13. Chapter 13

Chapter 12

Darcy was not aware of the performance being played out on stage or of anyone around him; he saw only Elizabeth. His heart swelled with hope and joy at the trust he saw in her eyes, the emotions so eloquently displayed for him to see. He wanted nothing more than to love, honor and protect her for the rest of his life. Her eyes suddenly filled with tears and he watched in awe as he witnessed the moment she knew as he did, that they were meant to be together. "Elizabeth." Her name fell from his lips like a caress, infused with wonder, joy and hope. She gasped softly, tears falling down her cheeks. His Elizabeth. He had always referred to her as such, but in this perfect moment when their souls were connected by an indelible bond she was his and he was hers. Unconsciously, his hand reached out to wipe the tears from her face. Before he could touch her, a throat cleared loudly next to him and his chair was kicked lightly.

Startled, he turned to see Mr Gardiner glaring at him, forcing him back to reality. He straightened in his chair, placing some distance between himself and Elizabeth. How could he forget himself? He was in the middle of a crowed theatre, inches from her family! He took a deep breath, glancing at Elizabeth who was subtly wiping the tears from her face. Gently, he placed a handkerchief in her hand. He didn't dare bestow any lingering caress as he longed to do, not with her Uncle burning a hole in the side of his head. He tried to focus his attention on the performance, but his gaze kept straying back to her face. He watched as she took deep, steady breaths, her chest rising and falling with each breath. He watched her, captivated until he heard Mr Gardiner clear his throat again, more loudly.

Elizabeth turned her head, giving Darcy a puzzled look. He shook his head slightly and smiled. She then looked past him at her Uncle. Whatever she saw on Mr Gardiners face caused her eyes to widen and she quickly looked down. He suspected that she was blushing. Darcy took a deep breath. He would have to find a way to explain to Mr Gardiner his intentions towards his niece. And soon. He didn't want anything to come between them, most especially her guardian.

Darcy dropped all pretense of watching the Opera. He fixed his gaze in the direction of the stage, but he saw nothing but her. He was acutely aware of every movement Elizabeth made. He couldn't bear to tear his eyes away from her. He knew by her distracted air that she was not aware of what was occurring on stage any more than he was. He smiled in contentment. A part of him never wanted the Opera to end, afraid that once the performance was over, what had passed between them would end as abruptly as a candle being extinguished.

The end of Act Two ended with an ensemble, but Elizabeth was at a loss as to what it was all about. She had lost her concentration long ago. As the performers left the stage, she glanced out the corner of her eye at Mr Darcy. He was looking towards her, although she couldn't tell if he was watching her or the stage. A servant entered to re-light the candles, signaling the start of intermission. As people began to rise from their seats and make their way to the reception hall of the theatre for refreshments, she turned toward Mr Darcy with a smile, suddenly unsure. Had she imagined everything that had passed between them? With doubts clouding her mind, she met his gaze. Immediately any misgivings she harbored fled at the look in his eyes. No, she hadn't imagined it. As they gazed at each other with new understanding, her attention was suddenly diverted by Sir Reginald who had risen from his seat and turned to address her. She looked at him stupidly. Had he said something?

Seeing her confused expression, he repeated his request. "May I escort you to obtain some refreshment, Miss Elizabeth?" He smiled brightly.

Elizabeth looked at Sir Reginald in shock. She quickly looked at her sister, who was blushing in mortification. Did Sir Reginald just slight her sister in order to escort her? The nerve of the man! Elizabeth opened her mouth to express her displeasure, when Mr Darcy averted her reprimand by asking Jane to accompany him. She looked at him in gratitude. Mr Darcy smiled at her before offering Jane his arm. As Mr Darcy passed Sir Reginald she saw him lean in and say something in a low voice, watching in satisfaction as Sir Reginald flushed a bright crimson. Mr Darcy met her eyes before leaving the box with her sister, followed by the Colonel and Miss Darcy.

Elizabeth stood and faced Sir Reginald, who was still a bright red. She simply raised one eyebrow and waited.

Observing Elizabeth's serious expression, he stumbled through a profuse apology for his ungentlemanly actions. "I meant no disrespect to your sister, Miss Elizabeth. Please believe me. I noticed your distress during the last act and thought that Mr Darcy had upset you. I thought only to intervene on your behalf."

