15. Chapter 15

A/N: In this chapter, Nolan North and Djimon Hounsou will voice another Necromancer and an orc captain respectively, although lower in rank than Sauron, of course, but still devious in the former's own right. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 15

Act I: A Night at the Inn

One day, Anne, Jackie, Rose and the triplets and Plantars, accompanied by Ivy and Sylvia, are looking at the mountain pass out of the valley, which is blocked with a giant wall of ice.

"That wall of ice sure is big.", Ivy said.

"Well, Anne, I don't wanna say I told you so.", Hop Pop began.

"Yeah, you do.", Anne said.

"Okay, you're right. I told you so.", Hop Pop chuckled.

"Still gonna be a few weeks before that snowpack melts.", Sylvia said before Anne groaned.

"But we've waited so long. And getting out of this valley might help me find answers on how to get home.", Anne said.

"Look, Anne, I know you miss home. Heck, we all do. But there's no sense in rushing when it could kill us before we even have a chance to get home.", Jackie said before Rose nodded.

"I know it stinks, but how about some careless misadventuring to take your mind off it? I think there's a creepy lagoon nearby.", Sprig said.

"Ooh! Think we'll find some bloated remains?", Anne asked.

"Here's hoping.", Sprig responded before both giggled and ran off.

"Oh, no, you don't.", Jackie said, going after them.

"Not without us.", Rose said before she and Ivy went along with them.

"Could we stay hewe?", Lily asked.

"Oh, but of course.", Sylvia grinned as Polly turned to the sign post that point to opposite directions for the Creepy Lagoon and Scary forest.

"And while they're doing that, I'm gonna check out this scary forest.", Polly said before Hop Pop stopped her.

"Oh, no, you don't. Not by yourself.", Hop Pop responded before Polly groaned.

"But why not?", Polly asked.

"'Cause you're a pollywog, like the triplets. You're too young to go off on your own.", Hop Pop responded.

"But the other kids did.", Polly said before a creature screeched from far away, prompting Anne, Jackie, Rose, Sprig, and Ivy to go back to the wagon.

"Go, go, go, go!", Anne and Sprig urged before Hop Pop then used the reins to get Bessie to dash away.

"Whew! Who knew leeches could run so fast?", Anne asked.

"Or had legs?", Sprig asked.

"How was that even possible?", Jackie asked.

"Well, I'm pretty much scarred.", Rose added.

"Still, it was pretty thrilling.", Ivy said.

"Yeah. Glad we got to see them.", Anne said.

"Truly a once in a lifetime experience.", Sprig said, making Polly moan.

"Maybe next time, we could learn more about why they're here.", Jackie said.

"Wouldn't it be great, Polly?", Rose asked.

"Yeah. It would be.", Polly groaned in response before Bessie suddenly sputtered and then screeched to a stop, making everyone gasp.

"Oh, shoot. Snail trouble, everyone. Snail trouble.", Hop Pop advised.

"Seriously? Now?", Jackie asked.

"Hmm. Stranded, eh? Well, couldn't have picked a nicer day.", Sprig said before it immediately started raining with everyone glaring at Sprig.

"Way to jinx it, Sprig.", Jackie scolded.

"How did this happen?", Sylvia asked.

"How did what happen? The rain? Or the Snail trouble?", Rose asked before Hop Pop tried to find out the problem only to find some difficulty and trip.

"Whoa. Dang it. It's too darn muddy for me to squeeze under Bessie to see what's the trouble.", Hop Pop complained.

"Hey, I can fit under Bessie.", Polly offered.

"No, you stay up there where it's safe.", Hop Pop exclaimed before Polly huffed.

So, what are we supposed to do now?", Jackie asked before Anne noticed something in the distance: a lone inn and a sign that reads "Dandy Lion Inn".

"Hey, look. There's a bed and breakfast just down the road.", Anne said.

"Forget it. We ain't spending coppers on lodging when we've got a perfectly fine tent-", Hop Pop began as he got out a tent only for the wind to blow the tent away right before a thunderclap destroyed the tent.

"So much for your tent.", Ivy said.

"All right, B&B it is. But no extras. Hang tight, Bessie. We'll find you a comfy place to rest in a jiffy.", Hop Pop assured as he wrapped the blanket around Bessie and led the others inside while Bessie purred.

Then, they all ran to the inn and went inside.

"Wow.", Hop Pop said while everyone else gasped in amazement.

"Look at this place. So cozy.", Sprig said.

"Am I the only one here who thinks this is something out of a horror movie?", Jackie puzzled to herself.

"Well, that could be a great way to have some fun.", Anne grinned toward the triplets, who were getting happy again, before Sprig dinged the bell and two toad-like frogs entered.

"Oh, hey there. Welcome to the Dandy Lion B&B. I'm Teddy. This is my wife, Martha.", Teddy introduced.

"Please, warm yourselves by the fire.", Martha offered.

"Oh, well, that sounds nice.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Yes, please.", Anne said.

"And me, too, please.", Rose added.

"If I had any choice, I'd say no. By the way, we haven't come across a species like you before.", Jackie said as she and the others went to the fireplace and sat on a chair.

"Well, we're horned bullfrogs.", Martha explained.

"Oh, so not from around these parts?", Sylvia asked.

"Yeah, we traveled here a long time ago and just, you know, fell in love with the area. Isn't that right, sweetie?", Teddy chuckled.

"Oh, we sure did.", Martha responded as she and Teddy nuzzled against each other.

"So. I take it you'll be needing some rooms?", Teddy asked.

"Just one, please. We'll all pile in.", Hop Pop responded.

"Oh, no need. We only have a couple of guests tonight, so the inn is mostly empty.", Teddy assured.

"We'll make you a deal. Six rooms for the price of one. What do you say?", Martha asked before everyone cheered.

"Heck yeah!", Sprig grinned.

"Score!", Polly shouted before Hop Pop only stopped her.

"Thanks. But we only need five. Polly and the triplets here'll be bunking with me and Sylvia.", Hop Pop said.

"What? Aw, Hop Pop!", Polly groaned.

"Yay!", the triplets grinned.

"Here's some fresh cookies.", Martha offered, placing her cookies with pink chocolate chips in them.

"Mmm!", Sprig grinned, picking up a cookie as did Jackie, Anne, and Rose.

"And we'll go put your snail in the barn.", Teddy offered as he then went outside.

"Thank you.", Hop Pop thanked.

"Hey! Watch it", Anne exclaimed.

"Mine!", Sprig exclaimed.

