7. Chapter 7

A/N: And in the 7th episode, things may be a bit different aside from Anne's siblings being involved in both segments. :) Also, I added a couple of things from "The Owl House: Coven of Rings and Darkness" in this chapter. I won't say what they are until the end, though. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 7

Act I: Dating Season

It all started one day as Anne, Jackie, Rose, and Sprig were out at the farmer's market with Mrs. Croaker paying Jackie and Anne in coppers.

"Here you go, dearies.", Mrs. Croaker said.

"Thank you for your purchase.", Jackie grinned.

"Catch ya later, Mrs. Croaker!", Anne grinned.

"Oh, they'll never catch me!", Mrs. Croaker responded before laughing as she walked away.

"Hey, Maddie! Happy market day!", Anne greeted before Maddie turned toward Anne in a creepy way.

"Classic creepy Maddie.", Anne said before Sprig apparently opened his eyes while in a barrel of fruit.

"What are you doing?", Rose asked.

"Hiding. Ever since Maddie and I got engaged, things between us have been... awkward.", Sprig responded.

"Wow. That bad?", Jackie asked.

"Dude, if you don't want to be engaged anymore, just go break it off.", Anne responded.

"Break up with her? To her face?!", Sprig exclaimed before quickly hiding in her hair.

"She'll kill me.", Sprig shivered before Maddie laughed creepily as she chopped the vegetable.

"Look, breakups are no big deal. I used to do it for my friends all the time. They called me the breakup queen. Also Angel of Death.", Anne explained.

"I'm not sure how I feel about that.", Jackie said in worry.

"Perfect. You go break up with her for me, and I'll either go find a new hiding spot or have the best date with Ivy. Whichever comes first.", Sprig grinned.

"Yeah. Spranne against the world!", Sprig and Anne said in unison before laughing together.

"And now to break up with Maddie for ya.", Anne said before going over to Maddie only to see Maddie baking some bread shaped like Anne and Sprig and seemingly making them screech as they burned in the oven, prompting them to step back out of the place and hide in the bushes.

"Or maybe breaking up by text would be better.", Anne said.

"By wha-?", Sprig puzzled.

"By text. It's not super cool, but, hey, everybody's done it at least once.", Anne responded before Sprig laughed.

"Now we're both cowards.", Sprig said.

"Again, I'm not sure how to feel about this.", Jackie said, uncomfortably, before Anne wrote a letter that read...,

Dear Maddie,

I break up with you.



She then folded it into a paper airplane and tossed it into the air, which blew it through the open window and into Maddie's hair. After Maddie opened said letter, she gave a bit of a glare toward Anne and Sprig, who waved nervously before Maddie then walked away.

"Huh. That wasn't so bad.", Sprig grinned.

"See? Like I said, no problem.", Anne grinned before she and Sprig clapped hands.

"I don't know. I have a feeling it might come back to bite us.", Jackie said worriedly.

"Don't be silly, Jackie. It'll work out.", Anne assured.

"For our sake, it better.", Jackie responded.

Soon after, they and the triplets were following Sprig across the woods.

"Why do we always hang out in the woods? You have a perfectly good living room.", Anne asked.

"Where's the fun in that? This place is full of nature. Whoo-hoo!", Sprig shouted before Anne and her siblings noticed a spider chomping at the ladybug before moving away with it.

"Yeah, that's what worries us.", Jackie commented as Sprig hummed until a bush rustled, making Sprig gasp.

"Stay back. It could be a bloodsucking predator.", Sprig warned as he got out a big stick.

"If you're trying to sell us on this place, it's not working.", Jackie said before Sprig pulled the You are really not selling me on this place.

"Oh, no. It's an-", Sprig began before a yellow frog shouted.

"Ambush!", Ivy shouted before pouncing on Sprig, who then pushed her into a bush.

"I'm hit! Sprig down! Sprig down!", Sprig said dramatically before Ivy walked out from the bushes.

"Ha ha!", Ivy grinned.

"Hey, Ivy. Nice ambush. Gourd in a wig? Classic.", Sprig grinned before Ivy chuckled with a blush.

"Can't take all the credit. You're really easy to trick.", Ivy responded, making Sprig blush for a moment.

"Well, guilty as charged.", Sprig responded before he and Ivy laughed before Anne and her two semi-oldest siblings cleared their throats.

"Oh, Ivy, meet Anne, Jackie, Rose, Andy, Dany, and Lily. Oddities from another world turned into froggy denizens of Amphibia. Anne, Jackie, Rose, Andy, Dany, Lily, meet Ivy. Childhood acquaintance and occasional sparring partner.", Sprig introduced as he threw a punch, which Ivy blocked, before she kicked him in the face, only for him to recover and laugh.

"Hey, Ivy.", Anne and her 2 siblings greeted.

"Hey, I've seen you around. Nice to officially meet. Do you like being randomly attacked?", Ivy asked.

"Not at all.", Anne responded.

"I don't think anyone likes being randomly attacked.", Jackie added.

"Well, too bad. See you later, Sprig. But you won't see me.", Ivy said before then laughing as she hopped away backwards.

"Well, well, well. She's kinda cute, huh?", Anne asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"I don't know what you're talking about.", Sprig responded as he then left, although forming a sort of blush on his cheeks.

