11. Chapter 11

A/N: And in this chapter, there is going to be some differences. For example, someone else will watch the grubhog in "Grubhog Day" while in "Hop Pop and Lock", the begining is a bit different as well as a bit of the ending as well. That's something to look forward to, huh? :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 11

Act I: Grubhog Day

One day, Wartwood was now having its own festival of sorts.

"Iced flies! Get your iced flies over here!", a merchant said.

"Carnie games? Fair food?", Anne said excitedly.

"I know! Why can't it be like this all the time?", Jackie grinned.

"Welcome to Grubhog Day, guys! It's the one day a year that no one works and the whole swamp cuts loose.", Polly introduced as a frog launched his tongue at the target, hitting a bulls-eye.

"Whoo-hoo!", the frog exclaimed before he wound up sucked toward it, worrying the carny in charge.

"It all leads up to a big ceremony where the grubhog pops out of his official stump!", Polly added.

"It predicts the weather, too, right?", Rose asked.

"How'd you know?", Polly gasped.

"Believe it or not, we've got the same thing in our world.", Anne explained.

"Grubhog, schmub hog. The best part of this holiday is the vomit-inducing, death-defying, unforgettable... rides!", Sprig shouted.

"That's what I'm talking about.", Anne shouted before they all laughed and decided to try them out only for Hop Pop to jump out of a bush.

"Not so fast, kids!", Hop Pop said.

"Hop Pop, wha-What are you doing hiding in the bushes?", Anne asked.

"Uh, I'm not quite sure myself, Anne. But never mind that. Great news! Ralphie Underbrook has the plague!", Hop Pop explained before Anne and Rose gasped.

"That's horrible!", Polly exclaimed.

"Oh, he'll be fine. But now, someone has to take care of the grubhog, and I volunteered you, Sprig.", Hop Pop said.

"What?", Sprig asked.

"This is a big deal. The last Plantar to do it botched the job so bad, we shunned him for life.", Hop Pop responded.

"Botched it?", Anne puzzled.

"What does that mean?", Rose puzzled.

"Let's just say he got hungry.", Polly responded.

"So, he ate it? Yuck!", Jackie responded in disgust.

"Isn't this exciting? You'll have to miss the fair, of course, but it's for a good cause. Come on, boy. Do it for the family. What do you say?", Hop Pop asked.

"Well... I, uh...", Sprig groaned as he gazed into his father's hopeful eyes.

Before he could answer, though, Jackie spoke up.

"Wait. How about I look after it?", Jackie offered.

"Why, Jackie, that's nice, but...", Hop Pop began.

"I wanna look after it, too.", Rose interrupted, surprising him even further, although, after a moment, Hop Pop spoke to the two.

"You two do realize that if you do, you won't be able to go on any rides for this year's Grubhog festival.", Hop Pop warned.

"Yes, I do.", Jackie responded.

"We don't really like rides, anyway. They make me motion sick.", Rose responded.

"Huh. Well, what do you know? Those girls, everyone! Those girls!", Hop Pop shouted before Sprig turned to Jackie and Rose, who gave happy winks to him.

Later, they were in the official tent of the Grubhog, which is shown to be in a cage.

"Oh! He's so cute. Like a little sock puppet!", Rose, already in a cute blue dress with a bonnet, cooed.

"Careful. It spits acid.", Hop Pop warned before the Grubhog oinked and spat acid.

"Ah!", Rose exclaimed before the acid then melted into the ground.

"Don't stare into the abyss, Rose. After all, it stares back.", Hop Pop warned.

"Okay.", Rose responded before Hop Pop turned.

"You got that costume on yet, girl?", Hop Pop asked before Jackie stepped forward, wearing a fancy suit with a top hat.

"So, what do you think?", Jackie asked.

"I'm so happy I lived to see this.", Hop Pop grinned before Jackie then got out a sort of scroll.

"Okay. Let's see what this says.", Jackie said before she opened it and read it aloud.

"'Congratulations, lucky child. Keep an eye on the grubhog, and don't pull a Plantar.' Dang. That's harsh.", Jackie said.

"Polly, let's go spread the good news. The Plantars are back, baby! And just remember. The family name is in your hands.", Hop Pop warned as he and Polly left the tent.

"In your haaaands.", Polly echoed.

Then, Sprig heard some cheering outside and looked outside to see the Spider Spinner ride with a gasp.

"Is that the Spider Spinner? I've heard it's the fastest ride ever made!", Sprig shouted before Rose only dry heaved with a gag while Jackie tensed up in fear.

However, that was when the triplets grew sad upon noticing how sad the grubhog looked as it oinked.

