12. Chapter 12

A/N: In this episode, Jackie and Rose make their own faction for Love Choice based on their own OC. Also, Jackie would be the one to go up against the mayor. I'm sure you can guess what happens. And since I got some backlash for the last edit with the outcome, I edited it back to closely follow the original script of the episode, but a little bit better. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 12

Act I: Civil Wart

One night, everyone was getting ready for Theater night.

"Ah, Theater night. The one night a month we come together, watch our stories, and forget all our horrible, horrible troubles.", Hop Pop said before everyone sighed.

"Now who wants popcorn?", Hop Pop asked as he got out two bags.

"Oh, me, me!", Anne exclaimed.

"I do!", Polly shouted.

"Me, too!", Rose shouted.

"Me, three!", Jackie added.

"Us fouw, five, and six.", the triplets added.

At the seats, there were 2 frogs fighting each other over who gets the seat.

"My seat!", the two frogs exclaimed while a few tadpoles named Lavender, Ginger, and Rosemary hopped up eagerly, chanting.

"Theater night, theater night, theater night!", the three tadpoles shouted as Soggy Joe got out a bag of popcorn from his beard and ate some while the Plantars and Boonchuys arrive for their seat.

"Oh! Right in the middle! Dibs!", Sprig shouted.

"That seat is mine!", Polly exclaimed as she leapt up.

"Not if I get there first.", Sprig discouraged as he took off after her.

"Oh!", Polly whooped only to gasp upon noticing that Sprig had beaten her to it thanks to his hop.

"Boom!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"No fair. You have appendages.", Polly complained.

Just then, Hop Pop wagged his finger as he walked over to Sprig and Polly.

"Tut-tut. Sprig, give Polly the seat.", Hop Pop requested, making Polly gasp.

"Say what? Come on, Hop Pop. I got here first.", Sprig groaned before crossing his arms with a grunt of contempt not toward Hop Pop, but towards what he considers unfair.

"That's what older brothers do, Sprig. They look out for their little sisters. Now, move that rump over to that stump.", Hop Pop said, pointing toward the bad stump, making Sprig gasp.

With that, Polly winked at Sprig, who glared at her and then went to the bad stump to sit on it only for it to go squish and flat.

"Bummer, dude.", Anne said before Sprig sighed and vented his frustrations.

"It's just not fair. Just because she's a little younger, she always gets special treatment.", Sprig groaned.

"Yeah, man. We know how you feel. That happened with the triplets some time ago.", Jackie said.

"But they're just so cute. They're really great when you get to know them.", Rose added.

"Yeah. So, suck it up, Sprig.", Anne added, making Sprig growl.

"All right, now. Everybody settle down. I have some bad news. The acting troupe had to cancel on account of...well, being eaten on the way here.", Toadstool explained before everyone booed.

"We need our stories!", Mrs. Croaker exclaimed.

"Hold up, everyone. I have something that might work. It's called a 'movie.' It's like a play, but totally better.", Anne explained before the crowd murmured.

"A moovie.", a villager said.

A moment later, Anne propped her phone against her shoe onstage while a frog placed a giant glass panel in front to magnify the screen.

"Thanks, Chad, local glass artisan.", Anne grinned.

"Yep.", Chad responded before leaving.

"Okay, everyone. Tonight, we're going to be showing the timeless classic, Love Choice.", Jackie said before she pressed the button.

Unfortunately, the movie doesn't start.

"Dang it. I didn't press it all the way.", Jackie groaned before she pressed it again, only this time it works.

"Ah. That's better.", Jackie said before moving away.

"In the not so distant future, three grounded yet supernatural teens must navigate their feelings if they hope to survive.", the narrator said.

"Wait, how could they be both grounded and supernatural?", Hop Pop puzzled before Jackie shushed him.

"We'll talk more later.", Jackie assured with a whisper.

"Oh, Hunter. I know that together we'll make it through this nightmare.", a woman named Constance assured,

Hunter: Constance, my cybernetic abs belong to you and you alone.", Hunter said before lifting up said shirt to show his techno-colored 6-pack.

This scene astonished the crowd as they watched in awe.

"Hmm, Polly likey.", Polly grinned.

Then, it went to a different scene later.

"I know I said I liked Hunter, but I can't help but be drawn to you as well, Alastair.", Constance responded as Alastair licked at her tear.

"May I sing you the traditional song of my people?", Alastair asked before shrieking a sort of majestic song.