"Well, well, well, well, well, well, well.", Jackie grinned.

"You're being weird, guys.", Sprig said.

Later, Sprig and the Boonchuys returned home.

"We're back!", Rose shouted.

"What have you kids been doin'? I've been lookin' for you all morning.", Hop Pop asked.

"Oh, nothing. Except Sprig was totally flirting with a cute girl!", Anne responded with a grin, making Hop Pop gasp.

"No kiddin'?", Hop Pop grinned.

"Uh-huh. They seem like more than best friends.", Rose agreed.

"Guys, it's not like that. Ivy Sundew and I are just friends.", Sprig out of embarrassment.

"Ivy Sundew? Nobody move! I'm gettin' the courtship kit.", Hop Pop said before he went upstairs to get said kit.

"This is so exciting! I'm gonna go get my dating magazines. BRB!", Anne shouted.

"Me, too.", Jackie grinned as she and Anne both ran downstairs.

"I don't actually care.", Polly responded.

"I do.", Rose said before hugging Sprig just as Hop Pop returned downstairs with a chest filled with a bouquet of mushrooms, a hat, and a sort of fancy ring for the dress.

"Here we go. The Firefly Formal is tonight. It's the perfect opportunity to begin the ritual.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Ritual?", Anne and Jackie puzzled.

"Uh-huh. Only frogs who have performed the ceremonial dance in the ceremonial garb are allowed to be wed.", Hop Pop explained as he got out both the hat and the parchment that showed a diagram of well-dressed frogs and the words "True Love".

"Huh. Kitschy. I like it.", Anne responded.

"Guys! We're just friends. Besides, I'm already engaged to Maddie, right? She gave me this nifty ring.", Sprig responded as he even showed a sort of ring, which a dark and scary one.

"Forget her. The Sundews have secret proprietary crops. Do you have any idea what that means?!", Hop Pop shouted.

"Uh...", Sprig puzzled.

"If our families merge, we'll be rich!", Hop Pop responded.

"Wow. So romantic.", Polly said sarcastically.

"Uhh! I love these magazines. Look, Sprig. It says here two-thirds of all soul mates start out as 'just friends.'", Anne said while holding one of said magazines.

"Wait... What, really? And you trust these things?", Sprig asked.

"Definitely. Magazines never lie.", Anne responded as she got out another one, this time, saying, "Cat & Bat have baby?".

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure this one does.", Jackie responded.

"Could Ivy be my eternal love, my soul mate, the cat to my bat?", Sprig asked.

"Well, we're about to find out 'cause I already asked her family.", Hop Pop said just as a giant mosquito messenger arrived with a letter delivery before Hop Pop opened the letter and read it.

"Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. They agreed to a date!", Hop Pop shouted excitedly before turning toward the mosquito messenger.

"What do you want?", Hop Pop asked before the mosquito messenger flapped its wings.

"Oh, your tip. All right, here you go. But don't take too much, though. I have chores to do later.", Hop Pop warned.

"Well, missing out on eternal love does sound bad. I guess one date couldn't hurt.", Sprig responded.

"Hey!", Anne grinned.

"That's my boy!", Hop Pop added.

Later, while everyone else was dancing at the Firefly Formal, Hop Pop, Jackie, Anne, and Rose were dressing Sprig up for the occasion.

"Stop strugglin'.", Hop Pop said.

"Just a little more.", Anne said before Sprig was now all spruced up.

"All righty. Cool.", Anne said.

"My boy, you look incredible.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Uh... I don't know about this. Ivy's gonna think I look stupid. I think I look stupid.", Sprig said worriedly.

"Actually, you look silly. And there's nothing wrong with silly.", Rose giggled.

"And you'll have something in common.", Anne grinned before lowering Sprig's arms twice only for them to go back up each time.

"It's fine.", Anne said before pushing Sprig along as her head banged on lanterns as she walked.

"Ow. Ow. Ow.", Anne said.

Meanwhile, Ivy was in the similar situation as Felicia.

"My little girl's a woman.", Felicia grinned.

"Mom!", Ivy exclaimed in embarrassment as meanwhile, Sprig gulped nervously.

"All right, boy, go get that lucrative business relationship. I mean, romantic relationship.", Hop Pop said as Sprig went along before he chuckled to himself.

"Saved it.", Hop Pop grinned.

As for Sprig and Ivy, they both went up to each other, nervously.

"Hey.", Sprig greeted.

"Hi.", Ivy responded.

"Uh... these are for you.", Sprig said, handing Ivy a bouquet of mushrooms.

"Oh. Thanks.", Ivy responded.

"So...you're looking like a... girl frog.", Sprig said nervously.

"Oh, okay. I like your, uh, collar.", Ivy responded just as nervously.

Meanwhile, Felicia sighed happily.

"I'm so happy we agreed on this merger, Hopadiah. That Sprig of yours looks like a hard worker.", Felicia grinned.

"Like we agreed, you'll get Sprig to work at your restaurant, and I'll get the seeds to those Sundew vegetables.", Hop Pop responded.

"Agreed.", Felicia responded as he and Hop Pop shook hands.

"This is so exciting. I wonder what their ship name will be. Ivig? Sprigivy?", Anne gasped.

