17. Chapter 17

A/N: Hello. Before you read this chapter, I want everyone to know that there is a big, unexpected change that will happen later on in the chapter. And let's just say that it'll give Rose and/or Jackie a chance in the spotlight. Also, there will be a couple easter eggs in the first portion of the chapter, one of which would happen twice. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 17

Act I: Cursed!

One day, the 3 Boonchuys and Sprig were finishing up for the day with the three triplets in tow.

"Well, that takes care of that for today? So, what do you want to do?", Anne asked.

"I was thinking maybe we could talk with Maddie.", Jackie said.

"What?!", Sprig and the others exclaimed.

""Look, Sprig. You haven't talked to her since the breakup before the dance. The least we could do is see how she's doing.", Jackie said.

"What gave you that idea?", Anne asked.

"Oh, just the fact that Maddie happens to be across the stand from us.", Jackie responded.

"Oh.", Anne said.

"Are you sure she won't curse us?", Rose asked.

"Not as long as we explain everything.", Jackie assured before she and the others hesitantly went toward Maddie.

Of course, on the way there, they came across a sort of old frog setting up shop for "Dual Smoothies", filling up the shelves with fruit, albeit at two rows of each kind, and with a sign that says, opening in 1 hour.

"Wow. You're really opening this store in an hour?", Anne asked.

"Yes, ma'am. We'll have it done in two hours.", the frog said.

"Wait, what? Did you say 2 Hours?", Anne began in disbelief before Sprig interrupted.

"Ohohohokay. 2 hours, it is.", Sprig said.

"Come on back in 4 hours and we'll have it all ready for you.", the frog said.

"4?! That's highway ro...", Anne exclaimed.

"Okay, great...! We'll see you then, uh..., Eliot, was it?", Sprig asked, looking at the misspelled named tag saying, "Eliot".

"Elliot. E-lli-ott! 2 L's, 2 T's. They made a mistake on the tag and I had to send out for a new one.", Elliott explained.

"Oh. Woof. I did not know many people could make an error on those name tags and...", Sprig began.

"Silence.", Elliott responded, taking Sprig aback as he exclaimed while moving back.

"Okay..., we can see you need some time setting up shop, so we'll all be back in 4...", Sprig began, trying to move away from Elliott, or more specifically, moving Anne away from Elliott before she loses it anymore than she already has.

"8.", Elliott interrupted.

"Fine...", Anne said before she mumbled under her breath, speaking in Thai, before leaving.

"And on that note..., we'll be going.", Jackie said nervously as she and Sprig left before Rose turned to Elliott.

"Your smoothies look great.", Rose grinned before catching up with the others, the triplets in her arms.

"Oh... Hey, Maddie.", Sprig said.

"Sprig.", Maddie said.

"Well? Go on.", Jackie said before Sprig groaned nervously.

"Maddie, I'm sorry for the way I broke up with you. It was wrong of me to have Anne do it and doubly wrong that we didn't do it face to face.", Sprig apologized.

"Your breakup literally hit me in the face. But as much as I would've preferred an actual conversation, I was fine with what you wrote.", Maddie assured.

"Oh, thank goodness.", Sprig sighed.

"Told ya. Breakup 'qua-ween.'", Anne grinned.

"Yeah, well, you got lucky. This time.", Jackie responded.

"So, we're all good?", Rose asked.

"Yeah. We're good.", Maddie responded.

"Cool. Glad we could patch things up, Maddie. See you soon.", Jackie said as she walked away only to accidentally bump into a frog named Barry, causing him to drop the barrel of blue moon berries, which landed on the ground, prompting the triplets to notice.

"Fwee candy!", the triplets exclaimed as their eyes practically got bigger with excitement before eating said candy.

"Gracious me!", Barry exclaimed.

"Oops. Sorry about that. Barry. I didn't mean to bump into you...", Jackie apologized.

"Shucks, kids. Don't worry about it. Nothing gets Barry down.", Barry assured before getting a lollipop from out of Jackie's hair, surprising her.

"How did you do that?", Jackie asked.

"Candy magic.", Sprig and Rose gasped.

"Have a 'Barry' good day.", Barry said before laughing as he went to the stand and popped up.

"Barry's here!", Barry said before the crowd cheered.

"There goes Barry, sweetest frog in all of Wartwood.", Sprig grinned.

"Swell.", Anne grinned.

But there was one frog who was anything but: Elliott.

"That Anne, Jackie, and Rose Boonchuy! And that Sprig Plantar! Baffacch! Baffacch! Just the latest in a long series of duplication slights. First, there was the abrupt destruction of a second set of tomatoes.", Elliott said as it showed him getting his own tomatoes from the tomato monster from behind not long after Anne and the Plantars were eaten by said monster.

"Take your stinking vines off my sister, you darned, dirty vegetable!", Jackie shouted, her voice distorted and loud, puzzling Elliott before a blue branch suddenly pierced said monster, prompting Elliott to duck only to drop the tomatoes right before Jackie and Rose both created a massive energy ball that destroyed the monster as well as knock Anne, Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly out of the creature's throat and soaring in the air before falling down just as Jackie and Rose got exhausted with their marks moving downward back to where they formed, although a hexagon symbol appeared on each of the back of their hands with Anne and the Plantars popping up with the triplets now happy again, of course, leaving Elliott in disdain as he groaned in anger.

"Then...", Elliott said as it then showed him noticing, much to his disgust, several giant mosquitoes sapping the water and laying eggs up until one of them saw him and chased him, prompting him to hop away.

"Baffaaaaaaacch!", Elliott exclaimed as he hopped away.

Then, it showed him exploring the geysers.

"Next, there was that time when I got pushed not into one, but two geysers!", Elliott added right before Anne and the others, while all making a mad dash with a yell across the geysers, inadvertently knocked him into one geyser, which launched him up into the air before he fell into another geyser, which launched him up into the air as well before it showed him catching a decently big fish.

"Then, after I caught only one supposed large sized-fish, Jackie went ahead and caught one just like mine while Anne caught an Xtra-large!", Elliott exclaimed as it then showed Rose and Jackie got progressively bigger fish with Rose being the 3rd biggest and Jackie being the 2nd biggest before Anne wound up in the water before the 1st biggest fish then chased after her, making her scream as Elliott stared in desdain at Jackie.