"I like this Alastair. He's ethereal, yet approachable.", Sprig grinned.

Then, it went to the last scene of the movie.

"It is now time for me to make my love choice. I choose... I choose...", Constance began.

But before she could make a decision, an apparent vulture screeched and grabbed her before carrying her off as she screamed.

"Constance!", Hunter shouted before taking off after her while Alastair played his flute and hopped onto his fellow deer.

"We must go after her!", Alastair urged.

"I'll save you, Constance!", the two shouted together before the movie apparently ended with the three words...

"To be continued...", the narrator said before the audience gasped.

"What? That was the end?", Croaker asked.

"Who did she pick? I'm so frustrated right now!", Wally exclaimed.

"Believe me, guys. Been there. They are making a sequel, Love Choice 2, but it's not out yet.", Anne assured.

"I'll tell you who she picks! Hunter! He's a beefcake.", Polly said.

"But what if there's a new character at play?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah. Like Zakariah the Good Wizard and warrior of peace.", Rose added.

"What? She should pick Alastair. He's a thinker. A dreamer.", Sprig grinned before the crowd clamored in arguement.

"Listen up! I don't even want to live in a town with someone who likes Alastair.", Polly stated before Sprig walked up to her.

"Well, I don't want to live in a town with someone who likes Hunter.", Sprig retorted angrily.

"That does it! Everybody who chooses Hunter, get behind me!", Polly exclaimed.

"Yeah!", Wally exclaimed.

"He looks strong.", Toadie added.

"He's so attractive.", Felicia added.

"Well, anyone who likes Alastair can get behind me!", Rose exclaimed before Mrs. Croaker and another village along with the rest of Wartwood, evened the odds and joined Sprig.

"Alastair's my man!", a villager said.

"Definitely Alastair.", another added.

"Excuse me, pardon me.", Hop Pop said as he walked over to Sprig, although not without having to squeeze some people away to make room, especially Sadie..

"Hey!", Sadie exclaimed.

"Sprig, just let Polly win this one, before things get even worse.", Hop Pop warned.

But that was the last straw for Sprig.

"Sorry, Hop Pop. But I've had it with this pollywog and her special treatment. We ain't backing down!", Sprig refused.

"This means war!", Polly shouted before the two crowds shouted indistinctly and all exited.

"I have a bad feeling about this.", Anne said in worry.

"Eh, I'm sure by morning clearer heads will prevail.", Hop Pop said.

"And if they don't...?", Rose asked, making Hop Pop gulp nervously.

"Frog help us all...", Hop Pop shuddered.

"Well, in case they don't, we're going to make our own team. Only it won't be for superiority.", Jackie assured.

The next day, as Rose predicted, the town is split in thirds, with roofs of buildings painted red or purple for Hunter or Alastair, although there is also another area of town painted light blue with Jackie, Rose, Lily, and Anne cosplaying as a sort of wizard while Hop Pop, Andy, and Danny are dressed up like warlocks.

"I don't believe this. The town is split right down the middle.", Anne said.

"Yeah, except for our side.", Rose added.

"Then, wouldn't it be in thirds?", Jackie asked before it then showed everyone on Sprig's side, which were wearing jackets and twigs as horns, chanting.

"Hail Alastair! Hail Alastair!", one crowd chanted before Sprig glared toward Polly.

Then, it showed everyone else on Polly's side, which were now wearing lumberjack clothes with a cybernetic part for the right side of the head, chanting as well.

"Hail Hunter! Hail Hunter!", the other crowd chanted before Polly glared toward Sprig.

"This is just like an Internet message board...but IRL.", Anne said in fear.

"Were things on this 'Internet' resolved in peaceful and civilized ways?", Hop Pop asked.

"See for yourself.", Rose responded, pointing toward the damage done.

"Oh, gosh. I forgot my house is over in Alastairtown.", the Hunter frog said as he walked over to the line.

But the moment he did, the frogs from Sprig's side started attacking him.

"Take that, you stinking Hunterite.", an Alastair frog said before it then showed Wally defaceing a wall labeling, "Hunter Rulez" before then showing another "Hunterite" tossing a brick through the window to break in and come back out with more bricks as the store he just robbed was actually a brick store.

"If we don't do something fast, this whole town is going to tear itself apart.", Rose said.

"Polly and Sprig are the ringleaders. If we can just get them to get along, we'll be fine.", Hop Pop assured.

"Uh, seriously? Them? Get along? After what happened last night? That's not happening.", Jackie discouraged.

