14. Chapter 14

A/N: Here is the 14th chapter. And this time, there are a few of surprises for Snow Day.

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 14

Act I: Snow Day

One morning on the Plantar Farm, two dandelions peacefully floated by. It was a lovely warm day as ever as Anne made a lovely warm Omelette, which had mushrooms, fried potatoes, and vegetables seen peeping out of it while she put on the final touch: A basil leaf.

"Perfecto!", Anne said.

"What do you call these again?", Polly asked.

"Omelettes! Very popular where I'm from!", Anne responded as she slid the plate towards Hop Pop with a bit of pride as the rest already had plates full of onions.

Hop Pop, however, was less sure.w

"We'll see about that.", Hop Pop responded before he then took a bite and took in the unexpected flavor that hit, making his eyes widen in wonder and awe.

"Holy crabapples! Until today, I've been eating garbage!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"I know, right?", Jackie asked in agreement, eating her own omelette before Polly also tried hers, shoving her face in as she, too, was amazed.

"I see the future, and it's omelettes!", Polly grinned.

"Glad you like them.", Rose grinned.

Suddenly, though, a fearful shout came from from Sprig at the stairs as he ran down and fell off the stairs and onto his face. Of course, he immediately got back up and resumed shouting in fear, now right next to Hop Pop, disconcerting him. But he abruptly stopped when she saw the Omelette.

"Oh, those look good!", Sprig grinned.

"Omelettes.", Hop Pop responded.

"Huh.", Sprig responded before he then resumed shouting.

"It's happening!", Sprig shouted before Hop Pop grabbed Sprig by the face, now serious and fully focused.

"Are you sure it's happening?", Hop Pop asked.

"Dead sure.", Sprig replied, more serious than ever.

"What's wrong?", Jackie asked.

"Are those orcs back?", Rose puzzled.

"Is this a 'we've gotta go now' kind of thing, or can I finish eating?", Anne asked.

"Take it to go, Anne, 'cause we've got to go sound the alarm!", Sprig urged.

"I think it's safe to say that it's both.", Jackie said.

"Okay.", Anne said before she placed some containers on the table.

"I'm just gonna separate the stuff so it retains the flavor and doesn't get soggy...", Anne began as she started to separate parts of the omelette into different containers only for the rest of the family to loudly berate her.

"MOVE, ANNE!", Polly shouted.

"Come on, Anne, we gotta move on!", Hop Pop shouted.

"ANNE, MOVE!", Sprig shouted.

"Okay, okay!", Anne responded before Hop Pop ran out of the house with Sprig on top of him, the young frog literally sounding the alarm while Anne, who's holding Polly as Jackie held two triplets while Rose held one, stared at them, a little startled, from the doorway.

As they continued, Sprig continued to blare his warning, which caused a chicken sounding fly eyed owl to swoop off in fright while Anne and Polly tow behind at a normal pace as Hop Pop and Sprig run into a stream and emerge from the other side almost completely dry with Anne, Jackie, Rose, the triplets, and Polly following them at the same path.

"Whoo! Who knew this would actually be fun?", Anne said.

"Yeah. It's times like this that it feels good to be a frog.", Jackie said before Rose giggled as she hopped happily.

Meanwhile, the entire town assembled at the center point, the townies confused about the commotion.

"What's going on?", the female frog puzzled.

"Now what's this all about?", Toadstool asked before Finally, Sprig (still blaring loudly) and Hop Pop (getting a little tired) arrived as did the others following them.

Then, Hop Pop fell to his knees, tired as heck, while Sprig got off and explained the situation.

"Everyone! Listen up! Today is the third morning in a row! Where the temperature dipped below the frog line!", Sprig said as he removed a wooden thermometer that clearly shows the temperature dropping below the blue line of winter, still dropping as Sprig spoke.

"Which means... Hiber day is almost upon us.", Sprig added.

"Hiber day?", Anne puzzled.

"Once a year, the temperature drops so low, that it sends everyone into instant hibernation! Frozen in place 'til they thaw out the next day. And when we thaw, we feel refreshed, rejuvenated, virile!", Hop Pop explained.

"Hey, that's pretty cool.", Jackie grinned.

"Well, it's not.", Hop Pop responded.

"But why?", Jackie asked.

"Every year, one townsperson disappears, never to be seen again.", Hop Pop responded.

"And there's the weird dark turn.", Anne said.

"It's serious, Anne. Look around you.". Polly urged before the frogs started saying "possible goodbyes" to one another.

"Possible goodbye, Wally.", one villager said to Wally.

"Possible goodbye.", Wally said sadly.

"Possible goodbye, Ivy.", Felicia said sadly before kissing Ivy.

"Possible goodbye, Toadie.", Toadstool said sadly.

"Possible goodbye, Archie.", Mrs. Croaker said sadly before Archie squeaked in responde.

"Possible goodbye, Sprig.", Hop Pop said sadly.

"Possible goodbye, Hop Pop.", Sprig responded.

"Possible goodbye, family.", Polly said sadly as she hugged Hop Pop and Sprig.

"And of course, Anne, Jackie, Rose, and the triplets.", Hop Pop said before Jackie stopped them from getting closer.

"No!", Jackie exclaimed.

"What?", Sprig asked.

"Harsh.", Polly responded.

"You're kinda spittin' on tradition, Jackie.", Hop Pop said.

"No one is saying any goodbyes this year. Or today, for that matter! For one thing, it's too heartbreaking. Second, this year, Wartwood has me, Anne, and Rose.", Jackie responded.

"Don't forget the triplets.", Anne said.

"Yeah. Them, too.", Jackie responded, puzzling everyone.

"Yeah, I don't follow.", Wally said.

"Um, hello! We're warm-blooded.", Anne responded.

