4. Chapter 4

A/N: Hello. Sorry for the wait. I had to look at some job interests if I'm gonna get a better job (and no, I'm not fired from my current one). Anyway, here is the next episode now. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 4

Act I: The Domino Effect

One day, Anne, Jackie, Rose, and Sprig were outside, playing baseball with a watermelon gourd with the former holding the scythe that Jackie used once during the corn thief incident like a baseball bat.

"Hey, batter, batter, batter.", Anne grinned before Sprig rolled up the watermelon gourd as best he could, lifted it up, and chucked it toward Anne, who unfortunately missed and swung the scythe away, inadvertently toward Sprig!

"Anne!", Jackie scolded.

"Ah, whiffed it. Sprig!", Anne shouted before Sprig noticed the scythe, gasped, and ducked underneath it, although while it seemingly missed him and hit the tree, embedding itself into it, but not before Jackie used her tongue to grab onto the handle in the nick of time and pull herself closer to the scythe all while Sprig's hat tore in half and fell to the grass.

"Wanna go again?", Sprig asked.

"First of all, you actually have hair? And secondly, absolutely not! You almost got killed!", Jackie refused.

"Hey, sorry about your hat.", Anne said before she overheard a meow sound.

"Hey, you found-", Sprig said as he arrived before Anne shushed him.

"Shh. Do you hear something?", Anne asked before the meowing sound came again.

"Actually, yeah.", Jackie responded.

"Aw. It sounds so cute.", Rose grinned.

"Something's in trouble.", Anne gasped before she and the others hurried out closer to the source only to notice a few giant bees surrounding a black cat-like caterpillar, which is stuck in the mud puddle.

"Oh, my gosh! We have to save her.", Anne urged.

"Got it.", Jackie responded.

"Right behind ya.", Sprig responded as he readied his slingshot before Anne slid over to the little critter and pulled the little critter out of the puddle.

"Gotcha!", Anne grinned before Jackie pulled Anne away with her tongue just before the stingers hit the ground while Sprig hit the giant bees with rocks flung from his slingshot.

"Take that, buzz brains! Go sting someone your own size!", Sprig shouted.

"Faster! Let's go!", Rose shouted.

"Yeah, and quick before anything else happens!", Jackie agreed before Sprig jumped backwards.

"Sprig out! Peace!", Sprig shouted as he leapt.

After a moment of running, they stopped.

"You're safe now, little fella.", Anne assured before screaming in surprise.

"What's wrong? Are you stung? We'll have to amputate.", Sprig said.

"That won't be necessary, Sprig.", Jackie responded.

"This caterpillar looks exactly like my cat Domino from back home.", Anne explained, showing a picture of Domino to Sprig before the caterpillar meowed and purred.

"I love my cat more than anything in the world. She was irreplaceable. But now I found a replacement. Let's take her home with us!", Anne exclaimed.

"No!", Jackie refused.

"What?", Anne puzzled.

"Sorry, Anne, but that's not a good idea.", Jackie responded.

"Yeah, Anne. That's a wild animal.", Rose agreed in worry.

"Pshh. That's ridiculous. My cat back home was a stray before I adopted her. All it takes is love and patience and...", Anne began.

"Responsibility. But last time I checked, you don't have any responsibility.", Jackie interrupted before Anne held the caterpillar near Sprig before it licked him in the face.

"Sold!", Sprig responded.

"It's settled. I hereby dub thee 'Domino 2.' Come on, girl. Let's go home.", Anne said before noticing that the newly christened Domino 2 hasn't moved, although it tipped to its left.

"Uh, is it broken?", Sprig asked.

"Hold up. I got an idea. This worked on Domino 1 without fail.", Anne said as she got out a mouse toy and shook it around, delighting it.

"Atta girl. You can do it. Come on.", Anne grinned before Domino 2 then crept closer to Anne as did Sprig, apparently drawn to it as well.

"I want it. Give it to me.", Sprig said.

However, Jackie and Rose still look worried.

Later, Hop Pop was chopping up a big worm when Anne entered.

"Hey, Hop Pop, old buddy, old pal.", Anne greeted.

"What do you want, Anne?", Hop Pop asked.

"Oh, nothin'. I was just thinking. Doesn't this house feel empty to you?", Anne asked before Hop Pop turned and looked at the mountain of dishes Anne was supposed to clean.

"Not especially.", Hop Pop responded.

"Wouldn't it be nice to have a sweet, fuzzy, loving critter around?", Anne asked.

"A pet?!", Hop Pop said in shock.

"Great idea, Hop Pop.", Anne grinned before she was about to leave only for Hop Pop to stop her.

"No pets! Every time we get one, Sprig and Polly swear they're gonna take care of it! Like this one spider we had, Charlie Big Bottom. I mean, sure, they were there for all the cuddlin' and the snugglin', but who gets stuck doin' all the work? Good ol' Hop Pop, that's who! I swear to Frog, whoever brings a fuzzy critter into this house will be on dung duty for a month! I told Charlie Big Bottom to stay out of the...", Hop Pop trailed off as Anne then walked outside.

