11. Chapter 11

Chapter 10

Elizabeth entered the house and made her way quickly to the Parlor, her mind trying to make sense of what just happened. What could Sir Reginald have to say to Mr Darcy? Was he going to warn Mr Darcy away from her? Elizabeth abruptly stopped as that thought took root. He wouldn't do that, would he? What right did he have to say anything to Mr Darcy about her? He wasn't her brother or guardian. She was worried that he had witnessed her improper behavior. She blushed at the thought of someone else observing that moment between her and Mr Darcy.

As she entered the Parlor, her Aunt exclaimed, "Well, it is good of you to finally join us. The tea is nearly cold!" When her Aunt realized that Elizabeth was alone, she said in confusion, "Why Lizzy! Where are Mr Darcy and Sir Reginald?" Seeing Elizabeth's troubled countenance, she started and exclaimed, "Good heavens, they aren't fighting?"

Elizabeth took in the other occupants of the room. They were all looking at Elizabeth with varying expressions of confusion and dismay. Elizabeth smiled and shrugged her shoulders to hide her own distress over the situation. "Sir Reginald said he wished to speak with Mr Darcy."

"He what?" Colonel Fitzwilliam stood abruptly and with a hurried, "excuse me ladies," headed for the door. Turning to Elizabeth he asked to be shown to the garden. As they left the room, the Colonel lowered his voice and said, "Miss Elizabeth, tell me everything."

"Everything?" Elizabeth said in surprise. Did the Colonel really expect her to relate all that had occurred between Mr Darcy and herself?

The Colonel looked at her with a wide grin. "Well, I guess Darcy doesn't waste any time." The Colonel laughed upon seeing Elizabeth's expression. "I meant, tell me everything relating to Lynton and Darcy."

"Oh! Of course." Elizabeth proceeded to tell the Colonel the entire conversation between the two gentlemen. She asked, "why would Sir Reginald want to speak with Mr Darcy? What could he possibly have to say?"

The Colonel looked at Elizabeth with raised brows and a slight smile, "What do you think they are talking about, or I should say, whom they are talking about." He looked at Elizabeth with a meaningful smile.

Elizabeth blushed slightly. "What could Sir Reginald possibly have to say to Mr Darcy about me?" Again, the Colonel simply looked at her with a knowing smile. Elizabeth huffed. "What right has Sir Reginald to interfere in others affairs?"

"You mean the affairs of you and Darcy?" At the embarrassed look on Elizabeth's face, he laughed. "Don't worry, Miss Elizabeth. Darcy is not one to give up what he wants. And believe me when I say, he knows what he wants."

"It is more likely he will decide I am not worth the trouble." Elizabeth said quietly under her breath.

Hearing her softly uttered statement, the Colonel said, "Believe me, Miss Elizabeth. That will never happen."

Elizabeth looked at the Colonel in surprise. "How can you be so sure? Mr Darcy hardly knows me!"

Colonel Fitzwilliam looked at Elizabeth in understanding. "Do I really need to answer that, Miss Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth didn't respond to his rhetorical question. She stopped at the door leading to the garden. "Here it is, Colonel. Please bring them both back, preferably unharmed."

"Of course, but are you sure you want Sir Reginald to remain unharmed?" With a laugh, the Colonel entered the garden.

Elizabeth smiled and shook her head, returning to join her Aunt, Jane and Miss Darcy in the Parlor.

Upon entering, Miss Darcy jumped up and walked quickly to Elizabeth. "Miss Elizabeth, please tell us what is going on? What did you mean that Sir Reginald wishes to speak to my brother? Tell us everything."

Elizabeth laughed lightly at the exact phrase the Colonel had used just moments earlier. Sitting down near her Aunt, she looked at the three women, their expressions expectant. "Before Mr Darcy and I could return to the house, Sir Reginald appeared and requested that I leave so he could talk to Mr Darcy, alone. That is all"

Jane and Mrs Gardiner shared a knowing look that was not lost on Elizabeth.

Miss Darcy huffed. "The audacity of that man. What right does he have to question Fitzwilliam about you?"

"It seems that everyone is under the assumption that he wishes to speak with Mr Darcy about me. But it is entirely possible it is something entirely different." Even as Elizabeth uttered the words, she didn't believe them. She knew they were talking about her and she didn't know how she felt about it.

The three women exchanged amused glances. Jane said with a smile, "Lizzy, you know that is not true."