"Baffach! Now, their final crime, the crime for which I will exact revenge: getting my name wrong. Everyone knows it's Elliott: 2 L's and 2 T's. I have two of everything, for I am the Polar Duplicator!", the Polar Duplicator announced.

"Sounds like you have your own desire for vengeance that needs to be satisfied.", Ichabod said as he stepped forward to Elliott's Dual Smoothie stand.

"Ichabod...", Elliott said.

"The same. I have a little proposition for you. You just need to meet me in the storage area later tonight.", Ichabod said.

"And what's in it for me?", Elliott asked.

"You can get the vengeance you crave as do I and my associate.", Ichabod said.

"Vengeance, huh? Okay. You convinced me.", Elliott said.

"Excellent. By the way, how much would it take for this exotic smoothie to be created?", Ichabod asked.

"Two hours.", Elliott responded.

Later that night, in the storage area, Elliott walked in to see Ichabod and a stranger in the dark.

"Oh, good. You're here, Elliott. Now, then... Let's get started.", Ichabod said with a snicker before he lit up the fire beneath the cauldron and then applied a sort of string, a piece of candy, some rubber, and some horsefly clippings into the mixture, showing Anne, Sprig, Jackie, and Rose in the cauldron.

"Horsefly wing clippings?", Elliott puzzled.

"Oh, but of course. This ingredient is to make whoever the potion curses horrifying beyond words.", Ichabod explained before Elliott shuddered at the thought.

"All right, good point.", Elliott said before the mixture let out a green smoke, which formed into a chortling frog head.

Later, Sprig woke up in the morning, but he's revealed to have bushy eyebrows and poofier hair.

"Huh? Something ain't right here.", Sprig said before quickly noticing a duplicate of him, much to his shock as his eyebrows perked up.

"Who are you, imposter?!", Sprig exclaimed.

"How can we be sure that YOU aren't the imposter?", the other Sprig asked.

"Because everyone knows the real Sprig isn't smart enough to ask the question you just asked. Wait...", Sprig said.

"Yeah...? Well, the real Sprig isn't smart enough to realize that the real Sprig isn't smart enough to ask the question. Oh, wait...", the other Sprig retorted before both Anne and Jackie screamed.

"Anne? Jackie?! I can't see. Whoa.", Sprig groaned as he tipped over and rolled off bed.

"What was that? Oh. I can't hear too well.", the other Sprig said before he and the real Sprig went down and then both saw the real Anne and the real Jackie, the former of which look younger and a bit smaller while the latter was starting to sprout some little hairs on her arms.

"Anne, Jackie, are you two okay?!", the two Sprigs asked.

"Sprig! What happened to your face?", Anne asked.

"And there's two of you, too?", Jackie asked.

"Whoa. Why do you look smaller?", the other Sprig asked.

"I don't know what's going on, but for some reason, I feel myself getting slower-rer at doing things and my clothes feel lighter on me, like I'm getting smaller.", the real Anne explained.

"And that's not all. those little hairs started growing on me.", Jackie added, gesturing to one of the few black hairs on Jackie's arm, twanging it as well.

"And to make matters worse, there are two of me and two of Anne, too. Even two of Rose.", Jackie added.

At that point, a bigger clone of Anne burst out from the basement.

"Fee Fi Fo Fum.", the other Anne said as she stepped out of the closet with a smirk before giggling.

"I always wanted to say that.", the other Anne grinned.

"Could you keep it down?! Some of us are trying to sleep!", the other Jackie shouted from below as she walked up and popped out from the basement door, going through similar changes, but more fluffier than the original.

"You keep it down.", the other Anne retorted.

"Wow... Who are you?", Rose, who is starting to appear a bit rubber-like, asked.

"Who am I? Who are you?", the other Rose, who was starting to get not only rubber-y, but also a bit more round like a ball, pondered.

"You see?", Jackie asked.

"I'm so jealous of other me growing right now. But what is going on?!", Anne asked before the triplets suddenly burst out from the basement door, but not without blasting the basement door. Soon after, Lily burst out with a dash, ricocheting across the house, surprising Hop Pop before Andy hopped out the basement and grew bigger.

"Hop Pop! Wook how big I am!", Andy shouted in a deep voice before hopping out through the hole while Danny blasted at the ground, thrusting himself upwards past the hole.

"Whee!", Danny shouted.

"Goodness gracious, boy! What's going on here?! What's on your face? And why do y'all have doppelgangers?", Hop Pop asked upon noticing not only Sprig's condition, but also the fact that there are clones, one for each.

"I dunno. I just woke up like this, and with a clone of me, no less.", Sprig responded.

"And us.", Anne said.

"I even found myself growing bigger than normal, which isn't all that bad.", the other Anne added.

"Have you guys seen my toothbrush?", Polly asked before noticing not only Sprig, Jackie, Rose, and Anne's conditions, but also all 4 clones, before widening her eyes.

"We're being invaded!", Polly exclaimed before running back up the stairs as Hop Pop arrived.

"Hmm. Woke up like this, you say?", Hop Pop pondered before then examining all 8, even plucking a little hair out of Jackie's arm.

"Hey!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Hmm...", Hop Pop said before he tickled both Rose and the other Rose before then going over to Sprig and lifting up an eyebrow.

"You fixed it.", Sprig said before Hop Pop only lowered the eyebrow.

"Aw.", Sprig groaned.

"I've seen all I need to. You four... have been duplicated and cursed!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Duplicated?!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Cursed? That's a thing here?", Anne asked in shock.

"This land of ours is home to many arts, Anne. Sculpture, mosaics, and of course... THE DARK ARTS!", Hop Pop said.

"Cursed? But-But how? When?", Sprig asked.

"Well, it takes about a night for a curse to kick in. Either of you upset anyone yesterday?", Hop Pop asked.

"Maddie.", Sprig said.

"No, we just patched things up yesterday.", Jackie responded.

"And there was that one time when you called the guy at the stand, 'Eliot' instead of his actual name, Sprig!", the other Jackie remembered with a glare toward Sprig before it showed Elliott elsewhere.

"E-lli-ott! 2 L's, 2 T's.", Elliott corrected before Sprig gasped.

"Oh, no!", Sprig gasped.

"Seriously? He did this just because you said his name wrong, Sprig? That's not cool on his part.", Jackie said.

"Especially when he overreacted about that.", the other Jackie said.

"Like you're one to talk. You overreacted about the other Anne being too loud. Although, come to think of it..., I might have done the same on a bad day.", Jackie said.

