6. Chapter 6

A/N: In this chapter, Hop Pop gets a little more support this time while in Jackie joins in and tries to help Polly, as well as Rose, unwind and be more like the girls they are. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 6

Act I: Sprig vs. Hop Pop

It all started one day as Anne, Jackie, Sprig, and Polly were plucking out weeds as Rose watched over the triplets. But then, Sprig saw a cowapillar before looking back at the weed he plucked and gasping.

"Hop Pop, great idea! What if we trained the cowapillars to eat these weeds? Then we wouldn't have t-", Sprig began before Hop Pop interrupted.

"Hup bup bup. Suggestion barrel's over there.", Hop Pop interrupted before Sprig then went over to said Suggestion barrel and ate the flies swarming around it.

"Suggestion 89...", Sprig said as he wrote it down.

"Hey, think he actually reads these?", Anne asked.

"Doubt it. I suggested a swimming pool months ago and that never happened.", Polly responded.

"Oh, come on, guys. Have a little more faith in Hop Pop.", Sprig responded before he grunted as he wound up getting his hand stuck in the slot on the barrel.

"Oop... Hand's stuck.", Sprig laughed a bit before trying to get his hand unstuck and successfully doing so only to notice something flame-like going on.

"What the...", Sprig puzzled before he, Anne, Jackie, Rose, the triplets, and Polly noticed a fire pit as Suggestion 89 fell into the flames and got burned into ashes.

"Huh? A fire pit? That's the opposite of a swimming pool.", Polly said.

"Huh. Never noticed that fire pit before.", Rose said.

"Well, we never checked under the bin before so we could have never noticed.", Jackie explained.

"True. That's very true.", Rose responded.

"Why, Hop Pop?! Why?!", Sprig shouted dramatically.

"Because your suggestions were ridiculous. You can't just dig swimming pools anywhere. It attracts pests. Running a farm ain't easy, kids.", Hop Pop responded.

"Maybe. But if I were in charge, I'd listen to other people's suggestions, not burn them.", Sprig responded.

"You? Run the farm? Ha! Run it into the ground, maybe.", Hop Pop retorted before puffing up his chin enough to bump Sprig only for Sprig to retaliate by doing the same.

"Is that an official challenge?", Polly gasped before Sprig climbed up the pole and warbled as he clanged his stick against the bell, ringing it.

"Sprig Plantar, you have rung the Plantar Family Challenge bell! What is your challenge?", Polly asked.

"I want to replace Hop Pop and run the farm my way.", Sprig responded.

"Hop Pop?", Polly asked.

"I do formally accept this challenge.", Hop Pop responded.

"Uh, what is going on here?", Jackie puzzled.

"I'm sure this will make sense in a moment.", Anne assured.

But a few moments later...

"Never mind. What the heck's going on?!", Anne shouted as both Hop Pop and Sprig are now only in makeshift mawashi (which are ropes with a white cloth for the bottom layer).

"The Plantar Family Challenge.", Hop Pop responded.

"An artful test of skill where the winner takes all!", Sprig added.

"They push each other until someone falls off a lily pad. It's dumb, but fun to watch.", Polly added.

"Did Sprig even win?", Jackie asked.

"I've won in spirit.", Sprig responded.

"Well, that's a no.", Rose responded.

"Enough chit chat. Let the challenge begin!", Polly shouted as she rang the bell with her tail before both Sprig and Hop Pop charged toward each other only for the latter to eventually knock him back to the edge of the lily pad, giving Hop Pop the edge, although Sprig isn't planning on going down.

"Come on, Hop Pop.", Jackie said.

"Make him regret challenging his elder!", Rose shouted.

"Give it up, boy. I've got the experience and the upper body strength.", Hop Pop laughed.

"Oh, yeah? Well, I've got the moral high ground!", Sprig shouted.

"What?", Hop Pop asked before yelling as he was flung into the mud, on which he lands face first, making both Anne, Polly, Jackie, and Rose gasp.

"Sprig won?", the group asked.

"I won?", Sprig asked in surprise.

"Nice work, dude.", Anne grinned as she helped Sprig up.

"I don't believe it. I'm head of the farm!", Sprig shouted.

"Huh?", Hop Pop puzzled before he saw Sprig, Anne, and Polly chanting while Jackie and Rose felt bad for him; although, the triplets were just chanting with them for fun.

"Sprig's head of the farm! Sprig's head of the farm!", Sprig, Polly, and Anne chanted.

"Looks like my time is over...", Hop Pop said sadly before he started off.

"No! Wait, Hop Pop!", Jackie said in worry.

"Come back, please. Sprig may not need you, but we certainly do.", Rose added.

