16. Chapter 16

A/N: And here, we finally have the 16th chapter out. Note: there will be a bit more drama with Ivy involved in Family Fishing Trip. Also, the ending of Bizarre Bazaar may be a bit of the same, but also different, too. Oh, and there would be a slight change of voice actors for Wrecker, this time. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 16

Act I: Family Fishing Trip

After returning to Wartwood, Wally and Rose were now together as the former told the truth. Of course, it's unlikely that they'll believe him.

"So there we were, ready to stand guard against Norok and his orcs as Anne, Jackie, and Rose myself were climbing up to the edge of the cliff, the beastie rushing at us, to aid us in this great battle.", Wally said as Rose played the accordion.

"Any proof?", one villager asked.

"Absolutely not.", Rose said before the villagers all murmured as they left

"They're two peas in a pod, these loons.", the villager said.

"Eh, tough crowd.", Wally said.

"Well, you can't please everyone.", Rose said.

"Well, best be heading off. Oh, there once was a lass Named Rose the Fair; She put up a front And played her part; But soon enough Touched this loon's heart.", Wally sang as he left just as Anne, Jackie, the triplets, Hop Pop, Sprig, Polly, Sylvia, and Ivy arrived.

"Rose! We heard people at Stumpy's saying you're as weird as Wally.", Polly said.

"You must be pretty upset.", Sprig guessed.

"After what happened yesterday? Not really.", Rose responded.

"Are you sure?", Ivy asked.

"Mm-hmm. This way, the mossman can live in peace. After all, us weirdo's have to stick together.", Rose replied.

"That is a really good line.", Hop Pop said.

"Yeah. I am going to miss it, though.", Rose sighed before Hop Pop hugged her.

"You don't have to be strong for us. Let it out, girl.", Hop Pop said before kissing her in the cheek, making her giggle.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Hop Pop invited me over to the boat trip today.", Sylvia grinned.

"Oh, right! I forgot that's today.", Sprig realized.

"You're coming, too? Cool!", Polly grinned.

"It's true. I did invite her.", Hop Pop responded

"Boat trip?", Rose asked before then yelling out in a playful manner.

"I'm Crazy Rose!", Rose said as she then chased after the others.

"She's deranged!", Polly shouted.

Later, the group was now back home.

"Ah, the annual Plantar fishing trip. I can't wait to cast off.", Sprig grinned.

"Me either, my froggy friend. But I'm not fishing. I'm parasailing, baby!", Anne grinned.

"Parasailing?! No way! I can probably understand water skiing, but Parasailing?! It's too dangerous for you!", Jackie exclaimed.

"What's Parasailing?", Polly asked.

"Basically, you soar above water on a sail just like this one.", Jackie stated.

"Wow! Flying? What a great way to spy on my enemies.", Polly said before giving an evil laugh.

"Wait, what?", Rose puzzled.

"Nothing.", Polly responded.

"That sounds cool.", Ivy grinned.

"Maybe, but in the hands of the untrained, it's very dangerous and harmful.", Jackie warned.

"What do you say, Sprig? Why fish when you can fly?", Anne offered.

"Oh, no! You're not dragging him into this, Anne!", Jackie scolded.

"Ooh, tempting. But, nope. I'd rather fish.", Sprig said.

"See what you've done?! You dragged him to his... What did you say?", Jackie puzzled.

"It's what Hop Pop and I have done on this trip ever since I was a pollywog. First we'd get the bait ready. Then he'd let me steer the boat. Then we'd spend the rest of the day fishing together.", Sprig said as it showed a flashback of Hop Pop and Sprig, as a young Pollywog, smacking the bait to keep them stable only for one of them to fling Hop Pop away as well as Young Sprig steering the boat and then fishing with Hop Pop.

"Wow... You do all this with him every year?", Ivy asked.

"Yep. We look forward to this all year. It's our special time, and that's never gonna change.", Sprig grinned.

"Well, never say never. Change may come when you least expect it. Whether it's good or bad, who knows? But either way, the best we can do is adapt to whatever change comes our way.", Jackie advised.

"Yeah... By the way, has anyone seen Hop Pop?", Sprig asked.

"Morning, kids. Ready for the brisk open waters?", Hop Pop said as he entered, now wearing a fancy sailor's outfit with butterflies and flies flying past him.

"Ahoy, there.", Hop Pop greeted.

"Whoa. You really stepped up, Hop Pop.", Jackie said.

"Dang, HP. Looking good.", Anne grinned.

"Isn't he dreamy?", Sylvia asked.

"Oh, hey. Well-", Hop Pop giggled as Sylvia did so as well.

"Now come on, my dear. I'll show you around the boat.", Hop Pop offered.

"Oh, how lovely!", Sylvia grinned.

"Aw. Look at those two lovebirds.", Rose grinned.

"What the heck? He can't fish in that ridiculous outfit.", Sprig said.

"First off, that outfit is not ridiculous. And second, I hate to say it, but I think that's the point here.", Jackie responded.

"Yep. Looks like Hop Pop's fishing for something else.", Anne said.

"Ew. Gross, Anne.", Polly commented.

"Hey. Love is a beautiful thing, Polly.", Rose responded before Sprig blew a raspberry.

"This doesn't change a thing. He and I are still gonna spend the day together and have our special time.", Sprig said.

"Well, here's hoping...", Jackie sighed as she untied the rope at the end of the backyard docks.

Later, everyone was now on the boat.

"Anchors away, and here we go!", Hop Pop shouted as he started the boat.

"Whoo!", Sylvia cheered.

"Boat trip! Yeah!", Anne shouted.

"Let's do it!", Sprig shouted.

"To the sea!", Hop Pop shouted before they all sailed out to the sea.

Later, Hop Pop and Sylvia are now sailing the boat together.

"You let go.", Hop Pop grinned.