Elizabeth turned to her Aunt, "This is all your fault, you know."

"And I take full responsibility. I agree with Miss Darcy that it is not in Sir Reginald's purview to question Mr Darcy. But, it does tell us something." Mrs Gardiner looked at Elizabeth with a sly smile. "We know that Sir Reginald has taken an interest in you, otherwise why would he feel it necessary to confront Mr Darcy?"

Georgiana looked at Mrs Gardiner and with assurance said, "I believe he is telling Fitzwilliam he will not interfere. He is not going to pursue Miss Elizabeth because he knows of my brothers interest."

Mrs Gardiner and Jane shared another knowing smile as Elizabeth stared at Miss Darcy in shock. Realizing what she had just confessed, Georgiana blushed, but unflinchingly said, "Well, it is true."

Mrs Gardiner smiled and said, "Well, I am eagerly awaiting the gentlemen's return."

Elizabeth directed a frustrated look towards her Aunt. She was seriously considering excusing herself to avoid the entire tangled mess.


Darcy watched Elizabeth walk away, wishing he was escorting her. If only Lynton hadn't interrupted them. Why would Mrs Gardiner invite Lynton to tea? Was he interested in Elizabeth? Or perhaps Miss Bennet? For Lynton's sake he hoped his interest lay elsewhere. Elizabeth was his and his alone. His thoughts were interrupted as Lynton cleared his throat. He stiffened his back and turned to face him. Lynton had an amused expression on his face, but his eyes were grave. Darcy raised his brows. "Well? You asked to speak with me. It better be important, Lynton. We are guests here. It is impolite to keep our hostess waiting."

"Oh, it's important, Darcy. As for keeping our hostess waiting; you should have thought of that when you lingered out here with Miss Elizabeth."

Darcy's face darkened. "I offered to fetch Miss Elizabeth. And I don't see how that is any business of yours. You forget yourself, Lynton."

"No, I think you forget yourself, Darcy." Lynton matched Darcy's hard and unyielding gaze. "I don't think you realize what a untenable position you have placed Miss Elizabeth."

Darcy stepped closer to Lynton, his posture aggressive. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Lynton lowered his voice, "Oh, I think you know what it means, Darcy."

"How dare you? Who are you to question me, Lynton. You are not Miss Elizabeth's brother or guardian. You are merely an acquaintance, if that."

"No, I am not her guardian, or her brother. But I care for Miss Elizabeth and I don't want to see her hurt. And I know you are a new acquaintance as well. You forget, I know you sent Richard to find out who she was. A little early in your relationship to be engaging in what I witnessed just now, don't you think?"

Darcy was incensed. He had never been so close to striking another person. The effrontery of the man! Questioning his motives, his intentions? Before he could respond to Lynton, Richard approached.

Richard took in the scene before him. Lynton and Darcy were facing inches apart from each other, with nearly identical heated expressions and clenched fists. Well, it looks I got here just in time to prevent them both from behaving like idiotic, lovesick schoolboys. Richard shook his head in exasperation. "Gentlemen. I must question your sanity if you prefer to stay out here when there is such beauty to be found indoors."

"We're finished." Darcy turned to leave.

"No, we are not." Lynton held up a hand to prevent Darcy's departure.

Darcy slapped Lynton's hand away. "I will say this once, Lynton. Elizabeth is mine. You had best give in, because I have already won."

Lynton looked at Darcy in astonishment. "You speak of Miss Elizabeth as if she were simply a prize to be won and possessed!"

"Of course she isn't! But she has won my heart and I possess hers. I am telling you this now, Lynton. You have no chance with her."

Lynton stared at Darcy. "You're mad. How can you possibly claim that, Darcy? You have known her even less than I have. I have at least danced with her and spent more than 30 minutes in her presence. I am not willing to give her up without a fight. So you better be up for a little competition, Darcy. Because I am not willing to concede the battle yet."

Richard raised his brows, "with all this talk of battles and winning prizes, one would think it were you two who were in His Majesty's Army, not me."

Darcy ignored his cousin. "If you try to win her, you will fail."

"Why don't we allow the lady to decide? Eh, Darcy?"

Richard snorted in amusement. "If Miss Elizabeth could see the way the two of you were acting, I would be able to swoop in and capture her for myself!"

Darcy turned to his cousin, irritated, "Richard, stay out of this!"

