12. Chapter 12

Chapter 11

A feeling of anticipation and excitement hung in the air at the Gardiner Townhouse the next day. In addition to a feeling of excitement, Elizabeth also felt a certain expectation. Something had changed between her and Mr Darcy the day before. Their brief moment in the garden when Mr Darcy had dropped all pretense and shown her who he was had created an indelible connection between them. Although she couldn't adequately explain what had happened, it had become the most significant moment of her life thus far. And when he had whispered her name... she blushed and smiled at the way it made her feel to hear him call her by her Christian name. She had never felt so emotionally connected to another human being. She hadn't even shared that incredible moment with her Aunt or even Jane, in whom she usually confided everything. Talking of it would lessen the significance of the moment, make it ordinary. That moment would remain between her and Mr Darcy.

"You must be thinking pleasant thoughts, Lizzy." Jane's quiet voice broke her reverie. "And judging by the blush on your cheeks, I think I know of whom you are thinking."

Elizabeth smiled and looked up at her sister. She currently sat in front of the open window of her bedroom, her long, damp tresses hanging down her back. Jane was standing behind her, painstakingly drying each curl. The combination of the warm sun, cool breeze and Jane's gentle ministrations had left her feeling completely relaxed.

Without pretense, Elizabeth admitted, "Yes, I was thinking of Mr Darcy."

Jane smiled. "Are you nervous about tonight, Lizzy?

"Why would I be? Elizabeth felt a lot of things, but nervousness was definitely not one of them.

"This is the first time you will be seen in public with Mr Darcy. I would be nervous with all those people staring at me, judging me."

That thought had not even crossed Elizabeth's mind. So much had occurred in...five days? Elizabeth sat up abruptly. Five days? Was it possible that she had seen Mr Darcy less than one week ago? Elizabeth shook her head, incredulous.

"Lizzy, what is it?" When Elizabeth didn't respond, she shook Elizabeth's head gently to get her attention. "Lizzy?"

"I saw Mr Darcy only five days ago, Jane."

Jane moved to stand in front of her sister. "Yes, last Thursday. At Sir Reginald's ball."

Elizabeth looked at her sister. "I just find it incredible that so little time has passed, but so much has happened."

Jane smiled gently at her baffled sister. "Yes, but does it really matter if you've known Mr Darcy for five hours, five days, or five months? Would it lessen what you feel for that gentleman?"

"I don't know what I feel for Mr Darcy, Jane. I just know that I want," she shook her head, "No, I need to find out."

Jane moved back to her original position behind her sister and resumed her task. "And find out you shall."

They were silent, each lost in their own thoughts. Elizabeth closed her eyes and leaned her head back. Her thoughts drifted to Sir Reginald. She sighed. What was she going to do about him? She wished he would simply realize that she wasn't interested in him as a suitor. Would she have been interested in Sir Reginald's attentions if Mr Darcy had not come into her life? She pondered that thought for a moment. Her Aunt had observed that she witnessed something between them. If Elizabeth were being completely honest with herself, she had felt something as well. But then she had seen Mr Darcy and whatever something she had felt for Sir Reginald had evaporated as quickly as the sun dispels the morning mist.

"What are you going to do about Sir Reginald, Lizzy?" At her sister's surprised look, Jane laughed. "You were thinking about him just now, weren't you?"

"You know me well, Jane. In truth, I don't know what I am going to do. I hope that my interest in a certain gentlemen will dissuade him from pursuing me."

"Well, men can be rather dense when their affections are engaged. I wouldn't count on Sir Reginald losing interest unless you are forthright with him."

"But are his affections engaged?" Elizabeth was grasping for excuses, but she truly wished that he would bestow his attentions on some other woman.

"Of course they are! It is obvious. I just think you do not realize it because of the intensity of Mr Darcy's affections. Indeed Lizzy, the way that man looks at you is enough to cause any person to blush."

"Jane!" Elizabeth laughed. She could not deny her sister's words. She knew that was why she had a hard time believing Sir Reginald's affections were engaged. Compared to Mr Darcy's marked interest, Sir Reginald's paled in comparison. It was like comparing the pale light of the stars to the brilliance of the sun.