"No, you let go.", Sylvia responded.

"No, you.", Hop Pop retorted playfully.

"No, you.", Sylvia retorted playfully before giggling as Sprig was on his own in subduing the squirming bait, one of which knocked him back.

"Parasailing is easy. The wind does all the work.", Anne said.

"No, it's not. Trust me.", Jackie retorted.

"Where did you learn all this again?", Polly asked.

"Hours and hours of extensive research.", Polly asked.

"Uh, yeah. Define 'extensive research'." Jackie glared before it showed a flashback of Anne watching a parasailing video.

"Sweet.", Anne grinned before looking up toward the ceiling of the lower floor.

"Mom! Can I try parasailing?", Anne asked before her mother only replied in Thai.

"Mị̀ tæ̀ khuṇ s̄āmārt̄h phạbp̄ĥā dị̂ h̄āk t̂xngkār. (No, but you can fold your laundry if you want.)", Anne's mom responded.

"Ugh. Never mind!", Anne groaned before she then saw a humpack whale suddenly jumping up on top of the man, drowning him into the ocean never to be seen again.

"I'm sure he's fine.", Anne said before it then went to the present.

"That guy was not fine. He had to go to the hospital because he was attacked by a humpback whale. A HUMPBACK WHALE, ANNE! I'm not sure that's such a good idea, even if there aren't any whales here.", Jackie said worriedly.

"Oh, hush you. Time to prove my mom wrong- Ah!", Anne screamed as she was quickly swept away by the wind.

"Looking good, Anne.", Polly laughed as she left.

"Is she gonna be okay?", Rose asked.

"In our experience, yeah. A bit shaken, but still. Now, let's go relax. Hopefully, she learns her lesson sooner or later.", Jackie responded.

Meanwhile, Sprig was caught and wrapped up by live bait.

"Uh, don't you and Hop Pop usually do that together?", Ivy asked.

"He said to start without him.", Sprig explained before the live bait tossed him back, though not by very much.

"Ouch.", Polly commented.

"Hey. This doesn't mean anything. Hop Pop and I are still gonna-", Sprig began before he saw the one thing that might as well have proven otherwise.

"Wait, they're fishing together?", Sprig asked in shock.

"Now, follow through on your- Oh! You're a natural.", Hop Pop grinned as Sylvia launched the line into the water, holding the rod.

"Well, I have a great teacher.", Sylvia grinned before she and Hop Pop giggled while the former pushed Hop Pop back, albeit inadvertently.

"I can't believe this. He's ditching me?", Sprig asked in shock before Anne fell back into the boat.

"I really think I'm getting the hang of this.", Anne said.

"Anne, you're not going to believe this. Hop Pop is-", Sprig began before Anne stopped him.

"I know, dude. I saw the whole thing from up top. Bummer. But what can you do, right? It's not like you can make Sylvia go awa-", Anne screamed as she was suddenly dragged back out into the air.

"Over here, Sylvia! I wanna show you this thing Sprig and I used to do that's super fun.", Hop Pop said, making Sprig angry and jealous as he grunted.

"Hey! I know that look. You're going to sabotage this fishing trip so that Sylvia leaves, aren't you?", Polly asked.

"How did you know that?", Ivy asked.

"What? No! What do I look like, some petty child to you?", Sprig asked.

"Yes.", Polly responded before she suddenly got blinded with chum.

"Chum bomb!", Sprig exclaimed before hopping away as Polly groaned from being blinded.

Then, while Jackie, Rose, and the triplets relaxed in the hot tub, although the triplets were playing around, they noticed Sprig attempting to sabotage Hop Pop and Sylvia's meal with peppers in Sylvia's sandwich, giving an evil laugh, making her weary. Of course, afterwards, as soon as Sylvia ate the sandwich, fire spewed out of her mouth and onto Sprig, covering him in soot while Sylvia and Hop Pop giggled before Sprig coughed out smoke, assuring her and Rose that they have nothing to worry about.

Next, Sprig gave an evil laugh as he laid a centipede on Sylvia's hand, but as soon as she got it off, she removed her hairband along with it, showing her beautiful hair, snow white as it is, much to Hop Pop and Sprig's astonishment, as well as Ivy's, although Sprig quickly snapped out of it and got mad, worrying Ivy.

Finally, Ivy noticed Sprig purposely trying to get her to slip out of the boat by pushing the barrel of water onto the boat, making her slip in the process. However, Hop Pop managed to catch Sylvia in time, and in a coincidentally romantic way, at that. This left Sprig all the more sour as he turned with a growl, worrying Ivy.

Later, Ivy even noticed how sad Sprig was as he sang to himself, thinking back on his time fishing with Hop Pop.

"A little baby frog like me; Thought of only possibility; Of hanging with my Hop; Of hanging with my Pop; But now what once was two Is three; And it's looking pretty dark To me; This baby baby frog is sad.", Sprig sang sadly before Ivy sighed and went over to Hop Pop, not knowing that Sylvia also noticed how sad Sprig is.

"Hop Pop? Can I talk with you for a minute?", Ivy asked.

"Sure, Ivy. What's this about?", Hop Pop asked.

"Well, it's about Sprig.", Ivy said.

Meanwhile, Anne landed back on the boat.

"Hey, Anne.", Sprig sighed.

"You almost had that one!", Polly said.

"Really?", Anne asked.

"No.", Polly responded.

"Whoo! Gonna get back out there.", Anne said as she got back up.

"Just give it up, already. There's nothing you can do. And that goes double for you, Sprig.", Jackie said.

"Sprig, you have to shake off this whole Hop Pop thing and just have fun like we are.", Rose added.

"Yeah. We're on a boat-", Anne added before screaming as she got dragged away.

"Sprig, Anne, Jackie, and Rose are right. Maybe it's time to let this one go. You know, be the-", Polly said before inhaling.