"Plan B. We're gonna have to sneak Domino 2 inside.", Anne said.

"No. For one thing, he specifically said no more pets in the house.", Jackie responded.

"And should we be worried about this for the second thing?", Rose asked as Domino 2 was "chewing on Rose's arm.

"That is called 'play biting.' Isn't it cute?", Anne asked before "Domino 2" slurped at Rose's arm.

"Yeah, kinda seems like she's tasting her.", Sprig guessed before Rose gasped and tried shaking her off.

"Get her off, get her off, ger her off, get her off!", Rose exclaimed as she hook her arm around.

"That's ridiculous. Trust me. I know cats.", Anne responded.

"Well, no offense, Anne, but that's not a cat! Cats definitely do not try tasting us!", Jackie responded only for Anne to give a raspberry/scoff at this while Sprig pulled Domino 2 off Rose's arm.

"And how many times did I tell Charlie Big Bottom not to go up the chimney? And that little spider'd look at me with those big green eyes like he understood me. Two minutes later, where do I find him? Up the chimney!", Hop Pop continued, not knowing that Anne and the others were walking in until Domino 2 sneezed.

"What's that?", Hop Pop asked before he turned around and saw Sprig.

"Uh, hey, Hop Pop, what's the worst thing Charlie Big Bottom ever did, since we're talking about Charlie Big Bottom?", Sprig asked.

"Heh! How can I even choose? Jumpin' out in front of Bessie and overturnin' the wagon. Gettin' tarantula hair everywhere. Then there was the time he put a hole in the roof.", Hop Pop said as Anne and Domino 2 hid behind the sofa.

"Where'd that happen again?", Sprig asked.

"You blind? The big hole right there.", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"I don't see it.", Sprig fibbed while Anne snuck Domino 2 into the basement.

"Right-It's right there!", Hop Pop said before Anne chuckled as she closed the cellar door with Jackie and Rose looking worried.

"I've got a bad feeling about this...", Jackie said.

The next day, Sprig, Jackie, Rose, and the triplets went downstairs.

"Anne, you awake? Anne?", Sprig asked before noticing several webs and gasping.

"Anne! Anne! Anne? Anne? Anne. Anne! Anne!", Sprig, Jackie, and Rose shouted as they searched frantically until they saw Anne sleeping.

"Hey, wake up, wake up!", Sprig shouted before Anne woke up.

"What happened? Are you okay?", Jackie asked.

"Hmm? Yeah, totally. Domino 2 just had a bit of a rough first night indoors.", Anne assured before yawning and turning around with several scratches shown on her cheek, horrifying Jackie and Rose.

"Uh, yeah. Define 'rough night'.", Jackie responded before Rose hugged the triplets tightly.

"Eesh. Hop Pop is definitely gonna notice something.", Sprig said as he noticed the webs.

"Oh, this is nothing. We just have to keep an eye on her while she's adjusting. Isn't that right, Domino 2?", Anne cooed as Domino 2 played with the mouse toy before it gazed at the triplets before spraying a web at them.

"You stay away from the triplets, you hear me?!", Rose shouted.

"Chill out, Rose. That's just how she says 'I love you.'", Anne assured before kissing Domino 2.

"To death!", Rose retorted.

"Let's just give her some time, Rose. Hopefully, she'll come to her senses and return it to the wild. And I mean hopefully.", Jackie assured.

Sometime later, though, Anne built a scratching post for Domino 2, who played around, but then went out of it, going up the cellar door, making Anne shout in shock.

"Hmm. Oh, forgot the mustard.", Hop Pop said as he was preparing a sandwich, which Domino 2 ate as Sprig noticed with a gasp before then promptly moving it away as Sprig then took Domino 2's place, making Hop Pop scream.

At the same time, Anne was quite surprised to see Domino 2 bringing a dead bug in her room, which she wouldn't mind now considering that she is a frog now, prompting her to mouth words with a grin before she then ate the bug and swallowed it.

"Huh. Tastes like chicken.", Anne grinned.

After that, Domino 2 tried to go for Polly from above only for Rose to whack it away from Polly and tried to toss it out the window, which Jackie opened, only for Anne to catch her before retreating as Jackie and Rose shook their heads with worried sighs and later finding a bed of dead bugs, which Jackie and Rose hesitantly helped finish as they were hungry with Anne happily playing with Domino 2, who meowed, by spinning her around and later reading a magazine with her only for Domino 2 to eat it, making Anne laugh.

Sometime later, Domino 2 was now playing with a small fly, bouncing it around.

"Whew! Hope there isn't a Domino 3.", Sprig laughed.