Elizabeth was taken aback. Why must this man always witness the most private moments between her and Mr Darcy? "You thought wrong, Sir Reginald. I was in tears, but that does not mean I was upset. I was moved by the beautiful music."

Nonplussed, he said, "Then forgive me, Miss Elizabeth, for my presumption."

Elizabeth sighed. "I am not the one in need of your apology, Sir Reginald."

"I will of course make amends to your sister."

"And Mr Darcy."

Sir Reginald stared at Elizabeth in confusion. "Mr Darcy?"

"Yes, for depriving him of my company, and believing that he could ever upset me." Elizabeth looked at Sir Reginald, forcing him to see the meaning behind her words.

Sir Reginald looked down as he mumbled, "Of course." He took a deep breath and offered his arm to Elizabeth, with a small smile. "Shall we join the others?"

Elizabeth nodded, taking his arm. She made sure there was some distance between them as he escorted her out of Mr Darcy's box. Her Aunt gave her a sympathetic look as she passed. She avoided the gaze of her Uncle, embarrassed that he had witnessed Mr Darcy sit closer to her than propriety allowed. She knew he would want to talk to her, soon.

They made their way down the stairs in silence. As they reached the reception room where refreshments were laid out, Elizabeth eagerly scanned the crowd for any sign of the others in their party. Sir Reginald was silent, a contemplative look on his face. She spied Mr Darcy some distance away, grateful his imposing height allowed him to be easily spotted in a roomful of people. She indicated to her companion the location of their party and wordlessly he steered her in their direction. As they weaved through the crowd she caught snatches of people's conversation, realizing that they all seemed to be discussing the same thing. As she passed a group of people, she heard Mr Darcy's name, causing her to stop in surprise. She tired not to appear as if she were listening, but she couldn't prevent it as the woman was speaking rather loudly.

"...certainly not in Mr Darcy's class, although she is very beautiful. But if he likes fair women, there are plenty to choose from his own social circle. No need to shop amongst the cows." The other women tittered at the young woman's audacity.

They were talking about Mr Darcy and Jane! Elizabeth didn't know whether to be amused or offended. Not in Mr Darcy's social class, indeed! She was a gentleman's daughter, he was a gentleman.

Sir Reginald looked askance at Elizabeth to observe her reaction to the gossip of Mr Darcy and her sister. Noticing that she seemed slightly distressed, he quietly said, "Don't pay any heed to them, Miss Elizabeth."

"I'm not."

Sir Reginald raised his brows, unconvinced of her indifference. "The ton loves nothing more than gossip and any gossip about Darcy is gold."

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth looked at Sir Reginald in confusion.

"Simply that there is nothing about Darcy to gossip about. The man is a mystery to the majority of society. He goes no where, sees no one. He is at his estate for more than ten months out of the year. And suddenly he is attending social events during the season." Sir Reginald looked at Elizabeth pointedly, "And for the very first time, he has shown interest in someone."

Elizabeth blushed, but teasingly said, "You mean, Jane?"

Sir Reginald smiled sadly, "I'm sure they'll realize their mistake, soon enough." He deftly steered her through the throng toward their party.

Elizabeth didn't know what to say. She was grateful that Sir Reginald seemed to understand that her affections lay elsewhere, but she did not like to see that look of sadness and resignation on his face. Especially since she had been the cause. If only he could find his match as she had found hers. She felt someone's gaze and looked up to meet Mr Darcy's intense blue eyes.

Sir Reginald looked back and forth between Elizabeth and Darcy as their gazes remained fixed on each other. He sighed. Excusing himself, he made his way over to Miss Bennet to apologize.

Mr Darcy watched Sir Reginald leave, a displeased look on his face.

Elizabeth, noticing the direction of Mr Darcy's gaze said, "He's going to apologize."

"I should hope so. His behavior towards your sister was unacceptable."

Elizabeth sighed. "He was intervening on my behalf." Mr Darcy looked at her in surprise. Elizabeth blushed slightly, "He noticed my tears and thought you were causing me distress."

Mr Darcy moved closer and in a low voice, asked, "Was I causing you distress?"

Elizabeth met his gaze and said softly, "You know you were not." Wordlessly, they gazed at each other, lost in the myriad of emotions they were both feeling. Elizabeth, feeling overcome with the intensity of her emotions looked away. She noticed those around them were watching with keen interest and several people were whispering to each other, glancing in their direction. She straightened and turned away, embarrassed her feelings for Mr Darcy had been observed by others.

