9. Chapter 9

A/N: Hello. :) In this episode, there will be some changes, but none more major than an additional character voiced by Dwight Schultz with a similar background as Dr. Animo from Ben 10, but with the same personality as Karl the Fanaloka from "All Hail King Julien" in "Plantars' Last Stand". Also, I know the plot in the 2nd act may be a bit convoluted, but I wanted to do some experimenting, so if there are some edits to it that'd help you like and/or understand it more, please let me know. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 9

Act I: Lily Pad Thai

One day, Sprig was tossing the pizza dough into the air as Jackie and Rose saw this.

"There you go. Now you're getting it.", Jackie grinned before the dough landed on Sprig's head.

"Well, almost.", Jackie grinned.

"Jackie, wanna chop us some veggies for me?", Hop Pop asked.

"You got it, Hopediah.", Jackie responded before she grunted as she bounced a vegetable onto the table, cut it with ease, and placed it in a bowl.

"Wow, where'd you learn to cut like that?", Hop Pop asked.

"Well, our parents actually owned a Thai restaurant back home. (pulls out her phone, which shows a picture of Domino) Ah, whoops. Hold on. Anne, Rose, and I used to work there all the time and help out.", Jackie responded as she pulled out her phone, which showed a picture of the Thai restaurant called, "Thai Go".

"Mm-hmm. I just hope they're doing okay...", Rose added sadly.

"Well, how about that. A restaurant.", Hop Pop said.

"Pretty impressive, Jackie.", Polly grinned.

"Aw. Thanks.", Jackie grinned before an explosion went off with Sprig lying on the floor.

"Yep, I blew up the pizza.", Sprig said before Rose groaned disappointedly.

"Oh, dang it, Sprig. Well, looks like this meal's a bust. Who wants to eat out?", Hop Pop asked.

Later, he and the group, save for Anne as she is resting, are at a sort of run-down restaurant named Stumpy's Diner, which left a lot to be desired.

"Dang... This place is not up to code.", Jackie commented.

"Yeah. It looks so awful...", Rose added as she noticed a small hedgehog eating a customer's slug gruel before coughing it out as well as a skeleton of the oldest customer before she and the others sat down with the triplets being placed in booster seats.

"Oh, man. The font on these menus is way too small. Rookie mistake.", Jackie commented before Stumpy arrived with 8 bowls, 3 of which are small.

"Here you are. Five bowls of slop. Enjoy. Or don't. Makes no difference to me.", Stumpy said before leaving.

"Thanks, Stumpy.", Sprig responded.

As he was going, though, a certain newt from earlier spoke up to him.

"Excuse me, hello. Over here. Yoo hoo!", Albus exclaimed.

"There be a problem, sir?", Stumpy asked.

"Um, yes, there's only one fly in my soup. There should be dozens. I mean, how hard is it to run a restaurant, anyway? You just put food on tables. A tadpole can do it.", Albus critiqued, leaving Jackie and Rose a bit bewildered.

"Wait a minute. Isn't that the newt that hosted the Firefly Formal?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah. That's him, all right.", Rose responded.

"I'm actually surprised you two know him. That is Albus Duckweed. He writes reviews for the paper. They have comic strips sometimes.", Sprig responded.

"Blah! He thinks he's better than everyone else just 'cause he talk good.", Polly responded.

"It's true.", Hop Pop responded.

"True, but it's not hard to see why. Look at the shape it's in. I think what it needs is some good revising and clean-up, that's all.", Jackie guessed.

"Jackie, just ignore it and enjoy your slug gruel.", Hop Pop said only to notice her and Rose missing.

"I mean, seriously, look at this place.", Albus added.

"Excuse me, sir.", Jackie said.

"Kids, what are you doing?", Stumpy asked.

"Well, what is it?", Albus asked.

"I know this may be a bit much to ask, especially when you happen to be the best critic, but any chance we could help make this restaurant better?", Jackie asked.

"Hmm. Okay, I''ll bite. What does a couple of creatures like you two know about running a restaurant?", Albus asked.

"We know just about enough to help get it up and running like it should. Maybe even better.", Jackie responded.

"I, uh, I beg your pardon. What?", Stumpy puzzled.

"We just need two days to improve it. So, can we have 2 days? Please?", Rose asked.

Albus thought it over as he put his finger on his chin.

"All right. I'll be back here in 2 days.", Albus responded before leaving.

"Kids, I appreciate how nice you were to him, but that was the most popular critic in town. One bad review from him and we're finished.", Stumpy worried.

"It's not going to come to that, Stumpy. As long as we do it together, we can fix this restaurant in 2 days. Maybe even less. What do you say?", Jackie asked.

"I say... you kids just put me out of business. Bound to happen eventually, I suppose.", Stumpy said as he left with a sigh.

"Poor Stumpy...", Rose sighed before she and Jackie sat back down.

"Fellas, did you two just promise to save this restaurant?", Hop Pop asked.

"In two days?", Sprig asked.

"By yourselves?", Polly asked.

"Yep. That's, uh, that's pretty much what happened.", Jackie responded.

"Don't worry, Jackie. You, Anne, and Rose helped your restaurant out back at home, right?", Sprig asked.

"Uh, yeah, actually.", Jackie responded.

"If you can do all that, then I don't see any reason why you can't do the same for this one.", Hop Pop added.

"Yeah, you two got this in the bag", Polly added.

"Really?", Rose asked.

"Of course. After all, you do have some amazing cooking skills.", Hop Pop responded.

"Okay. Can't argue with that.", Jackie grinned, although starting to get nervous.

Later, back at the Plantar's, Jackie and Rose were a bit panicked.

"Oh, what are we supposed to do? Sure, we may have worked at the restuarant, but we might've gotten ourselves into a big mess this time.", Jackie groaned in fear.

"Why don't we ask Anne for some help? She's the one who helped out the most.", Rose responded, making Jackie calm down and stop pacing.

"Oh. That can work.", Jackie realized.

After that, they told Anne everything.

"A foodie, huh?", Anne asked.

"Yeah. I mean, he seemed nice enough when we asked about our request to help perk the place up nicely, but still.", Rose responded.

"Any chance you might know how to make the restaurant better?", Jackie asked.

"Hmm. Well, cleaning it up is a good start, but as for food, I might have an idea.", Anne responded.

"What is it?", Jackie asked.

"Well, you guys just need to mix both Amphibia style food with Thai food to give a different and flavorful experience.", Anne assured.

Jackie and Rose thought it over and beamed a bit.

"Oh. That could work.", Rose grinned.

"Thanks, Anne. I hope you get on your feet soon.", Jackie grinned.

"Any time, Jackie. Oh, and... thanks.", Anne grinned, earning Jackie's nod.

The next morning, before sunrise, Stumpy was humming as he was carrying in a sort of dead gator with two tusks, one of which is broken. As he was bringing it in, though, Stumpy opened the door and tapped on a mushroom only to find that it's on the fritz, not even turning back on all the way as it just dimmed back off.

"Dang mushroom needs replacing. Not that it matters anymore.", Stumpy said before he found Jackie and Rose standing in the corner with the latter giving a wide smile, making him exclaim.

"Mother of pearl!", Stumpy shouted.

"Hey, Stumpy!", Jackie and Rose greeted.

"How long you been here?", Stumpy asked.

"All night.", Rose responded.

"I made sure we get some sleep at least. I was lucky to wake up early by like 5 minutes before you came in. Anyway, you ready to impress that critic?", Jackie asked before Stumpy set the dead gator down.

"Weird kids.", Stumpy said.

"So, what do you wanna start with? Change the menu, redecorate...", Rose asked.

But before she could continue, the ceiling broke down with green slop falling down as a result.

