feeling it will be very...interesting."

Darcy rubbed his forehead, "Yes, you've said that, twice."

"I meant it. Besides, I couldn't leave you in your hour of need, now, could I?"

"What do you mean? My hour of need? I have found her, Richard! My wait is finally, over." Darcy exhaled and closed his eyes, smiling with satisfaction. His mind drifted to thoughts of Elizabeth. Maybe he could join them on the tour?

Richard laughed and shook his head. Oh his poor, delusional cousin. He had no idea. "Darcy, you have found Miss Elizabeth. But what exactly are you going to do to win her?"

That snapped Darcy back to the present. "Win her? What do you mean, win her? She's already mine."

"What do I mean?" Richard looked at his clueless cousin. Carefully, he said, "Darcy, women are...temperamental creatures. You have to tread carefully, or you will be burned."

Darcy burst out laughing. "Don't be ridiculous, cousin. Elizabeth is a rational woman, I am sure. Besides, what woman would not want to be married to the 'illustrious' Mr Darcy?"

Richard shook his head in exasperation. He had to make his cousin understand, or it could prove to be messy and far more complicated than it needed to be. "Darcy, listen to me. You are going forward with the knowledge that she is your perfect match, correct?" At Darcy's nod, he continued, "But she doesn't know that! You need to show Miss Elizabeth that you are her perfect match, as well." Richard looked at Darcy to determine if what he was saying was penetrating his cousins thick skull. "You need to make yourself worthy of her, cousin."

Darcy was silent as he mulled over his cousin's words. It was true, he hadn't given much thought to how he would win her, just that he would. His whole focus had been on finding her. He thought that would be the hardest obstacle to overcome. He was wrong, finding her had been the easy part. She had literally fallen into his arms, twice. Now, it was up to him to make sure she stayed there. And more importantly, that she wanted to.

"You are absolutely right, Richard. I know she is perfect for me. I want her to know that I am perfect for her."

Richard smiled in satisfaction. Now for the more difficult part. "Tell me, what do you know about her?"

Darcy looked at his cousin, confusion evident in his eyes. What did he know about Elizabeth? "I...well..." Darcy ran his hands through his hair. "She has a sister, she resides in Hertfordshire, she is beautiful..."

"Stop! Let me rephrase that question. What do you know about her interests? What is she passionate about? What makes her laugh, cry?"

Darcy looked blankly at his cousin. "Nothing. I know nothing."

"Then find out."

"It's that simple?"

"Yes. It's that simple." With a mischievous look, he added, "Although those intense gazes of yours will definitely go a long way to securing your lady love as well."

Darcy raised his brows, "My intense gazes?"

Richard rolled his eyes. "Darcy, you look at Miss Elizabeth like a starving man facing his last meal. Hungry and ecstatic."

"Did you just compare how I look at Elizabeth to food?"

"I'm a man, Darcy. Food is everything."

Darcy smiled and shook his head. "You're hopeless, cousin."

Richard grinned. "Why do you think I want to stay at Darcy House? Your cook is superb!"

Darcy laughed and turned to leave. "Well, we better join the ladies, don't you think?"

Richard followed with a wide grin on his face. Yes, this would be very interesting. He couldn't wait. Richard stopped suddenly as he made a startling discovery. "Darcy, did you know that Georgiana was friends with Miss Elizabeth?"

"I knew that she was acquainted with the nieces of Mrs Gardiner. She met them last Autumn when she was staying at Matlock House."

Richard stared at Darcy. "So...if you had taken Georgiana into your confidence and shown her the picture of Miss Elizabeth..." Richard trailed off, looking at Darcy with a cross between amusement and exasperation.

Darcy groaned, running his hands through his hair. "I could have met her six months ago!"

"Cheer up, Darcy! You may have wasted six months, but she's here now. Make the most of it! Oh, and Darcy? Tell Georgiana. She may be young, but she wants your happiness more than anything. Besides, you'll want a woman on your side as you woo your lady love." With a laugh, Richard added, "And my mother..."

Darcy held up his hand and said, "Enough! You are right, I should have told Georgiana long ago. I just didn't want to bring up our mother, afraid it would bring up too many painful memories."

"For her? Or, for you?" Richard gently asked. Not waiting for Darcy to respond, he left the study to join the ladies.


