13. Chapter 13

A/N: Thanks for waiting. We finally have the 13th chapter ready for this story. And just wait until you see the surprises in store (one of which involves an actual cop show IRL; but I won't say what, though)! :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 13

Act I: Croak & Punishment

One morning, Anne and Jackie were outside watching the sunrise as they were drinking some coffee of sorts, yawning and sighing as a rooster crowed.

"Girls! Girls! Girls! Gi-", Sprig shouted, waving his arms before Anne stopped him with a lift of her hand and pointer finger.

Then, she and Anne sipped her drink and gulped before Anne then put her finger down.

"Girls! Girls! Girls! Look what I found! A blue moon shell.", Sprig announced, showing said shell to the two sisters.

"Pretty.", Anne said.

"Yeah. It's so shiny...", Jackie yawned.

"Yup! And you know who's gonna love it? Ivy! Tomorrow's her birthday. And this is the perfect gift.", Sprig said eagerly before Hop Pop, Rose, Polly, and the triplets all went out to the front yard.

"Morning, kids! Time to start the chores.", Hop Pop said before he, Rose, Polly, and the triplets saw the blue moon shell.

"Whoa! Is that a blue moon shell? Aw, it looks so beautiful!", Rose said excitedly.

"You know, some frogs die never having seen one.", Hop Pop responded.

"Suckers!", Polly laughed.

"Anyway, enough dilly-dallying. Chore time! Bessie's waste ain't gonna shovel itself. Rose, you're in charge of keeping an eye on the triplets.", Hop Pop urged as he and Polly put on their hazmat masks and left.

"Okay.", Rose nodded.

"Well, don't wanna get this thing dirty.", Sprig said as he set it on top of the fence post and whistled as he left only for Anne and Jackie to stop him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're just gonna leave that there? Someone's gonna steal it.", Anne responded.

"No, they won't.", Sprig said.

"Oh, yeah? How do you know?", Jackie responded.

"This is Wartwood, Jackie, not some den of thieves.", Sprig responded.

"But you need to keep it secure. Otherwise, it could get stolen.", Jackie warned.

"You could at least cover it up or something.", Anne added as she tried to cover the blue moon shell with a leaf only for Sprig to stop her.

"I will do no such thing! I trust my community. And frankly, Anne, I pity you for not trusting yours.", Sprig scolded.

"Okay, okay. Sheesh.", Anne said.

"Fine. But don't blame me if that shell gets stolen.", Jackie said.

"Kids, get your butts over here!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Well, I guess that is more than one way of helping the community.", Jackie said before she, Anne, and Sprig put on their hazmat masks.

"Coming, Hop Pop.", the trio said as they left.

However, as soon as Polly and the triplets went back inside, Ivy stopped by and noticed the blue shell on top of the fence post.

"Wow. A Blue Moon Shell? It's so beautiful, but what's it doing here?", Ivy puzzled.

"It must be Sprig's. I'd better take it with me for safe keeping so I can give it back when I see him.", Ivy said as she took said blue shell.

Later, it was already near the afternoon when Anne, Jackie, and Sprig returned from their chores and took off the hazmat masks.

"Glad that's over with.", Sprig said.

"Well, I'm scarred for life.", Anne said.

"It's a dirty job, but somebody had to do it.", Jackie responded.

"Yup. But never mind that. Look. The blue moon shell. Right where I left it.", Sprig said, gesturing to where the Blue Moon Shell should be.

"Uh, I'm not so sure, Sprig. Because all I see is a vacant cloth.", Jackie said before Sprig quickly saw her point and started to panic.

"Wait. Ribbety, what?! The shell. The shell's not here. I'VE BEEN ROBBED!", Sprig shouted with a dramatic echo.

"Well, I don't wanna tell you, 'I told you so.', but-", Anne began.

"Not the time.", Jackie interrupted before Sprig sobbed.

"Ivy's birthday is tomorrow, and I've got nothing.", Sprig sobbed as he practically dragged himself forwards with this stomach on the ground.

"Okay, first, calm down.", Anne said as she gave Sprig a flower he can breath into to calm down.

"Second, maybe we can track this thief down.", Anne said.

"She's right. If we can find some clues, we should be able to find our thief.", Jackie assured before noticing a stary piece of yarn on the ground.

"Oh. Like this string for example.", Jackie said before Anne picked it up.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?", Anne asked.

"Oh, that's just waxed yarn. They sell it at the Grub and Go.", Sprig stated.

"Nice deduction, Sprig.", Jackie said just as Ivy then arrived.

"What's up, guys?", Ivy asked.

"Oh, hi, Ivy.", Sprig responded before realizing who he just greeted.

"Ivy?!", Sprig exclaimed.

"Uh..., yeah. What's wrong?", Ivy asked.

"Well, you see..., Ivy... Uh.. the thing is, uh...", Sprig began nervously as he was practically sweating in nervousness before Jackie spoke up.

"Someone stole the blue moon shell and we're looking for the thief who took it so we can get it back.", Jackie responded.

"We already know where the thief must've headed, so we're gonna grub and go there to catch our thief.", Anne said.

"Nice.", Sprig chuckled.

"Uh, what?", Ivy puzzled.

"Finally, hundreds of hours of watching trash cop shows is gonna pay off.", Anne said.

"Cop, what?", Sprig puzzled.

"You know. A cop, po-po, five-oh, doughnut munchers?", Anne asked, only stupefying Sprig further.

"I don't think he's gonna get it, Anne.", Jackie said.

"Here.", Anne said as she then showed him and Ivy a sort of trailer for a police show called "Cop Stop" on her phone.

At one scene, the chief spoke to the two cops.

