5. Chapter 5

A/N: So you know, Anne Theft Auto is not much different. But as for Breakout Star, that's another story. In fact, I have something very surprising in mind for this. Just wait until the near end. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 5

Act I: Anne Theft Auto

It all started one day as Hop Pop was driving Bessie with Anne, Jackie, Rose, and her siblings riding with him, Sprig, and Polly.

"Ah, a leisurely outing with Bessie. Why, we could really go anywhere. Do anything.", Hop Pop grinned.

"You mean almost anything?", Jackie asked.

"Ooh, ooh! Can we get Swamp Slushies? They have new flavors.", Sprig asked before Hop Pop laughed.

"Nope.", Hop Pop responded.

"Can we go off-road? Do some crazy stunts?", Polly asked.

"Double no.", Hop Pop refused.

"Ooh, ooh! Can I drive?", Anne asked.

"Sure.", Hop Pop assured.

"Aw, come on, Hop Pop- Wait, really?", Anne puzzled.

"Are you sure?", Jackie asked.

"Absolutely. I've been trying to teach this guy for years. ", Hop Pop responded as he pointed to Sprig.

"It's true.", Sprig responded.

"Huh. What do you know?", Rose said in surprise.

"All right! Give me those reins. I'm ready to drive.", Anne said before Hop Pop later placed the driving book onto a stump.

"Not before reading this, you ain't.", Hop Pop refused.

"What?", Anne said in surprise.

"This is Bessie's History. Before touching a snail's reins, you gotta know them. Feel their heartbeat next to yours and become one.", Hop Pop advised.

"Wow...", Rose said in awe from hearing this.

Anne, however, wasn't interested.

"Hop Pop, it's just a vehicle. We had a family car back home. It's no biggie.", Anne said before Hop Pop threw the book at her.

"You take that back! Bessie is not just a vehicle. It's a living thing!", Rose reacted.

"She's right on that. Besides, you can't drive Bessie unless you read this cover to cover. And that's final.", Hop Pop said.

"Are there pictures?", Anne asked.

"There are diagrams.", Hop Pop gleefully responded.

"No!", Anne shouted.

"Dramatic much?", Hop Pop commented.

"Aren't pictures and diagrams kinda the same thing?", Jackie asked.

"I want to learn about Bessie.", Rose grinned.

"That's the spirit, Rose. Now if you'll excuse me, Polly's due for a wash. The triplets are more than welcome to have fun bath time if they want.", Hop Pop said as she then picked Polly up from the mud puddle before the triplets grew excited.

"Yay!", Danny, Andy, and Lily shouted before they jumped off and bounced after Hop Pop and Polly with gleeful giggles.

"No, no. Wait. No! I'll just get dirty again. You can't stop me! I learned this from watching you, Anne!", Polly shouted, making Rose giggle a bit.

"Yeah, I don't see how this is good.", Jackie commented before Anne groaned.

"I'll be old before I finish reading this thing.", Anne groaned.

"Yeah, page five is as far as I got. Too much description, not enough plot.", Sprig commented.

"Maybe you should just take it one page at a time. You can't just expect to finish the whole thing in a whole day unless you focus.", Jackie responded.

"I don't need history. I need experience.", Anne said as she put the book away and hopped on.

"But history is what gives us experience in the first place, Anne. How else would we learn from our mistakes and make things right if we make them?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah, right.", Anne scoffed before coming up with an idea.

"Hey. What do you say we take a harmless test-drive? Prove to Hop Pop we're fast learners?", Anne asked.

"Hmm. Do you get the feeling this is one of those decisions we'll look back on and say, 'Ooh-boy, we probably shouldn't have done that'?", Sprig asked.

"All the time.", Jackie responded.

"We'll get Swamp Slushies while we're out.", Anne assured.

"No regrets!", Sprig shouted.

"Well, as long as we learn more about Bessie along the way...", Jackie sighed cautiously.

"That's what I like to hear. Hyah!", Anne shouted as she hopped on with Jackie, Rose, and Sprig in tow before riding on Bessie, leaving the Plantar Home.

Later, at one point, a frog named Mrs. Croaker was driving along when she noticed something in the rear view mirror.

"Huh? What in tarnation? Whoa, whoa, whoa!", Mrs. Croaker exclaimed as Anne and the others quickly drove past her.

"Out of the way, slowpoke!", Sprig shouted as he spanked his butt playfully.

"Sprig!", Jackie exclaimed as she kicked Sprig and launched her tongue at him to get him back just as quickly before setting him down back at his seat.

"Sorry, Mrs. Croaker!", Jackie and Rose shouted.

"Hooligans! Ruffians! Swamp suckers! Oh. Why, thank you, dearies! I accept your apology", Mrs. Croaker shouted.

"Whoa. What was that?", Anne asked.