"Maybe patch up the attic and clean it thoroughly first...", Jackie added.

"Look, kids, you're on your own. Do whatever you want. It's not gonna make a difference in the end, anyway.", Stumpy responded.

"You think so, huh? Well, just wait until we prove you wrong.", Jackie smirked.

With that, Jackie started the Hard Work Montage playlist before then mopping up the floor as Rose then swung it around, hitting Wally in the face once to the point of waking up.

"Oh, what day is it?", Wally exclaimed while waking up.

Meanwhile, Stumpy wasn't impressed with Jackie and Rose cleaning up the mess themselves.

Later afterwards, Jackie and Rose were carrying a bag of trash by themselves. By that point, though, Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly all arrived to help pitch in and dump the trash bag into the dumpster as the triplets watched. But it turned out to be a garbage lizard as it stood up and growled.

"This ain't good.", Hop Pop said before the garbage lizard started chasing after Jackie and Rose, who both panicked as Stumpy watched.

"I knew about that garbage lizard.", Stumpy laughed.

Next, the two were doing the dishes. Hop Pop handed Jackie one of the plates before she sprayed it with water only to run into difficulty keeping it stable as it practically went crazy and started causing the plates to fall down.

"Timber!", Hop Pop shouted before Stumpy managed to stop the dishes from falling and breaking before putting them back in place and picking up one plate.

This gave Jackie an idea as she smirked before he tossed the plate up in the air with Jackie spraying it while Rose caught the plate and set it on the skeletal-like drying rack.

"Nice shot.", Stumpy laughed.

Then, Polly tossed up another plate before Jackie sprayed it.

"Direct hit!", Polly said.

"Whoo!", Jackie said as she then sprayed at the dish that Sprig tossed up next.

"You got it.", Sprig said.

"Thanks.", Jackie grinned.

"Bullseye.", Hop Pop added as he tossed up another plate.

Finally, they finished up by dusting the chairs and washing every table and window in sight.

"Well, that looks like everything.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Wow... This looks so amazing!", Sprig grinned.

"I gotta hand it to you, kids. This place looks great. We even scrubbed the Wally out.", Stumpy said.

However, Wally was still here.

"That's what you think!", Wally laughed before crashing into something.

"Get out of here right now, Wally!", Rose shouted as she charged in toward him.

"The critic is gonna be blown away.", Stumpy grinned.

"Not quite yet. All we've done is mop the floors and clean some dishes. That's a start, but what about the food? If Anne was here with us, she'd say this place is still a house of broken dreams. Her words, not mine.", Jackie responded, gesturing to how it looks on the outside.

"Harsh, but on point.", Stumpy responded.

"If we're gonna impress Albus, we've got a lot more work to do. We need a complete and total transformation.", Jackie said.

"What do you mean? Like placemats?", Stumpy asked.

"It's a start, but we're going to need to go bigger.", Jackie suggested as she got out the blueprints for improvements.

"Oh. I'm gonna need me hammer hand for this.", Stumpy said as he changed tools for one of his stumps.

"I'll get the placemats ready.", Hop Pop said.

With that, everyone quickly got to work on some renovations.

The next day, everyone had gathered in awe.

"What are you all looking at?", Mrs. Croaker puzzled as the crowd chattered in amazement.

"Stumpy's changed overnight.", one villager said in awe.

"Wow, look over there.", another added.

"It's so exotic.", the 3rd added.

"Oh, my goodness.", the 4th added as everyone entered in time to see Jackie and Rose in their Thai dresses.

"สวัสดีค่ะ (swadi-ka; translates to "good evening" or "hello" in Thai) And welcome to Stumpy's! Wartwood's first frog-Thai fusion restaurant.", Jackie introduced.

"Now with napkins.", Rose added as she held one of them out, earning the chatters of the crowd again.

"Napkins? What are those?", one villager said before it showed an aerial view of inside the restaurant, with people eating inside.

"Need a refill of fly ice tea? On the house, sweetie.", Jackie grinned as she poured said fly ice tea in the cup before Rose then handed out a few plates.

"Order up. Enjoy!", Rose said before the three villagers each took a bite and grinned.

"Mmm.", one villager said, satisfied.

"That's good.", the satisfied customer said before it showed Mrs. Croaker speaking with Jackie.

"I'll take the maggot larb. Did I say that right? Larb?", Mrs. Croaker asked.

"It's actually pronounced 'laap.'", Jackie responded.

"Well, how about that? One foot in the grave and still learning new things.", Mrs. Croaker grinned.

Meanwhile, Stumpy rang the bell to let Rose know that the food is ready.

"Food is ready!", Jackie shouted before Rose went over to it and picked it up.

"I've never seen this place so packed. What- What's this weird feeling in me chest?", Stumpy asked.

"That feeling's called hope. I think we might actually pull this off.", Rose grinned before Sprig rang the bell numerous times.

"Please. Please stop ringing that bell.", Jackie requested before Sprig ringing it and then bounced over to her.

"This place sure is packed.", Sprig grinned.

"You two weren't kidding when you said you were good at this.", Hop Pop added.

"Well, to be fair, we did have some help.", Jackie responded.

"So, table for three.", Hop Pop requested.

"Ooh, sorry guys. All the tables are full.", Jackie responded before a nearby frog cleared his throat loudly and unzipped costume to reveal himself to be none other than Albus Duckweed.

"They can have my table. I am done here.", Duckweed responded.

"What the what...?", Jackie reacted.

"That's...", Rose gasped in shock.

"Duckweed! He's here!", Stumpy exclaimed.

"I have another question.", Mrs. Croaker responded.

"Thanks for coming.", Stumpy responded.

"Hope to talk to you again soon.", Jackie added as she, Rose, and Stumpy passed her.

"Hi, Mr. Duckweed... So, what's with the disguise?", Jackie asked.

"Oh, this? It's kind of a critic thing.", Albus responded.

"Really?", Rose asked.

"Uh-huh. It's to guarantee that we get a genuine experience, you know?", Albus responded.

"Oh, I see.", Jackie understood.

"If you knew it was me, you'd probably zhuzh it up a bit, make it a little bit better. But in a disguise, you're just gonna serve me like anyone else.", Albus responded.

"That's actually really clever.", Rose grinned.

"Thank you!", Albus responded.

"So, did you like the food?", Jackie asked.

"Oh, right... Yes. I'll admit it is impressive, but I am in the mood for something different. Something...unique. If you get my drift.", Albus responded.

"Unique, huh? Say, could you give us a moment?", Jackie asked before she, Rose, and Stumpy moved into the kitchen.

"Any ideas?", Stumpy asked.

"Actually, yeah. He wants something unique? That's what we're going to give him. You know what this means?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah. Time to bring out the big guns.", Rose responded.

"Our parents' squid and basil special.", Jackie and Rose said in unison.

"No critic in town could resist.", Jackie added.

"Where's the nearest place you have in mind for a squid?", Rose asked.

"Well, there is one place.", Stumpy said before whispering into Jackie's ear, making her gasp.

"Get out! You're serious?", Jackie asked before Stumpy nodded.

"Well, then, I guess there's only one thing to do.", Jackie responded before coming out with Stumpy and Rose.

"Have we got a special dinner just for you. It'll only be a moment.", Jackie stated before she, Stumpy, and Rose got out the door.

"Amusing. All right, I'll play your little game.", Duckweed responded.

"So...this mean we can't have your table?", Hop Pop asked.

Meanwhile, Jackie, Rose, and Stumpy both brought in a sort of giant squid.

"Who knew squids are huge here.", Rose grunted.

"That's no squid. That's a kraken!", Jackie responded.