Richard shook his head. "I promised Miss Elizabeth I would bring the both of you back unharmed. If you continue like you've started, I fear I will not be able to keep my promise. And as a gentleman, I cannot allow that to happen. So, let's put our swords away and join the ladies. I believe you both have some wooing to do." With that, Richard stepped back and motioned for them to precede him into the house.

At the mention of Elizabeth, both men relaxed. Lynton looked at Darcy. He held out his hand, "May the best man win."

Darcy reluctantly took the proffered hand. "I will."

Richard rolled his eyes. "Darcy, you say 'I will' on your wedding day to the woman you pledge to love, worship, protect, and all that. Don't waste those wonderful words on this scoundrel." Richard winked at Lynton.

Darcy sighed in exasperation. "Richard, remind me again why you are here?"

"Well, in this instance, to prevent you from maiming Lynton."

Lynton looked at Richard, "What about to prevent me from maiming Darcy?"

Richard laughed. "Lynton, look at him. He's a mountain. Besides I am convinced if he stares at you long enough, you'll turn to stone. So, word of advice, Lynton. Don't ever fight him. You'll lose."

Lynton turned his gaze to Richard. "Is that a threat?"

Richard snorted. "Of course not." Richard's gaze changed from amused to serious. "It's a certainty." Richard stared at Lynton until he looked away, unable to maintain his penetrating gaze. Richard nodded in satisfaction. He turned to Darcy, "So, are we ready to go into battle, gentlemen?

Darcy huffed. He turned to Lynton, his gaze neutral. "Lynton, for what it's worth, my intentions are entirely honorable."

Lynton smiled slightly. "I know, Darcy. Mine too."

Darcy nodded. He still felt that Lynton would do better to bow out. But if he was determined to try to win Elizabeth, he would ultimately end up disappointed. Recalling Lynton's reference to the behavior he had witnessed, he said, "Lynton, you will not mention what you witnessed between myself and Miss Elizabeth, am I understood?" Darcy lowered his gaze to meet the eyes of the shorter man. He would not allow Lynton to spread rumors about him and Miss Elizabeth.

Lynton replied, "Of course not. That would not serve my purpose, now would it?" With that, he turned and quickly walked back to the house.

Richard and Darcy followed at a slower pace. Richard turned to Darcy in amusement. "What did happen between you and Miss Elizabeth?"

"Mind your own business, Richard."

"Well, it must have been good because Miss Elizabeth blushed like a rose when I asked her to tell me everything."

Darcy stopped and turned to his cousin in alarm. "You asked Elizabeth to confide in you? Richard!"

"Calm down, Darcy. When I asked her to 'tell me everything' I meant about you and.." Richard gestured toward Lynton who was several paces ahead of them.

"Did she seem concerned? Distraught? I did not like sending her back to the house alone under the circumstances."

"She was fine. That woman has more fortitude than a contingent of soldiers." Richard pointed to Lynton who was about to enter the house. "By the way, you better step up your pace. Lynton has a head start on you." At Darcy's questioning look, he said, "Whoever gets to the Parlor first will get to sit next to Miss Elizabeth." In alarm, Darcy practically started running to outpace Lynton.

As he watched his cousin catch up to his competition, Richard rubbed his hands together, muttering under his breath, "Now the fun begins!"


Elizabeth sat in the Parlor in nervous anticipation. Why weren't the gentlemen back yet? What could be taking them so long? She was sitting next to her Aunt, quietly sipping her tea while Jane and Miss Darcy conversed amongst themselves.

Mrs Gardiner leaned over and in a low voice said, "Did you enjoy your time with Mr Darcy, Lizzy?"

Elizabeth looked at her Aunt in surprise. Noting her scheming expression, everything suddenly fell into place. "Why Aunt! You arranged it all!"

Mrs Gardiner smiled. "Of course I did. After our conversation this morning, I realized that you were developing feelings for Mr Darcy, so I decided to give you both an opportunity to converse. Alone. Well, not alone. I did arrange for Mr Smythe to be present to give the appearance of propriety. I gave him strict instructions to stay close enough to see you, but not hear you."

Elizabeth shook her head in wonder. "I never thought you could be so, so..."

"Devious?" Mrs Gardiner supplied with a smile. "Well, I had help. Jane was more than willing to assist."

Elizabeth's eyes widened in sudden realization. "Jane kept me from returning to the house."

