27. Chapter 27

Chapter 26

Elizabeth silently held Jane's hand as they traveled home. Thankfully her Aunt and Uncle were silent as well, allowing her to reflect on the events of the evening. She squeezed Jane's hand reassuringly. Dear Jane. What courage she had demonstrated tonight. She knew her sister was likely berating herself soundly for her indecorous display but all Elizabeth felt was gratitude and no small amount of awe.

Upon entering the Gardiner townhouse, Elizabeth and Jane bid a hasty good night to their Aunt and Uncle before quickly retreating upstairs. By unspoken agreement, Elizabeth followed Jane into her bedroom. As soon as the door closed, Jane collapsed against the door, laughing.

Elizabeth stared at her sister in surprise. This was the last thing she expected. Upon seeing her sister's confused expression, Jane laughed harder, clutching her stomach.

Jane stumbled over to her dressing table, sitting down as she wiped tears of mirth from her eyes. "What a night!"

Elizabeth laughed and began to remove the pins from Jane's hair. "Indeed, it was."

Jane shook her head in disbelief. "I can't believe I did that." She looked at her sister through the mirror. "You are a bad influence on me, Lizzy."

Elizabeth smiled, shaking her head. "No Jane. That was you. All you. I must say, you were magnificent." She deftly braided Jane's hair and they switched places.

Jane removed the pins from Elizabeth's hair, sighing softly. "I know what I did was improper, but I would do it again. What that woman said about you was inexcusable!" Jane raised her eyes to meet Elizabeth's sympathetic gaze, a glimmer of the previous fire still burning within the depths of her blue eyes. "Especially since she acted like a complete hoyden towards your Mr Darcy the entire evening! And then she had the gall to accuse you of being a strumpet?" Jane shook her head in anger.

Elizabeth sighed deeply as Jane finished braiding her hair. She stood, turning to face her sister. "Yes, Miss Bingley's behavior was deplorable." Quirking an eyebrow, she grinned mischievously. "Colonel Fitzwilliam was certainly impressed."

To Elizabeth's delight, Jane blushed a becoming crimson.

"Don't tease me, Lizzy!"

Elizabeth laughed. "I'm not. I'm simply stating the facts. You should have seen his face, Jane! He was positively glowing with pride. I almost expected him to declare himself in that very moment."

Jane huffed a laugh, shaking her head. "Well, at least someone received pleasure from my improper display."

They were both silent as they helped the other to undress. After changing into their nightclothes they both climbed onto the bed, settling comfortably on the soft counterpane.

Elizabeth took Jane's hand, squeezing it gently. "Jane, it may have been improper, but no one faulted you for it. Indeed, I would have done something as rash if you had not stepped in."

Elizabeth smiled gratefully at her sister. "Thank you, Jane."

"You're welcome, Lizzy." She raised her brows. "Now, if I'm not mistaken, I believe a certain gentleman declared to the entire room that he would make you his wife."

It was Elizabeth's turn to blush crimson. "I was as surprised as you, Jane. I never imagined that Fitzwilliam would declare his intentions in such a way."

Jane stared wide eyed at her sister. "Lizzy, did you just refer to Mr Darcy by his Christian name?"

Elizabeth looked down, avoiding her sister's knowing gaze. "Yes, I did."

"Lizzy! What does this mean?" She gasped, bringing her hand to her throat. "When you left with Georgiana! Did she take you to see Mr Darcy?" She grabbed Elizabeth's hand in her excitement. "Did he propose?"

Elizabeth's head shot up in surprise. Her sister was too discerning. "Yes and no."

"Yes, Georgiana took you to see Mr Darcy, but no, he didn't propose?"

Elizabeth nodded her head in agreement. "Georgiana took me to meet Fitzwilliam in his study. He wanted me to be present when he opened my gifts."

Jane frowned in confusion. "And he didn't use the opportunity to propose? Why ever not?"

Elizabeth bit her lip, remembering Fitzwilliam's distress at her leaving so suddenly after her imprudent kiss. She knew, instinctively, that he wanted her alone so he could propose and she had ruined it.

Elizabeth looked down, tracing the pattern of the counterpane with her finger. "I believe he would have, but something occurred which prevented him from declaring himself."

Jane looked at her in surprise. "What happened?"

Taking a deep breath, Elizabeth looked up to met her sister's gaze. "I kissed him."

Jane became still, staring at her sister in shock. She blinked. "Did you just say that you kissed him?"

Elizabeth slowly nodded her head, a blush creeping over her face. "I did. It was very brief, but I most definitely initiated the kiss."

