28. Chapter 28

Chapter 27

It was some time before Elizabeth and Darcy returned to the house. They sat and conversed quietly, rejoicing in their newfound understanding; knowing that they loved and were loved in return in equal measure. Their conversation was punctuated with soft kisses and light caresses, their hearts light and full of joy for their future.

When they stood to go, Elizabeth tried to smooth her disheveled hair, knowing it was a hopeless case. She huffed in frustration. "I can't imagine what my Aunt and Jane will say when they see me thus."

Darcy smiled and attempted to assist her. She batted his hands away when his 'helping' became a hindrance. After she smoothed her hair as much as she could, she turned to her betrothed, biting her lip at his mussed hair. She cleared her throat.

"Fitzwilliam, I believe you should do something about your hair as well."

Darcy smiled and with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, lowered his head. "If you would please help me, Elizabeth?"

Elizabeth suppressed a smile and smoothed his errant hair in some semblance of order, lightly playing with the curls at the nape of his neck. He closed his eyes in pleasure, groaning softly. After she finished, she ran her fingers through his hair, caressing his face for a brief moment before bestowing a light kiss on his temple. "All done."

Darcy slowly stood upright. "Thank you, my love. I admit, I much prefer your ministrations to that of my valet."

Elizabeth laughed, taking the arm he offered her. "I am happy to be of assistance." She arched a brow, her eyes sparkling. "Although, I believe you could have managed just fine on your own."

Darcy grinned. "Yes. But then I would not experience the supreme pleasure of having your small fingers in my hair."

Elizabeth stared at Darcy, her mouth slightly agape. "Why, you are a regular cad, Fitzwilliam!" she cried in mock outrage.

Darcy laughed, unrepentant. "No, just besotted, my love." He raised her hand to bestow a kiss.

Elizabeth shook her head, blushing. "You're incorrigible, Fitzwilliam."

"I suppose I am, Elizabeth." He rubbed his chin. "I believe Richard would be quite proud of me."

Darcy reveled in Elizabeth's bright laughter. He sighed in contentment. All was right in his world. As they neared the house, Elizabeth asked if he were going to talk to her Uncle.

He hesitated. As Elizabeth's guardian, he needed to be told of their understanding. But truth be told, he didn't wish to meet with the man. Since their meeting earlier in the week when he had confronted him with not being honest and diligent in finding John Williamson, their amicable relationship had withered. He was still angry over his duplicity about falsifying his reports. If not for Gardiner, they would have found Williamson within a few days after commencing the search, not weeks.


Elizabeth's hesitant voice brought him back to the present. He cleared his throat. "Yes, I will speak to him right now. Is he at home?"

Elizabeth nodded, searching his face. It was clear that he was uncomfortable and uneasy with the thought of conversing with her Uncle. She sighed. "I know that something happened between you, Fitzwilliam. My Uncle has been reserved and quite unlike himself this past week." In a quieter voice, she added, "It worries me."

Darcy stopped, turning to face Elizabeth. "Please don't worry, Elizabeth. Everything will be well."

Elizabeth nodded. She wanted to ask what had happened between them, but didn't feel it was her place. If Fitzwilliam wished to tell her, he would. They entered the house and were met by her Aunt.

"Lizzy, Mr Darcy! Have you? Are you?" inquired Mrs Gardiner, her face flushed with excitement, her eyes bright.

Elizabeth laughed. "Yes, Aunt. Mr Darcy has asked me to be his wife and I have accepted." Her heart swelled with happiness. She was engaged!

Elizabeth and Darcy accepted the effusions of happiness from Mrs Gardiner. Upon finding that Gardiner was indeed home, Darcy excused himself as Mrs Gardiner asked Elizabeth what had happened to her hair.

As Darcy walked down the hall to Gardiner's study, he grinned. He felt euphoric. That time with Elizabeth in the garden would forever stand as the moment his life truly began-when she had agreed to be his.

As he neared Gardiner's door, his mien turned serious. He would be quick and to the point. He didn't wish to be in Gardiner's presence any longer than he had to.

Moments later, Darcy stood facing Gardiner who invited him to take a seat. "No, thank you. I don't expect this to take long."