"I don't care what it takes! Bring him to me, dead or alive!", the chief urged before it then went to another scene with the two cops noticing an apparent victim, who was depantsed and left in his boxers.

"One knife victim without pants. We've gotta catch this sicko.", the cop said before it went to another involving an interrogation.

"So, you're a marathon runner, eh?", the 2nd cop asked.

"Well, maybe this will jog your memory. Jelly-stained boxers found at the scene of the crime.", the 1st added as he presented said evidence before it went to another scene with the criminal caught red-handed.

"How'd you get my phone number?", the criminal asked.

"Easy. I looked up 'guilty' in the phone book.", the first cop said in reply nearby as the criminal gasped while turning to notice him and his partner before then showing aa cop eating a donut and taking his shades off.

"Justice is watching you.", the narrator said before the trailer ended.

"Whoa! I'm into this.", Sprig grinned.

"Who wouldn't be? Now let's go catch that thief.", Anne urged as she, Sprig, and Rose took off.

"Sprig, wait! I have something I need to... show you.", Ivy began before sighing.

"You know something about who took the blue moon shell, don't you?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah.", Ivy said.

"And you were the one that took it, weren't you?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah...", Ivy sighed as she got it out.

"But why?", Jackie sked.

"I came by earlier, but I couldn't find Sprig. But I did find this sweet blue moon shell. Yeah. It was a little dirty. But I took it home and polished it up.", Ivy responded.

"And you showed up just as we noticed it was gone.", Ivy realized.

"Apparently.", Ivy said.

"That's no problem. All we need to do is let Sprig know you have it. Can't be that hard, right?", Jackie asked before later, she, Rose, Ivy, Anne, and Sprig appeared, walking in town and wearing fake mustaches, one of which started to crawl away from Sprig, who had to put it back on his lips.

"Ah, whoops. Why are we wearing these again?", Sprig asked.

"All the best cops have mustaches.", Anne responded.

"Actually, Detective Elliot Stabler from "Law and Order: SVU" doesn't and he's one of the best cops I've seen.", Jackie corrected.

"What's that?", Sprig asked.

"That's one of the more better cop shows that Mom watches at home. See for yourself.", Jackie said as she then showed him and Ivy a clip of a show called "Law & Order: SVU" entitled, "Beaten Up Teenager Dropped at the ER".

"According to her day book, last appointed, it was a photo shoot at 7th Avenue 27th Street. Uniforms got the names of 12 others that were at that shoot.", Elliot said.

"Where's the family on this?", the chief asked.

"Mother lives upstate. She hasn't returned our messages.", Elliot explained.

"Father said he was at home in Queens at the time.", a woman added.

"While his 16 year old daughter was out roaming the streets at 3 in the morning?", the chief asked in disbelief.

"Tell me about it. He's now at the hospital with his daughter.", Elliot responded.

"Be sympathetic, but not too.", the chief warned before Jackie stopped the clip.

"Whoa. That seemed a bit deep.", Sprig said.

"I know, right? Sometimes, Anne and I'd watch it with our Mom back at home. Although, one time...", Jackie added before it then showed the time Mrs. Boonchuy seemed invested while Anne and Jackie, on the other hand, were horrified as they shielded their eyes from the sight.

"Oh. I wonder could have done it, he seemed like a nice person.", Mrs. Boonchuy said before it zoomed away to show the two showing a complete reaction.

"AAAHH! Why, Mom, why? Why, Mom, why?", Jackie and Anne reacted before it went back to the present with the two frog girls shuddering.

"It's taken us some time to get used to it after that. So, believe me, when I say that you two are not ready for this. Yet.", Jackie said.

"Moving on, here's how it's gonna go. Ivy, you are a key witness to the crime.", Anne said.

"Wait, what?", Ivy puzzled.

"Jackie and I are the good cops.", Anne began.

"Nope. Not doing this.", Jackie refused.

"Okay, so, it's just me, then. Anyway, I'll buttering 'em up and makin' 'em lower their guard. Then bam-o! You come in as the bad cop and get the confession.", Anne said.

"Got it.", Sprig agreed.

"Oh, boy...", Ivy and Jackie sighed.

Then, the group of four entered the store.

"Hey, buddy. Nice little place you got here. Business good?", Anne asked.

"Um, we're having kind of a rough season.", the teen worker responded.

"Oh. Sorry to hear about that. I hope you all pull through this.", Jackie said.

"But in the meantime, we heard about a shell that got misplaced. Recognize any of these?", Anne asked, showing photos of a few shells, one of which is the "missing" blue moon shell.

"Huh. Couldn't say. I see a lot of shells.", the teen worker said before Anne turned to Sprig.

"Psst. Hit him with the 'bad cop.'", Anne said.

"Oh, right.", Sprig responded before he turned to the worker.

"Your hair looks incredible.", Sprig said with a slightly angry tone before grunting as he smacked the pencils away, making Ivy giggle.

"Thanks. I use product.", the teen worker responded.

"Sergeant, could I speak to you for a moment?", Anne asked before she then took Sprig and escorted him out, leaving Ivy and Jackie with the teen worker.

"Uh..., hi.", Ivy said.

"Hey.", the teen worker responded.

"So, uh, about your job. How have you been doing? You know, besides, the rough season and all.", Ivy said.

"Eh, it's same-old, same-old to me.", the teen worker said.

"So, what is it that you do here, exactly?", Jackie asked.

"Most days, I make sure all the money and change is stored safely in this register. You know how that is.", the teen worker responded before he, Jackie, and Ivy suddenly overheard Sprig yelling a bit in anger, making them gasp.

"Oh, no.", Jackie said before Sprig leapt onto the desk very close to the teen worker.