"That's gross, Anne.", Polly said.

"No, it means we won't freeze. At least not while we're human.", Jackie grinned.

"Yeah. So, that means we can be your protectors. And under our watch, no one will disappear again.", Anne agreed as she then turned human again as did Jackie and Rose, but not without banging her hand on the statue.

"Ow.", Anne said.

"With that, everyone cheered.

"Anne! Jackie! Rose!", the villagers chanted.

"Wow. You've gone from town beasts to town protectors. Big fan of that narrative.", Sprig grinned.

"Come on. You can turn back.", Rose grinned to the triplets.

"Yeah. Just picture yourselves as the way we are now.", Jackie added, only puzzling the triplets.

"You know, think cute.", Rose explained, pulling a cute face, making them giggle.

"Okay.", the triplets responded before closing their eyes and following her advice, thinking cute.

Granted, it was a bit difficult as their skin colors flashed between skin colors. but soon, as it seemed like they were going to fail, they managed to turn human again.

"Ta-da.", the triplets said.

"See? There you go.", Rose grinned.

"All right. Hiber Day isn't till tomorrow. So, everybody meet back here tonight. Then Anne and her brothers and sisters can guard all of us.", Hop Pop stated.

"We're gonna live!", Willy grinned.

"Thank goodness Anne and her sisters are here.", Ivy added.

"I'm gonna burn my will.", another villager said as she, along with the rest of Wartwood, left.

"Anne, I can probably understand Jackie, but are you sure about this? Looking after the whole town's a lot of responsibility.", Hop Pop said.

"Are you kidding? I've totally got this. I feel like my time here has all been leading up to this moment. It's like fate and karma combined into one. Like kate or fartma.", Anne said.

"Ew. Maybe you should've stopped earlier.", Jackie groaned.

"Yeah, those are both terrible. But anyway, all my senses feel heightened. It's like the whole world has slowed down and I'm totally aware of everything all around me. You ever feel like that, guys? Guys?", Anne asked.

"Uh, Anne? You might want to look at this!', Jackie said in slight alarm before she saw what Jackie and Rose saw, three frozen frogs encased in ice!

"What the heck?", Anne asked before a small snowflake landed on Anne's finger.

"This can't be good.", Anne said before all the snow quickly fell onto Anne, Jackie, Rose, and the triplets with even a bird-like fly squawking as it fell down before landing on the ground.

"It snowed!", Rose said excitedly.

"How is it possible for it to happen so suddenly?!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Oh, no! Hiber Day is here early. Everybody is all over the place by now. How are we gonna get them back to-", Anne began in panic as she tried to pick up Sprig before, surprisingly, lifting him up with ease.

"Oh. Oh, wow. This is very light.", Anne said.

"Really?", Jackie asked before she then picked Hop Pop up.

"Hey, you're right.", Jackie grinned as Rose picked Polly up.

"What are we waiting for, then? Let's go put them in the center of town.", Rose grinned.

Later, Anne was humming as she put the last frozen frogsicle in the center of town.

"Welp, that's everyone.", Jackie grinned.

"Heh, that was surprisingly easy. Town protector. Yea-yuh!", Anne added.

"And now all we have to do is watch them.", Jackie grinned before Rose, too eager to wait and see, ran and jumped into the snow face-first before turning around and laughing excitedly as she then rolled around, laughing eagerly while the triplets rolled forward in the snow, giggling.

"Or we could play in the snow and improvise.", Jackie said before Anne nodded.

Later, Anne, Jackie, and Rose were having a fun snowball fight.

"Hey, Jackie, Rose. Catch!", Anne said before tossing a snowball toward Jackie and Rose, who each dodged the snowball.

"You think you've won?", Jackie smirked before she tossed hers at Anne, who dodged it right before noticing another one headed for her, surprising her before it hit her.

Rose giggled at this as she had apparently took advantage of the misdirection and used it to her advantage.

"Dang it, Rose. You're too good at this.", Anne said.

Later, they even built a snowman model of Anne, Jackie, and Rose together only for the models to fall apart and land on the ground, resembling a sort of dog.

"Doggy.", Rose grinned before hugging it, although lightly.

After that, the trio went over to Wally and Mrs. Croaker's icicle shells.

"Oh, Mrs. Croaker, I never noticed how marry-able you are.", Anne said.

"'Marry-able'? Is that even a word?", Jackie puzzled.

"You too, Wally. Come in for some kisses.", Rose said before the two then pushed them a bit close to each other as if the two icicles were kissing, making Anne laugh before she then took a picture of Wally and Mrs. Croaker with the "Just Married" filter.

After that, they all slid down a snowy hill on the icicles of Mr. Flour and Loggle with another picture taken, this time saying, "So Cool" prior to later making a sort of statue out of several icicles.

"Look at it, guys. It's beautiful.", Anne said before suddenly the statue started to lean toward Anne and the others.

"No, no! Don't hurt Mommy!", Anne exclaimed before she and the others ran as Rose exclaimed before another picture was taken, saying, "Almost Crushed".

And finally, Anne made a big snowball with Rose on top before she let it roll forward toward the icicles, knocking them down like bowling pins and laughing.

"All right, that was fun, but enough is enough. We need to get back to protector duty.", Jackie said.

"You're right. Let's do a head count, make sure everyone is still here.", Anne said.

"Okay.", Rose nodded.

Then, Rose quickly noticed that everyone seems to be missing, all except for Sprig.

"Jackie! Anne! Come quick! Almost everyone disappeared!", Rose shouted.

"No! No, no, no, no, no. They're gone! What kind of protector am I?!", Anne exclaimed.

"This is...!", Jackie exclaimed.

"...all my fault.", Anne sighed.

"All your...! Oh. Well, now it's no fun.", Jackie said.