Noticing Elizabeth's sudden change in demeanor, Darcy turned and observed the interest they were generating by those near them. He frowned. Why couldn't they just mind their own business? He glanced at Elizabeth and said softly, "Don't mind them, Elizabeth. I'm afraid the ton is entirely too fascinated with me."

Elizabeth nodded. "Yes, Sir Reginald informed me of that."

At the mention of that gentleman, Darcy's countenance darkened. "Did he?"

Seeing Mr Darcy's forbidding expression, she quickly explained what she had overheard.

Darcy looked at Elizabeth in consternation. "I am sorry you had to hear that, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth smiled softly, a slight blush coloring her cheeks. "It is not your fault, Mr Darcy. I only hope Jane doesn't hear of it. She is very sensitive to gossip, and to know that she is the object of it?" Elizabeth shook her head, "It will distress her."

Mr Darcy sighed. "It will die down, when they see there is nothing to support it."

"Sir Reginald said that as well." Elizabeth said softly.

Mr Darcy looked at Elizabeth, his gaze softening. "I only wish to know if what you heard distresses you."

With a raised brow, she said teasingly, "Why should it?"

Mr Darcy slowly smiled, and in a low voice said, "Why indeed?"

Elizabeth held his gaze until the Colonel and Miss Darcy approached. Miss Darcy asked her how she liked the Opera thus far. While they were conversing, she noticed the Colonel speak quietly to Mr Darcy. She watched in concern as Mr Darcy's expression darkened and he responded angrily to his cousin.

Georgiana, noticing Elizabeth's concerned expression asked her what was wrong. "The Colonel said something to upset your brother."

Georgiana laughed. "That is nothing new. Richard delights in vexing my brother."

Before Elizabeth could respond, the Colonel turned and addressed her. "May I escort you back to your seat, Miss Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth tried to hide her surprise and feeling of disappointment. The Colonel, noticing her dismay, smiled and said quietly, "To thwart the gossips."

"Ah, I understand." Elizabeth's eyes twinkled as she looked at Mr Darcy, "What would they say to see you escorting two different women in the course of an hour?"

Mr Darcy sighed in frustration. Looking at Elizabeth, he said, "I wish it were otherwise, but I think my cousin is right." Darcy directed an annoyed look at Richard, "He thinks that it will confuse them if they see me escorting my sister instead of you or Miss Bennet, as they expect."

Elizabeth shook her head in amusement, "It is all rather ridiculous. But I would hate to cause trouble." She looked at Mr Darcy with a soft expression. "I know how you value your privacy and to be the cause of their gossip must pain you exceedingly." She smiled brightly at the Colonel, "So lead on, Colonel."

Darcy stared at Elizabeth in wonder. She was concerned for him? When Richard suggested that he escort his sister, instead of Elizabeth, his initial reaction had been anger. He had escorted her before the Opera began, why should he not escort her again? Richard had calmly explained that since he was under such scrutiny, every move he made would have repercussions. His escorting Elizabeth at the beginning of the Opera had gone all but unnoticed, but not so when he escorted Elizabeth's sister. Richard had said the room had been buzzing with speculation about the nature of his relationship with Miss Bennet. Especially since he had never before been seen in the company of a woman not of his family. He had agreed with Richard that this would protect Elizabeth and her sister from unwanted gossip. Although he was ready to declare his intentions to society, he knew it was too soon. Courting Elizabeth away from the prying eyes of the ton would be better. But none of that had even occurred to his Elizabeth, she was worried only about him!

As Elizabeth moved away on the arm of his cousin, Darcy quickly followed with his sister. In the crush of people making their way back to their seats, he couldn't refrain from reaching out and lightly pressing his hand to the small of Elizabeth's back possessively. He felt her immediate reaction as she jumped slightly in surprise, followed by a quick intake of breath. His cousin inquired if she was well and her breathless response left Darcy smiling in satisfaction.

Elizabeth forced herself to take even breaths. She could feel the heat of Mr Darcy's hand through the silk of her gown. As they made their way through the crush of people, his hand remained pressed against the small of her back. He began to lightly draw circles with his thumb causing tingles to race up and down her spine. As they exited the reception room and the crowd dispersed, Mr Darcy's hand dropped away. Elizabeth immediately regretted the loss of contact, and she blushed at the thought.