"Hey, you little noodle! This blue shell, you seen it?", Sprig asked angrily.

"Yes! Yes! I remember now! Out there. Late morning!", the teen worker said nervously in fear.

"Great. Now, who buys this string?", Sprig asked, holding out the string.

"Uh, no one except the baker, really.", the teen worker responded before Sprig grinned while turning to Anne, who spoke.

"The baker, huh? You have a nice day, sir.", Anne said as she then grabbed a bag of donuts.

"Keep the change, kid.", Anne said as she then tossed a coin toward the counter.

"Actually, you're short.", the teen worker said before Anne quickly hurried back to the counter.

"Oh, sorry. Sorry.", Anne apologized, paying for said donuts.

"Yeah, I'm going to try and help keep Sprig's temper in check in case he goes berserk like that again.", Jackie said to Ivy.

"And I'll try to tell him about the blue moon shell while I'm at it, too. That is..., if I can.", Ivy added.

Later, the four arrived at the Flour & Daughters' Bakery.

"All right, same drill. Good cop, bad cop time.", Anne said.

"Got it.", Sprig said before they all entered the bakery, the store bell ringing as they did so.

"Hey, Mr. Flour.", Jackie greeted.

"Hey, there, Jackie.", Mr. Flour greeted.

"Well, howdy there, baker. Nice pile of bricks you got here. Listen I wanted to ask you-", Anne began before Sprig quickly leapt toward Mr. Flour and landed on the counter.

"Where's my shell?!", Sprig exclaimed before slapping Mr. Flour in the face, making Jackie gasp.

"Sprig, no!", Jackie shouted before she then grabbed Sprig by the arms and waist, restraining him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! That's enough! Just let the good cops handle this.", Jackie said.

"Shell? What shell?", Mr. Flour asked, a bit flummoxed in fear.

"I am so sorry about this, Mr. Flour. You see, recently, we found this string at the scene of a crime, which is the theft of a blue moon shell. And as far as we know, only you use said string. But what do you use that kind of string for?", Anne asked.

"Oh. I, uh... I usually wrap my buguettes in that.", Mr. Flour responded.

"So whoever bought a loaf is a suspect.", Anne guessed.

"Uh-huh.", Mr. Flour nodded.

"So, do you happen to know who bought one of those last night? Or at least this morning?", Anne asked.

"Baker's oath. Customer list is confidential.", Mr. Flour responded.

"Okay. Then, could you at least tell us who the thief looked like?", Jackie asked.

"Well, the recent customer who came here was a big man, missing both hands. You can't miss him.", Mr. Flour responded.

"Stumpy. Of course.", Sprig said a bit intensely before the group then took their leave.

"Thanks for the help.", Jackie grinned.

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?", Sprig asked, making Mr. Flour shudder the same way Anne and Jackie did earlier.

Outside, Sprig was now eating some donuts.

"So...that was a little too much bad cop.",

"A little?! He went berserk!", Jackie exclaimed.

"You even slapped Mr. Flour in the face.", Ivy added.

"Well, we got results, didn't we?", Sprig asked.

"Well, yeah. But-", Anne began before Ivy interrupted.

"Listen, Sprig. There's something you need to know.", Ivy began.

"If it's about my methods, then save it, Ivy. Let's just stop wasting time and find whoever stole my shell already!", Sprig said before sipping only to state one thing.

"Actually, there's nothing in here.", Sprig realized.

"Sprig...", Ivy said.

Later, the problem got even worse as Sprig tossed the pot down at Stumpy's.

"Was it you, Stumpy?", Sprig asked.

"Uh, Sprig?", Ivy said.

"Not now, Ivy.", Sprig rebuffed.

Then, the similar instance happened at Mrs. Croaker's, only it was a clock, which Jackie barely managed to stop him from pushing.

"Was it you, Croaker?", Sprig asked.

"Sprig...!", Ivy said.

"I said not now.", Sprig said.

When they got to City Hollow later, Toadie was the one about to be pushed down by Sprig.

"Oh, no you don't!", Jackie exclaimed, grabbing Sprig again.

"Was it you, Toadstool?", Sprig asked.

"Sir, please help me.", Toadie whispered.

"Just let it happen, Toadie.", Toadstool advised.

Then, at the forest, later, Sprig then pushed the mushroom down.

"Uh, why didn't you stop me?", Sprig asked.

"It's a forest, dude.", Jackie responded.

"Yeah, there's no one here.", Anne added.

"I know! I'm just fired up, guys!", Sprig responded as he walked away before later stopping near the fence as he saw children playing in the fountain.

"You were right. This town is a dirty cesspool of vice. Disgusting.", Sprig said, eating a donut.

"But you used to trust your community.", Jackie said.

"Oh, not that. I was talking about this donut. Licorice is not a good flavor.", Sprig responded.

"Look, I'm glad you're being more cautious. But I think this whole thing has gotten a little extreme.", Anne responded.

"Justice is extreme, Anne!", Sprig exclaimed before panting.

"Besides, we only have one name left. Which means...we've got our guy.", Sprig said.

"And what is that name?", Ivy aske.

"Simple. Gunther.", Sprig responded.

"Gunther? Who's that?", Anne and Jackie asked.

"Word on the street is, he just moved to Wartwood. Lives out in the woods. Seemed nice. A little too nice.", Sprig responded.

"Sprig, will you just listen? I have something very important you need to know here.", Ivy said, only serving to make Sprig angry for a moment before calming down.

"Look, Ivy. I know you're anxious to tell me, but whatever it is, I'm sure I can wait until after we catch our perp, okay?", Sprig asked.

However, Ivy felt uneasy as she turned to him.