"Well, that's nice of you kids, but I'm afraid my time has passed.", Hop Pop said before leaving sadly.

Later, the rest of the group, sans Hop Pop, returned home.

"Sprig! Sprig! Sprig!", Anne and Polly chanted.

"All right, all right, that's enough. Okay, maybe a few more.", Spig said.

"Sprig! Sprig! Sprig!", Anne and Poly chanted.

"Love it!", Sprig grinned.

"What's wrong, Jackie?", Anne asked.

"Are we sure letting Sprig run the farm is a good idea?", Jackie asked in worry.

"Yeah. What if we wind up destroying the farm?", Rose asked worriedly.

"But doesn't it feel good to be listened to?", Anne asked.

"Right now, I don't feel listened to.", Jackie responded.

"Trust me, Jackie. We can get through this.", Anne assured.

"No offense, Anne, but you lost me at 'trust'.", Jackie responded, making Anne groan.

"Sure he didn't listen to anyone's suggestions, but at least he knew what he's doing.", Jackie said.

"Which is why we need to find him and bring him back. Or at least make sure he's okay.", Jackie added, shocking Sprig, who gasped.

"You dare speak heresy?!", Sprig exclaimed.

"I only speak the truth. And if you don't mind, we're going out.", Jackie responded as she and Rose left.

"Fine. We don't need pooper's like you two. The farm is better off without either of you!", Sprig shouted, making Jackie and Rose gasp before they turned back with glares and blew raspberries at him before slamming the door as they left.

"Traitors!", Sprig shouted

"First order of business. As long as I'm in charge, no suggestions are bad.", Sprig assured.

"Swimming pools?", Polly asked.

"You betcha.", Sprig responded.

"Dance parties?", Anne asked.

"Let's have one right now, baby.", Sprig responded before playing music.

Later, Polly hung up a flag that says, "A Farm That Listens" with her, Anne, and Sprig saluting to it before Polly wrote "Party Patio" while Anne wrote "Clowns", both of which Sprig agreed to while giving both thumbs up, earning cheers from the two. After that, Anne was guiding Bessie backward as she pulled the mushroom spring toward a ditch recently dug.

"Back it up, girl. There you go.", Anne said before Polly giggled while jumping up and down.

Afterward, Anne was hanging up a banner for the Party Patio only to inadvertently break the wall apart with Polly jumping out through the wall and handing out some drinks. At the pen, a Cowapillar was released and then led to the weeds with Polly leading it to said weed. Unfortunately, when the clown came, while Sprig and Anne giggled, Polly, however was too creeped out, never mind triggered as she pounced on the clown and then attacked him.

"Hey! Hey, clown!", Polly shouted before Anne and Sprig rushed over to her.

"Whoa, whoa! Polly!", Anne shouted.

"Whoa! We paid him for this.", Sprig added.

Then, they all just danced, especially the clown. After that, Sprig had apparently finished the new Plantar Farm 2.0 Friendship Edition Plus.

"Soak it in, gang. This is what good leadership looks like.", Sprig grinned.

"Uh, anybody worried about Hop Pop, Jackie, or Rose? I haven't seen 'em since we got back.", Anne asked.

"Eh, he's probably off licking his wounds.", Sprig responded.

However, it didn't seem to be the case as Hop Pop had traveled all the way to the Wartwood Cemetery as Jackie and Rose arrived at the cemetery and noticed Hop Pop there.

"There he is.", Rose said.

"Might as well get comfortable here with all the other frogs nobody needs anymore.", Hop Pop sighed before noticing a blue bug on its back.

"Need some help little fella? There you go.", Hop Pop said as he set the blue bug down.

"Where was I? Oh, right...Crippling sadness.", Hop Pop said before continuing sadly, not knowing that Jackie and Rose were following him as well as the blue bug Hop Pop helped earlier as it scuttered over to him.

"Hop Pop!", Rose shouted.

"Hmm? Jackie? Rose? What are you two doin' here?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"We might need you back. I don't know why, but I have a feeling Sprig might make everything worse for the farm.", Jackie said.

"That might be true, but my time as owner of the farm has passed. It's time I find a new purpose in my life.", Hop Pop said before the blue bug from earlier popped up.

"Hey, you're more loyal than my own family. Just like Jackie and rose. They were the only people who never complained about how I ran the farm. I'm gonna call you Jeremy.", Hop Pop said before he got an idea.

"Hey. As long as you two are here, care to join me?", Hop Pop asked.

"Yeah. It'd be nice to get to know Jeremy.", Rose grinned.

"Well, somebody's gotta look after you out here, anyway. So, yeah. I'm in.", Jackie grinned.