"Aw... It wooks so sad.", Lily said.

"Wet's help it.", Andy and Danny agreed.

"Hold on. I'm not sure that's a good idea.", Jackie only said in worry, making the triplets groan.

Then, Anne got an idea.

"Hey. What did that scroll say your one job was?", Anne asked.

"To keep an eye on the grubhog.", Rose responded.

"So, why not keep an eye on him as he's going with us?", Anne suggested.

"Really? You're a hopping genius, Anne!", Rose grinned.

"But are you sure it'd really work, Anne?", Jackie asked.

"As long as we're back here before the ceremony, what's the difference?", Anne asked.

"But what if Hop Pop sees us out there?", Sprig asked.

"He won't!", Anne assured.

"How do we know that for sure?", Jackie asked.

"Because we're going to hide him.", Rose responded.

"This plan is flawless!", Sprig shouted before he and the others ran out with Anne, Sprig, Rose, and the triplets laughing while Jackie grew nervous.

After that, they all had webby candy with Sprig, Rose, Jackie, and the triplets, who had little pieces of Jackie's, eating theirs while Anne's wound up eaten by the grubhog, making everyone laugh. The, at the Bumper cars, Jackie joined Anne and Sprig as it is more on the ground while Rose and the triplets stayed outside before Mrs. Croaker cackled as she zoomed past the three. They just laughed. However, at the merry-go-round, which Rose and the triplets are also on, Grubhog started to climb up the side of the merry-go-round.

"Oh, shoot.", Anne exclaimed.

"No, get back here.", Sprig urged.

Later after that, they were walking with the grubhog until they noticed Hop Pop and Polly walking forwards. This prompted the group to hide and quickly. Luckily, they found just the right one: a painting with 8 holes, all of which help them blend in nicely. Hop Pop and Polly passed said painting before the group sighed in relief.

After that, the group had their face painting. And while Anne had her face painted to resemble a tiger and Sprig had his painted to resemble some bruises, stitches, and a goatee, the rest of the group all had butterflies with Jackie's being blue, Rose's being red, and the triplets having yellow, green and purple colors while the grubhog's butterfly was pink.

Then, while Jackie and Rose stayed down on the ground with the triplets, Sprig and Anne rode it with the grubhog in the ride with them while having its front paws raised.

After that, the group were walking to the middle of the carnival.

"This is amazing!", Sprig shouted.

"Yeah. Not only are we having fun, but we're also doing Hop Pop proud!", Rose grinned.

"In my world, we'd call this a win-win.", Anne said to Sprig.

"Uh, we call it a win-win here too, Anne.", Sprig responded to Anne.

But then, he noticed a sort of roller coaster named the Snake shaker and gasped.

"Look!", Sprig shouted.

However, instantly, while Rose gagged, Jackie's case was far worse. She instantly flashed back to an apparent time when she was stuck at an extremely high height in a roller coaster. She was even upside down as she screamed in her flashback.

"Jackie! Are you okay?", Anne asked as she shook her before Jackie came back to reality.

"Huh? Anne? Oh. Yeah. Sorry about that.", Jackie apologized.

"It's cool.", Anne assured.

"What do you mean, Anne? She has got to try out this new ride.", Sprig urged as she grabbed her hand and drags her forward only for her to scream again and pull her hand away from his.

"Whoa. I can understand Rose not wanting to go because of her motion sickness, but what's up with you?", Sprig puzzled.

"Oh, right! I totally forgot to tell you this. Sprig, Jackie is deathly afraid of roller coasters because one time she rode on it, she got stuck up there for 12 hours straight at the highest height possible, all while upside down!", Anne explained.

"Whoa. That happened?", Sprig asked.

"Yeah. And she's been very scared of them ever since.", Rose responded as Anne calmed Jackie down again, only without the shaking this time.

"Aw, man... I... I had no idea. I'm sorry.", Sprig said, starting to feel guilty.

"It's okay, dude. You just didn't know until now.", Anne assured.

"And, uh..., now you know.", Jackie said, calming down once more.

"Huh. So, I guess it's just you and me, Anne.", Sprig said.

"Well, us and the grubhog.", Anne grinned.

"Just please be careful with it.", Jackie requested.

"We will.", Sprig assured.

"Let's do it.", Anne responded.

With that, Anne and Sprig got on with the grubhog in tow. It was fine as it went up to the top slowly and stopped for a moment, allowing Sprig to put on his goggles, but as soon as the coaster went down and then went left and right, it bumped into a stray nail, knocking the Grubhog off it, much to Jackie and Rose's horror as well as Anne and Sprig's as they gasped while Rose exclaimed.

