10. Chapter 10

A/N: And in this chapter, Jackie would be taking Anne's role of the search for respect (or at least compassion for her case) while a new Toad warrior portrayed by Cherami Leigh would also appear in the 2nd act of this episode, not to mention a proper introduction of Sasha's own siblings. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 10

Act I: Toad Tax

One day, Hop Pop, Sprig, Polly, and the Boonchuys were at the Grub & Go restaurant.

"Oh! Pill bugs are on sale.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Oh! That reminds me. I'm gonna go grab some of that beetle jerky I like. Can't believe I just said that.", Jackie said.

"Not hard to guess why. We are frogs now.", Anne responded.

"And boy, do I love it!", Rose added.

"Okay, kiddo. See ya outside.", Hop Pop said before scooping all but one pill bug into the cart while the only one left fell onto the ground and rolled a bit.

"Can we go with her, too?", Rose asked.

A moment after that was where the crux of the problem started as Jackie was looking for a bag of Beetle Jerky.

"Now, if I were a bag of Beetle Jerky, where would it b-", Jackie began before noticing a lone bag.

"Aha! There it is. Looks like it's the last one.", Jackie grinned only for Wally to grab it first.

"Hey! That was mine, Wally!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Not after what you pulled, Madwoman.", Wally scolded before hopping away.

"What...?! Madwoman?!", Jackie exclaimed before getting bumped in the butt by Sadie.

"Hey! Move your big behind, Madwoman. Croaker needs her cookies.", Sadie said as she then moved away.

"My behind is not big! I am! So, technically, it's to scale.", Jackie said.

"They're really mad, aren't they?", Rose asked.

"Yeah. But they should've been taking it on Ichabod, not her. Surely, they must realize this by now.", Anne added before Jackie tripped on a water puddle.

"That's what you get. That's what you get!", the teen worker said while pointing at her.

"Oh, no...", Anne said in worry.

"That's what you deserve, Madwoman!", Felicia exclaimed as the villagers yelled at her randomly, even going so far as to toss produce at her.

All this yelling and tossing practically broke Jackie's heart as she started shedding tears.

"Stop it! Just leave me alone!", Jackie shouted, starting to sob as she exited the store.

"Jackie!", Anne shouted.

"Now, look what you did, you jerks!", Rose shouted before taking off after Anne.

"So, did you get the beetle jerky you-", Sprig began before Jackie only ran past him, sobbing.

"Jackie, come back!", Rose shouted before Hop Pop stopped Anne and Jackie.

"Whoa, there, you two.", Hop Pop said.

"But we can't let her run away!", Rose shouted.

"Run away? What's wrong?", Sprig asked before Anne sighed.

"Well, it's just...we've been here over a month now, and ever since the great frog rampage, the townspeople are treating Jackie crummy. Maybe even worse. I just wish they were a little nicer.", Anne sighed.

"Oh, that's just the way these frogs are. Slow to accept, and even slower to respect. It's actually our town motto.", Hop Pop assured, gesturing to said town motto.

"She'll find a way to get their respect, in her own weird Jackie way. Now, who wants pill bug pancakes?", Hop Pop asked.

"Ooh! My favorite. I've been here too long.", Rose said.

However, Anne couldn't help but worry over Jackie, and neither could Rose.

"Oh, Jackie...", Anne sighed.

"I'll think of her as I eat pill bug pancakes.", Rose added.

Meanwhile, Jackie sobbed as she slowed down and stopped to the point that she sniffled.

"I'm done with this! What's the point of doing any good if all I do is make things worse...?! It's days like these that make me wish I could hurt them back!", Jackie sobbed in despair.

But when she looked up, she was quite puzzled to see a few toads a few feet away, calming down, if only out of puzzlement of the new faces.

"Wait... Who are those guys? And what are they doing in Amphibia...?", Jackie puzzled before then deciding to move back from where she ran off.

As for Hop Pop and the others, they noticed a statue of Toadstool.

"Well, that statue's new.", Hop Pop responded.

"And tasteless. Woof!", Sprig responded just before Bessie stopped and chirped in a panic.

"Whoa, whoa, girl. Easy. What's wrong?", Anne asked.

Just then, Jackie entered.

"Guys!", Jackie shouted.

"Jackie!", Rose grinned.

"You're back! But what's wrong? You look kinda panicked.", Anne asked.

"As I was running away, I noticed a few strangers coming here. They're clearly not from Wartwood.", Jackie responded.

"Not from Wartwood? But that means...", Hop Pop said before noticing the three toads entering.

"Ah! Nothing like cracking your neck after a long drive. Ain't that right?", one of the toads asked before Mayor Toadstool went out.

"Oh, good. You're here. Toadie, give 'em the list.", Toadstool said before Toadie gave him said list.

"Who are those guys?", Jackie asked.

"Toads from Toad Tower. They rule over the entire valley.", Hop Pop explained.

"Toad what?", Anne asked.

"What is it?", Rose asked.

"It's a big, scary tower deep in the swamp and the toads that live there are the valley's fiercest warriors.", Sprig responded, showing a map of Amphibia.

"Whoa! Cool.", Anne said in awe.

"Cool, yes. But they can be a rough sort. It's probably for the best that we all stay clear of-", Hop Pop began before noticing that Anne, Rose, and Sprig were going toward them.

"Oh, dang it. There they go.", Hop Pop said before Sprig spoke up to the toads.

"Hey, guys. So, you're from Toad Tower?", Sprig asked.

"Sure are, runt.", the red toad responded before Sprig laughed.

"My name's Sprig, actually.", Sprig responded.

"Uh-huh. Yeah, sure.", the red toad responded.

Then, he noticed Anne, Jackie, and Rose.

"Whoa! What are those? It's some kind of gangly new critter I've never seen before.", the toad said.

"I wonder what they taste like.", the green said eagerly.

"Whoa, whoa, hey. They are not for eating.", Sprig urged.

"Don't come any closer.", Anne warned.