"Well, we have to do something. If we don't we're all doomed...", Rose said sadly.

Later, Sprig was doing the same tune Alastair sang in the movie.

"Amazing, Leader Sprig.", the female frog congratulated.

"You have the voice of an angel.", the male frog added before Stumpy arrived, escorting Anne and Rose to Sprig.

"Deer Sprig, you have visitors.", Stumpy reported.

"Should we throw them in the deer prison?", Mrs. Croaker asked, making Rose squeak.

"No, no. It's okay. Thank you, Deer Stumpy and Deer Croaker. Take five, deer friends.", Sprig said before they moved back a bit from the two.

"Anne, Rose, great to see ya. Are you here to join our deer choir?", Sprig asked.

"No. We're here to tell you this feud with Polly isn't going to make things any better.", Rose said.

"She's right. I've been there. You need to end it. Just let her have this one, dude.", Anne responded.

"I always knew you both would betray me. I'm always giving up things for Polly. Well, no more! The only way to end this is if Polly submits to me!", Sprig responded.

"But-", Anne began.

"We're done here.", Sprig said before playing his panpipes, prompting Maddie and even Toadstool to jump out of the nearby bushes and grab both Anne and Rose.

"Ha!", Maddie said.

"Got you.", Toadstool added.

"Oh, come on. This isn't cool, Sprig. This isn't cool!", Anne exclaimed.

"That's Deer Sprig to you.", Sprig responded before both Anne and Rose were tossed out.

"And stay out of Alastairville.", Toadstool said before Anne and Rose stood up.

"Now, what do we do?", Rose groaned before Hop Pop arrived.

"Anne! Rose! Polly's not budging. She won't even see Sprig till he surrenders.", Jackie said.

"Not only that, but they graffitied my tum-tum.", Hop Pop added, showing that his tummy has indeed been graffitied with a sign that read, "Hunter Rulez".

"Yeegh.", Jackie reacted.

"Any luck on your end?", Hop Pop asked.

"Nope.", Anne responded.

"How are those kids supposed to make up if they won't even see one another?", Hop Pop asked.

"Well, here's the answer to that. They can't. And they won't.", Jackie responded.

"It's official... We're all doomed...", Rose sighed sadly until she had an idea.

Play Henry Mancini Music: "Pink Panther Theme"

"Unless...", Rose began.

Later, both Jackie, Anne, and Rose zipped up their long-sleeved jackets, put on their hoodies, and put bandanas on their faces to conceal their mouths with Anne getting a scythe. With that, they and Hop Pop set out to sneak in with Anne and Rose striking at "Alistairville".

"So I named my kid Alastair last night.", one Alistair frog said.

"Wow, you're a good dad.", another added as Anne and Rose both hopped out of the pipe and while the former started cutting down the flagpole, Rose went off another way where she couldn't be seen just as Sprig and Mrs. Croaker were walking down together.

"Personally, my favorite thing about Alastair is how he's not afraid to cry.", Sprig said before he and Mrs. Croaker spotted Anne chopping at the flagpole like a tree.

"No! She's stealing the sacred flag! Quick, sound the alarm!", Sprig alerted before Mrs. Croaker played the panpipes with Anne then turning to notice them and the others marching in.

"Uh-oh.", Anne panted.

As for Rose, she noticed what was going on.

"Come on, Rose. It's gotta be here somewhere.", Rose said before she found it

"Aha! There it is.", Rose grinned.

Meanwhile, a hunter frog reported to Polly.

"Chief Polly, an old man is climbing the flagpole.", the Hunter Frog reported to Polly as Hop Pop climbed the flag pole.

"Somebody get him!", Polly ordered.

"For Hunter!", Toadie shouted before he hopped to the flag pole and climbed up.

Meanwhile, Jackie saw what was going on outside and turned to Polly's bucket.

"Sorry about this, Polly. But it's for a good cause.", Jackie said before making off with said bucket.

Outside, Hop Pop had already stolen the flag.

"Ha! Got it!", Hop Pop grinned before the Alistairville flagpole went down, taking the flag with it, making Hop Pop laugh.

"Anne, you did it!", Hop Pop shouted before Toadie then grabbed Hop Pop by the jacket.

"Got you!", Toadie shouted before Hop Pop was then forced to kick Toadie away, making him fall to the ground.

"For Hunter!", Toadie shouted before he landed.

"Eh, he'll be fine. Whee!", Hop Pop exclaimed as he then jumped off the pole and used the flag like a glider.