Back on the farm, the kids are using the new swimming pool.

"Incoming! Whoa!", Sprig shouted before he went down the waterslide and cannonballed before surfacing and laughing as he passed Anne, sunbathing in her swimming attire, when her stomach rumbled.

"Is anyone else, like, starving?", Anne asked.

"Dinner. Great suggestion.", Sprig grinned.

Later, she, Sprig, and Polly checked the cabinets, only to find that they are now empty.

"Huh. No food in here either.", Anne said.

"Guess today's the day Hop Pop goes to the grocery store.", Sprig realized.

"What are we gonna do? I am getting hangry!", Anne shouted before grunting only to hear the triplets crying, mainly because they were hungry.

"Sounds like they're hangry, too.", Polly guessed before Sprig got an idea and rushed out with turnips.

"Fresh from mother nature's garden of delights. Dig in, everyone.", Sprig grinned.

However, the pests burst out, frightening Anne and Sprig, who got chased to a wall, the triplets, most of all, as they screamed in wails before Anne placed a bucket over the pest and picked up the triplets, trying to calm them down.

"Whoops, didn't check for pests.", Sprig said.

"I'm beginning to think there's a few things we don't know about running a farm.", Anne said in worry.

"We've got some kinks to work out, sure. But isn't it better to live in a place where you're listened to?", Sprig asked.

"I guess so.", Anne responded.

"Yeah, it is.", Polly agreed before the pest only broke out and sprung at Sprig, attacking him.

"Don't let him touch me! Don't let him touch me!", Sprig shouted in fear.

The next day, Sprig was sleeping when Anne shouted to him.

"Sprig, we have a situation!", Anne shouted.

"Situation?", Sprig woke up before he, Anne, and Polly ran out as Anne carried the triplets and gasped, horrified at the sight of giant mosquitoes sapping the water and laying eggs while a clown was stuck at the top of a tree stump with cowapillars mooing angrily at him, never mind the crops ruined and the flag falling down and causing fire to burst out from the ground as a result.

Later, Sprig was now conducting a meeting as the clown was now chased by a giant mosquito.

"I've called this meeting today for obvious reasons.", Sprig began.

"The farm is ruined.", Anne began.

"We have no food and we'll die!", Polly added.

"We hungwy!", the triplets cried.

"Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Luckily for us, we have the power of great suggestions and management that listens. So have at it, guys. What should we do? Remember, there are no bad suggestions.", Sprig replied as he started writing the word "Suggestions".

"Let's find Hop Pop and put him back in charge.", Anne and Polly said in unison before Sprig only drew a straight line instead of an upward line and broke the chalk he was using.

"Hopadiah Plantar was a tyrant!", Sprig shouted.

"A tyrant who knew how to run a farm.", Anne responded.

"And more importantly, cook.", Polly agreed.

"I will not go back to that life. Don't you like being listened to?", Sprig asked.

"I don't exactly feel listened to right now.", Anne responded.

"Ditto. You're kinda freakin' me out, bro.", Polly agreed before Sprig only growled as if about to explode only for him to take a deep breath.

"Let's take 15 minutes and start this meeting over. And next time, bring a good suggestion.", Sprig suggested before leaving.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?", Anne asked.

"Oh, yeah.", Polly agreed.

Later, Hop Pop, Jackie, and Rose (the latter two of which now just has dirt on their faces, hands, and feet) were helping gathering some stuff for Jeremy and the other bugs.

"Here you go, Jeremy. You cutie.", Rose grinned, giving a mushroom to Jeremy.

"Jeremy, I can't thank you enough for letting us into your community. I feel like I'm really part of something now.", Hop Pop grinned.

"There they are! Hop Pop!", Polly shouted.

"Jackie! Rose!", Anne shouted.

"Anne?", Jackie and Rose puzzled.

"What are you doing here?", Jackie asked.

"We've been looking all over for you guys.", Anne responded.

"Hello, girls. You here to help us scavenge? It's gonna be a long, cold winter. More bodies means more warmth for everyone.", Hop Pop said as Jeremy and the beetles then gathered around him, Jackie, and Rose, who giggled.

"That tickles.", Rose grinned.

"Uh, no. Thanks, anyway. Sprig is ruining the farm. You've gotta come back.", Anne said.

"We've been eating nothing but raw potatoes. I'm having digestive strife, Hop Pop. Digestive strife!", Polly shouted.

"That's horrible.", Jackie said in worry.

"Are the triplets okay?", Rose asked.

"No. They're not. And NEITHER ARE WE!", Anne shouted before panting.

"Sorry. Just needed to get this one out.", Anne explained.

"Give me a minute, boys.", Hop Pop said before Jeremy and the other beetles scattered away for a moment as he sighed.