"Dude, you've got to go talk to him.", Anne urged.

"And please hurry! I am not looking forward to being overrun by a bunch of Anne's!", Polly exclaimed before hair poofed up from Sprig's mouth.

"Hey, I think it's getting better.", Sprig said.

"No, I think it's getting worse.", the other Sprig corrected.

"On the other hand...", Polly grinned.

"Sprig, we have to go talk to Maddie. She might know how to reverse this.", Anne said before Sprig sighed.

"You're right.", Sprig agreed.

"And hurry. I have a weally bad feewing about whewe this is gowing", Anne added as she shrank down further and further.", Anne said before noticing her current size as well as her speech impediment.

"OH, COME ON!", Anne exclaimed.

"Aw. You look so cute, Anne.", Rose grinned.

"Yeah. Wanna play with us?", another Rose asked.

"Nomawwy, I'd say, 'no'. But now? I can't help but get excited.", Anne grinned.

"Then, come on!", both Rose's grinned before they and Anne ran out laughing, not knowing that Elliott was watching this from the window.

"So, you'll be my ears?", the other Sprig asked.

"As long as you're my eyes.", Sprig responded.

"Deal.", the other Sprig said as the two shook hands before Elliott then saw Jackie and her clone speaking.

"Tell you what. I'll be the good cop version of me and you'll be the bad cop version of me. Good?", Jackie suggested.

"Well, all right. We'll work together. For now.", the other Jackie said as they shook on it, much to Elliott's bafflement as he got up to the roof on the backyard side.

"Every time I create a duplicate version, they simply join forces with the original! Therefore, I must also duplicate someone else. Someone who will make those pesky frogs' lives miseradouble!", Elliott said as he peeped out to the front and saw Maddie walking up to the front of the house before laughing.

But just as he started laughing, the other Anne suddenly burst out from the roof as she apparently grew again.

"Whew! That felt great.", the other Anne grinned.

"Aw, heck.", Elliott said.

Meanwhile, Maddie was quite surprised to see the other Anne.

"Anne? What happened here?", Maddie puzzled before she then opened the door.

Just then, Maddie went inside the house after opening the door.

"Got Mr. Plantar's bread order, here.", Maddie said before getting surprised, indicated by her widening eyes upon seeing not only what Anne, Jackie, Rose, and Sprig are going through, but also their duplicates going through different effects, having already seen one Anne grow bigger than the house.

"Whoa! What happened to you guys?", Maddie asked.

"Yeah, we've been cursed.", Jackie began as she was already crawling on the ceiling, much to the shock of all.

"See? It's already hastening.", Jackie added in worry.

"Can you take these curses off of us? Please?", Sprig asked.

"Sorry, but I can't. Curses can only be lifted by the caster, and this isn't my curse.", Maddie responded.

"Well, do you have an idea for how we could find our curse wielder?", Jackie asked.

"Hmm.", Maddie said before she then got out a bowl and a straw with which to crush some pieces in the bowl before then grabbing the powder and tossing it at the ground.

"Hey!", Anne said before coughing as the smoke cleared, revealing a sort of trail.

"This trail will lead us to the caster.", Maddie said before she led the way with both Anne's, Jackie's, Rose's, and Sprig's leading the way.

"Quickly. Before it goes cold.", Maddie urged.

"And can we find the triplets while we're at it?", Jackie asked.

"You gonna fix this roof?", Polly asked.

"Eh. Eventually.", Hop Pop responded.

Unbeknownst to them, Elliott set his sights on Maddie, aimed his goggles at her and then pressed a button next to said goggles, causing them to shoot out a beam at Maddie, duplicating her, baffling Sprig, before he laughed.

"There. Now, this oughta keep them busy. At least long enough for me to get back to the lair before they even get here.", Elliott said before jumping off the roof on the backyard side and hoofing it.

"Uh, why are there two of you?", Sprig asked.

"Wait, what?", Maddie puzzled before she turned and saw her duplicate, making her gasp.

"A duplicate of me?! That's an affront of magic and abuse of power!", Maddie exclaimed.

"You, too? How does this keep happening?", Jackie puzzled.

"That must be Elliott's work.", Maddie deduced.

"Oh, no, the trail!", Jackie exclaimed as she noticed the trail going too far away.

"Leave it to me!", the other Anne said before she boldly went after said cloud, albeit stomping.

"Don't stomp toward it! You could poof it away! Or worse, you could step on the triplets! Two of them, at least! How can you be so irresponsib...", the other Jackie began scolding just before the original Jackie sprouted horsefly wings while the other Jackie sprouted monarch-like wings, surprising them.

"Wait a minute. I think we could use that. Everyone, after that giant Anne!", Jackie urged as she then led the way alongside her other clone with Rose swinging with her newfound stretchy limbs.

"Well, I gotta admit, Maddie. You do give off a creepy vibe. Or at least your duplicate does.", Sprig said.

"Just because I seem creepy to you doesn't mean I'm a bad person. I'll have you know, I learned magic to help people, not hurt them. Sheesh.", Maddie responded.

"Appearances aren't everything, Sprig.", the other Maddie added.

"Yeah, well that's... That's a really good point.", Sprig realized.

"Yeah, this is all gonna end in tears.", Jackie said.

Over the hours, 3, at least, the group's changes got worse and/or better. For Anne's case, while her duplicate got bigger, the original had started shrinking to a baby pollywog now carried by Jackie in midair.

"Oh, no. Not again...", Anne groaned before the shrinkage completed.

Once that portion was complete, Anne looked up in time to see Jackie's face now resembling that of a horsefly, which horrified her to the point of shrieking in wails, making Jackie gasp.

"Oh, no... Don't cry. It's okay, Anne. I'm not gonna hurt you.", Jackie assured, her voice now distorted, before the other Jackie, now a humanoid kill-a-pillar, spoke up.

"Oh, give it here! Maybe you should leave her with someone more qualified and keep your scary face away from her.", the other Jackie suggested scoldingly as Anne started giggling, making Jackie sigh.

"I don't understand. How could my face be so scary?", Jackie puzzled before passing by above the river and seeing her reflection, which made her scream upon seeing this.

"Okay...! Now I'm starting to see how...", Jackie shuddered.

Meanwhile, both Roses were racing each other with the original Rose swinging and the other Rose bouncing like a ball, in which case she now looks more and more like one before they all arrived at the storage area.