Meanwhile, Anne and Rose arrived back at the town center with both the flag and Sprig's slingshot.

"Got it.", Rose panted.

"No Hop Pop yet. Oh, man. I hope he was able to get the flag-", Anne said just before Hop Pop called out.

"Watch out!", Hop Pop shouted.

Then, Jackie appeared, too, and was able to catch Hop Pop and set him and the flag down.

"Whoo! Both flags captured!", Anne shouted.

"And I got Polly's bucket, too.", Jackie added.

"Now what?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"Now this.", Anne said before the crowd clamored as both sides got to the center of town.

"You stole my slingshot?!", Sprig shouted.

"And you stole my bucket?!", Polly shouted.

"Since you two wouldn't listen to reason, we had to take extreme measures.", Jackie said.

"That's right. Stop the fighting between each other and you can both have your stuff back!", Rose added.

"Is that a threat?", Sprig asked glaringly.

"If we destroy those thieves first, then we can get our stuff back!", Polly said.

"And then we can get back to destroying each other?", Sprig asked.

"And then we can get back to destroying each other.", Polly responded.

"No. Anything but that!", Rose exclaimed.

"You can still destroy us if you want, but I beg you! Do not destroy each other! It'll only lead you down a path no one can follow!", Jackie shouted.

"We don't listen to traitors.", Sprig responded.

"For once, we can agree.", Polly responded before she, Sprig, and their armies all charged toward Jackie and Rose before quickly tossing their ammo (fruit) at them as well as Anne and Hop Pop like it was some kind of war zone, making the triplets cry, or at least start to.

"Well, at least we brought them together to clear the air, right?", Anne asked.

"Too bad they couldn't-", Hop Pop began before getting hit by some fruit as did Anne as Jackie and Rose groaned.

"You all got what you deserved.", Sprig said.

"So, older brother, now that that's over, you here to finally admit I'm right and surrender to the...Hunter tribe?

"Death first!", Sprig refused.

"Then perish!", Polly shouted before both sides began throwing fruit with the Alistairville army taking damage.

"Take this, you brutes!", Sprig shouted as he and his army retaliated.

"Please... Stop...! This war is meaningless!", Jackie pleaded.

"All you're doing is destroying yourselves for nothing...", Rose groaned.

"Retreat, my deer brethren!", Sprig shouted before he and his army did so, allowing Polly to laugh.

"After those wimpy deer cowards!", Polly exclaimed.

"Hail Hunter!", the Hunterites shouted before they all ran toward the fleeing Alistarites and then found a vacant village.

"Wait...Something's off.", Polly said.

Sure enough, Felicia and Wally wound up hit by produce, armed by Sprig and the others.

"It's a trap!", Polly shouted before Sprig laughed triumphantly.

"Ambush!", Sprig shouted before he and his fellow Alistairites forced Polly to an ally and trapped her before they surrounded her on both sides with fruit.

"You lose, Polly. Looks like your special treatment couldn't help you this time. Now just surrender-", Sprig smirked.

"Enough talk! Let her have it!", Mrs. Croaker interrupted.

"Uh, what?", Sprig puzzled in shock before everyone else tossed fruit at Polly, one even tossing a fruit grenade.

"Incoming!", Toadstool shouted as he readied an apparent cannonball before another Alistairite fired fruit missiles with fruit on every direction flying toward Polly, reminding Sprig of what Hop Pop told him.

"That's what older brothers do, Sprig. They look out for their little sisters.", Hop Pop's voice echoed before Polly shuddered as the fruit neared her.

"Uh...What have I done?", Sprig asked in worry before he then decided to make the ultimate sacrifice.

"No!", Sprig shouted as he jumped in front of Polly, causing it to hit him instead, much to Polly's shock as well as the Alistairites who fired as she cried.

"Why, Sprig? I don't understand. Why?", Polly asked.

"Because seeing you in danger made me realize...it doesn't matter what's fair. What matters is that I'm here to take care of you. We surrender, Polly. We... surrender.", Sprig coughed as he wiped one of her tears.

"Brother...No...No!", Polly shouted before Stumpy cried as Mrs. Croaker played her panpipes.

"Hoo! All right, folks. Pack it in, we're done.", Sprig said as he got up.

"Yeah, this thing is pretty played out.", Polly added before the crowd cheered.

"Wait, what?", Anne puzzled.

"Glad I finally got a chance to use this bad boy.", the villager said, dragging the cannon away.