"I've grown since the last time you saw me. How long's it been now?", Hop Pop asked.

"I think it's been a day and a half now?", Jackie guessed.

"You're in the Pillbugball park.", Polly responded dryly.

"I've got me a new life among the beetles, just like Jackie and Rose, here, because they support me. They've taught me about community, equality, listening...", Hop Pop began.

"Sprig sleeps in your bed now.", Anne responded.

"He what?! Let's go get something for those triplets on the way back!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"That was all it took to convince him?", Jackie said in puzzlement.

Meanwhile, the farm has gotten worse under Sprig's leadership. in fact, there was a stray cowapillar mooing as it passed the livid Sprig as he was under a sign that says, "No Suggestions Are Bad".

"Now where did those ungrateful kids get off to? Huh?", Sprig asked before Hop Pop landed boldly on the ground.

"I have returned!", Hop Pop spoke boldly.

"I don't believe it. I expected this kind of treachery from you two traitors. But et tu, Anne, Polly?!", Sprig shouted.

"Sorry, dude. We had a good run, big ambitions...", Anne began.

"But we didn't know what we were doing.", Polly added.

"We had a beautiful dream, but I guess I'm the only one willing to fight for it.", Sprig said as he then raised his flag that held a banner that says, "Listening is Loving" before Hop Pop got out his bell and rang it.

"Sprig Plantar, I challenge you to a rematch. Winner gets control of the farm...forever!", Hop Pop shouted.

"Sprig, do you accept this challenge?", Polly asked.

"Please say yes.", Anne said desperately.

"I accept.", Sprig responded before Hop Pop nodded.

Later, it was now sunset as Sprig and Hop Pop each buckled down to the same makeshift Mawashi as before.

"I beat you once, I can do it again. I'll prove my way is right.", Sprig said.

"We'll see.", Hop Pop responded before Sprig grunted.

"Let the final challenge begin!", Polly shouted before whacking the bell with her tail as Jackie fed the triplets some milk while Anne bit the nails on her fingers nervously.

Then, Hop Pop and Sprig each knocked each other back with their tongues.

"The girls told me everything, Sprig.", Hop Pop responded.

"What?", Sprig puzzled before Hop Pop pushed him down.

"You're destroying the farm. Don't you see? Even if you win, you lose.", Hop Pop responded before Sprig then kicked Hop Pop down by the face.

"So I'm just supposed to go back to the way things were? You never listened to us.", Sprig responded before Hop Pop then went behind Sprig and then did a full nelson.

"And I was wrong. I know now that you can't work together unless everyone has a say. Jeremy taught me that.", Hop Pop assured before Sprig then flipped Hop Pop back in front of him as they briefly clashed.

"You... You mean it? I have to admit, most of my ideas were pretty terrible. I think we even caused permanent damage to the ecosystem.", Sprig realized.

"Yeah, but some of your ideas could work. We'll never know unless we try. I promise from now on to actually read your suggestions.", Hop Pop assured, making everyone gasp while Jackie and Rose only grinned and nodded.

"Promise?", Sprig asked.

"Promise.", Hop Pop responded.

With that, Sprig willingly let go and let himself fall into the mud with a sigh of relief before landing in said mud.

"And the winner is Hop Pop!", Polly shouted.

"Thank goodness...", Jackie sighed.

The next day, the farm was back in running order as Hop Pop walked out and sighed while Rose, taking care of the triplets this time, was feeding them some milk as Jackie, Anne, and Sprig were digging up a bit of the ground, although Anne and Jackie were sweaty.

"Phew. It's so hot out here...!", Jackie sighed.

"Yeah... Think we could set up some shade out here, Hop Pop?", Anne asked before Hop Pop got out a big mushroom and planted it on the ground to bring some shade as requested.

"Great suggestion, Anne.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Thanks, Hop Pop.", Jackie grinned.

"And over there, I kept a small version of your swimming hole.", Hop Pop grinned as it then showed a small dragonfly making its way to the water only for Polly to pop up like a shark and eat it before Anne, Jackie, Rose, and Sprig laughed.

"Oh, and best of all, no more pit of fire.", Hop Pop grinned as he lifted the barrel, which, this time, had no pit of fire underneath with the bottom of the barrel now visible.

"Thanks, Hop Pop.", Sprig grinned before hugging Hop Pop.

"Okay. I guess it pays to have some faith in Hop Pop.", Jackie grinned.

Later, at night, Jeremy and the beetles were now overseeing deliveries of suggestions as Hop Pop checked them over.

"Thank you, Jeremy. Hmm. Nope. Hmm. Nope. Hmm. This one's a maybe.", Hop Pop said as he checked a few suggestions, 2 of which were refused while one was placed under consideration.