Gardiner raised his brows. "Very well. What is it you have to say, Darcy?"

"I wished to inform you that I have asked Elizabeth to marry me and she has accepted."

Gardiner stared at Darcy, an inscrutable expression on his face. He sighed and leaned forward, resting his clasped hands on the desk in front of him.

"I am glad, Darcy."

Darcy nodded and turned to go. His duty completed, he was eager to be back in Elizabeth's presence.

"Darcy, wait, if you please."

Darcy sighed, turning to face Gardiner, waiting for the older man to speak.

Without preamble, Gardiner spoke. "You found him, didn't you?"

Darcy clenched his jaw, his eyes hard. He should not be surprised. No doubt, Gardiner had men watching Williamson from the beginning.

Seeing Darcy's hard expression, Gardiner held up a hand. "I won't get in your way, Darcy." He ran a hand over his head, wearily. "I have had a lot of time to reflect on my actions, or lack thereof where Williamson is concerned." Gardiner raised his eyes to meet Darcy's.

"I know you are not pleased with me, Darcy. But like you, I just want to do what is best for Elizabeth. And I truly believe that things are best left as they are."

Darcy stared at Gardiner incredulously. "Better for whom, Gardiner? You?"

Gardiner shot Darcy an angry look. "Of course not! Remember, I have known and loved Elizabeth far longer than you, young man." He sat up, piercing Darcy with a pointed look. "I know what is best for her."

Darcy walked forward, staring down Gardiner. Stopping at the chair in front of Gardiner's desk, he leaned forward, resting his hands on the back of the chair, grateful there was a barrier between him and Gardiner. The man was deluding himself, using his affection for Elizabeth as an excuse for his deceptive behavior.

"I don't believe it, Gardiner," Darcy said in a tight voice. "I know fear when I see it. You don't want John Williamson found because you don't want Elizabeth to know what you did." Darcy paused briefly, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Elizabeth knows that Williamson is directly connected to her mother, Gardiner. She has a right to know why her mother is the way she is. You will give her the answers she seeks. You claim to love Elizabeth. But all I see is a selfish man who can't face his mistakes."

Gardiner stood, his face flushed with indignation. "You don't know what you're asking, Darcy! Elizabeth is a strong woman. She will soon be married to you and she need never see her mother again, if that is her wish. Why dredge up the past? Trust me, Darcy. No good will come of it."

Darcy clenched his fists, forcing himself to stay calm. "You know what irks me, Gardiner? Not three weeks ago, I stood in this very spot and you warned me that if I ever harmed Elizabeth I would have to answer to you. But I am not the one in danger of harming Elizabeth, Gardiner. You are."

Gardiner sat, raising his eyes to meet Darcy's steel blue gaze. He shook his head. "I don't see how it will help her, Darcy. Give me one good reason why Elizabeth should be told. It happened years ago! Between a man who is completely unconnected to her and her mother."

"You want a reason, Gardiner?" Darcy said, his voice strangely calm. "She needs to understand her mother."

Gardiner stared at Darcy disbelievingly. "Why? Why would Elizabeth want to understand the twisted mind of that bitter harpy?"

"So she can forgive her!" Darcy exclaimed, his eyes blazing with righteous indignation.

"Forgive her?" Gardiner whispered, his face pale. "Elizabeth wishes to forgive her mother?"

Darcy nodded, confused by Gardiner's reaction. "Of course she does. Elizabeth believes in order to truly move past the hurt she has suffered at the hands of her mother, she has to let go of her anger and resentment. To truly heal, she needs to forgive."

"And to forgive her, she needs to understand what made her mother the way she is." Gardiner stated softly. He closed his eyes, overwhelmed by remorse and pain. "Oh, that dear girl."

Darcy breathed a quiet sigh of relief. He had to make Gardiner understand. He alone had the answers Elizabeth sought. He needed to realize that his silence was harming Elizabeth.

Gardiner raised his head, eyes filled with regret and self recrimination. "Darcy, I believed that I was protecting Elizabeth by keeping the truth from her. What good would it do for her to know? What's done is done. I can't change what I did. I have lived with the guilt that my actions have indirectly led to Elizabeth's mistreatment. But to discover that Elizabeth wishes to forgive her mother, when it is my fault?"

