18. Chapter 18

A/N: And in this chapter, we get to see Rose and Jackie at their worst. In other words, we get to see them rage out! Although, only one rage moment per Boonchuy per episode in this case. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 18

Act I: The Big Bugball Game

One day, it was the one day that happens to be a holiday for Amphibia.

"Ah, Harvest Day. My favorite holiday.", Sprig sighed.

"I'm hungry just thinking about it.", Polly said.

"I get it. Frog Thanksgiving. You even have a turkey.", Rose realized before said turkey shrieked, making her and Jackie shudder.

"We're still gonna eat it, though. As long as it's cooked thoroughly.", Jackie said while wearing a carrier for Anne.

"Harvest Day! I'm all in!", Rose grinned.

"Here, Jackie. How 'bout you put these turnips 'all in' our display?", Hop Pop asked as he arrived with a wheelbarrow of turnips.

"All right.", Jackie said, taking said wheelbarrow before then noticing a sort of sign, stating "Go, Farmers" being erected on the stand.

"'Go Farmers'? What's that all about?", Rose puzzled.

"The big bugball game, of course.", Sprig responded.

"Every year, Wartwood plays a friendly game of bugball. Farmers- That's us- versus the Townies.", Hop Pop added.

"And every year, the Townies destroy us! It's humiliating.", Polly grumbled.

"And to top it off, the losers have to wear these ridiculous costumes for a whole week.", Sprig added, gesturing to said turkey costume in a paper stating, "Ye olde Losers Garb".

"Those outfits are so itchy.", Hop Pop groaned.

"That doesn't sound like a 'friendly game' to me.", Jacki said.

"Yeah, it sounds like they take the game seriously and are poor sports about it.", Rose said.

"Yeah, that's tough. By the way, do you think I can make this?", Jackie asked before she then tossed turnips into the baskets, one being a cornucopia especially.

"Ha! Three-for-three, baby. It's a good thing Anne taught me that.", Jackie said with a grin before croaking.

"She did not, however, teach me that.", Jackie added.

"Jackie, where'd you learn to shoot like that?", Hop Pop asked.

"I just said that Anne taught me that. Weren't you listening?", Jackie asked as she then tossed another turnip into a basket, making the group cheer.

"You'd be perfect for bugball.", Hop Pop said.

"Really?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah. If you join our team, we might actually win!", Sprig agreed before Toadstool arrived.

"Win? Not in a million years!", Toadstool responded as he and his team stepped forward.

"Hello, Farmers. Allow me to introduce this year's Townie team. First, we got Lydia, four time frog-lympian. Olaf, who transferred from state. -[exhales]

"Frog Jordan, who I paid to join.", Toadstool added.

"What's up?", Frog responded.

"And last but not least, Toadie, who is surprisingly good at this. Mm-hmm, yes. Scary stuff, huh? Be careful you Farmers don't soil yourselves on the field. Did you hear that? Soil? 'Cause they're farmers. -", Toadstool said as Toadie practiced some bugball before almost everyone laughed while the rest, the farmers, groaned.

"So... It begins anew. Eh, Toadstool?", Jackie glared.

"Oh, no, Jackie. I have changed, I can assure you. In fact, when we Townies win again (like we always do), this time, the Farmers only get to wear the costume for the rest of the day from here on out, but that don't mean I'm gonna take it easy on them.", Toadstool responded.

"Well, this is starting to get better than before. But I think this year, you'll lose because the Farmers have me and Rose.", Jackie discouraged.

"Cool!", Sprig said in awe.

"Yeah. We're gonna beat you and your fancy Townie team.", Rose added.

"And we look forward to the game. And winning. Townies, move out.", Toadstool said before he and his team moved into the shadows.

"We can still see you!", Rose said.

"No, you can't!", Toadstool said as he and the others hurriedly left.

"So, how do we play bugball?", Rose asked.

"No idea. So, maybe we should learn how to play bugball first.", Jackie suggested.

"Oh, yeah, probably.", Hop Pop agreed.