"Tell me about it.", Stumpy responded.

Then, Jackie cut up some celery and leaks while Rose put the pot over the fire before Rose and Jackie spread Arroy Arroy Fish sauce on the squid on the pan while Stumpy carried the cutting board with a beet on it. Soon after, the two sisters burst out with a big, metal dish lid.

"Make way, coming through. All right, dude. Get ready to be blown away.", Jackie grinned before Rose grabbed onto the handle for the lid.

"Bon appetit!", Rose shouted before lifting the lid to show an exotic squid.

"Oh, my...What an exotic selection.", Albus grinned before Jackie and Rose turned to Stumpy and gave him a thumbs-up and a wink with Stumpy returning that wink as Albus prepared to go for the eye.

However, before it could even be poked, that was when it woke up, saw Albus, and then growled angrily, making Albus scream as he was then lifted up by the squid, which roared.

"Assassinating your critics, I love it.", Polly responded.

"This is not part of the plan!", Jackie exclaimed before the squid grabbed the Plantars and roared, prompting Jackie, Rose, and Stumpy to move away and hide under the bar.

"Okay, this is a disaster. We should have never made this request, let alone bring that squid.", Jackie said.

"Jackie, calm down. Maybe we can't save the restaurant, but we sure can save those people's lives. What do you say?", Stumpy asked, making Jackie beam up in hope.

"I say...let's do this.", Jackie smirked.

"Yeah. Let's crush this calamari.", Rose grinned.

"But how to do it...?", Jackie pondered as she looked around and saw a lemon slice on the cup with a gasp.

"I've got an idea.", Jackie said just as Rose and Stumpy looked up and saw a squid tentacle coming for them before the group of four dispersed out of its way and then saw how the squid has Albus, Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly in its tentacles before Stumpy then glared, took out the pan from his stump, and equipped a spiked mallet.

He then yelled as he took a jump toward the creature and struck it only for it to retaliate by firing ink from its mouth at him by the face, causing him to hit the ceiling and then fall down after a moment, although, he licked the ink and found it delectable.

"Mm... Oh, that's good.", Stumpy grinned before Jackie shouted to him.

"Stumpy! The lemon!", Jackie shouted.

"Coming right up!", Stumpy said as he then flipped it over to Jackie, who then turned to Rose.

"Care to do the honors, Rose?", Jackie asked before she nodded, took the lemon slice, and aimed it at the squid.

"Pad See Ew, you later.", Rose said before squirting lemon juice into its eye, making it screech.

After it dropped them, Stumpy then stepped in and whacked the squid again, but tougher. As a result, it now had a red X in its eye as Sprig poked the squid.

"Yeah, I don't think this thing's getting back up.", Sprig said before the crowd sighed.

"So, Duckweed. Sorry about what happened just now... Guess you got a bad review to write, huh?", Jackie groaned.

"Bad...Bad? That was incredible! A food that tries to eat you? The irony, the ecstasy! I simply must tell everyone. To the message board!", Albus exclaimed excitedly before he ran out with the crowd clapping.

"You go, girls!", Sprig shouted.

"Go, Jackie!", Polly shouted.

"They live in my basement!", Hop Pop said.

"Wait. There's a message board?", Jackie puzzled.

"Sure is. It's a literal board.", Sprig said as it then showed Albus setting up a review with all 4 stars present.

"Well, guess we better clean this place up. Again.", Rose said before she and Jackie turned to Stumpy.

"Stumpy, we're sorry about all this.", Rose apologized.

"We took things way too far.", Jackie added.

"No way, you two. This whole thing was a big success. You even convinced this old grump to actually care. If your parents could see this, I'm sure they'd be proud.", Stumpy grinned.

"Aw. Thanks, Stumpy.", Rose grinned.

"Put her there.", Jackie said before she and Stumpy shook on it.

"Oh, this feels nice. What is this? Oak? Mahogany?", Jackie asked.

"It's carved from the bones of me missing hand.", Stumpy responded.

"Wish I didn't ask...", Jackie responded.

Act II: Plantar's Last Stand

It all started one day at...

"The Wartwood Farmer's Market, where salt of the earth frogs come to sell stuff and fill up on free samples.", Sprig said as he took a jar of one of the expensive jellies, only for someone named Gentle Jon to notice.

"That wasn't a sample.", Jon said before Sprig spat it out.

"Now it's like nothing happened. I- I can pay for that.", Sprig assured nervously as he then reached into his pocket after Gentle Jon got out his Mace.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Croaker was humming as she approached Hop Pop's stand.

"Good morning, Mrs. Croaker.", Jackie and Rose greeted.

"I'll take this here gangly gourd, Hopadiah.", Mrs. Croaker said as she got one of the gourds from the bucket.

"Oh, I sense a batch of Croaker stew coming on. Hmm... Hang on there, Sadie. You don't want that one.", Hop Pop said as he got a sense that something is off with the gourd.

After that, he went over to it and inspected the gourd by knocking on it and shaking it before splitting it in half, revealing that a sort of maggot inside.

"A-ha! It's a gourd maggot. These guys taste terrible.", Hop Pop said as the gourd maggot travelled to the 3 girls before it crawled over to Rose, getting in through her shirt and onto her belly, making her sputter and laugh like crazy.

"That tickles!", Rose shouted in laughter as Jackie and Polly stepped back a little while Lily, Danny, and Andy giggled.

"Here, take this one, instead. It's maggot-free.", Hop Pop said as he handed another gourd to Mrs. Croaker.

"Classic Plantar honesty. I've been buying from this stand since your father was running it. And y'all have never steered me wrong.", Mrs. Croaker said before leaving.

"That was cool, Hop Pop.", Rose grinned.

"That is the Plantar difference, Rose. You can't taste honesty. But if you could-", Hop Pop began before Sprig and Polly interrupted in a drone-like tone, clearly annoyed with the saying.

"...it'd taste like a Plantar stand vegetable.", the two said as the gourd maggot Rose is holding squealed.

"This stand is the heart and soul of our family. I don't know what I'd do if we ever lost it.", Hop Pop said before Toadie appeared with scrolls of sorts.

"Bad news, everyone! Bad news! Gonna run away before you read it!", Toadie exclaimed before doing so.

"That Toadie...", Hop Pop mumbled before reading it and widening his eyes in horror.

"Say what?! Mayor Toadstool is quadrupling the rent! And he wants it in three days!", Hop Pop exclaimed before the other villagers who read the similar news grew just as outraged.

"Have you seen this?", one villager said.

"This is outrageous!", another exclaimed.

"At this rate, we'll lose the stand. What are we gonna do?", Hop Pop panicked.

"I don't know.", Jackie said.

"Do you think Anne might know?", Rose asked.

"I'm not so sure. Besides, she might be just as in the dark as we are.", Jackie responded.

Later, however, at the Plantar Home, Jackie was proven wrong.

"Hmm...Got it! Snugaroos, blankets you wear over your clothes.", Anne grinned.

"I don't see how that would help.", Jackie puzzled.

"I do like blankets.", Rose grinned.

"Wha... Anne, we're a vegetable stand!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"No, I mean we need our own Snugaroo, a flashy new product. Something like... like...", Anne began.

"Like something out of a gourd?", Jackie asked, showing her the two halves of a gourd that Hop Pop opened.

"A-ha! ", Anne said in response before she then squeezed the juice out of the gourd into a jar.

"A little bit of this, shake it up and... Introducing Plantar's Potion. A hearty mix of vitamins and minerals that'll extend your life and keeps you regular.", Anne grinned as she then shook up the jar and presented it.

"Huh. I stand corrected.", Jackie responded.

"Wowza. All that in one jar?", Hop Pop asked.