"Now, that was exciting.", Mrs. Croaker grinned with the triplets then giggling and cooing again.

"You guys were at each other's throats just a second ago. Are you seriously over this already?", Anne asked.

"Oh, that's just the way we are, Anne. You should have seen last year's avocados versus almonds fiasco. We almost tore this place to the ground.", Hop Pop responded before Jackie and Rose fell over in reaction.

"Sprig...!", Jackie growled.

"Polly...!", Rose added.

"YOU TWO ARE DEAD!", Jackie and Rose shouted angrily in unison before the two then chased Sprig and Polly, who both screamed as Jackie and Rose chased after them.

After that, it faded to the next movie night with the banner for Theater night now having an X over Theater, replacing it with "Movee", which is a work-in progress.

"Hey, Sprig! Over here! I saved you a spot.", Polly grinned.

"And I brought you some sweets.", Sprig said, handing her some popcorn.

"You're a good older brother, Sprig.", Polly grinned.

"Well, it's nice to see you two finally getting along.", Jackie grinned.

"Though, next time, try not to escalate it into a war, please.", Rose added.

"No promises.", Sprig responded, making Rose groan.

"Aww, well, ain't that nice. Now scooch over. I need a seat.", Hop Pop responded.

"Hello, everyone! For tonight, I've picked a conflict-free independent film called My Dinner with Anders. But before we start, a little context.", Anne began before the crowd shouted.

"Just start the movie!", the crowd shouted, making Anne laugh.

"You got it.", Anne said before clicking the button.

Act II: Hop-Popular

One morning, Hop Pop was waking up and then getting dressed for the day before he went out to the table and made breakfast. After that, he then ate said breakfast and decided to head out.

"Well, gotta get to the stand.", Hop Pop grinned.

Meanwhile, the Boonchuys, Sprig, and Polly were returning home form the Grub-N-Go.

"Who knew there's actually a half-off discount on Beetle jerky?", Jackie grinned.

"That must be a really popular snack.", Rose grinned before everyone noticed the crowd clamoring.

"Apparently not as popular as that.", Jackie said before the group got over to where the commotion is taking place.

"Got to get ready!", the villager said as Hop Pop caught up to the crowd as did Anne and the others.

"Whoa. Now, that is one massive crowd.", Anne said.

"Anne, what are you all doing out here?", Hop Pop asked.

"We were just coming back from getting the groceries, but then we saw this.", Anne replied.

"What's all this rabble?", Hop Pop asked.

"Sign-ups for the election! You been living under a rock? 'Cause I have and even I knew that.", Wally responded.

"Election?", Hop Pop and Jackie puzzled before the latter noticed Toadstool putting his own nomination in the box.

"Did that toad just cheat...?", Jackie growled.

"Vote Mayor Toadstool! If reelected, I will always look out for the little guy.", Toadstool said before Toadie only squeaked as Toadstool used him as a stool.

"Upsy-daisy.", Toadstool said before getting on as Toadie got on and started to rev up the snail.

"Oh, and I'm quintupling the rent money. Goodbye!", Toadstool exclaimed before driving away, leaving a child coughing in the dust.

"Wait, did he say he's quintupling the rent?", the villager asked.

"Some mayor! That guy keeps raising our taxes, and what do we got to show for it? Nothing! Our snail-ways are a mess, our buildings are falling apart, heck, we didn't even replace the schoolhouse after last year's millipede incident, and I was just told about it by Hop Pop recently before today!", Jackie exclaimed as it then showed some frog on a snail falling through a pothole and then a wall of the building falling off to show a frog taking a bath before he screamed a bit and hid right before then showing the children playing in the wrecked schoolhouse only for a millipede to burst in and then roar, scaring the children away as it chased after them.

"And don't even get me started on the last time he raised our rent money, leading to the great frog rampage! I know that one was on me for trusting Ichabod, but I stand by that! Well, I for one, am not gonna stand for this corruption! This has to end right now!", Jackie shouted.

"Am I crazy, or is she making sense?", Jackie puzzled before more and more people gathered.

"What we really need now is a mayor who looks out for the people he's mayoring. Because let's face it. Our mayor only looks out for himself and I want the whole valley to know that a new mayor is long overdue and is going to to uphold what Toadstool never did!Anyway, see you soon, everybody.", Jackie said before Wally stopped her.

"I nominate Hopadiah Plantar for mayor!", Wally shouted.

"What?", Jackie puzzled.

"I second that!", Felicia added.