"Yeah, that's a good idea.", Sprig concurred before the giant turkey burst behind the grub stand and took off after the others, sending them running.

Later, as the team was getting ready, Anne cooed while held by Rose as Polly was sitting next to the eager Archie.

"What's up?", Polly greeted before the pet spider stopped panting for a moment and then continued again while the "Farmers" were stretching.

"Welcome to Team Farmers. This is the playing field.", Sprig began.

"Those skulls are the goals.", Sadie gestured.

"And this is the bugball.", Hop Pop said as he gave the bugball to Jackie.

"Oh, it looks cute. It's even shaped like a real- Ah! Okay. It's a real bug. Got it. So we just put the bug in the goal like putting the ball in the basket, right?", Jackie asked as the bugball opened its wings up and flew for a moment before she grabbed it.

"Oh, there's more to it than that.", Hop Pop responded before he pulled the book out of the tree stump, set it down while opening it, and then got out his reading glasses.

"Now, see here. You got your shooters- That's you and Croaker- And you got your passers, me and Chuck. That's Chuck, by the way.", Hop Pop said.

"I grow tulips.", Chuck stated.

"Good to know.", Jackie grinned.

"And lastly, on defense, there's Sprig. 'Cause he's not really great at the shooting part. Never scored a point in his life.", Hop Pop stated as Sprig lifted himself up with abs until he heard what Hop Pop said about him.

"That's 'cause you never give me a chance.", Sprig retorted, pointing at him.

"Mm-hmm. Anyway, Jackie, it says here the most important thing about Bugball is teamwork.", Hop Pop suggested.

"After all, you're good, but the Townies are hard-core.", Sadie agreed.

"Yeah, Jackie, I think the team should really-", Sprig said.

"You don't need to worry. If Anne was playing bugball, she'd say that she doesn't do 'team sports' and do 'me sports', like tennis because she wins them. But me? I'll try and work with you guys to the best of my abilities.", Jackie said.

"Well, this is all very touching, farmers, but do you mind? We're here to practice.", Toadstool said as he and his townies appeared.

"Hey, Farmers have the field for another hour!", Polly exclaimed.

"Oh, yeah? Well, our schedule says different. That is..., unless you'd like to scrimmage against us.", Toadstool said.

"Eh, I think we need a little more practice before-", Hop Pop began.

"Okay. Why not? This could be a great way to practice, anyway.", Jackie grinned.

"What?", Hop Pop said in shock.

Play 2 Unlimited Music: "Get Ready For This"

Later, the two teams were on opposite sides of the field before Polly blew her whistle.

"Game on!", Polly shouted.

"Hop Pop, pass!", Jackie shouted.

"Oh, okay, Jackie.", Hop Pop urged before he passed it to her.

Then, she found herself swamped by four Townies. And before she could try and pass it to one of her teammates, Toadie grabbed the ball and tossed it to Frog Jordan, who passed it to Olaf, who passed it back to Toadie, who then dunked the ball into the skull.

"Okay. He is good at this.", Jackie said before the next game started.

"Jackie, pass!", Hop Pop urged.

"Got it!", Jackie responded before she then passed it to Hop Pop, who then jumped up and passed it to Sadie, who tossed it to the hoop.

"We did it!", Jackie grinned.

"Whoo-Hoo! That was great, Jackie!", Rose cheered as Anne cooed.

"Well, looks like we got ourselves a challenge.", Toadstool smirked to himself before Polly blew her whistle again.

Then, Jackie found herself swamped by the Townies again.

"Jackie, over here!", Hop Pop shouted.

"I'm open, I'm open!", Sprig shouted.

"Jackie, Jackie! I'm open!", Sadie shouted.

"Oh, boy...", Jackie said, torn between the four players before then tossing it to Hop Pop, who went for the shot and dunked it.

"Wow... I wish I could play out there.", Rose grinned, not knowing that Jackie was watching this after the shot was made.

Soon after, Polly blew the whistle with Olaf making the shot next.

"Dang it!", Jackie exclaimed before Polly blew the whistle again with Chuck making the shot this time.