"Heck if I know, I just made all that up. But health drinks are all the rage back home. The best part, we can charge through the nose for them.", Anne responded, handing it to Hop Pop.

"Heh. I don't know what a nose is, but it's worth a shot.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Hold on, Anne. If we're going to sell something like this, then we need to actually make it first.", Jackie responded.

"But how?", Rose puzzled.

"Well, we could give the underground lab a try.", Jackie said before Anne gasped.

"Dude! This is perfect! You could make a potion like this for reals!", Anne exclaimed.

"Hey... I could, couldn't I?", Jackie grinned as she got an idea.

"All right. I'll do it, but only because I want this potion to help people.", Jackie agreed.

With that, she pressed the button on the painting, causing the wall of the fireplace to open up while the log split in half.

"Of course, if I'm going to make such a potion, I need some ingredients.", Jackie said.

Later, she, Rose, Hop Pop, Polly, Sprig, and the triplets were now reading a sort of notebook about potions.

"My. That's quite a list of potions, right there.", Hop Pop said.

"Yeah. But as far as I'm concerned, I only need to make one kind.", Jackie said before noticing a particular potion labelled "Potion No. 7: Plantar's Potion".

"Aha! There we go. Now, we're getting somewhere.", Jackie said.

"Okay. It says here that this potion's sole purpose is to help everyone in Wartwood. A few of its benefits is a big increase in energy, repairs to the body down to the molecular level, and immunity to any and all foreign diseases.", Jackie said.

"Dang. That is some potion.", Polly said.

"That's all well and good, but what about the ingredients?", Hop Pop asked.

"I was just getting to that.", Jackie responded before finding the list.

"Oh. There we go. It says here that we need some Exotic herbs for a start first. Then, we're going to need some fresh produce, followed by some basil, and finally, all the juices of at least 5 citrus fruit each available in Amphibia.", Jackie said, going over said ingredients.

"What are citrus fruit?", Rose asked.

"You know, oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes, grapefruits.", Jackie responded, astonishing Rose.

"Really?", Hop Pop asked as he saw said ingredients in the notes.

"Well, they do have vitamins and minerals, don't they?", Jackie asked.

"Well, can't argue with that.", Hop Pop responded.

Later, Jackie and the others split up and got to work on gathering the ingredients, starting with some exotic herbs near the spot where Jackie and Rose found some for the soup last time.

"Just be careful to avoid picking the herbs with red splotches on it, okay, Rose? We don't want a repeat of what nearly happened last time.", Jackie warned.

"Okay.", Rose responded as she held the triplets with one arm and looking for herbs with the other, neither one knowing that a certain blue frog with black spots was looking on at them, curiously.

"What are those frogs doing here?", the frog pondered as Rose had managed to pick some herbs while avoiding the ones with red splotches, with which there were only a few.

"Got 'em all, Jackie.", Rose called.

"And did you avoid the ones with red splotches?", Jackie asked.

"Yep.", Rose responded.

"Great! With this we can make Plantar's potion in no time!", Jackie grinned.

"Plantar's Potion...? But that sounds like...", the blue frog said to himself before gasping.

Then he got an idea. An awful idea. The blue frog got a wonderful, awful idea.

"So she's trying to concoct a formula that'd benefit all of Wartwood? This could be quite opportune. Opportune, indeed.", the blue frog spoke before laughing maniacally in a somewhat collected manner.

Meanwhile, Sprig and Polly were on their way to get the basil, but not without getting past those Aphids first. And judging by the Aphid's vicious glare at them, they were quite sore about the scuffle from last time as they even puffed a few times.

"You think you're tough?! Bring it on, Aphids!", Polly shouted before they bellowed like bulls and then charged toward Polly, who was ready this time.

"Now, Sprig!", Polly shouted before he took a big jump and tossed Polly upward toward the basil before she grabbed them and fell down with them before Sprig landed on an aphid by the back just as Polly landed in his arms before the two were launched out with the basil in hand.

With that, the two landed on the ground.

"Olé!", Polly shouted as she held the basil, still being held by Sprig, who was holding her up.

"Hooray...", Sprig said a bit weakly.

Meanwhile, Hop Pop was shopping at Grub & Go again, this time, looking for some citrus fruit.

"Now, if I were one of these citrus fruit, where would I be?", Hop Pop pondered to himself before finding some sort of fruit and produce aisle.

"Huh." Ask a silly question.", Hop Pop said before going up to the fruit.

"If I'm gonna pick the required citrus fruit, I only need to pick the best out of each 5.", Hop Pop decided.

With that, he examined one orange and found it inadeqaute.

"Nope.", Hop Pop said before putting it back and then doing the same thing for another only to find the same result.

"Not that either.", Hop Pop said before finally finding one most suitable as he widened his eyes.

"Ah, there we go! Now, we're gettin' somewhere.", Hop Pop grinned.

Later, the group all got back together in the lab and laid out the ingredients.

"Well, it looks like we have everything.", Rose grinned.

"Good thing we were ready for those Aphids this time.", Polly grinned.

"So, now what do we do?", Hop Pop asked.

"Well, let's see.", Jackie said before opening the book only to find something out, making her gasp a bit and then sigh a bit.

"What is it?", Sprig asked.

"Well, Sprig, I have bad news and I have good news.", Jackie responded.

"What's the bad news?", Sprig asked.

"The bad news is, there's still a lot more ingredients we need to get...", Jackie sighed.

"Say what?! Then, what's the good news?", Hop Pop asked.

"It turns out that the rest of the ingredients we need are actually in the lab. So, there's no need to worry there.", Jackie grinned.

"Oh...", the group understood.

"So, all we need to do is mix all those ingredients together with the citrus fruit juices, herbs, and basil first.", Jackie grinned.

"We can do that.", Rose grinned.

With that, the group managed to cut an orange, a grapefruit, a lemon, a lime, and a mandarin in half before then squeezing the juice into an empty bowl and then showering it with basil and some herbs before mixing them. Jackie, now in a lab suit with safety goggles, then pours the mixture into a pot on the ground before then closing it. She then turned the dial, liquefying the mixture and subsequently guiding the liquids through test tubes and a chemistry set into a jar until it was full.

"Aha! There we go.", Jackie grinned before the group cheered for a moment.

"So, what now?", Hop Pop asked.

"We need to test it and see if it actually works. So, someone or something would need to test it so we'd know for sure. Any suggestions?", Jackie asked.

"Maybe we could try it on some cowapillars, I noticed how sick they got recently.", Hop Pop suggested.

"Really?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah. All 15 of 'em.", Hop Pop responded.

"Good. We'll start there.", Jackie grinned.

Later, as one of the sick cowapillars mooed, Jackie and the others went over to the fence.

"Hey, fella. Try some of this. It'd hopefully make you feel better.", Jackie offered before the cowapillar took a sniff and then slurped up some before gulping.

"Well?", Jackie puzzled before the cowapillar only mooed weakly again.

"That's odd.", Jackie puzzled.

"Maybe it'd work on some better than others.", Hop Pop guessed, puzzling Jackie, who shrugged.

Soon after, she fed the formula to 6 more cow-a-pillars, which had the same ineffective result.

"I don't understand. thought for sure it'd work. Could I be missing something?", Jackie puzzled before realizing something.

"Oh. Wait a minute.", Jackie said before she then turned to the notes in the lab a moment later.

It said it requires magnesium as well, so naturally, she added them to the mixture in the vat before later returning to the fence.

"There it is. I hope...", Jackie said a bit feebly before feeding the new formula to 8 sick cowapillars one at a time.

Unfortunately, the moment they drank it, they mooed louder in shrieks as they writhed in agony, much to her horror and everyone else's.