"bigger frog and all that.", Polly finished as she exhaled.

"Excuse me? You mean just- Whoa. Give up my special time with Hop Pop?!", Sprig exclaimed.

"Sprig, the more you cave into your jealousy and deny it, the worse things will only get.", Jackie warned.

"Besides, crazier things have happened. Like that.", Polly said, pointing to Anne's situation with stinkbugs.

"No! Stinkbugs! Bleh! Anne screamed as several stink bugs swarmed Anne with one about to go toward her.

"Uh-oh!", Anne said before getting hit and bombarded by a few more stink bugs.

"As soon as you get back down, Anne, we're going to get you in the water to help you clean up.", Jackie shouted to Anne before Sylvia went to Sprig. "

"Sprig? Can we talk?", Sylvia asked, making Sprig react.

"Sylvia, great to see you. Why, of course we can talk. I love to talk. Let's talk.", Sprig said as a nervous tick.

"You're a tense little boy. Come on.", Sylvia said as she picked Sprig up and left.

"And now, back to our show.", Polly giggled as Anne continued getting bombarded by stinkbugs.

"Ah! No! Not in the mouth!", Anne shouted.

Meanwhile, Sylvia set Sprig onto the boat near the ropes.

"Sprig, is there something bothering you?", Sylvia asked.

"What? Me? No. Never. Who? How?", Sprig asked.

"Mmm-hmm. Well, I just want you to know I'm having an amazing time with you and your family today. I mean, just feel that breeze! See the sights! Just look at that island over there. Ain't those just the prettiest blossoms you've ever seen?", Sylvia said, gesturing to the island.

Then, Sprig got an awful idea as he gave a dark, crooked grin.

"Funny thing, Sylvia. Those are Hop Pop's favorite flowers.", Sprig fibbed.

"No kidding?", Sylvia asked.

"Oh, he loves them. In fact, he'd really appreciate it if you swam over there and picked him a couple as a surprise.", Sprig fibbed in reply.

"Why, Sprig, that is a fine idea. Not to brag, but I'm quite the swimmer. I'll be back in about 15 minutes. Tops.", Sylvia assured.

"Yeah, we'll see about that.", Sprig muttered to himself, not knowing that Ivy was coming by in time to see Sylvia getting ready to hop in the water.

"Thanks again, Sprig.", Sylvia said before jumping over to the water and swimming to the island.

But as Sprig was starting to drag the ladder up, Ivy saw what he was doing, earning her horrified gasp.

"Sprig...! How could you...?", Ivy said before Sprig laughed only to realize momentarily what was happening.

"Wait. This is going too far.", Sprig said before then lowering it back into the water and walking away, giving Ivy some relief as she sighed.

But that relief turned back into horror as as Sprig went back for the ladder and hurriedly raised it up again.

"This baby baby frog is sad!", Sprig sang to himself.

"NOOO!", Ivy shouted while taking a tremendous jump off the boat, onto the top of Sprig, and pushing him away from the ladder and onto the ground.

Sprig was much too surprised to fight back.

"What the heck is wrong with you?! How could you try to trick and abandon my grandmother?!", Ivy berated, surprising him even further.

"Wait. She's your grandma?!", Sprig exclaimed in shock.

"Everyone knows that.", Rose spoke up.

"I can't believe this! This-. Agh! So typical! I thought I met a nice guy, but I should have known.", Ivy said angrily.

"Wait. Ivy.", Sprig said a bit sadly.

"I was wrong about you! You're just a selfish, petty child! And I! Will! Never! Forgive you!", Ivy shouted, practically breaking his heart as it comically showed Sprig's heart literally breaking into pieces (although not before he gasped) before Sprig fell backwards in slow motion and landed on the ground.

"And to prove that, I am never talking to you again!", Ivy said before leaving in a huff, leaving the pale Sprig on the ground.

"This baby baby frog is... dead.", Sprig sang sadly, his tear streaming down as he limped on the ground, a bell toll sounding.

"On the inside...", Sprig added just as weakly.

"You know, none of this would've happened if you hadn't let your jealousy take over like I suggested.", Jackie said.

"What's going on?", Polly asked.

"Sprig just had his heart broken by Ivy because he wouldn't let it go like we told him.", Jackie responded.

"Aw, man! I missed the best part!", Polly exclaimed, making Jackie and Rose glare at her.

"What? I need some entertainment. Give a pollywog a break!", Polly said.

"Oh, there you are, boy. Sylvia thought you might want fishing time with me.", Hop Pop said.

"She... She did?", Sprig puzzled.

"Yep. She said she could tell something was bugging you and suggested I spend some quality time with you. So, here I am.", Hop Pop said before noticing how sad and frail Sprig is now.

"Uh, what's up with you?", Hop Pop asked.

"Hop Pop..., I have done something terrible and now...? Ivy will never forgive me! If only I could take back my deeds at the port side! If only...! If only...!", Sprig sobbed.

"There, there, Sprig. We've all had our bad moments. And by the looks of it, it seems like your first one for the first time in years if you're that dramatic. So, tell me. What's wrong?", Hop Pop asked before Sprig sniffled.

"It's about Sylvia...! I couldn't let go of my jealousy over how well the two of you hang out that I...!", Sprig began before Sylvia screamed from afar.

"That's Sylvia! She's in trouble! What's she doing off the boat?", Hop Pop asked before Sprig, having heard her scream, had to stop crying.

"I'll explain later.", Sprig said as he then went over to the portside.

"We heard Sylvia scream. Is everything okay?", Anne asked.

"She's back there.", Sprig said.

"Where? I can't see her.", Anne said in worry.

"If only we had a bird's-eye view.", Hop Pop added.

"Step aside.", Sprig said as he was now wearing a parasail wing.

"Sprig, it's not as easy as it looks.", Anne said.