Mrs Gardiner nodded in agreement. "I had sent a note to Darcy House asking Miss Darcy to contrive a reason to come slightly early, so it would be Mr Darcy who would come to the garden. I have to say, Lizzy. He was very quick to volunteer." She gave her niece a knowing smile as Elizabeth blushed. "I hope you made the most of it."

Just then, a slight commotion caused the ladies to look up in slight alarm. Mr Darcy and Sir Reginald burst into the room. They both paused at the threshold, taking quick survey of the occupants. Seeing the empty chair next to Miss Elizabeth, they both headed in that direction. Elizabeth's eyes widened in alarm. It was quite disconcerting to see two gentlemen coming towards her with a determined glint in their eyes. Next to her, her Aunt laughed quietly. Well, this should be interesting.

Lynton managed to claim the seat next to Elizabeth. Throwing a triumphant look in Darcy's direction, he turned to Elizabeth with a wide smile. Elizabeth turned slightly to gaze up at Mr Darcy, who was glaring at Lynton. Feeling Elizabeth's gaze, he turned to her, his expression changing to one of chagrin. Offering a small smile, he took a position behind Elizabeth's chair.

Colonel Fitzwilliam entered in a leisurely fashion and took his previous seat, next to Miss Bennet and Georgiana. Seeing Lynton next to Miss Elizabeth, with Darcy hovering behind her, he smirked. Leaning toward Georgiana, he quietly asked, "Did I miss anything?" Georgiana slightly shook her head.

Mrs Gardiner cleared her throat and smiled slightly. As she prepared Sir Reginald's tea, she turned to Mr Darcy and asked how he liked his tea.

Elizabeth automatically answered. "Just lemon."

Mrs Gardiner looked at Elizabeth in amusement and winked. "Just like Lizzy."

Noticing Darcy's smug smile, Lynton frowned slightly. He realized that if Elizabeth knew how Darcy liked his tea, she had spent more time with him than he previously thought. He needed to turn the tables in his favor, and quickly. Turning to Elizabeth, he asked, "I understand you enjoy Shakespeare, Miss Elizabeth."

"Yes, I do. I don't know many who do not."

"Which plays are your favorites, or do you prefer his sonnets"?

"I prefer his comedy's, although," Elizabeth glanced up at Mr Darcy, holding his gaze, as she said, "I am beginning to understand that his tragedy's offer us a closer view of life's realities."

Lynton narrowed his eyes in annoyance as he watched a significant look pass between them. Deciding to change the subject, he asked, "Do you like the theatre, Miss Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth broke her gaze away from Mr Darcy. "Oh, I do. Very much."

"Have you had the opportunity to attend since being in London?"

"No, not yet. But I am sure I will have the opportunity."

"I would be pleased to invite you, Miss Bennet and Mr and Mrs Gardiner to join me in my family box for the opera tomorrow night."

"Oh!" Elizabeth was torn. She did want to go, very much. However, she did not want to give Sir Reginald the impression that she was encouraging his interest.

Before she could respond, Miss Darcy spoke up. "Oh, but Fitzwilliam and I were hoping you all would join us in our box for tomorrow's performance. Indeed, Miss Bennet and I were just talking of it. Weren't we, Miss Bennet?" Georgiana turned to Jane with a pleading look on her face.

"Y-Yes, we were talking about how much we enjoy the theatre." Jane blushed slightly at the subterfuge.

Colonel Fitzwilliam tried to hide his smile. This was about to get very interesting. He causally leaned back in his chair and settled in to wait.

Georgiana, noticing Richard's mischievous expression, leaned in and whispered, "What are you doing, cousin?"

He raised his brows, "Watching the show."

Jane turned to him with a slightly displeased look. "You enjoy watching my sister become increasingly uncomfortable?"

Richard sat up, "No, of course not! But I do enjoy watching my cousin become increasingly upset." He nodded in Darcy's direction. "Indeed, he looks like he would like nothing better than to toss Lynton out the window." Rising, he approached the threesome and Mrs Gardiner. "Well, it seems we have a dilemma. You can't sit in two different boxes at once."

Darcy addressed Mrs Gardiner. "If you are available for tomorrow's performance, we would be pleased to have you sit with us."

Mrs Gardiner glanced at Elizabeth, her expression torn. Sir Reginald offered his box first, but she had a feeling she knew where her niece would prefer to be.