Jane continued to stare at her sister in silence, her eyes wide. In a strangled voice she whispered, "You compromised him?"

Elizabeth's eyes widened in shock. Had she? She shook her head, saying firmly, "No, I didn't Jane." At her sister's incredulous look, she reiterated, "I didn't because if I hadn't kissed him, he most definitely would have kissed me."

Jane shook her head, closing her eyes. "Tell me everything that happened."

Elizabeth took a deep breath, sharing everything that happened in Fitzwilliam's study, except for the story he had shared about his mother and the flowers. That was too private to share with her sister. As she related the part about his intent to kiss her, she brought her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs as she remembered that moment and how he had made her feel. Beautiful. Desirable. Adored. Loved. She looked at Jane who wore a soft smile on her face, a pink blush staining her cheeks.

"You're not disappointed in me, are you, Jane?"

Jane shook her head, smiling. "I am hardly one to judge, Lizzy. Especially after my behavior tonight. I think it's romantic. I'm sure Mr Darcy won't soon forget this birthday." She huffed. "But he still should have proposed!"

Elizabeth laughed. "I told you what happened, Jane. I didn't give him a chance. I ran." Biting her lip, her eyes glowing with happiness, she added, "He asked for a private audience with me tomorrow."

Jane's eyes brightened. "Truly?"

Elizabeth nodded, hugging her legs tighter. "It's finally happening, Jane. By this time tomorrow, I will be an engaged woman."

Jane squealed, bouncing lightly on the bed. "Oh, I am so happy for you, Lizzy!"

Elizabeth laughed at her sister's exuberance. With a sly smile, she said, "Perhaps, you will be engaged soon yourself?"

Jane blushed, a hopeful light in her eyes. Shrugging her shoulders, she said, nonchalantly, "Perhaps."

Elizabeth flopped down on her back, sighing happily. "Do you remember on our journey to London when I said what could possibly happen in two months?"

Jane nodded, gracefully laying on her side to face her sister. "I do remember."

Elizabeth turned on her side, propping her head in her hand. With sparkling eyes, she smiled widely. "On our journey here, I never could have imagined that I would fall in love and become engaged within a month of making that statement. Or that you would fall in love as well."

Jane smiled. "I know. Incredible, isn't it, Lizzy?" Jane's happy countenance became grave and she said, quietly, "We only have three more weeks in London before we return home."

Elizabeth sat up, looking at her sister. This news did not bother her too much. She and Fitzwilliam would be engaged and although they would be parted, she knew it would only be for a short time before they were married. Elizabeth's heart raced at the thought of becoming Fitzwilliam's wife. His wife! Seeing Jane's downcast expression, she sobered immediately.

"Jane," Elizabeth said hesitantly. "I'm sure Colonel Fitzwilliam will declare himself before we return home." With conviction, she added, "He must!"

Jane sighed softly as she lay on her back, her expression contemplative. Almost inaudibly, she whispered, "He is afraid, I think."

"What do you mean? What is he afraid of?"

Jane sat up and faced her sister. "He is afraid of what may happen in the coming months, Lizzy. His life is so uncertain right now and I think he is waiting until he knows if he will be leaving."

Elizabeth stared at Jane in astonishment. "Leaving? Where? Why?"

Jane laughed, shaking her head in bemusement. "Oh Lizzy, lost in your own little world. Haven't you heard the conversations about Colonel Fitzwilliam possibly being sent back to the Iberian Peninsula?"

"Truly? Oh Jane!" Elizabeth berated herself for being so self absorbed. How could she have missed something so important?

Jane smiled sadly. "It is true. He still doesn't know and I think the uncertainty is causing him to be more cautious."

Elizabeth's heart ached for her sister. How would she feel if the man she loved was sent to the continent, with the possibility of him being harmed, perhaps even killed? She shook her head, chastising herself for even thinking such a horrible thought.

"Why doesn't he just sell out? I'm sure there are other opportunities for a man of his ability and intelligence, not to mention his connections."

Jane nodded. "Yes, I have thought of that as well. But, I'm not in a position to suggest it. Indeed, it's not my place."

Elizabeth huffed. "Of course it is Jane."

Jane shook her head vehemently. "It is not, Lizzy. We are not engaged. We haven't even come to an understanding. It would be inappropriate for me to suggest it. Please, say no more about it."

Elizabeth gazed at her sister's resolute expression. She sighed. "Very well, Jane. I will say nothing more." To you, she added silently. She would definitely ask Fitzwilliam.

Deciding Jane needed something to distract her from thoughts of the Colonel, she asked nonchalantly, "What did you think about Mr Bingley?"