"Get your hands off my cookies.", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Take it easy, people. There're plenty of cookies to go around.", Jackie assured.

"I'd like one.", Ivy said.

"Yeah. I want one, too.", Rose added before Polly groaned.

Then, all of a sudden, a loud booming noise in the sky sounded, frightening the triplets to the point that they all hid under the table, whimpering.

"Huh? What's wrong?", Jackie asked.

"We're scared...", Lily whimpered.

"It was loud...", Andy shivered.

"What was?", Jackie puzzled.

"That 'boom'...!", Danny responded.

"What? But that's just...", Jackie began before Anne stopped her and then went over to hem, picking them up for the time being.

"Look. Do you know what sound that boom actually was?", Anne asked.

"No.", the triplets shook in reply.

"Well, that booming sound is called thunder. It happens when lightning strikes in the sky. They say you can even hear it in the distance after a certain amount of time. Sure, it can be scary, at times, but once you get used to it, it doesn't bother you as much.", Anne assured.

"Oh...", the triplets said unison.

"Listen, I know this is scary now. And we're all here for you, but you three are big kids now. So, you gotta be brave, okay?", Anne asked.

"Okay. Lily said with a light grin.

"Now, let's get to our own rooms and have some fun, shall we?", Anne grinned.

Later, Hop Pop and Sylvia yawned as he carried Polly to their room and Sylvia carried the triplets there as well, passing Anne, Jackie, Rose, and Sprig (although sharing with Ivy) in their own rooms on the way there.

"Whoo! Happiness, thy name is solitude.", Anne grinned as she hopped on the bed while listening to music on stereo.

"Just be sure to keep it down. I need some rest for tonight.", Jackie said with a yawn.

"How can I rest when I feel so excited?", Rose said as she hopped faster than Anne and Sprig on her bed.

"Freedom! And check it out. A laundry chute!", Sprig said before going down said chute and then laughing as he went back in.

"I want to go next.", Ivy said before she then went down the Laundry Chute next.

"This is so not fair. I want my own room!", Polly complained.

"Sorry, kiddo. But you're just too young for that. Heck, so are the triplets.", Hop Pop responded.

"But you can have as many cookies as you want.", Sylvia offered only for Polly to refuse said cookies.

"I don't want your pity cookies.", Polly abruptly refused.

"No? Well, then how about a pity early bedtime?", Hop Pop asked.

"No! No pity bedtime either! I'm not even tired, anyway.", Polly refused.

"Yep, but we are. One room, one bedtime. ", Sylvia responded.

"Lights out in five minutes.", Hop Pop said before Polly sighed.

Then, she, as well as the triplets, noticed a lone door in front of her and then opened it up, discovering at the other side, a new vacant room.

"Hop Pop, Sylvia, look. There's another room connected to this one. Can I stay in here?", Polly asked.

"Well...", Hop Pop began.

"I'll leave the door open. And I'll go straight to bed. Pretty, pretty please?", Polly begged.

"And can we sweep with Powwy, pwease?", the triplets asked.

"They did say please.", Sylvia grinned before Hop Pop groaned.

"Okay, fine. As long as the triplets go in with you.", Hop Pop responded.

"Whoo! Yeah! Thanks, Hop Pop. You're the best.", Polly grinned.

"Thank you, Hop Pop.", the triplets grinned.

"But this door stays open. And no jumping about. Straight to bed.", Hop Pop said.

"Absolutely.", Polly responded.

"Now, we're right here if you three need me.", Hop Pop assured before the triplets nodded.

"Got it.", Polly said.

A moment of silence transpired.

"Three, two, one.", Polly said before, on cue, Hop Pop and Sylvia each fell onto the bed snoring.

Given the opportunity to really have fun, Polly slammed the door shut.

"Finally! Independence!", Polly exclaimed before laughing as she and the triplets then had fun (or at least tried to for the triplets) as they hopped on the bed, felt the soft robe, and then jumped through the pillows and blankets, but every time, they were scared by the thunder from outside.

"Time to snuggle up in my own bed. Or should I say, 'our' own bed?", Polly grinned before she turned off the light as the triplets snuggled toward her.

But then, there was a creaking noise, worrying the four almost immediately.

"What's that?", Polly asked before a loud thunderclap was heard with Polly and the triplets looking up to see a few wooden dolls on top of a shelf.

"Okay, it's a little creepy, but nothing we can't handle, right, guys?", Polly asked as the triplets were whimpering again.

But then, they squeaked upon turning to a certain corner where they found a giant skeleton looking at the group of four. They all screamed and turned the light on, showing that the skeleton turned out to be an assortment of random items, relieving them as they sighed.

"All right, just a bowling ball, a mop, and other assorted items oddly arranged in the corner.", Polly laughed nervously before turning the light off only for a creaking noise was heard again.

"You know, I'm not really tired. We should go see what Anne, Jackie, Rose, Sprig, and Ivy are up to. To me, my triplets!", Polly shouted as she turned the light back on and went out the room with the triplets following close behind her before they all burst into Anne's room.

"Hey, girlfriend!", Sprig said before they all noticed something odd.

"Huh, not here. Weird.", Polly said.

"Anne's gone...", Lily said.

"Anne doesn't go anywhere without her phone. Well, let's go see what Sprig and Ivy are up to.", Polly suggested before they all went into Sprig's room.

"Hey-o! Where's the party at?", Polly asked before noticing that Sprig and Ivy are gone, too.

"Huh. Sprig's not here either.", Polly puzzled.

"What about Jackie?", Lily asked before they went into Jackie's room and found that she isn't there, either.

"Really? Her, too? But she never wakes up this late.", Polly said.", Polly said.

Soon, they all went into Rose's room and found out that she isn't there, either.

"Dang it! Even Rose is gone, too?", Polly asked.

"I'm scared... They're all gone...!", Lily whimpered.

"It's fine. Totally fine. They're probably just somewhere else. And now to calmly head back to our own room.", Polly said as she calmly stepped out of the room and then made a break for her room with the triplets running after her.

"Don't weave us!", the triplets whimpered.

Afterwards, they then looked at the door connecting their room to Hop Pop's.

"We should get help.", Danny suggested.

"No. Resist. You go crawling back to Hop Pop now and you'll never be left on your own again. It'll be fine. You'll be fine.", Polly assured to herself only for the creaking and owl hoots to sound, prompting her to try to get to Hop Pop.

"Hop Pop! Sylvia! I don't wanna be on my own! Sprig, Rose, Jackie and Anne are missing and we're scared! I don't wanna-", Polly began only to notice that Hop Pop and Sylvia went missing.