"Yes! I win! What?! You win?! No, I win!", both Roses said to each other in unison before everyone else arrived.

"Well, this is the place, all right.", Maddie said.

"My kind of place to crash in.", the other Maddie said.

"But where are the triplets?", Jackie asked as both Roses growled at each other.

"We're here.", the triplets said in unison before everyone turned to see them.

"There you are.", Rose's said in unison before going over to them as did the rest of the group.

"Thank goodness, you're all okay.", Jackie said before the triplets turned to Jackie.

But when they did, there was a live-action close-up cue of a buzzing horsefly's face. This frightened the triplets to the point of screaming and attacking her with their new powers with Jackie caught by surprise and dodging them.

"Hey! Calm down! It's me, Jackie! I'm not a horsefly monster! I was just cursed to look like one!", Jackie exclaimed, puzzling the triplets.

"Jackie?", the triplets asked before they stopped and landed on the ground.

"Yeah. It's me.", Jackie responded.

"You four should be ashamed of yourselves for attacking me.", the other Jackie scolded.

"Easy, other me. They're just kids.", Jackie said.

"We're sowwy.", the triplets apologized.

"It's okay. What were you three doing all the way out there?", Jackie asked.

"We're just afwaid.", Lily said.

"We don't want to hurt nobody.", Andy added.

"We just wanna have fun.", Danny added.

"Oh, you could never hurt us. Tell you what. After we settle this mess, then we can have some fun.", Jackie assured.

"Why not have some fun by stomping some people?", the other Anne asked.

"Believe me, I want nothing more after seeing what I've become, but that's not the kind of person I am.", Jackie responded.

"Besides, there's a good chance someone might have prepared for that on account of your irresponsible stomping.", Maddie said.

"And I'd do it again.", the other Anne responded.

"Enough talk, guys. It's time to put an end to this curse once and for all.", Jackie said.

Then, everyone entered together before the door closed.

"What kind of evil person would live in a place like this?", the other Anne asked.

"The same evil person you've met before.", Ichabod replied before everyone gasped as the room lit up to show not only Ichabod, but also Barry and Elliott.

"There's no need for violence. Not yet, at least.", Ichabod smirked.

"Ichabod...", Jackie glared.

"Hello, children.", Barry greeted, shocking Anne and the others.

"Barry?!", the group exclaimed.

"Enjoying the curse I put on you?", Barry asked.

"You did this?! And with his help of all people?", Jackie asked.

"Jacquelin. You remember me. One should remember her archnemesis.", Ichabod grinned.

"Oh, is that what you are? I thought you were a mad scientist whose 'genius evil plan' bombed.", Sprig smirked.

"That's an archnemesis.", Ichabod responded.

"Ah, enough mind warfare.", Sprig groaned.

"Why did you do all this?", Jackie asked.

"To ridicule and defeat you, of course. And this time, my plan is working perfectly.", Ichabod responded.

"What plan?", the other Anne asked.

"To bring you four to your knees... using a simple curse formula. Since our last encounter, I have been watching your every move. I discovered each of your worse traits about yourselves.", Ichabod explained.

"Wait. You've been spying on us? How?", Jackie puzzled.

"This cauldron. Isn't it obvious? Anyway, once I knew where you'd all be, I spent weeks cataloging your weaknesses and examined you four just as you bumped into Barry, who, by the way, was livid over how you made him spill his entire stock of blue moon berries, whose special properties gift one who consumes them, special powers that only last a day. Problem is, according to what he told me, they grow once only every 10 years.", Ichabod began.

"They were priceless.", Barry added.

"I also noticed one of you calling Elliott the wrong name and took it upon myself to bring him and Barry together through our common hatred. I knew the moment we used the curse potion on you, you would take the bait.", Ichabod explained.

"Okay. But that still doesn't explain why Barry was so angry about the blue moon berries if he hid that rage so well.", Jackie said.

"Oh, but it does.", Ichabod smirked.

"I played it cool and was sweet because my image is half my business. I may look nice, but I'm petty and vengeful on the inside.", Barry explained.

"Oh. And I take it you're also very unforgiving, judging by your allegiance with Ichabod and Elliott as well.", Jackie guessed.

"Finally, you get it! She gets it!", Barry exclaimed.

"As a curse wielder myself, this abuse of magic offends me.", Maddie sneered as she got out curse bags as did the other Maddie.

Play Pokémon Sword & Shield Music: "Battle! (Chairman Rose)"

"Hmm? Oh, goodness!", Barry exclaimed as a curse bag was tossed at a mushroom, bringing it to life as it now had eyes.

"So, you want to play at that game, do you?", Ichabod sneered.

"You should never curse someone unless they really deserve it.", Maddie said as she wagged her finger.

"And, buddy, you deserve it!", the other Maddie said as she also got out her own Curse bags and tossed them, but missed.

"Your replicating days are over, Elliott!", the other Anne said, raising her foot toward him before lowering it, stomping down.

However, it turned out that he was shielded by a mystical barrier, surprising her.

"What the what?", the other Anne puzzled as she stepped back.

"We'll see about that, Anne's, and Jackie's, and Rose's, and Maddie's, and Sprig's, and the triplets's.", Elliott retorted as Ichabod and Barry each drew their own curse bags before they tossed them at the group as Elliott duplicated each bag, prompting everyone to dodge a rain of curse bags, causing all sorts of magical mischief with a barrel squawking as it grew wings and stork-like legs before running, several lollipops growling, and a butterfly appearing.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before Barry and Ichabod were each down to one last curse bag.

"Ah! Our last curses.", Barry said before growling.

"Why have one, when you can have two?", Elliott asked as he duplicated each bag into two.

"Oh, it's times like this that makes replication useful.", Ichabod sneered as Maddie, however, wasn't so lucky.

"I'm out.", Maddie said.

"What do we do?", Rose asked before Maddie and the others turned to see Anne regressing further than a baby, much to their worry, giving an indication that there isn't much time left.

"Give me a hand.", Maddie urged.

"Okay.", Rose grinned before she then stretched her hands toward the mushroom lights while squeezing her feet underneath the barrels as well before Maddie then plucked out a hair form Horsefly Jackie.

"Ow!", Jackie exclaimed before Maddie scooped some moist liquid from Anne's reforming egg as well as plucking a hair out of both Rose and Sprig.