"I'll do you one better. Sprivy.", Jackie responded.

"What are you even saying?", Polly asked before Hop Pop shushed Polly.

"Let's watch our little love doves fly. Love doves are birds that mate for life.", Hop Pop stated.

"I got it.", Anne responded.

However, Jackie and Rose both noticed how uneasy Sprig and Ivy are starting to get.

"Do they seem... unhappy to you?", Jackie asked.

"Mm-hmm.", Rose nodded out of concern.

"Excuse me, everybody, but I hear we have a couple of love doves here tonight. Ivy Sundew and Sprig Plantar. Whoo! A big hand for them. Come on, let me hear it. Hopadiah Plantar says, 'Sprig, don't mess this up for us.' And Felicia Sundew would like Ivy to 'have a great courtship. Wink.' It says 'wink' here. 'Love, Mom.' All right, then. Hit it, boys!", a newt named Albus Duckweed said before the frogs started playing music for them as Sprig and Ivy struggled to hold hands with each other until they succeeded, barely, in clasping hands with one another.

"There we go.", Sprig said before he and Ivy started dancing.

"I had no idea you felt this way about me, Sprig.", Ivy said.

"Oh, sure. Didn't you know two-thirds of all mates start with souls? Ah! I mean, two-thirds of all souls start with...", Sprig began before sighing and then finally coming clean.

"I can't do this. I'm really sorry, Ivy. I- I don't want to date you. Everyone just convinced me this was a good idea.", Sprig responded.

"Oh, thank goodness! I only went along because I didn't want to hurt you. Also 'cause my mom forced me.", Ivy responded in relief.

"Ha! Parents, am I right? What do you say we ditch this thing and go watch some fireflies? They're in season.", Sprig asked before Ivy laughed.

"After you, friend.", Ivy grinned.

"Why, thank you, friend.", Sprig responded before the two laughed as they snuck off into the woods, not knowing that Anne, Jackie, and Rose are watching via periscopes.

"Ooh-la-la. The little love doves are sneaking off into the woods. You know what that means.", Anne grinned.

"It means they're finally happy and just hanging out?", Rose asked as she held the triplets.

"It means they're abandoning the ritual! If those two don't finish that dance...", Felicia realized.

"Then this courtship will be ruined! Along with my financial security!", Hop Pop shouted, making Rose groan in frustration.

"Wait, what? We cannot let them waste this chance. They say nine out of ten people stay up at night regretting missed romantic opportunities. Nine out of ten!", Anne exclaimed.

"Come on, gang. Let's get this merger back on track.", Hop Pop urged.

"Uh, counterpoint. Why don't we just leave them alone?!", Polly shouted.

Jackie and Rose seem to agree with Polly at this point.

"I agree with Polly.", Jackie responded.

"Me, too.", Rose responded.

However, the rest of the group weren't on board.

"Ridiculous.", Felicia said.

"Not a chance.", Hop Pop refused.

"I'm way too invested right now.", Anne added.

Meanwhile, Ivy and Sprig were had finally gotten out of their dresses piece by piece.

"Wow. Man, this is way better than that stuffy old dance. Right, Ivy?", Sprig asked.

"Amen to that.", Ivy grinned.

"Yeah... But..., if I'm being honest, though, even though we didn't want to date each other, I think I might be... you know..., starting to have a thing for you. You know, Ivy? Ivy?", Sprig puzzled as he saw some fireflies and eventually looked around, noticing Ivy isn't here, before she shouted out.

"Ambush!", Ivy shouted before jumping onto him.

"Oh, no, you don't.", Sprig said as he got out his stick sword with ivy blocking it up to a point where the two fenced.

"Come back here! This'll be your grave!", Ivy said.

"That's, uh...That's pretty dark.", Sprig commented.

Meanwhile, having found that the two had already taken off their dresses, Jackie, Rose, Anne, the triplets, Hop Pop, Polly, and Felicia searched everywhere for Sprig and Ivy.

"Hmm. Where are those dang kids?", Hop Pop asked before he and the others all heard wings flapping and some birds screeching.

"What's that?", Hop Pop asked before they all looked up to see none other than a couple of love doves.

"They're beautiful.", Felicia grinned.

"Just look at them.", Polly added.

"Love doves. Don't move or we're dead.", Hop Pop whispered.

"What? I thought they were all romantic and mate for life.", Anne puzzled.

"Yeah, and they spend that life massacring all living things.", Hop Pop responded.

"WHAT?!", Jackie shouted with a dramatic echo before the two love doves then shrieked as they noticed the group, especially Jackie, who made the noise.

"I regret this...!", Jackie squeaked before the two love doves dove after the group, swirled as they flew, and then prepared to grab them.

"Beautiful.", Hop Pop said before the love doves picked up the group, making them scream.

Meanwhile, Sprig and Ivy were now seeing fireflies.

"Hey, purple ones.", Sprig grinned.

"Oh, yeah, those are babies. I read that they're purple so the moms can find them if they get lost.", Ivy stated.

"What? That's adorable.", Sprig grinned.

"I know, right?", Ivy responded before she closed her eyes while Sprig stuck out his tongue.

"By the way, Sprig..., if it's all the same..., I'm starting to get what you mean.", Ivy responded.