"We've got to get them back.", Anne said.

"Right!", Rose nodded.

Later, the group of 6, 7 counting the frozen Sprig, were going forward among the forest of snow.

"You don't think it might be those orcs that took them, do you, Anne?", Rose asked.

"Nah. It couldn't have been them. Sure, the other frogs disappeared, but there would have been a lot more footprints. And I mean A LOT.", Anne replied.

Then, all of a sudden, Anne suddenly started to pick up the scent.

"Wait. Guys? I know this might be a bit strange, but... I think I can smell Hop Pop. Not just him, either. I can smell Polly, too. Wally, Mrs. Croaker, Loggle, even Toadstool. Practically, everyone.", Anne responded.

"Really?", Rose asked in surprise.

"Well, where are they?", Jackie asked.

"Hold on. I think I need to get closer.", Anne said before she did so and unfortunately found out where they are.

"Of course. They're all in that creepy cave.", Anne said.

"Caves. My old enemy.", Rose glared.

Then, she and the others went inside, bringing Sprig along with them.

"You know, no matter how long we're in this world, I'll never get used to the piles of bones just lying around.", Anne said.

"Join the club.", Jackie concurred.

"Hey. That icicle looks like Polly up there.", Rose said.

"Ah! Polly!", Anne shouted.

"How'd she get up there?", Rose puzzled.

"More importantly, where's everyone else?", Jackie puzzled.

Then, all of a sudden, they turned to notice a few orcs right in front of them.

"I knew it! I knew they took the frogs!", Rose exclaimed.

"Really? Orcs again?", Jackie asked.

"They must've been what stole those frogs. But how were they able to cover their tracks?", Jackie guessed.

"What do you want from us, you dirty orcs?!", Rose shouted.

But before the orc could start to speak, Anne added something.

"In English, pal.", Anne responded.

Then, the orc grumbled a bit in frustration before taking a deep breath.

"The sacrifices are to be given to the Dark Lord.", the orc responded in English.

"Sacrifices?! Nuts to that!", Anne exclaimed before rumbling occurred.

"What was that?", Jackie puzzled.

Suddenly, a sort of bump went past Anne and the others, circled around, and popped out, revealed to be a giant snow weasel, which screeched rather loudly. The orcs then started laughing.

"It's too late. Even if you make it past us, you'll never save them. By then, they will already be delivered to the Dark Lord. They are doomed, and so are you!", the orc mocked.

"I wouldn't be so sure. If I was by myself, then you might have a point even if I tried. Except I'm not alone. And with the right people by my side, I can do ANYTHING.", Anne responded as her eyes briefly glowed blue before dimming back to normal, shocking the orc as he noticed said brief glow before she then launched out her tongue, which reverted back to that of a frog, whacking the orc back with it before her tongue retracted back into her mouth and she then entered the pose of a frog with Jackie not only doing the same, but also whacking some of them with her tongue as well right before dodging the snow weasel after noticing it about to attack.

"Jackie and I'll keep 'em busy. You go get everyone.", Anne urged as she then got out a bone frozen in ice, earning Rose's nod before she set the triplets down.

"You three stay there, okay?", Rose asked before she then launched her frog tongue up at the ceiling just as Jackie then knocked some orcs back with her tongue like a shooting range while Anne dealt with the snow weasel by using it to keep the creature's mouth open as it tried to chomp at her. But while she struggled, she noticed an orc coming up at Jackie from behind.

"Jackie! Behind you!", Anne shouted as she then kicked the snow weasel back, causing it to land on top of an orc from behind before launching it toward said orc, knocking the orc out cold due to the fact it was encased in ice, not knowing that a certain frog with red skin and a tan underbelly as well as a little beard on his chin, yellow eyes with orange irises, a black bowler hat, a black trench coat with an hourglass pin on the left collar, a gray vest over a white dress shirt and a black striped tie, and long gray-striped pants, not to mention a cane with a golden bird head on the top, which can become a scythe, a golden pocket watch, which he eyes, and most ominous of all, a silver ring with a glowing amber stone on it etched at the center was watching the altercation.

"Oh, my...", the frog said.

Then, the frozen bone returned to Anne, who caught it.

"Whoa. I did not know I could use this like a boomerang.", Anne said in surprise before the snow weasel popped back out again only for it to be blocked once more.

"That makes two of us.", Jackie responded before she then took care of the rest by then wrapping her tongue around the remaining orcs and launched them out into the snow; one of the orcs then recovered and stood up.

"Very well. You may have beaten us, but you still have our little guest to attend to.", the orc sneered as he and his army left.

Meanwhile, Rose went over to Polly in the ceiling to start off.

"Don't worry, Polly. I'm gonna get you out.", Rose said as she went over to Polly only for the snow weasel to turn its attention back to Polly and then quickly went up for her.

When it did, it made for the ceiling.

"Wook out, Wose!", the triplets shouted before the Snow Weasel went near Rose and roared, making her nervous as she groaned.

"Hey, you big furry freak! Get back here.", Anne shouted.

Just then, there was a little squeaking sound behind her. She and Jackie turned and saw just behind the grassy curtain a few babies.

"What the...? Babies?", Jackie asked as they squeaked.

Naturally, the Snow Weasel then went back for its babies, snarling and growling after surrounding them in a circle.

"No way. You didn't help the orcs kidnap everyone just to sacrifice them?", Anne said.

"It must've done it because the orcs forced it to to ensure that they don't get devoured before their sacrifice, or at the very least tracked here, not that it helped in the end.", Jackie guessed.

"And if we take them all back, they'll all starve.", Rose added.

"Unless...", Anne said as she realized something before she then got out her backpack, opened it and then got out a basket and some containers.

"Ah, perfect. Maybe just a little more.", Anne said as she then put the ingredients back into the basket and then gifting the dish to the Snow Weasel.