"I've always wanted to try road rage.", Sprig explained.

"And the verdict?", Anne asked.

"Exhilarating.", Sprig responded.

"Doing something like this is wrong. Remember that, Rose.", Jackie warned.

"Okay.", Rose nodded.

"Live your truth! Yeah!", Anne shouted before she and Sprig laughed while Jackie and Rose could only help but inhale sharply in worry.

Later, the group of four got Swamp Slushies and all drank some.

"Okay. I gotta admit. These swamp slushies are great.", Jackie grinned.

"Mm-hmm.", Rose agreed as a small bug crawled up Sprig's face only for him to eat it by scooping it into his mouth via tongue.

"Man, you were right. We didn't need to read some silly book. You drive just fine.", Sprig grinned.

"Just fine? Pshh. Boy, I'm a natural.", Anne grinned.

"I'm not so sure. Sure, you're doing fine now, but what happens if we get into a situation we don't know how to solve? How would we solve it then?", Jackie asked before Anne gasped as she has an idea of what she wanted to do.

"Ooh, ooh! Wanna take this baby off-road?", Anne asked.

"Off-road?", Jackie and Rose ask worriedly in unison.

"Yup.", Sprig responded before Anne quickly caused Bessie to speed up and go off-road.

"Whoo-hoo!", Sprig shouted before a tree trunk hit Sprig, but not enough to knock him off, leaving the two giggling as Jackie and Rose groaned worriedly, holding on tightly to their seat before they jumped off the cliff, fell down back to the path, went down, and then jumped off a branch before landing again.

"So, off-roading. Fun. But how about we go back to on-roading?", Anne sighed with a grin.

"Good old reliable on-roading, yes, please.", Sprig agreed as leaves are now in his mouth before he spat them out.

"Finally, something we can agree on for the day.", Jackie sighed in response.

"All right, Bessie. Let's move.", Anne said as she used the reins only to notice that Bessie hasn't moved.

"Uh, Anne? I don't think she's moving.", Jackie said in concern.

"One more time. Let's move. Um, Bessie?", Anne asked before she and the others got off and noticed that Bessie was hiding in her shell.

"You all right, girl?", Sprig asked.

"Hey, what's going on here? Does it need fuel in the tank or something? Is the oil low? Come get the tasty fuel, Bessie.", Anne asked as she picked some leaves.

"Ew, Anne. These leaves are tastier.", Sprig said as he got out a 3-leaf clover with some dew on it.

"Aw.", Rose grinned.

"Here, Bessie. I got dem good leaves, girl.", Sprig assured before Bessie only purred in fright.

"She wouldn't even take those.", Rose said in worry.

"Hmm. Maybe we can push her? Give her a jump-start? I'm sure that's a thing.", Anne said.

"Well, if that's what you and Sprig want to do, we won't stop you, but Rose and I are gonna do what we should've done earlier and read the book. We'll be sure to let you know if we find something important.", Jackie responded as she and Rose got the book out and climbed up to their seat with Anne and Sprig trying to push Bessie, but to no avail.

"Okay. She is way too heavy. Also, I'm crazy out of shape.", Anne panted.

"What are we gonna do? We're stuck.", Sprig panted.

"We have no choice. I'll stay here with Bessie while you hitch a ride back to the farm and... go get Hop Pop.", Anne groaned.

"Good idea. It's the right thing to do, even if we get an earful. Back in a flash.", Sprig assured before he bounced from tree to tree in search for him.

After a while, Anne couldn't take any waiting.

"Ah, this is so boring. Wish I had something to read.", Anne groaned.

"You know, you could try reading this with us.", Jackie suggested.

"Fine. But just to pass the time.", Anne responded as she joined the others.

"We made it past the part about the Gullets.", Jackie responded.

"I think it's a bit more about Amphibia than Bessie.", Rose added.

"I'm sure it'll get better as we go along.", Jackie responded.

Meanwhile, Sprig was bouncing across trees when he noticed Mrs. Croaker nearby.

"Aha!", Sprig said before bouncing off branches and stopping near Mrs. Croaker.

"Over here, over here. I need a ride.", Sprig urged before Mrs. Croaker halted her ladybug.

"Oh, thank you so much for stopping. I, uh- Oh.", Sprig said as he truly realized who stopped for him.

"Bless my socks. If it isn't Sprig Plantar.", Mrs. Croaker spoke in surprise before her pet spider barked.

"Yep. Hey, uh, sorry about earlier. Got a little carried away.", Sprig apologized nervously.

"Oh, pishposh. Sadie Croaker never holds a grudge, honey.", Sadie assured.

"Well, that's lucky. Will you give me a lift back home? It's urgent.", Sprig requested.

"Oh, absolutely.", Mrs. Croaker assured.

"Thanks, Mrs. Croaker.", Sprig grinned before he hopped on.