"Hog overboard!", Sprig shouted.

"No, look! We can pick him up when we come back around. Ha-ha!", Anne assured.

"It's gonna be okay!", both shouted before the coaster circled around back.

But when it did, Rose started to go for the coaster.

"Rose, what are you doing?", Jackie asked.

"Saving that grubhog!", Rose shouted as she got to the other side of the coaster and ran up the track.

"There he is!", Anne said before Rose quickly ducked and grabbed the Grubhog before cradling it in her arms.

"Phew! I got you. Are you okay?", Rose asked as she brushed the grubhog's forehead while it oinked.

"Phew. That was a close call, Rose.", Jackie grinned.

"Yeah. But we'll take good care of you until the ceremony is over.", Rose grinned.

But it wasn't to last. Suddenly, a huge bird swooped down and grabbed the grubhog with a screech.

After a moment, it wasn't until Anne and Sprig's coaster stopped and the latch opened that Rose let out a loud, shrill scream of horror, echoing all over the carnival.

"Whoa, Rose. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Maybe we can go into the woods and find a new grubhog?", Anne assured.

"How?! The ceremony starts in five minutes!", Jackie exclaimed as the bell clanged when the dial reached XI on the clock.

"It's over! We're doomed! There's no way we can get a new Grubhog in time!", Rose sobbed as the triplets cried as well.

"There's gotta be something we can do. Think!", Anne urged.

"Socks, buttons. Don't know why you'd want them but we got 'em!", the salesman said.

"There we go.", Anne said before before she purchased materials and made a sock puppet grubhog for Rose to wear, calming her down to the point of sniffling as the triplets started calming down as well, even smiling at the sight of it.

"Huh?", Rose puzzled.

"Presenting... one grubhog!", Anne introduced before squealing and snorting with a grin, making her and the triplets giggle.

"Funny.", the triplets grinned.

"Hmm, I don't know.", Sprig said.

"He's right. There's no way this is gonna work.", Jackie said.

"No, I mean... he's a friendly little guy. Maybe...we can actually pull this off.", Sprig said.

"So, it just has to pop out of the stump, right?", Rose asked as she put the puppet on.

"And predict the weather, yeah.", Sprig responded.

"We totally got this!", Anne grinned before the bell rang.

"The Grubhog Ceremony will begin presently.", the announcer said.

"Okay. I still say it's a bad idea, but we're out of time.", Jackie said.

"I'll take it.", Rose agreed.

"Let's do this thing.", Anne, Sprig, Jackie, and Rose said in unison as they fist bumped before an eye popped off the puppet.

"I can fix that.", Anne assured.

Later, the ceremony was getting started as Jackie and the triplets stepped up on stage.

"Ahem! Frogs, friends. Welcome to the annual Grubhog Celebration!", Jackie announced.

"Dang right!", one frog shouted.

"Yeah!", another exclaimed.

"Whoo-hoo!", another whooped.

"Now, now, wait. Simmer down, simmer down. I-I now hand it over to the next town scandal just waiting to happen. Jackie, Andy, Danny, and Lily Boonchuy!", Toadstool announced before the crowd grumbled.

"Hello. Welcome, fellow frogs. It is our honor to present the one, the only grubhog!", Jackie announced before Rose, hidden inside the stump, poked the sock grubhog out of the opening before sniffing and snorting, earning the cheering and applause.

"Does the, uh, grubhog look a little bit off to you?", the first villager asked, making Jackie wince in fear.

"Uh, they probably changed its diet.", the 2nd explained.

"That's what it is.", the first agreed, relieving Jackie as she sighed.

"I can't believe it! We're pulling this off!", Jackie grinned.

"Good, because it's getting hot in here.", Rose panted.

"Cute and cuddly. He's here. And now, the ceremonial feeding and cleaning of the grubhog!", Toadstool said before the crowd applauded with Jackie feeding the "grubhog", which ate a piece of white carrot before spitting it out as Jackie ducked.

"Whoa.", Jackie said before Hop Pop laughed.

"That's grubhog's got some sass in him.", Hop Pop said with a chuckle.

"What do you think you're doing?", Jackie whispered.

"Selling it. At least I think I am.", Rose whispered back before ragtime music started playing at which point, Jackie started cleaning it, at which point, Rose then grabbed the brush and then smacked Jackie with it.

"Ah! Hey...!", Jackie groaned before the triplets started laughing as did the audience, one of which wound up croaking.

"Oh, crud.", the villager said.

Then, Jackie decided to play along.

"All right, you little grubhog. Put up your dukes. Come on.", Jackie said before taking a swing only to miss Rose's hand before she then grabbed Jackie's shirt by the back and made her fall flat on her stomach, making the crowd gasp before they then cheered.