A few minutes later, the group arrived at Gunther's house.

"Yeah. Sprig, I don't think we should go down th-", Jackie began before he went down the hill.

"Sprig! No!", Jackie shouted before she, Anne, and Ivy went after Sprig, who knocked on the door.

"Gunther, open up!", Sprig shouted as he knocked on the door.

"Sprig!", Anne exclaimed.

"Come on! Help me break the door down!", Sprig urged,

"No, Sprig. Enough is enough.", Jackie said as she grabbed Sprig again and moved him away.

"She's right. You went too far.", Ivy agreed.

"Or maybe, I didn't go far enough!", Sprig exclaimed as he then started wriggling around Jackie, who tried to catch him, and succeeded.

"No! Bad frog.", Jackie scolded.

But this did not stop Sprig from spraying his tongue out at the door before he then pulled himself toward it for a hit. Fortunately, only one was required as someone named Gunther opened the door and walked out.

"Oh, can I help you children?", Gunther asked.

"We'll be the ones asking questions.", Sprig responded before Anne put her hand on his mouth.

"Hey. We're just a couple of curious kiddos knocking on doors and saying hello.", Anne greeted.

"Well, isn't that nice?", Gunther grinned.

"Yeah. Just wondering, what brings you here to Wartwood?", Jackie asked.

"Well, I'm from down south. But I had to leave due to an unfortunate misunderstanding.", Gunther explained.

"Oh. Was it because you're a criminal?", Sprig accused.

"Excuse me?", Gunther puzzled.

"Sprig!", Ivy glared.

"Don't play dumb with us! We know that shell's in here somewhere!", Sprig shouted as he stormed into the house.

"Shell?", Gunther puzzled.

"Sprig, this is enough!", Ivy exclaimed.

"Is it here?", Sprig asked right before he smashed a vase.

"Hey!", Gunther exclaimed.

"Sprig..., about the blue moon shell, I...!", Ivy began.

"Or maybe here? ", Sprig asked, smashing a carriage clock.

"Stop that!", Gunther growled, worrying Ivy as she then reached into her pocket and started getting it out.

"Where are you hiding it?!", Sprig shouted as he then ripped the pillow in half.

"IT WAS RIGHT HEEEEERE!", Ivy shouted, holding it up with Sprig and Anne gasping as they saw it.

"Oh, hey. You found it.", Sprig grinned.

"No, Sprig. I had it with me the whole time.", Ivy responded.

"Say whaaaaat?", Sprig puzzled.

"I came by earlier, but I couldn't find you. But I did find this. It was dirty, so I took it home to patch it up.", Ivy explained.

"And you... took it?", Sprig asked.

"Yeah. It was a little dirty. But I took it home and polished it up. Here's it back.", Ivy said, handing it over.

"Uh, thanks.", Sprig thanked.

"As much as I think it's nice that you finally calmed down for real, Sprig, but I also think you shouldn't have let anger control you.", Jackie warned.

"Get out of my house!", Hunter growled.

"Uh, Sprig, why is he changing color?", Anne asked.

"I don't know. The only frogs who can do that are southern tusk frogs. But Gunther doesn't have any tusks.", Sprig said before Gunther roared and sprouted tucks.

"Oh, there they are.", Sprig said before the muscular transformation into a sort of tall, hulking creature took effect and completed itself.

"Oh, I wish I had listened before.", Sprig said.

"I kill you!", Gunther threatened.

"Everybody, run!", Jackie shouted before she, Anne, Ivy, and Sprig ran as fast as they could while Gunther hopped after them.

"Now what, genius?", Jackie exclaimed.

"We gotta hide somewhere. Stumpy! Stumpy! Stumpy! Stumpy!", Sprig shouted as he and the others arrived at the restaurant and hurriedly knocked in a panic.

"What do you want?", Stumpy asked.

"We're being chased.", Sprig said.

"There's a big monster.", Anne added.

"Somebody had to tick him off, and now...", Jackie added.

"He's gonna kill us!", the trio shouted.

"You think I'm gonna let you in here after you called me a thief?", Stumpy asked.

"Technically, that was Sprig.", Ivy responded before Gunther arrived with a growl, making the group of four turned to see him.

"Eep!", Jackie squeaked before Gunther roared.

"On second thought, you might want to stay inside. For your sake.", Jackie said in fear.

"Way ahead of ya!", Stumpy said before he slammed the door, prompting the group to run again, traveling to every house that they went into with indistinct panicked please for refuge.

But everywhere they went, they were turned down with Mrs. Croaker closing the door on them at one point and Mr. Flour closing the window at another before they arrived at City Hollow where a livid Toadie opened the door.

"Toadie, buddy.", Sprig greeted before Toadie only kicked them down the stairs.

"Dang. He can kick good.", Ivy commented.

"Anne, I think I did too much bad cop.", Sprig said.

"You think?", Anne exclaimed.

"This is all your fault, Sprig! If you hadn't let your bad cop side take over, we wouldn't be in this mess! Now, we're all gonna die!", Jackie exclaimed.

"You're right. This is my fault. But now..., I'm going to make this right.", Sprig said.

"Sprig? You don't mean...", Ivy said.

"That's right, Ivy. It's time this bad cop goes good.", Sprig said before he then ripped off his mustache.

"Oh, that really hurts.", Sprig said to himself.

"That's the Sprig we all know and love.", Jackie grinned before Sprig went over to Gunther and called out to him.

"Gunther, wait. I shouldn't have accused you like that.", Sprig began, making Gunther growl at him, albeit calmly.

"I don't really know you. And you've never given me any reason not to trust you. I guess I just hopped to conclusions.", Sprig said before Gunther laughed.