Mrs Gardiner entered the bedroom, carrying a long piece of material, draped carefully over her outstretched arms. She gently placed the garment on the bed and turned to her nieces, excitement dancing in her eyes. "Come, Lizzy. This is for you." She gestured to the garment on the bed.

Elizabeth stood and walked over to her Aunt. "I don't need any more dresses, Aunt. My Uncle and father have been more than generous."

Her Aunt smiled. "This is for your birthday. I know it isn't until September, but I thought you would want to wear it tonight." Carefully, she unwrapped the material protecting the dress. With a smile, she stepped back to allow Elizabeth to see.

Jane gasped. "Oh Lizzy!"

Elizabeth stared, mouth slightly agape. She had never seen a more beautiful dress. It was of deep green silk, with a golden undertone that made the dress shimmer in the light. The bodice was decorated in the most intricate and elaborate design worked in gold thread. It was exquisite. She knew without trying it on, that it would be perfect for her. She had always lamented her darker complexion, but she knew this dress would compliment her skin tone to perfection.

She looked at her Aunt in gratitude. "I don't know what to say, except thank you, Aunt. This is more than I could ever imagine."

Mrs Gardiner smiled. "I knew the minute I saw this fabric in your Uncle's warehouse that it was meant for you. I am very pleased with how it turned out. I have never found a better dressmaker than Madame Cécile. I didn't have to tell her it was for you, Lizzy. She knew, just as I did."

"Oh Lizzy, you will look so beautiful! Mr Darcy won't be able to take his eyes off you!" Jane stood next to her sister, gazing in awe at the dress.

Aunt Gardiner laughed. "Indeed, I have to agree Jane. I admit I can't wait to see Mr Darcy's face when he sees you."

Elizabeth did not consider herself to be a vain person; she knew she was no great beauty. But she couldn't help but wonder what Mr Darcy would think of her in this dress. She wanted him to think her beautiful, desirable even.

"I have some lovely gold combs that will look beautiful in your dark locks, Lizzy." Her Aunt gently fingered Elizabeth's loose curls. She sighed. "You have the most beautiful hair. It is such a shame that propriety dictates that you wear it up."

"You mean this unmanageable mess?" Elizabeth fingered a curl and wrinkled her nose. "I have always preferred Jane's hair; it's like a golden, silken waterfall." Elizabeth's tone was wistful.

Jane and Aunt Gardiner exchanged a look. They knew where Elizabeth's sentiment came from. Their mother had always extolled Jane's fair beauty while deriding Elizabeth's dark beauty. Aunt Gardiner shook her head. Gently turning her niece, she looked her in the eye and said, "Elizabeth Bennet, you are beautiful in face, form and especially character. Pay no heed to the lies your mother has told you all these years." Her Aunt gave her a sly grin. "Besides, I don't think Mr Darcy would look at you the way he does if he didn't think you were beautiful."

Elizabeth smiled deprecatingly, "Beauty is bought by judgment of the eye." (1)

Her Aunt shook her head in sadness at her nieces persistence in believing a lie. She was grateful that Elizabeth had two eligible men who were vying for her attention. She knew that it troubled her niece greatly, but she hoped it would show Elizabeth what she was truly worth. There was nothing like being pursued by two very handsome men that raised one's confidence! "Well, in any case, Lizzy, you will be radiant tonight. I almost feel sorry for the other ladies in attendance."

Elizabeth laughed. "Thank you Aunt, but I believe Jane will hold that distinction."

"I am not the woman with two men fighting for her attentions, Lizzy." Jane said with a slight laugh. "Indeed, I am nearly invisible when you are present."

At her sister's statement, Elizabeth searched for any detection of sadness or regret in Jane's expression. She was surprised that Jane had not found any admirers. She was so sure that men would be buzzing around her sister like bees to honey. It just confirmed Elizabeth's opinion that the ton lacked good sense and intelligence. If they couldn't see the rare gem that was her sister, then it just proved that Jane was much too good for the likes of them. "Jane, you will find your match." Elizabeth raised a brow and said teasingly, "what did you think about the Colonel?"