"Well done, my girls. Well done. I must say this is the best ceremony we've ever had. Consider the Plantar name restored in full!", Toadstool grinned before everyone cheered.

"And now, the moment we've all been waiting for. It's time to cut open the grubhog!", Toadstool announced as he got out his sickle.

"What?!", Rose exclaimed before her hand got grabbed by Toadstool.

"Now remember, spots in the liver means?", Toadstool asked.

"Two more weeks of winter!", the crowd

"Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut!", the crowd chanted.

"I love this part!", Polly grinned.

"Wait, you guys read its guts?", Jackie asked.

"I thought you had the same tradition back home!", Sprig responded.

"It was different!", Jackie retorted.

"Cut, cut, cut!", the crowd chanted before Sprig, Jackie, and Rose screamed before Jackie stopped Toadstool by grabbing his arm.

"No!", Jackie shouted.

"Uh- What's gotten into you, girl? Has the grubhog taken over your mind?", Toadstool asked.

"Jackie says, 'no.'", Andy said.

"The twuth is... The twuth is we wet the gwubhog go!", Lily said, making the crowd gasp.

"Leaping lily pads! What?", Toadstool asked.

"Lily, you didn't have to do that...", Jackie said in disbelief.

"Yes, we did...", Lily responded.

"We wet the gwubhog go cebause... it was sad.", Andy explained.

"So, we twied to set it fwee so it could be happy.", Danny added before the crowd gave cute "aw's" with touched emotions.

"But then, just 5 minutes before the festival, we lost it, and to a stinking buzzard...! So, we had to try and cover it up...", Jackie said as she kicked the stump, which collapsed and revealed Rose sitting inside with everyone gasping.

"Hi, everyone...", Rose sighed.

"Jackie, I don't understand. I-I thought you said fixing the family name was important to you.", Hop Pop said.

"Not exactly, but I knew it was important to you. So, I had to help play along. That, and we wanted to stay away from the rides.", Jackie responded.

"Fellas, I owe you an apology.", Hop Pop said.

"Wha?", Jackie puzzled.

"But why?", Rose asked.

"I put way too much on your shoulders. I should've just let you have fun at the fair. Without going on any rides, of course.", Hop Pop said.

"Well, what do you think?", the first villager asked.

"I think those triplets were just trying to do what was right and free the little critter. Besides, they didn't really understand tradition.", the second villager responded.

"Yeah, that's what I thought.", the first villager agreed before the rest of the crowd murmured in agreement.

But Toadstool sure didn't.

"Well, triplets, you've ruined everything, surprising absolutely no one. I knew these goofy kid would mess things up somehow.", Toadstool scolded, making the triplets start to cry.

"Oh, you shouldn't have done that, Toadstool.", Jackie glared.

"Yeah, you make fun of me all you want, but you leave them out of this.", Hop Pop added.

"They're just kids!", Rose added.

"Wake up, people! Kids or not, the night is ruined! We've got no grubhog. All we got is a puppet that everyone seemed to love!", Toadstool said before the triplets started crying loudly.

Then, all of a sudden Anne gasped as she somehow sensed that they were crying and glared angrily before a blue mark suddenly appeared across her right arm before the glow faded, the mark still present. When it did, Anne then dashed toward the commotion in a faster speed than normal.

At that moment, the crowd turned and noticed Anne careening toward Toadstool.

"What is that?", one of the crowd asked.

"Take cover!", another shouted before the whole crowd ducked as instructed.

"Now, what in blazes...", Toadstool began.

"YOU MADE THEM CRYYYYYYYYYY!", Anne shouted as she lunged at Toadstool while her eyes briefly flashed blue.

"What the...?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", Toadstool exclaimed before Anne pummeled him senseless amidst the apparent smoke.

By the time it cleared, though, the mark had disappeared completely and Anne was now holding and comforting the triplets.

"Shhh. It's okay, guys. It's okay. Your big sister's here.", Anne assured.

"Hey, you heard her. He made those poor triplets cry.", the villager said.

"And after what they said about letting it go free? Some mayor! Sounds like a horrible, horrible, horrible person!", the other villager exclaimed as the rest of the crowd growled angrily at Toadstool.

"Uh... easy, now. Let's not do somethin' we're gonna regret.", Toadstool warned angrily.

"Too late for you.", the villager said before he and the others then started chasing after Toadstool, who ran away and ran out of the village in fright of what they could do; even leaving the valley altogether.

"Well, that takes care of that. But what about the Grubhog problem?", Jackie asked.

"Well, I think I might have an idea.", Rose grinned.