"Dang it!", Toadstool shouted.

Then, after Polly blew the whistle one more time, Toadstool himself made the shot.

"Dang it! Again!", Jackie shouted.

End 2 Unlimited Music: "Get Ready For This"

"Yeah, no, that's the end of the game.", Polly said.

"What?", Jackie puzzled.

"Well, Jackie. It appears we're at a standoff.", Toadstool said.

"Really...? 'Cause I don't see it that way...", Jackie panted.

"Field's all yours, Farmers. See you in the court.", Toadstool said as he and the others left.

"Well... I can definitely see what you mean by hard-core, now...", Jackie panted.

"They may be hard-core, but you have an entire team to back you up.", Sprig assured.

"You're not the only one who can shoot.", Sadie added.

"I grow tulips.", Chuck added.

"Are you sure you can take them on, Jackie?", Rose asked, bringing Anne with her, but not before putting on a carrier for her.

"Not I... We. And in case I can't help them, I'm going to train you to know the basics of bugball so you can play either in my place or by my side.", Jackie grinned.

"Really? You're training me?", Rose asked before Jackie nodded.

"But... are you sure I can even play bugball?", Rose asked.

"Not just you...", Jackie said before Rose gasped upon seeing Hop Pop, Sprig, Sadie, and Chuck and realizing where she was getting at.

"All of us together!", Rose grinned.

"That's the spirit!", Sadie grinned.

"Yahoo!", Polly cheered.

"Yeah!", Sprig added.

"Tulips!", Chuck added.

"We can work with that!", Hop Pop added.

Then, when Polly blew the whistle, Rose was about to toss the ball into the goal only for Sadie to motion to herself as she noticed.

"Oh, right. I forgot.", Rose said before tossing the ball to Sadie, who caught it and chuckled, earning cheers.

After that, Sprig later played defense and smacked the ball away from the skull 3 times before later stopping to refresh themselves with Bug-A-rade as Jackie and Rose drank it and even gave some to little Anne in a baby bottle. Then, Jackie passed the ball to Rose, who jumped up and was about to make the shot when she saw Hop Pop, asking for the ball, before Rose then handed it to Hop Pop, who then dunked the ball into the skull.

Then, came the final test.

"All right, Jackie, Rose, we got one final exercise for you two. True teamwork is all about trust. Just listen to your team, and we'll guide you.", Hop Pop said as he blindfolded Jackie before he and the others scattered.

"Uh, okay.", Jackie said before advancing.

"Dodge left!", Sprig urged before Jackie did so with Sprig tipping the fake toad down.

"Jump!", Sadie urged as she was laying down with Chuck not only on top of her, but also carrying a knife and a pitchfork.

Of course, Jackie then jumped above that as instructed.

"Now, stop. Turn slowly. Can you hear me, Jackie? Can you hear your dear, old Hop Poppy?", Hop Pop asked.

"Yeah, I hear you loud and clear, Hop Pop.", Jackie responded.

"Do you trust me, Jackie?", Hop Pop asked.

"With my life.", Jackie responded.

"Now, shoot!", Hop Pop urged before Jackie then shot the bugball through the skull, earning cheers as Jackie took off the blindfold while Anne giggled.

"I'm up next, right?", Rose asked.

"Yeah. But I'll warn you. It might not be as easy as it looks.", Jackie warned as she picked up Anne and carried her.

"I'll keep that in mind.", Rose responded as Hop Pop gave the blindfold to Rose.

"That's the spirit.", Sprig grinned.

"Tongue five, everybody!", Hop Pop exclaimed before he and his team did a tongue five, especially Jackie and Rose.

"Okay. Let's do it.", Rose said as she put the blindfold on.

Sometime later, the game has arrived with Wally announcing the game.

"Ladies and gentle frogs, welcome to the annual big bugball game! Give it up for Team Townies!", Wally announced.

"Bring it on!", Toadstool exclaimed.

"And the Farmers!", Wally announced next.