"I'm telling you, this is a bad idea, Anne. I understand that you miss Domino. Heck, Rose and I miss her, too, but enough is enough. We have to return her to the wild, now.", Jackie urged.

"But Domino 2 was just getting comfortable.", Anne groaned before Domino 2 then ate the fly, walked in a circle, laid down, meowed, and wrapped a cocoon around its lower body before sleeping.

"It's all worth it when you get to watch your adorable little boo take a nap.", Anne grinned.

"I gotta admit, she's pretty darn cute.", Sprig commented.

"Welcome, brother, to the church of cute.", Anne grinned.

"This a cult thing?", Sprig asked before his stomach growled.

"Whoa. Looks like Domino 2 isn't the only thing purring. Come on. Let's go grab some grub. Jackie and Rose might be waiting for us upstairs.", Anne said.

"Ooh, I love grubs.", Sprig grinned before he went upstairs as Anne went over to Domino 2.

"Sleep tight, my precious baby angel.", Anne grinned before leaving.

But when she left, the head of Domino 2 was covered as well.

Meanwhile, Hop Pop was returning to find Anne and Sprig eating quickly while Jackie and Rose were taking their time.

"Whoa, whoa there! Hungry much?", Hop Pop asked before Sprig spoke with his mouth full.

"We've been running around all day. We're starving.", Sprig replied.

"'Runnin' around'? Doin' what?", Hop Pop asked, making the group gasp in worry and gulp, swallowing their food.

"Oh, nothing.", Anne fibbed.

"I mean, who can say really?", Sprig added as Jackie frowned at this before a crash was heard.

"What was that?", Hop Pop asked.

"Mmm, basement ghost?", Anne fibbed.

"Don't be ridiculous. Basement ghosts don't sound anything like that.", Hop Pop said as he went downstairs to the basement with the others following him before noticing a sort of cocoon that hatched.

"What the heck is that?", Anne asked.

"That must be a cocoon. That must mean it hatched into a butterfly.", Jackie guessed.

"Wow. A butterfly?", Rose asked.

"What hatched into a butterfly?", Hop Pop asked.

"Domino 2, where are you? Baby precious!", Anne exclaimed.

"Wait. 'Baby precious'? That's a pet name, for a pet! You sneak a pet in here?", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"No.", Sprig fibbed before he broke and had to fess up.

"Okay, we did!", Sprig exclaimed.

"What'd I tell you about pets?", Hop Pop asked with a scolding glare.

"I'm sorry. It's just that the caterpillar looked just like Anne's pet from back home.", Sprig said.

"We've been trying to return it to the wild all day!", Rose added.

"But Anne was so deadset on keeping it all because it reminded her of Domino from back home because it was black with all those white spots and-", Jackie added.

"Wait. A black caterpillar with white spots?", Hop Pop asked.

"Yes. Sensing something is wrong.", Sprig responded.

"You two were right in trying to get it out the house! That's a Coastal Kill-a-pillar! They're dangerous amphibivores, and they only get white spots right before they're about to-", Hop Pop said before Domino 2 climbed on the ceiling, going behind the Plantars, and then got off, revealing its presence behind them as a sort of giant cat-butterfly hybrid with the body and wings similar to that of a monarch butterfly and the head and legs of a white cat, before roaring and scaring everyone.

"Domino 2, is that you?", Anne asked in worry.

"I told you so!", Rose shouted before Hop Pop shushed her.

"Shh. These monsters respond to sound. Let's back away slowly and quietly.", Hop Pop suggested before Polly banged the door open and yelled.

"Hey, family! What's happening in here?", Polly shouted.

"Dang it, Polly!", Rose shouted before Domino 2 roared and then made Polly scream.

"Run, kids!", Hop Pop shouted.

"I don't wanna die in a basement!", Sprig shouted as he and Hop Pop ran out before Domino 2 tried to go for Rose only for her to jump out of the way with the triplets in tow.

"Hold on. Hop Pop said that Kill-A-Pillars are amphibivores. But if we can turn back into humans...", Jackie began.

"Then, Domino 2 won't try to eat us.", Anne realized before she, Jackie, Rose, and the triplets all turned back to normal human form.

"You guys go on a head and keep Hop Pop and the others safe in case I fail.", Anne said.

"Fail to what?", Jackie asked.

"I'm gonna try and reason with Domino 2.", Anne said.

"I don't think that's going to wo...", Rose began before Jackie shushed her.

"Be careful, Anne.", Jackie said in worry before Anne nodded and went over to Domino 2 as Jackie and Rose went out the basement.

"Domino 2? It's me, Anne. We bonded. I gave you treats. You gave us dead things. Don't you remember?", Anne asked as Domino 2 calmed down and then lowered itself onto the ground before it purred for a moment and then roared blowing Anne back before it went out the basement.

"Whoa! No, wait! Come back!", Anne exclaimed before Domino 2 grabbed a hold on the Plantars, making Polly scream, although not before Jackie tried to hold it back.