Later, Rose and Jackie were doing a sort of puppet show.

"Get those grubhogs!", Jackie said in a slightly mean voice.

"You won't make any leather coats out of us!", Rose added before Anne then showed the title card.

"101 Grubhogs. And, cue the applause.", Anne grinned before it showed the crowd chanting as Hop Pop looked on.

"Puppets! Puppets! Puppets!", the crowd chanted.

"Ten shows nightly. They can't get enough. Rose, this puppet show is a great idea. You redeemed the family name after all. I'm proud of you. All of you. That whole killing-the-grubhog stuff has always been pretty severe.", Hop Pop admitted.

"Not to me!", Polly responded.

"GET OUT!", Rose exclaimed, scaring Polly.

"Aah! Okay, okay. I was just kidding around, Rose. Geez. Or am I...?", Polly asked as Jackie then stepped out from the curtains.

"And now, the moment y'all been waiting for. Let the show begin!", Jackie annoucned before the crowd applauded.

"To the VIP seats!", Polly shouted as she and Hop Pop went over to them.

"I have to say, I almost peed myself when they were gonna cut off my arm.", Rose admitted.

"Yeah, they almost did. Too bad about that grubhog though. I hope he's in a better place.", Jackie sighed.

Unbeknownst to them, the grubhog was actually shown riding on top of the giant bird and communicating through squawks and grunts.

"Thank you for saving me, loyal subject.", the Grubhog oinked.

"Think nothing of it, Lord. I have not forgotten the aid you gave my people. To where do we fly?", the bird squawked.

"To war, old friend. To war.", the Grubhog grunted in ominous reply.

Act II: Hop, Pop, and Lock

One day, the Boonchuys and Plantars were working at the market.

"Jackie, I still can't thank you enough for everything you've done to help preserve this stand's place.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Yeah, and all it took was an actual potion that can boost one's health supernaturally.", Sprig added.

"Of course, it really was made by Ichabod, who turned you into a...", Poly began before Jackie shushed her.

"I'd rather not think about that right now, Polly.", Jackie responded.

"Well, regardless, it's still here thanks to you.", Hop Pop stated.

Then, a customer walked up to Hop Pop as he was putting things in shelves.

"Ah, hello, there. You interested in an eggplant?", Hop Pop asked as he turned around before seeing for himself a very surprising sight.

What was in front of him is an old frog with pink nails and lime green skin with orange cheeks and pink lipstick on her mouth. She wears a pink dress with a small pink flower pinned on her chest. She also wears large, oval rimmed blue glasses and has her white hair tied back into a ponytail.

"Hoppy!", the old frog gasped in awe.

"Wha- Sylvia!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Hoppy?", Anne asked.

"You two know each other?", Jackie asked.

"Come here, you sweet potato.", Sylvia said as she hugged him.

"Uh...I thought you had moved away.", Hop Pop puzzled.

"Yep, but I'm back in town. Now, let's take a look at your veggies.", Sylvia grinned.

Hop Pop stammered with a blush.

"Is it me, or does Hop Pop have a crush on her?", Jackie guessed before Sylvia picked up a sort of weird pumpkin shaped like a face.

"Oh, I'll take this one. I've always had a soft spot for the weird ones.", Sylvia grinned.

This made Hop Pop stammer with a bashful blush again.

"Well, I better be going. Goodbye, Hoppy.", Sylvia said as she paid Hop Pop and hugged him again.

"Goodbye, Sylvia.", Hop Pop stammered before sighing as she left.

"Hop Pop, you lucky son of a gun!", Jackie exclaimed happily.

"Huh?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"What's happening?", Sprig puzzled.

"What's going on?", Polly added.

"I think Hop Pop loves her.", Rose responded.

"What?", Sprig asked in surprise.

"I didn't think that was possible.", Polly added.

"Am not! Okay, maybe a little.", Hop Pop admitted bashfully.

"You know what? Maybe you should tell her how you feel.", Jackie grinned before Hop Pop sighed.

"I wish I could. But you saw how I was back there. I have trouble even putting sentences together. I wish there was another way to let Sylvia know how I feel.", Hop Pop said.

But it was right then that he noticed something being erected onto a board.

"Hmm. Kids, watch the stand for a second.", Hop Pop said as he went to investigate.

Sure enough, Toadie was hammering up a sign regarding tonight's special event.

"Dance Fever! With family fun, shenanigans! Romance! Tonight from 6:00 p.m. till...Hmmmmm?", Toadie announced before he then hopped off the ladder as Hop Pop put his finger on his chin and got an idea before turning to notice Sylvia nearby with Felicia.