"What are you talking about?", Sprig puzzled before loud screaming sounded from nearby.

"What the...?", Sprig puzzled.

"That sounded like...", Ivy began before she and Sprig noticed the two love doves carrying off their families.

"Our families! We gotta help them!", Sprig shouted.

"Way ahead of you. Come on, let's go!", Ivy responded as she handed Sprig a stick sword before they ran out after the love doves, who, in the meantime, set them in their nest and trapped them there with their saliva.

"We're stuck.", Anne said in worry before the two love doves then took off from their nest.

"Uh, so they're not gonna eat us?", Rose puzzled.

"Not right away. Love doves prefer to let their prey marinate in fear first.", Hop Pop stated before Felicia groaned.

"Can it, Plantar. This is all your fault. If you taught your grandson proper courtship technique-", Felicia blamed.

"My fault? It's obviously yours!", Hop Pop retorted before Anne spoke up next as she went to the magazine.

"Guys, it says here that our relationships define us, and nothing else. Nothing else!", Anne shouted before all this noise became too much for Polly.

"ENOUGH! It's all your faults. Except yours, Jackie, Rose.", Polly added.

"Say what?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"Impossible.", Anne puzzled.

"Zip it! The only reason we're here marinating is because you all had to play matchmaker. You two were greedy, plain and simple.", Polly said.

"Maybe a little.", Hop Pop realized.

"It's nuanced.", Felicia added.

"Nice. Totally innocent for once. You two should be ashamed.", Anne scolded only for Polly to turn her rage toward Anne.

"Are you kidding?! Sprig only went through with this because of you and this dumb magazine!", Polly shouted before she, while growling like crazy, tore the magazine apart in her mouth; when she was finished, she's left heavily panting.

"Wow. I feel lighter somehow, more... free.", Anne grinned.

"Look, guys. You can't just force these two together and expect all the pieces to just magically fall into place.", Jackie said.

"She's right these things take time and patience it's like preparing a harvest or making the perfect cup of tea.", Rose added just before Sprig and Ivy appeared.

"Hey! We're here to rescue you.", Sprig said before he and Ivy freed Anne, Hop Pop, Jackie, Rose, Polly, and Felicia with all of them leaving the nest.

"Whew!", the group sighed in relief.

"Oh, thank frog. Look, kids, we-", Felicia began.

"Sprig, I'm so sorry.", Anne apologized before the Love Doves returned and then shrieked.

"I always tell them, 'Save the heartfelt apologies for when we get to safety.'", Polly commented.

"Don't worry, guys. Sprig and I are ready for combat. Right?", Ivy asked.

"Right.", Sprig responded.

"On the count of three. One, two...", Ivy began before noticing that Sprig was missing.

"Sprig?", Ivy asked.

"Ambush! Ha ha!", Sprig shouted before ambushing one of the love doves and striking it.

"I love you, Ivy! And take that, you beautiful creature!", Sprig shouted to ivy first and then the Love Dove he was striking up until it passed out with another love dove then forcing Sprig off by tossing him aside off the nest.

"Nice ambush.", Ivy grinned.

"Well, I learned from the best. Now let's finish this up.", Sprig grinned before he and Ivy then struck the other love dove, knocking it out cold as well.

"Amazing. Even in defeat, they're majestic.", Hop Pop said as the two doves slept/

"Aw. They are cute.", Rose grinned as the love doves cooed.

"Come along now, Ivy. Let's get you home so I can apologize safely.", Felicia said before then ushering her away.

"Okay. That was fun. See ya, Sprig! I love you, too!", Ivy shouted.

"See ya, Ivy!", Sprig waved before he realized something.

"Wait. Did she just say she loves me, too?", Sprig asked.

"Mm-hmm.", Rose grinned.

"Sprig, next time we won't get the courtship kit out until you're good and ready. Now I can focus on finding love for Polly.", Hop Pop assured, much to Polly's despair.

"No!", Polly shouted.

"Well, that's the end of that.", Anne grinned.

"Yeah. But at least now, they can love each other at their own pace.", Jackie grinned.

"And this time, we let them express their love the way they want to.", Rose suggested.

"Yep.", Sprig said as before winking to Ivy, who winked back as she and Felicia left.

Act II: Anne vs. Wild

One day, Anne was checking her hands in the Plantar House.

"Blech. Anyone ever notice that slimey stuff on our hands?", Anne asked.

"You mean mucus?", Jackie asked.

"I thought they're more like hand sanitizers we bring with us.", Rose added.

"Sorry, but that just won't do. Lotion, lotion. Did I get zapped here with any lotion?", Anne asked as she then searched through her backpack and found something in a bag before opening it and discovering something inside, much to her surprise.

"Oh, hey. What's this? Oh, my gosh.", Anne exclaimed as she did so.

"No way! Is that...?", Jackie added as she and Rose saw it.

"It is!", Rose shouted before the trio ran out to the front yard.

"Guys! We brought a couple of bath bombs from home and didn't even know it!", Anne shouted, holding an apparent bath ball that read, "Peony Princess".

"That means we can have fun bath times with Andy, Danny, and Lily!", Rose shouted gleefully.

"Man, I can't wait to try this baby out. Uh...You guys going somewhere?", Anne asked as she and her siblings noticed the Plantars getting ready for their trip with more provisions than usual.