"Come on, come on. Please work.", Anne said before the snow weasel sniffed and then purred before then dragging it to its den.

"Huh. I guess the power of omelettes is universal.", Anne grinned.

"And a good thing, too.", Jackie said before she then used their tongues to lurch themselves over to Rose, for Jackie, and the triplets, for Anne before then freeing Polly from the ceiling and then going down.

From there, they saw the snow weasel eating some of the omelette, although willing to give more than enough for its babies before it nodded to them, making Rose surprise.

"It nodded...!", Rose gasped.

"Now that's a protector.", Anne grinned.

"Yep. Speaking of protecting, time to bring everyone back.", Jackie grinned before the frog who watched the group tsked and took his leave.

Unfortunately, as soon as they left, the orc stood back up and noticed that they left.

"Filthy frogs!", the orc exclaimed, about to go after them, only for the Snow Weasel to stop him in his tracks with a snarl, making it gulp nervously.

Later, everyone was gathered at town square again.

"Five, four, three, two, one.", the trio said before the clouds started to part, allowing the sunlight to hit the icicles, melting them and freeing the frogs.

"Huh?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"Huh? Yee-haw!", Mrs. Croaker exclaimed as she broke free with the ice breaking apart for her case.

"Yay.", Mr. Flour added as the ice broke for his case as well.

"Oh, thank goodness.", Felicia grinned.

"We're all here.", a villager said.

"We made it through the freeze.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Yay! I'm alive!", Polly cheered.

"Three cheers for Anne, Jackie, and Rose, the best town protectors there are!", Hop Pop shouted before everyone started cheering.

"Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!", the crowd began.

"Hold it.", Anne said before sighing.

"I was a terrible town protector, you guys. I slacked off when I should've been watching you.", Anne said..

"No, Anne. It's my fault. I knew we shouldn't have been playing around, but I let it go on anyways...", Jackie added.

"No, it was my fault for wanting to play in the snow in the first place. And worst of all, you all almost got sacrificed to the Dark Lord by orcs.", Rose added.

"Say what?", Polly asked in surprise.

"All self-blame aside, we're no town protectors. Or at least, I'm not. Compared to Jackie, I'm just an irresponsible kid.", Anne said.

"Did you forget? I let this happen on my watch when I should've stopped you guys from playing when we should've been keeping an eye on them. So, you're not the only irresponsible one here.", Jackie responded.

"First off, we're going to have a talk about this whole "sacrifice to the Dark Lord" thing later. Second, Anne, you admitting that means you're more responsible than you think.", Hop Pop responded.

"Really?", Anne asked.

"Yeah, if you hadn't fessed up, we never would have known anything happened.", Hop Pop responded.

"Oh, yeah, it's true.", Toadstool concurred.

"That's a good point.", Wally agreed.

"You three may not be perfect, but you three proved that we can depend on you guys. And, most importantly, this is the first year no one disappeared.", Hop Pop grinned.

"All because of you.

"Happy Hiber Day, everyone.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Yay, Anne, Jackie, Rose!", Polly shouted.

"Whoo!", Hop Pop cheered.

"Aw. Thanks, you guys.", Jackie grinned.

"We're just glad you're all okay.", Rose grinned.

"We made some new memowies for Hiber Day.", Lily added.

"Want to see these pictures we took?", Andy asked.

"Oh, no!", Jackie gasped before everyone saw said pictures.

"That's my body.", one villager said.

"Oh, my...", another said.

"Did you fellas use our frozen bodies as bowling pins?", Hop Pop asked.

"Uh...", Anne began before Hop Pop noticed in the picture, the tall red frog from earlier wiht his coat and pocket watch, making him turn several shades paler with a gasp.

"Err... are you okay, Hop Pop?", Anne asked.

"Is it that snow weasel?", Rose asked, pointing to the giant weasel in the picture.

"I'm fine...", Hop Pop said, terrified as he recognized the one frog in the picture: Mr. Littlepot.

Meanwhile, at a sort of castle in Newtopia, King Andrias was by himself with a sort of multi-eyed spherical robot with robotic tentacles and glowing orange eyes with lighter shaded pupils, and in terms of size, it was larger than King Andrias himself.

"Oh, what to do, what to do? We know the box is out there somewhere. and after 1,000 years, too. Who knew it'd give you such a crick in the neck just waiting?", Andrias said, cracking his neck.

"There we go.", Andrias sighed before a sort of eye appeared on his crown.

"Look, I know how impatient you are, but we need to play this right. If we don't, we could lose the box all over again. Just like we lost it to that traitor, Leif and that... stupid floating, little kitten. That one made a powerful enemy that day and if it weren't for them, our legacy could still be thriving by now!", Andrias exclaimed before widening his eyes.

"Oops. Sorry. Lost my cool. But my cool is back.", Andrias grinned before the tall frog from earlier cleared his throat as he stepped forward.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. Who invited the frog in?", Andrias asked.

"Apologies, Your Majesty. I am Mr. Littlepot. And I come on behalf of someone very historically important.", Mr. Littlepot responded, holding up his hand, which shows that he holds a Ring in one of his fingers.

"A Ring of Power? On your finger? Does that mean what I think it means?", Andrias asked almost giddily.

"That all depends what you think. All you need to know for a few seconds is that this is the perfect time for a little reunion.", Mr. Littlepot responded.

Then, as if on cue, a big orange light appeared just in front of Andrias with the dark mist forming in front of said light, making it resemble an iris.

"Wait a minute. Could that be...? Is that...?", Andrias asked before gasping.

"Sauron! Welcome back. I haven't seen you since... well, 1,000 years after your daughter pulled a "ree-ree-ree" on your finger and took the ring. But it's good to see you in person again. I heard you finally awoke after all these years.", Andrias grinned.