"Been a long time since I've danced with someone. Might be nice to feel the embrace of a man.", Sylvia grinned.

"Mom.", Felicia said before Hop Pop stammered a bit, attracting the attention of another frog, who poked him from behind a few times before Hop Pop turned and saw him poking his finger at his cheek.

"Ha-ha! Classic, gullible Hopadiah!", a condescending frog spoke up.

"Oh. Hey, Monroe.", Hop Pop sighed with a glare.

"Who is that?", Rose asked.

"That's Monroe. He and Hop Pop have been rivals forever.", Sprig explained.

"Monroe wins at pretty much everything. Lawn bowling, shuffleboard, other old man activities.", Polly added.

"Yeesh.", Jackie winced.

"You're not seriously thinking of going to this thing, are you? Wouldn't want to embarrass yourself like last year's barn dance fiasco. See you around, old-timer.", Monroe laughed.

"Oh, we'll see about that, Monroe. We'll see.", Hop Pop glared.

Later, back at the Plantar home, Hop Pop checked to make sure no one saw him before closing the door. Then, he grabbed a book about dancing entitled, "So, You Think You Can't Dance: A Beginner's Guide".

"Can't dance, huh? We'll see about that.", Hop Pop said before opening the book to the first lesson.

"Looks easy enough. Sorry, Sylvia. And a-one, and a-two and-", Hop Pop began as he picked up a mop and tried dancing with it as if it was Sylvia only for it to break and send him launching toward the bookshelf, one book of which had the disturbing title, "Dying Alone" on top of him before he got up, sighing in despair.

"Looks like it's hopeless.", Hop Pop sighed.

Then, all of a sudden, he heard some bass pounding.

"What in tarnation?", Hop Pop puzzled.

When he went down to investigate, he saw Jackie and Anne dancing with each other as the triplets watched in awe while Rose played pretend DJ.

"W-W-W-W-Work it!", Rose shouted.

"Anne and Jackie can dance?", Hop Pop asked in astonishment before the two looked up and saw Hop Pop in alarm before hurriedly pausing the song.

"Hop Pop, what are you doing here?", Jackie asked.

"Fellas, I need your help.", Hop Pop explained.

"What?", Anne puzzled.

Later, he showed the Boonchuys the Dance Fever poster.

"That's why I'm begging you. Teach me your ways! I can't tell Sylvia how I feel, but maybe I can show her by dancing with her.", Hop Pop explained.

"Huh. Never figured you for a hopeless romantic, Hop Pop. Let's do this thing.", Anne grinned.

"Hey, um, think we could keep this just between us?", Hop Pop asked.

"You got it, HP. Our lips are sealed.", Anne assured.

"Unless, of course, someone decided to spill the beans. And usually, that someone is...", Jackie began before later, Anne and Jackie are in their workout gear.

"Rose! What happened to the zipped lips?", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Sorry, Hop Pop. I couldn't help it. You might need some more help, anyway.", Rose esplained.

"Whoo! Dance it up, Hop Pop!", Sprig shouted.

"Shake that booty!", Polly added.

"When we're done with you, you and Sylvia will be locking lips by the end of the night.", Anne grinned before Sprig groaned.

"Oh, come on!", Polly complained.

"It's for a good cause, Polly.", Rose responded before she started up a song on the training montage playlist.

"Lesson one. Footwork.", Anne said before starting to show some of her moves as Rose followed along.

Hop Pop tried to replicate, but instead, he tripped and fell onto an ant hill. But this ant hill didn't have ordinary ants. Those ants are fire ants!

"It burns! It burns!", Hop Pop screamed as Sprig then splashed a bucket of water on him as Rose tried to hold in her giggles, only barely letting out snickers.

"Lesson two. Rhythm.", Anne said as she tapped her foot to the ground rhythmically, doing the same thing with a bucket as well.

Hop Pop, however, tapped off-beat, even whacking his foot with a hammer.

"Ow!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Ooh! That's gonna sting.", Jackie winced with a sharp inhale.

"Lesson three. Freestyle. Freestyle is expressing yourself in your own unique way.", Anne added as she then did her own freestyle dance with Jackie going up next, then Sprig, Rose, and Polly in that order as the triplets looked on with a grin.

"Huh?", Polly puzzled as Hop Pop acted like a fish out of water before doing some ballerina and then a sort of bird as he cawed, which caused the triplets to laugh while the rest looked on in horror.

"Ta-da! Whoo! I gotta say, that's the first lesson I actually felt good-", Hop Pop began before Anne squished Hop Pop by the cheeks and lifted them up.

"Hop Pop, if you wanna win over Sylvia...Never do freestyle again!", Anne scolded.