Jane looked at Elizabeth, a reflective expression on her face. "I liked him. He is amiable, attentive, knowledgeable, kind. I enjoyed our conversation at dinner very much."

Elizabeth arched a brow, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Did you think him handsome?"

Jane nodded. "Yes, I suppose one could call him handsome."

Elizabeth watched her sister. She seemed completely unaffected by Mr Bingley. She decided to try another tactic to elicit more of a response. "He showed you marked interest tonight, Jane."

"Yes, I suppose he did." Jane looked at her sister, her expression calm and serene.

Elizabeth smiled, content. Perhaps Mr Bingley's interest in her sister would be the impetus the Colonel needed to finally declare himself.

Much later that night, as Elizabeth lay in bed beside her sleeping sister, her last thought before succumbing to a peaceful slumber was that Jane had not corrected her when she said she was in love with Colonel Fitzwilliam.


Darcy strode down the hallway towards the small dining room to break his fast. Sleep had eluded him, his thoughts alternating between Elizabeth and how to handle the situation with John Williamson.

Entering the dining room, he halted at the uncharacteristic presence of his cousin. He fought the urge to check his watch to verify that it was indeed before noon.

"Richard, what are you doing up so early?"

Richard smiled, raising his coffee cup. "I wanted to be the first to congratulate you on your betrothal to your lady love."

Darcy sighed, taking his customary seat at the head of the table. "We are not betrothed, Richard."

Richard clanked his cup in the saucer loudly. "Good heavens, she didn't refuse you?"

Darcy glared at his cousin. "Of course not! I never got the chance to ask. An oversight I will remedy later this morning."

Richard stared at Darcy in confusion. "I thought all those heated looks between the two of you last night was indication that things had finally been settled between you."

Darcy shook his head. "I need to speak to you about something important."

Richard raised his brows. "More important than your Miss Elizabeth?"

Darcy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He leveled a grave look at his cousin. "He's been found."

"I see. Well, let's not ruin our breakfast with talk of that man. Let's resume this conversation in your study."

Darcy agreed and they both were silent, lost in their thoughts as they ate. When they finished, they both arose and silently made their way to his study down the hall.

As soon as the door was closed, Darcy turned to his cousin. "I'm debating on whether or not to inform Gardiner right away that he's been found."

Richard settled himself in his favorite chair before the fireplace before responding. "I understand your reluctance, Darcy. But didn't Gardiner promise Miss Elizabeth answers after he was found?"

Darcy sighed, taking the chair across from Richard. "Yes. And for that reason, Gardiner will be told. But when? Now or after we've ascertained if he's a threat to Elizabeth?"

Richard nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Well, I don't see any reason to tell him immediately. I assume you are having men follow Williamson?"

Darcy nodded his head in agreement. He rubbed his hand over his face wearily. "I think the best thing would be to approach him myself and talk to him."

Richard raised his brows. "That didn't work out so well the last time, if I'm not mistaken. Didn't he run from you?"

Darcy stood and began pacing. "Well, what would you have me do, Richard? Have him followed for an indefinite amount of time?"

Richard slowly shook his head. "No, but I don't think you should approach him. Let him come to us."

Darcy paused, looking at his cousin with interest. "Go on."

Richard grinned. "Well, I say the best way to catch a rat is to put out bait."

Darcy glared at his cousin. "We are not using Elizabeth as bait!"

Richard held up his hands. "No, of course not! I would never suggest such a thing." He leaned back in his chair, extending his legs in front of him. "It's simple. Simply have the men following him be obvious about it. When Williamson confronts them, he'll be handed your card with a request to meet with him."

Darcy slowly nodded, rubbing his chin. "That could work." He leveled a look at Richard. "Or he could run."

Richard shrugged his shoulders. "Possibly. But I bet his curiosity would get the better of him. He'll want to know why he's being followed."

"Very well. Will you inform Jones and Hoskins?"

Richard nodded. "I'll do it on my way to the War Office." He stood, stretching lightly. With a sly smile, he asked, "What did you think of Jane's spectacular display last night?"

"I was very...impressed with her courage to do such a thing in polite company."

Richard smiled with pride. "That's my girl!"

Darcy snorted. "No, she isn't. You have been dragging your feet, Richard." He raised his brows. "Perhaps, you have reconsidered?"

Richard simply grinned, heading for the door. He turned and with a wink said, "Good luck today, Darcy."