"Yep. The three of us are going to Camp Phlegmington. Gonna rough it outdoors and get filthy!", Sprig responded.

"Wait, without us?", Anne asked.

"Sure are. When we Plantars camp, we camp hard. No sense in you six coming with us and being miserable.", Hop Pop responded.

"Wait. Did you just say camping?", Jackie asked.

"Yep, but we know you hate dirt, bugs, rocks... and nature.", Sprig responded.

"You're all soft, Anne, like a baby.", Polly responded.

"Hey! The triplets may be actual babies, but we resent that!", Jackie responded.

"Just tellin' it like it is. Sheesh.", Polly responded.

"Really, you should be glad you're not one of us.", Hop Pop responded with Anne looking worried before she spoke up.

"That's ridiculous. Me, soft? Pfft! Just because we're not Plantars doesn't mean we can't have a good time with you guys. I mean, we're all frogs, for crying out loud. Take us with you. Please, please, please?", Anne asked.

"I may not be one to beg like she is, but I'd like to go, too.", Jackie responded.

"Yeah. We love camping! Especially s'mores.", Rose grinned.

"Are you sure? I wasn't kiddin' when I said 'rough.'", Hop Pop warned.

"And I wasn't kidding when I said you were soft.", Polly added.

"And again, we resent that!", Jackie retorted.

"Super-sure.", Anne said.

"Aw, come on, guys. If Anne says they can handle it, they can handle it.", Sprig assured.

"Well, all right, kids. Hop on.", Hop Pop offered.

"Whoo, whoo!", Anne cheered before she, Jackie, and Rose (who giggled while carrying the triplets), hopped on to join the Plantars.

"Psst. Hey, since you're coming with us, we gotta lather you up with this gunk. Only way to keep the ticks away.", Sprig stated as he got out a honey comb and some honey.

"Is that honey?", Jackie asked.

"Yep.", Sprig responded with a chuckle before he slathered honey onto the trio's faces as well as the triplets'.

"Here we go. Ahh. And back around. Ooh. Looks like I missed a spot.", Sprig said, making Jackie and Rose shudder in detest at the honey being slathered onto them.

"Totally not regretting this.", Anne said before the triplets giggled at being tickled with honey on their faces.

"Neither are they, apparently.", Jackie responded.

"Say, what are those s'mores, anyway?", Hop Pop asked.

"I'll tell you on the way if you want.", Rose grinned.

Later, the Plantars had arrived at Camp Phlemington with one camper testing out his axe's strength as well as his aim before he tossed it at the target and hit a bulls-eye.

"Yeah!", the camper celebrated while another was out beetle hunting with a net.

"Easy does it, easy does it. Ha! Aah!", the camper shouted as he caught the beetle only to get dragged off by the fleeing beetle.

"Ahh. I can't wait to tell scary stories. The more teen frogs running from deranged psychopaths, the better.", Sprig responded.

"No! No scary stories while the triplets are here. They'll get scared to death. And no, it won't be in a good way if that happens.", Jackie said with a glare.

"I'm more excited about s'mores.", Rose added before Polly laughed.

"I'm just happy to get off the farm. So much fresh air, and it's all mine.", Poly grinned before she took a deep breath, puffed up like a mini balloon and then sputtered away like one with a giggle before Hop Pop caught her.

"I personally love the peace and quiet. A frog can really hear themselves think out here.", Hop Pop said before thinking to himself.

"Did you leave the stove on? The front door unlocked? Will you die alone?!", Hop Pop thought.

"Well, that was a mistake.", Hop Pop said before Anne groaned as a butterfly was near her, although she became more off-put when she noticed the beetle passing by her while said butterfly fluttered over to Rose, making her giggle until it landed gently on her nose and showed its wings, astonishing her.

"Seems like Jackie and Rose are havin' a good time already. But you sure you want to stay, Anne? You can take Bessie and go home if you need to.", Hop Pop suggested before Anne quickly grew testy.

"Hey, hey, hey! Here's an idea. How about we stop questioning my decisions and get to camping together already? Who's with me?", Anne asked.

"Yeah!", Sprig shouted.

"Good idea!", Polly added.

"Yeah, that sounds good.", Hop Pop grinned.

However, Jackie and Rose weren't as they grew worried for their sister.

Later, it became all the more clear as at one point, while they were fishing, Rose and Jackie got progressively bigger fish with Rose being the 3rd biggest and Jackie being the 2nd biggest before Anne wound up in the water before the 1st biggest fish then chased after her, making her scream before Jackie used her tongue to grab Anne and put her back on the surface. Next, as Sprig made a sort of palace-like tent, complete with a front porch rug and a flag with the letter S on it, Jackie and Rose's tents were fairly simple, but Anne's tent was mediocre by comparison as it fell apart. That would've been it, but it then suddenly lit on fire, making her, Jackie, Rose, and Sprig gasp before digging up dirt and tossing it at the fire just as quickly while Hop Pop arrived.

"Come on, kids, throw some dirt on it! Get some water!", Hop Pop urged before the fire was put out.

"Sorry about your tent, Anne.", Jackie apologized.

"On the bright side, at least now we know how to make fire.", Rose grinned.