Act II: Girl Time

One day, on the back of the Plantars house, Anne, Jackie, Rose, and the triplets were relaxing with Polly on Anne's lap and Rose on Jackie's while Sprig and Hop Pop stood nearby.

"This one's going all the way, baby.", Sprig said before he let out a spit, which landed in the pond.

"Heh! You call that a spit? Now watch this.", Hop Pop said before he let out his own spit, which landed in the pond further than Sprig's before Anne groaned as did Jackie.

"Just when I thought you guys couldn't get any nastier.", Anne commented.

"Yeah. Could you please take it somewhere else?", Jackie added, making Sprig and Hop Pop gasp.

"Nasty? Why, spitting is practically a sport in Wartwood.", Hop Pop responded.

"Really?", Rose asked.

"We even have a town record. Whoever breaks the record gets a trophy.", Sprig responded.

"A trophy for spitting? I can't believe you two are exposing Polly to this sort of—", Anne began.

"Vulgarity! No real lady should spit like that! At least not in our world.", Jackie responded before Polly only spoke up.

"THAT RECORD IS MINE!", Polly shouted before she got ready to spit, horrifying Jackie and Anne while Rose gasped, before she outspat both, much to their surprise as her spit landed on a nearby crab, trapping it completely.

"Oooooooh.", the triplets said in awe.

"That's my little spitter.", Hop Pop congratulated.

"You can spit the frown off a widow.", Sprig grinned.

"Wait a second...", Anne realized.

"Something isn't right here...", Jackie concurred.

"I always said you'd be the best in the family. Well, you take after your great aunt Gertrude. She was always very good at spitting...", Hop Pop said as he picked his ear, sniffed the ear wax, and put it in his pocket, making Anne and Jackie grimace in disgust and gasp in horror, mainly at the many bugs found on Sprig's face.

"Oh, no. Polly, you've been surrounded by boys your whole life!", Anne realized.

"It's not too late. We can fix this. You need girl time! She needs girl time, stat!", Jackie shouted.

"Hop Pop, wallet!", Anne shouted before she took Hop Pop's wallet and took Polly by the arm as Jackie grabbed Rose and took off as well.

"Where are you taking us, crazy ladies?!", Polly shouted.

"Where are we even going?", Rose asked.

"Trust us, Rose. This is for a good cause. And it goes double for you, Polly!", Jackie shouted before closing the door.

"Not sure what they want with my wallet, not like I got any money.", Hop Pop puzzled.

"Less talk, more spit.", Sprig responded.

Meanwhile, the girls arrived at the center of town where a trophy for best spitter was in the middle.

"Whoo! Girl time. It's time for giiiirrrrl time.", Anne shouted.

"Okay, Anne, what the heck's going on?", Polly asked.

"And why did you bring us here?", Rose asked.

"Look, hanging out too much with Sprig and Hop Pop is dangerous. If we aren't careful, we'll wake up crusty and storing our boogers in jars. I don't want to do that!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Too right, Jackie. Which is why we need a day to reset. A day that's ladies' only.", Anne responded.

"That sounds bad.", Rose said in worry.

"Look, when we're done with you two, you both are going to feel like the new you. Trust me.", Jackie assured as she and Anne each held Polly and Rose toward the shovel for reflection.

"Well, I guess it couldn't hurt.", Rose agreed, making Jackie beam.

"Plus, you and Sprig are always getting into fun trouble. So what are we doing? Toad rustling? Snake punching?", Polly added.

"Better. We're going to...", Anne began before it then showed her, Jackie, Polly, and Rose at a spa as Anne kicked the door open.

"A spa.", Anne finished.

"What?", Polly asked in surprise.

After taking in the inner decor, they all waked in and noticed two frogs drifting against each other.

"See? Those guys know what's up.", Jackie grinned.

"Two of your fanciest spa treatments, please.", Anne requested.

"That will be ten coppers each.", the Spa Staff responded before Anne checked Hop Pop's wallet and saw only IOU's.

"What the- Hop Pop's IOU's?! Uh, will this work?", Anne asked nervously before the Spa Staff saw said IOU's and examined them.

"Hmmm, well, it does say he's good for it. Accepted. Here are your towels.", the Spa Staff said before someone else came out through the door with 4 towels in arms.

"Alrighty, then.", Anne grinned.

"Uh, any chance I could help you out, good sir? You know, any need for a new masseuse?", Jackie grinned.

"Actually, we do have an opening. Why don't you show us what you can do and we'll think about it.", the Spa Staff responded.

"Cool.", Jackie responded.