Elizabeth allowed Georgiana to lead her away from her brother and cousin. In fact, Elizabeth was grateful for the support of her friend's arm as her legs still felt rather unsteady. What had just happened? The brief interaction with Mr Darcy had left her mind so befuddled she couldn't think clearly. She thought she would have more time to compose herself to meet him again. Instead, she had unexpectedly run into him, literally. And she had almost fallen. Again. And he had caught her. Again. She groaned in dismay and embarrassment at her clumsiness. What must he think of her, constantly throwing herself in his arms?

"Are you alright, Miss Elizabeth?"

"Y-Yes. I am well." Elizabeth forced herself to focus on Miss Darcy. She was her guest, not her brother's.

Georgiana smiled, oblivious to her friend's inner turmoil. "I thought I would start with the picture gallery on the third floor and work our way down. We don't have time to go through the entire house, but you will be able to see a good portion."

Elizabeth smiled, looking forward to the distraction from thoughts of Miss Darcy's disarming brother. "I look forward to seeing your home, Miss Darcy."

Georgiana led Elizabeth to a long corridor that spanned the length of the house. The walls were filled with portraits and various landscapes. Elizabeth walked down the corridor in awe. "It is beautiful. Are all these members of your family?"

"Yes. Fitzwilliam could tell you the name and history of every single one. I know many of them, but not all."

"You have a very beautiful home, Miss Darcy."

Georgiana smiled. "Thank you, Miss Elizabeth. Of course, it is nothing to Pemberley. I hope one day you will be able to see our home in Derbyshire, Miss Elizabeth. I may be biased, but I believe there is nothing quite like it anywhere in England."

"Tell me about it." Elizabeth was eager to know about Mr-Miss Darcy's home. Stop it, Elizabeth! Focus!Elizabeth listened attentively as Miss Darcy described the estate in detail. She asked many questions about the grounds and surrounding woods, captivated by Miss Darcy's account. "It sounds like paradise, Miss Darcy. You must feel very blessed to have grown up in such a place."

"It is. I do."

Noticing a sad, distant expression on her friend's face, she hesitantly asked, "Are you well, Miss Darcy?" At Georgiana's startled gaze, she said, "You seem sad just now. I hope I didn't say anything to offend you."

"Oh no! You didn't. I just...I was remembering my parents. That is all."

Gently, Elizabeth asked, "You have lost both your parents?"

"Yes. My mother died when I was four. I don't remember much about her. I wish I did." Georgiana's voice was filled with sadness and regret. She took a deep breath, and continued. " My father died six years later when I was ten."

"How old was your brother?"

"Fitzwilliam was sixteen when Mother died and two and twenty when Father passed."

"So young," murmured Elizabeth. She wondered if the death of his parents was the cause of the sadness she sensed in him. She couldn't imagine losing one parent, let alone both.

Georgiana stopped and pointed to the portraits hanging above them. "There is my mother and my father."

Elizabeth gazed at the parents of Miss Darcy. She immediately noticed that Miss Darcy looked extraordinarily like her mother, and she said so.

"Yes, I suppose I do."

Elizabeth heard the sadness in Miss Darcy's voice, and decided to divert her attention away. "Your brother looks very much like your father. Except for the eyes." Elizabeth blushed slightly as she thought of Mr Darcy's intense blue eyes.

Georgiana smiled. "Yes. He is a lot like him in manner as well."

"How so?" Elizabeth asked nonchalantly.

Georgiana looked at Elizabeth with a mischievous grin. "Why Miss Elizabeth, are you fishing for information about my brother?"

Elizabeth look horrified. "No! Of course not. I am sorry, Miss Darcy, I don't mean to pry."

Georgiana laughed. "I am only teasing you, Miss Elizabeth." Walking a short distance, she pointed and with a playful grin, said, "Here is the portrait of my brother. A portrait of when he is older hangs at Pemberley, but I have always preferred this one."

Elizabeth gazed at a portrait of a young Mr Darcy. She guessed he was around fifteen or sixteen years of age. She studied his features, trying to see the man he would become in the lines and curves of his youthful face. His hair appeared darker in his portrait than in real life. But what struck her the most were his eyes. His eyes were carefree and happy. There was no evidence of the burden he would soon carry. She wondered when the portrait had been painted.

As if reading her mind, Georgiana said, "This portrait was painted six month before Mother passed away. It was a gift for her birthday. Mine was done as well. She pointed to her portrait hanging next to her brothers. "I remember the day I sat for this. I made the artist so angry! " Georgiana laughed as she remembered. "I would not sit still long enough for him to sketch my position. Mother had to come and sit and read with me so he could work." Georgiana smiled wistfully. "That is the clearest memory I have of her."