"Yeah. We got tennis racquets here and we're not afraid to use 'em!", Jackie added.

"We'll let you have it!", Rose added.

"Is that a challenge?", the green toad asked with a laugh.

Then, she charged in for Jackie only to miss before she then whacked the green toad back with her racquet right in the face toward the back of the carriage, earning the red toad's proud laugh.

"Whoa, that was awesome.", the green toad said.

"Well met, creature. I don't know what you are, but you've got fire.", the red toad said before he and the green toad left.

When they did, Jackie grinned a bit while Sprig grumbled.

"Wow. You really socked it to her, huh, Jackie?", Anne asked.

"Yeah. You sent her flying like a tennis ball.", Rose added.

"I'm just going through a lot right now...", Jackie responded.

"Okay, kids. That's enough flirting with death. Let's head home.", Hop Pop said.

"Blech, finally. Come on, guys.", Sprig said before leaving with Hop Pop only for Jackie to state her refusal.

"Actually, I was thinking I could hang out with these guys a little longer. They seem really cool. Or at least, they don't seem like the kind of people who'd treat me like garbage.", Jackie said with a bit of a glare.

"I don't know...", Anne said in worry.

"Cool? More like smelly. Not to mention creepy.", Sprig scoffed, gesturing to Mire, who had a raspy breathing.

"Wait a second. Are you jealous?", Jackie asked.

"No. Ha! If you wanna hang out with some grody toads, Jackie, be my guest. No skin off my skin.", Sprig said as he joined back with Hop Pop and the others.

"If you want to go with them, that's fine. But be careful, okay. Try not to let them change you.", Anne said.

"What are you, my mom? But, okay. I'll try...", Jackie blushed a bit.

"Okay. But don't dally too long, Jackie.", Hop Pop said before they started on their way back via Bessie.

"I'm eating your pancakes!", Polly shouted.

"Not jealous!", Sprig shouted.

"You know what? I'm not so convinced that he isn't jealous.", Jackie said before going over to them.

"Hey. I think we got off on the wrong foot, Mr.-", Jackie began.

"Name's Bog. The silent one there is Mire. And Fens here you already met.", Bog responded before Fens clicked her tongue with a point.

"I'm Jackie. You've met my sisters, Anne and Rose. What are you guys doing in Wartwood?", Jackie asked.

"Every year, this town sends taxes to the tower. Well, this year, they came up short. So, the Mayor gave us this list of frogs who didn't pay and we're just here to collect. Say, we could use someone like you.", Bog said as he got out his axe and looked at his reflection.

"Really?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah. You've got inside knowledge of this town. It'll make the whole job go a lot smoother.", Bog grinned.

Jackie thought it over for a moment.

"I'm not sure any of this is my business, but sure. As long as it means I get some payback on every frog that treated me horribly.", Jackie said with a bit of a glare.

"Woof. Sounds like you had it rough.", Bog guessed.

"You have no idea...", Jackie responded.

"You know, the best part of wearing this badge is how everyone in this town will have to treat you with respect.", Bog grinned, gesturing to his badge.

"I'd be honored.", Jackie grinned.

Meanwhile, Hop Pop just won a game of sorts, Flipwart to be exact.

"Got yer last frog. Whoo! You lose. Oh, yeah!", Hop Pop smirked while Sprig looked agitated.

"What's taking Jackie so long?", Anne asked before the door opened.

"Hey, guys! Guess what? I became a Toad Tower deputy!", Jackie exclaimed.

"What?", everyone responded.

"I even got this sword, too. But I'd rather be careful with it for now.", Jackie said as she unsheathed her sword and then sheathed it back in its scabbard.

"Jackie, when I said earn the town's respect, I didn't mean join a gang.", Hop Pop said.

"They're not a gang, Hop Pop. They're just here to do a job.", Jackie said.

"Do you even know what that job is really like? Or what they really do? I may not know, but I can tell I won't like it.", Rose responded.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some respect to enjoy.", Jackie said.

"Jackie, what's happened to you? The Jackie I know never tried to get respect. This isn't like you.", Anne responded.

"Shut it! You don't know what it's like to go through what I've been through!", Jackie exclaimed before slamming the door shut, disheartening Anne and Rose as they felt sad for her.

"But we were there...", Rose said a bit sadly.

"Jackie...", Anne sighed before Sprig went to the windows and opened them.

"Uh, boy, what are you doin'?", Hop Pop asked.

"I have a bad feeling about this. So I'm gonna go follow Jackie and watch over her.", Sprig said.

"You know what...? So are we!", Anne said.

"Yeah. She may be a madwoman to the others, but Jackie's our sister! That's the least we could do.", Rose added.

"In the meantime, could you watch over the triplets for us?", Anne asked.

"Sure. I mean that's all well and good, but can you at least use the front door?", Hop Pop asked.

"No.", Sprig said before sneaking out while climbing the ceiling.

"Don't worry, Hop Pop. We'll use the front door.", Anne assured.

"Mm-hmm.", Rose nodded.

Meanwhile, Bog spoke to Jackie.

"All right. First name on the list.", Bog said.

"Not to mention the first name on my list. I'll never forgive him for the time he stole that last bag of beetle jerky and called me a madwoman!", Jackie glared.

"Yeesh! That is a lot of beef, huh?", Bog said.

"All in one day.", Jackie sighed.

Then, Bog and the toads burst in, surprising Wally, who was cleaning himself.

"Jumping June bugs! What's all this about?", Wally asked before Bog chuckled.

"You should've paid up when you had the chance...!", Jackie glared angrily.

"Rubbish. I may live in squalor, but I always pay my taxes, Madwoman.", Wally responded.

"Call me that one more time...! I DARE YOU!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Easy, there, Jackie. Anyway, according to the mayor's list, you didn't pay up. And since you haven't paid, we'll be taking your stuff.", Bog said.

"Wait, what?", Jackie puzzled before Fens took Wally's scrubber while Mire took an assortment of dishes before Bog smashed the cupboard window and stole the beetle jerky.