"I don't know about this, guys.", Rose said.

"Yeah, this seems boring. Why don't we do something fun instead?", Polly asked before whacking one of the staff with her towel and laughing.

"Absolutely not!", Jackie scolded.

"She's right, Polly. There's more to life than spitting and hitting stuff.", Anne responded.

"Really?", Polly asked.

"Just trust us.", Anne assured.

"Well…", Polly began.

"I guess we could give it a few more minutes.", Rose grinned.

"I promise, Rose. You won't regret this.", Jackie said before she and Anne shouted in unison.

"Girl time, engage!", Anne and Jackie shouted in unison.

Then, later, as Jackie worked as a masseuse with which she cracked her knuckles and worked her magic on a paying customer, giving him what is considered the best massage as he sighed in blissful peace, Anne, Rose, and Polly are now getting spa treatments with which at one point, Anne noticed Rose doing fine with her treatment, although noticing that Polly was riding on one of the fish like a horse only for her to get picked up, placed back in the chair, scolded with a finger wag, and had a cucumber slice placed back on her face before getting haircuts.

"So then I says to him, I says, 'I don't want to eat there.' He says, 'Why don't you wanna eat there? You ate there last week, I thought you liked it.'", the barber said as Anne once again only noticed that Rose hadn't left her chair while Polly, on the other hand, did and was gleefully tossing haircombs as projectiles, which the two saw only to have them launched (and missed) with one of the girls then pouncing on Polly, much to Rose's shock before it then went to "Fancy Olde Dresses", with which Jackie works as a cashier, who noticed someone trying on the new suit.

"Okay, sir. That'll be 5 coppers.", Jackie said.

"Here you go.", the frog responded before he paid her the necessary amount.

"Thank you, sir. Enjoy your suit.", Jackie grinned as the customer left before Anne came out in a green dress with her hair nicely done and brushed before she noticed Polly and Rose with the former having trouble with the sleeves only for Anne to place a wig on her as Rose found it difficult to walk due to the dress being tight prior to Jackie noticing this and loosening it a little, just enough for her to walk again, making her breath a sigh of relief before Anne paid the stylist next to Jackie, much to her concern as she gave a frown.

After paying said stylist, Anne, Jackie, Rose, and Polly go to Felicia's Tea Shoppe for a bit of lunch, although Jackie started trying out working as a waitress, while a newt named Felicia handed out cookies.

"Thank you.", the customer said before Anne gave the cookies to Anne, Rose, and Polly with Anne handing the recipient to Jackie.

"Here are your cookies, Anne.", Jackie said.

"Here you go.", Anne grinned.

"Again... Really?", Jackie asked in worry before Polly tried to grab the cookies, but couldn't reach them, at least not until Rose helped out and gave her one.

"Here.", Rose said as she handed Polly a cookie before giving a slight giggle.

"Anne, I thought girl time was gonna be exciting. You, Jackie, Rose, and Sprig are always getting mobbed, or eaten, or eaten by mobs.", Polly responded.

"Yeah, but not by choice. Come on, isn't this great? Sure beats pocket boogers and spitting, right?", Anne asked as she ate a cookie from the plate.

"Excuse me, madam, what kind of scone is this?", Anne asked.

"Oh, those are dung beetle.", Felicia responded.

"You don't say. They are tasty.", Anne responded as she swallowed it.

"Not to put my snout in other people's business, but if you ladies are having girl time, I know this great place where you can get a full body massage.", Felicia responded.

"What? I love massages. I used to get them all the time back home.

"Yeah, because you made me go and give you those massages.", Jackie responded before it flashed back to when Anne was in a massage chair at a department store.

"Uh, ma'am, you really need to go. You're making everybody uncomfortable.", the salesman urged.

"Neeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeer.", Anne only responded before it went back to the present.

"I even had to pry you off the chair each time we went there.", Jackie responded.

"Huh. And that's why I never had a legit full body massage before. We're going.", Anne grinned before Polly only looked upset.

"You know what, I think I'll pass. Gotta get home and work on my distance.", Polly only responded as she began to spit only for Anne and Jackie to gasp before stopping her.

"Polly Plantar, we are not giving up on you. If there's one thing that will fix you, it's a massage.", Anne assured before she and Jackie left.

When they did, Felicia saw the IOUs and then noticed Hop Pop's picture in the "Definitely NOT good for it" spot, making Felicia gasp.

"Someone get the Constable!", Felicia shouted.

Sometime later, they arrive at a sort of exotic place.

"Uh, hello? Anyone here?", Anne asked.

"Well, this place seems... exotic.", Jackie said before a frog named Tuti popped up, surprising the frogs.

"I help you?", Tuti asked, making them scream in surprise.