"I third it.", one villager agreed.

"Let's hear it for Jacquelin!", another added.

"Sounds good to me.", the 3rd said as Felicia nominated Jackie for mayor.

"Jackie for mayor, everyone.", Felicia shouted before everyone cheered and applauded.

"Say whaaaat?!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Well, I guess it is good to sock it to him.", Rose said to Anne.

"True that.", Polly agreed.

"Fair point. Jackie, we're all in!", Anne grinned.

"Aw... Thanks. I won't let you down.", Jackie grinned.

"Ugh. Politics are the worst.", Anne groaned.

"So, how does the election work?", Jackie asked.

"Well, it involves monster fights, for one.", Hop Pop responded.

"Say what now?", Jackie and Anne said in unison.

Later, Jackie was now in a teal blue sort of suit resembling a full-bodied swim suit while everyone else cheered.

"You've made a powerful enemy today, Jacquelin. Toads have run uncontested for decades. This is a disgrace.", Toadstool sneered.

"The only disgrace I see here is you as mayor.", Jackie responded.

"Oh, I like this Jacquelin.", Mrs. Croaker said.

"I don't know. Toadstool is tried and true.", a villager said.

"Don't you dare root for him!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Geez. Calm down, madwoman.", the villager said.

"Oh, I'm a mad woman, all right, because I am very, very, very angry with Toadstool for everything he's done up til now! You wouldn't like me when I'm angry...!", Jackie glared.

"Ahem! Welcome to the official mayoral trials, where the candidates try to win your vote.", Albus said.

"I'm suddenly very interested in politics.", Anne said before she blew her horn loudly.

"Okay, Anne. That's enough.", Sprig said.

"Our first trial is all about strength. The first candidate to mount the beetle wins!", Duckweed said before blowing a whistle, which summoned a giant horned beetle.

"Ready, set, go!", Duckweed said before he ran quickly.

With that, Toadstool and Jackie both ran from the beetle, although only the former tripped.

"Oh, my giblets!", Toadstool groaned before getting back up and trying to go for its blind spot.

"I've got you! No, I don't!", Toadstool said as he got whacked away before Jackie tried only to be met with the same result, knocking her down.

Of course, she got the idea from a stump behind her and called it out.

"Hey! Come and get me!", Jackie urged as she then stuck out her tongue at it, making it shriek, puff like a bull, and speed off toward her only for her to jump up in time, causing it to hit the stump instead.

"Olé!", Jackie exclaimed, earning the crowd's cheer and applause while Toadstool got bitter.

Then, it was on to the next trial.

"The second trial is about sensitivity. Can you figure out what these hatchlings need? A good mayor would.", Albus said.

"I know what these dumb birds want. Money.", Toadstool said as he go out a bag and went up.

"Seriously? I mean, sure that is a bit nice, but what would a few birds do with money?", Jackie puzzled.

"All right, all right. Here's your handout.", Toadstool said as he threw a handful of coins at them.

"Oh, I wish he hadn't done that.", Jackie winced before they began pecking him, screeching at the same time and leaving a couple of holes on his suit before Toadstool ran and cowered with Toadie providing some comfort.

"There, there, sir.", Toadie said before Jackie got an idea.

"Well, money is definitely not what they need. They probably need worms, but where do I find some...?", Jackie said as she looked around, lifting up a log, before spotting them.

"Oh. Here they are.", Jackie grinned before then picking them up.

"Well, I can't believe I'm doing this, but...", Jackie said before putting them in her mouth so she can chew them, and then opening her mouth, allowing the little babies to eat off her mouth as they chirped before they finished and cradled themselves near Jackie, who laughed, earning the crowd's "aw's" of love.

"That's how Hop Pop fed us when we were babies.", Sprig realized.

Then, the mother bird suddenly returned, sending everyone running and screaming before later, the third trial was now at hand.

"Being mayor is a lot like being dropped in the woods naked and forced to find your way home. So that's what we did!", Albus said, making the crowd gasp before Jackie suddenly arrived with a sort of cloth on her chest and a loin cloth around her waist with Jeremy and the other bugs guiding her.

"Thanks for showing me the way, Jeremy. Give my regards to Hop Pop.", Jackie said before he and the bugs left, but not before they went over to Hop Pop and spoke with him.

"She's welcome.", Hop Pop said before Jeremy chirped as he and the others flew away.

"Travel safely, Jeremy!", Jackie waved before the crowd then picked her up as they cheered for her.