"Such flattery is useless.", Sauron responded.

"Huh? Okay, hold up. Core, did you get that?", Andrias asked to the core on his crown, which then showed a soundwave playing back the exact quote, except in English.

"Such flattery is useless.", the translated recording said.

"Oh. Okay. Not exactly the greeting type, huh? Anyway, what is it that you're here for, exactly?", Andrias asked.

"Only to reclaim what was once lost and punish those responsible.", Sauron replied before another translation sounded from the crown.

"Only to reclaim what was once lost and punish those responsible.", the translation repeated.

"Woof. Believe me, I know how that feels. I once lost everything, too. So, perhaps, we could come to an agreement on something.", Andrias smirked as Sauron stared intensely at Andrias.

"And that'd be even more better, because he told me he has a plan to accomplish this.", Mr. Littlepot responded.

"And he let you in on this?", Andrias puzzled.

"Oh, but indeed.", Mr. Littlepot responded.

"Well, this is all well and good, but given your reputation as a Psychopomp reaping hair out of frogs, I have to wonder. Why?", Andrias asked.

"I was told he has big plans for all of us. Myself, included. Besides, this isn't nearly as fun with frogs having gorgeous hair in short supply recently. You know how it is.", Mr. Littlepot responded.

"Whatever. As long as you're not stealing my hair.", Andrias chuckled before sighing.

"But, seriously, though. No funny business. Deal?", Andrias asked.

"Deal.", Mr. Littlepot nodded.

Act II: Cracking Mrs. Croaker

It all started one day when Felicia greeted Sprig.

"Hi, Sprig. Thanks for your help in the tea shop the other day.", Felicia thanked.

"No problem, Felicia. I had a tea-rrific time.", Sprig responded before Felicia chuckled.

"Oh, come here, you little charmer.", Felicia said, squishing Sprig's face and making him laugh.

"Oh, look at you. Okay, bye.", Felicia said be fore leaving.

"All right, see ya.", Sprig responded.

"See you later, Mom.", Ivy waved.

Then, as he, Anne, Jackie, Rose, the triplets, Ivy, and Polly walked further, Sprig was greeted by three villagers, one of which is a new restaurant owner.

"Hiya, Sprig.", one villager greeted.

"Heya, Jerry.", Sprig responded.

"Top of the mornin' to you, Sprig.", another greeted.

"Lookin' good, Patrick.", Sprig responded.

"Buongiorno, Sprig.", a restaurant owner named Ferraiolo greeted.

"Hey, all right!", Sprig responded.

"Wow. People around here really seem to like Sprig.", Anne said.

"Yep, he's always been something of a town favorite.", Polly explained as Sprig made a Kawaii-like face.

"Aw.", Rose cooed.

"Those big eyes and goofy grin are hard to resist.", Polly responded.

"Even though he caused trouble to the town more than once?", Jackie asked before a horn honked in the distance.

It was Mrs. Croaker's ladybug car.

"Hey-hey! Here comes Mrs. Croaker. Hi, Mrs. Croaker!", Sprig greeted.

However, Mrs. Croaker zoomed right past him without even saying a simple 'hi'.

"Heh. This thing broken?", Sprig asked before Mrs. Croaker stopped near Anne, Jackie, Rose, Andy, Danny, Lily, and Polly.

"Hi, Mrs. Croaker!", the group greeted.

"Well, hello, Anne. Jackie. Rose. Andy, Danny, and Lily. Polly.", Mrs. Croaker greeted before Polly giggled from being touched in the chin while Sprig tried to go up to Mrs. Croaker.

"Hi, Mrs. Croa...ker...?", Sprig said as Mrs. Croaker just walked past him again.

"That was weird. Guys, you aren't gonna believe this, but...I don't think Mrs. Croaker likes me!", Sprig exclaimed.

"Huh.", Anne said.

"Well, is that really any wonder?", Jackie asked.

"How could she not like me? I'm Sprig. The fun Plantar!", Sprig responded.

"Yeah, and also the Plantar that had a bad reputation, not to mention a world-class troublemaker before we came along.", Jackie responded, making Sprig grumble.

"Hop Pop and I talk.", Jackie responded.

"Don't worry about it, dude. It's okay if one person doesn't like you.", Anne assured.

"Yeah. The least you could do is be grateful about the people who DO like you. Like us, for example. Even Ivy.", Jackie added.

"Just because one person doesn't like you, doesn't mean you need to force them to like you.", Ivy added.

"You know what, girls? You're right. This is not okay.", Sprig only responded.

"Yeah, that's so not what I was going for.", Ivy responded.

"Looks like it's time to crank up the charm on this widow.", Sprig said as he cracked his knuckles.

"Oh, no...", Jackie groaned.

Later, he held the door open for Mrs. Croaker on the way out of the store with a chuckle.

"After you, m'lady.", Sprig said only for Mrs. Croaker to continue on without a word.

"What?", Sprig puzzled.

"Oh, hey. Thanks so much-", the frog began only for Sprig to close the door.

But before the door could close fully, Ivy opened it back up.

"Sorry about this, sir.", Ivy apologized.

"That's quite all right.", the frog responded.

Meanwhile, Sprig tried to grab Mrs. Croaker's groceries from her.

"Wait. Uh, let me help you with that.", Sprig offered, trying to get it only for Mrs. Croaker to shake him off the bag and take her leave by vehicle as Sprig begged on his knees.

"No, wait! Mrs. Croaker, come back. Acknowledge me!", Sprig sobbed before Mrs. Croaker passed by again, splashing mud all over him.

"That was the saddest thing I've ever seen. And I've seen some things.", Polly responded.

"How can I fix this?", Sprig asked.