"Hopped.", Gunther laughed as Sprig chuckled as well.

"Yeah. 'Cause I'm a frog. Well, anyways, I wanted you to have these. We ate most of them, but there's like 3 left.", Sprig said as he handed over a bag of donuts.

"Aw!", Gunther groaned as he then finally returned to normal.

"So, how do you feel now?", Ivy asked.

"Better. Thank you, child. Rage problems. You know how it is. People misjudge me all the time since I can turn into a hulking beast. And it's super annoying, hmm.", Gunther responded to Ivy and Sprig.

"Well, hey. I promise I won't judge you anymore.", Sprig assured.

"Yeah, dude. Sorry about that.", Anne added.

"And so am I.", Jackie added.

"Ooh, chocolate.", Gunther said before munching on the donut.

"Actually, that's licorice.", Sprig explained before Gunther quickly got angry and transformed again.

"Not again!", Ivy shouted.

"I HATE LICORICE!", Gunther shouted before he started chasing them again.

Much later, the group were now on their way back home.

"Man, that guy was hard to lose.", Anne said.

"Yeah. I can't believe all it took this time was a better-tasting donut, which turned out to be red licorice-flavored one. It must be a sweet flavor. Wait until Rose hears about this.", Jackie grinned.

"Still, I can't believe this. What a twist, huh, Ivy?", Sprig asked.

"Yep.", Ivy responded.

"So... Happy early birthday, Ivy. That was the whole reason I wanted to get that shell back. So I can give it to you on your birthday as a gift.", Sprig responded.

"Whoa. Thanks, Sprig. It's beautiful. But I kinda like it here. When I see it sparkle, I know I'm getting close to your place Ivy said as she then moved it onto the nail on the wall, making Sprig stammer.

"Wow...! Okay.", Sprig grinned.

"Well, well, well.", Jackie grinned as she nudged him while Anne said, "Awww.", with a cute gasp.

"Cut it out!", Sprig explained.

"Well, see you dorks later.", Ivy said as she then left the room.

"See you, Ivy! Well, looks like we found our thief.", Jackie waved.

"Yes, Jackie. But she didn't just steal the shell. She stole my heart.", Sprig said as he then turned to the two frogs before giving sad eyes.

"Too much?", Sprig asked.

"Little bit, yeah.", Jackie responded.

"Got it.", Sprig agreed.

Act II: Trip to the Archives

Play Marco Beltrami Music: "St Estes Reform School (Extended)"

One night, Azog and his orc troops were gathering at the archives' underground network to speak with Sauron, who is in black mist form.

"We grow in number. We grow in strength. You will lead my armies.", Sauron said.

"What of my traitorous daughter?", Azog responded.

"War is coming.", Sauron replied.

"I should go take her head.", Azog only responded.

"Death will come to all.", the ominous voice responded as he then vanished.

Afterwards, Azog's scouts walked up to him.

"Do we call off the hunt?", one of the scouts asked.

Then, Azog turned back to his scouts.

"Bolg!", Azog called before an apparent orc named Bolg stepped forward among the scouts.

"I have a task for you. Do you still thirst for Frog blood?", Azog asked.

End Marco Beltrami Music: "St Estes Reform School (Extended)"

The next morning, as night quickly turned to day Anne, Jackie, Rose, and the triplets are already riding on Bessie with Hop Pop, Polly, and Sprig, this time, accompanied by Sylvia and Ivy.

"Now, remember, gang. The mountain pass will clear up in one week. Meaning, it's almost time to leave this valley and find Anne and her brothers and sisters a way home.", Hop Pop advised.

"Whoo! Love that!", Anne shouted.

"About time.", Jackie grinned.

"Hooray!", Rose added,

"Excitement!", Polly shouted.

"Sights!", Sprig added.

"Mm-hmm. And do you know the best way to start a quest?", Sylvia asked.

"Danger?", Sprig asked.

"Weapons?", Polly asked.

"Research!", Sylvia responded, making almost everyone groan in disappointment.

"Oh, come on, gang. We'll never get Anne and her brothers and sisters home if we get bitten to death by a venomous snake fly. Or eaten to death by a camouflaged sod skink. Or crushed to death by a sand liger.", Hop Pop responded as a nearby snake fly hissed only for a sod skink to appear and chomp down on the snakefly right before getting clawed by a Sand Liger and carried away.

"Okay, okay, okay! We get the point.", Jackie said.

"Sheesh. I'm beginning to think you guys are obsessed.", Anne commented.

"Nature's a vicious cycle, girl.", Sylvia responded.

Later, the group already arrived at the Historic Wartwood Town Archives.

"The town archives? This place is dustier than Dusty's dustbin.", Sprig said as he and everyone else got off Bessie.

"Who?", Polly asked.

"Come on. You know Dusty. Local dust merchant. Friendly, always smiling, sells dust.", Sprig responded.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Right.", Polly said.

"I get this place. It's like a library from my world. Zoobooks and manga, here I come!", Anne said.

"Hold up, Anne. Look.", Jackie said, pointing toward the fact that there doesn't seem to be a door to the archives anywhere.

"Yeesh. What could've happened?", Anne asked.

"Apparently, a break-in. The damage looks recent.", Ivy responded.

"Meaning?", Rose asked.

"Either someone stole something from the archives? Or they could be waiting to ambush us.", Ivy responded.

"I don't feel safe. Well, enough chatter, everybody. Time to hit the books.", Hop Pop responded.

"Wait! Wouldn't we be better off preparing by diving headfirst into deadly situations?", Sprig asked.

"Not if it risks us getting killed!", Jackie argued.