"Oh, my pleasure, honey. Well, go on and get comfy. Watch out for ol' Archie, though. His venom can cause paralysis. Now hold on to your eyebrows. 'Cause here we go!", Sadie shouted before she and Sprig whooped until it showed that the ladybug was only slowing down.

"Can't this thing go any faster?", Sprig shouted.

Meanwhile, Anne, Jackie, and Rose were already at Chapter 12, already into it as Anne ate leaves, before it showed Hop Pop and Bessie at an auction while some frog named Jim Snapes broke his stick in frustration at his loss.

"And it was at that moment I realized Bessie was no ordinary snail, but a kind, clear soul who would help others at a drop of a hat. I raised my bid to 400 copper pieces, winning the auction, and in the process, saving Bessie from the nefarious Jim Snapes.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Yes! In your face, Snapes.", Anne and Rose shouted in unison.

"Wait. Snapes? Isn't that the name of the guy we read about in books about magic?", Jackie asked.

"Who knew?", Rose asked.

"Man. This is actually pretty good. And I need to stop eating leaves.", Anne said as she ate, making Rose giggle as well as Jackie.

Meanwhile, Sprig was having a hard time getting patient.

"Come on, come on.", Sprig groaned.

"You know what would make this ride go a lot quicker?", Sadie asked.

"What? Anything. What?", Sprig asked.

"A song! Ooooooohhhhhh! Ninety-nine jugs Of juice on the wall Ninety-nine jugs of juice Take one down, pass it around...", Sadie began singing as Sprig seemed like he was starting to lose it.

Meanwhile, Anne, Jackie, and Rose were already at the part where Hop Pop learned something new, albeit either disheartening or touching as it then showed Hop Pop with a hat and a scarf on before and was about to collapse on the snow until he heard Bessie singing.

"The snow swirled around us and I knew we were doomed. I could feel the strength leaving my body bit by bit. The sweet embrace of eternity crept closer and closer. Until suddenly I heard a sound pulling me back. Bessie... Bessie was singing!", Hop Pop narrated, making Anne and Rose sob as Jackie was just as touched, due to her tears coming out.

"You go, girl. You noble, noble creature.", Anne sobbed as Rose cried.

"Man. This is messing me up.", Jackie sniffled.

"Yeah. You and me both... Now let's see. Where was I?", Anne asked as Rose calmed down.

"The reason Bessie had hidden in her shell was now very clear to me. A predator was close. And not just any predator. A natural enemy of snails.", Anne read before Jackie and Rose gasped as they realized what it could mean.

"Hedgehogs!", Jackie and Rose shouted before they heard some snapping and rustling nearby as a bird cawed.

"Uh... Hello? Uh, anything in here about this predator? Oh, there we go. Aw, it's actually pretty cute.", Anne said as she found a page about Hedgehogs only to find that they don't look anything like the book has shown.

"They are not anywhere near close to what the book said they'd look like!", Jackie shouted.

"ESCAPE!", Rose shouted before she and the others got on Bessie while trying to keep the Hedgehogs at bay.

"Cone on, come on. Yes! 'When Bessie senses danger, you gotta sit on her shell and yell at the top of your lungs, "Bessie, things are getting messy!"'", Anne read with a shout before Bessie started moving again.

"Yes! Whoo!", Anne shouted as Jackie and Rose whooped as well with the Hedgehogs chasing after them.

"Eat our dust, hedgehogs.", Anne shouted before the hedgehogs retaliated by launching spikes at them, although it only hit the seat.

Then, afterwards, they jumped off the log and then sped forward before Jackie noticed something.

"Oh, no. Anne?!", Jackie said in worry before she turned and saw the Hedgehogs closing in from behind, making Anne and Rose scream before the former found a helpful page.

"If you still haven't escaped, give Bessie some berries from the secret compartment in the front of her shell.", Anne read before she then tapped the front of the shell, causing it to open up and show organs.

"Whoa, this is gross.", Rose grinned.

"Yes, it is, Rose. Yes, it is.", Jackie responded after gagging a bit as Anne got out a small bag and got out some berries.

"Let's do this thing, Bessie.", Anne said before Bessie purred and got fed some berries, which allowed it to give off extra ooze, allowing it to speed up and cause the Hedgehogs to lose their balance and slide into the trees.

"Way to go, Bessie! You are the queen of the road.", Anne grinned before Bessie purred in response.

"That's a good Bessie. Who deserves a big hug? You, that's who. Yes, you do.", Rose cooed, making Jackie grin.

"All right, let's go home.", Jackie grinned.

"You took the words right outta my mouth, Jackie.", Anne agreed.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Croaker had finished the song.

"Take one down, pass it around, no more jugs of juice on the wall.", Mrs. Croaker sang.

"Glad that's finally over.", Sprig sighed.