"No..., you..., don't!", Jackie grunted before it only knocked her back and got to its prey.

"Get outta here!", Hop Pop shouted.

"Guys!", Anne shouted before she noticed the Plantars being bounced by Domino 2.

"I would like to get off the ride now!", Polly said.

"Oh! She's gonna bite their heads off as soon as she's done toying with them.", Anne began.

"And THIS IS...!", Jackie began.

"All my fault...", Anne sighed.

"ALL YOUR... Oh, now it's no fun.", Jackie said before Anne realized something.

"Toying with them. Wait a second.", Anne puzzled before getting out a mouse toy.

"Of course! We can lead Domino 2 away from the Plantars and save them.", Jackie grinned.

"You might want to do it quick! She's almost done!", Rose urged.

"Right. We'll go before Domino 2 then stopped bouncing them and opened its mouth, is tongue now revealed to be covered with sharp thorns, worrying the Plantars.

"Hey, Domino 2! Over here!", Anne shouted before shaking the mouse toy, fortunately attracting the adult Kill-A-Pillar as it meowed before screeching as it rushed toward her.

"Oh, crud.", Anne said in worry before rushing outside with the Kill-A-Pillar following in pursuit up until Anne stopped at a cliff with which the Kill-A-Pillar stopped near Anne and in front of her before inching towards her.

"Oh, Domino 2, I thought I could change you. But I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry I couldn't make it work.", Anne said before flashing back on the time she spent with Domino 2 and sighing.

"It's time to go.", Anne spoke sadly before tossing the mouse toy away with Domino 2 going after it with a screech.

"Sayonara, Domino 2!", Anne shouted.

Meanwhile, Hop Pop, Jackie, and Rose were untying Sprig and Polly together.

"And look who's cleaning up after the pet! Hop Pop, that's who!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Look on the bright side. At least you're not alone on this.", Jackie grinned as the triplets rolled themselves in the web, wrapping themselves up like cocoons.

"Lookit! They're cute little cocoons.", Rose grinned before laughing as she went over to them.

"Aw...", Hop Pop grinned before Anne arrived.

"Hey.", Anne greeted.

"Anne, you're okay!", Sprig grinned.

"Tell me that thing is gone!", Polly shouted.

"Yeah, it's gone.", Anne assured before sighing.

"I'm so sorry, you guys. I had no right to put you all in danger, no matter how much I miss my cat. I hope you understand.", Anne apologized. Of course, Hop Pop didn't seem like he's in a mood to understand.

Or is he?

"Understand? Understand?!", Hop Pop exclaimed as he was about to chew Anne out.

But then, something unexpected happened.

"I miss Charlie Big Bottom with all my heart and soul!", Hop Pop shouted while sobbing before being hugged by Anne and Jackie.

"Uh, can we please fix the giant hole in the house?!", Polly shouted.

"Don't ruin the moment, Polly!", Rose shouted.

"Don't worry, though. We'll get to it, soon.", Jackie assured.

Later, that morning, Anne, now back in frog form as well as Jackie, Rose, and the triplets, was sweeping at the mess on the floor.

"I hope you learned something from all this.", Jackie glared before Anne sighed.

"Well, just goes to show ya. You can't take some wild animal you found in the woods, have it live in your basement, and think everything's gonna be okay.", Anne responded.

"That's right.", Jackie responded.

"I don't know. Sometimes it works out.", Sprig responded.

"No, it doesn't.", Jackie argued.

"Wait. You mean us, right?", Rose guessed.

"Oh. I stand corrected, then. But I still don't think taking in wild animals is a good idea.", Jackie responded.

"Hey, um, made you a little something.", Sprig said while getting out a doll.

"What's that?", Rose asked.

"I used Domino 2's hair balls as the fur. Here ya go.", Sprig said as he made a sort of doll resembling Domino before giving it to Anne with which the triplets grew happy with the doll.

"Domino!", the triplets said before hugging Domino.

"You hate it, don't ya? It's too ugly, isn't it? You know what, give it back to me-", Sprig began before Anne quickly interrupted.

"I LOVE IT!", Anne shouted while hugging the doll and the triplets with sad eyes.

Act II: Taking Charge

One day, Sprig was bouncing Polly and Rose altogether while juggling a bit, that is, under Jackie's supervision.

"Whoa! Whoo! Higher!", Polly shouted while laughing along with Rose up until Anne screamed, surprising all, although while Jackie caught Rose, Polly landed on Sprig's head before Anne burst out from the cellar door.

"Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys! Look!", Anne shouted.

"What are we looking at here?", Polly asked.

"Suspicion Island. It's, like, my favorite show. I've got the new season and didn't even know it. It must have auto-downloaded before I got here.", Anne responded while showing it to Polly.

"Suspicion Island?! Oh, no!", Rose and Jackie exclaimed.