"You are not risking your life out there on a parasail!", Jackie exclaimed.

"It's my fault that Sylvia's trapped on top of the crab in the first place, Jackie. She's up there because of me and my stupid jealousy! I have to take responsibility for that.", Sprig said before he leapt off the boat and then glided along the wind, no problem.

"How is he doing that?!", Anne asked, annoyed, before Sprig then spotted Sylvia on top of a sort of island.

"I see her. Over there.", Sprig said before the island turned out to be a giant black crab, which then tried to cut her, only for Sylvia to grab a log and use it to block the strike, only for the log to get cut in half by its pincers.

"Grandma!", Ivy shouted before the boat quickly turned around toward the crab.

"I'm coming, Syl!", Hop Pop shouted before the boat rammed into the crab, which then cut nearly half of it off and then attacking the boat.

"This crab is making me very scared!", Anne shouted as the triplets sobbed from how scary it is before the crab hissed and closed its pincers twice.

"But also very hungry.", Anne added as Jackie then shushed the triplets as best she could, but nothing seems to work.

"Yeah, well, I think the triplets are scared out of their minds!", Jackie exclaimed, making Sprig gasp.

"Hang on, Sylvia.", Sprig said before he then leaned down toward Sylvia, dodging the pincers with grace, before Sylvia hopped up, reached for his hand, and caught it, amazing Ivy, who gasped in awe.

"Put the boat in reverse! Put the boat in reverse!", Sprig urged.

"Aye-aye, Sprig.", Hop Pop responded before the boat went in reverse as the crab went after it, getting closer and closer to Sylvia.

But surprisingly, Sylvia kicked the crab by the teeth, making it hazy before it then turned and went away, giving Jackie cause for relief before speaking to the triplets.

"It's okay, you three. It's all right. The scary crab is gone.", Jackie assured, making the three calm down and coo a bit with smiles.

"Get back to the briny depths of filth where you belong, you son of a sea slug!", Sylvia shouted.

"Wow, HP. That's a lot of woman.", Anne grinned before Hop Pop chuckled.

"Don't I know it.", Hop Pop grinned before Sprig and Sylvia landed back on the boat safely.

"Oh, Sylvia! You're safe.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Sure am, and that's not all. Got your favorite flowers.", Sylvia said, holding out said flowers.

"Um, my favorite flowers are daffodils. Everybody knows that. They funny.", Hop Pop said.

"So, that's why she jumped out earlier. Sprig...!", Ivy glared before Sprig sighed.

"Sylvia, I have a confession to make. The reason you were on that island and almost became a crab snack is because I'm a selfish, petty child who wanted his Hop Pop all to himself.", Sprig admitted.

"Oh, now he admits it.", Polly said with a groan.

"I'm really sorry for putting your grandma in danger, Ivy. If I had known she was your grandma... No. If I hadn't caved in to my jealousy, none of this would've happened... I understand if you don't want to hang out with a selfish, petty child like me...", Sprig sighed as he then walked away.

"You're right. I don't want to hang out with a selfish, petty frog. But that's not what you are. You saving my grandma proves that. Even if you knew that I'd still be mad at you. Plus, you apologized to me. Not many people would do that the way you did.", Ivy said.

"So..., we're cool now?", Sprig asked.

"Hmm... Yeah. We're cool.", Ivy assured.

"Really?", Sprig asked.

"Yeah. Apology accepted. But don't you do something like that again. You hear me?", Ivy asked with a bit of a threatening glare, making Sprig nod hurriedly.

"Okay, okay, I promise.", Sprig grinned.

"Good.", Ivy grinned.

"Anyway, you're a cool lady. And Hop Pop's lucky to have you. We all are.", Sprig said, giving one flower to Sylvia.

"Well, thank you, Sprig. I know sharing a man like Hoppy is difficult. After all, he's such a catch.", Sylvia said, making Hop Pop babble as soon as she kissed him.

"Now what do you say we cut the chatter and get fishing? Together.", Sylvia suggested before everyone cheered.

"And this baby baby frog Is glad!", Sprig sang before he was suddenly hit by a chum bomb from Polly as payback.

"Chum bomb, you little weenie! Polly out! Whoo-hoo! Yeah!", Polly whooped as she then rode on a parasail wing.

"Seriously? Her, too?!", Jackie exclaimed.

"So, does anyone else wanna go back for that crab, though? I mean, yowza. That thing probably had a ton of meat, right? Anyone? Don't leave me hanging here, people.", Anne said.

"Sorry, Anne. Maybe next time.", Jackie responded.

Act II: Bizarre Bazaar

It al started one day when a floating, little kitten flew close to the ground and peeped out from a tree where the exotic bugs were walking out onto the road to see that Anne, Jackie, Rose, the triplets, Hop Pop, Sprig, Polly, Ivy, Felicia, and Sylvia were riding on Bessie.

"Me-rew?", the little kitten squeaked puzzledly.

"Well, that was a waste of time.", Hop Pop said.

"Ugh, you said it. Can't even go into the archives now that those orcs took it over.", Anne sighed.

"Well, there might not be anything in the archives about that music box anyway.", Jackie said, astonishing the frogs.

"Wow.", the frogs, save for Hop Pop, said in awe.

"So, you guys really think this is your key to getting home?", Sprig asked.

"Well, it zapped us here before we eventually turned into frogs, which isn't so bad, so, yeah. It's pretty much our only lead.", Anne responded.

"Of course, we just need to find someone who can help us fix this darned thing.", Jackie added.

"Don't worry, fellas. We'll figure it out eventually.", Hop Pop assured before Bessie suddenly screeched to a halt.

"Whoa!", Hop Pop exclaimed before he noticed the exotic bugs traveling right in front of Bessie.

"Hey, get outta the way, you... Whatever the heck you are.", Hop Pop demanded.