"Oh, no...! Th...that wasn't supposed to happen!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Maybe it'll wear off.", Sprig said, trying to assure her.

"Are you dense, Sprig?! Nothing is that simple!", Jackie exclaimed.

A moment later, she checked the notes at the lab.

"Oh. I guess they are. Sorry for snapping at you earlier, Sprig.", Jackie said in slight surprise and relief.

"Well, at least we know they'll be all right eventually.", Rose assured.

"Look, Jackie, I know how much you want to get it ready, but we might need to start thinking about puttin' this on hold for a while.", Hop Pop suggested.

"Wait. It says here I am also missing some pipette. That should help give it some spice. At least, that's what the notes say.", Jackie said, showing said quote in one of the notes.

"Oh, boy...", Hop Pop sighed.

"But I won't be testing those on those cowapillars this time. In case it gets worse than before, I'll try those on the kill-a-pillars.", Jackie responded.

"Kill-A-Pillars?!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Well, this oughta be fun.", Polly responded.

8 Attempts Later

"Well, that failed spectacularly.", Polly responded as it then zoomed away to show several Kill-A-Pillars exploded.

"Well, at least we don't have to worry about those kill-a-pillars. I just hope one of them isn't Domino 2.", Sprig said before Domino 2 popped up and was about to strike when it picked up a bad smell from the formula and then fled away from it.

"Huh. What do you know?", Sprig grinned.

"I can't tell if it's a crime or a miracle.", Hop Pop responded.

Of course, Jackie wasn't the least bit happy at all.

"Why...?! Why won't this potion work!", Jackie exclaimed in sadness and frustration, smashing her fists against the ground at least once.

"Jackie...", Sprig began before Hop Pop stopped him.

"She probably needs some time to cool off, Sprig.", Hop Pop said before going back as Sprig and Polly followed him while Rose turned to Hop Pop.

"Are you sure?", Rose asked.

"Yah. And besides, maybe we can figure out where she went wrong when we get back.", Hop Pop said.

"Oh. Okay.", Rose said a bit sadly before turning back to Jackie.

"Sorry it didn't work, Jackie. I hope you don't give up.", Rose said before leaving with Hop Pop and the others.

Afterwards, Jackie finally sat up and took a deep breath.

"Where am I going wrong?", Jackie puzzled.

"Yes... Exactly. Where are you going wrong, indeed?", the blue frog asked with a smirk as he stepped forward.

"So, Jackie. We finally meet.", the blue frog greeted.

"Who are you? And how do you know my name?", Jackie asked, a bit panicked.

"My name is Ichabod Neo Batrachia. But you can call me Ichabod. Or even Dr. Batrachia. As for how I know you, I heard about your recent exploits since arriving in Amphibia. I also couldn't help but notice that you were having some trouble figuring out where you went wrong.", Ichabod responded.

"Yeah... I am... So far it only got worse.", Jackie said.

"Maybe... Did you perchance happen to add Magnesium and Pipette?", Ichabod asked.

"Yeah. But how did...", Jackie began.

"Then you only need to do one more thing.", Ichabod responded.

"Really?", Jackie asked.

"Yes, Jackie. But perhaps it'd be better to demonstrate. That said, could you, perchance show me the way to your lab?", Ichabod asked.

"All right. But I can't show you the way in. It's very secret.", Jackie responded.

"Ah, very well.", Ichabod responded.

Later, as Jackie and Ichabod entered the home, Anne got up from the sound and saw both Jackie and Ichabod.

"Hey, Anne. Ichabod, meet Anne. My sister.", Jackie greeted before Anne grew puzzled.

"Uh... hi?", Anne asked.

"Nice to meet you, Anne. You can call me Dr. Batrachia if you want. Or just Ichabod. Whichever one you prefer.", Ichabod introduced.

"He says he knows what I went wrong with my formula and he is going to show me how to fix it.", Jackie responded.

"But the lab is secret!", Anne exclaimed.

"Don't worry. I'm making sure he can't see where he's going so he won't know how to find it.", Jackie assured with a whisper.

"Yeah, I don't see this working out well.", Anne said.

"Hey, it is your idea to try selling potions.", Jackie whispered.

"Yeah, but not actually making them.", Anne whispered back.

"But I remember you saying it'd be perfect.", Jackie argued slightly before Anne, about to retort back, realized something.

"Oh, I did say that, huh?", Anne responded.

"Excuse me, but are we heading to the lab or not?", Ichabod asked.

"Uh, yeah. Just getting a little something.", Jackie said before then wrapping a blindfold around his eyes.

"See?", Jackie asked.

"Okay. If it'll help with your potion. But I got my eye on you, Ichabod.", Anne responded as Jackie opened the way to the secret lab and went down stairs before the gate closed.

"Your sister seems really protective of you.", Ichabod responded.

"Well, usually, it's the other way around.", Jackie responded before arriving at the lab in time to see Sprig and Hop Pop.

"Greetings, Hopediah. What are you doing today", Ichabod greeted.

"Well, figuring out where she went wrong, of course.", Hop Pop responded.

"Well, that's kind of you, but I already know where she went wrong.", Ichabod said.

"You do?", Sprig asked.

"Perhaps a drop of this would do the trick.", Ichabod said, presenting a sort of dropper before squirting out a drop of some blue juice with sparkles into the mixture, making it glow brightly.

"Well, did it work?", Jackie asked.

"Why don't you try feeding it to the sick cowapillars? You'll see for yourself then.", Ichabod responded.

Moments later, Jackie is outside at the pen, holding out the improved formula.

"I assure you it's better this time.", Jackie said.

Just then, the smell of the formula puzzled the hesitant cowapillar, sick as it was, before then took a sip and swallowed it. When it did, this time, it started to perk up as if renewed with tons of energy, mooing excitedly, making Jackie gasp.

"It works... IT WORKS!", Jackie shouted excitedly before laughing just as the other sick cowapillars then ate Jackie's formula and all got better.

"Now, that's a crowd.", Sprig grinned.

"At least they're all better.", Rose grinned.

"Wowza! They are all better, aren't they.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Yes, Hopediah. And surely, you know what that means.", Ichabod responded.

"It means we can actually sell this thing and help Wartwood while getting the money to keep the stand!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Close enough, I suppose. In any case, I have a proposition for you.", Ichabod said.

"You mean business proposition, right?", Jackie asked.

"Yes, that's what I mean.", Ichabod responded.

"Depends. What do you have in mind?", Jackie asked.

"I'd like to supply you with some Potassium Triiodide to keep the potions going and expand your business even further.", Ichabod responded.

"Expand my business? What's in it for me?", Hop Pop asked.

"Would this 20-karat gold coin sweeten the deal?", Ichabod before flipping it toward Hop Pop.

"It may be only one for now, but imagine how much more you'll get in the future.", Ichabod responded.

"Well..., in that case, you got yourself a deal.", Hop Pop responded.

"Glad we can come to an agreement. I simply can't wait.", Ichabod smirked eagerly before leaving.

"What a strange guy.", Polly said.

Later, Hop Pop was now clearing his throat at the stand.

"New product! New product, everyone. This here is a freshly made bottle of...What was it again? Plantar's Potion! Yes, you in the front, Wally.", Hop Pop said in response to Wally raising his hand as he was speaking halfway.

"Does it taste good?", Wally asked.

"Wouldn't know. Haven't tried it, yet.", Hop Pop responded.

"Oh.", Wally responded, lowering his hand.

"But I do know that it's the best cure-all for sick cowapillars. Not just as a medicine for your critters, but also as your own energy drink. I mean, think about it. At this rate, there's a good chance it'll make you stronger. Maybe even smarter, too.", Hop Pop grinned

"Smarter? Smarter, too?" the crowd puzzled before Hop Pop grabbed a hat from a small blue tadpole and placed it on his head, but not before spinning it.