Lynton turned slightly and looked up at Darcy. "I have already offered, Darcy. It is imprudent of you to offer for the same performance." Before he could say anything else, he was interrupted by Miss Darcy.

"But we have also offered. Just because the offer was made by me to Miss Bennet, does not make our invitation invalid." Georgiana scowled at Sir Reginald. The nerve of the man! Couldn't he see where Miss Elizabeth's interest lay?

Startled by Miss Darcy's animosity towards him, Lynton stared at her in bemusement. He turned to address her, "But Miss Darcy, I have asked Mrs Gardiner, first. Therefore, my invitation has the prior claim."

Darcy had been watching Elizabeth grow increasingly distressed at the situation. He decided to alleviate her concern by offering a compromise. Turning to Lynton, he said, "I have the perfect solution. I propose that we all attend the performance together. There is more than enough room for us in my box. I would be happy to extend the invitation to include you, Lynton." Darcy bowed slightly in Lynton's direction.

Lynton looked at Darcy for a moment trying to determine his motive. Clearing his throat, he decided it wasn't worth pressing the issue. "I would be happy to accept. Thank you, Darcy."

Lynton turned and addressed Elizabeth. "I will come to escort you to the Opera at eight o'clock."

Darcy straightened, and said tersely, "I will escort Miss Elizabeth to the theatre, Lynton as she will be sitting in my box."

"Which is why I will be escorting her, Darcy." Lynton was beginning to feel a strain in his neck by looking up at Darcy. Why did the man have to be so tall? Mountain, indeed.

If this were happening to someone else, Elizabeth would have laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. But at this very moment, she felt like screaming. Her Aunt, noticing her agitation, reached over and placed a comforting hand over hers.

Richard also noticed Elizabeth's distress and quickly came to her rescue. "Well, there is not enough room in one carriage for all..." he quickly counted, "eight of us, so we will have to take two carriages."

Darcy turned to his cousin with a grateful look. He said, "I suggest that one of us escorts Miss Elizabeth to the performance, while the other, escorts her home."

"I will escort her home." Lynton quickly replied.

"As you wish."

Elizabeth abruptly stood, startling everyone in the room. Turning to the gentlemen, she said in barely concealed anger, "Well, I am glad you have decided everything according to your satisfaction. But in the future, gentlemen, it would behoove you to ask the lady instead of deciding everything amongst yourselves." With that Elizabeth turned and stalked as gracefully as she could from the room. Men!


Everyone sat in stunned silence for a moment after Elizabeth's abrupt departure. Jane quickly stood and moved to follow her sister, but was forestalled by Mrs Gardiner. "No, Jane. Allow me. I put her in this predicament, I will see her out of it." She quickly exited the room to find her niece.

Those remaining looked uncomfortably around the room, avoiding each other's gaze. Darcy closed his eyes, furious at himself. How could he have been so stupid? Regardless of Lynton's marked interest, he should never have allowed his jealousy to override her opinion. Talking about her as if she weren't in the room! Darcy groaned, running his hands through his hair.

Richard came up next to his cousin and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Well, you can only increase in her estimation from here, Darcy. Cheer up, all is not lost. Although, you may have to concede this particular battle to Lynton."

Darcy looked at his cousin in exasperation. "Didn't you hear Elizabeth, Richard? She's right. We didn't even ask her. What a fool I am!"

"No, just a lovesick fool, Darcy." He smiled wryly at his cousin. "Apologize, and all will be well."


Elizabeth didn't pay attention to where she was going. She just wanted to get as far away from those two infuriating gentlemen as possible. Finding herself near the garden, she quickly headed in that direction. Exiting the house, she paused as she stepped outside and took a deep, fortifying breath. Closing her eyes, she turned her face up towards the sun, letting its rays warm her face. Elizabeth heard soft footsteps approaching and knowing it was her Aunt, said, "I apologize for my unseemly behavior, Aunt."

"You have nothing to apologize for. Others are culpable, not you."

Sighing, Elizabeth turned to face her Aunt. "I just wish things were not so complicated. I feel unequal to this task, managing two gentlemen's interest. It is too much."

"It is too much, only because you do not wish for your attentions to be divided. Am I right?"

Elizabeth turned tear filled eyes to her Aunt. "Oh Aunt, I don't wish to cause anyone pain. I don't know how to let Sir Reginald know that I can't...that I'm not..."