Darcy gazed at Gardiners dejected posture. He appeared to have aged ten years. "Gardiner," Darcy said, his tone gentle. "Tell Elizabeth. Not only for her sake, but yours as well."

Gardiner sighed deeply, resigned. "Very well. I will tell her the entirety of my history with John Williamson." With a wry smile, he added, "Although, perhaps not today?"

Darcy smiled. "Yes, I agree. I don't wish to mar the joyous occasion of our betrothal with unpleasantness."

Gardiner huffed a laugh. "We finally agree on something."

Darcy nodded, satisfied. Now, he just needed to tell Elizabeth that he had found Williamson.

"Thank you, Gardiner." Darcy hesitated briefly before adding, "I think you are being too hard on yourself. You are not responsible for Mrs Bennets treatment of Elizabeth, Gardiner. Her mother is. Don't blame yourself for her actions. Despite what you did, she chose to become bitter and resentful."

Gardiner gazed at Darcy, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Wise words for one so young, Darcy. Is that experience talking?"

Darcy nodded noncommittally.

Gardiner stood, coming around his desk to stand in front of Darcy, extending his hand in a gesture of good will. As Darcy shook his hand, he said, "Forgive a foolish old man, Darcy. I still have my reservations about telling Elizabeth. But if she believes it will help her, then I will not stand in her way."

"That's all I ask, Gardiner."

"Good. Now, I believe I will follow you out to congratulate my niece."

As they exited the study, Darcy turned to Gardiner and asked, "How did you know that Williamson had been found?"

"I received a note this morning from Jones informing me that he would not be here as usual." Gardiner leveled a look at Darcy. "From that, I deduced that it was due to him following another target. You are having Williamson followed, I hope?"

Darcy nodded, trying not to let his surprise show. "Of course."

Darcy paused at the threshold of the Drawing room, taking in the scene before him. He smiled as Elizabeth threw back her head and laughed at something her Aunt had said. He heard Gardiner pointedly clearing his throat behind him, and he stepped aside to allow him to pass into the room. He watched as Gardiner approached Elizabeth, kissing her on the cheek, speaking softly to her. When she raised her eyes to meet his, his heart sighed in contentment. He crossed the room to stand at her side, taking her hand to kiss it tenderly before placing it around his arm.

Elizabeth smiled brilliantly at Darcy. She felt the tension between him and her Uncle had eased considerably and she breathed a sigh of relief. She hoped that they had reconciled their differences. It hurt to see the man she loved and her beloved Uncle at odds.

"You'll stay for luncheon, Mr Darcy?" Mrs Gardiner asked with a bright smile.

Darcy bowed. "I would be delighted, Mrs Gardiner. Thank you."

Mrs Gardiner winked at Elizabeth before leaving to inform the housekeeper that there would be one more for luncheon.

Darcy turned to Elizabeth and asked, quietly, "I need to speak with you."

Elizabeth raised a brow, her eyes twinkling. "Indeed? I believe we have been speaking all morning, Mr Darcy. Haven't you run out of things to speak about yet?"

Darcy smiled, leaning in to whisper, "Never. I could spend an eternity with you, Elizabeth and still find things to say."

Elizabeth laughed, delighted at Fitzwilliam's teasing. "Well, then. What do you wish to discuss?"

Darcy gestured towards a settee away from her Uncle and sister. "Shall we sit?"

Elizabeth allowed Darcy to lead her to the sofa, blushing as he sat a little too close for propriety.

Darcy took a deep breath, turning to Elizabeth. He took her hand, squeezing it gently. "Elizabeth, I wanted to tell you that Williamson has been found."

Elizabeth blinked, trying to take in what he had just told her. He'd been found! She gripped Darcy's hand tightly, asking eagerly, "When?"

"Late last night, I received a message from one of my contacts. I am currently having two men follow him."

Elizabeth's brow lowered in confusion. "Why?"

"To determine if he is a threat." Darcy's gaze roamed Elizabeth's face trying to detect any signs of unease or apprehension. He was relieved that she appeared only pleased with the news.

"I see." Elizabeth bit her lip, glancing at her Uncle who was sitting across the room with her sister.