"One more time!", Mrs. Croaker said before Sprig screamed in a muffled manner onto Archie, having finally lost it, before Anne, Jackie, and Rose appeared.

"Hey, kid, need a lift?", Anne asked before Bessie purred.

"Anne! Jackie! Rose! Thank goodness. Okay, bye, Mrs. Croaker. Thank you.", Sprig said as he got off and joined Sprig.

"Bye, darlin'. Next time, try to keep that road rage in check.", Mrs. Croaker said before laughing.

"Yee-haw!", Sadie shouted before cackling as she sped off into the road.

"What?! She can actually go that fast?!", Jackie and Rose shouted in surprise.

"Pretty sure I just got played.", Sprig responded.

"That woman is everything I want to be.", Anne responded.

"I think we can all agree, here. Never underestimate Mrs. Croaker.", Jackie responded.

"Mm-hmm.", Rose and Sprig nodded.

Later at night, everyone groaned before they all made it back to the house.

"We made it. And it looks like Hop Pop's still washing Polly.", Sprig grinned.

"You'll never take me alive!", Polly shouted as she bounced around, still covered in fur.

"Dang it, Polly. You're getting filth everywhere!", Hop Pop shouted.

"Oh, boy. Looks like he got his hands full.", Jackie winced before Sprig decided to go in.

"Hey. You guys coming?", Sprig asked.

"I think I'm going to spend a little more time with ol' Bessie here.", Anne grinned.

"Suit yourself.", Sprig said before closing the door.

Bessie purred gently as Anne, Jackie, and Rose walked over to the snail.

"Now where were we?", Anne asked.

Later, as Hop Pop slept, he was woken up by the book thrown on top of him.

"What the hey?", Hop Pop asked before Anne, Jackie, and Rose walked in.

"Good morning, Hopadiah.", Anne, Jackie, and Rose groaned.

"Anne? Jackie? Rose?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"We did it.", Anne began.

"We read the whole thing.", Jackie added.

"In one night.", Rose responded.

"Impressive. Kinda scary. But impressive.", Hop Pop commented.

I was wrong about Bessie. She's not just a vehicle. She's a noble, beautiful creature.", Anne admitted.

"And again, I told you so.", Rose responded.

"And now that you've all read this, all you need is experience.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Thanks, Hop Pop. But we've had enough experience to last a lifetime. We're gonna get some shut-eye.", Jackie grinned with a yawn.

"Night, Hop Pop.", Rose added as she and Jackie went to bed while bringing Anne with them.

"Well, that was strange.", Hop Pop said.

Act II: Breakout Star

One morning, the Plantars were playing cards.

"Hmm. Got any threes?", Hop Pop asked.

"I ain't telling you nothing, old man.", Polly responded.

From the basement, Anne's voice was heard.

"Make room, everybody! Breakout victim coming through!", Anne warned before she kicked open the basement door with Jackie emerging, her face completely broken out in pimples.

"AHHHHHHH!", Jackie shouted.

"AAGH!", Sprig shouted.

"IS SOMEONE DEAD?!", Hop Pop shouted.

"WHY ARE WE YELLING!?", Polly added.

"Just...look at me.", Jackie groaned in despair, showing her breakout, making the Plantars gasp in horror.

"She's diseased!", Sprig shouted before he and the others, specifically Polly and Hop Pop, got out their weapons.

"We have to quarantine her!", Hop Pop shouted.

"Don't struggle, Jackie.", Polly added.

"No! Don't hurt her! She's my sister!", Rose exclaimed, holding onto Hop Pop's leg with tears.

"Guys, it's not a disease. These are pimples. It's just a human thing.", Anne assured.

"Oh. False alarm, everyone. Just a human thing.", Hop Pop said before Sprig sighed with relief.

"Okay.", Sprig said before Jackie sighed.

"Everybody already treats us like monsters. This is just gonna make it ten times worse.", Jackie groaned.

"Ah, come on. No one treats you like a monster, Jackie. Remember when you and Rose apologized to Mrs. Croaker?", Sprig assured.

"This is a whole other thing, Sprig! What about for everyone else? We can't even go outside without making a scene!", Jackie retorted before it showed the trio walked through town as Anne whistled.

"Ah! They're hideous.", the villager exclaimed.

"Look away, Teddy. Look away.", the woman said cautiously as she closed the cover for her baby carriage and hurried out while the other two jumped away, one of which to hide at home.

"Ah, poop.", Anne groaned before the flashback ended.

"I'm surprised that they don't react negatively to us inside compared to outside.", Jackie added.

"Okay, fair point, fair point. But who cares what they think? We like you.", Sprig assured.

"Us, too, Jackie.", Anne assured.

"Yeah, whether you have pimples or not.", Rose added.

"Aw, really?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah. Cross my heart.", Rose added.