"She must have loved you very much."

"I suppose so."

"What do you mean? Of course she loved you!"

Georgiana shrugged her shoulders. "I feel that she loved me. The memories that I remember, I am happy."

"But I'm sure your brother talks of her often?"

Georgiana looked at Elizabeth and gravely shook her head. "Brother never speaks about Mother."

Elizabeth was surprised. Why would Mr Darcy not share with his sister memories of their Mother?

"You are surprised, Miss Elizabeth. But you have to understand, Fitzwilliam is a very private man. He doesn't share his feelings with anyone, not even Richard."

"But you have other family members that could tell you about your mother? Surely they talk about her?"

"Aunt Eleanor did not know my Mother well. Due to Mother's frail health, she was not in company often. She met her on a few occasions, but they were never close. My Uncle does not speak of her. My cousins, Richard and Hugh have a few memories that they have willingly shared. And Aunt Catherine...well, I am afraid of her, so I haven't asked."

"I am sorry, Miss Darcy." Elizabeth's heart went out to the poor girl. She obviously was still in pain over the death of her mother and she had no one she could confide in. She felt a spark of anger towards Mr Darcy. Could he not see his silence was causing his sister pain?

Georgiana smiled and with forced cheerfulness suggested they continue with the tour.

Sometime later, Elizabeth and Georgiana entered the Drawing Room for tea. They were alone. Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief. She needed to get her bearings and gain her composure before Mr Darcy arrived.

Sitting down on the sofa, Elizabeth asked Georgiana about her music. Georgiana's face brightened with animation as she talked about what she was learning. "Brother and I are learning a duet. Hopefully we will have it ready to perform the next time you are here."

"Mr Darcy plays the pianoforte?" Elizabeth was surprised. She did not know many men who were accomplished enough on an instrument to perform. She was becoming more and more intrigued by the mysterious Mr Darcy.

"Oh yes! He is very good. He was my first teacher, you know. Unfortunately he doesn't play for anyone."

"How did you get him to play a duet with you?" Elizabeth asked curiously.

With a sly look, Georgiana simply said, "Punishment."

Elizabeth raised her brow in amusement, "For what?"

Georgiana laughed, "For causing me worry." At Elizabeth's confused expression, she said, "Remember what I told you at the bookstore? That Fitzwilliam has been very down lately?" At Elizabeth's nod, she continued, "That is why. His behavior caused me some alarm and after he apologized he asked how he could make it up to me." Georgiana smiled triumphantly, "So I asked for something I knew would be uncomfortable for him." Georgiana laughed. "But secretly, I think he was pleased. He hasn't complained once."

Changing the subject, Georgiana said, "You still have to tell me about your first ball, Miss Elizabeth. Don't think I've forgotten." Georgiana laughed at Elizabeth's expression. "Oh, it couldn't have been that bad! Brother attended and he never attends society events during the season."

Another piece to the puzzle that is Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy, Elizabeth mused. Elizabeth proceeded to describe her evening, leaving out no details about her various partners and her observations about the guests.

Georgiana laughed delightedly at Elizabeth's humorous account. "Thank you, Miss Elizabeth. I needed that."

"No, thank you, Miss Darcy. You're right, I did enjoy myself. How could I not when there is such an abundance of the ridiculous to keep one amused." Elizabeth drolly added, "especially in a London ballroom!"

Georgiana laughed and leaning forward in anticipation asked, "Did no one catch your eye, Miss Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth blushed and looking down, subtly cleared her throat. What should she say?

Noticing her friend's unease, she quickly said, "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, Miss Elizabeth. Please forgive me for prying." Georgiana smiled apologetically.

Elizabeth smiled, relieved. She didn't feel up to describing what happened between Miss Darcy's brother and herself. She was not that brave, or that foolish. Before Elizabeth could respond to Georgiana, a maid entered with the tea service followed by Colonel Fitzwilliam and Mr Darcy. Elizabeth took a deep breath. She could do this. He was just a man after all, she had talked with them before. But not like him, she thought.

Elizabeth held her breath, half anticipation, half dread as the Colonel and Mr Darcy came towards them. Mr Darcy took the chair nearest her position on the sofa, while the Colonel occupied the one nearest Georgiana. Georgiana immediately began acting as hostess and busied herself with the tea. Elizabeth's attention was directed to Mr Darcy as he cleared his throat. Elizabeth let out her breath and straightening her spine, turned slightly to address him.