"Here you go, Jackie. Little something extra for you.", Bog said before handing her said bag.

"Bog, he may've been a jerk to me today, but I'm not sure even HE deserves this.", Jackie said.

"It's just the way we do things here. Plus, it's not like we enjoy it.", Bog responded before running out.

"Now who wants to race to the next house?", Bog asked before laughing with Fens and Mire following him.

Jackie then looked at the bag and then at Wally before sighing sadly.

"Here. I'm sorry for this, Wally. I just didn't want to be treated badly anymore.", Jackie whispered.

"Come on, Jackie!", Bog shouted.

"Coming!", Jackie responded as she went out.

"Thanks.", Wally said thankfully.

Meanwhile, Anne, Rose, and Sprig grew worried as they watched from a distance.

"Poor Jackie...", Anne sighed.

"That's weird. Wally always pays his taxes.", Sprig stated.

"Really?", Rose asked.

"Sure. Even poor guys like him had to pay some taxes.", Sprig responded.

"Come on.", whispered, making the trio gasp before they crouched under the bush and peeped out.

The first thing they saw was Mayor Toadstool and Toadie, hauling away a bag.

"Come on, Toadie. While the townsfolk are preoccupied.", Toadstool said.

"Coming, sir.", Toadie whispered, carrying a big bag of what sounded like coins before one of said coins fell off onto the grass with Sprig picking it up.

"A copper coin? The mayor? A hole? In the bag?", Sprig asked.

"He's clearly hoarding all the town's money for himself.", Anne realized.

"Let's bust him...!", Rose exclaimed.

"No. We need to be sure where he's putting it first if we're gonna expose him. We can't blow our cover.", Anne said.

"Yeah, but...", Rose began.

"Besides, after we find out where he's putting it, then you can whoop his butt.", Anne assured.

"Okay...", Rose sighed.

Then, she, Sprig, and Anne turned to see Jackie, her face etched in worry.

"I hope you'll be okay, Jackie.", Sprig said.

"Just hang in there.", Anne added before she, Sprig, and Rose hopped away.

Meanwhile, at Felicia's Tea shoppe, Fens chuckled as she grabbed a barrel of Beau-tea while Mire took off, carrying plates and mugs.

"Oh, how horrid.", Felicia said before a #1 Mom mug landed, although without breaking before Jackie picked up said mug and handed it to Felicia.

"Here. You can keep this.", Jackie said, handing it to Felicia, who gasped with a grateful grin.

Later, at Leopold Loggle's Chairs, Tables, and Limbs, Bog was laughing as he carrying away the statue.

"No, no, no, not the statue. No!", Loggle sobbed as he tried and failed to stop Bog from carrying it away before Jackie went over to him.

"Here.", Jackie whispered before handing him back his cane.

"Oh! Yes. Oh!", Loggle sobbed in joy and relief.

At Sadie's home, she was shown to be prepared.

"Archie! Sic 'em.", Mrs. Croaker said before Archie snarled only for Bog and Fens to move away from each other to make room for Mire, who crawled up the ceiling with a gurgle, fell down, and roared, making Archie whimper before he then grabbed Archie's bed, making Jackie gasp before glaring at Mire and swapping the bed with a plant.

"Here you go.", Jackie said, handing the bed back to Mrs. Croaker, whose pet spider squeaked and panted.

Later, Jackie spoke with Bog and the others.

"Look, guys. Don't get me wrong, I may be mad at them for treating me crummy, but this whole thing feels wrong.", Jackie said.

"The law's the law, Jackie. It can be tough, but this kind of work needs to get done.", Bog responded.

"Yeah. Needs to get done. Stuff, gotta get it done.", Fens concurred while eating some snacks.

"All right... if you say so. Who's next on the list?", Jackie asked.

"Eh, some nut named Hopadiah Plantar.", Bog said.

"Hopadiah Plantar?! Bog, that list has to be wrong! I know that frog. He's totally honest.", Jackie exclaimed.

"Jackie, the tower didn't get any taxes, okay? And if we didn't get the money, then where is it?", Bog responded.

Meanwhile, Toadstool hid the missing taxes inside the new statue, not knowing that Sprig, Anne, and Rose were following them.

"So, that's where the money is.", Anne said.

"It's flawless, Toadie. The perfect plan. Who would think to look for the missing taxes in plain sight?", Toadstool smirked.

"Master stroke, sir.", Toadie grinned.

"Quickly now. Let's skedaddle before anyone notices-", Toadstool began only to find Anne, Rose, and Sprig.

"YOOOOOOOOU!", Anne shouted.

"The taxes! You fiends!", Sprig glared.

"Easy, now, kids. I needed the extra money for my campaign. Do you have any idea how much it costs to buy your love?", Toadstool exclaimed.

"Are you kidding me?! Jackie never got any love after what happened because you quadrupled the rent! They treated her like trash and now, she's treating them like trash by taking all their stuff away because of what you did! YOU SELFISH, GREEDY, MONEY-GRUBBING DIRTBAAAAAAAG!", Rose shouted before she then dashed toward Toadstool and hitting him right in the gut, tearing down the curtains in the process.

"Ooh! You done made her mad, guy.", Anne sassed.

"Dang, girl! I am deeply hurt! No, seriously. That...that actually hurt.", Toadstool exclaimed as Rose panted heavily.

"Good.", Rose glared darkly.

"Everyone's gonna be furious when they find out about this.", Sprig glared.

"Well, then it's a good thing you'll never get to tell them.", Toadstool smirked before then lunging toward Sprig.

But he managed to jump out of the way in time.

"Well, ya gotta catch me first.", Sprig said before giving a raspberry.

"Don't forget about us.", Anne said as she picked up Rose before hopping away.

"Hey! Get after 'em!", Toadstool urged before then taking his leave as he hopped after them, although more like a jump for him, as did Toadie.

As they ran, though, Anne, Rose, and Sprig noticed a storm coming. And in more than one case, too, as storm clouds gathered and rain started to fall.