"Who's this Otto?", Sprig puzzled.

"And how did you download him?", Polly asked.

"And why are you two so scared of it?", Hop Pop asked to Jackie and Rose.

"Just watch.", Anne responded before she then showed a preview of an apparent previous episode of Suspicion Island.

"Previously on Suspicion Island...", the narrator said.

"I've got a lot of feelings about this place.", a girl named Peruvia stated.

"Look! More Annes!", Sprig shouted.

"Ha ha! They have noses.", Polly added.

"We all have noses, Polly. Or at least, Anne, Rose, and I used to before we turned into frogs.", Jackie responded.

"I feel like everyone on this island is suspicious, Peruvia, except you!", Randy pointed out.

"But, Randy, I think you're suspicious!", Peruvia responded, smacking away his hand.

"Nooooooo!", Randy shouted before it then showed Peruvia finding herself in front of several skulls on the ground before an explosion went off and showed the island with the logo on it as the narrator spoke.

"Suspicion Island. If you don't stay suspicious, you won't stay alive.", the narrator said.

"What is this demonic nonsense?", Hop Pop asked.

"Hop Pop, this show's got beautiful people doing dumb things while stuff explodes! It's literally perfect.", Anne responded.

"Awesome!", Sprig grinned.

"Let's do it!", Polly added.

"NO!", Jackie refused profusely, her eyes glowing purple while her voice was distorted, as she blew Sprig and Polly away with the force of her shout, much to everyone's surprise, if not fright and worry as Jackie panted before she cleared her throat and calmed down.

"Sorry, but that show is not age appropriate. And what's worse, the viewers who watch that garbage are bound to get into fights and accuse each other of what they did. That's just the kind of thing that can tear families apart like the Hendersons because they wouldn't stop fighting with each other. I don't want that to happen to us.", Jackie explained in her normal voice.

"That's horrible.", Rose added.

"Well, if it's that awful, then maybe you shouldn't be watching this, Polly.", Hop Pop said.

"What?! You don't think I can take it?! I'm tough!", Polly exclaimed.

"Well, tough or not, you're still too young for this.", Hop Pop responded.

"Come on. I can take on anything you guys bring out.", Polly smirked.

"Hmm. Well, instead of that garbage, how 'bout I treat you to some real entertainment?", Jackie and Rose asked.

"Oh, no.", Sprig and Polly said in unison.

"A scene from The Shallow Pond.", Hop Pop said before clearing his throat.

"Well, anything's better than that horrible show.", Jackie responded.

"I thought that playing out in town's better.", Rose responded.

"Well, that, too.", Jackie assured.

"Sadness. The world is sadness. But look. There. A pond! Is it deep? Or shallow?", Hop Pop read before Anne, Sprig, and Polly only chanted against that.

"Suspicion Island! Suspicion Island! Suspicion Island!", the trio chanted.

"I'm telling you. You guys are making a big mistake.", Jackie warned.

"Please, let us watch just one episode, Jackie.", Anne pleaded.

"I don't know... Hop Pop, what do you think?", Jackie asked.

After some thinking, Hop Pop sighed.

"Okay. Fine.", Hop Pop sighed before Anne, Sprig, and Polly cheered.

"But just one.", Hop Pop responded.

"And we need you to stay with them. They need Parental Supervision. Or at least Anne does, but what do I care? Anyway, we're going to be out in town and playing with the triplets if you need us.", Jackie assured as she and Rose left with the triplets in tow.

Later, Anne and the Plantars were just finishing up on watching the show into the night with Anne, Sprig and Polly engrossed, eyes bloodshot and veiny, while Hop Pop isn't interested.

"It can't be, Vivica. These pterodactyls are clones of... my dead brother!", Chad said in surprise before Anne gasped.

"NO WAY.", Anne said before Hop Pop rolled his eyes and grumbled before Vivica got taken away by a pterodactyl.

"NOOOOO!", Chad shouted.

"Will these beautiful teens ever make it off the island? Find out next time on-", the narrator began before Anne paused the video.

"And that's enough for tonight.", Anne said.

"Aw, come on!", Sprig exclaimed before Polly groaned.

"This is torture!", Polly complained.

"Trust me, guys. You gotta pace yourself with this stuff.", Anne said.

"All right, you two grubs. Off to bed.", Hop Pop said before the two Plantars groaned.

"How am I supposed to sleep without knowing what happened to Vivica and Chad?", Sprig asked.

"Stupid sleep! I wanna watch it right now!", Polly groaned.

"So? What do you think, Hop Pop? Better than that boring stuff you read to us, right?", Anne asked.

"That 'boring stuff' is called literature, Anne. And maybe, if you had an ounce of culture, you wouldn't reject it in favor of your substandard, puerile garbage show!", Hop Pop exclaimed before closing the door.

"Sheesh. Tell me how you really feel.", Anne said before yawning and going down to the basement.