Before she could utter a word, Mr Darcy said, "I hope you enjoyed your tour, Miss Elizabeth?"

"I did. Thank you, Mr Darcy."

"Pardon me," Georgiana spoke diverting Elizabeth's attention away from her brother, "How do you take your tea, Miss Elizabeth?"

"Just lemon, please."

"Just like Fitzwilliam!"

Georgiana's innocent statement caused both Elizabeth and Darcy to flush. The Colonel coughed lightly to hide his amusement.

As Elizabeth and Darcy were handed their identically prepared tea, Darcy turned to Elizabeth intent on finding out her interests, as his cousin suggested. "Did you see anything of particular interest on the tour?"

"There were many things I found of interest." Elizabeth smiled. No sense it making it too easy for him. He thinks I am mindless, after all.Elizabeth was vaguely aware of the Colonel observing their interaction with interest while talking quietly with Georgiana.

Darcy frowned slightly. Elizabeth was not being very forthcoming with this particular line of questioning. Clearing his throat, he tried again. "I understand you are staying with your Aunt, Mrs Gardiner?"


"For the Season?"


"I understand your sister is in London as well?"


"Is Miss Bennet recovering from her fall the other night?"

"She is, Thank you."

Darcy was beginning to become frustrated. He would have to change his strategy. Shifting slightly in his seat, he turned more fully to face Elizabeth. Leaning forward slightly, he gazed directly in her eyes. "I hope you are enjoying your stay in London so far, Miss Elizabeth."

Darcy smiled slightly in triumph as Elizabeth's breath caught slightly as his gaze met her stunned brown eyes.

"Y-Yes, I am." Elizabeth breathlessly responded. She couldn't hold his piercing gaze and looked down to gather herself. Taking a steadying breath, she looked up and met his intense blue gaze. Raising one brow, she smiled, and waited.

Darcy shook his head in amusement and exasperation, "Do you always converse in such a succinct way, Miss Elizabeth?"

"Brevity is the soul of wit (1), Mr Darcy." With a mischievous grin, she added, "Besides, doesn't a man, such as yourself prefer a demure, quiet woman to one who blathers on and on about mundane things such as fashion and gossip?"

Darcy frowned as he stared at Elizabeth. Where did that come from? It sounded familiar...With shock, Darcy realized those were his words. He had been speaking to Richard of Georgiana's friend and...No! Darcy's eyes widened slightly as he realized Elizabeth must have overheard part of his conversation, and thought he was talking about her! Groaning quietly, Darcy searched for a way to make this right.

"You overheard our conversation." Darcy stated.

"I did." Elizabeth responded hesitantly.

"You eavesdropped." Darcy clarified.

Elizabeth flushed but didn't look away from his unwavering stare. "I was waiting for Miss Darcy in the library, and the connecting door was ajar, and I heard you talking..." Elizabeth's voice trailed off. She knew she should not have lingered when she realized she was hearing a private conversation. But she was glad she did. If that is what he truly thought of her, it was better to know now.

"How much did you hear?" Darcy was anxious to know if she had heard Richard telling him about her.

"That was the only part of your conversation that I heard. I realized I should not have listened and retreated to the opposite side of the room."

Darcy breathed a sigh of relief. He was not ready to explain to Elizabeth why Richard referred to her as 'his lady love.'

"I say, Darcy. Are you interrogating our lovely Miss Elizabeth?" Richard raised his brows and slightly shook his head, as if disappointed.

"For shame, brother!" Georgiana had been observing her friend become increasingly discomposed and realized it had to do with whatever her brother was talking about. "What a way to treat our guest," Georgiana admonished her brother.

Darcy exhaled loudly. He looked at Elizabeth and was surprised to see a mischievous smile gracing her lips, and one delicate brow raised in the manner he was quickly coming to recognize meant she was vastly amused about something. Him, no doubt. What was she playing at?

With a teasing smile directed at Darcy, Elizabeth turned to Georgiana. "Miss Darcy, do you remember the book I recommended to you when we met at the book store?

Georgiana looked at Elizabeth in surprise. "The first book? Or the one I ended up buying?"

"The first book."

Darcy interjected, and turning to Georgiana, asked, "When was this? What were you doing at the book store?"

Elizabeth smiled, ignoring Darcy's untimely interruption. "Would you agree that it would have been appropriate to purchase it, especially in light of a certain someone's behavior?" Elizabeth nodded her head discreetly in Darcy's direction.