"We got this!", Jackie shouted before getting to each side of the court with farmers going up against the townies while Rose held onto Anne on the bench while Polly and Archie are in the audience.

"All right, frogs, listen up. I want a good, clean game, right? Now let's play bugball!", Wally shouted.

"Farmers, are we ready?", Jackie asked before all agreed.

"Tulips.", Chuck said.

"Everybody watch your backs with Jackie. She's gonna be tough to beat.", Toadstool warned before the whistle blew with Jackie catching the ball and quickly passing the ball to Sadie before they could swarm around her and then passing the ball to Hop Pop, who passed it to Chuck, who tossed the ball into the skull.

"Tulips.", Chuck said.

"Well, well, well. Someone thought ahead.", Toadstool said.

Later, Jackie passed it to Hop Pop, who then tossed it to the skull only for Olaf to catch it and laugh. However, he didn't count on Sadie jumping toward him and then punching him down, allowing the ball to go down the skull. Next, Toadie got on Toadstool's hand.

"Toadie throw!", Toadstool exclaimed as he then tossed Toadie toward the Skull on the other side, causing the Farmers to disperse.

"Over here, Hop Pop.", Jackie urged before he then lurched his tongue toward her wrist, allowing her to toss him toward the Townies' skull post and dunk the ball at said skull.

Soon, both teams are now equal at 9 points.

"This is it, folks, with only one minute left in the game, whoever scores the next point wins!", Wally announced before laughing.

"Come on, gang! We can win this thing!", Hop Pop assured.

"I know... I'm just getting a bit exhausted...", Jackie panted before Toadstool turned to his team.

"Townies, huddle up. Now their teamwork may be nigh equal to ours, but Jackie is still the only reason those yokels have gotten this far! Looks like we may need to resort to drastic measures to win this game. Know what I mean?", Toadstool asked, his competitivity showing.

"By drastic measures, do you mean switching our focus from the outcome to just having fun?", Frog Jordan asked.

"No, Frog Jordan. I mean cheat! Cheat! Initiate plan 'Last Resort'.", Toadstool responded.

"You can do it, Jackie!", Rose cheered.

"All right, let's keep it clean, now.", Wally said before blowing the whistle.

"Sprig!", Jackie shouted while passing the bugball to Sprig before Toadie hopped up in front of Jackie, puzzling her.

Then, Toadie tossed the powder at Jackie, effectively blinding her.

"Ah! My peepers!", Jackie exclaimed, making Rose very worried as she gasped before Wally blew the whistle again.

"Blinding powder, eh? Well, that's a foul, as in foul play. Toadie, you're disqualified!", Wally said before Toadie left and high-fived Toadstool.

"Thanks for taking one for the team, Toadie. By the time that powder wears off, we'll have won this game and...", Toadstool began before Jackie suddenly started screaming in pain.

"Wait a minute. What's goin' on...?", Toadstool asked, turning to Jackie before gasping in horror at the sight of Jackie actually writhing in agony.

"OH, MY SWEET MERCIFUL GOODNESS, IT HURTS! IT BURNS! IT BURNS!", Jackie screamed while also starting to cry.

"Oh, no!", Sadie shouted.

"Our star player!", Sprig added in worry.

The sight was getting to be too much for Rose to take, and Anne, most of all.

"No! Jackie!", Rose shouted in worry.

"Mama...", Anne said sadly before starting to cry from seeing her poor "mama" suffering like this while Toadstool turned toward his team.

"Lydia...? Olaf...? What have you done...?", Toadstool glared.

"We laced the blinding powder with pepper flacks.", Lydia responded.

"Pretty clever, huh?", Olaf asked.

"You hoppin' idiots! That was not what I had in mind! She was supposed to be blinded, not writhing in agony and crying!", Toadstool shouted in outrage.

"That's not cool.", Frog Jordan added.

"Well, sauté my legs and serve me for lunch. We're done.", Hop Pop said with despair.

Rose, however, couldn't take in the potential loss. All she could think about was her sister crying and writhing in agony as well as Anne crying and the person responsible for this. In other words, Toadstool. Almost immediately, Rose growled and tensed angrily as the hexagonal mark on her palm flashed blue briefly before finally shouting out...