A dazed Elizabeth was escorted into the box and she vaguely noticed Sir Reginald and her sister conversing with her Aunt and Uncle and she spoke a few words in greeting. Her sister looked at her with a puzzled expression, but Elizabeth was not in the state of mind to discern the cause. Mr Darcy and Miss Darcy entered the box and there was some discussion of where everyone should sit during the second half of the Opera. Jane was adamant that Elizabeth sit on the front row in her previous seat, so she could have a much better experience by sitting nearer the stage. Elizabeth blushed at the inaccuracy of her sister's statement. Her sister couldn't possibly know that her experience thus far had been life changing. She glanced up, meeting Mr Darcy's gaze and her blush deepened.

Mr and Mrs Gardiner refused to take seats in the front row and were quite content to remain where they were. Judging by the look in her Uncle's eye, she surmised that he wanted to keep an eye on the gentlemen and sitting in the second row afforded a better view to do so. Elizabeth was led to Jane's previous seat in the front row, the Colonel beside her. She was surprised when Jane and Sir Reginald took the seats next to her and the Colonel, which placed Mr Darcy in his original seat behind the Colonel, Miss Darcy beside him.

The second half of the Opera began, but Elizabeth was not able to concentrate on the performance. Her gaze was fixed on the stage, but she took in nothing. Her entire being was attuned to the man behind her. She was aware of every movement he made, every breath he took. She could feel his gaze burning into her and she had to force herself not to turn and look at him. Finally, the Opera ended and she breathed a sigh of relief. She turned to the Colonel and was surprised to see a look of amusement on his face. She looked at him in bewilderment.

Richard leaned towards Elizabeth and said quietly, "I don't believe you or Darcy were paying any attention to the performance."

Elizabeth laughed lightly, trying unsuccessfully to act nonchalant as a traitorous blush crept up her face.

The Colonel smiled at her knowingly and winked. "I am sorry you had to put up with me, Miss Elizabeth." Seeing her look of surprise, he added, "Darcy knows that the ton is much too interested in his life as they find he is rather...enigmatic. He simply wants to protect you as much as possible from the gossip that is sure to come from being in his company."

Elizabeth was contemplative as she took in the Colonel's words. Recalling the derogative statement of the young woman who said Mr Darcy didn't need to shop amongst the cows to find a wife, Elizabeth face paled in realization. "It is because he thinks I am beneath him."

Richard looked at Elizabeth in horror, aghast that his words could have been misinterpreted. "No! No, not at all. Miss Elizabeth, don't accuse Darcy of something other's have said. It is not true." Richard looked at Elizabeth with a significant look. "And you know it."

Elizabeth took a deep breath. It was so easy to allow her insecurities to surface, for doubts to cloud her mind and color her judgment. "You are right, Colonel Fitzwilliam. Of course."

Richard searched Elizabeth's face and was satisfied with what he saw. Darcy still has some work to do, he thought idly.

Elizabeth stood and immediately noticed Mr Darcy conversing with her Uncle, who wore a serious expression on his face as he listened to Mr Darcy. How strange. What could Mr Darcy have to say to my Uncle? Sensing her gaze, her Uncle looked up and smiled. He and Mr Darcy stood, shaking hands and heard her Uncle say, "until tomorrow, Mr Darcy." She glanced at Mr Darcy with a questioning look, which he returned with a smile and a light in his eyes that she found mesmerizing.

As Elizabeth filed out of the box with the others and made their way to the foyer, Mr Darcy leaned in and whispered something to the Colonel. He gave Mr Darcy an amused look but said nothing. What was going on? Enigmatic indeed, she huffed.

When they reached the foyer, the Colonel excused himself and left. Sir Reginald said his farewells to Mr and Mrs Gardiner and Miss Darcy, before thanking Mr Darcy for the invitation. He spoke a few words to Jane, kissing her hand before turning to her. "I hope that you had a pleasant evening, Miss Elizabeth."

"I did, thank you, Sir Reginald. I hope you did as well."

Sir Reginald looked at her for a moment before replying. "It was...enlightening." He smiled, giving her a bow, raising her hand and bestowing a light kiss. "Good evening, Miss Elizabeth."