"Hi.", Anne squeaked.

"Who are you?", Jackie asked.

"Am town healer, Tuti. Also part-time bounty hunter.", Tuti responded.

"I like her.", Polly grinned.

"Me, too.", Rose grinned.

"Tuti, huh? Well, we're here for that full body massage.", Jackie responded.

"Full body is good. Come, we get personal.", Tuti responded.

"Ooh! I'll go first.", Anne said.

"Guess Polly, Rose, and I'll just wait here.", Jackie said as she went over to the exit nearby before Anne noticed the anatomy of frogs.

"Whoa, frogs are really flexible, huh?", Anne asked.

"Indeed.", Tuti responded before she started working her magic on Anne, who grunted and shrieked.

"Whoa, mama.", Polly said as Jackie inhaled sharply and Rose gasped as Tuti's massage proved a bit more than she could handle.

"This is amazing. So... relaxing. Is that my foot?", Anne grunted in slight pain during the massage.

"And on that note, I'm out.", Polly said before she snuck out, getting out of her disguise.

"Oh, no. Polly!", Jackie groaned.

"You know what? I'm out, too.", Rose said before she then took off as well.

"Et tu, Rose?!", Jackie said before she ran out after them just as Tuti finished.

"Is done. You are reborn.", Tuti said before Anne sat up.

"Polly, you are going to love this.", Anne said.

"Pollywog gone. You talk to no one.", Tuti responded, making Anne gasp.

"What? She ditched me? But this is all for her. And Jackie and Rose are gone, too. She must've went after them when they snuck out. I got to find them and get this thing back on track. See you, Tuti.", Anne said as she then placed some IOUs on the table and walked out to the exit, leaving the curious Tuti behind.

It was then that the sheriff of the town walked in named Buck Leatherleaf.

"Afternoon, Tuti. Wonderin' if you've seen a couple of ol' scammers handing out these fake IOUs today.", Buck responded.

"Scammers? Fake?!", Tuti shouted before yelling and breaking the table apart with her head.

"Come. I lead way.", Tuti exclaimed before she walked out.

"Fiery as ever, Tuti.", Buck spoke in surprise.

Meanwhile, at Stumpy's diner, Wally and Polly were drinking some juice before they finished with Polly giving a loud burp.

"Dang, kid. You got the burp of a titan!", Wally said.

"Thanks, Wally.", Polly grinned.

"That was amazing, Polly!", Rose grinned.

"Thank you, too, Rose.", Polly said before Anne and Jackie arrived, panting.

"You!", Jackie panted exhaustedly.

"Oh. Hey, you two.", Polly said.

"What the heck, dude? You two ditched us?! And now, we find you rubbing elbows with the local deadbeat?!", Anne exclaimed.

"That hurt me soul.", Wally said sadly.

"Well, at least this guy doesn't waste my time with stuff I think is stupid and boring!", Polly exclaimed, making Anne gasp before she retorted.

"Well, excuse us for trying to make you less of a disgusting little slob!", Anne shouted before gasping as did Jackie and Rose.

"Anne? I think you went too far on that one.", Jackie said.

"Polly, I- That's not-I mean, what I mean is-", Anne began before screaming suddenly as Tuti grabbed her from behind as well as Jackie.

"Tuti caught thieves!", Tuti shouted.

"Thieves?!", Jackie shouted.

"Wait, what do you mean 'thieves'? We totally paid.", Anne puzzled before Buck Leatherleaf appeared.

"Sorry, little lady, but Hopadiah's broke. Which makes these IOUs you've been handing out totally worthless.", Buck explained as he handcuffed Anne, Jackie, and Rose.

"But I paid with actual coppers, didn't I?", Jackie asked.

"Not enough. Apparently, you didn't pay the necessary amount of coppers for all the fanciest stuff here. And now, you're just as broke as he is.", Buck said before he stepped aside to reveal Sprig and Hop Pop with handcuffs, making Anne, Jackie, and Rose gasp.

"These chains represent our burden on society!", Sprig shouted.

"Dang it, Anne, how much did you spend?", Hop Pop asked.

"Apparently, she spent too much!", Jackie shouted.

"But why aren't those three in handcuffs?", Rose asked.

"Because. They're little tykes. As for you, Anne, pay up, or I'm gonna have to do my duty, and put y'all in debtor's prison.", Buck warned as it showed two nearby prisoners outside.

"Hey.", one of the prisoners greeted with a wave.

"We'll have to sit in a chicken coop?", Anne asked.

"Less like sittin' and more like gatherin' eggs for the town until your debt's paid off.", Buck responded.

"Why do I have a feeling this sounds bad...?", Jackie asked worriedly.