Later, though, Anne was scratching her back only to find a huge spider on her back, absolutely terrifying her as she screamed.

"Get it off!", Anne exclaimed as the spider suddenly fell off and then proceeded to chase after her as if to try and bite her.

"No, no, no! Get it off! Get it off!", Anne shouted as Sprig chased after said spider with an axe, neither one knowing that Jackie and Rose noticed this.

"Hey, step off!", Jackie shouted before she croaked and then let her tongue take a tremendous jump out of her mouth, lunge toward the spider, and push it away from Anne and into the water, directly toward the biggest fish, which ate it.

The spider was much too surprised to bite back.

"Whew! Thanks, Jackie.", Anne sighed.

"Anytime, Anne.", Jackie grinned.

However, at night, as everyone else slept, Anne suddenly rolled down hill in her sleeping bag, alerting Jackie and Rose, who woke up.

"Whoa! No, no, no! No, no, no!", Anne shouted as she rolled.

"Anne!", the two shouted before Anne screamed as she was about to roll off only for Jackie to stop her with her tongue.

"Got ya, Anne.", Jackie said with a bit of muffling.

The next morning, Anne was now shown to be having red bumps, which Sprig is treating with honey.

"Ow! Careful! I'm pretty sure those ticks caused internal damage.", Anne said.

"Who knew those ticks could be the bed bugs of Amphibia?", Jackie asked.

"At least they aren't as bad as they were back home.", Rose grinned.

"So, awkward question, but are you sure you wouldn't be happier back home?", Sprig asked.

"Seriously, Anne, no need to torture yourself. Take Bessie and go home. And don't you worry about us, 'cause we'll be just fine without you.", Hop Pop added before the last two words got to Anne, making her freak out somewhat.

"No! Look, I know it seems like I'm miserable, okay? But I'm not. It's just...It's just, uh...", Anne began before she looked to her left and saw a frog playing with a butterfly net.

"I'm not used to such easy camping.", Anne responded.

"What?", Jackie asked suspiciously.

"Easy?", Sprig puzzled.

"Huh?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"Look around you. Singing, butterflies, laughter. I guess I'm just used to something a little more... Extreme.", Anne explained before a sort of austrailian frog with muscles and a vest popepd out from the bush, surprising Anne.

"So, this place ain't extreme enough for ya?", the frog asked.

"Uh, dang right it ain't.", Anne responded before the strange frog laughed hysterically, creeping out the frogs while making the triplets start to cry only for Rose to shush them.

"I can take you folks to a real campsite, one where there ain't none of this kiddie stuff, like shelter or potable water. Blech.", the strange frog assured.

"Well, would a more extreme experience make you happy, Anne?", Hop Pop asked.

"Uh, yeah?", Anne responded with a fib, worrying Jackie and Rose greatly.

"If Anne wants hard-core, we go hard-core. Lead the way, Mr., uh...", Sprig began.

"Name's Joe. Soggy Joe.", Soggy Joe responded before laughing.

"Yeesh. Could you like, turn down the creep just a bit?", Anne asked.

"No!", Soggy Joe shouted.

"Can we at least bring some s'mores?", Rose asked.

"No.", Soggy Joe responded, making Rose groan sadly.

Later, sunset has approached and the gang were looking around at the disturbing sights around the forest. For Hop Pop, he saw a skeleton of a frog holding a sign that says, "Save Yourself!" while Polly saw numerous empty buckets, making her weary, and Sprig, Jackie, and Rose, as well as the triplets, saw a small snail purring on top of a tree stump.

"Aw.", Sprig said before a giant spider snuck out from behind it and then struck, putting it in its mouth before shaking it and jumping up with its prey inside.

"Toot!", the snail shouted as the spider fled with it, making Rose cry a bit as Jackie covered her eyes as well as the triplets, who were starting to cry as well before she shushed them gently just as Soggy Joe led the gang to a vacant spot necessary with Soggy Joe then picking up a piece of mud with his finger and licking it.

"We're here. We bunk here for the night. And in the morning, if we're still alive...!", Soggy Joe continued, worrying the gang as they gasped in horror.

"I'll take you all out for pancakes.", Soggy Joe finished.

"Oh, that sounds great.", Anne grinned.

"Really?", Jackie asked.

"Well, why didn't you say so?", Rose asked.

"I do like pancakes.", Hop Pop grinned.

Later, the gang were now gathered around the campfire.

"Want to hear a tale?", Soggy Joe asked.

"Uh...", Anne began.

"No way!", Jackie refused.

"Nuh-uh.", Rose added.

"I'm good.", Hop Pop added.

"Hard pass, old man.", Polly added.

"Oh, me! I love scary stories.", Sprig responded before the rest of the group groaned.

"Gather 'round and hear ye the tale of the Mud Men. Born in the bowels of the bog itself, the mud creatures stalk the inky night, lusting to devour any frogs that might have wandered into their domain.", Soggy Joe said before he sank beneath the mud.

"Ten bucks says he doesn't come back up.", Polly said.

"Yeah? Well, twenty says he will and scare us.", Jackie argued before Soggy Joe, as predicted, burst up, catching everyone unawares.

"Just like us!", Soggy Joe shouted before laughing.

"Pay me...", Jackie said, still shaken with fear before Polly, stricken with the same fear, gave her 20 coppers.