Georgiana looked bewildered until she recalled which book Elizabeth was referring to. Trying unsuccessfully to contain her laughter, she gasped, "Yes, under the circumstances, Miss Elizabeth I should have deferred to your superior judgment. I'll have to go back and purchase it." At this Georgiana dissolved into laughter.

Darcy looked over at Richard to determine if he was as confused by the unexpected turn of the conversation. Richard was rubbing his fingers over his lips in a vain attempt to avoid laughing. As he noticed his cousin's gaze, he simply winked and smirked. Darcy shook his head, he would get no support in that quarter.

Georgiana leaned in and whispered something in Richard's ear which caused him to guffaw loudly, slapping his knee in delight.

Frustrated, Darcy turned to Elizabeth and calmly asked, "What book is Georgiana referring to Miss Elizabeth?"

"I was referring to a book I recommended to Miss Darcy when we met at Hatchard's earlier this week. She was..." Elizabeth stopped, not wanting to ruin Georgiana's surprise for her brother. Looking at Georgiana, she raised her brow, silently asking permission to proceed. Georgiana was still trying to control her laughter and waved for Elizabeth to carry on.

"She was there looking for a book for your upcoming birthday. I offered to help her find one that was suitable. Apparently you are very difficult to buy for, Mr Darcy."

Darcy smiled in satisfaction. She had chosen a book for his birthday? What book had she chosen? "What book are you referring to that has caused my sister and cousin to act like a bunch of hyenas?"

Elizabeth smiled and serenely replied, "The Gentleman's Book of Etiquette: Rules for Perfect Conduct."

At this, Richard and Georgiana burst out in renewed fits of laughter. Turning to them, Darcy said sarcastically, "I am glad I can be a source of amusement." Darcy didn't know if he should be offended or amused.

Turning to Elizabeth, he asked, "And you think I would benefit from such a book?"

"Well, let's see. First, you made some cutting remarks about me. Second, you began to question me about my...er..eavesdropping. And third, you interrupted a ladies conversation. So I would have to say: Yes, you would benefit from such a book."

Darcy would have been offended if he hadn't detected a distinctive playful gleam in Elizabeth's eyes. She was teasing him, baiting him. And he realized that he liked it. The little minx!Well, two can play at this game. "What would you suggest then, Miss Elizabeth? Read it, study it, make it a daily source of study?"

"Hmm..." Elizabeth tapped her finger on her lips. "I don't know if there is hope of rehabilitation for you, Mr Darcy; your behavior may be fixed." Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know you well enough to determine if you are a lost cause."

Darcy lowered his voice and leaning slightly towards Elizabeth, said, "I would be happy to give you ample opportunity to study my behavior, Miss Elizabeth."

"Ah, but Mr Darcy, would you be willing to spend time with a greedy, mindless woman who has nothing of sense to say except mundane things, like fashion and gossip?"

Darcy groaned. Closing his eyes, he rubbed his forehead in agitation. Why hadn't he shut the connecting door? This could all have been avoided. Looking up, he met Elizabeth's open and expectant gaze. She was hoping, waiting for him to make amends. And he would.

Holding her gaze, he said remorsefully, "I am sorry that you heard something that offended you. Believe me, I was not referring to you when I made that statement. I was referring of the majority of women I have had the misfortune to come in contact with. You are not like them, Miss Elizabeth."

"How do you know I am different, Mr Darcy?" Elizabeth was anxious for his answer. What reason would he give? Did he really think she was different? Why did she care?

Darcy gazed steadily at Elizabeth, and simply said, "I know." Darcy held her gaze, forcing her to see the truth of what he said in his eyes.

Elizabeth sat motionless under the intense gaze of Mr Darcy. She was vaguely aware of her increased heart beat and unsteady breathing. Why did he have such an effect on her ability to think rationally? Mentally shaking her head to clear her befuddled mind, she cocked her head, and raising one brow said, "I changed my mind Mr Darcy. I believe you have not only read,The Gentleman's Book of Etiquette: Rules for Perfect Conduct, but you own it as well!"

A/N: Well, there you have it! I have finally put an end to your suspense, now put an end to mine-tell me what you think, please? What did you think of their first interaction? Did it meet your expectations? Who came out the victor? What do you think about Darcy finally telling Georgiana about the drawing of Elizabeth?

(1) Hamlet, Act II, Scene II. "Brevity is the soul of wit" - means keeping your comments brief is the essence of intelligence.