"Good evening." Elizabeth watched him walk away until a servant approached with their wraps. As Elizabeth reached for hers, Mr Darcy prevented her by taking it instead. She looked at him in surprise. He simply waited. Realizing his intention she wordlessly turned around and Mr Darcy placed her cloak around her shoulders, his fingers lightly brushing the sides of her neck. She shivered slightly. Turning back around, she met his gaze and said softly, "Thank you."

Mr Darcy said nothing but turned and assisted his sister. The Colonel returned, a gleeful light in his eyes, announcing that their carriages were ready. Offering his arm to Elizabeth, he escorted her outside. As they exited the theatre, there was some commotion near one of the carriages as a great number of people were congregating near it. As everyone made their way towards the crowd, Elizabeth stopped in astonishment. She leaned over and asked Miss Darcy, "Is it just me, or do those horses appear to have a slightly greenish hue to their tails?"

Miss Darcy tried to hide her mirth as she responded, "It could merely be due to the light from the torches that caused them to look green." Her composure failed as she dissolved into giggles.

Elizabeth turned to see what the others made of it. She immediately noticed the Colonel was trying desperately not to laugh. The expression on the faces of the others ranged from incredulity to shock. Mr Darcy's lips twitched, but otherwise his face remained impassive.

She heard many in the crowd exclaim that it was a 'capital idea' to paint ones horses' tails. She even heard one gentlemen lament to his companion why he hadn't thought of it before. Elizabeth was astonished. "Whose horses are they?" she asked to no one in particular. No sooner had she voiced her question then Sir Reginald appeared and entered the carriage. Elizabeth's eyes widened in surprise.

Jane came up beside her and said disbelievingly, "Who would have thought Sir Reginald would be so fanciful? What could he mean by it?"

The Colonel said with a laugh, "Why, Miss Bennet, don't you realize that Lynton is a leader of the ton? He is merely setting a trend. Tomorrow there will be dozens of horses who have painted tails. You'll see." With a laugh and a wink, he led Elizabeth to the Gardiner's carriage.


Late that night, Elizabeth lay in bed, Jane beside her. The two sisters had often shared a bed in the past, as it made it easier for their late night talks. Their conversation had begun with their observations and thoughts of the Opera; how much they enjoyed the music and the performance. Elizabeth felt slightly guilty that she had to prevaricate so her sister was not aware that she didn't take in anything beyond what occurred in the First Act. Her mind had been much more agreeably engaged. Elizabeth blushed slightly.

Her sister's distraction did not go unnoticed by Jane and she bluntly asked, "What happened between you and Mr Darcy tonight, Lizzy?"

Elizabeth was silent for a moment before responding. "What do you mean?"

Jane propped herself up on an elbow so she could better see her sister in the pale moonlight streaming through the window. "Don't hedge, Lizzy. You were acting very peculiar tonight. Don't think I didn't notice."

Elizabeth sighed. How could she put into words what had happened between her and Mr Darcy? Did she want to? That moment between them had been...indescribable. She wanted to keep it between them; speaking of it seemed almost sacrilegious.

Jane watched the conflicting emotions pass across her sisters face, and decided to ask an easier question. "Do you think Sir Reginald will continue to pursue you after tonight."

Without hesitation, Elizabeth answered. "No."

"How can you be sure?"

Elizabeth sighed, turning on her side to face her sister. "After you left with Mr Darcy, I hinted that my affections lay elsewhere."

Jane looked in surprise at her sister. "And he understood your meaning?"

Remembering the sadness and resignation in Sir Reginald's eyes, she nodded, "Yes, he did."

"You are happy about that?" Jane asked hesitantly, picking up on the sadness in her sister's voice.

Rolling onto her back, Elizabeth said, "Yes. I am glad that he knows my affections lie elsewhere, but I am sorry to cause pain to anyone. I never asked for it."

"He knows, Lizzy. Besides, your acquaintance is of such a short duration he can't feel it too keenly."

"That is true." Elizabeth was silent, her mind reliving the events of the evening. She analyzed every look, every emotion that she had felt and seen displayed in Mr Darcy's eyes. And that moment, that moment when she had known with certainty that Mr Darcy was her future. As her mind wrapped around that thought, she finally grasped what that certainty, that sure knowledge really meant. "I'm going to marry Mr Darcy." She whispered in awe. Not realizing that Jane was still awake, she was startled when her sister suddenly sat up.

Jane exclaimed in equal parts excitement and disbelief. "What? What did you say, Lizzy?"