Mrs Gardiner gently pulled Elizabeth into her embrace. "I am sorry Lizzy. I see now that your Uncle was right, this was 'very badly done.'"

Wiping her tears, Elizabeth laughed. "No, I see you were only trying to help. To allow you the opportunity to observe both gentlemen and give me an impartial perspective."

"But I should have seen that you did not need my impartial perspective. You are astute enough to know your own heart."

Elizabeth looked solemnly at her Aunt. "I am still unsure about a lot of things, Aunt. But I know that there is no future with Sir Reginald. I can't in good conscience lead him on and give him false hope. I will not do that. I refuse to do it."

"Well, then what are you going to do?"

With determination, Elizabeth turned to go back to the Parlor. "For now, I will be diplomatic. I'm not going to humiliate Sir Reginald in a roomful of people."

Mrs Gardiner laughed. "I should hope not. Lead the way, Lizzy. I will support whatever you decide."


Everyone turned as Elizabeth reentered the room. She came and stood directly in front of Mr Darcy and Sir Reginald. Looking them both in the eye, she said humbly, "I apologize for my outburst and abrupt departure, it was very rude of me." Seeing both gentlemen open their mouths in protest, she held up a hand. "I thank you both for the invitation to attend the Opera. However, the Colonel is correct. We cannot be in two places at once. Sir Reginald did extend his offer first." She nodded in his direction. Seeing Mr Darcy's countenance fall, she quickly continued, "however, as Mr Darcy has also extended an invitation for Sir Reginald to join his party, it is not my right to rescind that invitation." Turning to Mr Darcy, she said, "Therefore, I accept your invitation gratefully on behalf of my family." At her pronouncement, Darcy smiled widely at Elizabeth, joy infusing his features. Elizabeth's heart skipped a beat and she had to remind herself to keep breathing. To distract herself from Mr Darcy's blinding countenance, she turned to Sir Reginald. "I am sure we will all enjoy ourselves immensely."

Sir Reginald bowed to Elizabeth. Smiling, he said, "I am sure we will, Miss Elizabeth." Clearing his throat, he asked, "Who would you like to be your escort, Miss Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth looked at the hopeful expressions of each gentleman. Here was an opportunity to make her preference clearly known. However, if she accepted Mr Darcy's escort as she wished it would be extremely awkward at the Opera tomorrow night. Quickly coming to a decision, she said, "I will travel in my Uncle's carriage. We will meet you there."

Darcy was disappointed, but he knew her decision was sound. He was grateful he wouldn't have to see his Elizabeth be escorted home by Lynton. He would have to ensure she sat by him during the Opera.

Elizabeth smiled at both gentlemen and turned to her sister, Miss Darcy and the Colonel. "I wish to apologize to you as well. I am sorry if I made anyone uncomfortable."

Richard quickly said, "No apologies are necessary, Miss Elizabeth. We understand." He smiled kindly at her.

Miss Darcy came forward, and taking Elizabeth by the hand led her over to the other side of the room. Sitting down on the sofa, she said with excitement, "I am so glad you will be coming to the Opera tomorrow night. I am so looking forward to it. I have heard so much about the lead Soprano that I have been begging brother to take me."

"Which Opera will be seeing?" Elizabeth asked with as much enthusiasm as Miss Darcy.

"Le Nozze di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro). The lead Soprano, Angelica Catalani (1) is supposed to be divine."

"I am not familiar with that Opera, I'm afraid. It is by Mozart?"

"Yes, it will be performed in Italian."

Mr Darcy came and sat near his sister and Elizabeth. "Do you know Italian, Miss Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "I'm afraid my knowledge of Italian is limited, Mr Darcy. But I know enough; I will get by."

"I would be happy to translate for you, Miss Elizabeth." Mr Darcy's low voice was infused with warm intensity, his gaze constant. "There is an aria in Act Two that is very beautiful. It would be a shame for you to miss it's full meaning."

Elizabeth stared breathlessly at Mr Darcy. "I look forward to it."

Mr Darcy smiled, a secret light in his eyes. "As am I."

A/N: Anybody know which aria Mr Darcy is referring to? If you do, that should give you a taste of what's to come :) Please review to feed my muse!

(1) Angelica Catalani, was an Italian Soprano who came to England in 1806 and was an instant success. She played Susanna in the very first London production of The Marriage of Figaro in 1812. Convenient for my story, no?