"She's right. Don't you remember what happens every time you jump headfirst into deadly situations?", Hop Pop asked.

Then, Anne thought it over and remembered a few flashbacks, the first flashback of which had Anne, Jackie, Rose, Andy, Dany, Lily, and Sprig hiding from a fire-breathing giant mole while another showed Bessie caught in a mudslide and the third showed Anne, Sprig, Jackie, Rose, Polly, and Hop Pop all tied up under a giant skunk.

"No, no, no, no, no!", Anne panicked before it went back to the present.

"I can still smell that skunk juice.", Polly said before shuddering.

"And we had to bathe ourselves tomatoes to get the smell off.", Jackie responded.

"Yeah. Fair enough. Research it is.", Anne said.

"What? You guys're siding with Hop Pop?", Sprig asked.

"This trip is gonna take us beyond the valley, Sprig. Who knows what we'll run into out there?", Anne said as she and the others walked down.

"Well, at least we don't have to use the door.", Sprig sighed as he then followed the others, not knowing that the little, floating kitten had just arrived and was looking on as he did so.

"Mrew?", the little kitten puzzled as it tilted its head to the right.

Then, the group walked down the stair case and entered a sort of underground library with the little floating kitten following behind them, although careful enough to disappear quickly before Sprig could see it when he turned around, puzzling him for a moment. Sprig then shrugged and caught up, still disappointed.

"The archives.", Sprig grunted.

"I don't know. This place seems pretty cool to me.", Ivy said.

"Sure, it seems cool, Ivy, until you realize all you do here is read other people's cool adventures.", Sprig complained.

"Okay, enough prattle. We gotta get a move on before we're locked in here.", Hop Pop said.

"Uh, come again?", Anne asked.

"The door to this place is set on a sunlight timer. It opens when the sun rises and deadlocks when the sun sets.", Sylvia explained.

"Wow. Now, that is some steampunk at work right there.", Jackie said.

"Yeah, but I don't think we'd have to worry about being locked up. Looks like that door was broken, too.", Anne said, pointing to the golden door.

"Boring old books smelling like dumb old words.", Sprig groaned.

Of course, he had yet to realize that Azog and his men were watching them from below, anxious to make their move as Anne, Jackie, and Rose went over to a sort of sign, regarding someone named Mycroft Newtback.

"'Mycroft Newtback, archives founder. This structure, originally Newtback's home, was turned into the public archives after he died violently attempting to travel beyond the valley.'", Anne said before she and the others all straightened up.

"I'm gonna go hit those books.", Anne said hurriedly.

"Us, too.", Jackie and Rose said.

"Uh, reading time.", Polly added.

"Better get to it.", Sprig said.

"See you all soon.

"Time to get our hands on those books.", Hop Pop said.

Later, he and Sylvia were checking the shelves.

"'Only nature facts.' Fair. Well, now. Hold on. 'Older than the old ways.' Now this I gotta read.", Hop Pop grinned before he piled several books into his arms.

"Well, this book about weird nature sure seems interesting enough.", Sylvia grinned as she picked a book labelled, "Weird Nature".

Meanwhile, Polly was looking at a shelf labeled "Weapons".

"Hot mama.", Polly said in awe.

As for Anne, Jackie, and Rose, as well as the triplets, the first of the three elder siblings was looking at a book diagram of a carnivorous plant while Jackie looked at some books about chemistry and Rose read a sort of storybook to the triplets.

"Hi, Anne. What ya doing?", Sprig asked while "speaking" with his hand, which had eyes drawn on it.

"Get out of here, man.", Anne said, whacking his hand away.

"Oh, come on.", Sprig groaned before peeping up behind the chair next to Anne.

"Anne.", Sprig whispered.

"Yeah, Sprig?", Anne asked.

"Wouldn't it be better if we found some plants to fight?", Sprig asked.

"Nope. Here, see if you can find a way to survive a tiger viper attack.", Anne responded.

"Right now, I'm looking up how to make an effective antidote for Tiger Viper venom if we ever encounter one one of these days.", Jackie added.

"And I'm reading a fun story about one to Andy, Danny, and Lily.", Rose added before Sprig groaned.

"Stupid books. Stupid learning. Don't they want a real adventure?", Sprig groaned before Ivy jumped him from behind.

"Ambush!", Ivy said, taking Sprig aback before the two giggled a bit.

"Well, at least you're more fun.", Sprig grinned before then noticing some orc peeping out from one of the halls.

"Wait a minute. What is that?", Sprig puzzled.

"What's what?", Ivy puzzled.

"There was something down there.", Sprig said.

"You want to go investigate down there, don't you?", Ivy asked.

"Yes, I do.", Sprig responded.

"In that case, I'm in.", Ivy said.

Suspicious, Sprig and Ivy decided to investigate and head down to where he last saw the suspicious character near the staircase. A moment after they went down the stairs, though, he was quite shocked by what he found: a gathering of orcs surrounding Sauron.

"", Azog reported.

"Our time is drawing near... Soon, all realms will kneel before my might.", Sauron sneered.

"Duuuuude...!", Sprig whispered in shock before he slipped and lost his balance for a moment with Ivy catching him before the orcs turned to the source of the sound, but saw no one.

After a moment, however, Sauron spoke again.

"It appears we are not alone. I sense an incredible magic above us... Bring them to me.", Sauron ordered.

"It will be done, my lord.", the Orcs said altogether.

Meanwhile, Polly was reading a book entitled "Daggers and Where To Put Them".

"Yes!", Polly exclaimed before Hop Pop and Sylvia went over to the others.

"All right, kids. Time for a lunch break.", Hop Pop said.

"Good idea.", Jackie said.