"Yeah! Whoo!", Polly shouted.

"Jackie! Jackie! Jackie!", the crowd shouted.

Toadstool, however, did not fare any better as some time later, he was still lost and naked. He even came to the fireplace where Toadie is and went over to him.

"This is getting out of hand, Toadie. I could actually lose! Looks like we'll have to stop her... Ow! the old-fashioned way. Illegally.", Toadstool said with a sneer.

Later, the storm was brewing again, only it was lighter compared to last time.

"Excited for the final trial tomorrow, Jackie?", Sprig asked.

"Not really. I know I've been doing well, somehow, but if I mess up tomorrow, it could cost us the election.", Jackie responded in worry.

"Ah, there's no need to worry, Jackie.", Hop Pop assured.

"No need to worry? Hop Pop, I am a kid running for mayor! How could I not worry? Come to think of it, how have I been doing well so far?", Jackie asked in retortion-turned-puzzlement before there was a knock on the door.

No sooner had they opened the door that they saw Toadie at the door.

"Ms. Boonchuy, an anonymous associate would like to speak with you.", Toadie said.

"You mean the mayor?", Anne puzzled.

"No comment.", Toadie responded.

"Well, who else would you know?", Rose asked.

"I said no comment!", Toadie repeated.

"All right, all right. I'm coming.", Jackie said before she then went inside the carriage and saw none other than Toadstool.

"Ah, so glad you could join me, Jackie. I'll give it to you straight. I want you to lose tomorrow's trial.", Toadstool requested.

"And what do you mean by that?", Jackie asked.

"Well, lose on purpose! In return, I'll ensure that you and your brothers and sisters get the respect you deserve.", Toadstool advised.

"That's, uh...hard to say no to.", Jackie said.

"Well, then, don't.", Toadstool responded before she put her fingers on her chin.

A moment later, Jackie got out the carriage and went back inside.

"Hey, Jackie.", Anne said before Jackie sighed.

"Well, don't keep us in suspense. What did the mayor want?", Hop Pop asked.

"If I lose on purpose, Toadstool will leave me, Anne, Rose, and the triplets alone.", Jackie explained, making them gasp.

"What? No! You've got a real chance to win.", Anne said.

"He'll also make sure we'd be getting some respect. They wouldn't ever treat us badly again.", Jackie added.

"Oh, in that case, take the deal.", Polly responded before Anne, Rose, Hop Pop, and Sprig scolded her.

"Polly!", the four frogs scolded.

"We were all thinking it!", Polly exclaimed.

"Guys, Polly's right, guys. It's just too good to pass up.", Jackie sighed before Anne and the others went over to her.

"Well, whatever you pick, we'll be behind you, Jackie.", Anne grinned.

"All the way.", Sprig added.

"No matter what your decision, we'll respect it.", Hop Pop added.

"Yeah. Because you're our sister.", Rose added.

"Yeah.", the triplets agreed.

"Thanks, everyone.", Jackie sighed before they left to give her some time to think.

"I can't take this deal. If I do, then I'm a hypocrite to everything I stand for. But I can't do this. I mean, I'm 12 years old and I don't know the first thing about being a mayor.", Jackie said to herself.

Later, the final challenge is taking place inside City Hollow.

"Ladies and gentlephibians, you know the candidates, you've seen 'em fight monsters. But for the final challenge, you'll see them fight...each other!", Albus announced as Jackie and Toadstool glared toward one another and entered the ring as the latter stepped on Toadie and flung him away as the crowd cheered before Toadstool was handed his boxing gloves by Toadie while Jackie was given her own as she, too, was ready.

"Now you both know the rules. Fight starts as soon as the bell rings.", Albus said.

"What? Ring the bell?", an old frog said before ringing the bell with his tongue.

With that, the two began boxing as Toadstool went first only for Jackie to dodge the swing before Jackie ducked as Duckweed went away before he could get hit.

Then, Jackie pulled herself backward with the rope as support before letting it launch her toward Toadstool, who got pinned down, astonishing the crowd as she landed on top of one of the corners. But it wasn't over yet as Toadstool got back up. When he tried to go after Jackie, she leapt up behind him and hit him in the back. And when he tried to retaliate, she only dodged his arm, which hit the corner before Jackie took the opportunity to grab it and then get herself up to his face and started punching him in the face.

"Ow! Okay, Boonchuy! You've put on a good show but... that's enough!", Toadstool exclaimed before he then quickly pushed her up.