"Thanks. It's really thoughtful of you, but to be safe, I'm going to go hide in the basement until this clears up.", Jackie responded.

"Sorry, Jackie, but nobody's hiding anywhere today. I need help at the vegetable stand. We got a bumper crop of scream beans that need sellin'.", Hop Pop said before one bean screamed while Jackie slammed her head on the table with a despairing groan.

"Don't sweat it, Jackie. It's gonna be fine.", Anne assured before it later went to the market.

"Fresh crickets, ma'am? Always fresh.", a merchant said.

"Worms! We got worms!", another added.

"Are these grubs organic?", the villager asked as Jackie was now shown to be wearing glasses with a cloth wrapped around her head.

"Are you sure this is gonna work, Anne?", Jackie asked.

"Sure it will. I came up with it myself.", Anne assured.

"That's exactly what worries me...", Jackie responded.

"All right, kids. Get out there and sell like your lives depend on it. Because they do. We- We really need this.", Hop Pop said before some leaves blew past them.

Then, Sprig hopped out, holding a drawer of Scream Beans.

"Come one, come all. Try the beans everybody's screaming about.", Sprig announced as said beans screamed.

"Beans, everyone. Wow, can you believe it?", Jackie said nervously.

"Oh, gracious!", the woman reacted.

"Like I'd buy beans from a monster.", a villager added as he and the woman left.

"Hey.", Jackie glared, not knowing that two frog children were playing.

"You can't catch me.", a frog child giggled before bumping into Jackie, inadvertently exposing her face with pimples as the villagers noticed.

"Leapin' larva! Look!", one of the villagers said before they all gasped upon noticing her.

"This is bad.", Anne sqeuaked a bit.

"Yep.", Rose agreed.

"No! No, don't look at me!", Jackie reacted dramatically.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?", one of the villagers asked.

"Yeah, I think so.", another replied.

"They're warts. Beautiful, ruby-red warts.", a third responded.

"Wait. Huh?", Jackie puzzled.

"Stunning.", one villager grinned.

"Are they real?", another asked.

"I wanna touch them.", another grinned.

"Amazing.", another said as he and the others rushed over to Jackie and lifted her up as a crowd.

"Three cheers for the girl with the ruby-red warts.", the villager shouted before he and the others cheered as they pushed her up in celebration, much to the befuddled Jackie.

"UNBELIEVABLE! You actually get famous for pimples here?!", Anne exclaimed.

"At least they don't hate her.", Rose grinned.

Meanwhile, at City Hollow, a toad named Mayor Toadstool was very anxious in light of recent events on his end as his assistant, Toadie, drew a big long red line down the graph to finish the line.

"Oh, this is bad, Toadie. People hate us!", the mayor said.

"With a passion, sir!", Toadie responded.

"It's as if embezzling money from the town makes you the bad guy!", the mayor groaned.

"If we don't fix things soon, we'll lose next month's election for sure. The only thing that can save us now is a miracle.", Mayor Toadstool said before noticing the crowd cheering for Jackie, who was very shy.

"Take it easy, guys.", Jackie said a bit shyly.

"Oh, my dear Toadie, I do believe our miracle has arrived.", Mayor Toadstool smirked.

Meanwhile, back at the Plantar's home, Anne, Jackie, Rose, and the others are now back home, but with several presents in wrappers.

"This is awesome. Just look at all these gifts.", Sprig grinned.

"The townspeople really, really like you, Jackie.", Anne grinned.

"I hadn't noticed.", Jackie said sarcastically before Polly opened her present and gasped.

"Chocolate covered maggots! Come to Momma.", Polly said before eating said choco maggs.

"Yeah. They really seem to like your human bumps, Jackie.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Yeah, but, maybe a bit too much...", Jackie said.

"What do you mean?", Hop Pop asked.

"Oh, that's right. We never told you. Around this many people, Jackie tends to be shy.", Rose explained.

"Rose...!", Jackie blushed before Anne gasped.

"I better help take care of these moneymakers if we wanna keep this up.", Anne grinned before grabbing a stick of butter and trying to slather it on Jackie, who tried restraining Anne from doing so.

"Babies. Babies are hungry.", Anne said.

"Anne, no!", Jackie exclaimed, pushing her back.

"Too much?", Anne asked.

"What do you think?", Jackie responded before a horn honked, prompting the others to rush out and notice that Mayor Toadstool has arrived.

"Jackie, my dear. Care to join me for a joyride?", Mayor Toadstool responded before the fancy snail whinnied like a horse.

"We brought the fancy snail.", Toadie added.

"Get out!", Anne shouted in surprise.

"We all get to ride in that? Awesome!", Sprig exclaimed.

"It looks so pretty.", Rose grinned.

"Finally, the luxury I deserve.", Hop Pop grinned as he was about to step on only for Mayor Toadstool to stop him.