"No! Not Hop Pop! Not Sywvia!", the triplets exclaimed before the door creaked as it was being closed by a familiarly eerie creature, who stepped out from the darkness, the moonlight revealing it to be an orc.

[door creaks]

"Ah, we missed one. Though they don't look like much.", the orc spoke before the triplets screamed.

"Ugh, again with the orcs?!", Polly groaned before the orc then tried to grab her, let alone the triplets.

They, however, managed to jump out of the way of the orc and onto the shelf where several dolls are shown. But the ruse was only meager as the orc then right away saw Polly, Lily, Andy, and Danny.

"There you are.", the orc said before trying to sweep at them only to miss and then force them into a corner.

But it was right then that Polly noticed the laundry chute.

"Lily, take my hand and form a chain with your siblings!", Polly urged.

The orc roared as he struck again, but missed as they all managed to jump down the laundry chute, frustrating the orc.

Play Kalamity Music: "Emperor Belos' Theme || Epic Orchestral Version! (The Owl House)"

Once they reached the bottom, albeit without pushing against the vent grate too much, they saw several orcs gathered at the basement with the orcs, especially one with a hoodie over his armor, were already gathering unconscious victims at the table, especially Teddy, Martha, and two other bullfrogs through the grate.

"Three magical frogs. I wonder, Zog. Are those souls any good for the Dark Lord?", one orc said.

"Of course they are, dimwit. Their souls just need to be handled delicately.", Zog responded before he then caused Anne, Jackie, Rose, Hop Pop, Sprig, Ivy, and Sylvia's souls to leave their body with but a lift from his right hand as he chanted a spell in a different language, making their bodies appear paler than before while their souls woke up, now a sort of glowing white sphere with a blue outline and a wisp-like tail.

"Huh? What's going on?", Anne puzzled.

"Where am I?!", Rose asked before she then noticed Zog and the other orcs smirking.

"Seriously? Orcs again?!", Jackie exclaimed.

"And here, I thought we'd at least get a bit of a break from them.", Hop Pop said.

"You said it.", Sylvia concurred.

"You better let us all go!", Sprig shouted.

"Yeah! Or else!", Ivy added.

"I don't think you're in any position to make any demands, especially not to one such as me.", Zog responded with a smirk before he turned to the orc holding the soul container and nodded, allowing him to open the jar.

"Now, then... In you all go.", Zog said before Rose and all the others then got sucked up and placed inside the soul container.

"They're soul robbers!", Polly gasped.

Just then, the pale bodies of Teddy, Martha, and two other bullfrogs withered into skeletons with skin, worrying Polly and the triplets.

"The Dark Lord will enjoy these souls, just like he enjoyed those cannibalistic bullfrogs.", Zog smirked.

Meanwhile, the triplets started whimpering as if they're going to cry.

Frankly, seeing the triplets crying was more than Polly could take, which made her angrier at Zog and the other orcs.

"That's my family!", Polly growled.

"Well done. Now, we can certainly please the Dark Lord with those souls we collected and-", Zog began.

But before he could finish, an orc burst in with a report.

"Zog! The little tadpoles escaped!", the orc reported.

"What?! Those little tadpoles escaped?!", Zog shouted.

Just then, Polly burst out of the grate and charged toward him.

"Deliver this, you Soul Robbers!", Polly shouted before she then hit Zog back, making him drop the soul container and let it roll on the ground and then turned to the still frightened tadpoles.

"Hurry! Get the soul container! For your sisters!", Polly shouted before she then attacked more orcs while the rest noticed the triplets and moved into attack with a prideful roar, making them very afraid.

But just then, they remembered what Anne told them.

"Listen, I know this is scary now. And we're all here for you, but you three are big kids now. So, you gotta be brave, okay?", Anne asked.

Then, they with that, as slowly as time seemed to go for them, they slowly stopped being afraid as she closed her eyes.

"Be bwave.", Lily said before she and her little siblings opened their eyes, which now glowed blue.

With that, as the orcs prepared to attack, they quickly jumped out of the grate with a dash, leaving behind a trail of blue light, before the mace could hit them, puzzling the orc.

"After those brats! Guard the soul jar", Zog ordered as the triplets scattered across the area to confuse, confound, hit, and distract the orcs with bumps where they least expect it while Lily managed to dash under the table in order to steal the soul jar just before Zog could get to it.

"No! You break that jar and you'll be taught a painful lesson!", Zog threatened.

But, desperate to save her family, she stood firm as she only raised the jar up.

"You weave our famiwy awone, Mr. Orc!", Lily shouted before she then smashed the soul jar, breaking it in pieces.

"No!", Zog exclaimed before the souls scattered everywhere with Anne, Jackie, Rose, Hop Pop, Sylvia, Sprig, and Ivy's souls each returning to their bodies, especially the bullfrogs.

"All right! You did it, Lily! Whoo-hoo!", Polly cheered.

"Huh? Wha- What's goin' on?", Hop Pop puzzled as he and the others all woke up.

"Five more minutes.", Anne added.

"Hi, Polly.", Sprig greeted.

"We have to get out of hewe.", Andy urged.

But Zog then stood in the group's way.

"Dimwits! The ritual's been ruined! Now, you'll pay for that, and there is no chance that little tadpoles like you can stand up against the orcs!", Zog snarled as the orcs surrounded the four tadpoles.

"You're right. I am just a little tadpole, and I'm not ready to be alone!", Polly retorted furiously, tossing her bow at a pot of apparent marinade from nearby, causing it to spill out onto the ground, puzzling Zog until the orcs started to slip, especially Zog.

"Wet's go.", Lily said before she, Andy, Danny, and Polly led the way for everyone else.

"Wow... I knew you could be brave, but I didn't think you'd be THAT brave!", Jackie said in surprise.

"I think I'm almost scared of you now.", Anne added.

"This way. Let's move.", Hop Pop urged.

Just then, Anne and Jackie looked at two barrels with baking soda and vinegar.

"Finally. A chance to use everything I know about chemistry.", Anne said, cracking her knuckles.

"You don't mean...", Jackie began.

"That's right, Jackie.", Anne smirked.

Meanwhile, everyone else ran out in the rain to look for Bessie.

"We gotta find Bessie.", Hop Pop urged.

Then, the group got to the door and opened it to finally see none other than...

"Bessie!", the group shouted before Bessie purred.

"Oh, thank goodness you're all right, you beautiful, precious princess.", Sprig grinned.