Darcy's heart picked up and he smiled in anticipation. Today. He would finally secure Elizabeth's hand today. He flipped open his watch to check the time. He groaned. Too early for a social call. He snapped his watch shut, in frustration. He knew Elizabeth was expecting his arrival at his customary time of one o'clock. But he would go mad if he had to wait that long. He sighed, running his hands through his hair. He didn't care if it was too early. He was not waiting a moment longer. Decision made, he rang to inform Fletcher he was leaving.


Elizabeth sat at the pianoforte, idly stroking the keys, her mind and heart focused on Fitzwilliam's arrival later that day. She glanced at the mantle clock and sighed. Too early. She straightened, bringing her hands to her lap. She took a deep breath in a futile attempt to calm the butterflies that had taken up residence in her stomach upon awaking that morning. She glanced down at her morning dress, running a hand lightly down the bodice, self consciously. She had dressed with particular care that morning in anticipation of Fitzwilliam's visit. She bit her lip, wishing her gown was green and not white.

"You look lovely, Lizzy. Now, stop fidgeting." Jane smiled, looking up from her place on the sofa.

Elizabeth sighed and stood, sitting beside her sister. She picked up her book laying on the table beside her and began to read. She made a concentrated effort to the words on the page, but her mind kept drifting, lingering on Fitzwilliam's expression the night before in his study when he had voiced his intention to kiss her. She blushed.

Jane sighed softly. "You need to get out, Lizzy. Perhaps we could take a turn in the park?"

Elizabeth looked at her sister gratefully. "Yes, please."

Jane laughed. "Then let us go."

Elizabeth stood hastily and followed her sister. As they donned their outerwear, Simmons approached with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Forgive me, ladies, but I'm afraid it will not be possible for you to venture out this morning."

Elizabeth looked at Simmons in surprise. Why ever not?"

"I understand that your, ah...escorts are not available this morning."

Elizabeth scowled. This was getting ridiculous. "Is there a footman who could accompany us?"

Simmons face turned red. " I apologize Miss Bennet, Miss Elizabeth, but you will need to discuss it with your Uncle. "

Jane took Elizabeth's hand, averting her response. "Let us go to the garden instead, Lizzy."

Elizabeth reluctantly followed Jane. In an undertone, she whispered, "I think they are overreacting, Jane."

Jane gave her a sympathetic look. "Perhaps, but they are just taking precautions to ensure our protection. We don't know what Mr Williamson's intent is, Lizzy. Besides, it hasn't hampered our movement until now."

"Well, I will be speaking with our Uncle, Jane. It has been more than a fortnight and nothing has happened."

Jane sighed. "That doesn't mean that nothing will, Lizzy. I think Mr Darcy and our Uncle are correct in being cautious."

Jane paused at the threshold to the garden. "If it's all right with you, I think I will remain inside." She turned to her sister. "Unless you wish for my company?"

Elizabeth shook her head, smiling. "No Jane. I don't mind. I could use some time alone."

Jane smiled, kissing her sister on the cheek. "Here, take my shawl. It is a little chilly out this morning."

Elizabeth continued outside, pausing to breath deeply the crisp, spring air. How she missed the countryside! She wondered what Derbyshire was like this time of year. She smiled contentedly with the realization that she would soon find out. She drew her shawl close around her shoulders, letting her feet take her to the Oak tree. She stood still, looking up at the leaves spreading above her like a large, green coverlet. So many happy memories were associated with this spot. All of them involving the man she had come to love and depend on. She laid her hand on the trunk, feeling the roughness under her palm. How long had it stood, weathering countless storms?

She thought back to her conversation with Fitzwilliam that momentous Sunday when he had climbed this tree with her. If you would know strength and patience... (1) She knew he had not simply been referring to trees, but to her as well. Dear Fitzwilliam. She smiled. He believed that she possessed strength and patience. In a way, she supposed he was correct. It definitely took strength of character and patience to withstand the buffetings of her mother's constant disdain. But her strength and patience was comparable to a sapling, not this large, sturdy oak tree. Fitzwilliam gave her strength and confidence in herself. But patience...she sighed, shaking her head. She tried, truly, she did. But it was so difficult sometimes to bear her mother's derision with patience and forbearance. She knew that with time and Fitzwilliam by her side, she would be able to withstand her mother's contempt with more patience and maybe even, indifference. Although, living in a county separate from mama would certainly help, she thought wryly. She gazed up at the branches spreading above her. Making a quick decision, she tied her shawl around her waist tightly and began to climb.