"Aw. These things are cute.", Rose grinned.

Then, Anne turned and saw the little kitten peeping out from the side of the tree, making her gasp a bit.

"What's that?", Anne said, pointing to it while looking toward the others.

But by the time she looked back, the little kitten had disappeared.

"Huh? What the...?", Anne puzzled.

"Good question.", Sprig said before hopping over to the tree from which all the exotic bugs just vacated.

"Sprig! Sprig! Don't put your hand in there.", Anne warned.

"You don't know what's in there!", Jackie urged.

"Whoa! Guys, look what I found. I think it's an entry ticket for the Bizarre Bazaar.", Sprig said as he got out a sort of egg with a sort of red hourglass symbol on it.

"The what now?", Rose puzzled.

"The Bizarre Bazaar. I've never been, but I've heard stories.", Sprig replied.

"Really? Me, too. I heard that it's a mysterious night market that passes through once a year. Exotic foods, games, mysterious treasures.", Ivy responded, leaving Rose in awe as she hears this.

"Really? Maybe someone there will know how our music box works.", Anne said.

"Maybe... but I don't know.", Jackie responded.

"Hold up! Jackie, you're right to put that idea out of your mind. From what I've heard, that bazaar is full of greedy degenerates.", Hop Pop said.

"Yeah. You so much as wave that thing around, it'll get stolen for sure.", Sylvia concurred.

"Tell you what. I'll reach out to some frogs I know and see if they know a thing about your music chest.", Hop Pop offered.

"Box.", Jackie corrected.

"That, too.", Hop Pop said before Anne sighed.

"All right, fine.", Anne said.

"Finally. Let's go.", Sylvia suggested before Hop Pop then whipped the reins once to get Bessie to continue onward.

"We're going to the Bizarre Bazaar tonight, aren't we?", Sprig asked.

"Obvi.", Anne responded, not knowing, or at the very least, forgetting for the moment, that Jackie and Rose were listening in and becoming somewhat suspicious.

Later that night, as Hop Pop slept, Anne and Sprig snuck out, snickering.

"Yeah-uh! Bizarre Bazaar, here we come.", Anne whispered as she put the Calamity Box in her backpack.

"Oh, no, you don't.", Jackie spoke up, catching Anne by surprise.

"If you two are going to the Bizarre Bazaar, then so are we.", Jackie whispered.

"Yeah.", Rose agreed.

"Really?", Anne asked.

"And we're also bringing some help.", Jackie said before Ivy popped up.

"Figured you'd try going there.", Ivy said.

"Dang...", Sprig said, amazed.

"Okay, which way to the Bizarre Bazaar?", Jackie asked.

"I don't know. I think the egg is supposed to show us.", Sprig said before the egg fell out and cracked upon impact.

"Whoops.", Sprig said.

"Dude!", Anne exclaimed in frustration.

"No, no. It's okay. The egg is supposed to crack.", Ivy assured.

"It is?", Anne and Sprig puzzled.

"But... how would that work?", Jackie puzzled.

"From what I heard, anyone coming to the Bizarre Bazaar usually gets one of these entry eggs because inside each one is a little guide that would show them the way.", Ivy replied before a small creature popped up and then ran.

"Like that, for instance.", Ivy added.

"Let's follow it!", Rose suggested before she and the others chased after it all the way into the forest up until they saw it going into a hole.

"No! We were so close.", Anne groaned in despair.

"Actually, that's how you know we're here.", Ivy said before suddenly, as if to prove her point, several mushrooms light up in a sort of pattern, leading to a hidden archway with which the symbol glows on it.

"Ah...", Rose said, mystified before she, Jackie, Anne, Sprig, and Ivy went inside and saw a sort of mystical black market.

"Skins and pelts, skins and pelts.", one merchant said out loud before then showing one tough customer (a customer that looks tough and cool, in this case) getting a tattoo while another was selling food before flicking one pest away from said food, especially showing someone stealing the customer's bag of coppers without the customer even looking.

"This is the most mysterious night market you can find. And it's neutral ground for everyone. At least, that's what I heard.", Ivy stated.

"Whoa. Hop Pop was right. This place is intense.", Anne commented before someone bumped into her.

"Hey, watch it, string bean.", the customer said as he went past her and the others.

"Oh, sorry.", Anne said before gasping upon finding out what he is: an orc.

"Wait, WHAAAAAAA?!", Anne shrieked as she saw said Orc and was about to attack as were Jackie, Rose, and Sprig.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Simmer down, here. This orc doesn't mean any trouble.", Ivy assured.

"He doesn't?", Rose asked.

"But what the heck is that orc doing here?", Anne asked.

"What part of neutral ground do you not understand? Do you think it just extends to the amphibians? It means all creatures can attend so long as they oblige by the rules.", the shop-owner said.

"See? Neutral ground.", Ivy said.

"Oh. Okay.", Anne said before Jackie noticed something.

"Hey, look! Check it out. Those look like the markings on the music box.", Jackie stared, gesturing to the stand.

"Suspiciously so.", Sprig said.

"Where's the vendor?", Anne asked before noticing that no one is here, judging by the "out to lunch" sign.

"Ah, dang it! Nobody's here.", Jackie groaned.

"Hey, hey. It's fine. They'll be back. And in the meantime, might as well check out the rest of the bazaar.", Sprig suggested.

"I don't know if that's a good idea.", Jackie said wearily.

"I want to see it.", Rose said.

"What? Anne, what say you?", Jackie said.

"Okay. But we gotta come right back here. I don't wanna mess this up.", Anne said.

"Dang it! Majority rule. But at least you're taking this at least a little bit seriously.", Jackie sighed before Sprig went over to the counter.

"Five, please.", Sprig said before he was given Five dumplings and then distributed one to each of his friends, not without some difficulty, of course.

"Ooh! Hot, hot. Here you go, guys.", Sprig said as he handed them the dumplings.