"Sprig, bring that lantern over here. Polly, get under there and take a look.", Hop Pop said as Sprig brought the lantern closer to Bessie.

"You got it, chief.", Polly said before she then finally squeezed under Bessie's shell and found the main problem in the form of a trap.

"A trap. So that's what slowed her down.", Hop Pop realized before removing it, relieving Bessie.

"How the heck did this get on her tail, though?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"Uh... Hop Pop? I don't think Bessie was the only one.", Ivy said.

Sure enough, at the rest of the stables, dozens of snails with traps were present, looking at him all while purring and chirping.

"Those poor wittle snails...", Lily said sadly.

"They wook so sad...", Andy and Danny said sadly.

"We can't just leave them here. We have to help them.", Rose said.

"But what about the orcs out there? We don't have the time.", Hop Pop responded.

"Yeah, but... can't we at least remove the traps?", Rose asked.

"She does have a point. There are more of us here.", Ivy agreed.

"Well, all right. But we take each trap and open it at the same time.", Hop Pop stated, earning a nod from everyone.

Soon after, they all opened the traps at the same time.

"And that's how it's done.", Hop Pop sighed.

"I still don't get it. What were all those snails doing here trapped in the first place?", Sylvia pondered.

"We'll worry about that later, Sylvia. Let's go.", Hop Pop urged before he and everyone else then got back on the wagon as Anne and Jackie ran back in with giggles.

"What are you two laughing about?", Hop Pop asked.

"We can tell you later, but we need to get outta here first.", Jackie responded.

"Bessie, things are gettin' messy.", Hop Pop exclaimed before Bessie chirped in compliance and rushed out of the stable, followed by the other captive snails.

Meanwhile, Zog and the other orcs recovered.

"Those dimwits. Did they really think they could keep me down?", Zog sneered.

But then, he and the other orcs noticed two barrels tipped over and leaking into each other.

"Oh, no...", Zog sighed.

Suddenly, the inn then blew up in giant bubbles.

"Chemistry wins! Yes!", Anne shouted as Bessie chirped.

"You never told me you actually learned some stuff in Chemistry, Anne.", Jackie said in surprise.

"Eh. Thought I'd save it for some bit of pizazz.", Anne explained.

Back at the now destroyed inn, Zog and the others survived as they left, covered in bubbles to show for it.

"Mark my words, strangers! We'll come after you and claim your souls for the Dark Lord one of these days! And especially you, you little tadpoles! We'll take your souls yet!", Zog declared.

End Kalamity Music: "Emperor Belos' Theme || Epic Orchestral Version! (The Owl House)"

Meanwhile, the group finally arrived back home.

"Finally. The nightmare is over...", Sylvia sighed.

"Home sweet home.", Sprig grinned before Anne sighed.

"But I just don't get it. What were those snails doing here, trapped in the first place?", Sylvia pondered.

"Turns out it was all a setup. Teddy and Martha must've trapped passengers at the inn. They were the 'breakfast' in 'bed and breakfast.'.", Sprig said.

"Yeah, obvi. Zog did consider them cannibalistic.", Hop Pop said.

"But it just doesn't make any sense. Why would bullfrogs eat other frogs? That's cannibalism. So, what have they got against frogs?", Sylvia puzzled.

"Who knows? But right now..., I feel kinda sorry for those poor snails. They lost their owners to those bullfrogs before Zog and those orcs showed up. I just hope we could find them again so that we could help find them new owners who can relate one of these days.", Jackie said.

"Yeah...", the rest of the gang agreed.

"You know, Polly, even though you're still a tadpole like Anne's youngers siblings, you certainly proved you can be on your own. Maybe it's time I give you a little more independence.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Thanks, Hop Pop. But I was actually hoping to sleep in your room with Lily, Andy, and Danny tonight. Being on my own was kinda freaky.", Hop Pop said.

"Well, Hop Pop? What do you say?", Sylvia grinned.

"I suppose that'd be all right.", Hop Pop grinned.

Then, later, as Hop Pop, Polly, and the triplets were getting comfortable, a bedroom door opened.

"So. Turns out tonight's events were a tad traumatic.", Anne said.

"If by a tad traumatic, you mean A TOTAL NIGHTMARE!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Room for three more?", Sprig asked.

"Or better yet, four?", Ivy responded.

"Get in here, you crazy kids.", Polly grinned before Anne, Sprig, Jackie, and Ivy sighed as they all joined Hop Pop and the triplets.

"Thank you for saving us, Polly.", Anne grinned.

"Yeah. I did not want to be fed to the Dark Lord, let alone spend the rest of my life as a soul.", Jackie added, shuddering.

"And thank you for standing up to those mean orcs.", Andy thanked.

"And for teaching us to be bwave.", Lily added.

"Yeah.", Danny agreed.

"Actually, it's thanks to the bravery of you four that we're all still here now.", Hop Pop said.

"Yeah. You're our heroes.", Rose added.

"Aw, stop. You guys're making me blush.", Polly grinned.

"Great grubs, Sprig! Your feet are cold!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Deal with it.", Sprig retorted, earning Polly's giggle.

Act II: Wally and Rose

One morning, Hop Pop and the others were out picking berries.

"Now remember, green and red, be well fed. Blue and red, instantly dead. Oh, wait. Or was that, 'Green and red, instantly dead'?", Hop Pop wondered as Sprig overheard this and ate some berries only to later get weary and then spit the berries out, making Ivy giggle a bit.

"Gross, Sprig.", Ivy grinned.

"Actually, you were right the first time.", Sylvia assured.

Meanwhile, Rose plucked out a mushroom from the ground.

"Yup, that's a mushroom, all right.", Rose said.

Just then, a creature roamed past the trees in shadow, making her gasp.

"Did you guys see that?", Rose asked, turning to Anne, Jackie, Hop Pop, Sprig, Polly, and Ivy.

"Purple and green heals the spleen.", Hop Pop stated.

"Come back, guys!", Rose shouted before the creature passed her again, puzzling her.

"What's going on?", Rose puzzled before she went to investigate, but not without sliding on the slope into a bush, leading her to see a sort of majestic creature covered in moss with two trees on it as horns, making her gasp in awe.

The creature gave a low growl as it breathed in the air while one butterfly landed softly on one of its flowers.

"Wow...", Rose spoke in awe before she wound up choking on a butterfly by accident, making it give a soft growl before running off by the time Rose coughed out the butterfly.

"No, wait! Come back!", Rose urged before Hop Pop, Sylvia, Anne, Jackie, Sprig, Polly, and the triplets returned.