"WHAT HAVE YOU DOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE?!", Rose shouted, causing an abrupt shockwave which caught everyone by surprise and shock (horror for Toadstool as he saw the fury now in Rose's eyes).

"You make me sick...! Not only did you try and cheat so you could win, but you hurt my big sister and made both her and Anne cry!", Rose shouted angrily.

"How dare you!", Sadie scolded angrily to Toadstool.

"You should be ashamed!", Hop Pop added.

"All this time, you lied about changing! You're still the big, mean, bully of a toad who hurt my sisters! I'll tear you apart for this! Do you hear me?! I'll...! Tear...! You...! APAAAAAAART!", Rose shouted as she first handed Anne to Hop Pop and stomped closer and closer to Toadstool, knocking him back near his team's own skull post at the last word.

"Heck hath no fury than a 6-year-old scorned!", Toadstool exclaimed before Sadie grabbed her.

"Calm down, Rose! This ain't worth it!", Sadie exclaimed.

"Why don't you tell that to my sister?!", Rose exclaimed before then elbowing her by the stomach as a means to free herself and panting as she stomped toward him.

"She's not stopping!", Sadie shouted in worry.

"I don't understand. How could blinding powder hurt Jackie like this? The only powder strong enough to do that is...", Hop Pop said before gasping at the realization.

"Pepper flacks! Sadie, get the jar of bug juice ready and dunk it on Jackie!", Hop Pop shouted.

"Is this really the time to celebrate?", Sadie asked.

"Do it now! For all we know, Rose may be about to do something terrible and only Jackie can stop her!", Hop Pop urged.

"Well, when you put it that way...", Sadie responded before she then hurried over to the jar, grabbed it, rushed over to the wailing and agonized Jackie before dunking the bug juice on her, making the burn on her eyes go away before she sighed and calmed down, still sobbing a bit.

"Are you okay, Jackie?", Hop Pop asked.

"Define okay...", Jackie responded.

"Listen. I'm not sure what, but Rose is about to do something terrible!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"What...?!", Jackie said in worry.

"Only you can stop this!", Hop Pop urged before Jackie then took a deep breath and shouted to Rose, who cracked her knuckle and raised her fist, about to hit him.

"DON'T DO THIS, ROSE!", Jackie shouted with a bit of an echo before Rose, surprised by her voice, stopped near Toadstool's face.

"Jackie...?", Rose puzzled, turning to her and going away from Toadstool, who was wheezing in fright before Toadie popped up with a bag.

"Just breathe it in, sir. Just calm down and breathe it in.", Toadie said as Toadstool then calmed down some.

"Jackie! Are you okay...?", Rose said a bit sadly.

"Well, I've been better... It still hurts, but at least the burn went away, so that's a plus.", Jackie responded before Rose hugged her, sobbing a bit.

"Oh. Looks like we got a hugger.", Jackie said before Anne gave a light giggle.

"I'm just happy you're doing okay now.", Rose said, sniffling as she wiped away her tears with a sad grin.

"But do you think you can go on?", Sadie asked.

"I don't think so. The burn may be gone, but my eyes are still hurting. I don't think I'm in any condition to play right now.", Jackie responded.

"Oh, no...", Rose said in worry.

"But luckily, that's where you come in.", Jackie assured to Rose.

"Really?", Rose asked.

"Yeah. You said you wanted to play out there, didn't you?", Jackie asked, making her surprised.

"You mean you heard it?", Rose asked.

"Yeah. This was the whole reason we were training you. So, be sure to remember everything you learned, okay?", Jackie responded, making her tear up in joy again.

"Everything I learned...", Rose said deeply before then closing her eyes as her tears streamed down and wiping said tears away while blindfolding herself.

"Hey, Toadstool! On second thought, I bet that with or without help, I can make it to the skull while blindfolded!", Rose shouted.

"You what?", Toadstool said in surprise.