"I'm actually glad you suggested this, Hop Pop. I'm learning a ton about your terrifying world.", Anne grinned.

"And I'm learning a lot about this place, too. From what I read, it used to be someone's home.", Jackie said.

"Did you guys know that there are 60 weapons in the Morningstar family?", Polly asked.

"Guys! Guys! You're not gonna believe this! There are several orcs down here! I think they're planning something big!", Sprig urged.

"Come on, Sprig. Stop trying to sucker us in on another reckless adventure that you clearly made up.", Anne scolded.

"He's serious, guys. Sprig and I went down the lower level of the archives and we saw a bunch of orcs down here.", Ivy said.

"Yeah. And I think they're worshipping some kind of dark mist monster with a scary voice.", Sprig added, not knowing that similar dark mists were forming in front of the archway of the door, blocking out the way in, or out for that matter.

"Orcs?!", Hop Pop gasped.

"Did you say orcs, Ivy?", Hop Pop asked.

"You know them?", Ivy asked.

"The less you know, the better.", Sylvia responded before Jackie noticed the problem.

"Guys? We got a problem!", Jackie exclaimed before Hop Pop turned and noticed the problem with a gasp.

"The way out's been blocked.", Sylvia added, trying to push through the dark mist, but to no avail.

"What? Who would trap us in here?", Anne puzzled.

"Not 'who', Anne. What.", Sprig corrected.

At that moment, Ivy noticed the Orcs marching toward the group.

"Ambush!", Ivy shouted before the orcs then surrounded the whole group.

"Told you the orcs were here.", Sprig said.

"Dude!", Anne said exasperatedly.

"Slay them all! But leave them alive and bring the strangers to the Dark Lord.", Bolg asked, gesturing to the frogs first and then the boonchuys.

"What do we do now?", Jackie asked before Sprig noticed the light going to the sunlight timer lens.

"That's it. Maybe we could use the sunlight to burn a hole into the dark mist.", Sprig said.

"How do we do that?", Rose asked before Hop Pop realized something.

"My reading glasses! Of course! We could use that to do the job.", Hop Pop said.

"That's a great idea. Except for one problem. Them.", Jackie said, pointing to the orcs, which began their attack with a roar as they charged toward Hop Pop, Sprig, Polly, Ivy, and Sylvia.

"RUN!", Anne shouted before the group then fled to a different room with some orcs chasing them.

"I got your back, Hop Pop!", Jackie assured.

"So do I.", Sprig assured.

"Me, too.", Ivy added.

"And so have I.", Sylvia said.

"Whoa. Really?", Ivy puzzled.

"But are you sure you can handle this?", Jackie asked before Sylvia then quickly got into a sort of fighting stance and did a taunt with her hand.

"Bring it, you punks.", Sylvia said before the orcs then charged forward only for Jackie to leap toward and kick it, only knocking him back a few inches, but nowhere near enough to faze it.

But then, it looked up and saw Ivy on the railings.

"Ambush!", Ivy shouted before leaping onto the orc and pulling it back.

As for Sylvia, she then grabbed one of the torches.

"All right, you filthy orcs. Get back. This torch is lit. I'll let you have it.", Sylvia warned with the orcs becoming hesitant, at the very least, to strike.

Hop Pop, in the meantime, got up high enough via books and tried to use his glasses to cast the sunlight down on the dark mist. However, when he tried to maneuver it to the dark mist, he inadvertently lit the ground on fire, even burning 2 or 3 orcs in the process.

"Holy smokes!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Wow. Now, that is some fire!", Jackie said in surprise.

Then, Sprig decided to angle the lens toward the dark mist as he went to said lens.

"What if I...?", Sprig said before he tilted it slightly so it'd aim at the mist.

However, when the sunlight is shone on the dark mist, it only burned a small hole in the mist.

"Uh, I don't think that's big enough.", Ivy said before one of the orcs swung at Hop Pop.

"Hop Pop, look out!", Jackie shouted before he gasped upon noticing this and ducked just in time.

Unfortunately, the impact caused the lens on the timer to fall off.

"Oh, no!", Sprig shouted before he went down trying to catch it.

That was when a dark, misty tendril suddenly appeared from below, grabbed the lens, and smashed it into pieces.

"Dang it!", Hop Pop shouted before Jackie kicked the orc who smashed the lens back, allowing Sylvia to trip said orc to the lair, making it scream until it landed and groaned.

"How do you like that, ya dingus!", Sylvia said.

Meanwhile, Anne and the rest of the others tried to hide only to find themselves cornered by the other orcs as the triplets whimpered.

"End of the line, little frogs.", the orc sneered with a chuckle. However, the moment they stepped into the middle of the room, underground worms suddenly sprang open and then grabbed the worms, making one of them scream, much to Anne and the others' surprise.

"Huh. Well, that's lucky.", Anne said.

"Yeah. But let's not go in that room again.", Rose added as she and the others left, leaving the orcs to their fate at the worms.

"Thank you, Mr. Worm.", the triplets thanked.

When they caught up, they saw Hop Pop, Jackie, Ivy, Sprig, and Sylvia covered in soot from the fire.

"Whoa. What happened to you guys?", Anne said.

"I'll tell you what happened. Fire everywhere.", Hop Pop responded.

"And as if that wasn't bad enough, the lens got smashed.", Sprig said, gesturing

"Maybe I can fix it.", Anne said before then piecing the lens back together.

"Aha! Good as new!", Anne said before she sneezed, inadvertently causing the pieces to fly everywhere.

"This can't be good.", Anne said.

"What do we do now? Those orcs are gonna find us. It's only a matter of time before they do.", Jackie responded.