"Ah, yes. The Mud Men only fear two things. Daylight and being clean. Holy honey thistle!", Soggy Joe exclaimed.

"What? What is it, Joe?", Hop Pop asked in fear.

"Nature calls. Be right back.", Soggy Joe said before he left, earning relieved sighs from Jackie and Rose.

"What a weird guy.", Jackie said.

"Is this extreme enough?", Sprig asked, inadvertently making Anne scream a bit before she turned to see him.

"Uh... um... What? No. I am loving this.", Anne laughed nervously.

"Don't lie, Anne. We know when you don't really feel what you say.", Jackie said with a glare, surprising her.

"Behind that bush. Now!", Jackie glared, making Anne gulp nervously.

A moment later, Jackie and Rose were speaking with Anne.

"What the heck is wrong, Anne? Are you trying to hide the fact that you're miserable here? If you are, why would you hide that from us?", Jackie asked.

"Is it because you didn't want to be left behind and thought of as soft like a baby?", Rose asked.

"Pfft! Don't be ridiculous.", Anne fibbed with a chuckle before widening her eyes, realizing that Jackie and Rose aren't buying it.

"How did you guess?!", Anne squeaked before Jackie sighed.

"Look, Anne. I know what it's like to want to be included. To be sure you don't get left behind. How else would Rose and I wind up here with you?", Jackie grinned.

"Oh, man...! Sorry I dragged you two into this, Jackie...", Anne apologized.

"It's okay. We have each other, right?", Jackie grinned.

"And we're all still alive.", Rose added before Joe groaned nearby as he came back.

"Oh, uh, hey Sog Man. Everything okay?", Sprig asked before Joe groaned again, but this time, he fell backwards and landed on the ground, an axe embedded onto his back, making everyone freak out before the fire place blew out.

"Aah! It's too dark!", Rose shouted.

"Don't worry. Good thing I brought my copper matches.", Hop Pop assured as he lit said copper matches with green fire before, much to their horror, one of the mud men appeared, moaning.

"It's the Mud Men!", Sprig shouted before several more appeared with one even holding a fork and a knife.

"What the heck?! They're real?!", Jackie shouted.

"They're real!", Hop Pop replied before Polly jumped onto Hop Pop's face and pulled him down by the lower lip.

"And they're here for our delicious souls!", Polly shouted before the triplets started to cry in fear of the mud men.

"Oh, man, this is all my fault. Everyone, grab a torch!", Anne urged before everyone except the triplets grabbed the torches and then tried to scare them away.

"Back away!", Sprig shouted while Polly yelled before the mud men flung their mud on all the torches, forcing the gang to back up toward the wall, filled with naught but fright.

"It's gonna be okay. We'll make it through this. Somehow.", Jackie said in worry, not entirely sure if it is the case.

"Really wish we had some sunlight right about now.", Sprig said in fear.

"Or heck, cleaning products.", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Cleaning Products? That's it! Anne, do you still have one of those bath balls?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah. Why are you aski... Oh! I get it!", Anne realized with a gasp.

"Everyone, take cover! Peony Princess bath bomb! Good-bye, dear friend.", Anne said before she tore off the tag and then tossed it into the mud, but nothing happened, puzzling the mud men.

"Well, guess we're dead.", Hop Pop said.

"Uh-huh.", Polly agreed with a nod.

"Wait for it.", Jackie assured before the bath bomb started to fizz right before it blew up, covering everything within its blast radius with the mud blasted off the mud men while everyone else was left smelling like peonys.

When the fog lifted, the mud men turned out to be only frogs, which quickly grew frightened with embarrassment.

"The jig is up, boys!", one mud man shouted.

"Quickly, before she throws another one of those things!", another exclaimed before they all screamed as they fled.

"Wha...?", Jackie and Rose puzzled.

"Man, all I wanted to do today was get muddy and eat people.", another mud man complained as he left before the gang cheered.

"I can see your butt!", Polly shouted.

"Well. That was anti-climactic.", Jackie commented before Rose noticed the triplets still crying.

"Aw. It's okay. The bad mud men are gone now. And they're just stinky frogs.", Rose assured, calming them down before Hop Pop spoke up.

"Guess we were wrong to doubt you, Anne. You really are used to extreme camping.", Hop Pop grinned.

However, Anne didn't feel the same way and sighed.

"Guys, I have a confession. This extreme camping stuff is nonsense. I was miserable back there. I was just trying to cover it up.", Anne responded, finally coming clean.

"So you dragged us to this horror show for no reason?! Twisted. I love it.", Polly grinned.

"I don't understand. Why lie about it? Why be miserable?", Sprig asked.

"I guess I've been feeling kind of left out lately. I may be a frog like you guys are, but I'm not a Plantar. Heck, I wasn't even invited on this trip. I really like you guys and wanted to be with you, miserable or not.", Anne responded.

"Don't you get it yet, Anne? You're not alone. You're with us.", Jackie grinned.

"Yeah. We'll always be with you.", Rose added as she and Jackie hugged Anne, making Sprig tearful.

"I don't know if it's the sweet-smelling toxins or the overwhelming emotions, but dang it, I'm a mess.", Sprig said, shedding tears.