"Nope. I'm afraid only Jackie is invited. Just look at those beautiful warts.", Mayor Toadstool responded before chuckling, making Jackie nervous while the rest got down before Jackie noticed and then spoke to Mayor Toadstool.

"Actually, they can come with me if they want. I actually get very shy whenever I'm around so many people, so I might need all the support I can get.", Jackie stated.

"Really, you do?", Toadstool puzzled.

"She did make that clear, sir.", Toadie responded.

"Well, all right, I suppose they can come. But the Plantars are still staying here.", Toadstool replied.

"Don't look so glum, guys. It's just a ride. We'll be back in a few.", Anne assured before the snail whinnied and sped off, leaving the Plantars coughing out the smoke.

"It ain't gonna last long.", Hop Pop said, puzzling Sprig and Polly.

"Not everyone is cut out for the famous life and once those pimples go away, they'll chew her up and spit her out. Which is why we need to be there for her when it happens.", Hop Pop explained.

Meanwhile, Anne was excited while Jackie was a bit taken with how fast it is.

"Whoo! Man, this snail is fast.", Anne grinned.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Jackie, we can help each other. I can make sure you stay popular, and in turn, you can help me improve my reputation. How does that sound?", Toadstool asked.

"I don't know about this...", Jackie responded nervously.

"Hey. Trust me when I say, you don't need them.", Toadstool said.

"Don't need what?", Jackie puzzled.

"I think you know.", Toadstool responded.

"Can I honk the horn?", Anne asked.

"Yeah, sure.", Toadstool responded.

"Whoo!", Anne shouted before honking the horn.

Later, as the trio of Boonchuys travelled with Toadstool, Anne took care of the autographs while Jackie stood paralyzed with shyness in the face of so many people, one of which fainted. Meanwhile, the Plantars farming efforts were inadvertently undermined by a mob of fans. At one point, due to Jackie being too paralyzed with shyness, Anne even helped dedicat an Orphanage, a community center, and even a statue of Jackie and Toadstool before they passed by the farmers' market as well as the Plantars. This time, Rose tried to divert them away from it, but it failed as the mob still destroyed the Scream Bean stand.

"Are you kidding me?!", Rose exclaimed.

Later, Anne, Jackie, and Rose arrived at City Hollow.

"Here we are. From now on, Jackie, this is your home.", Toadstool said.

"Whoa! Okay, I'll admit, this is awesome. And to think just yesterday, people were treating me like a monster.", Jackie grinned.

"Glad you're finally startin' to enjoying yourself. Stick with me and I'll make sure you never go out of style. Now take care of those warts. Toodles.", Toadstool chuckled before closing the door only to open it again.

"Oh, and one more thing. Anne, Rose, you two're fired.", Toadstool said.

"What?!", Rose exclaimed.

"Come on!", Anne exclaimed.

"This isn't fair!", Jackie reacted.

"Ah, don't be like that, Jackie. They'd probably only slow you down, anyway. Without those warts, you're nothing. And you know that, don't you?", Toadstool said, making Jackie give a sad look, making Anne and Rose glare at him.

"Okay, just checkin' with ya. And you two already know the exit. Bye, now!", Toadstool said before he closed the door.

"Ugh! That jerk!", Anne groaned.

"Now, I know how Polly feels, because I wanna tear him apart!", Rose shouted.

"Preach, sister, preach!", Polly responded before the trio noticed the Plantars coming in from a window.

"Polly?", Rose asked.

"Hey, Jackie. Got time for a visit?", Sprig asked.

"Oh. Hey, guys. Just look at this place. Epic, right?", Anne asked.

"Yeah. It's great.", Sprig agreed before Jackie laid down on the couch.

"Can you believe I was living in your basement? Ha! It was cold, dusty, not to mention smelly. Oh, no offense.", Jackie assured.

"None taken.", Hop Pop responded before she leaned in to Anne's ear and whispered to her.

"Anne, do you think you and Rose could...", Jackie began before she whispered, making her give a slight gasp before she moved back.

"You got it, Jackie.", Anne grinned.

"Thank you.", Jackie grinned before a chime sounded.

"Oh, shoot. We gotta wrap this up. I've gotta sign autographs, kiss tadpoles and do some interviews, all before dinner. So good to talk to you guys. Love you, mean it.", Jackie said as she hurriedly pushed both Rose, Anne, the Plantars, and the triplets out before kissing and closing the door.

"The heck was that? It's like she's a different person.", Sprig reacted.

"Yeah. A crazy person.", Polly responded.

"This stinks.", Sprig groaned.

"Hey, cool it, Sprig. I'm sure there is a very good reason Jackie kicked us to the curb.", Anne assured.

"Really? Why?", Sprig asked.

"Because of that Mayor Toadstool.", Rose responded.