Later, Anne and Rose trained Hop Pop to dance better as Jackie supervised both the training and the triplets eagerly watching. Time passed until sunset, but by the, he was ready.

Sylvia I'm gonna win your heart Babe

When you see my froggy booty On the dance floor

Sylvia, you're tugging At my heartstrings

"Here we go.", Hop Pop said as he finished his dance.

Taking it out On the dance floor, babe

"Whoa! Yeah, Hop Pop!", Sprig cheered.

"That was awesome!", Rose shouted.

"Miracles happen!", Polly added.

"Nice work, Hop Pop. Or maybe I should call you 'Hip Pop?'", Anne responded.

"That reference means nothing to me.", Hop Pop responded.

"Guys, there's only ten minutes till the dance. Come on!", Sprig urged.

"Oh, that's right! We totally forgot!", Jackie realized.

"We gotta go!", Anne urged as she and the others ran.

Later, at the dance, everyone was having a great time. In fact, Mrs. Croaker already drank 3 glasses of punch.

"I gotta say, as long as you're not being forced to date someone, dances ain't half bad.", Sprig grinned.

"Mm-hmm.", Rose nodded.

"Next time you and Ivy go out, it'll be on your terms.", Jackie responded.

But Hop Pop, however, has cold feet as he gulped nervously upon noticing Sylvia.

"She's here! I feel like I'm gonna faint. Can frogs faint? I don't know anything anymore!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Geez, Hop Pop! Pull yourself together.", Jackie said.

"Yeah! You're the king of this dance floor! You walk right up to that lady and ask her to dance.", Rose added.

"Hmm! I got this.", Hop Pop said, determinedly.

"Get it!", Anne said as Hop Pop went over to Sylvia and cleared his throat.

"S-S-Sylvia? Uh...", Hop Pop began only for Monroe to speak up, stopping him before he could start to ask.

"Sylvia Sundew! Would you do me the honor of this dance?", Monroe asked.

"What?", Anne asked in shock while Sprig and Polly gasped.

"That two-timing jerk!", Rose shouted.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, Rose.", Jackie agreed with a glare.

"Why, Monroe. I'd be delighted.", Sylvia responded.

Hop Pop gasped and quickly went on ahead.

"Sylvia! Dance with me instead!", Hop Pop shouted.

"Well, Hopadiah.", Sylvia said, surprised with the gesture.

"Him? Ha! He can't dance.", Monroe only jeered.

"I can dance better than you. I've been trained by the best, and I'm gonna take you down!", Hop Pop smirked.

"Is that so? Then let's settle this.", Monroe smirked before the crowd applauded while Anne, Jackie, Rose, Sprig, and Polly gasped.

"The drama.", Sprig said.

"Come on, guys. Hop Pop's gonna need backup.", Anne said before she drank the glass and tossed it aside.

"I'll go, too.", Rose said.

"Not me. I'm just gonna stay here and see how this goes with the triplets.", Jackie responded as she then popped a squat near the triplets before Monroe and Hop Pop started having a staredown.

"Look over there.", one villager said.

"What's going on?", another puzzled.

"Hopadiah?", the woman puzzled.

"It's a standoff.", a man responded before Anne, Polly, Sprig, and Rose slid just behind him and snapped their fingers.

"Oh! What's this? It appears two stallions have taken to the floor and are about to battle it out!", Toadstool said before the rhythm built up.

"Slick. Here we go. Look out. Ha!", Hop Pop said as he then performed a decent dance routine.

"You know, that wasn't half bad.", one villager said.

"Technically proficient.", another added before Anne, Sprig, Polly, Rose, and Jackie cheered.

"A solid effort by Hopadiah Plantar! But how will Monroe respond?", Toadstool said before Monroe chuckled and then started dancing a sort of ballet dance in tune with a slightly faster version of Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, worrying the group as they gasped.

"Oh, no.", Anne said worriedly.

"Hold tight, now. Watch me now.", Monroe said as he then suddenly started dancing for real as the song suddenly took a sort of beat to it, performing an excellent dance routine, earning a loud cheer from the crowd.

"Well, looks like that's it for Hopadiah. Unless he has something special or unique to show.", Toadstool said.

"Wait. Something unique?", Jackie puzzled.

"Well, we did our best. And isn't that what counts?", Sprig asked.

"What kinda loser talk is that?", Polly shouted.

"That 'loser talk' is a sign of good sportsmanship!", Rose retorted.

"I honestly don't know what to do. Monroe's just a better dancer.", Anne sighed.

However, Hop Pop knew there was only one other option.