"This is bad.", Jackie said in worry before he then hit her back with a belly slam, causing her to land near the corner of the ring, making the crowd gasp in worry.

"Yeah. That's right. If you know what's good for you, Boonchuy, stay down.", Toadstool panted.

Then, Jackie looked up and then saw the crowd cheering her on, still dazed from the attack.

"Get up!", the crowd said in a distorted voice.

"You can do it!", Anne shouted.

"Give that mean toad what for!", Rose added.

"You can win, Jackie!", the triplets said in unison.

"Come on, Jackie!", Sprig shouted.

"Hang in there, Jackie.", Hop Pop added.

"Stay down!", Toadstool said.

However, Jackie, as disoriented as she was by Toadstool's attack, got up as best she could.

"Ugh... I feel woozy...", Jackie groaned.

"What are you, crazy? You could've had some love! You could've had some respect! All you had to do was give up!", Toadstool exclaimed as he hit her 3-5 more times (all of which had no effect save for making her move back a little) before panting.

"Why?", Toadstool asked.

"Because it's not about me. It's for everyone here. Also, I was never going to take your deal.", Jackie smirked before she then punched Toadstool right in the chin with an uppercut, making him groan.

"That's a knockout!", Albus shouted.

"Huh? Ring the bell!", the old frog said before ringing the bell twice as the crowd cheered.

"Jackie! Yeah! Whoo!", the crowd cheered.

Later, the votes are in.

"Well, folks, that wraps up the trials. Now it's time to tally the votes! With 88 votes, 100% of Wartwood and 100 more votes from frogs in the valley, Jacquelin Boonchuy!", Duckweed exclaimed.

"What? I really won? And for that matter, the valley gets a vote, too?", Jackie asked.

"That's right. And with 21,090 votes, the entire rest of the Valley, Mayor Toadstool!", Albus said.

"Say whaaaaat?!", Jackie exclaimed in shock.

"Congratulations, sir.", Albus congratulated as he gifted him the Mayor sash.

"Thank you. Thank you all. You're all too kind. Democracy wins again!", Toadstool said before the crowd groaned and left.

"Well, you certainly gave this toad a run for his money. Good thing you didn't win though, huh? [laughs] A frog beating a toad. That would have made headlines! Just be proud the whole town loved ya. I'm surprised the rest of the valley didn't.", Toadstool said, making Jackie growl angrily only to take a deep breath and sigh.

"All right, I'll give you that one. But you just better take this as a lesson to be nicer to people and don't embezzle money from anyone anymore. Got it?", Jackie asked.

"Eh..., I'll consider that. After all, it is the least I can do for my worthy opponent.", Toadstool assured.

"The victory piñata is all set up in the lobby, sir.", Toadie announced.

"Wahoo! Piñata! I'm gonna hit it.", Toadstool shouted as he left before everyone else got up and went over to her.

"Hey, Jackie...You okay?", Sprig asked.

"Actually..., yeah. I think I'll be okay.", Jackie said.

"Huh?", Sprig puzzled.

"Really? You know you lost, right? Are you in shock? Is she in shock? And what about the name-calling?", Anne asked.

"Well, I may have lost, but I stood my ground and fought for something important. And that kind of effort actually feels good. Besides, I'm only 12 years old. I think I'm a bit too young to be mayor.", Jackie grinned before everyone went over to Jackie and cheered for her.

"What the...? You're cheering for me? Why? I lost...", Jackie puzzled.

"Because you gave us something better than Hop Pop's produce...", Felicia began.

"Hope.", Wally added.

"You've made us all proud.", Mrs. Croaker grinned.

"Hey... it's the least I could do for you.", Jackie grinned.

"Wow. I guess she is getting some respect after all.", Anne grinned.

"Three cheers for Jackie Boonchuy!", Wally shouted.

"Hip, Hip, Hooray! Hip, Hip, Hooray! Hip, Hip, Hooray!", the crowd cheered.

Meanwhile, at Toad Tower, Captain Grime was reading a newspaper with the headline labelled, "Toadstool Wins Again; Promises Change Thanks To Opponent".

"Well I'm not surprised Toadstool won. It's honestly expected at this point, though his opponent inspiring change does surprise me. Perhaps we should pay Wartwood a visit.", Grime grinned out of curiosity and intrigue.

A/N: There you have it, Toadstool still remains the mayor of Wartwood as well as the whole valley. And it looks like Captain Grime received word of the news of an inspiration for change. Who knows what may happen in Reunion now... :)