"Next time, we'll include you, Anne, even if we know you'll hate it.", Hop Pop assured.

"Thanks, you guys.", Anne grinned.

"It's too bad we'll never get pancakes now...", Rose groaned.

"Wait. Are we sure he's dead?", Jackie asked before she lifted the axe off Soggy Joe and found out that it only left a small dent on the vest.

"That's weird. It only left a small dent. It should've been bigger than that. Unless...", Jackie began before Soggy Joe rose up, taking her aback slightly before he groaned with a yawn and a stretch.

"That's right! Ooh-wee! Good thing I wore my axe-proof vest, eh? So, what'd I miss?", Soggy Joe asked.

"Oh, pretty much everything.", Anne asked before, as the gang explained, a sort of small, floating kitten-like creature floated over and looked past the bushes.

"Really?", Joe asked.

"Oh, Joe, there were these crazy cannibals.", Sprig began.

"Rre-ew?", the small kitten-like creature meowed.

"Wow.", Joe said in surprise.

"They tried to eat us.", Hop Pop added.

"Oh, serious?", Joe puzzled.

"Yeah, actually, it turned out they were just frogs.", Polly explained.

"Oh, no way.", Joe responded.

"Dirty little frogs covered in mud.", Rose added.

"Unbelievable.", Joe said in amazement.

"And then we ran, we tried to use torches, it was all a big thing. It was very dramatic.", Anne added.

"Yeah? Oh? Keep going.", Joe said.

"Anne saved us with a bath bomb.", Jackie said.

"There's still another one left.", Rose grinned.

"Yeah, I smell it. It's great. Is that peony?", Joe asked.

"Yeah, that is peony.", Anne replied.

"Yeah, I have a nose for these things.", Joe responded.

"So, that's pretty much it. You're all caught up.", Anne responded.

"Oh, great.", Joe responded.

"So, how did that axe wind up on your back, anyway?", Jackie asked.

2 Minutes Earlier

Joe had just found a perfect spot for a bathroom break.

"Ah, there you are. A good whiz out here can't hurt.", Joe said to himself before he bent down and unzipped his pants only for an axe to swing over him and get stuck on the back of his vest before he stood up and spoke.

"There. That should do it.", Joe grinned.

2 1/2 Minutes Later

"But why did you pass out after getting back here?", Jackie asked.

"You ever get that feeling where you can relax as you take a whiz? Because that's what happened to me.", Joe explained.

"I do not think you need to mention that.", Jackie commented.

"Good point.", Joe said before there was only a moment of cricket chirping.

"So, you all want to get pancakes early?", Joe asked.

"Oh, yeah, that sounds great.", Anne responded.

"Heck, yeah, we do!", Jackie shouted.

"Pancakes!", Rose shouted.

"Let's get outta here.", Hop Pop added.

"I've always been more of a waffle girl, myself.", Polly added as the little, floating, kitten-like creature then took its leave from the bush.

"I wonder. Whose axe was it that hit you?", Jackie puzzled.

"Heck if I know.", Joe responded.

Meanwhile, the apparent owner of the axe, which is a sort of orc, went over to it and picked it back up, riding on top of a giant wolf.

"Send word to the master... We have found the frog-scum.", the orc scout said to the others.

Meanwhile, back in the Plantar's home, Rose and the triplets were taking a bath together, playing with bubbles.

"Thank you for bringing the bath balls, Anne!", Rose giggled as she and the triplets played in the bubbles giddily.

"Okay, guys, now that we've been through a lot, there's something we'd all like to share with you.", Jackie began.

"This is how we got here.", Anne said as she then pulled back the white covers of the music box, revealing it in all its glory.

"Wow.", Polly said in awe.

"Shiny.", Sprig added.

"It's some kind of crazy music box or something. Have you guys seen anything like it before?", Anne asked.

"May I?", Hop Pop asked.

"Sure. I mean, it's busted.", Anne said as she handed it to him to have it examined.

Hop Pop did so by holding it close to him, sniffing it, and even opening it before closing it.

"Nope. Never seen anything like it.", Hop Pop said before Jackie groaned.

"Well, it was worth a shot.", Anne sighed.

"Anne, I promise... We're gonna find a way to get you, Jackie, Rose, and the triplets home.", Sprig responded.

"Thanks, Sprig. That really means a lot to us.", Jackie thanked before Hop Pop yawned.

"Well, that's enough excitement for me today. I think I'm gonna turn in.", Hop Pop said as he then walked back into his room.

"Good night.", Polly said.

"Good night, Hop Pop.", Anne and Jackie said in unison.

In his study, however, unaware that the little floating kitten has popped up near the windows, although getting a sense that something was there as its shadow was shown in the moonlight, puzzling Hop Pop to the point he looked out the window and saw nothing, puzzling him for a moment before he turned his attention back to the book and saw info, regarding that the music box in question is not only dubbed the "Calamity Box", but also dangerous as the little kitten peeped out through the window.

"It's just as I feared.", Hop Pop gasped.

"Rrew?", the creature puzzled as it tilted its head to the right.

A/N: That's right. Both the new palisman and the orcs have now appeared in the story! Who knows what those appearances could mean? Well, the only way to find out is to wait as chapter after chapter gets released until all 20 for this story are released. :)