"Totally feel for you, dude. I had the same issue with a girl named Jamie Krieger back home.", Anne said.

"Turns out she's just indifferent. She may not like her, but she doesn't hate her either.", Jackie added.

"My advice? Just let it go.", Anne suggested.

"You know what, girls? You're right. I can't just let this go.", Sprig responded.

"It's about ti... Wait, what?!", Jackie exclaimed.

"I have to get Mrs. Croaker to like me. And I can't do that unless I know more about her. Fact-finding mission, engage! Haha!", Sprig shouted.

"Sprig!", Anne exclaimed before sighing.

"Get used to this feeling.", Polly responded.

"Never...!", Jackie groaned.

Later, Sprig started interviewing townspeople about Mrs. Croaker.

"Croaker? She's just a kooky old spider lady. What's there to know?", Stumpy responded before it then went over to Loggle.

"I think she was born that old. She looked exactly the same when I was a kid.", Loggle responded before Maddie was interviewed next.

"She smells like wet leaves and fungus. I love it.", Maddie responded before her father called out from below.

"Maddie, the buns are burning!", Mr. Flour urged, making Maddie scream.

In the meantime, Anne, Jackie, Rose, the triplets, Ivy, and Polly were still in front of the grocery store, biding their time as the rest of said group watched Anne playing a game on her phone while Polly watched.

"Come on, Anne. Shake that man. Shake him.", Polly said before Sprig groaned.

"I spent all day and I know even less about her than I did before.", Sprig responded.

"Who knows? That Mrs. Croaker is one mystery we might never know. I think we all know that much after what she did to help keep the other primal frogs at bay while you guys tried to bring me back and stop Ichabod, remember?", Jackie responded.

"Wait. How did you...?", Sprig began.

"Oh, Anne and Rose told me.", Jackie responded before Hop Pop emerged from the store.

"Sorry about the wait, kids.", Hop Pop responded.

"Hop Pop! Mrs. Croaker doesn't like me!", Sprig exclaimed, clinging onto Hop Pop's leg.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Dial down the desperateness, man.", Jackie policed, removing Sprig from Hop Pop's leg.

"He's going through a tough time.", Rose explained.

"Huh. So, what do you kids want for dinner? I was thinking ravioli.", Hop Pop responded.

"Aw, yeah. That's what I'm talkin' about.", Anne grinned.

"That's one meal I can get behind.", Jackie added.

"Ravioli! Ravioli! Ravioli!", Rose chanted as Sprig sighed.

Later, Sprig suddenly burst into Anne's room at home, making her, Jackie, and Rose exclaim in surprise.

"Guys! I've got it. I have a completely reasonable plan for getting Mrs. Croaker to like me. I'm going to...", Sprig began.

"Define 'reasonable'.", Jackie groaned.

"Come on, Jackie. Let's at least hear him out.", Anne said.

"Thank you. Now, as I was about to say, I'm going to break into her house, search through her belongings, find the key to her secret wishes, and make them all come true.", Sprig finished, making Rose gasp in shock.

"Dude, what? That's completely crazy pants!", Anne shouted.

"Yeah, that's anything but reasonable!", Jackie agreed.

"Listen, Sprig, Mrs. Croaker is just like Jamie Krieger, who, for some inexplicable reason, didn't like me.", Anne assured.

"But to be fair, she didn't hate her, either. She's just indifferent.", Jackie added.

"Anne, this is totally different. This is about me. I'm totally likable. While you can be a bit...", Sprig began before Jackie glared.

"Go on. Say it. I dare you!", Jackie glared.

"...likable. Also.", Sprig finished.

"That's more like it.", Jackie said.

"Darn right I'm likable. I gave Jamie all my pudding cups at lunch. Even the chocolate ones with the vanilla ribbons. And nothing. What was her problem?!", Anne exclaimed before Jackie slapped her in the cheek, but not too hard.

"Geez, Anne! Calm down! She may not like you, but she doesn't hate you, either. We went through this, already.", Jackie said.

"Thanks, Jackie. I needed that. Still hurts, though.", Anne responded.

"Hey, it's called 'being firm, but fair' for a reason, Anne.", Jackie responded before Polly shouted, looking down from the top of the stairs.

"Will you two stop yelling? You know there's no soundproofing on these walls, right?", Polly asked.

"Wait, seriously?", Anne asked.

"Yep. Don't you hear Hop Pop yodel himself to sleep every night?", Sprig asked before Anne gasped.

"So, that explains those strange sounds from last night.", Jackie realized.

"I thought they were fun.", Rose grinned.

"Welp, that just our Hop Pop bein' a freak.", Polly responded.

"Uh, I don't know if we should throw that around too loosely here.", Jackie said before Hop Pop shouted from upstairs.

"You're a freak!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Welp, I've got a house to break into, so...", Sprig said before he then snuck out.

"We need to keep an eye on him for his own good.", Jackie said.

"Agreed.", Anne concurred.

Later, as soon as Mrs. Croaker left the house, Sprig came out of hiding, climbed up through the pipe on the wall, and then went in through the window.

"All right, Mrs. Croaker. Let's see what you're all about.", Sprig said to himself, looking around at the room he finds himself in.

"Huh. Wonder what kind of books she reads.", Sprig pondered as he then picked up a book before finding out for himself that it is a romance novel entitled "In the Heat of the Swamp" with a frog couple on the front.

"That's gonna be hard to forget.", Sprig chuckled before noticing some candy.

"Ooh, candy.", Sprig said before trying to take a piece from a bowl, but it was all stuck together with several others.

"Ew, gross. Uh-oh.", Sprig said as the candy stuck to his hand and while trying to get it off, he inadvertently damaged both her cabinet and the bowl with it.

After that, Sprig took a look at a set of fake teeth.