When she reached the top, she settled herself somewhat comfortably on a large branch, turning to look down at the garden far below her, marveling at how different everything looked from this perspective. If only she were able to see her mother in a different light, a new perspective. She knew that something must have happened years ago to cause her to become so bitter and vindictive. She prayed that Mr Williamson would soon be found and she would receive the answers her Uncle had promised.

She shivered as a gust of wind tore through the tree, making the branches sway precariously. She gripped the branch more firmly, her heart pounding. Deciding that it would be most inconvenient to fall on such an auspicious day, she stood to climb down. As she turned to begin her descent, her hair got caught on a small branch, causing her to gasp more out of surprise than pain. Gripping the branch tightly with one hand, she carefully reached up with her other hand and attempted to remove her hair from the offending branch. When she realized it would be impossible to do so with only one hand, she paused, considering her options. She huffed in exasperation. There was only one option available that didn't include her falling or remaining attached to the tree. She reached up and deftly removed the pins from her hair, placing them carefully in the pocket of her gown. After the last pin was removed, she reached up and carefully untangled her hair from the branch, wincing as she tore a few strands in the process.

Once her hair was free, she breathed a sigh of relief. Pushing it back from her face, she turned to begin her climb down. As she was making her way carefully down the tree, she heard a voice that caused her to gasp in surprise.


Elizabeth looked down, her eyes widening in shock as she spied Fitzwilliam standing beneath the tree. Her eyes widened in horror as her hair swirled around her. Her hair!

"Elizabeth, are you here?"

"I'm here, Mr Darcy. Just a moment." Before he could look up and see her, she positioned herself out of sight, settling on a branch. She quickly braided her hair, winding it in a low bun.

Taking a pin from the pocket of her gown, she stuck it in her hair. "You're early, Mr Darcy."

With amusement, he responded, "Should I return later, Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth huffed a laugh as she stuck two more pins in her hair. "That won't be necessary, Mr Darcy. I will be right down."

"What are you doing?"

Elizabeth adjusted her position slightly so she could peer down, meeting the amused gaze of Fitzwilliam. "Nothing."

She sat back, quickly removing a pin before placing it in the bun at the nape of her neck. She fumbled for the next pin, watching it fall and land at Fitzwilliam's feet. She saw him bend over and pick it up. She leaned back, closing her eyes. Why did she have to climb a tree today? Quickly placing her last pin in her hair, she stood.

"Turn around, please, Mr Darcy. I'm coming down."

Without waiting for his response, she quickly descended. When she came to the lowest branch hanging over the bench, she gasped as she felt strong hands grip her waist. She was lowered with care to stand next to Fitzwilliam on the bench. He gazed at her for a long moment, before reaching in his inside pocket.

Holding up her hair pin, he quirked a smile. "Lose something?"

Elizabeth bit her lip, blushing. As she reached out to take it from him, he held it out of her reach, a playful gleam in his eyes.

Raising his brows, he asked, "What took you so long, Elizabeth? Did you perchance have a mishap with your hair?"

Elizabeth huffed. "Perhaps. Now, if you please?" she responded, reaching for her missing hair pin.

Darcy gave it to her with a small smile before helping her off the bench.

Elizabeth quickly stuck the last remaining pin in her hair. She looked up at Fitzwilliam with a smile. "Thank you."

Darcy gazed at Elizabeth, his expression warm. He fingered a lock of her hair that had escaped her hasty styling. "So soft," he murmured. "What happened to your hair?"

Elizabeth swallowed and responded nonchalantly, "What do you mean?"

Darcy smiled, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "What do I mean? I'm very familiar with the hairstyles you wear, Elizabeth. And this," he reached out, lightly fingering her hair, "is not a hairstyle I have ever seen you wear."

Elizabeth looked down, not knowing what to say.

Darcy leaned in, whispering in her ear. "May I offer my opinion on what happened?"

Elizabeth shivered at his nearness, her heart beating wildly in her chest. She nodded.

Darcy lifted Elizabeth's chin with his finger. "I believe your hair became tangled in a branch and in order to disentangle your hair you had to remove your hair pins. Am I correct?"

Elizabeth stared at Darcy, her eyes wide. "How did you know?"

Darcy smiled, reaching out to remove a small stick from her hair, holding it out as evidence. He raised his brows. "I have proof."

Elizabeth laughed. "You caught me, Mr Darcy. I did get my hair caught in a branch and I had no other option but to remove my hair pins."

"Why did you put it up? Did it not occur to you to just leave it down?"

Elizabeth raised a brow. "Of course not! It would not have been proper for you to see me in such a state, sir."