"Enough of this negativity!", Sprig said before hopping onto the top of the chair.

"Come on, guys. This is our call to frog-venture right here. Did you forget who we are? This gang has been through a lot. And we're gonna make it through this too!", Sprig said before a sudden mewing sound rang out, puzzling the group.

"What the heck is that?", Anne puzzled.

"Beats me.", Sprig responded.

"Re-we. Mrew...", the little floating kitten said before it then went away.

"Hey! Wait up.", Anne shouted, following after it.

"Hey. Wait for us.", Jackie said as she and the rest of the group followed Anne toward the wall.

"Seriously? You wanted us to go there?", Anne asked.

"Mrew! Rew, Mew, mew! Rew, mew, mew, mew! Mew, mew, mew!", the little kitten said excitedly, pointing to the wall.

"Hang on. Do you think that maybe, just maybe, there could be something behind this wall?", Jackie guessed to Anne and the others.

"Rew, Mew.", the little kitten concurred with a nod.

"Hop Pop, can you see if there are blueprints for this place?", Jackie asked.

"Way ahead of you.", Hop Pop said before then opening said blueprints.

"And look here. According to this, this is where the bathroom used to be, behind that bookcase. And in that bathroom, there is at least one pipe. We could use that to escape.", Hop Pop said, not knowing that an orc that tripped and fell down earlier was recovering and growling upon noticing them before he started making his way toward him.

"Wow. That really is helpful. Disgusting, but helpful.", Jackie said.

"If that's true, then we just need to break it down.", Sylvia said before Polly broke the wall with her mace.

"War cry!", Polly shouted.

"Yes! Thank you, cute, floating kitten thing!", Anne grinned.

But the joy wasn't to last. The orc roared out as he charged.

"Oh, no, there's an orc coming!", Jackie shouted.

But before it could get to them, the little, floating kitten stopped it in its tracks as it appeared right in front of the orc, dumbfounding it momentarily before it decided to attack it instead. Then, it vanished before it could get hit and then reappeared behind the orc, puzzling it before it then went after the little kitten again, but this time, it simply dodged.

Then, Jackie realized what it means.

"Wait a sec. That's it! Now's our chance, everyone. Climb in through that pipe and brace yourselves. This isn't gonna be pleasant...!", Jackie shuddered before plugging her nose with Polly and the triplets going in first, but not without Rose's help, of course. The next to go were Sprig, Ivy, Jackie, and Anne, the latter of which turned back to see the little creature keeping the orc at bay via distraction.

"I won't forget you, little, floating kitten...", Anne said a bit touchingly before Anne went next as did Hop Pop and Sylvia.

Meanwhile, the orc has had enough as it then finally struck the little kitten, knocking it to the wall and leaving it in a bit of a daze. Then, it turned around only to notice that the Boonchuys were already gone. In fact, everyone who was part of the ambush was no longer there. Upon noticing how it was able to save everyone, as soon as the orc turned back toward it with a livid stare, the little kitten simply giggled only for the orc to charge toward it and strike again. But this time, the little kitten managed to disappear in time before the mace could even touch it, leaving the angered and heavily panting orc behind.

"FROOOOOOGS!", the orc shouted.

Meanwhile, in Felicia's Tea Shoppe, Felicia went to use the restroom when suddenly, Polly, Sprig, the triplets, Ivy, Jackie, Rose, Anne, Hop Pop, and even Sylvia came up the toilet, making Felicia scream

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry." everyone said in unison.

Then, everyone quickly ran over to Bessie near the Archives' entrance.

"Hey, there, Bessie. How have you been doing?", Jackie grinned before it chirped.

"Well, that's nice. Well, time to get going.", Jackie responded.

Later, everyone made it back to Wartwood and was already speaking with Toadstool.

"Now, hold on just a minute. You mean to tell me that there are orcs down in the town archives?", Toadstool asked.

"Like you wouldn't believe. They had us surrounded.", Sprig responded.

"And you don't even want to know how we got out of the place.", Polly responded.

"I seen things.", Hop Pop added.

"And you want me to close down all the roads leading to the archives?", Toadstool asked.

"It's no longer safe for anyone to go there as long as those orcs are around.", Jackie responded.

"Well, when you put it that way, of course I'll do it. I heard it wasn't doing pretty well these last few years, anyway.", Toadstool responded.

"I'm not sure how to feel about this... but thanks.", Jackie responded.

Soon after, they left City Hollow and decided to head back.

"Well, glad all that's over.", Jackie grinned.

"I'm just glad we're all okay. That, and that we got to dive into adventure again.", Sprig responded.

"About that... Listen. This trip out of the valley, it's more than just another adventure. It's our chance to get home. We can't mess this up, especially not with those orcs around.", Anne explained, making Sprig feel down.

"So if that means doing a few things I don't like to help me get ready, well, then...", Anne began.

"Then that's what we'll do, together.", Sprig grinned, offering his hand.

"Aw. Thanks, buddy.", Anne chuckled as she shook his hand and then hugged him.

"Well, that all patched up nicely.", Sylvia grinned.

"Maybe. But as far as we're concerned, this ain't anywhere near over. If those orcs are back...", Hop Pop began.

"Then, so is their master...", Sylvia added in equal worry.

"That's right. And now that we know those orcs are here, there's no tellin' what could happen from now.", Hop Pop said in worry, glancing at Anne and the others.

A/N: And the plot thickens... Looks like we're getting set up for what could be the best finale, huh? Well, I'm gonna get to work on Chapter 14 now. And this time, I'd like some suggestions for how it'd go beforehand so that I don't make a mistake like I did with Chapter 12 (though, it was corrected and edited for better preference earlier on). :)