"Ow. What the heck?", the two exclaimed as the other Maddie did so for the duplicates as well.

With that, the other Rose was then rolled toward the original by the Jackie's, stretching her enough to act as a sort of slingshot as Maddie charged toward Ichabod and Barry, who charged toward her.

"Please be careful.", Jackie warned.

"We'll twy.", Lily assured before the two Jackie's released Rose, launching both the other Rose and the triplets toward Barry and Ichabod, who just tossed their curse bags toward Maddie.

"Gotcha!", Barry shouted before Maddie jumped up in time for the other Rose and the triplets to knock Barry and Ichabod back before Lily grabbed the curse bags in midair and gave them to Maddie.

"Hey, Ichabod!", Jackie said, puzzling Ichabod.

"Yes?", Ichabod said before he was met with a horrifying sight.

Before he knew it, he was met with a live-action close-up of a buzzing horsefly's face. Ichabod screamed in horror and tried to chuck his potion at Jackie only for it to miss and head towards Maddie instead, who caught it and juggled said bags.

"Oh, dear.", Ichabod sighed before Maddie then tossed them all toward and Ichabod, causing a massive explosion of magic dust.

End Pokémon Sword & Shield Music: "Battle! (Chairman Rose)"

Meanwhile, Hop Pop had finished placing planks on the roof.

"And that's how you fix the roof.", Hop Pop said before the faraway explosion caused the planks to fall apart, making him fall.

"Good job.", Polly commented.

Meanwhile, the smoke cleared to show Ichabod as a sort of small pollywog now.

"No! My body reduced to that of a simple pollywog! When my brother Julius gets back from vacation, he's gonna bounce me.", Ichabod said sadly.

Then, Barry was now cursed to be a big, yellow chicken of sorts.

"Oh, no. My beautiful body!", Barry exclaimed.

"Yes, Barry. In hindsight, it was a terrible idea to use horsefly clippings for the curse formula.", Ichabod admitted.

Then, the smoke also cleared to not only show Jackie, Rose, and Sprig back to normal, but also show that the duplicates are nowhere to be found.

"Hey... I'm not a horsefly anymore! We're back to normal!", Jackie grinned.

"She turned the curses back on him.", Sprig said.

"Aw. I really liked being stretchy.", Rose groaned.

"But what about Anne?", Jackie asked in worry before noticing only a small frog egg.

"Anne!", Jackie, Rose, and Sprig shouted in horror.

"Yes...! Yes! You've done it!", Elliott laughed to Ichabod while picking up the small egg before Jackie then lurched her tongue toward Elliott, whacking him away and catching the egg before bringing it back to her.

"Baffacch!", Elliott exclaimed in pain.

"Oh, Anne. You're going to be okay...", Jackie said sadly.

"You! Have! Done! It!", Elliott shouted as he recovered and turned to Ichabod.

"Done what, exactly?", Ichabod asked.

"Regressed her to an egg.", Elliott responded.

"Believe me, this was not the plan.", Ichabod growled slightly.

"What did you do to Anne?", Maddie asked.

"Yeah, and give it to us straight.", Sprig added.

"Anne's curse was a special one. It was going to regress her all the way into nonexistence, but thanks to your meddling, she only stopped regressing at her egg state. In short, you had to ruin everything by turning the curse back at us!", Ichabod responded.

"All right, you crazy kids bested us. Now go on, turn me back.", Barry said.

"Nothing doing. After what you did, you're way too dangerous.", Maddie refused.

"What? You can't just leave me like this.", Barry cawed.

"It's over, Ichabod. And neither you nor Barry deserve to be turned back after what you did to Anne!", Jackie said.

"Yeah. Your evil genius plan failed. Again.", Sprig responded.

"Yes. You are indeed a brilliant and worthy opponent. Fortunately, there will always be other evil plans. Oh, by the way, it'll take a few months for your dear Anne to return to normal. Did you really think I wouldn't have a backup plan?", Ichabod smirked as he got out another bag before tossing it at the ground near himself, Barry, and Elliott before clearing away as everyone coughed until it went away.

"Hey. He disappeared.", Sprig said.

"This isn't over, Jacquelin! Not yet, at least!", Ichabod shouted.

"Uh, should we be worried about him?", Jackie asked.

"Under normal circumstances, I'd say 'no', but now? After what happened to Anne? I'm not so sure 'no' is a good answer.", Sprig responded.

"What can we do?", Rose asked.

"The only thing we can do for her... Protect her as if she's one of our own... In which case, she is.", Jackie responded a bit sadly.

"Well, on the bright side, we'd get to see how cute she looks when she hatches.", Rose added, shedding tears for her before Sprig turned to Maddie.

"Thanks for helping us, Maddie. And sorry the engagement had to end like this. Friends?", Sprig asked, stretching out his hand.

"Friends.", Maddie responded before they shook on it with Maddie pulling him toward her.

"I can't wait to hang out.", Maddie said.

Later, everyone was told the events that took place since they left.

"I still can't believe that scoundrel did this to her.", Sylvia said in disbelief.

"If we never see him again, it'll be too soon.", Felicia added.

"Yeah, but honestly, we're lucky to even still have her at all. Ichabod said it'll take a few months for her to return to normal. So, until then, we'll guard her with our lives!", Jackie said boldly.

"Like a boss!", Sprig added.

"I don't know whether to feel sad about what happened or excited about her rebirth.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Well, it's definitely exciting for me.", Ivy grinned.

"Isn't it?", Rose asked in agreement.

Play Regular Show Music: "Diary" (5:01/11:20)

Soon, at night, Jackie, Rose, and the triplets were asleep when suddenly, the egg started shaking a bit in Jackie's arms while Sprig was sleeping before he woke up and then noticed how empty the cup is and went downstairs to refill it. But then, a bright blue glow came from the basement.

"Huh? What's going on down there?", Sprig puzzled before he went down there and saw for himself what's going on: the egg was now glowing.

"Whaaaaat?", Sprig puzzled before Jackie and Rose stirred awake and then saw the same light as well with the triplets stirring awake and seeing the bright light as well.

"What the...?", Rose puzzled.

"Could it be...?", Jackie puzzled to herself.

Then, Hop Pop, Felicia, Sylvia, and Ivy went down to the basement as well to see the egg starting to hatch.

"Holy smokes!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"This is the miracle of birth...!", Sylvia said.

"The moment of extraordinary beauty.", Ivy added.