"There you are.", Hop Pop said.

"What the heck? You guys just missed it.", Rose said.

"What, you barfing up a butterfly? Naw, we totally saw that.", Anne said.

"No, not that! There was a huge, magical creature made of moss! It was beautiful and majestic.", Rose said in awe, making the group laugh.

"Good one, Rose", Sprig grinned.

"No, I'm serious! I saw it!", Rose responded.

"Saw the ol' 'Moss Man,' huh?", Sprig guessed.

"Oh. So, that's what that thing's called.", Rose realized.

"Rose, the Moss Man's a myth. Only crazy people and gullible tadpoles believe in it.", Hop Pop responded, making Anne and Jackie gasp.

"Are you calling me gullible...?", Rose starting to tear up.

"What? No. That's not what I'm sa...", Hop Pop began.

"Then you're calling me crazy?!", Rose exclaimed.

"Maybe a little...", Hop Pop responded.

"Dude, I don't think you should've said that.", Anne said that to Hop Pop.

"So, you're telling me you guys have giant fire-breathing beavers and mutant centipedes, but you don't believe in mossmen?", Rose asked.

"Well, yeah, we've seen those. Look, your world might have stuff like flying machines and magic memory boxes.", Sprig began.

"They're called planes and phones.", Jackie responded.

"Whatever. But we don't have weird stuff like that here. This is just a normal town.", Sprig finished.

"You're talking frogs! And we turned into frogs after coming here! What part about any of that is normal?!", Rose shouted.

"Aw, great. See what you did? Thanks to you calling her crazy, she's never going to let it go.", Jackie responded.

"But the moss man doesn't exi...", Hop Pop began before Anne dragged him closer to her.

"We know that, and that's one thing to say that. But calling her crazy and gullible? Not the best idea.", Anne responded.

"Every time someone calls her that, she gets crazy determined to prove someone wrong. It always ends in failure and she always gets super upset...!", Jackie responded.

"And now, she's never gonna stop talking about it.", Anne added.

"Well, never say never.", Hop Pop responded.

Unfortunately, Anne's point was proven on the way back.

"I am not done talking about it!", Rose exclaimed.

"I'm starting to regret sayin' that out loud.", Hop Pop groaned.

"I'm telling you guys, I saw it, I saw it, I saw it!", Rose shouted.

"Careful, Rose. You keep rantin' and ravin', you'll put One-Eyed Wally out of a job.", Hop Pop warned jokingly.

"Ha! She totally does sound like Wally.", Sprig grinned, making Rose gasp.

"Sprig...", Ivy glared slightly.

"What? I'm just saying.", Sprig responded.

"You take that back! I am not a weirdo like Wally! I'm a young girl who saw the Moss Man!", Rose retorted angrily.

"So! You've seen the Moss Man too, eh?", Wally asked with a giggle.

"I seen it once. Deep in the moors where it makes its home and feeds on mist. Skin of moss, it had. Took me hand clean off, it did.", Wally said.

"You do know you have both your hands, right, Wally?", Jackie asked before Wally noticed this.

"Lefty! When did you get back?", Wally asked before every villager giggled.

"Stop it! I know it sounds crazy when he says it, but I know what I saw!", Rose exclaimed.

"Whatever you say... Crazy Rose.", Polly chuckled.

"Huh? Oh, I get it. Like One-Eyed Wally.", Sprig realized before high-fiving Polly.

"Well, hey, now!", Anne glared.

"Sharp as ever, sis.", Sprig grinned.

"You might as well start learnin' the accordion. And sleepin' under bridges.", Hop Pop laughed before everyone else (excluding Sylvia and Ivy) laughed as well, mainly the villagers.

"Wouldn't want to be that guy.", Wally said as he and the others walked away.

"Don't laugh at me!", Rose exclaimed as everyone left before groaning a bit sadly.

"Rose...", Sprig began.

"Huh?", Rose puzzled as she turned to him.

"Actually, I believe you...", Sprig began.

"Really?", Rose beamed.

"...dreamt it. I believe you dreamt it.", Sprig finished, making Rose groan in frustration as Jackie looked back to her and sighed sadly for her.

Later that night, Rose was moaning as she tossed and turned, thinking back on what she was called repeatedly.

"She does sounds like Wally.", Sprig laughed.

"Rantin' and ravin'.", Hop Pop said as laughter followed.

"Crazy Rose. Crazy Rose.", Polly said before it even showed what was supposed to be Wally, only for him to turn around and have Rose's face instead, making Rose wake up in horror and scream at the top of her lungs (although not without covering her mouth as she didn't want to wake the triplets up upon realizing that she's awake), making Anne and Jackie snap awake.

"Aah! I'm up!", Anne exclaimed.

Then, quickly, after taking a deep breath, Rose took her jacket and then started leaving in a huff.

"Rose? What the...? What are you doing? It's not even morning yet.", Jackie asked.

"I'm going to find the mossman on my own! I will not be called a weirdo and associated with Wally again, so don't try and stop me!", Rose shouted before leaving through the window and then turning back to close the window.

"Oh, no...! This is terrible! She's running away from home.", Anne panicked.

"And we all know what happens now... Come on, Anne. We have to find her before her heart gets broken! Again!", Jackie urged.

Meanwhile, Wally was playing his accordion.

"I lost me true love By the old willow tree.", Wally sang right before Rose jumped out from behind the statue and grabbed Wally, making him yell.

"You listen and you listen good!", Rose exclaimed.

"Angel of death. You've come for me at last.", Wally said in fright.

"What? No, Wally, it's me. Rose", Rose said as she put her hood down.

"So it is. Whoo! Deja vu. You jumped me before?", Wally asked.

"Nerp. But listen, you said you know where the Moss Man lives, right? I need you to take me there so I can take a picture of it, prove I'm normal (as possible), and never be associated with you ever again. No offense.", Rose requested.

"Okay.", Wally responded.

"Why?! I can't handle being called the town we... Wait. What did you say?", Rose asked as she was initially sobbing until she realized what he actually said.

"I said 'okay.'", Wally responded.

"Oh. Thanks.", Rose grinned, wiping her tears and sniffling.

"But the journey will be fraught with peril.", Wally said.

"Which is why you're not going anywhere by yourself.", Anne said as she and Jackie stepped forward.

"I told you not to try and stop me!", Rose exclaimed.

"Whoa! Intense, lately?", Anne asked.

"You didn't let her finish. We can't let you go on your own looking for it. Which is why we're going with you.", Jackie said.

"Really?", Rose asked.