Jane scowled. "That man finds too much pleasure in the discomfort of others."

Elizabeth gazed at her sister in astonishment. She couldn't remember ever seeing such an expression on her sister's face. "What do you mean?"

"Yesterday at tea. He was watching the three of you like you were some spectacle to be gawked at!"

Elizabeth laughed. "That sounds like the Colonel. He just enjoys the ridiculous as much as I do. Indeed, if I hadn't been the cause of the men's behavior, I would have found it extremely diverting. You have to admit Jane, it was quite the spectacle."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I would enjoy it like he did." Jane said in a huff.

Elizabeth exchanged an amused glance with her Aunt. This was very uncharacteristic of Jane to say anything negative about anybody. Especially someone she had just met. "Well, I am sure he didn't mean anything by it. He did try to defuse the situation yesterday. I am grateful to him for that."

Jane nodded her head grudgingly. "I suppose."

Aunt Gardiner said, "Well, it is almost time to finish getting ready girls. I will have cook send up something light for supper." She bid her nieces farewell and left the room.

Elizabeth turned to her sister. "What will you wear tonight?"

"My blue silk," Jane replied distractedly. She gently fingered Elizabeth's green dress. "It is so lovely Lizzy. I agree with our Aunt when I say I can't wait to see the expression on Mr Darcy's face when he sees you!"

"Me too." Elizabeth looked at her sister and they both laughed.


Georgiana knocked on the door of her brother's study. She waited but heard nothing. Knowing he was inside she pressed her ear to the door to detect any movement or sound. Nothing. Normally, she would retreat and try again later, but she had an important question for her brother that could not wait. Undaunted by the silence within the room, she tried the door. It was unlocked so she pushed it open and peered inside. She didn't see her brother at his desk, so she opened the door wider and saw him sitting on the sofa, reading a book.

Quietly she entered, and walked purposefully toward her brother. As she neared him, she paused. Her brother had a book open in his lap, but he was definitely not reading. He was staring off in the distance, his gaze unfocused with a small smile on his face. She smiled in contentment. It was so nice to see her brother happy. Not wanting to startle him, she called softly, "Brother?"

Darcy looked up, his unfocused gaze resting on his sister. "Georgiana?"

She moved to sit across from him. She smiled and said, playfully, "Thinking about Miss Elizabeth again?"

Darcy gave his sister an amused look but ignored her question. "What do I owe the pleasure of your company? I would have thought you would be getting ready for tonight's Opera."

Georgiana waved her hand dismissively. "There is plenty of time yet."

Darcy raised his brows in amusement. This was not the Georgiana who had bounced around the house all morning, telling him how excited she was to attend the Opera. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. She must want something from him. "What do you want, Georgiana?"

Georgiana feigned a look of surprise. "Why, nothing brother. Nothing at all."

Darcy looked at his sister. Her expression was entirely too innocent. Yes, she wanted something. He sighed. "Just ask me Georgiana. No need for you to dissemble. If it is a reasonable request, I will do what I can. You know that."

"Yes, I know."

Georgiana started fidgeting, a sure sign that she was nervous. Darcy waited patiently. When she looked at him, he smiled at her encouragingly.

"Well, I was wondering, that is, if it's alright...?" She took a deep breath. She could do this! She straightened and looked her brother in the eye. "I was hoping to wear Mother's pearls to the Opera tonight." There, she had said it!

Darcy stilled. He felt a sudden pang and an ache in the vicinity of his heart. He knew which necklace his sister referred to. His mother had worn them almost every day since they were gifted to her by his father to commemorate their 10th wedding anniversary. He remembered when his father had given them to her...Darcy stopped the memory from taking root. Taking a deep breath, he looked at Georgiana, noticing her sad but hopeful expression. It was selfish of him to deny what rightfully belonged to her. He smiled gently and said, "Of course you may wear Mother's pearls. They belong to you."