"Uh-oh. Looks like a storm's coming.", Anne said.

Meanwhile, another storm was taking place on the ground: the toads and Jackie have already arrived at Hop Pop's place.

"Like I said, I already paid my dang taxes. You can't come in here, and that's final.", Hop Pop urged.

"I don't like your tone, frog. Or did you forget who you're talking to?", Bog retorted.

"Bog, I am telling you, he paid his taxes. He even asked us to watch him to prove it.", Jackie exclaimed.

"So then you add up your deductibles and... Oop! Guess what, Anne? You're a deductible!", Hop Pop said.

"Kill me.", Anne shouted before it then faded back to the present.

"Anne couldn't even stand to see it.", Jackie added.

"Jackie, they all say they've paid. I don't care what you think you saw. The list don't lie. Now, what should we start with?", Bog asked.

"Well, how about that thing?", Fens asked, pointing to Bessie, who purred and chirped.

"You stay away from her.", Hop Pop urged.

"Get away, bad toad!", Lily shouted.

"Yeah!", Andy and Danny agreed.

"I'll bite your face off!", Polly threatened.

"Good choice. That snail should cover everything. Mire, Fens, Jackie, move out.", Bog ordered before Fens and Mire did so.

"What? No, wait!", Jackie urged.

Then, Bessie chirped and purred nervously as Jackie looked toward the badge, nervously.

"You monsters!", Hop Pop shouted as the triplets started to cry with Jackie growing more anxious.

"Guys, no! Stop!", Jackie shouted.

Bessie chirped nervously as Fens was about to grab Bessie.

"GEEEEEEET OOOOOUUUUUUT!", Jackie shouted angrily with an echo as lightning struck before panting heavily.

"Care to repeat that?", Bog asked.

"You heard me... Keep your claws off Bessie and get out! Now!", Jackie repeated before Wally, Mrs. Croaker, Felicia, and even ivy went over to the fence.

"Oh, she's brave.", Wally said.

"What did she just say?", Sadie asked.

"Since this morning, everyone has been treating me horribly, like trash. And it hurt me so bad that I wanted to hurt them back for what they did to me. At least that's how I felt... until I got to Wally's house. After that, I wasn't so sure about it anymore. If anything, all I really wanted was for them to see how I felt when they hurt me. Maybe even have some compassion. But after seeing what you guys did just because they didn't pay up like they should have, now I know. Just because these people treated me horribly doesn't mean I should do the same to them. Not anymore. Didn't even enjoy it, anyway. So, I'm done with this. I don't care if they've broken the law, in which case, they may not have broken it at all, anyways, you can't treat people like this! Besides, I realized now that I deserved it. After all, I let myself fall in with a bad crowd once before. Just ask Ichabod. He deceived all of us. Even me. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not about to make that mistake again. ", Jackie responded as she took off the armor and sash, even tossing the badge to the ground, surprising the villagers.

"Too bad... I had such high hopes for you, too, Jackie.", Bog sighed before he snapped his fingers.

With that, Fens pushed Jackie to the ground.

"Jackie!", Hop Pop shouted before he and Polly tried to step in only for Mire to grab both of them.

"Hey! Let me go.", Polly shouted.

"Let me go. Let me go!", Hop Pop shouted.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. How disappointing. Do you know what we do to traitors in the tower, Jackie?", Bog asked as he got out his hammer and raised it before Fens cackled.

"You're about to be a pill bug pancake, you little brat.", Fens smirked.

"Actually, your foot's about to be a pancake.", Jackie exclaimed before she rolled out of the way with Bog's hammer hitting Fens' foot instead, making her scream.

After that, Jackie stood up with a glare.

"Okay, now I think it's time to use this.", Jackie said as she drew her sword and her tennis racquet.

Then, Fens attacked first only to get swept aside with Bog then moving in next to attack with his hammer only for Jackie to block it with her sword and tennis racquet. Bog chuckled before he then lifted up his hammer with enough force to knock them off her hands and onto the ground.

"No!", Jackie exclaimed before Fens moved in, ready to strike.

However, Jackie dodged it.

"Nice try!", Jackie shouted before then sweeping Fens by the legs, tripping her before she then reclaimed her weapons.

"You think I'm going down easy? Heck hath no fury like a teen frog scorned!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Whoa... Now, THAT'S awesome.", Fens said, getting back up before Bog laughed.

"Impressive. You've a lot of nerve, I'll give you that.", Bog smirked.

"I just did what I felt was right, Bog. After all, family is more important than vengeance. The latter didn't really suit me, anyway.", Jackie responded.

"Sorry, creature. As much as I appreciate this exciting bout between us, it's just business.", Bog said before suddenly getting splatted in the face with a mud ball.

"What the-", Bog puzzled.

"Take your stinkin' claws off my sister, you dang, dirty toad!", Anne shouted.

"Yeah, you leave her alone!", Sprig added.

"You're a mean bully!", Rose added.

"You leave our Jackie alone!", Wally shouted.

"She's one of us.", Felicia added before she and the others surrounded Bog and the toads.

"Guys...", Jackie said, touched.

"If you got a problem with her, you got a problem with all of us.", Mrs. Croaker added as Archie barked before the other villagers raised their pitchforks and shovels.

As a result, while Bog and Fens dropped their weapons, Mire's stove door opened, revealing a cute face as he then squealed before releasing Hop Pop and Polly.

"Jackie!", Anne shouted before she, Sprig, and Rose caught up to her.

"Hey, guys. What took you so long?", Jackie chuckled.

"Sorry, we got tied up.", Sprig responded.

"Oh, yeah. Where is that Toadstool?", Anne asked before he entered, huffing in exhaustion.

"Oh, boy. Gotta cut back on them cricket nuggets. Whoo!", Toadstool panted.

"Oh. There he is.", Rose grinned.

"Arrest that toad! He stole the town's money and was keeping it all for himself.", Sprig shouted, shocking the villagers.

"Gosh!", Wally exclaimed.