"Yeah. Also, if you're going to take a picture of the mossman, you're going to need this.", Anne said, giving her phone to Rose.

"You mean...?", Rose asked.

"That's right. Until we take a picture of the mossman, I hereby give you permission to use my phone to take pictures.", Anne grinned.

"And someone has to make sure you're safe.", Jackie grinned.

"Okay. But only because you two didn't make fun of me.", Rose said.

Later, Rose set off on the journey, accompanied only by Anne, Jackie, and Wally, who played his accordion.

"Oh, the Misty Moors are dark and gray...", Wally began.

"Hope he doesn't play that thing the whole way.", Anne said.

Later that morning, 8 hours, to be exact, Wally continued to play the accordion before he finally stopped.

"Okay, that's enough.", Wally grinned.

"Oh, thank goodness. Yes.", Anne said as Jackie sighed.

"Or is it?", Wally asked.

But before he could play again, Rose spoke up.

"Excuse me? But could you stop playing the accordion, please?", Rose asked.

"What's that? Oh, I'm sorry. I'll stop. I didn't realize I was botherin' you.", Wally apologized.

"It's okay.", Rose assured.

Later, they arrived at a sort of mountain near the edge.

"...and with his dying words he told me, 'Wallace, take this accordion, find my killer and defeat him with the power of song.'", Wally said.

"That's... horrible.", Rose sniffled.

"Yeah... Anyway, enough about me. Tell me about yourself.", Wally said.

"Hard pass.", Anne refused.

"Yeah, that's a no for me, too. That's kind of personal and you're basically an unstable stranger.", Jackie concurred just before suddenly, Rose tripped on the edge, a piece of which broke off.

"Waah!", Rose shouted.

"Rose!", Jackie and Anne shouted, about to go after her.

"I got this!", Wally assured before he then grabbed her by the leg with his tongue.

Unfortunately, Anne's phone fell off the backpack.

"No!", Rose shouted before she managed to grab it with her tongue and lift it back up with both Rose and Wally getting back on the ground.

"Phew...! Wally, you saved my life.", Rose grinned.

"Don't mention it, love. I know how much this means to you.", Wally responded.

"Oh. Thanks.", Rose grinned.

"Now, let's hurry up and get that photo.", Anne said.

Meanwhile, Hop Pop, Sylvia, Polly, and Sprig were eating breakfast for the day.

"Hmm. Where's Rose?", Sprig asked.

"That is odd. I haven't seen Anne and Jackie, either.", Sylvia said.

"Somethin' ain't right here. They're normally up and out of bed at this hour.", Hop Pop said.

Then, all of a sudden, they heard wailing sobs from the triplets down stairs.

"Well, that wasn't supposed to happen.", Hop Pop puzzled.

"But why?", Sylvia asked.

After that, Hop Pop went down first.

"What is goin' on he...?", Hop Pop began before gasping upon noticing that the triplets were crying over the fact that there is no sign of Anne, Jackie, or Rose.

"They're gone!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Look! A window! They must've taken that way to leave. But why?", Sprig asked.

"Well, don't you think it might have something to do with Rose being called a weirdo yesterday?", Sylvia asked.

"I'm not sure. All I suggested was that she gets the accordion ready and start playing under the br...", Hop Pop began before gasping dramatically.

"OH, MY FROG, IT DOES!", Hop Pop realized in horror.

Then, Sprig realized something as well as he, too, gasped.

"Oh, frog...! What have I done...? WHAT HAVE I DONE?!", Sprig shouted with an echo before Hop Pop started sobbing.

"Look at those poor tadpoles suffering from trauma because she, of all people, ran away, all because of the hurtful things I said, and I had no idea how hurtful they even were! If I hadn't poked any fun at her, none of this would be happening! Why do you punish me, frog?! WHY?!", Hop Pop sobbed dramatically.

"I have no regrets!", Polly said only for Sprig to bonk her in the head.

"Shut your dirty mouth, Polly! And you!", Sprig shouted before he then slapped him in the face.

"Stuff it, Hop Pop. No amount of tears can bring Rose back home.", Sprig responded.

"Okay. But that still kinda hurt, you know.", Hop Pop said.

"Sorry. Thought you might need it.", Sprig responded.

"But what can we do? They left without even letting us know where they're going.", Sylvia responded.

"I think I might have an idea where.", Sprig responded.

"Really? Where?", Hop Pop asked.

"Think about it. Rose says she saw a mossman, but nobody believed her, including us. So, she must be trying to look for the mossman she saw the other day so she can get some solid proof and then come back here so that she wouldn't be called weird anymore.", Sprig responded.

"Oh, that makes sense. But I still feel bad about calling her names, driving her away, and leaving those poor triplets alone.", Hop Pop sighed as the triplets cried.

"Me, too, Hop Pop. Me, too. But they aren't alone. And until we find Anne, Jackie, and Rose and get them back home proof or no proof, we're going to watch the triplets as we search for them. And fortunately, there is only one place where there is an abundance of mist where the supposed mossman eats it: the Misty Moors.", Sprig said as she comforted Lily, making her stop sobbing as Andy and Danny stopped as well.

"First, we're going to need to get Ivy.", Sylvia suggested.

Meanwhile, Rose was doing a special handshake with Wally.

"Clap, pull it back, fist bump, flip it up, lock it in, twist it, twainst it, not against it, spank the baby, where's the baby? There's the baby. Shake hands with the baby.", Rose said as she did said motions.

"Wow, that was incredible. I'll never shake hands the normal way again.", Wally grinned, making Rose giggle.

"Thanks. Anne taught me that one.", Rose grinned.

"It's true. My friends used to think my elaborate handshakes were silly.", Anne said.

"Oh, there's your first mistake, love. I never care what other people think of me.", Wally responded, making Anne scoff.

"Easy for you to say. Back home, your reputation is everything.", Anne responded.

"Lucky for you and your sisters, you're not back home.", Wally responded, puzzling Anne.

"Anne, the way I see it, you've all got a great opportunity in front of you three. Whole new world, new people, free to be whatever you want.", Wally said.

"That's... kinda genius, Wally.", Jackie grinned.

"You know..., you're not bad for a weirdo.", Rose grinned to Wally, who turned out to be sleeping.

"Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup.", Wally said.

"Hey, dude, you still awake?", Anne asked.

"Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup.", Wally said while snoring, making Rose giggle before she then wrapped a blanket around Wally.

The next morning, they arrived at the ideal location for the Mossman.

"We've finally made it. The Misty Moors. Time for the Moss Man summoning ritual.", Wally said.