"Nup, nup, nup.", Anne said.

Of course, sometime later, Jackie and Rose returned home.

"Huh. Looks like everyone is asleep. Just like we should be.", Jackie grinned before Rose groaned.

"Okay...", Rose sighed before the two were about to join Anne, when all of a sudden, they heard some noises from the phone.

"Wait. Was that Anne?", Jackie asked.

"Could be.", Rose responded before the two snuck over and saw, much to their surprise, Hop Pop watching Suspicion Island.

"Last week on Suspicion Island...", the narrator said.

"Et tu, Hop Pop?", Jackie whispered in shock.

"Should we stop him?", Rose asked quietly.

"Nah. Anne's phone will probably die out by the time he saw the whole season.", Jackie responded.

"But why would he watch that?", Rose puzzled as she and Jackie grew suspicious of Hop Pop.

The next morning, a rooster crowed before Anne arrived with a bowl of Popcorn.

"Come on, guys! It's time to get...suspicious.", Anne said before she started to play the next episode.

But suddenly, her phone displayed a low battery alert and beeped.

"Wait, WHAT?!", Anne shouted before Jackie, Rose, Andy, Dany, Lily, Sprig, Polly, and Hop Pop entered, puzzled.

"What's wrong, Anne?", Sprig asked.

"What's all the ruckus?", Hop Pop asked.

"Why you screaming?", Polly asked.

"My battery is low. But it was fine last night when I turned it off.", Anne asked as she accessed the season; but somehow, all the episodes were now marked "WATCHED".

"Huh? 'Watched'? Who watched all these episodes and used up all the-", Anne began before another alert popped up, worrying Anne greatly.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!", Anne shouted before the phone then displayed a dead cat face and was booted off.

"It's gone...", Anne spoke in shock.

"What's gone?", Sprig asked.

"Everything! My pictures! My texts! Videos of my cat! Now all my memories from home are gone!", Anne exclaimed before she began hyperventilating and gave panicked breathing, much to Jackie and Rose's worry.

Under normal circumstances, Jackie would say something smart, like how they aren't really gone, but just inaccessible until charged up again, but she's too worried for Anne right now, same for Rose.

"Um, there, there?", Sprig asked.

"No! Was it you?!", Anne blamed, making Jackie and Rose gasp in horror.

"Oh, no...!", Jackie began.

"It's started...!", Rose squeaked.

"What? No! I didn't watch anything. It must have been Polly.", Sprig blamed, pointing at Polly.

"What?", Polly puzzled.

"I even heard her get up in the night. Very suspicious.", Polly said.

"I needed to pee! Plus, if you heard me, you were awake too. You're the suspicious one!", Polly blamed.

"Don't change the subject", Sprig only responded.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. What about... Hop Pop?", Polly said, pointing her stub at Hop Pop.

"Heh! Me? In case you forgot, I despise that garbage.", Hop Pop responded.

"Exactly! Maybe you ran down the phone so we'd have to listen to your boring play!", Polly exclaimed.

"Oh, that's good.", Sprig agreed.

"That is preposterous!", Hop Pop responded before Anne groaned.

"Enough! If none of you are going to admit to it, the least you could do is help me fix my phone.", Anne responded.

"Fair enough, Anne. How do we bring this thing back to life? Magic? Live sacrifice? I know a guy in town-", Hop Pop began.

"We need power. Electricity.", Anne responded.

"What?", Polly puzzled.

"Huh?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"You know, energy.", Jackie said.

"Yeah. Zap zap?", Rose added.

"'Zap zap'? Oh, I think I know what you're talking about. Quickly! To my study!", Hop Pop urged before they all gathered at his study.

"I've heard talk of a creature called the zapapede that lives deep in the Misty Peaks. It zaps its prey with a small spark of lightnin'. Yeah, it's pretty cool, actually.", Hop Pop grinned as he opened the book of beasts of Amphibia and went to the page of the Misty Peaks.

"Sounds like it's worth a shot. So, how far away is this bug, HP?", Anne asked.

"Don't call me HP.", Hop Pop said before clearing his throat.

"It's half a day's travel, but that should be no trouble for this gang.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Hey, you're right. That really is no trouble.", Jackie grinned.

"Oh, yeah? Well, that's just what Chad Vanderblad said. Right before he was stabbed in the back by a backstabber on Suspicion Island!", Sprig exclaimed.

"Watch where you're pointin' that finger!", Hop Pop exclaimed to Sprig.

"I would never stab Chad in the back, but one of you two would.", Polly said.

"Hey! Every time you point, two fingers point back!", Sprig responded.

"That doesn't make any sense!", Polly retorted, worrying Jackie and Rose.

"Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! You're all suspicious. Just look at you. Now, come on. Let's get going. The sooner we move, the sooner I get my memories back.", Anne said as she and the others started, although Jackie and Rose had something they need to say to him.