"I knew something was off with how he just wanted Jackie.", Sprig said.

"Luckily, Jackie told me a plan. In fact, here's what we're gonna do...", Anne began before whispering into Sprig's ear as Jackie listened for a bit with a grin.

At the same time, Toadie entered.

"Ma'am, I think I found you the perfect dress for tonight.", Toadie said, surprising her a bit.

"Oh. Yeah, okay. Thanks.", Jackie thanked.

The next day, Jackie was asleep when she woke up from the crowing sounds before getting a note.

"Be at the assembly at noon sharp.", Jackie said.

"Well, better get this over with...", Jackie said before gasping upon noticing that all her pimples are gone.

"Wait... My pimples, they're... They're gone! What a relief.", Jackie grinned before suddenly realizing something with a gasp.

"No. No. No, no, no, no, no. They're gone! What do I do? If anyone sees my pimples gone, my plan to expose him would be kaput!", Jackie said in worry before she then came up with a quick plan and then drew a note before knocking on the door.

"Uh, hello? Anyone there?", Jackie asked.

"Just me. Toadie.", Toadie responded before laughing after getting forced out promptly by Jackie.

"Wow.", Toadie said.

"Sorry. But can you deliver this note to the Plantars?", Jackie asked, giving said note to Toadie.

"Of course, ma'am. But before I do, could I get an autograph? I'm a huge fan.", Toadie asked.

"Sure. Just stay put and I'll get it ready for you.", Jackie assured before she then wrote her name on the parchment before handing it to him.

"Here's your autograph. Now, can you please get going?", Jackie asked.

"Yes, ma'am.", Toadie responded before his footsteps retreated, earning her sigh.

Later, Sprig knocked on the door before she opened the door, alllowing him, Hop Pop, Polly, Anne, Rose, and the triplets inside.

"We got your note.", Sprig grinned.

"We came as fast as we could.", Hop Pop assured.

"What's the emergency, sis?", Anne asked.

"What do you think? My zits are gone. Without them, they're bound to suspect something. So, unless we can think of something to keep the facade up until we can expose Toadstool, the plan's ruined.", Jackie responded.

"Yeee. That is bad. Still, we'll do everything we can to help you, sis.", Anne grinned.

"Thanks, Anne.", Jackie grinned.

"But how can we get them to come back? It's not like we can find some new zits.", Rose said before Sprig just got an idea.

"I got it! What if we stuck some of these swamp berries to your face? They kinda look like pimples.", Sprig assured.

"Great. But how can we get to the swamp without me being seen? I have fans everywhere. The moment they see me, the mob'll swarm me.", Jackie said in worry.

"Don't worry about the crowds, Jackie. I have a plan.", Hop Pop grinned.

Later, he, Anne, Rose, Sprig, Polly, and the triplets were carting away towels.

"Make way!", Sprig shouted.

"Plague towels, everyone. Plague towels.", Hop Pop urged, worrying the group as they gasped.

"If you don't wanna cough up your organs, stay back!", Polly urged before the wheel inadvertently tripped on a pebble, causing a towel to fall off, showing Jackie's frog foot.

"Hey, everyone, that's Jackie's foot.", one of the villagers said before he and the others got all excited again.

"Oh, no.", Jackie said in worry.

"The jig is up. Run!", Rose shouted before they all screamed as the villagers ran after her.

"Jackie, we love you! We need you. Please...", the villagers shouted.

"We'll never make it!", Anne shouted in worry.

"Not without a diversion, we won't. Jackie. Give me your sock.", Hop Pop urged.

"Why?", Jackie asked.

"Just do it!", Hop Pop urged before Jackie gave him her sock with which Hop Pop is buying Jackie and the others time.

"Hey, everyone. Lookie. I've got Jackie's sock.", Hop Pop called.

"Hop Pop, no!", Jackie, Anne, and Rose shouted.

"He's got Jackie's sock.", the villager shouted.

"Get him!", another shouted as they all ran toward Hop Pop, who bravely turned back with a grin.

"Fly, you fools.", Hop Pop said before the crowd roared and clamored to get it from Hop Pop, piling on him in the process.

"Is he gonna be okay?", Rose asked.

"Eh, he'll be fine.", Polly assured.

Then, the group went past the bushes and spotted some berries.

"Look, over there.", Sprig said before Jackie got off and went over to the berries.

"There. That should buy us some time, at least.", Jackie grinned before placing swamp berries onto her face.

"How do I look?", Anne asked.

"That should do it.", Sprig grinned as he added one more berry.

"Thanks for helping me, guys.", Jackie grinned.

"That's what we're here for.", Sprig responded.

"Especially family.", Anne grinned.

"Not me. I'm here for the drama.", Polly responded, making Jackie and Rose groan at her.

Later, the crowd was cheering as Toadstool began to get anxious again.