At that moment, the doors opened up to show several spiders inside with a few frightening one of the prisoners and one even wrapping another one up.

"Oh. That's why!", Jackie squeaked.

"No!", Anne shouted before she, Hop Pop, Sprig, Jackie, and Rose were pushed in, although they tried to stay out because of the spiders, which tried to get them.

"You let my family go!", Polly shouted, attacking the sheriff with slaps just as Anne, Jackie, and Rose looked up and saw the statue on top.

"Wait a second. That's it! Hey, sheriff! Is that trophy made out of gold, perchance?", Jackie asked.

"Twenty four karat, ma'am.", the sheriff responded.

"Then I have a deal. If one of us can outspit you, we can go free and the debt will be paid in full with this trophy. What do you say?", Jackie asked.

"I'll allow it. But who would you suggest as the one who can outspit me? I do happen to be a champion in my glory days of this sport.", Buck responded.

"Oh. I know! How about Polly?", Rose asked.

"Me?", Polly asked.

"Yeah. If anyone can outspit the best, it's you.", Rose responded.

"You heard her, dude. Spit like you've never spit before. Break that record, and save this family.", Anne shouted as she placed Polly on a chair behind the rope.

"Let's do this.", Polly spoke in determination.

"Okay, little lady. You get three official chances. You ready?", Buck asked.

Then, after a moment, Polly spat twice, starting to fall short.

"Oh, no...", Rose groaned sadly.

"I don't think she's gonna make it.", one villager said.

"It's not looking good.", another villager added.

"Only one more chance, little lady.", Buck stated.

"Something ain't right. She's not spitting at full force. Almost as if she's ashamed.", Hop Pop said, making Jackie gasp.

"Oh, Polly... What have we done? before she and Anne went over to her.

"Hey, you okay?", Anne asked.

"Yeah. I guess it's just kinda hard to spit when you feel gross.", Polly responded.

"You kidding? I'm the one feeling gross right now. Anne and I tried to change someone that's perfect the way they are. And now, look where we are. If we hadn't tried to change you the way we did, none of this would've happened...", Jackie said sadly.

"Jackie...", Rose sighed.

"You saying you were both wrong?", Polly asked.

"Very wrong.", Jackie responded.

"Super wrong?", Polly asked.

"Super wrong.", Anne responded.

"You're always wrong?", Polly asked.

"We're always- Hey.", Jackie began.

"Worth a try.", Polly explained.

"You know, let's just admit that we're wrong most of the time and leave it at that.", Jackie said.

"Okay, just most of the time.", Polly grinned before she, Anne, and Jackie hugged each other.

"Aw.", Polly beamed.

"All right, Polly. Don't hold anything back.", Jackie responded.

"Okay, let's finish this.", Polly said before she hocked up a spit and spat, breaking both the record and the sign of the now past record in the process before they all cheered.

"You did it!", Anne shouted.

"I knew you could do it!", Rose grinned.

"You know, maybe it isn't so bad after all. Not recommended, but still.", Jackie grinned before Tuti split the trophy and paid the townspeople.

"Here, extra.", Tuti said, giving a piece of the statue to Polly.

"Wow.", Polly said.

"Well, your debt is repaid and my work here is done.", Buck grinned before hopping off into the sunset.

"Whoo-hoo! Go Polly!", Anne shouted.

"That's my little spitter.", Hop Pop cheered.

"Three cheers for Polly!", Jackie shouted.

"Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!", the group cheered as they lifted Polly up and pushed her up in the air, but not too much.

"So what are we gonna do with the extra gold?", Sprig asked.

"I think I have an idea.", Anne said.

"What is it?", Rose asked.

Later, a life-sized statue of Polly, small as it is, was being placed on top.

"A little to the left. There, that's perfect.", Anne grinned as Sprig and Jackie oversaw the brief placement.

"Whoo-hoo!", Sprig chuckled before jumping off.

"Well?", Anne asked.

"I love it! Hey, sorry, girl time was such a bust.", Polly apologized.

"Eh, don't worry about it. I mean, the more I think about it, the whole idea of girl time is pretty weird. I mean, who's to say boys don't like spas?", Anne asked.

"How do we know that's even the case?", Jackie asked before Sprig gasped.

"You went to the spa? Without us?!", Sprig said in surprise.

"Oh, Anne, I love the spa.", Hop Pop said.

"Huh. I stand corrected.", Jackie said.

"Did you get that fishy pedicure?", Hop Pop asked as he and the others started walking home.

"Yeah, it was amazing.", Anne grinned.

"Oh, I agree. You know they're actually eating the dead skin off the bottom of your feet?", Hop Pop stated.