"Hold it, Hop Pop.", Jackie said, grabbing Hop Pop by the shoulder.

"We need to talk.", Jackie said, worrying him.

Later, Jackie, Rose, the triplets, and Hop Pop were out by the back of the house.

"We know what you did last night. So, don't try to deny it. We saw it happen.", Jackie responded.

"Bad Hop Pop. Bad.", the triplets said unison.

"You're lucky we didn't tell them.", Rose added.

"Oh. Well, that's kinda a relief.", Hop Pop said.

"Not exactly.", Jackie said, puzzling Hop Pop.

"Huh?", Hop Pop asked.

"If anyone is going to tell them, it has to be you. Sure, we'll keep the fighting and suspicion to a minimum for now, and you can help, too, but if they get out of hand, telling them the truth is the only way this family won't tear each other apart, blaming one another.", Jackie responded.

"We don't want them to end up like the Hendersons.", Rose added.

"But, I...", Hop Pop began.

"The sooner you do that, the better. Do you understand?", Jackie interrupted.

"Yes... I understand, Jackie.", Hop Pop sighed.

"Good. Now, let's get going.", Jackie responded as she and Rose left, leaving Hop Pop feeling uneasy.

Later, the whole group was now on the Misty Peaks.

"A family Distrusts each other On a dangerous mission Like the nearly naked humans On the island of Suspicion Peruvia, Felicia And Randy, so hot Beguiling, hostile-ing We're all Suspicious isle-ing.", Sprig sang as he played his violin.

"Quiet, boy. Look! There's one now! A zapapede!", Hop Pop said as a Zapapede was resting on top of a mountain peak.

"Oh, looks pretty cute.", Anne grinned before Sprig stepped on a bridge.

"Step lightly, everyone. This thing doesn't look like it can take much weight.", Hop Pop said before Sprig and the others all tred lightly on the bridge before Sprig yawned, leaving Hop Pop suspicious.

"'Sup, HP?", Anne asked.

"Sprig sure looks tired, doesn't he? Awfully suspicious. And don't call me HP.", Hop Pop responded.

"The old man's a lying snake, but he does have a point.", Polly agreed as the bridge creaked.

"Guys, no. No suspicions. We can't tear each other apart now. We all have to work together.", Jackie whispered.

"All right...", Hop Pop and Polly said in unison.

"You guys talkin' scum?", Sprig asked.

"What? No, no. No, no, no.", Hop Pop fibbed before Sprig got suspicious and spoke to Anne.

"Hmm. Psst, Anne.", Sprig whispered before Anne groaned.

"Excuse me, HP.", Anne said before walking over to Sprig as Hop Pop grumbled before Sprig spoke to Anne.

"I want to find out who's guilty just as much as you do. Let me help you.", Sprig assured before Polly butted in.

"Oh, no, you don't! You were trying to Chad her into trusting you!", Polly butted in.

"Polly! No suspicions, remember?", Rose asked.

"And you're trying to Vivica her into not trusting me!", Sprig retorted.

"Oh, and look at Hop Pop trying to Randy his way out of this.", Polly added.

"I don't even know what that means!", Hop Pop retorted.

"Guys, stop it! If you can't trust each other, how are we supposed to charge Anne's phone?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah, guys, cut it out. You're gonna-", Anne began before the rope broke, causing everyone to fall down screaming as a Zapapede looked on in confusion.

Soon after, while Jackie, Rose, and the triplets landed on one side with Rose holding the triplets, who giggled, everyone else landed on the other.

"Rope bridge? More like nope bridge.", Anne groaned before Jackie shouted.

"Guys, are you okay?!", Jackie shouted.

"Yeah, Jackie! We're all right! Barely...", Anne shouted back in reply.

"Thank goodness!", Rose shouted in relief before Hop Pop noticed a pit of Zapapedes below and gasped in surprise.

"Look! Down there! More zapapedes! They're pretty far down.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Well, at least there's still a chance we can charge Anne's phone.", Rose grinned.

"We just need to figure out how to get down there.", Rose added.

"Hmm. Oh! Let's just link arms and lower someone down, just like the teens did in episode eight.", Anne suggested.

"Ha! So that Polly can drop us to cover her tracks, just like Vivica did in the very same episode?", Sprig refused.

"You callin' me a Vivica?", Polly asked.

"Maybe...", Sprig responded with a smirk before Polly leapt onto Sprig and started fighting him, shocking Jackie and Rose greatly.

"Kids, no! Stop fightin'!", Hop Pop urged before Polly twisted Sprig's skin on the arm, prompting him to retaliate by pulling a Wet Willie, causing Polly to jump towards Sprig and punch him. much to Rose's despair.

"Stop it! Stop it!", Rose teared up before Anne walked in.

"Hey, cut it out, you guys. Seriously. Ow!", Anne said as Sprig accidentally kicked Anne in the cheek.