"Whoa. Probably shouldn't put these in my mouth. I'm gonna do it.", Sprig said to himself before slurping them in.

Meanwhile, Anne, Jackie, Rose, and the triplets came in with Ivy and Polly.

"Sprig! Psst! You gotta get outta here, man.", Anne urged before she and the others all became shocked to see what he was doing.

"Are you seriously robbing this house blind?!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Oh, hi, guys. Come to help?", Sprig asked.

"I'm sorry, Sprig, but I do not aid and abet criminals.", Jackie replied.

"Uh, yeah, you need help, bud. But not with this.", Anne added.

"This is deranged!", Polly exclaimed.

"This is out of control!", Ivy added.

"And how are you even carrying all this with two hands?", Rose added.

"All right, dude, put the stuff back. We're leaving.", Anne urged.

"What? No.", Sprig refused.

"She said, PUT THE STUFF BACK!", Jackie exclaimed as she then tried to pry the stuff out from Sprig's hands, although Sprig wouldn't give up.

Both struggled until stuff flew everywhere, urging her and the others to scramble and get catch them before they could land. One by one, they did so. But the only thing that landed was a chest labeled "Secret Memories", which opened, causing several pictures to come out.

"What the-", Anne began.

"Hey! Is that Mrs. Croaker?", Sprig asked.

"Wow. She looks so cool.", Rose grinned in awe.

"Hold on. Who is that?", Sprig puzzled before gasping upon seeing a picture, if not two, of a certain someone.

"Here he is again. Wait a second. Oh, my gosh. Mrs. Croaker has a long-lost love. Jonah this. Jonah that. Even a map of where he might be. There's a frog out there that wants to be with her, and that she wants to be with.", Sprig said as he then got out a map of Jonah's possible location.

"Hmm. It does kinda seem like she's obsessed with him.", Anne said.

"I guess it's possible.", Polly agreed.

"Maybe. Maybe. But we have to remember that not everything is what they seem. For all we know, they could be more like archenemies.", Jackie responded.

"Well, we won't know for sure unless we look (and prove you wrong). I'm going to hunt down that frog and reunite them. And then, she won't like me. Oh, no. She'll love me.", Sprig said before laughing like a maniac and then closing the door as he left.

"Yep. He's lost it.", Ivy commented.

"Oh. yeah, totally.", Jackie agreed.

"So, you wanna stay here and look at more pictures of hot Croaker?", Anne asked.

"If by that, you mean rad Croaker.", Rose responded.

"You read my mind.", Polly added.

"Well, we may need to look into this Jonah in case we find some dirt, anyway, so...", Jackie responded.

Meanwhile, Sprig was walking along with the map until he found the object of his goal.

"Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh, I found it! Okay, Sprig, be cool. Be cool.", Sprig said before then knocking the door.

"Come on out, Jonah. Do I have a surprise for you!", Sprig exclaimed before Jonah then opened the top door, knocking him down by accident.

"Eh? Who's there? You from the Puzzle of the Month Club?", Jonah asked.

"Nope. I'm here on behalf of Sadie Croaker.", Sprig responded.

"Sadie? Sadie Croaker sent you?", Jonah asked.

"Well, no. It's a long story, but-", Sprig began.

"This is incredible. I've been searching for Sadie for 30 years!", Jonah grinned, making Sprig gasp.

"I knew it.", Sprig said in awe.

"Now then, can you tell me where she's been all this time?", Jonah asked as he put on his suit.

"I'll do you one better. I'll take you right to her.", Sprig grinned.

"Oh, yes! Son, you just made this lonely old frog very happy. Mmm.", Jonah grinned as he inhaled.

"Great. Now let's go.", Sprig grinned as he led the way.

"Here I come, Sadie.", Jonah said.

Meanwhile, as Jackie looked around at some things regarding Jonah, she and Ivy finally found something regarding the notes about them.

"The battle at the Mountain Pass? Ivy, look at this.", Jackie urged.

"Is Jonah involved in this?", Ivy pondered before she and Jackie read the page and, upon reading carefully when they saw Jonah's first mention in the notes, became quite shocked as they gasped.

"I was right...! I was right; I knew it!", Jackie exclaimed before quickly putting all the stuff back in proper order and hurrying outside to Anne and the others just as Mrs. Croaker arrived home and went back inside.

"Anne! I was right all along! Jonah and Sadie weren't soul mates. They're archnemeses!", Jackie exclaimed.

"What?!", Anne exclaimed.

"We have to stop Sprig from bringing Jonah to her before it's too...!", Ivy exclaimed before noticing Sprig and Jonah nearing the house.

"...late.", Ivy said.

Then, Sprig and Jonah arrived at the door before the former shouted to Mrs. Croaker while knocking on it.

"Mrs. Croaker! Do I have a surprise for you.", Sprig said before the door opened.

"Ooh! Is it the Puzzle of the Month Club?", Sadie asked before gasping upon noticing Jonah up front.

"J- Jonah?", Sadie asked.

"Sadie.", Jonah said.

"Jonah?", Sadie puzzled before Sprig gasped.

"Oh, my gosh, they're about to flirt.", Sprig squealed.

"Do you have any idea what you've done, Sprig?!", Jackie growled.

"What are you talking about?", Sprig puzzled.

"It really is you.", Jonah said.

"What are you doing here?", Sadie puzzled.

"Sadie Croaker, there's something I've been wanting to tell you for 30 years.", Jonah responded.

"Jonah and Sadie were not soulmates. They were... archnemeses!", Jackie shouted.

"Wait, what?!", Sprig exclaimed.

"Sadie Croaker...prepare to die!", Jonah exclaimed before laughing maniacally as he got out a crossbow and fired an arrow with Sadie blocking the arrow and rolling back inside the house.