"Summoning ritual?", Anne asked.

"What's that?", Rose pondered before Wally then moved around while doing gibberish.

"Uh... Are you sure this is gonna work?", Jackie asked.

"I don't want excuses!", a voice shouted, puzzling Rose.

"Huh?", Rose puzzled before she turned, took a closer look, and then saw the source of the voice as well as some orcs, one of which was shouting at the rest.

"I want the mossman found!", the orc exclaimed.

"Orcs...?", Anne, Jackie, and Rose puzzled in unison.

"Again?", Anne puzzled.

"But why are they looking for it, too?", Jackie puzzled.

"And it will be, Captain Norok. We know of only one clue that can lead us to it.", the 2nd orc assured.

"Get to the point!", Norok ordered.

"Butterflies.", the orc responded.

Right on cue, one butterfly passed Anne and her sisters.

"Butterflies!", the trio shouted before they took off.

"Oi! Where are you going? I'm only halfway done.", Wally said.

Soon after, they went where the butterflies were and followed them up until they bumped into the mossman from up in front and tumbled before looking up in awe.

"Whoa...", Rose said.

"Rose, the phone!", Anne whispered.

"Oh! Yeah.", Rose said before getting it out.

"Almost... got it...", Rose said before taking a picture just as Wally came in and then bumped into Rose by accident.

Then, the mossman fled away from the group.

"Quick! After it.", Rose shouted.

"Oh, right.", Wally said before they all ran after the mossman.

"Wait! We don't mean you any harm. Come back.", Rose panted before the mossman disappeared in the mist, which cleared up, revealing a lost archway in the middle of the grass.

"Where'd it go?", Wally asked.

"Oh, dang mist! We lost him again.", Rose groaned.

"Yeah. But at least you got the picture before then.", Jackie grinned.

"I just can't believe it's actually real.", Wally said.

"I know, right? Wait, what?", Anne asked.

"I thought it was a myth. I mean, it's preposterous.", Wally responded.

"But you- I don't- What?", Anne exclaimed.

"So you took her all the way out here based on a lie?", Jackie asked, appalled with his methods.

"Yeah. I mean, we had fun, though, didn't we? Right up until those orcs appeared, that is.", Wally asked.

"That's not the point. She could've easily gone back with no proof. And then everyone would think she was like you!", Anne exclaimed, making Rose gasp while Wally gave an ashamed look.

"What's so bad about being like me?", Wally asked as he left.

"Wally...", Rose said.

"Oh, woof.", Anne said.

"It's nice that you're sticking up for Rose, Anne, but you went too far on that one.", Jackie said.

"Yeah. I did...", Anne sighed before she then went over to Wally with Rose accompanying her.

"Wally. I didn't-", Anne said before sighing.

"That's not what I meant. I'm sorry. It's cool you don't care what people think about you.", Anne grinned.

"Mm-hmm. And I'm glad we came out here together.", Rose responded.

"You mean it?", Wally asked.

"Yeah.", Rose nodded before she and Wally started doing the handshake.

"Clap, pull it back, fist bump, flip it up, lock it in, twist it, twainst it, not against it, spank the baby, where's the baby? There's the baby. Shake hands with the baby.", Rose and Wally said in unison.

"Cool. Now, let's get out there and save that Moss Man. Together.", Anne grinned.

At that moment, Hop Pop, Sylvia, Ivy, the triplets, Sprig, and Polly arrived, surprising them.

"There you are!", Hop Pop shouted.

"Hop Pop? Sylvia?", Rose puzzled.

"Are you all right?", Sylvia asked.

"Where have you all been? They've been worried sick.", Polly said.

"What are you doing here?", Anne asked.

"Listen. We know why you three ran away given yesterday's events. And I just wanted to say...", Hop Pop began before Sprig hopped over to Rose and then started to sob.

"I'm sorry! I never should've made fun of you, or called you crazy! Is that what you want to hear, Rose?! I MISS YOU...! FORGIVE ME...!", Sprig sobbed, not knowing that his loud sobs were attracting the attention of Norok and his fellow orcs as the orc captain sneered afterwards, before Hop Pop slapped Sprig in the cheek.

"Dang it, Sprig. I was gonna apologize.", Hop Pop said.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. Definitely needed that one.", Sprig responded, making Rose giggle.

"I didn't think you'd be pegged as a dramatic type.", Ivy said to Sprig.

"Oh, you guys. Of course I forgive you.", Rose grinned before she hugged Hop Pop and Sprig.

"So, you gonna come back?", Sprig asked.

"Sprig, I can't...", Rose said.

"But why...? Oh. Is it because you need proof it exists? I can help with that.", Sprig offered.

"Actually, we already got it.", Jackie assured as Rose showed him the picture.

"Whoa. That's the mossman?", Sprig asked.

"Mm-hmm.", Rose nodded.

"It looks so beautiful.", Ivy grinned.

"Whoa. Sorry for doubting you. And also for teasing you.", Polly apologized.

"It's okay.", Rose assured.

"But there's another problem. It turns out the orcs are after the mossman, too.", Jackie stated.

"And it's definitely not for picture day.", Anne added.

"We need to make sure they don't catch the mossman.", Rose said.

"Ugh. Can't these orcs give us a break for once?!", Polly exclaimed.

"Well, who would've thought? A mission to clear one's name turned into a daring rescue mission.", Wally said.

Then, all of a sudden, Norok roared angrily and swung his sword, also roaring to lead his orc army toward Anne, Jackie, Rose, and Wally.

"Run!", Rose shouted as she and the others fled from the orcs, who then descended upon the hill.

"Oh! Look!", Wally shouted upon noticing the Mossman.

"There it goes. We gotta hoof it.", Anne urged before everyone ran with Anne, Jackie, Rose, and Wally to evade Norok and his men.

"Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup.", Wally said while running before stopping near a wall covered with foot-shaped moss going up top.

"Dang it. There's nowhere to run.", Jackie groaned.

"Look!", Rose said before they looked up to see the mossman up above as it gave a low purr.

"Say what?!", Polly exclaimed.

"Whoa! It didn't know it could climb.", Sprig said in awe.

"So, what do you think? Can we climb up to it?", Jackie asked.

"Good thing I did bouldering club in school.", Anne grinned.

"Good. Hop Pop, can you have the triplets stay down here for a moment? We'll need to keep it at bay while Anne, Rose, and Wally get to the Mossman.", Jackie asked.

"You got it, Jackie.", Hop Pop saluted.