Later, at town hall, while the rain was still going on, the crowd murmured in a bit of shock before Sprig turned to Bog.

"May I?", Sprig asked before Bog handed the hammer, which proved to be heavier for him.

"I think you should do the honors.", Sprig grunted.

In no time, Bog smashed the statue, making coins spill out, much to everyone's shock as they all gasped.

"No-good son of a slug!", Mrs. Croaker exclaimed as Bog growled.

"Not a smart move, Toadstool.", Jackie glared.

"Uh... As mayor, I hereby pardon myself of any wrongdoing. Thank you. Good day.", Toadstool said as he took off.

"Get out of here, you scoundrel.", the villager shouted as he and the rest then chased him out all the way to the forest this time before Jackie sighed.

"Well, Bog, looks like the town has paid their taxes, after all.", Jackie grinned.

"If it was respect you were looking for, you sure earned mine.", Bog said.

"Really?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah, You may be a frog, but as far as I know, you got the heart of a toad.", Bog said before laughing.

"We'll be back, though, Jackie, and we won't be alone.", Bog warned before hopping onto the carriage and riding away with the crowd cheering.

"Three cheers for Jackie, defender of Wartwood.", Wally said.

"Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!", the villagers chanted.

"Aw, thanks, guys.", Jackie sniffled.

"How about that? It looks like they do respect you now.", Anne grinned.

"Yeah...", Jackie grinned before Rose hugged her with a giggle.

Meanwhile, Fens spoke to Bog.

"So, are we gonna tell the captain about those creatures we found?", Fens asked.

"Oh, we're gonna tell the captain everything.", Bog grinned.

Act II: Prison Break

Far, far away from Wartwood

Meanwhile, in Toad Tower, one toad outside was strung up by a neighing spider via its web while several toads were having fun like a sort of bar.

"Work that tongue. Yeah, come on!", a toad worker said as the other toads celebrated in revelry.

At one point, a toad soldier even tossed mosquito darts at the board.

"Bull's-eye!", the toad soldier shouted before two toads named Captain Grime and Bombina entered the room, stopping the cheering.

"It's Captain Grime and Bombina!", one toad said.

"They're here?!", another exclaimed.

"Captain Grime?! Bombina?!", another exclaimed as the toads all straightened up and saluted as Grime panted.

"So, these are the valley's strongest warriors. Pathetic! Wait, hold on. Is this guy seriously wearing his breastplate as pants?", Grime asked, taking note of said toad wearing his breastplate like pants.

"Uh, it won't happen again, sir.", the soldier assured.

"No, it won't. Take him to the pain room.", Grime said before snapping his fingers, prompting two executioner-like toads to pick him up, one for each arm, and escort him away.

"Not the pain room. I hate pain!", the soldier complained.

"With all due respect, Captain, is that really necessary?", Bombina asked.

"The soldier needs discipline, Bombina. Must I explain this again?", Grime responded.

"Then, why isn't it working?", Bombina asked.

"All right, I feel like we're getting off-topic here. Anyway, I'm sure you've all heard frogs in the valley are getting unruly. They're questioning our authority. Some towns have even stopped paying their taxes. And do you know why?", Grime asked.

"Maybe they, I don't know, forgot?", a soldier puzzled.

"No, you imbeciles! You've all gotten soft!", Grime responded as he punched part of the wall, making one of the toads gulp nervously while another croaked nervously.

"To get this valley under control, I need warriors who are fierce, cunning, and above all, ruthless! Like Bombina, here. I mean, honestly, it's like she's the only worthy one here.", Grime responded.

"Thank you, Captain.", Bombina responded.

Meanwhile, a cockroach started eating a drip of Sasha's gruel before she crushed it with a loose brick, although it was still wriggling around.

"Get your own food, you dumb bug.", Sasha said before she suddenly croaked, much to her puzzlement.

"What just happened here?", Sasha puzzled.

"I think we've been here too long.", Allison responded before the door suddenly opened as Sasha let the cockroach go before it scampered away.

"Hey, Sasha, Allison, Pat, Rebecca, Abby, Sarah. Brought you all dinner. Cricket Thursdays.", a toad named Percy said.

"Percy!", Sasha grinned.

"Hey, I've been working on my act. Do you wanna see it?", Percy asked.

"Totally! Bring it.", Sasha grinned.

"Okay, stay right there.", Percy said.

A moment afterward, he came in playing a horn, some pipes, some drums, and an accordion.

"Ta-da!", Percy grinned before the triplets giggled excitedly.

"You funny!", the triplets named Rebecca, Abby, and Sarah said in unison.

"Whoo! Wow! Get it, toad! That was legit, Percy.", Sasha grinned.

"Yeah. The triplets seem to like your music. Even if they are laughing.", Allison grinned.

"Honestly, you're wasting your time here as a guard.", Sasha said.

"Maybe you could be more like a cool musician.", Pat agreed.

"You know what? You're right. Thanks, everyone. I can't wait to see the look on Grime's face when I tell him that I'm-", Percy began as he took off his guard helmet in favor of his jester's hat before Captain Grime and Bombina entered the room with Percy bumping into him.

"Tell me what?", Grime asked.

"Uh...That I quit and I've always hated this job. Bye!", Percy said as he left, leaving Grime sighing in a bit of frustration.

"Come on...! That's the 5th toad this week.", Bombina said.

"Hey there, Grimesy, Bombina! What's that, like, the fifth toad I've talked into leaving this week?", Sasha asked.

"There's plenty more where that came from, and far more loyal than Percy, like Bombina, for example.", Grime assured.

"Are you sure about that? You're not exactly Mr. Popular around here.", Sasha responded.

"Then why am I his top lieutenant? One who was not easily swayed by your manipulative words?", Bombina asked.

"Exactly. Now who-", Grime began.

"Sent us? No one.", Sasha responded.

"How'd we get here? We don't know.", Allison added.

"What do we want? To find our friends and go home. Haven't we been through this several times?", Pat asked before Sasha, Allison, Pat, and the triplets all croaked with Sasha and Allison's sclerae turning yellow while the others' sclerae turned blue.