Darcy gazed at Elizabeth, reaching out to cup her face gently. "Since when are you concerned with being proper, Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth blushed at Fitzwilliam's knowing gaze, looking down in embarrassment. She felt gentle hands at the back of her head and realized too late what he was doing. She gasped softly as her hair cascaded down around her shoulders, the soft sound of her pins falling to the ground.

"Much better," Darcy whispered. He gently raised Elizabeth's head, staring into her brown eyes. He fingered her hair, gently moving a strand behind her ear, his eyes moving lovingly over face. "So beautiful. You are so beautiful, Elizabeth."

As she stared into Fitzwilliam's deep, blue eyes, her breath caught at his ardent gaze. She lowered her gaze to his mouth, licking her lips and heard his quick intake of breath. Her eyes shot up to meet his. Wordlessly, they stared at one another in an intense, soul searching gaze. Elizabeth saw his intent clearly in his eyes and she closed her eyes in breathless anticipation as Fitzwilliam lowered his head, pulling her into his embrace.

When he captured her lips in a gentle kiss, she sighed softly, melting into his embrace. All her senses were focused on the man who held her tenderly in his arms. He kissed her adoringly, reverently; her lips moving in tandem with his, a perfect fit. She reached out, grasping his waist lightly as his hands reached up to cradle her face tenderly. This was infinitely more satisfying than her kiss the night before. This kiss was all encompassing, all consuming. She was completely and utterly lost. After an indefinite amount of time, they broke apart, both breathing raggedly.

Darcy trailed soft kisses over Elizabeth's face, his hands moving languidly down her back, drawing her closer. "Elizabeth," he breathed in her ear, her name falling like a prayer from his lips. "Marry me."

Elizabeth leaned back slightly to look at him, attempting to catch her breath. She quirked an eyebrow and with a smile, said breathlessly, "Commanding me again, Mr Darcy?"

Darcy groaned softly, bringing his forehead to rest against hers. Raising his head, he met her gaze, filled with love and joy.

Staring into Elizabeth's eyes, he saw his future. His mother was right, they would be incandescently happy. His heart was full of so many things he wanted to tell her. But only one truly mattered in this perfect moment.

Unable to help himself, he leaned down, capturing her lips in another kiss that left them both breathless. He pulled back slightly, marveling that this incredible woman would soon be his. He caressed her face lovingly with gentle fingers.

He gazed at Elizabeth, his heart in his eyes. "I love you, Elizabeth. I can't imagine life without you by my side. Please do me the great honor of becoming my wife."

Elizabeth blinked back the tears threatening to fall and she smiled softly. "Much better, Mr Darcy." She leaned up to bestow a gentle kiss.

Darcy returned her kiss eagerly. He broke their kiss, pulling back reluctantly. "Is that a yes?"

Elizabeth smiled slowly, her eyes twinkling. "What do you think?"

Darcy narrowed his eyes, in mock anger. "Wicked woman."

Elizabeth laughed joyfully, her heart bursting with happiness. She cradled Fitzwilliam's face between her hands, her gaze melting into his. "Yes," she whispered. "Yes, I will be your wife, Fitzwilliam."

The smile that he bestowed upon hearing her answer caused her knees to buckle and she would have fallen if not for his strong hands gripping her waist. "Thank you, my love," he whispered fervently, pulling her close for another kiss. One hand cupped the back of her head, while the other wrapped around her waist possessively.

Unlike their first kiss, which was gentle and tender, this kiss was intense, passionate. Possessive. She responded eagerly, slowly moving her hands up Fitzwilliam's arms, tangling her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. She heard him groan softly as he deepened their kiss. She gasped as a new wave of sensation washed through her, leaving her trembling in his embrace. He wrapped both arms around her, holding her secure in his arms.

He pulled back, breathing heavily. "Forgive me, Elizabeth. I didn't mean..."

Elizabeth placed her hand lightly over his mouth, as she struggled to take an even breath. "Don't apologize, Fitzwilliam. I don't recall objecting to your attentions."

He gave her a heated look. "Heaven help us, Elizabeth." He tangled his hands in her hair. "Please tell me we can marry, soon."

Elizabeth pulled back so she could see his face. Pushing his hair away from his brow, she trailed her fingers down his beloved face. He closed his eyes in pleasure, capturing her hand to bestow a kiss in the center of her palm.

She needed to tell him. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage. Meeting his ardent gaze with one of her own, she said with certainty, "I love you, Fitzwilliam."

Darcy's breath caught at Elizabeth's declaration. "Say it again," he whispered hoarsely, drawing her closer.

Elizabeth smiled, her eyes glowing with love. "I love you, Fitzwilliam."