"Hey, this actually looks pretty good.", Anne said before Sprig and Ivy each took a bite at one, which showed bugs inside.

Of course, being frogs themselves, they didn't really mind as they shrugged.

"Meh.", Anne said before she, Jackie, and Rose ate theirs.

"Wow. These are actually good.", Anne grinned.

"Yeah. Who knew it'd taste like the dumplings we used to have back home?", Jackie added.

Later, Sprig was trying some exotic kabobs, one of which pinched him in the tongue with its pincers before they later did a sort of poker game.

"Yes! I win! Now I can buy my house back. Hooray!", someone said, not knowing that the money he won got stolen.

Next, Sprig and Ivy tried their luck with a horned beetle only to find some difficulty before both got thrown off with Jackie catching them.

"I gotcha.", Jackie assured before the two laughed with each other.

Finally, Jackie, Rose, and Anne each drank their Boba Tea only to notice some boba hatching into small bugs, which crawled out through the straw and all over before the trio then started sucking up bugs like vacuums with their tongues.

"Wow. It's amazing how far removed this place is from Wartwood. There's absolutely nothing familiar here.", Anne said.

"Except Wally.", Jackie said, pointing to him.

"He's here?! Hi, Wally!", Rose waved.

"Oh, hey, there, Rose! You lot got here just in time.", Wally grinned before then rolling the dice and getting two frog prints, one for each die, that is, until a small creature kicked one of the die, changing the order and then running off.

"Hey, that's the same creature from before.", Rose noticed.

"What? This is larceny! I want my money back!", Wally complained before then being apprehended by two cloaked figures.

"You know the rules.", one figure said.

"No refunds at the Bizarre Bazaar.", another added.

"You're coming with us.", the first said before he and his partner dragged Wally away.

"Ah! Get your hands off me. Help!", Wally shouted, worrying the group.

"Oh, I hope Wally's okay...", Rose said worriedly.

"Me, too. But for now, let's get back to the vendor, shall we?", Jackie asked.

"Uh, yeah.", Ivy said.

Later, Sprig and Ivy were eating jelly donuts as Anne, Jackie, and Rose waited anxiously before a vendor finally appeared, switching the sign out.

"Finally!", Anne gasped.

"It's about time.", Jackie grinned before they dragged Sprig over to the voucher as Ivy came with.

"Now where did I put my incense burner?", the vendor asked in a romanian accent, looking around for something before Jackie cleared her throat, attracting her attention.

"Huh? Ah, velcome. Velcome to Valeriana's Antiques.", Valerina greeted.

"Guys, I think she's missing an arm.", Sprig greeted.

"I heard that.", Valerina said.

"Oh! Hey. What is this thing?", Sprig asked, gesturing to a small jar.

"Just one of my many treasures collected from my years of travel.", Valerina responded, pouring something into the jar before a tree formed, astonishing the group.

"I've seen and heard it all.", Valerina added.

"Seen it all. Heard it all.", a parrot-like fly squawked.

"Betcha haven't seen anything like us, though.", Anne said as she, Jackie, and Rose turned back into humans, shocking Valerina, who gasped, before they turned into frogs again.

"Huh?", Anne grinned.

"Oh, my...! This is astounding!", Valerina grinned in amazement.

"Isn't it? Anyway, there's something we'd like you to take a look at.", Jackie said.

"Uh, you sure about this? Maybe Hop Pop was right.", Sprig warned.

"You heard her. She's seen it all. If anyone knows anything about the music box-", Anne began.

"Uh, Anne? Your backpack disappeared.", Jackie said before Anne noticed and grew afraid.

"My backpack! Where'd it go?", Anne asked before Rose noticed someone.

"Look!", Rose exclaimed before everyone else noticed the thief who took the back pack before leaving with a laugh.

"Hey! That's my backpack, you little creep. Get back here!", Anne shouted as she, Jackie, Rose, Sprig, and Ivy went after it.

"Could it be, Liander? Could they be the ones we've been searching for?", Valerina asked before Liander started squawking and coughing, mostly the latter.

"No, Leander! Not on the carpet.", Valerina exclaimed.

Meanwhile, the little masked thief absconded with Anne's backpack, jumping on head after head of the nearest villagers.

"Stop that tiny thief!", Jackie said before the thief arrived at a sort of stand and then placed it on the prize counter.

"Wait. What?", Jackie puzzled.

"Greetings. Come to try your luck at my fun and exciting game?", the thief (revealed to be a sort of carny) asked.

"Absolutely not! Give me my backpack!", Anne demanded.

"Backpack?", the carny puzzled.

"The one on your prize wall!", Anne exclaimed.

"Oh, you mean the magical pouch of mystery. Who can say where it came from? Or how?", the carny asked.

"Uh, we can, and we brought it with us from Earth.", Jackie responded.

"Nice try.", Anne glared before she then tried to jump him and get it back only for the guards to stop her.

"What?", Anne puzzled.

"Anne!", Jackie and Rose said in worry.

"Ah-ah-ah! Once something is on the prize wall, the only way to get it back is to win it. Sorry, hon, Bizarre Bazaar rules.", the carny stated.

"So, we have to win it to get it back, huh?", Jackie asked.

"Sprig, what do you think?", Ivy asked.

"Looks like there's only one thing we can do.", Sprig responded.

"All right, we'll play your game, you little sicko.", Anne glared.

"So what game do we have to play?", Rose asked before the carny chuckled.

"Oh, let me show you. Behold! That's right, folks. Thrills! Chills! Spills! The best cockroach racing this bazaar has to offer!", the carny introduced as the prize wall opened up like doors and showed a sort of mini-kart-like event going on as the crowd cheered.

"Giant cockroaches. Of course.", the carny said.

"Giant cockroach racing? That's like go-kart.", Rose grinned.