"Folks, one sip of Plantar's Potion...and you may very well live forever!", Hop Pop announced as he drank it and then started to glow briefly.

"I'll take ten!", Wally shouted as he raised his hand.

"I'll take a hundred!", Felicia added as she raised hers before the crowd started tossing their money out for them as Jackie and Rose grinned in awe while Sprig, Polly, and the triplets played in the money.

After that, Hop Pop picked up the hat and then grinned.

"Suffering swamp gas! We gotta step up production on this stuff. Fast!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"You got it, HP.", Jackie grinned.

Later, afterwards, Ichabod delivered some of his special stuff to the Plantar's home before Jackie then concocted more of the potion the way it was made before, but with all the right steps before she gave it to Anne, who quickly perked up with a yawn and sat up.

"So, how are you feeling, Anne?", Jackie asked.

"Well..., I feel...kinda great.", Anne grinned.

"Yep. You're back to normal. Well, as normal as you can get, anyway.", Jackie grinned.

After that, the crowd cheered as more of Plantar's Potions were stocked up.

"Me, me!", the crowd shouted before Hop Pop walked out to the top of the pole.

"There he is!", the villager said.

"Look, Daddy, the potion man.", a child said.

"Folks! Say, any of you been losing the stick on your tongue? One sip of Plantar's Potion...and my tongue has never felt stickier.", Hop Pop said as he showed that his tongue felt drier before drinking it and then showing that it got its stickiness back when Polly tossed an apple, which Hop Pop caught with his tongue as it glowed, making the crowd cheer and applaud.

Later, after that, he continued selling big.

"Feeling dry? Plantar's Potion will have you moist and smooth. Just look at the sheen on me!", Hop Pop shouted as he drank it again and tore off his shirt to show some sticky mucus on his chest before the sun shined on it, making it glisten and leave the crowd in awe as Ichabod watched from afar.

"This is going smoother than I expected. At this rate, I'll have enough time to amass enough of my own formula to create my won army at once.", Ichabod said before laughing devilishly and sneaking off as Hop Pop continued selling Plantar's Potion.

"It'll make your warts bigger. It'll make your kids talk back less. It'll erase all the regrets that keep you up at night.", Hop Pop said as numerous payments were made as the crowd cheered and applauded.

Eventually, night fell as the Save the Stand petition was now shown to be 80% covered.

"I know I doubted you, Anne, but this is really working. And this potion you made is working like a charm, too.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Thanks.", Jackie grinned.

"I gotta say, Hop Pop, you've gotten really good at this.", Anne commented.

"Why thank you, young lady.", Hop Pop grinned.

"The way things are going, nothing can stop us now.", Rose grinned.

"Guys, guys!", Sprig shouted as he slid down.

"Big problem!", Polly exclaimed

"What is it?", Jackie asked.

It turned out, all the produce in the cart was used up.

"We used up all our produce. There's nothing left.", Sprig stated.

"That's horrible.", Rose said.

"No! We're so close. We can't fall short now.", Hop Pop exclaimed.

Suddenly, a voice called out as the source ran closer.

"No! Get away!", a frog shouted, running past Jackie, Anne, Rose, the triplets, Hop Pop, and Sprig.

"Huh? Mr. Flour?! What is it? What's wrong?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah, dude. Calm down.", Anne added.

"Oh, man. Somethin' ain't right, Jackie. He after us! Ain't gonna get me! Get away!", Mr. Flour shouted before screaming in a flat tone with his arms raised.

"What was that all about?", Sprig asked.

"I don't know. But that's what I'm gonna go find out.", Jackie said as she then left to find out what's going on.

"Oh, boy.", Anne said in worry.

Later, when Jackie arrived back home, she noticed how dark and empty the place is.

"Hello? Is someone in there?", Jackie asked.

As she went inside, though, she failed to notice a dark shadow peeping out from the front door.

"Just what is going on here?", Jackie puzzled before then accessing the secret entrance to the lab and going down stairs with the dark shadow following her cautiously at a distance.

When she got into the lab, she was quite puzzled by what she found at face value. A candle near the notebook, let alone several batches of Plantar's potion, but all colored dark blue with bright stars in it.

"Huh? What's this?", Jackie puzzled before picking up the notebook and then reading through it before gasping in horror.

"Oh, no... I have to tell Hop Pop and the others! They have to kn...", Jackie began before she was suddenly caught by surprise and force fed one of the dark blue potions.

"So, you figured it out, have you, Jackie?", Ichabod asked smugly as he was shown to be the one force feeding a whole potion before she coughed as soon as he let her go.

"What did you just do to me?", Jackie asked.

"I just started turning you into a key player that will help me bring Wartwood to its knees, using a simple jar of juice. You see, Jackie, I learned a little something about the legendary annual blue moon said to turn anyone who looks into it into a horrible beast, hence the Shut-In. The reason for this is because this is a way for some frogs to revert back to their primal state, even if only for a night. But this formula, thanks to my genetically modified blue moon berry juice ingredient, reduces them to their primal state both physical and mentally... permanently... And more than that, it'll render them subject to my command as long as I hold this! And thus, in my most genius and diabolical move, I have struck at the very heart of Wartwood, by making this formula to mutate all who partake of it and rule over them as their leader.", Ichabod responded, holding out a golden fly.

"What...?! You're insane! I'll stop you if it's the last thing I...", Jackie began before she suddenly croaked uncontrollably.

"...do!", Jackie finished before gasping and covering her mouth.

"Oh, but this is the last thing you do. Can you already feel the transformation? It's already happening!", Ichabod smirked before Jackie groaned as she then started to gain weight to the point that her clothes tear off, but not before she grew 20 feet tall if she stood up tall, forcing her to crouch like a frog.

"No... This can't be happening...!", Jackie said in worry before Ichabod laughed as Jackie's vision started to blur, making her feel dizzy, never mind hazy as she croaked again right before her voice started to get deeper.

"What's... happening... to me...? Must... rrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRIIIIBIIIT!", Jackie exclaimed as she croaked one more time, becoming a frog all the way, similar to a frog at home, but bigger.

"Now..., let my desires be fulfilled!", Ichabod shouted before laughing maniacally.

The next day, Hop Pop was a bit concerned.

"That's odd. Where could Jackie be? She hasn't come back since last night.", Hop Pop and Rose grew worried.

"Oh, there you are, Hopediah. You see, about Jackie, she was feeling a bit tired and had asked me to hand deliver those potions to you. I made those myself. They are a very special kind.", Ichabod responded.

"Oh. You don't say.", Hop Pop said.

"Yes. Now, let's get started on another sale day, shall we?", Ichabod asked before leaving.

"We haven't seen Jackie since last night. And that new potion looks, I don't know, off. I'm about Jackie.", Anne said.

"Me, too.", Rose said in concern as she held the triplets.

"Friends and frog folk, step right up. New limited blue moon edition Plantar's Potion. Only 20 coppers a bottle!", Hop Pop announced.

"Twenty coppers? No one's gonna buy that-", Anne began before the crowd roared, plowing through her and Rose, who exclaimed while guarding the triplets.

"Thank you for your patronage.", Hop Pop grinned.

"I'm gonna feed this to my baby.", the villager said.

"Well, did we make it? Did we save the stand?", Anne asked with a groan.

"Just about. We gotta sell one more and we'll be home free.", Hop Pop responded.

"I'll take a bottle, Hopadiah.", Mrs. Croaker spoke up before Hop Pop gasped from noticing her.