Then, the bright light glowed brightly, blinding everyone before it then dimmed slowly after a few moments to show, in Jackie's arms, a pollywog with the hair resembling how it used to look.

"Anne...?", Jackie puzzled as she saw the human-sized pollywog stir awake with a yawn before opening her eyes.

"Momma.", the little pollywog said sweetly.

"What?!", Jackie, Rose, Sprig, and Ivy said in unison while the triplets gasped.

"Say whaaaaat?!", Hop Pop, Felicia, and Sylvia exclaimed.

End Regular Show Music: "Diary" (5:42/11:20)

Act II: Fiddle Me This

One day, Sylvia, Ivy, the Boonchuys, and the Plantars were out at the center of town, especially the now reborn Anne held by Jackie, when Sprig noticed an open spot, albeit small.

"Hey, there's an open spot.", Sprig said, pointing to said spot.

"I don't know. Looks a little snug.", Polly said, unsure.

"Nonsense.", Hop Pop rebuffed before parking in said spot only to scrape against other snails like metal with the sheriff shaking his head at Hop Pop, who only nodded to him before he finished parking as Bessie purred.

"All right, kids. Meet back here in 15 minutes.", Hop Pop said.

"Bog Bath & Beyond, here I come.", Sprig said as he, Ivy, and Rose got off.

"Wait a minute, Hop Pop. We're coming.", Jackie said before she got off while holding Anne.

"Okay. I'm ready.", Jackie said before she went in with Hop Pop and Sylvia.

"Don't mind if I do.", Hop Pop said as he then went in with Sylvia and Jackie coming along before Hop Pop later set them on the counter.

"Well, good mornin', Hopadiah.", the cashier said.

"Mornin', Wartilda. How are the kids?", Hop Pop asked.

"Great. You know, my daughter just got accepted to Newtopia University.", Wartilda said.

"Newtopia University? What's that?", Jackie asked.

"That's the big league right there.", Hop Pop whistled in response.

"Yep, she's got a bright future. Good thing too. Ascots aren't as popular as they used to be.", Wartilda said.

"Yeah, vegetables aren't doing so hot either. People these days are all about fruit. That's life, I suppose.", Hop Pop sighed.

"Oh. And who's this cute little bundle of joy?", Wartilda asked, gesturing to the cooing pollywog.

"Well, that's actually my big sister. Or at least, she used to be until a run-in with that jerk Ichabod.", Jackie explained.

"Used to be? What happened?", Wartilda asked.

"Well, long story short, Ichabod try to regress her into nonexistence, but Rose, Sprig, Maddie, and I were able to stop this from happening. She just hatched last night.", Jackie explained.

"Oh. I see. Well, that was kind of you.", Wartilda grinned.

"Thanks. Oh, and Anne even considered me her 'momma'.", Jackie said.

"Momma.", Anne said.

"See? Like that.", Jackie responded.

"Um, maybe only four ascots this month, Wartilda.", Hop Pop said.

Then, Hop Pop gave a sigh with Sylvia turning to him.

"What's the matter, Hopadiah?", Sylvia asked.

"Well, Sylvia, I sure wish I could give Sprig and Polly a better future.", Hop Pop said.

"Well, Hop Pop, one of these days, you will. But for now, you need to relax and take it easy.", Sylvia assured.

"Well, Sylvia, you're right.", Hop Pop said before he heard Sprig and Polly exclaiming in awe.

"Huh? Well, what's over there, more ascots?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"No, I don't think that's it.", Jackie said as she brought Anne with her before stopping near a big sign involving an event called "Amphibia's Got Talent".

"Whoo-hoo! Amphibia's Got Talent is coming to Wartwood!", Sprig said.

"Wait, what is this nonsense?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"Well, first of all, that's a talent show. And second of all, we've got the same thing in my world, only it's called 'America's Got Talent'.", Jackie explained.

"Mm-hmm. It's a contest where regular people get on stage and show their special talents.", Rose added.

"That sounds potentially humiliating.", Polly said.

"Or fulfilling depending on what the judges think.", Jackie responded.

Then, Sprig read the fine print below the sign.

"'Auditions are being held this weekend.' Hey. Could be fun to play my fiddle in front of a crowd. Eh? Eh?", Sprig grinned before he started playing his fiddle in an upbeat tone.

"I don't know, Sprig.", Hop Pop said, unsure.

"And the best part is, winning this kinda thing sets you up for a life of success and opportunity. At least that's what Anne would say.", Jackie said with "opportunity" echoing as Hop Pop practically daydreamed about Sprig and Polly in a sort of mansion with Sprig slurping from a coconut mug.

"How's life, Polly?", Sprig asked.

"Ding-dang delightful.", Polly said before Jackie, Anne, and Rose carted the elderly Hop Pop and Sylvia on wheelchairs.

"At last, I can rest... forever.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Wait. If this is the future, why don't I have legs?", Polly said.

"Why are we still here?", Jackie asked.

"Hey. Can't you see I'm trying to pass on?", Hop Pop said before sighing.

"Ahem. Hopadiah?", Sylvia asked.

"Huh? What was that?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"Are you okay?", Sylvia asked.

"Why, I've never been better. And Sprig, let's give this talent show nonsense a try. It's a long shot, but with enough dedication and teamwork, I'm sure we can make you a star. Who's with me?", Hop Pop asked before both cheered.

"Let's do this!", Jackie grinned.

Later, everyone was now back at home with Sylvia, Felicia, and Ivy's company.

"The moth! One of nature's most seductive animals.", Hop Pop said.

"Cool.", Jackie grinned.

"Yeah.", Rose and Polly agreed.

"All right.", Sprig added.

"Inspired by this majestic creature, I've designed an act for Sprig that will guarantee we take home first prize. And possibly have fun doing it, too. Jackie, Rose, you're in charge of costume design and makeup.", Hop Pop said.

"I'm thinking something cosmic, ethereal, interdimensional. In a word, galactic.", Rose said.

"Sounds very flattering.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Maybe I could help draw what you have in mind.", Jackie grinned before realizing something.

"Oh, but I have to watch Anne...", Jackie groaned.

"Don't you worry about a thing. I'll keep watch over Anne for you.", Felicia said.

"Really? You would?", Jackie asked in surprise.

"Oh, but of course, honey.", Felicia said before giggling.

"Thank you.", Jackie said.