Georgiana's face lit up with joy. "Oh, thank you brother!" She gave him an exuberant hug and danced from the room.

Darcy sighed, running his hands through his hair. He picked up his book, opening to where he had left off. He skimmed the page, trying to find his place. After a moment, he tossed the book aside, unable to concentrate. He was stalling and he knew it. He hadn't gone through his mother's jewel case since his father's death. Even then, it had been at the request of the lawyers; they had insisted on an inventory of every piece. He glanced at his wall safe. Bracing himself, he quickly got to his feet and strode purposefully to complete his task. He could do this!

He opened the safe, moving aside various documents. He carefully removed Elizabeth's picture; an involuntary grin crossing his face as he beheld her beauty. Tonight, he would see her tonight. He smiled in contentment. Putting it aside, he found what he was looking for and gently removed the jewel case. Carrying it in both hands, he brought it to his desk and laid it down. Sitting down, he took a deep breath and opened the case. As he gazed at his mother's jewels, memories assaulted his mind; unbidden, unwelcome. Shaking his head to rid himself of those memories, he methodically sifted through the various items. He found the pearl necklace and quickly removed it. Setting it aside, he closed the case, pushing it away as if it burned his fingers. Picking up the pearl necklace, he noticed a ring was caught on the clasp. Carefully removing the ring, he held it in his hands. He closed his eyes in pain. Why did it have to be that one?

Opening his eyes he looked at his Mother's engagement ring; a large square emerald with a delicate gold band. Beautiful in its simplicity. As he gazed at it, he imagined it adorning Elizabeth's slender finger. The simplicity of the design would appeal to her. He knew that Elizabeth would not want anything too gaudy or overdone. And he knew that green was her color. The ring was exquisite, just like his Elizabeth. It would suit her perfectly.

But the thought of seeing his Mother's ring on Elizabeth's hand would be too painful. No, he would get her something else, from him and him alone. A new ring to symbolize a new life, with no painful memories associated with it. He quickly opened the case and placed the ring inside; shutting it with finality.

He checked his watch, noticing it was time to dress. He smiled in anticipation. Placing the jewel case back in his safe, he picked up the pearl necklace and went to find Georgiana.


A short time later, Darcy, Richard and Georgiana were headed to Covent Garden and the Royal Theatre for the performance of Le Nozze di Figaro. It was silent in the carriage; each occupant lost in their own thoughts.

Darcy was counting the minutes until he could see Elizabeth again. He was looking forward to being in her presence for three hours; sitting beside her, conversing with her. The only flaw in his plan was Lynton. He frowned thinking of that obtuse gentleman. He had always considered Lynton to be a man of intelligence and common sense. But in this particular instance he was lacking both. He sighed. He would have to make it abundantly clear tonight that Elizabeth was not available.

Georgiana was anticipating the evening mostly for the performance. She loved music and any opportunity to experience a performance of this magnitude was of great interest to her. She was also looking forward to seeing Miss Elizabeth and Miss Bennet again. She knew that Miss Elizabeth would be occupied primarily with her brother, but she had no cause to repine. Elizabeth would soon be her sister. She smiled, completely happy and content.

Richard was looking forward to an amusing night and good company, which included two very beautiful women and an extremely clueless gentlemen. He smiled in anticipation. A sudden jostling of the carriage caused him to bump legs with his cousin. Darcy was bouncing his leg again, which he eyed in annoyance.

Darcy rolled his eyes at Richard's pointed look, but ceased his movement. Richard chuckled. "You know Darcy, if we hook you up to the carriage, your added energy could get us there much faster."

"I am just anxious to arrive before Lynton. I want to make sure I am the one to escort Elizabeth, not him."

Richard exchanged a sly look with Georgiana that was not lost on Darcy. He narrowed his eyes, looking back and forth between the two. Georgiana gazed at her brother, a serene smile on her face. Richard on the other hand looked entirely too pleased about something. "What did you do, Richard?"

Richard feigned a hurt expression. "Whatever do you mean, Darcy?"