"Well, then I guess I'll just have to express myself in my own unique way.", Hop Pop said as he then walked over to Sylvia.

"Wait, you don't think he's gonna...", Sprig began before Anne gasped, realizing what he's about to do.

"Oh, no. Hop Pop! Hop Pop!", Anne shouted.

But it was too late. Hop Pop was already near Sylvia.

"Sylvia, I don't think I'll ever be able to tell you how I feel about you. But I can show you. Hit it, boys!", Hop Pop shouted.

"Uh, yeah. We've been hitting it, but okay.", a band player responded before doing so with the other players.

Then, Hop Pop began doing freestyle, almost immediately making the dancers gasp.

"Unbelievable! I ain't never seen moves like those. It's horrifying.", Toadstool exclaimed.

As if it weren't bad enough, at one point, he even got out a jar of fire ants and then danced so fast in pain that he rushed over to the punch bowl and then grabbed it before splashing it over himself with a scream.

"Ta-da!", Hop Pop exclaimed before everyone gasped in horror.

"Is it safe to look yet?", Anne asked, her face covered as well as Sprig's, Polly's, and Rose's.

"No idea.", Sprig replied.

"Couldn't tell you.", Polly added.

"How would I know right now?", Rose asked before Jackie looked toward Sylvia.

Right away, she could tell that something was different about her. Sure, she was surprised like the others, but there was a hint about her that only she seemed to recognize.

"Sylvia... Do you really...?", Jackie said to herself.

"Oho, yikes. Well, I think it's clear who the winner is.", Monroe said before the villagers agreed.

"It's Monroe.", one villager said.

"Not even close.", another agreed.

"Monroe does it again!", the 3rd stated.

"Come along, Sylvia. No need to waste time with losers.", Monroe said before Hop Pop, Anne, Sprig, Polly, and Rose all sighed dejectedly with the Plantar then making his way home in shame, that is, until a loud croaking sound was heard, making the villagers gasp and turn to notice that it was Jackie who croaked.

"Hold it right there!", Jackie exclaimed before then deflating her chin back to normal.

"Hopadiah Plantar is not a loser! What he is is an honest frog just looking out for his family. He has done so much for me, Anne, Sprig, and Polly, not to mention Rose and the triplets! He is a shining example of moral character. That's why Sylvia should be with him. And if you can't see that, Monroe, then she can just tell you that herself. Or better yet, show you!", Jackie exclaimed, making Sylvia gasp before turning to her.

"Go get her, tiger.", Jackie grinned with a wink.

Then, Sylvia beamed like a chesire cat.

"Oh, Hopadiah!", Sylvia called before she then started doing freestyle as well, much to everyone's shock.

"Say whaaaaa?", Jackie puzzled.

"Wha-She's as freaky as he is! The horror!", Monroe exclaimed as he shielded his eyes and ran away.

After that, Hop Pop beamed the way she did and joined her as well, much to the disgust of everyone, even Jackie (well, almost everybody as the triplets enjoyed how silly they looked to them).

"This is not for children's eyes!", the woman shouted, covering her child's eyes.

"Okay. This is definitely not what I meant!", Jackie exclaimed, covering her eyes.

"Why? Why?", Anne groaned.

"Okay! That's enough of that. Pack it up. Dance is over! Everyone go home!", Toadstool urged before everyone else left as Hop Pop and Sylvia stopped dancing, panted and laughed.

"I don't get it. Why?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"I have a soft spot for the weird ones, remember?", Sylvia grinned.

"I have a weird pet back at home. If you want to stay..., want to see it?", Rose asked.

"Gee, darling. I'd love to.", Sylvia grinned, making her giggle.

"By the way, I heard you don't like pets. Why is that?", Sylvia asked.

This made Hop Pop stammer.

"Uh, actually, it's wild animals as pets I don't like. But since her pet is technically a vegetable in spite of being alive, this is the exception. Wait until you see the thing.", HOp Pop explained with a giggle before sighing.

"Ah, shame the dance is over. I could dance for hours with you.", Hop Pop wished before Sprig started playing smooth violin.

"Ahem, may I have this dance, Sylvia Sundew?", Hop Pop asked.

"Why, yes you may, Hopadiah Plantar.", Sylvia asked before the two then started having their slow dance.

After that, Polly went over to Anne as Rose went over to Jackie.

"Huh. I guess the mission is a success after all. Even if there was a spectacular failure.", Jackie grinned.

"May I have this dance, madame?", Polly asked to Anne.

"Oh, and me, too, Jackie?", Rose asked.

"I thought you'd never ask.", Jackie grinned.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, J.", Anne responded before everyone did a slow dance as the triplets watched.