Darcy lifted her hands to wrap around his neck, his arms encircling her small waist. "Again," he murmured as he lowered his head.

"I love you, Fitz..."

Darcy cut off her words with a searing kiss. Some moments later, they broke apart, with flushed faces, mussed hair, and swollen lips. Darcy gathered Elizabeth in his arms, holding her close.

Elizabeth closed her eyes in utter peace and contentment, listening to his rapid heartbeat, which no doubt matched her own. She raised her hand to rest over his heart, whispering, "This belongs to me."

Darcy smiled, kissing her hair softly. "Yes, it does. As yours belongs to me."

Elizabeth raised her head to meet his gaze. "Thank you for loving me, Fitzwilliam, for choosing me."

Darcy gazed at the woman he loved. "You were made for me, Elizabeth. We were always meant to be together."

Elizabeth smiled through the tears obscuring her gaze, blinking rapidly. "Yes," she whispered. "I know."

Darcy leaned down, kissing her softly. He smiled against her lips. "I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing you, my love."

Elizabeth laughed softly. "I feel the same, Fitzwilliam."

Darcy pulled back. "I love hearing my name on your lips. I'm afraid I was too overcome last night from your unexpected kiss to fully appreciate it."

Elizabeth bit her lip, as she blushed. "I shocked you, didn't I?"

Darcy slowly shook his head. "It pleased me, Elizabeth. You please me, my love. I'm overjoyed that you felt comfortable enough to kiss me." He lightly caressed her lips with his finger, leaning in to whisper, "I hope you repeat it often in the future."

"Noted, Fitzwilliam." Elizabeth smiled, leaning up to kiss her betrothed. Her betrothed! She sighed happily.

Darcy took her hand, kissing it before leading her to the bench. Before she sat, he unknotted the shawl tied around her waist, gently placing it around her shoulders. Reaching behind her neck, he pulled out her hair so it rested above the shawl. He played with the loose curls that cascaded down her back, marveling at the red, gold and bronze hues the sun brought out in her hair.

"Your hair is so beautiful, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth looked at him in surprise. "Thank you." Shyly, she reached up, fingering the hair at the nape of his neck. "I rather like yours as well. Promise me that you won't ever cut it too short."

Darcy smiled. "I promise, my love."

Elizabeth smiled in pleasure at Fitzwilliam's term of endearment. My love. She found that she rather liked being called his love. "Then I am satisfied."

Darcy laughed, pulling her down to sit beside him on the bench. He drew her close to his side, putting his arm around her. He smiled in satisfaction as Elizabeth nestled against him. She interlaced her fingers with his, gently tracing the lines on his hand.

"What are you thinking, Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth looked up. "I was thinking about when you should ask my father for his permission."

Darcy's brow lowered in consternation. He knew he would have to face Elizabeth's father, but if he were being entirely honest with himself, he was dreading it. Not that he was afraid of the man himself, but he was afraid of what he may do or say when in his presence. He could not forgive him for standing by while Mrs Bennet abused Elizabeth. He tightened his arm around her protectively. The sooner he got her away from her home, the better. He would offer to have her sisters come and stay with them, live with them if Elizabeth wished it, but he would not allow Mrs Bennet anywhere near his Elizabeth.

Darcy didn't realize that Elizabeth had been watching him. He met her gaze, sighing when he saw her grave expression.

Hesitantly, Elizabeth said, "I know you don't have kind feelings towards my father, Fitzwilliam. But he is a good man, despite his faults. He has taught me so much." She looked down, gazing at their interlocked hands. "I owe him so much. Please try, for me?"

Darcy felt a wave of shame wash over him. "Of course, Elizabeth. If he is important to you, then I will. But, you have to know ,I cannot condone his behavior."

Elizabeth looked up in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"Elizabeth," he began carefully. "Has he ever tried to stop your mother from treating you so horrendously?"

Elizabeth stared at Fitzwilliam for a long moment. No, he hadn't. Not only had he never tried to curtail her mother's disdain, he had simply closed himself away. And the one time she had asked her father the reason for her mother's behavior, he had sent her away with no answers, only more questions.

"He always offered his book room as a sanctuary whenever I needed it," she offered.

Darcy gazed at Elizabeth sympathetically. He shook his head, sadly. "Oh, Elizabeth. As your father, he should have protected you from anyone and anything who sought to harm you, including your mother." Especially your mother. He took a deep breath, "I cannot forgive him for failing you."

Elizabeth nodded her head. "I understand, Fitzwilliam."