"Don't play the innocent with me Richard. I know that look. It's the same look you wore when you tried to convince my father it was me who locked his stallion in his study."

Richard rubbed his chin and grinned. "I forgot about that."

Darcy snorted. "That's because you didn't have to clean out that stallion's stall for a month."

Georgiana laughed. Richard shrugged his shoulders and said casually, "Let's just say I ah...delayed Lynton's departure. You won't have to worry about him arriving before you." Richard grinned at his cousin.

Darcy stared at Richard. He couldn't believe he would stoop to something so drastic. Although, he felt a measure of gratitude for his interference, it was mingled with a large helping of guilt. He sighed. "I'll ask again, Richard. What did you do?"

Richard grinned deviously. Ironic that Darcy brought up that incident with his father's stallion in light of what he had done to Lynton's. "Nothing so terrible, cousin. I just ah...improved his horses appearance."

Darcy raised his brows. "Care to elaborate, cousin?"

Nonchalantly, Richard said, "I painted them. Green. Well, just their tails, really."

Georgiana burst out laughing. Darcy stared at Richard incredulously. "Let me get this straight. You painted the tails of all Lynton's horses? Green?"

"Yes, I thought it was an appropriate color given that he will be green with envy when he sees you with Miss Elizabeth tonight." Richard smiled smugly at Darcy.

Darcy rubbed his forehead. "Richard, please tell me this improvement isn't permanent."

"Of course not. I'm not that cruel. It's not the horses fault their master is a dense dimwit. Well, when it comes to women anyway."

"Is there any way this can get back to me? Or you?"

Richard shook his head. "Not a chance. Trust me, Darcy. You have nothing to worry about."

Darcy said under his breath, "That's what worries me."

Richard laughed. "Have some faith in me cousin. There is a reason why I got away with so much as a youth."

Darcy sighed, shaking his head, a slight smile on his face. "Well, I guess I should thank you."

Richard grinned. "The pleasure of seeing you happy is thanks enough, cousin." Richard glanced out the window. "Well, we are here. Come, we have lovely ladies to escort, and an unwanted suitor to thwart."

As they filed into the theatre amongst society's finest, Darcy eagerly scanned the crowds for Elizabeth. They had arrived unfashionably early so as not to miss their arrival. Darcy took up post near the entrance so he wouldn't miss her. He also kept an eye out for Lynton. Despite Richard's assurances that he had prevented his arriving early, Darcy wouldn't put it past Lynton to somehow find a way. The man was uncommonly persistent.

"I thought of that, Georgiana. Have some faith in me. I am not entirely heartless, you know." Richard's quiet voice drew Darcy's attention away from watching the steady stream of arrivals.

Darcy turned a questioning look to his sister. "What are you worried about, Georgiana?"

"I am simply afraid that this little prank will cost someone their position." Turning to her cousin, she added, "But if you say no one will, then I trust you."

Richard smiled reassuringly at Georgiana. "No one will. I promise."

Georgiana nodded her head, satisfied. "Then, I have to thank you as well. The idea of that man hovering over Miss Elizabeth makes me so angry!"

"I believe it was your brother who was hovering over Miss Elizabeth yesterday." Richard laughed softly as Darcy scowled.

"You know what I mean. How Sir Reginald cannot see what is between you and Miss Elizabeth is beyond me. Even if I didn't know that you were meant to be together, it is obvious. Even to one as inexperienced as I."

Darcy opened his mouth to respond to his sister when he felt a sudden change in the air. He couldn't explain how, but he knew she was here. Turning slowly, his eyes immediately found her. His breath caught as he beheld her loveliness. She was absolutely radiant. As he took in her appearance, he smiled in satisfaction. He was right, green was her color. As he moved to meet her, she suddenly looked up and their eyes met. Time seemed to slow and he was aware of nothing and no one but her. Her eyes widened slightly and she smiled, her eyes lit with a soft, secret glow meant only for him; a faint blush coloring her face. He quickly closed the distance between them. Standing in front of her, he bowed, taking her gloved hand and bestowed a kiss, gently squeezing her hand before letting go.