"Now, then. Who has the guts to challenge these frogs?", the carny asked.

"We will take this challenge.", someone with a deep voice spoke up before three figures stepped forward.

"The Wreckers!", one frog said.

"They haven't been seen in years.", another added.

"The Wrecker, Thrasher, and Basher?", one racer asked.

"The legend says they'll wreck yourself if you don't check yourself.", another racer said.

"Let's get outta here.", the first racer said before hopping away.

"Oh, boy.", Rose said in worry.

"Looks like we'll have to take this seriously if we want to get that Calamity Box back.", Jackie said.

"All right. Let's do this.", Anne said.

"The race is on!", the carny said before the horn blared with the cockroaches already mounted on by Anne, Sprig, and Ivy for one cockroach, Jackie and Rose for another, and the Wrecker and Thrasher on the third while Basher was holding three babies.

"On your marks. Get set.", the carny said as the stare down occurred.

"Go!", the carny said before the cockroaches started racing.

"I've got 20 on The Wrecker and Thrasher!", one frog said.

"I've got 25.", another added.

"I've got a rash.", Wally said as he popped up.

"Wally! You're okay!", Rose grinned.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Wrecker and Thrasher knocked Anne, Sprig, and Ivy to the wall.

"Hey! That's cheating!", Anne shouted.

"Anything goes in the Bizaare Bazaar.", the frogs in the audience said as they held up signs before laughing.

"Oh, no. They have signs. It must be true!", Sprig exclaimed.

"Oh, anything goes, huh? Well, then I have a plan.", Anne said as she drove herself, Sprig, and Ivy up behind Wrecker and Thrasher (or more accurately, behind Jackie and Rose) as they, themselves were still behind Wrecker and Thrasher.

"It just better work.", Ivy said.

"You bet it will. All right, Sprig. Tongue him.", Anne urged.

"Tongue him? I hardly know him.", Sprig responded.

"Just do it, please!", Anne urged before Sprig then tongued Wrecker and Thrasher, putting themselves up front of Wrecker and Thrasher.

"Oh, cool, it worked.", Anne grinned.

"Huh?", Wrecker puzzled.

"You do it, too, girls!", Anne urged.

"All right!", Jackie responded before she then lurched her tongue at Thrasher.

"Hey! What are you...!", Thrasher exclaimed before Jackie and Rose went up ahead of them.

"Whoo!", Jackie and Rose whooped.

"You can do it, Anne!", Lily shouted.

"And Jackie!", Andy added.

"And Wose!", Danny added before Basher cleared her throat.

"Uh..., Get 'em, Wecker and Thwasher!", the babies said.

"Wrecker, we're losing!", Thrasher exclaimed.

"Don't worry, honey. I got a little backup plan.", Wrecker said before getting out a sort of blue beetle shell with white spikes before launching it, passing by Jackie and Rose toward Anne, Sprig and Ivy!

"Guys! Hurry up! The blue beetle shell is coming after you!", Rose shouted.

"We're gonna win! We're gonna win! We're gonna win!", Anne and Sprig only cheered before the shell got on top of them while Ivy only gasped.

"Guys, look out!", Ivy shouted before the shell landed on top of the trio as well as knocking Jackie and Rose back with the shockwave of the explosion, allowing the Wrecker and Thrasher to win as everyone cheered.

"Winner, winner, cricket dinner!", the carny shouted before Anne, Jackie, Rose, Sprig, and Ivy coughed.

"Well, that didn't feel balanced.", Sprig said.

"Who knew there was a shell like the one in our game, huh?", Rose said a bit weakly.

"Our reigning champion takes the prize.", the carny said as the backpack was handed to the Wrecker.

"No!", Anne, Jackie, and Rose shouted in despair.

But Ivy was not the sort to give up easily. If anything, she was mad.

"Oh, no, you don't. We did not come this far to have that music box taken away before we have any chance of getting them home!", Ivy glared before marching toward Wrecker.

"Here you are. You look fantastic.", the carny said.

"Hey! You have something that rightfully belongs to us, you jackanape! So, give us back the box, jerk!", Ivy growled before leaping toward the wrecker and crawling all over him.

"What the...?! Get off me! I won the bag fair and square!", the wrecker exclaimed.

"No, you didn't, you cheater!", Ivy retorted before she tried to get the backpack away from him, but not without meeting with resistance from the Wrecker, who actively tried to get Ivy off him.

"Get 'er, get 'er!", Thrasher exclaimed as Basher and the three babies looked on in awe just as Ivy started pulling the music box out of the backpack only to get grabbed by Wrecker.

"It's not really being a cheater if you're following the rule: anything goes!", Wrecker said as unfortunately, it seemed as though the wrecker got her off him before she could get it.

"Nice try, but this prize is my prize.", Wrecker said before walking away, making Ivy puff out in anger at him just as everyone left the Bizarre Bazaar.

"No, no, no, no, no. Wait! Come back!", Anne exclaimed before the time on the hourglass ran out, making a gong ring out.

"Oh, no. The bazaar's closing!", Anne said in worry before the remaining carnies noticed.

"Look. Pack it up.", one carny said as everyone closed up shop in a couple of unique ways before leaving altogether.

"The music box. I-It's gone.", Anne said in shock.

"Now we'll never get home...!", Jackie spoke sadly.

"Never...?", Rose said, starting to get sad.

"Hey, it's okay, guys. Maybe, uh, we can find someone who knows The Wrecker and his wife and babies. Track 'em down, you know?", Sprig suggested

"Actually, I think we'll be okay.", Ivy said, getting out the one thing they were trying to get back.

"THE MUSIC BOX?!", the trio shouted.

"You got it back...?!", Anne said in surprise.

"But how?", Rose asked.

"It's all about the misdirection.", Ivy grinned just before Wrecker, Thrasher, Basher, and the three babies arrived.