"We don't even know what's happening to us right now.", Sasha responded.

"It'll be enough once you start giving me real answers. Until then-", Grime began before Braddock ran in.

"Captain Grime! Bombina! Sir! Oh, hey, Sash.", Braddock said.

"Braddock! Hey, girlfriend. How's the garden coming along?", Sasha asked, making Braddock gasp.

"Oh, it's gorgeous. You should see the squash-", Braddock said before Grime interrupted.

"Did you need something, soldier?", Grime asked.

"Is there something important going on?", Bombina asked.

"Oh! Right. Yes. We may have a small problem.", Braddock responded.

"What's the problem?", Bombina asked.

Later, Braddock showed Bombina and Grime the problem.

"There.", Braddock responded, pointing toward the herons from far away, especially with some orcs riding on top of them.

"Kill the torches. Fast!", Grime whispered.

"Sir.", Braddock whispered in response before rushing downstairs just as Sasha, Allison, and Pat looked out the window.

"A bird? You guys are scared of a bird?", Sasha asked.

"I don't think that's just a bird, Sasha. There's something riding on them. That may be what they're worried about.", Allison responded.

"Quiet. And you're right. It's not just a bird. It's a heron, a murderous predator that happens to love the taste of flesh.", Grime explained before one of the herons screeched.

"Cute.", Sasha responded.

"The important thing now is to be very, very quiet.", Bombina whispered before Percy opened the the door and left, loudly playing his several instruments.

"Come back. Get back here.", Sasha whispered.

"Percy, come back.", Grime whispered.

"Percy!", Braddock whispered.

"Get back here, Percy!", Pat whispered.

"Sorry, guys. But this toad's gotta follow his dreams!", Percy said before a heron stopped near Percy, who looked up to see not only two herons, but also several orcs riding on each one.

"What have we here? Fresh meat.", the orc said before the herons started attacking Percy, even lifting him up by the drum for one heron and then eating at the accordion for another before Percy fell and ran back toward the Tower and they followed him in pursuit.

"Percy, don't lead them here. Ugh!", Bombina groaned before Grime blared a horn.

"Close the gates!", Grime urged.

"Wait for me!", Percy shouted before he barely managed to get in just as the gates closed.

"Whoa, this is serious.", Sasha said.

"Very serious.", Allison added before a heron burst through the wall, knocking Sasha and Allison back.

"More fresh meat. Though this one isn't of this world. Azog will be pleased.", the orc smirked before the heron he's riding on screeched.

"Oh, crud!", Sasha, Allison, and Pat shouted while the triplets cried.

Meanwhile, the herons attacked the castle, even swallowing one toad.

"This place is falling apart!", Bombina said in worry as the herons screeched and the remaining toads sobbed and whimpered.

"Come on. We haven't lost yet. We can still drive them away.", Bombina assured.

"Find a happy place. Find a happy place.", the soldier chanted.

"Come on, you cowards. Fight back! Do something!", Grime shouted as he grabbed the soldier by the breastplate, handed him a mace, and tossed him aside.

"Captain Grime. Look at what's going on at the cell.", Bombina said, pointing to it, before Grime turned to see what's happening.

"Bring it on, birdbrain!", Sasha shouted as she and Allison are now attacking one of the herons, which had smashed through the wall of her prison while Pat tried to choke the heron only to be forced to hang on as it tried to shake him off.

"Pat!", Sasha and Allison shouted.

"Guys, help!", Pat shouted.

"Human filth... Time to die.", the orc sneered as he raised his mace.

"Eat this!", Sasha said before she then chucked the bucket at the heron, knocking it back while also causing the orc to lose his balance and fall off only to land back on the Heron's back, allowing Pat to hold on and climb up the head before getting back on the prison wall.

"Whoa. That was awesome!", Pat shouted.

"The creatures are fighting that heron and its rider.", Bombina said in amazement.

"So they are... They could be worth something.", Grime said before he then pushed the bars away from each other and then rushed in with Bombina following just as the heron recovered and screeched before attacking again only for Grime to grab it by the upper and lower beak.

With that, Bombina freed Sasha, Allison, Pat, and the triplets from their chains with her sword.

"Bombina...?", Allison puzzled.

"No time to explain. Go for the barrels. Quick. If we launch those at the heron, we'll drive it back.", Bombina urged.

"Right.", Sasha nodded before she and her siblings made a break for said barrels.

"Creatures, fight with me! And together we'll-", Grime began before Sasha and the others got up and ran.

"And they're gone.", Grime said before the heron closed its beak while he was forced back before the orc stepped in, climbing back up and then raising his mace.

"Time to die, little toad.", the orc sneered as he stepped off the heron.

"I'm not afraid of death.", Grime said before Sasha called out as she, Allison, and Pat came back with 3 barrels, one each.

"Hey! Ugly chicken!", Sasha shouted before she suddenly croaked once more, but this time with a bright crimson glow, puzzling her.

"Okay, why is that happening aga...", Sasha puzzled before croaking again, the glow getting brighter.

"I don't know.", Allison said before croaking again with similar glow.

"Oh, no... It's happening to me...", Allison began before croaking again.

"Too.", Allison finished before Pat croaked next.

"Whoa. What is going on here?", Pat puzzled before croaking again.

Then, all three each gave longer croaks to go along with their groans, the bottom of their chins growing bigger and puffing up until their chins grew to twice the size it was in short croaks. As it happens, the bright crimson glow became more prominent with their necks growing longer to help balance out the growth before the croaks stopped.

"Okay. That was weird.", Sasha said.

"I'll say.", Allison agreed.

"I kinda thought it was ticklish.", Pat responded.

Then, all of a sudden, Sasha felt something grumbling.

"Wait a minute. I think I feel something.", Sasha said before she suddenly started to gain weight as did Allison and Pat.

As a matter of fact, the gain progressed until at least Sasha was at the same height as Grime, at which point, the trio's clothes had already torn off, mostly the shirt and pants while the rest remained, stupefying them.