"You three can go ahead.", Jackie said before Rose and Anne nodded and started climbing with Wally starting to do the same.

"But can I go up there to help them?", Sprig offered.

"But why?", Jackie asked.

"It's the least I could do for Rose since I made fun of her in the first place. And besides, Wally might not be doing so well with the climbing.", Sprig said, pointing to Anne and Rose climbing up as is Wally, but with difficulty for his case.

"One hand in front of the other, Wally.", Anne said before Wally's hat suddenly fell off, revealing his nice hair.

"Oh! My iconic hat.", Wally exclaimed.

"And for the record, I did not know he has good hair.", Sprig said.

"Okay. But be careful.", Jackie said.

"You got it.", Sprig understood.

Meanwhile, Anne and Rose climbed up the wall and saw the Mossman.

"Perfect. Yo, Wally, you almost up here?", Anne asked.

"Yep. And I think I'm really starting to get the hang of this.", Wally said only for the rock wall to crack and cause him to fall down.

"Wally!", Anne and Rose shouted before Wally then landed on a few rocks and then held onto a branch as best he could.

"Wally! Hold on, we're coming.", Anne urged.

"No. I'll be fine. Just get to the mossman!", Wally urged.

After a few moments, though, as Anne hesitated, Wally finally lost his grip and fell down. But it was at that moment that Sprig caught him and went up the rock wall.

"Sprig?", Anne and Rose puzzled.

"Thought you two could use some help.", Sprig grinned before the Mossman turned and saw Sprig, practically beaming at the sight.

"Uh..., what's going on here?", Sprig puzzled.

Then, the mossman quickly ran over to Sprig, making him, Anne, and Rose scream before the mossman then nuzzled him, surprising him.

"Huh? Oookay.", Sprig said a bit nervously before it then moved back from Sprig and then calmed down some, still happy before it knelt down on all fours.

"Uh..., what is going on here?", Sprig asked.

"Mm-mmm.", Rose shrugged.

"I don't know about you, but I think it wants to be your pet. Of course, that's just a guess.", Wally said.

"It wants to be my pet, huh?", Sprig grinned.

Meanwhile, Norok and the orcs were nearing Hop Pop, Polly, the triplets, Jackie, Ivy, and Sylvia with Norok roaring as he swung his sword until they stopped in front of them with the triplets scared of Norok, who stopped roaring and set his sword on the ground as they whimpered slightly.

"I assume you know why we're here, frog.", Norok said.

"Maybe. And I assuming you know we can't just let you have it.", Jackie guessed.

"I thought as much.", Norok smirked.

Just then the mossman jumped down and then fell down past the rock wall, surprising Norok and the orcs before it landed just behind Hop Pop, Polly, Ivy, Sylvia, and the triplets with Anne, Rose, and Wally riding it behind Sprig on top.

"The mossman...!", Norok gasped before everyone else gasped with the orcs doing so out of surprise while the rest gasped in joy and relief.

"All right, nobody move! We've got a big mossman here and we ain't afraid to use it!", Anne said.

"Give it back!", Norok exclaimed before he and the orcs charged, prompting the Mossman to sweep them away with but a swift strike of his hand, especially Norok, who barely dodged another of its swipes before he landed on his feet with a roll and then stood up with a glare.

"And there's plenty more where that came from, orc scum! I'm a frog on edge!", Sprig shouted before the mossman gave a roaring bellow, prompting the orcs to flee.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! NO! Fight back! Fight! FIGHT! What's the matter with you?!", Norok exclaimed before turning back.

"It's over, orc. You're not getting that mossman.", Sprig said.

"The name's Norok. And this is not over..., simple frog.", Norok said before leaving as the last one behind the orcs.

With that, everyone cheered as they managed to keep the mossman safe.

"Well. They're gone.", Jackie said.

"For now. But they'll come back for it and soon.", Sylvia added.

"If they find out it's with us, who knows what they'd do to it if we weren't there to keep it safe.", Hop Pop said in worry.

Then, Rose looked to the picture on her phone and sighed.

"I know what we need to do.", Rose said.

"What do you mean?", Jackie asked.

"I mean, we should let it go. And never tell anyone about the mossman.", Rose suggested.

"But... don't you want to stop being called a weirdo? No offense.", Anne said.

"None taken. She's right, though. This is your one chance to get proof. If you don't take it, everyone's gonna think you're as loony as I am.", Wally said in worry.

After some thinking, and turning to the mossman as well as her friends and family, she had but one response.

"You know what? If being a weirdo means keeping this beautiful creature safe from those orcs... then so be it.", Rose said before turning to Sprig and nodding to him.

"Mossman, you're free to go. But if we need you for a really big emergency, I'll whistle for you. But until then, stay safe.", Sprig said before the mossman gave a low growl and then walked away.

"What a beautiful creature...", Polly said.

"You said it.", Jackie grinned.

"All that matters is that we're safe.", Sylvia grinned.

"Mm-hmm. And we know what we saw. Plus, a good friend once told me it doesn't matter what other people think of you. And to that, I say, 'weirdos have to stick together.'", Rose grinned.

"That's a good line. Would your friend mind if I used it?", Wally asked.

"It was you, Wally.", Jackie said.

"Yeah, I know. Or was it?", Wally asked with a cackle.

"You goofball.", Anne said, slapping him in the back playfully.

"Still, someone has to tell the truth, and I have a pretty good idea who. Me. That way, the truth would get out and it'd still be safe because no one would believe me. It's perfect!", Wally grinned, making Rose giggle.

At the castle in Newtopia, Sauron was quite angry with Norok's men's failure.

"This is really the best your men has to offer?!", Sauron spoke angrily.

"My lord, it was those frogs! They got to the mossman before we could.", Norok responded.

"ENOUGH!", Sauron said before Norok's men groaned as they suddenly felt as though their souls were leaving their bodies as on each one, a symbol, which resembled a flaming eye, appeared on their foreheads before they gave one final breath with their bodies turning to dust, which then blew away.

"Oh, my.", Mr. Littlepot said in shock.

"This is your warning. Do not fail me again.", Sauron warned.

"Understood, my lord.", Norok responded.

"Well, it didn't really matter, did it? After all, one Mossman was nothing compared to the multitude of Mossman we did have. And once we find the box, it wouldn't matter if they beat us or not. Soo, we will have our revenge...", Andrias smirked, gesturing toward the countless mossmen down below with a smirk.

A/N: What'd you think? Pretty good, right? Oh, and as for the missing last scene, I decided that it might best appear in the next chapter in the beginning to start it off. :)