Elizabeth curtsied and blushed as he kissed her hand. She met his eyes and her blush deepened at the open admiration evident in his intense blue eyes. "Good evening, Mr Darcy," she said softly.

"Good evening, Miss Elizabeth." His eyes drank in her beautiful features, lingering briefly on her lips before meeting her luminous eyes. Leaning slightly toward her, he lowered his voice and said, "You are beautiful."

Elizabeth glowed at his compliment. "Thank you, Mr Darcy."

Remembering that she was not alone, Darcy turned and greeted her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner and sister, before returning his attention to Elizabeth. Wordlessly, he offered her his arm and felt a thrill of pride as she wrapped her small hand around his arm. He drew her closer by bringing his arm close to his side. Smiling down at her, he led her to Georgiana and Richard; her family following behind.

Elizabeth exchanged greetings with Miss Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam. When Georgiana asked if she was looking forward to the performance, she unconsciously glanced up at Mr Darcy, holding his gaze as she answered. "Yes, I am. Very much."

Georgiana and Richard exchanged amused glances. Richard extended his arm to Georgiana and turned to offer his other arm to Miss Bennet. "Well, shall we find our seats?"

Mrs Gardiner looked around in confusion. "Where is Sir Reginald?"

Richard fixed an innocent expression on his face as he said, "Maybe he was delayed? He'll find us I'm sure."

"I can have my footman keep an eye out for him." Darcy offered.

"No need. I am here." Sir Reginald approached, slightly out of breath with an agitated look in his eyes. He greeted the party and turning to Elizabeth, said, "Forgive me for my late arrival, Miss Elizabeth." He eyed her arm in Darcy's and frowned. "I had hoped to escort you."

Elizabeth smiled sweetly at Sir Reginald. "No need, Sir Reginald. As you see I have found an escort."

Lynton frowned. Of all the days to have something go terribly wrong. When he caught those ruffians who had painted his horses, he would show no mercy. Deciding on a new tactic, he turned his attention to Elizabeth's sister. Perhaps if Miss Bennet thought well of him, she would be an advocate on his behalf. Turning to Richard, he said jokingly, "It doesn't seem fair that you have two lovely ladies to escort, Colonel. I would be pleased if Miss Bennet would do me the honor of escorting her to her seat." He smiled at Elizabeth's older sister.

Jane smiled and serenely said, "It would be a pleasure, Sir Reginald. I thank you."

As the couples moved towards the stairs that led to the box seats, Elizabeth held back Mr Darcy so Jane and Sir Reginald would precede them into the box. Mr Darcy gave her a perplexed look, but she just smiled. He raised his brows, but said nothing; following her lead. Elizabeth wanted to ensure she did not end up seated between the two gentlemen, each vying for her attentions. She was hoping her marked attentions to Mr Darcy would not go unnoticed by Sir Reginald.

As she entered the box, she saw Sir Reginald had led her sister to the far right seat on the front row, closest to the stage. Sir Reginald turned and smiled brightly at her, glancing at the seat to his left, indicating where he would like her to sit. Ignoring Sir Reginald's pointed look, she took the seat behind her sister, which placed Mr Darcy directly behind Sir Reginald.

Darcy, realizing Elizabeth's intent to sit away from Sir Reginald turned to her with a smile. Leaning towards her, he quietly said, "I have always preferred the second row. It offers more privacy, don't you agree?"

Elizabeth met his gaze and smiled. "Yes, I would have to agree." Elizabeth was vaguely aware that her Aunt and Uncle took the seats next to Mr Darcy, which left the remaining front row seats for the Colonel and Miss Darcy. "Would you tell me about tonight's Opera, Mr Darcy?"

"It would be my pleasure, Miss Elizabeth." Darcy described the different characters and gave her a brief summary of the Opera. He watched in pleasure as her eyes danced with mirth as he described the more humorous moments. If she was this excited about his inadequate and incomplete summary, he couldn't wait until he watched her experience it firsthand.