"Polly.", Hop Pop said.

"Yes, Coach?", Polly asked.

"You're Chief Morale Officer.", Hop Pop said.

"What? That's not a real job. Why can't I be the star? I've got talent too.", Polly complained.

"All right, let's see what you got.", Hop Pop said before Polly cleared her throat.

"Here's a little ditty I wrote by myself.", Polly said before she took a deep breath and sang loudly, although not very good as instead, she emitted sonic soundwaves, making everyone cover their ears and groan as Polly's voice alone shattered a passing snail's shell, broke apart the wagon, and killed not only a couple bird-like flies, but also an actual bird.

Of course, the only one who seemed to enjoy that was Anne, who giggled.

"Like I said. Morale.", Hop Pop said as he placed the morale hat on Polly.

"Fine.", Polly grinned.

"And as for you, Sprig, you have the hardest job of all", Hop Pop tasked, puzzling Sprig.

"Huh?", Sprig puzzled.

"Sylvia may be supervising, but we'll be working on your act together. From dusk till dawn. Rain or shine. Till heck or high water.", Hop Pop said as he grabbed Sprig by the shoulders, although not too hard, and shook him anxiously.

"Hop Pop, aren't- Aren't we taking this all just a little too seriously?", Sprig asked.

"Sprig, success takes work. It takes dedication, sacrifice. You don't wanna end up like that guy, do you? No job. No prospects. No future! Just look at him, Sprig!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Hop Pop, that's a wor-", Sprig began before Sylvia cleared her throat.

"Oh. But that isn't as important as having fun. Anyway, let the hard work begin.", Hop Pop shouted before blowing a whistle.

First, on Day 1, Sprig was running with Hop Pop, now in a coach uniform, running backwards to monitor Sprig's progress before later cracking an egg with an apparent spider in it and giving it to Sprig, who tried to drink it, but refused upon noticing how disgusting it is. But Hop Pop wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Come on, boy. Chug it.", Hop Pop urged, making Sylvia clear her throat before he turned to see her shaking her head, making him sigh before leaving and coming back with a cup of water.

"Here. Have this, instead.", Hop Pop said before Sprig then drank said water with Sylvia giving a wink to him and a thumbs-up, although Hop Pop is unsure about whether or not it is best.

Then, on Day 2, Rose and Jackie made some designs, but it didn't turn out right.

"Aw.", Rose groaned.

"Well, that one wasn't good.", Jackie said before then placing said design on the ground to start a pile as Anne was crying while on the ground now.

"Aw. Does someone need to get changed? Or get fed?", Felicia asked, picking her up before cooing to her, making her giggle while Hop Pop spoke to Sprig.

"Now to work on your stage faces. Happy cute. Sad cute. Jealous cute. I said jealous cute!", Hop Pop scolded.

"I don't know what that looks like.", Sprig said before Sylvia spoke to him.

"Hopadiah Plantar.", Sylvia said, making Hop Pop sigh.

"It's okay, Sprig. Just do Angry cute for now.", Hop Pop said before Sprig then did an Angry Cute face.

"Oh, that's good.", Hop Pop said.

Next, on Day 4, Sprig was tuning the fiddle before, on Day 7, Hop Pop blew his whistle.

"Whoa!", Sprig exclaimed before Sylvia cleared her throat, making Hop Pop groan before he allowed Sprig to play normally, and at such an up-beat tone, too, before Hop Pop turned to Polly and shook his head no, making Polly groan.

Then, on Day 9, Sprig was playing the fiddle very impressively, much to Jackie, Rose, Sprig, Ivy, Felicia, and Sylvia's amazement, especially the triplets'.

"Whoo-hoo!", the group cheered.

"Well, how was that?", Sprig asked.

"It was amazing, Sprig.", Jackie grinned.

"Yeah! You totally killed it!", Rose added.

"You're gonna slay, brother.", Polly grinned.

"That was awesome.", Ivy grinned.

"Who knew you'd make a fine fiddler?", Felicia asked.

"That was beautiful.", Sylvia said as Anne giggled happily.

"Yecch! You call that an act? I counted three whole mistakes, Sprig. Three.", Hop Pop scolded.

"I mean, it doesn't have to be perfect, right?", Sprig asked.

"It does if you wanna wi...", Hop Pop began before Sylvia interrupted.

"Hopadiah Plantar!", Sylvia spoke boldly, making him gasp before groaning and then sighing.

"But, I suppose learning from our mistakes is what's important as well as patience. So, just do 1 lap and then we can rest.", Hop Pop sighed.

"Really? Okay.", Sprig said before he then did one lap around the tree.

"Whew! Finally. I can't wait for the show tonight...", Sprig sighed as Hop Pop then started breaking out in a cold sweat.

Later that night, the announcer spoke up to start the show.

"Welcome to Amphibia's Got Talent!", the announcer shouted before everyone cheered with a giant bat appearing in the spotlights, eating the butterflies.

"Hey, shoo! Go away, shoo!", the spotlight technician exclaimed.

Then, to start the show off, first, there was a vocal choir of little pollywogs before an attempt of a daredevil stunt, which failed, and, of course, Toadstool riding on a unicycle while juggling.

"I'm thinking, launch him.", the male judge suggested.

"Yeah, way ahead of you.", the female judge concurred before the ground rumbled with Toadstool, a moment afterward, launched upward offstage, earning the crowd's cheers as well as Hop Pop's giggles.

"All right, gang. This is ours to win. Sprig, you ready?", Hop Pop asked as Rose was doing makeup.

"As ready as I'll ever be.", Sprig responded.

"Then get out there and win, win, win!", Hop Pop exclaimed before Sylvia cleared her throat and then shook her head, making him groan annoyedly before sighing.

"But most importantly, have fun.", Hop Pop said.

"Uh..., okay.", Sprig said before stepping up.

"All right, next up is 'Sprig Plantar.'", the female judge said.

"Sprig? Ugh.", the male judge groaned.

"Performing 'Flight of the Moth.'", the female judge said before the curtains opened up to show Sprig in a moth costume, astounding everyone who gasped.

"Well, hello there.", the female judge said.

"I know. Right?", the male judge added.

"Whoo! Go knock 'em, dead, Sprig!", Jackie cheered as little Anne yelled out in the same supportive tone.

"Dazzle the crowd with fun!", Felicia added among the crowd next to Jackie.