"He will tell you, Elizabeth," Darcy said quietly. "We decided that perhaps today would not be the right time. But if you wish..."

Elizabeth shook her head. "No, of course not. I trust that he will tell me." She smiled. "He did promise, after all."

"Yes, he did. And he will keep that promise," Darcy stated firmly.

"Then I am satisfied." Elizabeth squeezed Darcy's hand. "Thank you, Fitzwilliam. I know that it was a terrible inconvenience..."

Darcy shook his head, taking both Elizabeth's hands in his. "No, nothing for you is an inconvenience, Elizabeth. Please believe that. You need answers, and your Uncle promised you those answers after he was found. I simply did what was needed to ensure that it happened." He decided he would not tell Elizabeth what her Uncle did to prevent Williamson from being found. He knew it would be difficult for Gardiner to reveal his duplicity and he didn't want to make it harder for him.

Elizabeth gazed lovingly at Fitzwilliam. She felt her heart swell with pride that this man was hers. He was truly the best man she had ever known. She lifted her hand, gently caressing his face, "This is one of the reasons why I love you so, Fitzwilliam. You don't hesitate to help and protect the ones you care about." With a pointed look, she added, "Even when it is an inconvenience."

Darcy blinked, overcome with emotion at Elizabeth's honest declaration. He took Elizabeth's hand, placing a kiss on the inside of her wrist. Hoarsely, he said, 'Thank you, my love. You must know there is nothing I would not do for you."

Elizabeth smiled softly. "I know."

They were interrupted by Gardiner clearing his throat, shooting a displeased look at Darcy. "Sorry to intrude, but luncheon is ready."

Elizabeth blushed crimson. Would she ever learn? She took a deep breath and stood, taking Fitzwilliam's proffered arm and following her Uncle and sister into the small dining room. She smiled at Fitzwilliam as he took the seat next to her.

Darcy reached over and grabbed Elizabeth's hand under the table, interlacing his fingers with hers.

Conversation flowed naturally around the table as they ate until her Uncle asked when Darcy would be traveling to Longbourn to ask for Elizabeth's hand.

Elizabeth froze with her fork halfway to her mouth. She lowered her fork, glancing nervously at Fitzwilliam.

Darcy squeezed her hand, before responding, "Elizabeth and I have discussed this and decided it would be best to do it by letter."

Silence descended over the table. Elizabeth sat up straighter in her chair, prepared to defend their decision. She was right about this, she knew she was. If her mother found out...

Mrs Gardiner cleared her throat before clarifying, "By letter? Is that ah...the proper way to do this, do you think?"

Before Darcy could reply, Elizabeth said firmly, "It is, Aunt. I don't wish for my mother to find out until my father's consent has been granted and the settlement papers signed."

Gardiner looked at Darcy with lowered brows. "It is Bennets approval that you need, Darcy, not my sister's. Bennet is a reasonable man. He may feel slighted if you simply ask by letter. He will want to meet the man who has won his favorites heart."

Elizabeth shook her head. "No, Uncle. I have thought of all that. I will write my father and explain."

"Elizabeth," her Uncle said reassuringly, "He will not deny you anything. Especially, the man you have chosen to marry. I would reconsider, were I you."

Jane sat silently, listening to both sides. "Lizzy, I may have an idea. It would require some subterfuge, however."

Elizabeth raised her brow in amusement. "Very well, Jane. I will listen to your suggestion."

"Well," Jane began hesitantly. "What if Mr Darcy were to accompany us to Longbourn?"

Elizabeth frowned. "I already thought of that, Jane. Mama would know immediately why Mr Darcy was there, especially if he arrived with us."

"Exactly!" Jane said triumphantly.

Confused, Elizabeth said, "I don't follow, Jane."

Excitement infusing her features, Jane said, "What will mama think when she sees Mr Darcy?"

Elizabeth huffed in exasperation. "That he is there to ask papa for my hand."

"Lizzy," Jane said gently, "Think. Whose hand will she assume Mr Darcy is seeking?"

Elizabeth looked at her sister in growing astonishment. "Jane! That is brilliant!"