"Hey!", Wrecker exclaimed, making the group exclaim in surprise.

"The Wrecker!", the group exclaimed.

"All right, Wrecker, listen up. We don't have any problems with you keeping that backpack, but if you want something else, you're gonna have to pry this music box, dang it! Pry it! From my cold..., dead..., flippers.", Ivy spoke intensely.

"Wow. That is savage.", Sprig said.

"Uh, yeah.", Anne agreed.

Then, Wrecker, Thrasher, Basher, and the babies all started letting out small laughs before they got bigger and became prideful laughs as well as happy giggles before sighing.

"Well, then, looks like our here is done.", Wrecker said before he, Thrasher, Basher, and the babies took of their disguises, revealing themselves to be Hop Pop, Sylvia, Felicia, and the triplets.

"Hop Pop?! Sylvia?! Felicia?!", Anne, Jackie, Rose, Sprig, and Ivy exclaimed.

"And the triplets, too?!", Rose exclaimed.

"I'm so confused.", Anne said.

"But how did you know we'd be here?", Jackie asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I knew five couldn't resist the Bizarre Bazaar, so I decided to keep watch in case you got yourselves in a pickle! Which you did. A big, fat pickle! Hmm?", Hop Pop sneered.

"But it was pretty bold of you to try and get that box back the way you did. And very sneaky, too.", Sylvia added.

"Well, I couldn't just let the box go away.", Ivy explained.

Play T.J. Hill Music: Emperor Belos' Theme (Eclipse Lake)

"But calling him a jackanape? Who knew you'd that much fire?", Felicia guessed.

"Yeah, heh... Who knew?", Ivy said as the triplets giggled.

"Thanks for having my back... pack. You were right. I was too impatient for answers.", Anne said.

"We both were, Anne. We're just glad to have this music box back, thanks to Ivy.", Jackie said.

"Looks like she got my flaming passion.", Sylvia said before growling like a cat, making Hop Pop babble lovingly.

"Well, now that that's out of the way..., here. Go through your trusted channels. We're okay with waiting a little longer.", Anne assured as she got the Calamity Box back and gave it to Hop Pop.

"I'll do my best, Anne. I know how important this is to you three.", Hop Pop said before Sprig spoke up.

"Okay, back up. You're the Wrecker, Hop Pop?!", Sprig exclaimed.

"And you're the Thrasher?!", Ivy added toward her grandma.

"How many games have you beaten?", Sprig asked.

"Did it ever get dangerous, Grandma?", Ivy asked.

"Have you killed a man, Hop Pop?", Sprig asked in a dark tone.

"Have you killed a man, Grandma?", Ivy added in a dark tone at the same time Sprig spoke before Hop Pop and Sylvia laughed.

"Whatever happens in the Bizarre Bazaar stays in the Bizarre Bazaar.", Hop Pop said.

"Aw, man!", Sprig groaned before Anne and Jackie chuckled while Rose giggled.

"Just like Vegas.", Anne grinned.

"Sure, Anne. Just like Vegas.", Hop Pop responded as they all headed back home with Rose giggling again.

Later that night, as they were arriving back home, Jackie was puzzled about one thing.

"I still don't understand. How'd you manage to convince the triplets to play along?", Jackie asked.

"Well, I told them they get to dress up in fun costumes.", Hop Pop said.

"Which they did.", Sylvia added.

"We're sowwy.", the triplets apologized.

"Oh, it's okay. We couldn't stay mad at you.", Anne assured as she picked Lily up before going inside.

Meanwhile, the little, floating kitten from before was soaring around in the air, descending as well with loops.

"Me-we!", the little kitten said while going down.

"Good night, Sprig! Good night, Jackie! Good night, Rose! Good night, triplets! Good night, Hop Pop!", Anne said.

"Me-rew?", the little kitten squeaked puzzledly as it then saw the Plantar farm from above.

"Night, you guys.", Sprig said.

"Night, Anne.", Jackie, Rose, and the triplets said.

"Night, kiddos.", Hop Pop said before walking out with the Calamity Box in hand toward a tree.

"Me-ew!", the little kitten said as it then flew down toward the farm.

"Me-we, Re-ew. Me-we?", the little, floating kitten squeaked as it then peeped out from the tree leaves in time to see Hop Pop digging a hole and then placing the Calamity box inside the hole.

"Sorry, Anne, but I can't have you showing this thing around. Too dangerous for all of us.", Hop Pop began before he then started burying it in the hole.

"Mew. Mew. Mew.", the little kitten squeaked to itself in wonder as it moved up and down gently.

"Now, it's where it belongs. Where no one can find it.", Hop Pop said as he finished burying it and then went back inside.

"Mew-reew! Mew-we. Mee-eew.", the little kitten squeaked before flying over to where the box was buried, albeit in a kooky motion before reaching the hole.

"Mew.", the little kitten said as it then disappeared.

A moment afterward, it reappeared with the calamity box.

"Mew!", the little kitten squealed before the box landed on the ground, all covered in dirt before it popped up form the dirt pile.

"Meew-re. Mew-e, mew. Meeew-re.", Mew squeaked as it then shook the dirt off and then went on top of the Calamity Box.

"Mew-e? Ree? Meeeeeew.", the little kitten giggled after looking around before disappearing, taking the Calamity Box with it.

End T.J. Hill Music: Emperor Belos' Theme (Eclipse Lake)

A/N: Pretty unexpected to see it end like this, huh? Who knows what that could mean? Also, Richard McGonagle would voice Wrecker this time. Plus, in the next chapter, I also plan on adding a new OC voiced by Lewis Black, who portrayed Elliott (AKA, the Deadly Duplicator), from "Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law". Of course, I hope to release the new chapter tomorrow if I can. So, if you have ideas for how "Cursed!" would go, you can tell me. :)