"Sadie Croaker, the stand's oldest and most loyal customer.", Hop Pop said.

"Usually, I find potions and the like to be a bunch of malarkey, but if Hopadiah Plantar says it works, then it must.", Mrs. Croaker said as she walked over to him.

"Mm-hmm.", Hop Pop said worriedly.

"Been saving this gold farthing for a while now. Waiting for something special to spend it on. One bottle, please.", Mrs. Croaker said, holding out a gold coin.

"Uh... we're all sold out.", Hop Pop fibbed.

"No, we're not!", Sprig said, holding one of the strange elixirs.

"Oh, thank you, deary.", Mrs. Croaker said before she grabbed it from him, much to Hop Pop's worry.

"To Hop Pop and the Plantars, the most honest folks in the business.", Mrs. Croaker said.

In response, Anne winced and held her chest.

"Oof, even I felt that one.", Anne said.

"To the Plantars!", the villagers shouted before they started to drink them.

"NO!", Hop Pop shouted as he slapped the potion out of Mrs. Croaker's hand.

"What has gotten into you, Hopediah?", Sadie asked.

"That was no health potion! It's POISON!", Hop Pop shouted, his voice echoing before the villagers all spat it out, although only one just opened his mouth, letting it seep out.

"Are you sure?", Sadie asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. But I do know that somethin' ain't right with these things.", Hop Pop responded before a loud croaking roar sounded.

"What the heck was that?!", Anne exclaimed before Jackie, now a giant, primal frog, landed on the ground with Ichabod riding her, making Anne, Rose, Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly gasp in horror, if not in shock.

"No, Hopediah. Everything is right. Right as rain.", Ichabod smirked.

"Jackie?", the triplets puzzled.

"Jackie?!", Anne, Rose, Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly shouted.


"Isn't it obvious, Anne? I mutated her into the perfect monster just as my elixirs are about to turn them all into hideous monsters!", Ichabod exclaimed just before one villager suddenly transformed into a giant, primal frog as did another and another, all except Mrs. Croaker, Hop Pop, Sprig, Polly, Anne, Rose, the triplets, and even Wally as he hadn't drank the elixir yet.

"Nope.", Wally said, dumping the formula onto the grass.

"Whoa! Now, those are some scary frogs!", Sprig shuddered.

"Why in tarnation are you doin' this, Ichabod?!", Hop Pop asked.

"Just thought you all should know that I will be invading the City Hollow soon for my glorious revenge.", Ichabod said.

"Wait. Did he just say he wanted to get revenge on Toadstool?", Hop Pop asked.

"Eh. Never liked the guy.", Sadie responded.

"The outcome of which will decide your fates. Spoiler alert: he's going to lose. Get rid of them! I have business to attend to.", Ichabod commanded before hopping away with what was once Jackie leading the way.

"JACKIE!", Anne shouted, tears flowing out from her eyes before the giant, primal frogs that remained behind croaked and ribbited in response before hopping toward Anne, Rose, the triplets, and the Plantars, who braced themselves in fear only for Sadie to knock one of the frogs back with a chuck to the chest with her cane.

"Whoa.", Polly said.

"Step aside, kids.", Sadie spoke boldly before the primal frogs croaked and went after her only for Sadie to sneak past them and get the jump on them on every primal frog she can, a few to start off.

"Whoo, yeah, Croaker! Mess 'em up!", Polly shouted before one of the Primal Frogs croaked and then grabbed Wally with its tongue.

"Eaten by frogs? Oh, the irony!", Wally exclaimed before Anne leapt up and then pulled Wally out of the tongue's grasp before landing safely only to notice another of the primal frogs catching Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly with its tongue.

"Anne!", Sprig shouted.

"Hey, let go of our bumpkin frog family!", Anne shouted.

"Yeah! Or else!", Rose added before the two sisters leapt toward the frog and whacked it with their tongues, causing it to let go of Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly as the triplets watched in awe.

"Are you guys okay?", Anne asked.

"As okay as we'll ever be.", Hop Pop responded before Sadie then dodged every stomp and tongue lunged at her before Sadie then managed to grab expensive jams and toss them at one of the primal frogs to disorient it, making it dizzy.

After that, Sadie then snapped her fingers with Archie then spraying a spider web on it, causing it to trip and fall when it tried to move before the other Primal frogs that happened to be lined up went down like dominoes and were now sleeping.

"Heh. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.", Sadie smirked.

"Whoa. That was...", Anne said,.

"AWESOME!", Polly shouted.

"I'll keep watch over those giant bozos. You all just go after Ichabod and get Jackie back!", Sadie urged.

"But what about you?", Rose asked.

"Heh. This rodeo is nothing.", Sadie grinned before Anne and the others nodded and ran out for City Hollow.

At that moment, Toadstool was having some thoughts.

"Tell me somethin', Toadie. What is up with them takin' their anger out on you for the bad news?", Toadstool said.

"This is a burden I carry for you, Mayor Toadstool.", Toadie responded.

"And you do it well. I just wish that they'd at least try and take their anger out on the right enemy. Though, not too much if it is me.", Toadstool responded before the roof of City hollow broke apart as the primal frog landed on the ground with Ichabod riding on it.

"Oh, but I am taking my anger out on my true enemy: you! And I won't be holding back even the slightest ounce of it!", Ichabod sneered.

Meanwhile, Anne and the others had arrived near City Hollow only to find the roof trashed.

"Woof. Talk about some serious renovation.", Anne said before she cautiously continued onward as the conversation continued onward.

"You have made a grave mistake sending us those eviction warnings, Toadstool! I was barely scraping by as it is, but the very pre-eviction notice demanding quadruple the usual rent has made my life a living HECK!", Ichabod exclaimed as the group snuck in through the window before Anne and Rose whispered to Jackie.

"Jackie. It's us.", Anne whispered.

"It's Anne and Rose. Your sisters...!", Rose added, attracting the primal frog's attention.

"You have to fight Ichabod.", Sprig urged whisperingly.

"For you see..., I did all this... because of you. You quadrupling the rent money required to keep my home... that crossed the line entirely. I never forgave you for that. And I wanted, NAY, NEEDED to prove to you that your subjects never forgave you for quadrupling the rent pay, EITHER! And I've done it! AHAHAHAHA! And I like it...", Ichabod exclaimed with a smirk.

"You mean to tell me that I'm being usurped because I quadrupled the rent for the stands?!", Toadstool exclaimed.

"I tried to warn you, sir.", Toadie responded.

"This is the end! I want you to witness the horror of seeing your own people destroy you! With their blank, primal, animalistic eyes!", Ichabod shouted angrily as the primal frog he was riding roared croakingly before the other primal frogs croaked and then held Anne and the others down.

"Oh, and don't think I didn't hear you all come in, trying to rescue her. Surely you must realize it's hopeless by now.", Ichabod smirked.

"You can't let that mad scientist use you like a guinea pig, Jackie!", Polly shouted.

"Yeah, you can't let him control you! You are Jacqueline Boonchuy! You are a part of our family!", Anne exclaimed.

"SILENCE THEM!", Ichabod exclaimed before the primal frogs then pushed harder on Anne and the others as Ichabod turned back to Toadstool.

"Perfect. Now, just keep them right here so they can watch as I take my revenge.", Ichabod grinned.

"Jackie...", Anne said, starting to tear up.

"Well..., I don't have much of a choice, do I...? I surrender...", Toadstool said, shocking Toadie.

"But, Mayor...", Toadie began before Ichabod laughed maniacally only for Toadstool interrupted, puzzling the mad scientist.