"I don't understand. Could you be a little less mysterious?" Darcy looked back and forth between the sisters. He was willing to entertain the idea of going to Longbourn. It didn't sit well with him to ask for Elizabeth's hand by mail. She deserved more respect. Besides, he wanted to look her father in the eye as he asked for his daughter's hand.

Elizabeth turned to Darcy, excitement making her face glow and her eyes sparkle. "My mother will automatically assume that you are there to ask for Jane's hand, not mine."

Mrs Gardiner laughed. "Well done, Jane! By the time your mama realizes that Mr Darcy is there for Lizzy, it will be too late for to object or hinder you in any way."

Gardiner was nodding his head, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Yes, this just might work." He directed his gaze to Elizabeth. "I would write your father and let him know beforehand, so he is not rendered speechless when Mr Darcy asks for your hand and not your sisters."

Elizabeth looked at Darcy, gauging his reaction. She knew that the deception would not sit well with him, even if it was to secure her hand without her mother knowing. "What do you think, Mr Darcy? Could you pretend to be Jane's betrothed until my father's consent is granted?"

Darcy looked into the hopeful eyes of Elizabeth and sighed. "Disguise of any sort is my abhorrence, Elizabeth. But, I see the merit in the plan. I will agree, if that is your wish."

Elizabeth bit her lip, considering. She knew it could be done. If she wrote her father as her Uncle suggested, her mother would be none the wiser. Her mother would be unhappy and likely make her life miserable until she were married...

Elizabeth gasped as she realized if Fitzwilliam came to Longbourn, they would not be married in three weeks.

In a quiet voice, she said, "We would have to delay our marriage for a few weeks, Fitzwilliam." She raised her eyes to his. "Could you wait a few more weeks?"

Darcy slowly nodded. He was disappointed of course, but he had waited eleven years for Elizabeth, he could wait a few more weeks. "Yes, you know I could. Just promise me that we won't have to wait long."

Elizabeth blushed and nodded. "Very well."

Elizabeth raised her head to meet the expectant gazes of her Aunt, Uncle and sister. She smiled. "We will do as you suggest, Jane. We will all leave for Longbourn in three weeks."

Some hours later, Elizabeth walked with Fitzwilliam to the door. He had spent the majority of the day with her and now it was time for him to leave so he could tell his sister and cousin of their betrothal.

Simmons handed Darcy his hat and gloves and with a bow and "Good day, sir," he turned and left. Elizabeth stared after Simmons retreating back in shock. She raised her eyes to meet Darcy's bemused gaze.

Realizing that they were alone, Elizabeth looked away, directing her attention to a nearby potted plant. In a bright voice, she said, "Please give my best to Georgiana, Fitzwilliam. And your cousin. I hope to see them both soon."

Darcy smiled at Elizabeth's nervousness. He deliberately placed his hat and gloves on an obliging entry table, before drawing closer to Elizabeth. In a low, intimate voice, he said, "Why so shy all of a sudden, my love?"

Elizabeth raised her eyes to meet his, her heart racing at his sudden nearness. With a tremulous voice, she said, "I am not being shy, Fitzwilliam."

Darcy raised his brows as he reached out to encircle her in his arms. "No? My mistake, my love. I am glad, as I am not feeling shy at all." Darcy lowered his head, placing soft kisses on her face. "In fact, I find that I very much wish to take advantage of this time alone." He pressed a kiss below her ear, whispering, " Don't you agree?"

Elizabeth trembled in his embrace, unable to utter a single word so she nodded her head.

Darcy smiled as he captured her lips in a lingering kiss. After some moments, he said in a distinctly unsteady voice, "Thank you, my love for making me the happiest of men."

Elizabeth smiled, smoothing back his hair from his face. "Thank you for making me the happiest of women."

Darcy gave a low laugh, lowering his head to kiss her again. "I must take my leave, Elizabeth. I will see you tomorrow, my love."

Elizabeth nodded her head, smiling. "Until tomorrow, Fitzwilliam."

As soon as Darcy arrived home, he went looking for Georgiana, knowing she would be nearly as happy as he that Elizabeth had agreed to be his. He found in her in her sitting room, sewing.

As soon as Georgiana saw him, she jumped up, exclaiming, "Where have you been, brother? I have been worried!"