Elizabeth smiled and with a slight blush asked, "And this aria you mentioned in Act Two? When does it occur?"

Darcy looked deeply in Elizabeth's eyes and said simply, "you will know."

A servant entered to extinguish a few lights in their box, in preparation for the performance. Elizabeth glanced up as half the lights in the wall sconce were extinguished, throwing their box into semi-darkness. Elizabeth felt her heart rate speed up, acutely aware of Mr Darcy's close proximity. As the beginning strains of the overture began, Elizabeth forced herself to relax. She took deep, slow breaths to steady her breathing. As the Opera began, Elizabeth leaned slightly forward, not wanting to miss anything.

Darcy was grateful to be sitting to the left of Elizabeth as it offered him the perfect opportunity to watch her without being obvious. He watched in fascination at the various emotions passing across her face. He smiled in pleasure as she laughed out loud in delight at the antics of Cherubino hiding from the Count, while the Count hid from Basilio towards the end of Act One. Occasionally she would turn to him and ask him to clarify what was being said. As Act One ended, Darcy straightened in anticipation for the Second Act and the Aria that would explain what he felt. Would she understand what he was trying to convey?

Elizabeth felt a growing anticipation as Act Two began. She felt Mr Darcy shift beside her, drawing slightly closer. She turned her head and felt her breath catch in her throat at his nearness, merely inches away. She turned back to the stage, trying to compose herself. She stared unseeing as the performance played out before her. Two beautiful arias were sung, but she was not aware of anything but him. As the strains for the third aria began, she felt Mr Darcy lean closer. His breath tickled the small curls at the nape of her neck, sending shivers coursing down her spine. As he began to whisper the words of the aria, she closed her eyes to focus solely on his voice and the words he was whispering near her ear.

You who know what love is,

Lady, (2) see whether it is in my heart

What I am experiencing I will tell you,

Mr Darcy's voice was like a caress, low and intimate as he translated the words of the aria. Elizabeth felt her heart increase and her breathing become erratic. All her senses were heightened, but she felt frozen in her seat, unable to move as the meaning of the words penetrated her heart and mind.

It is new to me and I do not understand it.

I have a feeling full of desire,

That now, is both pleasure and suffering.

At first frost, then I feel the soul burning,

And in a moment I'm freezing again.

Seek a blessing outside myself,

I do not know how to hold it, I do not know what it is.

I sigh and moan without meaning to,

Throb and tremble without knowing,

Elizabeth was unable to withhold a slight gasp from escaping her lips. Unconsciously she leaned closer to Mr Darcy, basking in the warmth of his presence.

I find no peace both night or day,

But even still, I like to languish.

You who know what love is,

Lady, see whether it is in my heart.

Elizabeth,see whatit is in my heart. (3)

She barely caught his low voice, whisper her name. He was pleading, inviting her to see into his heart. Elizabeth stilled, blocking out all sound but the irregular breathing of Mr Darcy, matched closely by her own. With her eyes closed she searched her heart. Could she do it? Gathering her courage she turned her head and met Mr Darcy's gaze, trembling at the tenderness and affection so clearly displayed in his blue eyes. She felt the protective walls she had built around her heart slowly crumble as she showed him her all her insecurities, her fear and above all, her hope of the future. As she held his gaze, she felt the connection between them grow until it was almost tangible. Her eyes filled with tears as the raw emotion displayed in his eyes mirrored perfectly what she feeling. Her heart felt like it was on fire, spreading warmth throughout her body. And in that moment she knew. This man was her future.

A/N: Well, there you have it! Congrats to those who guessed the correct Aria. It is Voi, che sapete. Elizabeth sings the English version (which does not even come close to the beauty of the original) when she is at Pemberley in the 1995 BBC production. There were several different translations out there of the lyrics; I chose the one I liked best (they were all very similar).

(1) Love's Labour's Lost, Act II, Scene I

(2) The translation is actually Ladies or Women, but I changed it. More appropriate for Darcy to refer to one lady, instead of several.

(3) Forgive the liberties taken with the lyrics. Artistic license, and all that.