"You know? You're really proud of yourself, aren't you? The first crackpot to actually succeed in overthrowing me. Who knew? Honestly, I thought we'd have to settle this with toad wrestling. Every toad loves to wrestle, after all. Oh, but then again, it wouldn't have been fair for you, now would it?", Toadstool grinned, puzzling all, although Ichabod quickly grew annoyed.

"You don't take me seriously, do you?", Ichabod exclaimed.

"No, I'm serious. Who knew that one of these days, your crackpot experiments would win the day?", Toadstool asked.

"I'd hardly find it amusing if I were you.", Ichabod growled.

"I mean, all that rage, that anger put into it. I mean, I expected something like that, but never like this. Tell me. How'd you get all that raw anger? And even at defeat, I can tell right away that usurping me isn't the only thing you wanted. So, what is it you really want here?", Toadstool asked.

"Hmm... Well, since you asked, I shall tell you.", Ichabod said before Anne and Rose looked toward the primal frog.

"Jackie... Please come back...", Anne said sadly as she and Rose shed tears with the latter silently sobbing before the frog's chest started to glow blue, although in a slight dim before it grew bright enough to be visible while the primal frog itself started to be less drone-like as her facial distortion started to reverse itself with the primal frog regaining both her voice and her mind as she groaned as Ichabod continued.

"Ever since I was a little tadpole, no one has ever taken my seriously. Even my parents favored my older brother, Julius, over me. And look at Julius now. Farming and growing produce and veggies all day with the other Amphibians outside Wartwood to make so-called exotic produce.", Ichabod said before Jackie opened her eyes, showing that she came to, mentally, much to Anne, Rose, the triplets, and the plantars' surprise.

"What happened? Where am I? What's going on?", Jackie puzzled before Anne shushed her and pointed to Ichabod.

"Is that... supposed to be MY legacy?! Making lowly produce and veggies?! You ask want I want. I want to be acknowledged as the greatest mind in all of Amphibia! And that first step is to defeat Jackie! Which I did, as you can clearly see.", Ichabod finished as Jackie then smirked upon realizing that she is free.

"Maybe the first time. But I'm ready for round two.", Jackie smirked, puzzling Ichabod before he looked down and noticed that she had broken free of his control.

"What?!", Ichabod exclaimed.

"This is for controlling me!", Jackie exclaimed before she grabbed the golden fly with her tongue, taking it off him.

"No!", Ichabod exclaimed before Jackie then broke it, freeing the primal frogs from Ichabod's control as the two that were holding them down moved away from them and just stood still.

"And this is for turning me into a giant monster!", Jackie shouted before leaping up, sending Ichabod flying into the air, but not before he saw Anne's face filled back with hope as well as Rose's before growling.

"PLANTAAAAAAARS!", Ichabod shouted.

"Jackie...?! You're... back! Thank goodness.", Anne grinned as she hugged her arm while the rest hugged her other arm as well.

"It's good to be back. I guess.", Jackie grinned.

"But how do we turn you back?", Rose asked.

"Well, I think I might know a way. Come on.", Jackie said as she grabbed Anne and the others before hopping out of City Hollow and then going outside, not knowing that the other Primal frogs were following her.

As for Sadie, she was keeping watch over the unconscious primal frogs.

"Heh. Guess that scoundrel Ichabod didn't account for how easily they could be knocked out into submission.", Mrs. Croaker smirked.

Then, all of a sudden, the ground quaked, puzzling her before she turned around to see Jackie hopping forward, still a giant frog.

"Mrs. Croaker, hang on!", Jackie shouted before grabbing them with her tongue while the unconscious primal frogs woke up upon Jackie's shadow passing them and started following a long as well.

"Well, I'll be! You're back.", Mrs. croaker grinned.

"Well, not completely.", Jackie blushed before eventually arriving back at home, but not before noticing the damage done to it after her transformation, much to everyone's shock.

"Oh, frog! I'm homeless!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Sorry... But at least it'll be easier to get to the formula more quickly.", Jackie blushed before turning to Anne.

"Listen. I need you to put in the real potassium triiodide in the formula Ichabod made, okay?", Jackie asked.

"The what?", Anne puzzled.

"You know, that dark brown thing?", Jackie explained.

"Oh, yeah. That. I'm on it, Jackie.", Anne responded before she then went into the secret lab, although not before opening secret entrance to get there, and then pouring the solution from the bottle into the pot, turning the blue and starry formula seemingly back to how it was before the blue moon juice was ever added.

Anne then sighed and then brought the formula to Jackie.

"I put in that Potassium thingy.", Anne said.

"Thanks.", Jackie said.

"Well, go ahead. Drink up.", Anne said before Jackie slurped it with her big tongue.

But the moment she swallowed, she widened her eyes before she then started to shrink back down to normal size, back to her usual frog form again, although her clothes were torn by the change, although not in a revealing way, thank goodness. Once the transformation back was complete, she groaned as she tried to keep her balance.

"Whew... So..., did it work?", Jackie asked.

"See for yourself.", Sprig grinned, holding a bucket of water before Jackie saw herself.

"It worked...! I'm back to normal! Well, normal as can be, anyway, but still! Time to get to work, fellas. We have some curing to do.", Jackie grinned, not knowing that Ichabod, who had landed on a tree elsewhere, peeped out.

"You may have foiled my plan with the return of your free will and your family's intervention, but of course..., this isn't over, Jackie Boonchuy! Not yet, at least!", Ichabod vowed.

Later, at the market, while every primal frog was given an antidote for Ichabod's tainted formula, Jackie sighed.

"I messed up big, Anne. And I mean 'big'. I knew for some reason that Ichabod couldn't be trusted. But I was so desperate to save the stand, I ignored what he was. If you hadn't brought me back, I'd still be a mindless monster right now.", Jackie said.

"It's okay. At least we still have you.", Anne grinned, making Jackie grin back at her.

"Yeah. But it may be a while before I can get their trust back...", Jackie groaned.

"Get it back? Get it back? You haven't lost it. We knew you were only tryin' to do the right thing. Neither of us saw what Ichabod had planned coming, at least until Hopediah here swatted it away from my hand. So, it was a good thing he did.", Sadie grinned.

"Well, I try.", Hop Pop grinned.

"You know, I think your father would be proud that you did the right thing today.", Sadie grinned.

"Thanks, Sadie.", Hop Pop grinned.

"And that's just as well. All those coins you got as payment is just enough for you to keep your stand. Lucky you.", Toadie grinned.

"Finally, somethin' good.", Hop Pop grinned.

"You know who else is good? You. You were a crazy good salesman.", Jackie grinned.

"I was good, wasn't I?", Hop Pop laughed as he was going over to Bessie and getting on her, especially the others, who caught up with him.

"Thanks, kids. Let's just get home and relax a little. You know, maybe the end of one tradition means the start of another. Maybe I ought to start over the Hop Pop way, experiment with those new seed varieties I always wanted to try.", Hop Pop grinned.

"That's the spirit, Hop Pop.", Anne grinned as Jackie and Rose giggled.

"Yeah, we're gonna make it after all.", Sprig added.

"The future is ours.", Polly grinned.

"I wonder...", Jackie pondered, thinking about the form she was just cured in before reaching a final verdict,

"Nope. Not sure I want to go back to that ever again.", Jackie shuddered before grinning.

"But I guess I could try embracing my inner frog in a different way. If it'll help...", Jackie thought to herself.

A/N: So, what'd you think? Not what you expected, huh? Well, Dwight Schultz would voice none other than Ichabod Neo Batrachia, an evil scientist based upon both Dr. Animo from Ben 10 and Karl the Fanaloka from Netflix and DreamWorks', "All Hail King Julien". I am willing to accept any criticism that may help oversee improvement for this episode when necessary. :)