Darcy looked at his sister in surprise. "I am sorry I worried you, dearest. I was securing you a sister."

It took a moment for his statement to sink in and when it finally registered, she shrieked. "Oh brother! You asked her? She said yes? I am to have a sister!" She hugged him fiercely before dancing around the room.

Darcy laughed at his sister's exuberance. "Yes, Elizabeth agreed to be my wife."

"Oh, then I forgive you for not being here." She gave him a censorious look. "I thought you said we could talk today."

Darcy closed his eyes. He had forgotten. He had been consumed with thoughts of Elizabeth. "Forgive me, Georgiana."

She waved her hand dismissively. "It is forgotten, brother. Nothing you do or say will ever vex me again, for you have given me my heart's desire! Tell me, how did you ask her? What did she say?" With a sly look, she asked, "Did you kiss her?"

Darcy leveled a stern look at his sister. "That, my dear sister is none of your business. All you need know is that she said yes."

Georgiana sighed dreamily. "You kissed her. I bet it was so romantic."

Darcy smiled. "She sends her regards."

"Oh! I must invite her for tea. She'll want a more thorough tour of our home, since it will soon be hers as well." She sighed happily. " I could show her mother's rooms, since they will be hers soon."

Darcy nodded his head. "That is a good idea, Georgiana. I'll leave it to you to make the arrangements?"

Georgiana nodded her head eagerly. "We should also have a family dinner to celebrate your engagement." She gave her brother a pointed look. "Just family, Fitzwilliam."

Darcy raised his hands, laughing. "Agreed. Just family. Do you think you could handle being hostess?"

Georgiana stared at her brother, her face flushing with pleasure. "Could I? I think I would feel comfortable if it were just a family dinner. I so wish Lizzy to know how happy this news makes me, brother."

Darcy kissed his sister's forehead tenderly. "You will perform admirably, dearest. And if you have any questions or concerns, you can always ask for help."

Georgiana sighed. "Thank you, brother. You can't know how much this pleases me. What did Lizzy say when you told her about mother's dream and the picture she drew?"

Darcy stilled. He looked at his sister, eyes wide. "It didn't even cross my mind to tell her, Georgiana."

"But you will tell her, won't you, Fitzwilliam?"

Darcy nodded his head, his mind elsewhere. "Yes, yes, of course I will."

Darcy bid farewell to his sister, heading to his study. He retrieved Elizabeth's picture from his safe, sitting down before taking it into his hands. He lightly traced the contours of her beautiful face, knowing how it felt to actually caress her face. He hadn't thought about his mother's dream of Elizabeth for quite some time. He rubbed his chin. It seemed almost...inconsequential now that he knew her. Loved her.

He stood and began pacing. He knew Georgiana was right. He needed to tell her, but when? How? He shook his head, running his hands through his hair, smiling as he imagined Elizabeth's slender fingers performing the same task. He shook his head, bringing his mind back to his present dilemma. He knew with certainty that he loved Elizabeth, despite what his mother had seen in her dream. He also knew that even without knowing Elizabeth was meant to be his, he would have fallen in love with her anyway. Their connection could not be denied. She had felt it as strongly as he did. But would she believe that if he told her about his mother's dream of her?

Darcy picked up Elizabeth's picture to return it to his safe. He gazed out at the garden, his hands behind his back. He smiled. Elizabeth would love this garden. It was not as big as the one at the Gardiners, but it was more than adequate. He sighed deeply, coming to a decision. He would tell her after her father gave his consent, making their engagement official. At Longbourn. In three weeks. Decision made, he left to dress for dinner.

As he left his study, he saw Richard walking towards him, a bounce in his step.

"Darcy! There you are! Have a minute?"

Darcy stepped back in his study, ushering in his overly exuberant cousin. "For you Richard, I'll spare two minutes."

Richard laughed, entering Darcy's study and taking a seat. "How magnanimous of you, cousin."

Darcy smiled, raising his brows. "Well, what can I say? I am feeling rather generous at the moment."

Richard stared at Darcy, noting his content expression and relaxed demeanor. He exuded satisfaction. His eyes widened. "She said yes!"

Darcy laughed. "Did you doubt it, Richard? Of course she said yes."