Darcy turned, clasping both Elizabeth's hands in his own. "But, I will treat him with the respect due to him, because he is the father of the woman I love." He smiled softly at his betrothed. "So, I will ride to Longbourn tomorrow to meet with him. If I leave early enough I can be back before nightfall."

Elizabeth gazed at Fitzwilliam in horror. No! He cannot! She didn't want to contemplate what would happen if Fitzwilliam happened upon her mother without her there.

Seeing Elizabeth's distress, Darcy asked in concern, "What is wrong, Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "I don't think that would be a very good idea, Fitzwilliam."


Taking a deep breath, Elizabeth said in a rush, "I think it would be best to wait until Jane and I return home in three weeks. We can all travel together, and you can ask my father then. I will write to let him know. With my sister's return, my mother will be preoccupied and..."

Darcy placed his fingers over her mouth. "Breathe, Elizabeth. I think I understand. You are afraid of what your mother may do when I come to ask for your hand?"

Elizabeth nodded numbly. "Yes, I'm afraid of what she may do, Fitzwilliam. I can't send you there alone."

"But if I went alone I could easily contrive a reason to see your father. Some business, perhaps?" With a playful smile, he added, "The settlement papers for our marriage could definitely be considered business."

Elizabeth shook her head. "No, you don't understand. My mother would know. A wealthy landowner comes to visit my father? He never receives unexpected visitors. And with Jane and I in London, my mother would immediately know the reason for your visit. The only way it would work is for us to distract her while you meet with my father."

Darcy rubbed his chin, thoughtfully. "What if you invited your father to London?"

Elizabeth smiled sadly, "My father hasn't been to London in over twenty-five years. My mother would be suspicious."

Darcy huffed in exasperation, running his hand through his hair. "Well, I will do it all by post, then. I will not wait three weeks to gain your father's permission, Elizabeth! I want to be married by then."

Elizabeth's eyes widened in shock. "Three weeks? You want to be married within three weeks?"

Darcy smiled indulgently at Elizabeth. "Yes, my love. Three weeks. No more. I have waited for you long enough. Now that I have secured your hand I'm not waiting any longer than I absolutely have to."

Elizabeth stared at Fitzwilliam in a daze. She couldn't possibly, could she? So soon? Just as Elizabeth had convinced herself that she would like nothing better than to marry Fitzwilliam in three short weeks, she remembered Jane.

She cleared her throat nervously. "I have a rather unusual question, Fitzwilliam. I hope that I don't offend. I know it is not my place to ask such a thing, but.."

Darcy placed his fingers over her mouth, his eyes twinkling. "Ask your unusual and likely improper question, my love. I promise I won't be offended."

"Very well. It concerns Jane and...your cousin." She looked up, biting her lip.

Darcy raised his brows. "Elizabeth," he lightly admonished. "Are you asking me what my cousins intentions are towards your sister?"

Elizabeth blushed but she didn't avert her gaze. She was doing this for Jane. She raised her head and responded with confidence, "Yes, I am."

Darcy sighed. "I wish I could say for certain." At Elizabeth's downcast expression, he amended, "But, I have no doubt Richard has very strong feelings for your sister." Darcy pushed down the slight feeling of guilt at confessing such a thing to Elizabeth. He knew Richard cared deeply for Miss Bennet. Despite his reservations in asking her to wait for him, he was tried of Richard's indecisive behavior.

"Thank you, Fitzwilliam. I hope you don't feel you've betrayed your cousins trust."

Darcy grinned, leaning down to whisper in her ear. "I am sure we can arrange some sort of compensation for my disloyalty."

Elizabeth smiled as Fitzwilliam's arms surrounded her, sighing in contentment as his lips found hers. It felt so right, so natural to be in his arms. She knew he was correct, they were meant to be together. She didn't know how or why, but she would be forever grateful for whatever power brought them together. She felt with absolute certainty that nothing would ever separate them.

A/N: Well, I'm back! Thank you to everyone who wished for me to have a wonderful vacation. It was marvelous! A week of cool, breezy, ocean weather (which was a blessed relief considering the 100+ degree weather I came from); countless beautiful drives, hikes and not to mention the divine seafood!

ODC are finally engaged! Yay! I've been writing this scene in my head, F.O.R.E.V.E.R. I hope you liked it ;) Please leave me a review and tell me what you thought. So...Jane is in love with Richard *does happy dance* But, they are not out of the woods yet. Bingley is ready, willing and waiting...don't underestimate him - he is CB brother, after all.

(1) If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees - Hal Borland (from Chapter 22, the tree climbing scene)

Please review to feed my muse!

Much love,