"Sadie, Sadie, Sadie. You thought you got the best of me in Bogwater Canyon, but I haven't forgotten.", Jonah continued.

"Jonah, this isn't romantic!", Sprig exclaimed.

"The Guild would surely take me back if I took you down. Thirty years I been searching for ya, but you hid too well. But now, thanks to this weird little frog leading me straight to you, your time is up.", Jonah smirked.

"Uh...", Sprig said before giving a nervous laughter.

"What the heck, Sprig?!", Ivy exclaimed.

"This is just the kind of thing that hearing only what you want to hear gets you. Remember that.", Jackie added.

"Okay...", Sprig shuddered in response.

"You should have let sleeping frogs lie and stayed away. You'd have spared yourself from what's about to happen.", Sadie discouraged.

"Ha! What're you gonna do to me now? You're just an old woman.", Jonah discouraged.

"You're old!", Sadie argued.

"You're old!", Jonah retorted.

"You're old!", Sadie repeated.

"You're old!", Jonah retorted.

"Okay, look. Both of you are old and there's no use proving otherwise, so can you two just drop the arguing, please?", Jackie asked.

"Arguing, perhaps. But fighting? Not until she's dead as a doornail!", Jonah responded.

"No. He's right. She is just an old woman. I'll save you, Mrs. Croaker!", Sprig exclaimed before Sadie only stopped him with her cane.

"Step aside, boy.", Mrs. Croaker warned before Jonah fired more crossbows only for Sadie to deflect the arrows with her cane.

But Jonah wasn't done yet. Matter of fact, he even opened his suit, revealing not only his chest, but most importantly, an assortment of weapons, including an axe and a knife.

"Bleh! Put your clothes back on, you pervert.", Sadie said in disgust as she clashed her cane with Jonah's axe.

"Whoo! Yeah, Croaker! Mess him up.", Sprig whooped.

"Oh, yeah. I totally forgot she can do that.", Sprig said as he remembered.

Then, Sadie clashed with his axe again before dodging the strikes, getting closer with each dodge, and then blinding him with candy pieces to the face, distracting him long enough for Archie, upon being called by a snap of Sadie's fingers, to web him up to the wall.

"Whoa...", Rose said.

"That...", Jackie began.

"was...", Anne added.

"Awesome!", Polly said.

"What just happened?", Ivy asked as the triplets giggled.

"As far as you're concerned, nothing.", Sprig responded a bit dramatically.

"That's right, boy. Nothing at all. Because if word of this gets out, let's just say it would be very bad for everyone. Are we clear?", Sadie asked.

"My lips are sealed.", Jackie responded.

"I know nothing.", Rose added.

"These lips be zipped.", Anne responded at the same time Jackie spoke.

"Didn't see a thing.", Polly said at the same time Rose spoke.

"Yes, of course. So sorry. Eep!", Sprig apologized before Sadie grabbed him by the front and moved him closer.

"All right, boy. What's this all about? Spill it.", Sadie asked.

"I wanted to get you to like me. So I kind of...snuck into your house and secretly went through all your things.", Sprig said before groaning.

"What?", Mrs. Croaker asked.

"And I saw all this stuff about Jonah and I thought he was your long-lost love.", Sprig said before everyone laughed, even Jonah.

"What an idiot. What makes you think you can please everyone, kid? Jonah here don't like me.", Sadie responded.

"It's true.", Jonah responded.

"And Ichabod doesn't like Jackie.", Sadie stated.

"It's true.", Jackie agreed.

"Plenty of people don't like those two.", Sadie added, gesturing to Anne and Polly.

"Well, hey, now.", Anne glared.

"Mission accomplished.", Polly grinned.

"And I just don't like you.", Sadie added.

"But what did I do? Why don't you like me? I mean, I like you.", Sprig pondered.

"I don't know. Something about your big eyes and goofy smile rub me the wrong way.", Sadie explained.

"Oh.", Sprig realized before pulling off the big-eyes with a sad frown look.

"But you did go through all that trouble to get me to like you. I guess I can try and like you back.", Sadie assured.

"Huh. Yeah, no, that's okay. You're right. Like me or don't like me, I'm fine.", Sprig assured.

"Finally...! About time you realized.", Jackie sighed.

"Atta-kid.", Mrs. Croaker chuckled.

"Cool. Well, I guess we'll get going then.", Anne said.

"Yeah. We don't want to be late for the Ravioli.", Jackie added.

"Any chance I can come over?", Ivy asked.

"Assuming Felicia would agree with this, sure. You can't be too careful with stuff requiring permission nowadays.", Jackie responded before Sprig suddenly hopped with joy.

"She likes me! Aw, yeah! Wa-pow! Good thing I brought this.", Sprig said before he then pulled out a hat emblazoned with the words "She Likes Me" before hopping around.

"She likes me. She likes me.", Sprig grinned.

"You walked right into that one.", Anne said.

"Good luck getting rid of him now.", Polly added.

"I'm likable. I'm lovable.", Sprig chanted.

"Aw, crud.", Sadie groaned.

"Wanna knock him out, Ivy? Or should I?", Jackie asked.

"I got this.", Ivy grinned.

"She likes m...!", Sprig said before Ivy bonked him on the head.

"Derp...!", Sprig said before he then fell forward to the front afterwards.

This made the triplets giggle at the scene.

"And on that note, we'll be going back, now.", Ivy grinned.

"See you later, Mrs. Croaker.", Jackie waved as she and the others left.

"And don't worry! Your secret's safe with us!", Rose added, making Sadie chuckle a bit.

"I love those kids.", Sadie grinned cooly.

A/N: So, what'd you think? Pretty unexpected, right? Also, the ending of "Cracking Mrs. Croaker" is a bit of a callback to how "Grime's Pupil" ended because it was so funny. :)