Elizabeth slightly groaned. "Nothing, Jane. It was nothing."

Jane reached over to her sister, forcing her to sit up. At Elizabeth's protest, she said, "I need to see your face, Lizzy." When Elizabeth was facing her sister, Jane asked in astonishment, "Did Mr Darcy declare himself?"

How could she answer that? Had he declared himself? As she thought about the words of the Aria he had whispered so intimately in her ear; words of desire and love, asking her to look in his heart. She knew he was speaking those words to her. But the words had paled in comparison to the emotion displayed in his eyes, the connection that had been between them. Yes, in a way he had declared himself. And so had she.

Jane saw her answer clearly in Elizabeth's eyes and she knew. In wonder, she whispered, "He did. Lizzy!"

Elizabeth looked at her sister. Her eyes suddenly filled with tears, overcome with all she had experienced that evening. How could her life change so significantly? Was it really that easy? "I suppose he did, in a way."

Jane looked confused. "Be clear, Lizzy. He did, or he didn't."

"He did." Elizabeth looked at her sister in wonder. "Jane, he did."

Jane laughed, exultantly. "Well, he doesn't waste any time." Turning serious, she took her sister's hand and said, "But Lizzy, what do you feel for the gentleman? Do you return his regard?"

Elizabeth looked at her sister, her dearest friend and confidant. If anyone would understand, it would be her dear Jane. "Do you recall me telling you that my heart was telling me one thing, but my mind another?"

Jane nodded her head, "Yes, you said you needed time for the two to be in accord."

Elizabeth nodded. "My mind is telling me that I don't even know him. I have spent only a handful of hours in his presence, Jane! How can I know he is the one for me? But on the other hand, my heart whispers he is meant for me; that he is the other half of my soul. I know this, Jane. Don't ask me how. But I know." Elizabeth looked earnestly at her sister, hoping to make her understand.

Jane's eyes filled with tears, and she reached out to envelop her sister in an embrace. "Oh Lizzy! No one deserves such happiness more than you." She released her sister, gently wiping the tears from her eyes. "You will have time to become acquainted with Mr Darcy. That is the purpose of a courtship after all. I imagine he is coming tomorrow to speak with our Uncle?" Jane looked at her sister with a mischievous smile.

"How do you know, Jane?" Elizabeth looked at her sister in surprise. "I heard our Uncle say he would see Mr Darcy tomorrow, but about what, I can't imagine."

Jane stared at her sister, incredulously. "Lizzy, for someone so clever, you are being deliberately obtuse!"

"I am not!" Elizabeth exclaimed. "I have no idea why Mr Darcy would want to see my Uncle. I can't imagine they have any business dealings to discuss. I don't think they are more than passing acquaintances..." Elizabeth voice trailed off as a thought came into her head so obvious, she couldn't believe she didn't see it before. Could Mr Darcy be coming to talk to her Uncle about her?

Jane laughed at the look on her sister's face. "Now, do you understand?"

Hesitantly, Elizabeth asked, "Do you think he is coming to ask Uncle permission to..to.."

"Court you?" Jane offered with a smile. "Yes, of course! What else?" Jane gave her sister a sly look, "We'll have to make sure you look your best tomorrow when Mr Darcy comes to call. Although, I believe you could wear rags and he would not care one bit; he would still think you beautiful."

Elizabeth laughed, her heart light. With a raised brow, she said teasingly, "He might not if I had dark circles under my eyes and fell asleep during our conversation!"

Jane laughed as Elizabeth laid back down, bidding her sister a goodnight.

Jane reached over and gently touched her arm, "Good night, Lizzy. All will be well. You'll see."

Yes, all will be well. Elizabeth smiled and slowly drifted off to sleep.

A/N: Poor Sir Reginald. I couldn't help but add insult to injury with another reference to his poor horses. But I softened the blow by not making him a source of ridicule but an object of emulation - setting a trend and all that! :) But this is not the last you will see of him, he'll pop up again. And no, he is not a villain.

I also want to briefly address Elizabeth's parentage. There have been many who have speculated that Elizabeth is the illegitimate daughter of Mr Bennet or Mrs Bennet. Without giving anything away, I will say this: Elizabeth is NOT illegitimate. I admit that thought did cross my mind for about 2 seconds, but discarded it immediately as it was too obvious. I want to keep you all guessing. ;)

Please review!