"Where is she? I'm losing a point in the polls every minute she's late.", Toadstool said in worry before Jackie arrived.

"I'm here. I'm here.", Jackie assured.

"There you are, my dear. I was so worried.", Toadstool said.

"Sorry, I was caught up in this whole mob situation. Good thing Anne, Rose, and the Plantars were there to help me and-", Jackie began.

"The Plantars? Jackie, honey, I thought we talked about this. Hanging out with those bumpkins will only pull you down to their level. I think it's for the best that you not be seen with them anymore. Understand?", Toadstool asked.

That was the last straw for the usually sad and shy Jackie. Getting separated from her sisters an the Plantars is one thing, but getting separated forever? This is another thing entirely.

"Understand? UNDERSTAND?! No, I don't understand! They are the reason I made it out alive! If it wasn't for Anne, Rose, Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly's support, I wouldn't have made it there at all!", Jackie retorted angrily, making Toadstool gasp dramatically.

"Now, you listen here...!", Toadstool began.

But Jackie wasn't done yet.

"No, YOU listen! I have had it up to HERE with you using me as a way to win some stupid polls! I was such an idiot to spend one more second with you, but no more... NO MORE", Jackie shouted as she ran out to the public.

"Jackie, stop! Uh, think about what you're doing!", Toadstool shouted, breaking out in a cold sweat as the crowd continued cheering before Jackie got to the microphone and shouted out loud.

"Attention, everyone! I bet you all think that Toadstool is a good mayor for this town! Well, guess what? You're wrong! He was just using me to help himself get your votes so he'd stay mayor! But I, for one, am not going to be his puppet anymore! His corrupt regime is over!", Jackie shouted, shocking the group before Toadstool burst out.

"Jackie, what are you doing? You're throwing it all away? Now how am I supposed to convince these idiots to vote for me?", Toadstool exclaimed.

"Simple. You can't! I already threw everything away the moment I went with you! And now, I'm taking it all back!", Jackie shouted, shocking Toadstool with fear.

"And besides, along the way, in spite of recent events, I learned now that even with the fame and a nice apartment, the one thing I'm missing in my life are people who'll stick with me whether I'm a monster or not.", Jackie responded before removing the berries from her face, shocking everyone as one of the villagers vomited.

"She's hideous again.", the villager said.

"Is that supposed to insult me now? You all say I'm hideous, I say 'Darn, right!'. If it means standing up for myself, or even the right to be with the ones who would always stand by me like a family, then, yes. I am hideous. Am I also hideous in terms of appearance? Sure, but a wise man on my world once said, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I stand by it to this very day. If anything, the real monster here is Toadstool. We all know what he's tried to do before he coaxed me along, right?", Jackie asked.

"Well, she is better than Toadstool for a monster, that's for sure.", one villager commented.

"So, I say we run him out of town. I may not be mayor, but I still feel like that's what he deserves.", Jackie smirked.

"Oh, no...!", Toadstool gulped.

"Oh, and Toadstool? One more thing. You probably shouldn't have called them idiots.", Jackie smirked as the crowd of villagers growled.

"Did I say 'idiots'? I meant lovely, lovely townspeople, eh?", Toadstool chuckled nervously before the villagers started to swarm on him.

"Uh, simmer down now. Simmer-", Toadstool exclaimed before they all started throwing their fruit at him, forcing him to flee as one fruit even got in his mouth before he spat it out.

"Whoa. This is an outrage! Stop that!", Toadstool shouted as he was forced out of town.

"Show's over.", one villager said.

"What a waste of time.", another added.

"Let's get outta here.", another suggested before Jackie took a deep breath and sighed.

"It is done.", Jackie said.

"Wow, that was quite a mob you started, Jackie.", Anne said.

"Who knew you'd get over your fear like that?", Rose asked.

"Yeah. I didn't even think about it. All I could think about was how I was practically being used. And never seeing you guys again? I was scared of that more than anything. So, thanks for sticking with me.", Jackie grinned.

"Just remember to do the same when I'm rich and famous.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Well..., we'll see.", Jackie grinned.

"Never happening.", Polly only responded.

"Any chance I can go back to being the monster that lives in your basement?", Jackie asked.

"Of course.", Sprig grinned.

"Again, thanks.", Jackie grinned before realizing something.

"Oh! I just remembered. I still have the key to the apartment. You guys wanna try out the hot tub before they change the locks?", Jackie asked before Anne, Rose, the triplets, and the Plantars cheered.

"Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Hot tub.", everyone cheered.

"Can't wait to feel those bubbles in my pants.", Hop Pop grinned.

A/N: And there you have it, this is how you end it in a big way! Well, almost end it in a big way, anyway. Now, if you have ideas for how the next episode would go, you can let me know anytime tonight in your reviews tonight and I'll get it ready either tomorrow or on Monday. :)