He slapped Darcy on the back. "Well, congratulations, cousin. I am very happy for you." With a mischievous smile, he asked, "Did you seal your understanding with a kiss?"

Darcy rolled his eyes. Now he knew where Georgiana received her unhealthy and improper curiosity from. "I am not going to dignify that question with a response."

"You did," Richard stated with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows. "You look entirely too pleased."

Deciding to ignore Richard's prying, he asked, "You wished to talk?"

Richard leaned back in his chair, lacing his hands behind his head, his eyes bright with suppressed excitement.

Darcy raised his brows. "You seem particularly...giddy, Richard. Did something happen today?"

"You could say that."

Darcy waited for his cousin to elaborate. Instead, he just sat there grinning like a fool. He huffed in exasperation. "Well, are you going to share it with me?"

Richard grinned wider, leaning forward towards Darcy. "They're sending Perkins."

"Come again?"

"To the peninsula. They're sending Colonel Perkins. Not me."

Darcy stared at his cousin, letting the news penetrate his brain. "Truly? You don't have to go?"

Richard shook his head. "They still need someone in the War Office to coordinate and they choose me to remain."

Darcy breathed a sigh of relief. "That, Richard. Is good news."

Richard laughed. "Isn't it though?" He rubbed his hands together. "Do you know what this means, Darcy?"

Darcy smiled, deciding to humor his cousin. He was overjoyed that Richard would be far from the fighting. "No, what does it mean, Richard?"

"I am going to woo, Miss Bennet."

Darcy stared at Richard, blinking in confusion. "I'm sorry. Woo her?"

Richard rolled his eyes. "Really Darcy, is there no sense of the romantic in you? Poor Miss Elizabeth. Perhaps I should give you some pointers. Believe me, she'll thank you for it."

"Do you mean you plan on courting her?"

"Of course! Now that I know I am not leaving, I can look to my future. And I want that future to include Jane."

Darcy smiled and stood, holding out his hand. "Well, it's about time!"

Richard laughed, stood and grasped his cousin's outstretched hand. "I am overjoyed I won't have to ask Jane to wait for me, Darcy." He ran his hand through his hair. "Do you have any idea how relieved I am?"

"I can imagine, Richard. Truly, I am happy for you. Miss Bennet is a wonderful woman."

Richard puffed up with pride. "She is, isn't she?"

Darcy put an arm around Richard's shoulders, steering him towards the door. "I believe this calls for a celebration, Richard. Let's go tell Georgiana. With the news of my engagement to Elizabeth and the news you are about to impart, we'll have to peel her off the ceiling."

Richard laughed loudly as he followed his cousin out the door.


John Williamson knew he was being followed. He ducked into an obscure shop, ignoring the proprietor asking if he could be of help. He peered out the dirty window to watch the two men who had been trailing him for the better part of an hour. They were across the street, watching the entrance to the shop.

What did they want? He rubbed his jaw absentmindedly. One of them looked familiar...he peered a little more closely at the man on the left. His eyes widened in sudden recognition. He was the same man he had seen trailing Gardiners daughters on several occasions. But why was he now following him?

In a moment of sudden clarity, it occurred to him that Gardiner must have been protecting his daughters for him. He smiled. Interesting. Still trying to protect your secrets, Gardiner? he muttered to himself. But why protect his daughters from him? It was time to make his move. He was tired of waiting. He was ready. Now that he knew Gardiner was having him followed it would make his plan that much easier. He just had to find someone willing to impersonate him for a morning.

He left the shop, ignoring the men who followed him, walking purposefully back to his boarding house. He had a message to write.

A/N: Well, a lot going on in this chapter. What do you think of Jane's plan for her to stand in as Darcy's betrothed? Will it fool their mother? And what do you think of Richard's news? I'm sure there is a fair amount of squealing going on with that little tidbit. (go ahead and do a happy dance, I won't mind ;)

So, we're getting closer to finding out about Mrs B past. What is JW planning? Who is the message to? It will all come to a head in about two chapters (I think). Hang in there, your patience will be rewarded. Although, just a reminder, the reason for Mrs B disdain towards E won't come to light until she returns to Longbourn.

Please review to feed my muse!

Much love,