"Whoa. We're packing pounds already?", Sasha puzzled just before her hands and feet turned into those of a toads' the shoes and socks getting torn off her now toad-like feet.

After that, their skin not only turned red as the glow from her chin spread all across her body at the same time before it dimmed just as her skin hardened to the point that it felt rough and tough. The sight of the changes surprised not only Grime and Bombina, but also the orc.

"Oh, yeah. That makes more sense.", Sasha grinned before she tossed the barrel toward the heron, not only knocking the orc off, but also driving his heron away with a whimper.

After that, Bombina and Grime went over to them as the latter gave a prideful laugh.

"You did it. You drove away that heron.", Bombina grinned.

"How did you all turn into toads? And for that matter, where did you get moves like that?", Grime asked.

"We don't know. And cheerleading, believe it or not.", Sasha replied.

"I'm sorry, cheer what?", Grime puzzled.

"Toads?! Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no...!", Allison squeaked upon seeing what happened to her.

"Ally, just calm down.", Pat said, worried for her.

"Wait a minute. Hold that thought.", Sasha said before picking up a barrel and aiming it through the hole.

"Okay, go.", Sasha said before Allison screamed in fright over what happened to her, Sasha, and Pat: they turned into toads!

Unfortunately, the sound of the screaming attracted another heron, which screeched, and another orc riding on it. Fortunately, Sasha was prepared.

"No, you don't!", Sasha discouraged before tossing the barrel toward the heron and orc, forcing them away.

"And stay out!", Pat shouted proudly.

"Okay, listen up. If we help you get rid of these birds, you will give us provisions, some new armory, and release us. Deal?", Sasha asked.

"Deal. I have no doubt that the armory would fit you three, anyway.", Grime responded.

But then, all of a sudden, the small triplets croaked before turning into toads as well.

"Uh, better make that 6.", Pat said.

"Whatever. Now grab every toad you can and head to the safe room.", Grime ordered before the heron screeched.

"And fast!", Bombina urged before all 8 took off as Pat carried the three.

Later, Sasha, Allison, Pat, and the triplets are now in their new toad armor with which while Sasha's is the same as Grime's, Allison's is colored blue while Pat's is colored green while Rebecca's is orange, Abby's is yellow, and Sarah's is purple.

"Good thing we all have something to wear now.", Sasha grinned.

"Yeah. Even Rebecca, Abby, and Sarah are wearing them. Who knew they'd actually have some armor for babies?", Pat agreed as said triplets giggled.

"Yeah, but I'm more concerned about them.", Allison responded, pointing to the whimpering toads.

"You know what would lighten this atmosphere a little bit? A joke! How many herons does it take to storm a castle?", Percy asked before Grime pointed his sword at him.

"Too soon?", Percy asked.

"You lot are, without a doubt, the most useless group of toads I have ever seen!", Grime chastised, earning their moans.

"Maybe if any of you had a scrap of courage like Bombina and our guests did...", Grime began.

"Guests?", Allison puzzled.

"...we wouldn't be in here cowering like a bunch of-", Grime began before Sasha stopped him with a nervous laugh.

"Okay.", Sasha said.

"What?", Grime puzzled.

"All right. Let's take five. Grimesy, a word in private, please?", Sasha requested as she ushered him to the back of the curtain as Bombina followed.

"What do you think that's about?", Pat asked.

"Well, whatever she's up to, it better work.", Allison responded.

"Okay, if you keep yelling at them like that, they'll keep being useless, and we'll all die.", Sasha explained.

"She does have a point, you know.", Bombina concurred.

"Okay, so maybe she does. But what do you suggest, I congratulate them? Give them each an award?", Grime puzzled before giving a spit, which went right through the floor like acid.

"Not exactly. Just try saying nice things for a change. Get them to love you, and they'll do anything for you.", Sasha explained.

"That actually works?", Grime puzzled.

"Oh, it works, all right. Trust me. One toad to another.", Sasha assured.

"Mmm. I don't know.", Grime only responded.

"Here, I'll give you a head start. Whoa, Grime! So you think your guards are all amazing but you're afraid to tell them your true feelings?", Sasha said as she, Grime, and Bombina stepped out of the curtain.

"What? What are you-", Grime began.

"What's that? You think Braddock is the toughest toad in the tower next to me because she doesn't take garbage from anyone?", Bombina asked before winking to Grime.

"Uh...Yes! Braddock is tough. Tough as beetle skin.", Grime grinned.

"Ooh, look at you!", one soldier grinned.

"Oh, way to go.", another added before Braddock chuckled.

"Oh, well, I do wash with a steel wool brush. It really hurts.", Braddock stated.

"And what were those nice things you said about Gary?", Sasha asked before Grime just thought of something.

"Oh, Gary. Gary, Gary. Um...Gary never missed a day, even when he was sick.", Gary responded.

"What can I say? I'm dedicated.", Gary grinned.

"Ooh! Can't believe he actually likes us.", a soldier said.

"Looks like it's working.", Allison grinned.

"And Percy?", Sasha asked.

"I don't wanna do Percy.", Grime only responded.

"And Percy?", Sasha asked a bit angrily.

"Percy's a grubbing idiot!", Grime exclaimed before everyone gasped as Percy whimpered.

"Ooh. Harsh.", the soldier said before Bombina cleared his throat and then nudged him with her elbow.

"Uh...But, when he makes a mistake, he owns it. And he doesn't stop until he makes things right. And because of that...", Grime began before Percy gasped.

"He has...", Grime continued.

"Come on, come on.", Sasha grunted a bit.

"He's earned my respect.", Grime finished, making everyone gasp again, but this time, in awe, even Percy.

"I have?", Percy asked.

"Y-Yes?", Grime replied.

Percy then sniffled and put on a brave face, really well, in fact.

"Captain Grime, sir, we're taking this tower back, even if we have to fight through 20 herons. Now come on, you toads. No one wants to live forever!", Percy shouted before the other toads then raised their weapons and marched outside to the front gates, cheering and whooping.