With that, Sprig started playing classical music at a fast tempo, much to everyone's amazement as the crowd exclaimed and cheered normally.

Hop Pop, however, was starting to lose it. Or at least it seemed like he was going to.

"This performance is a disaster! If this keeps up, Sprig will lose for sure! I have to work him hard if we're going to win!", Hop Pop thought, about to yell at Sprig only to notice not only how the crowd was growing more and more interested and amazed by the second, but also how happy Sprig is on stage, making him calm down and give a sort of sad tear out of sadness at first, but then joy after he wiped the first tear away.

"Now, this is perfection...! Keep the focus on fun, Sprig!", Hop Pop shouted.

But then, as soon as Sprig jumped up, he was suddenly carried off by a giant bat, making the crowd gasp with Jackie shocked by this as Anne started to cry.

"Oh, no. Hey, it's okay. It's just part of the show.", Jackie assured before it passed by the group with Hop Pop looking up to see Sprig in the bat's mouth, screaming.

"Aah! Sprig!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"What do we do?", Rose asked.

"What can we do?", Polly responded before she and the others ducked underneath the bat again as it flew around willy-nilly, Sprig still in its mouth.

"I'll tell you what we can't do. We can't let it get away with Sprig! Or worse!", Rose shouted before Hop Pop saw the lever nearby and turned to Rose.

"Rose, get to that judges' table and wait for my signal!", Hop Pop urged.

"Okay!", Rose responded before she ran over to the lever.

"Sorry, but I need this to save my friend. Your hair look great, by the way.", Rose grinned as Hop Pop got to the center of the stage with Polly on top of him.

"Hang on, Polly.", Hop Pop urged.

"Hold it. I'll be coming with you.", Sylvia assured.

"You are? But are you sure you can handle this one, Sylvia?", Hop Pop asked.

"Hopadiah, I'll have you know I dealt with a giant crab before. I think I can handle a giant bat.", Sylvia assured before Hop Pop looked up to see the bat still flying around.

"Fair enough. Now!", Hop Pop urged before Rose pulled the lever with a grunt, launching Hop Pop, Sylvia, and Polly toward the bat before they held onto it as best they can, astonishing the crowd, who gasped.

"Ha! You think you can shake me loose?! Not a chance!", Sylvia glared.

"Whoa. Now, that is a lot of woman.", Jackie said.

"She is my mother.", Felicia responded.

Meanwhile, Hop Pop went closer to one of the bat's ears.

"Polly, now's your time to shine. Sing!", Hop Pop exclaimed before Polly gasped excitedly, inhaled, and then sang just as badly last time, but this time, disorienting the giant bat enough for it to release Sprig from its mouth before he, Hop Pop, Sylvia, and Polly all fell down, worrying Jackie and Rose.

"Sprig! Hop Pop! Sylvia! Polly!", Jackie exclaimed.

"AAH! I got you. I got you.", Rose said as she moved back frantically.

Then, Anne tried to squirm out of Jackie's arms.

"What the...? Anne? What are you doi...?", Jackie asked right before Anne freed herself with a leap.

"Anne...!", Jackie shouted in slow motion.

"I got-", Rose began before the four landed on top of Rose, causing the entire stage to be destroyed. But then, a young Anne popped up with a hop,

"Mama.", Anne shouted, surprising Jackie, before turning around to the crowd, who cheered.

"Outstanding!", the female judge stated as she and the others clapped their hands.

"Grandson? Are you okay?", Hop Pop asked.

"Yeah. I'm okay.", Sprig assured.

"Oh, I shouldn't have forced you into this. Because of me and this stupid act, you were almost digested.", Hop Pop ridiculed to himself.

"Hey, that wasn't your fault. Not entirely, anyway. Sylvia did pretty good keeping you calm.", Sprig said.

"Mm-hmm.", Hop Pop responded.

"But why were you pushing me so hard before?", Sprig puzzled.

"Well, I just... I ran into Wartilda, and she said- And ascots are- Vegetables are just not doing well anymore. And heck, in a couple of years, I don't even know if the stand will be around. I just wanted to give you a better life than the one I can give you now.", Hop Pop sighed.

"Hop Pop, my life is perfect the way it is. And as long as you're in it, my future will be pretty cool too.", Sprig said before Hop Pop started crying tears of joy while getting hugged by Sprig.

"You did it, Anne! Your first hop!", Jackie grinned.

"Mama.", young Anne grinned before Jackie giggled.

Just then, the two judges stepped up to the stage with a trophy for them.

"Absolutely mesmerizing performances. I'm quaking with emotion.", the male judge congratulated.

"And how did you ever train that bat?", the female judge asked.

"We didn't.", Rose responded.

"We hereby declare this family the winning act of Amphibia's Got Talent.", the female judge said.

"You simply must come tour with us.", the female judge suggested.

"Yes. And share your vision with the rest of the valley.", the male judge agreed.

"Thanks, but we like things the way they are. We don't gotta be stars.", Hop Pop said before leaving.

"Thanks for the offer, though.", Rose responded as she and the others left.

"There goes the weirdest family I've ever seen.", the female frog judge said.

"Absolutely, darling.", the male judge responded before someone else cleared his throat.

It was Toadstool.

"Well, Toadie, I'd say that last act was pretty bad, wouldn't you?", Toadstool asked before Toadie pulled the lever.

"Oh, crud...", the two judges groaned before then screaming as they were launched out as the crowd cheered.

A/N: Okay, I have bad news and good news. The bad news is, as you probably know already, Anne has regressed into a baby pollywog. It'll be sometime before she returns to normal. The good news is, she won't stay a pollywog for long. :) So, who knows when Anne could turn back. It could either be sometime in season 2, or during this first season during "Reunion". As for Jackie's Horsefly transformation, it's based off of the transformation from "The Fly", but without the body horror, thank goodness. And there were also some live-action horsefly closeup scenes from "Wormy" from Spongebob. I'll admit, those scared me to death when I was a kid. And I mean to the point I hurriedly cover my eyes or look away. But now? It doesn't really bother me as long as I don't hear any buzzing (or at the very least prepare myself each time I watch it, which is on rare occasions) and imagine some crazy, funny things like Wormy saying, "But that part of our charter ain't legible no more." (Judge Morpho's line from Infinity Train: Book Four) for one thing. But enough about that for now. Now, we'll see how the rest of the episodes would play out before Anne returns to normal, eventually. :)