"Oh, sorry, Anne. You okay?", Sprig chuckled nervously before Anne only lifted her right sleeve and shouted before pouncing on him, much to Sprig's shock with Hop Pop stepping in.

"No...! They're tearing each other apart like I said they would...!", Jackie said in despair.

"Kids, no! Stop fighting!", Hop Pop shouted as Anne was now seen Sprig's arm as Polly was pulling one of Sprig's eye lids, making Jackie and Rose very sad, especially the triplets.

"No! Look what the show's done to them!" she cried out while tears form from her eyes while the triplets cried.

"Hop Pop! Enough is enough! Just tell them the truth! PLEASE!" she yelled.

"Eh, no. Oh. No. I- STOP! IT WAS MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!", Hop Pop shouted with an echo to stop the fight.

"Say what?!", Polly exclaimed.

"Huh?", Sprig puzzled.

"You mean-", Anne began.

"That's right, Anne. Jackie and Rose have been trying to get me to tell you, they've been trying all morning to get me to tell you; I watched all the episodes. Every single one!", Hop Pop exclaimed before panting as Anne stood up.

"But you hated Suspicion Island!", Anne puzzled.

"Hated it? Hated it?! I LOVED it!", Hop Pop exclaimed before it showed him struggling to sleep, sneaking out to the living room, and watching Suspicion Island, not knowing that Jackie and Rose spotted him in a flashback before a day past, showing that he noticed dawn approaching before he snuck across the ceiling without Anne noticing.

"Ever since the end of that last episode, I-I couldn't sleep. I fell in love with those crazy kids on their crazy island. I couldn't get enough! I did the only thing I could. I snuck out to the livin' room to watch another episode. Because of what Jackie and Rose warned me about the show, I vowed only to watch one, but Suspicion Island had its hooks in me! And before I realized what had happened, I'd finished the season! With dawn approaching, I covered my tracks and made my escape.", Hop Pop explained.

"Come on, guys! It's time to get...suspicious.", Anne said in a flashback before it went back to the present with a thunderclap.

"Unbelievable.", Anne said in surprise.

"What a twist!", Sprig added.

"But now, I'm gonna make things right. I will redeem myself!", Hop Pop shouted before he jumped off into the pit.

"No! Hop Pop!", Rose shouted before she, Jackie, Anne, Sprig, Polly, and the triplets each went to the edge.

"I'm okay!", Hop Pop assured.

"Really?", Rose asked.

"You know, it's actually kinda relax...", Hop Pop began before suddenly he started to get zapped over and over.

"He can't last much longer!", Sprig shouted.

"We have to work together!", Polly added.

"And we'll all do that!", Jackie added before she and Sprig each wrapped their frog tongues around a stump before, while Anne and Polly went down first, Rose and the triplets did so first all towards Hop Pop.

"Almost. Nearly there. Got him! Oh, wait a second.", Anne said before she, Polly, Sprig, Rose, the triplets, and Jackie all got zapped and launched off the zapapedes and back where they started.

Of course, when Hop Pop looked, the battery level was now at 10,000%.

"Holy smokes. That's a lot of percents.", Hop Pop said in surprise.

"You see, Anne?! This is why we didn't want to watch that show! Because it tears us apart!", Jackie sobbed as tears dropped from her eyes.

"The way you accused each other and fought with each other... You... you... you broke our hearts!", Rose sobbed before hugging Anne.

"Oh, man... I had no idea... I am so sorry, Jackie, Rose... I should've never gotten suspicious in the first place.", Anne said apologetically.

"Hey, it was all my fault. I should've just taken the blame for the greater good.", Sprig responded.

"That's what I should've done, too.", Polly added.

"Wow, Polly. That's really surprisingly thoughtful of you...", Rose grinned before sniffling.

"But we all know who should've said so in the first place.", Jackie said while calming down.

"So, you love Suspicion Island, huh?", Anne grinned.

"Yeah... And I'm sorry I lied and drained your memory box. Can you ever forgive this old, silly frog?", Hop Pop sighed.

"Dude, you just risked your life to stop us from fighting with each other and recharge my phone. I think we're square.", Anne grinned, making Jackie and Rose grin sadly.

"Aw...", the triplets all said together.

"Aw. Really glad I didn't push you off a cliff like I was planning.", Polly grinned.

"Me too, Polly. Me too.", Sprig grinned.

"All right, enough fiddle-faddling. We gotta get home so you guys can finish the season. If I don't talk to someone about it soon, I'm gonna explode! I mean, that part where the island itself is revealed to actually be-", Hop Pop began as he and the others started to head back home.

"No!", Polly exclaimed.

"Oh, come on!", Sprig shouted.

"Dude, spoilers!", Anne shouted.

"You can tell me and Jackie, Hop Pop.", Rose grinned.

"Yeah, we never liked that show, anyway.", Jackie grinned.