"Sasha, you clever devil.", Allison grinned.

"That's all well and good, but they might need help.", Pat responded.

"Then that's where we come in.", Sasha grinned.

"I'll go to the weaponry to get what we need.", Bombina said.

Meanwhile, the toads all bravely rushed out into battle with the two herons and orc riders.

"You will all be devoured, toads!", one orc shouted before Percy gulped.

"For Grime!", Percy shouted before the toads cheered and charged in only for one heron to destroy the barrels, missing the toads and another went toward Percy and Braddock.

"Prepare to die!", the orc sneered.

"Before we die, Braddock, I love you. I've always loved you.", Percy said, making Braddock gasp before slapping Percy and then pulling him into a kiss as the herons screeched while the orcs raised their maces only for Grime to call out.

"Up here, pheasants!", Grime shouted.

"Whoo-hoo!", Percy and Braddock whooped before, while Pat held the triplets, Grime, Bombina, Sasha, Allison, and Bombina all shouted and attacked the herons with Sasha and Grime kicking each orc down before Allison then struck the heron in the head with Bombina doing the same.

With that, after sliding back, the four knocked the herons back just as the triplets watched them before they roared, prompting the orcs to get back on the herons not to fight, but to retreat.

"This isn't over. The Day of Conquest will soon begin.", the orc said before the two flew off.

"Oh, man.", Allison said.

"Sorry we had to get turned into toads. I'll admit. I didn't know this would happen.", Sasha grinned.

"Are you kidding? This is so cool! Do you think our skin might be tough like that armor we're wearing? Are they really effective?", Allison asked.

"Ally, are you feeling all right?", Pat asked as he joined the others, still holding the triplets.

"Whoa.", the toads said in awe.

"Toads of Toad Tower, today was a great victory. If it weren't for your bravery, the fortress would be lost. You're all heroes!", Grime grinned.

"Did Grime...", the soldier started.

"Just call us...", Braddock continued.

"Heroes?", Percy finished.

Then, all the toads cheered.

"All right, troops, listen up.", Grime said.

"Sir, yes, sir!", the toads shouted.

"Okay. Wow. Um...Head down to the mess hall for some food and a round of beetle mead. You've earned it." Grime grinned.

"Sir, yes, sir!", the toads shouted before they marched away.

"Hup, hup, hup, hup!", one toad shouted.

"Unbelievable. This compliment stuff, let alone your metamorphosis into a toad like us is witchcraft.", Grime said.

"Uh-huh, yeah, okay. Anyways, we upheld our part of the deal.", Sasha said.

"Yeah. So, can you give us some rations and a map?", Allison asked.

"And maybe a cool cloak or two?", Pat asked.

"We just need those and we'll be on our way.", Sasha said before Grime drew his sword.

"Not so fast. I'm not sure about the triplets, but you three are far too dangerous and manipulative to be left to roam free.", Grime said.

"What?!", Allison glared.

"You warty little-", Sasha began.

"But we both know we can't stop you.", Grime said as he sheathed his sword back in.

"So, at this point, you three have two choices. You can go into the wilderness alone together, or you can stay here and help rebuild the tower.", Bombina offered.

"Perhaps even serve as my second-in-command and my top lieutenants, next to Bombina, of course. And when we're done here, you, us, and the entire garrison will march on the valley, restore order, and find your friends. Now, how does that sound?", Grime grinned.

"I think I can live with that.", Sasha grinned.

"Then come, Lieutenant. We have much to discuss.", Grime grinned as he walked out.

"Grime, wait up.", Bombina said as she ran to catch up.

"Captain Grime, Bombina. Bog has just returned from Wartwood and is waiting for you two in the briefing room.", the toad said as she pulled out her BFF photo of her, Anne and Marcy.

"Hold on for a little longer, girls. I'm coming for you. And when I find you, we're gonna get home. But first, I think we're gonna have some fun with this place.", Sasha grinned.

"Can't believe I'm saying this, but... I think I could have some fun, too. I wonder what else I can do as a toad anyway.", Allison grinned.

"Now, you're talking. So, what are we waiting for?", Pat asked, neither of the 6 knowing that the floating kitten was in the air.

"Rew? Mrew.", the little, floating kitten mewed before it then flew away toward the red crescent moon in the sky.

Play Mass Effect 3 Music: "Defeat"

Sometime later, at night, it arrived in the middle of nowhere with a lone sign reading "The Historic Wartwood Town Archives".

"Reewe?", the little floating kitten pondered before it then noticed that the door was broken off completely and then flew down the stairs to investigate before finding another broken door

"Meew?", the little kitten puzzled before then spotting an orc named Azog speaking while near a stair case leading downstairs.

"He is here, I sense his presence.", Azog said before he went down.

That was when the little floating kitten went down the stairs cautiously and then not only found itself at the forbidden area underground, but also found Azog, who raised his mace and spoke to an apparent statue, resembling someone clad in iron with metal spikes going straight up in one direction right before smashing the statue.

"Now, my lord, you are free.", Azog spoke before black smoke started to erupt from the hole of the broken model.

"Mewe!", the little kitten spoke in fright before it then teleported away before it could even be spotted.

Afterwards, the black smoke then began to form into the same shape of the staue with that smoke then erupting into a flame, the shadow in the middle now acting as a slit for the eye.

"At... last...", the Necromancer said, his awakening finally at hand.

End Mass Effect 3 Music: "Defeat" (0:50)

A/N: So, what'd you think? Pretty great, huh? In this story, Bombina is voiced by Cherami Leigh while Sasha's siblings are voiced by their respective voice actresses: Ashley Johnson as Allison, Alexis Tipton as Pat Waybright, Lindsay Seidel as Rebecca, Luci Christian as Abby, and Caitlin Glass as Sarah. Also, I figured since the orcs from "Coven of Rings and Darkness", I thought I should leave a surprise to get a glimpse of a certain Necromancer's role, if you know what I mean. :)