"The trust exercise? Uh, news flash, that didn't involve actual opponents.", Sprig stated.

"There's no way we can pull this off.", Hop Pop said in worry.

"But don't you remember? Teamwork can make the impossible possible.", Rose responded.

"Well, shoot, I'm crying, 'cause that was beautiful.", Chuck responded.

"So, let's do this. For Jackie!", Rose shouted.

"For Jackie!", the team shouted.

"That cuts deep.", Frog Jordan said.

"What? You're really gonna play blindfolded? What are you playing at here?", Toadstool puzzled in genuine surprise before Wally blew his whistle.

"Rose, go!", Sprig shouted before Rose went forward.

"Jump!", Sadie shouted before Rose jumped up above Toadstool, who tripped.

"Dodge right!", Sprig said.

"Dodge left!", Hop Pop added before Rose did so, swerving past Lydia and Olaf.

"Do a cartwheel!", Chuck shouted before Rose then did a cartwheel as she ran forwards.

"Yeah, nice.", Chuck grinned.

"Stop! Shoot!", Hop Pop, Sadie, Chuck, and Sprig shouted as Rose stopped as she was told and was about to shoot.

"Stop her!", Toadstool shouted before they all went toward Rose, who shot the ball toward the skull.

Unfortunately, the ball bounced off the skull instead of going down as Rose opened her eyes and saw this.

"No!", Rose shouted as the bugball went off-course.

But surprisingly, Sprig jumped up and grabbed the ball before it could go further away, inspiring Rose, who gasped, to jump upward to help Sprig.

"Noooo!", Toadstool shouted in slow motion before Rose and Sprig dunked it breaking the skull with everyone gasping in awe, especially Anne, and Jackie, whose eyes were opening to show how bloodshot they are now.

Sprig panted before turning toward them with a grunt as the horn blared.

"That's the game. Farmers win!", Wally shouted before the crowd cheered for the farmers while the townies groaned.

"We did it! We won, Jackie!", Rose giggled.

"That we did...", Jackie grinned.

"Dude, that dunk was sick! You gotta teach me how to do that sometime.", Polly grinned.

"You know? Maybe I will.", Sprig grinned.

Under normal circumstances, Toadstool would be upset about the loss, but now, he doesn't really mind. And it didn't have anything to do with the new conditions he changed, either. In fact, when he went over to the farmers...

"Ahem. Uh, Jackie? Rose?", Toadstool asked.

"What do you want?", Jackie and Rose asked bitterly.

"Listen. I just want you to know that I'm sorry for the way things unfolded here at the finals. You hear that, everyone?! I! Am! Sorry!", Toadstool shouted.

"Wha...?", Jackie, Rose, Sprig, and Hop Pop puzzled in unison.

"And that ain't even the only thing I'm sorry about.", Toadstool added.

"What do you mean?", Jackie asked.

"Oh, I heard what that nasty Ichabod did to your sister and I am truly sorry. But also, I'm glad that not only did you chase that criminal out of town, but that everything works out for you and her.", Toadstool assured.

"Aw... Thanks. Sorry for trying to hit you.", Rose apologized.

"Eh. Water under the bridge.", Toadstool assured.

"Wow. You're really apologizing? The old you would never have done that... You really have changed.", Jackie grinned.

"Don't I know it? Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a losers garb to wear of the rest of tonight only. Could stand to put that adrenaline to good use, after all.", Toadstool responded before he put it on and was chased by a giant turkey.

"Come and get me, you turkey!", Toadstool shouted, making Rose giggle.

"Just be careful, Toadstool!", Jackie shouted.

"You did it, Sprig! Your first goal! How does it feel?", Rose asked.

"Amazing. I feel like a living god! You did it, Rose. You did it!", Sprig grinned.

"No, we did it. This wouldn't have happened without our teammates.", Rose said.

"Know what else wouldn't happen without teammates?", Sprig asked before Hop Pop, Sadie, and Chuck splashed Bug-A-Rade on Jackie and Rose, making them giggle before eating some bugs.

Act II: Combat Camp

One day, Hop Pop was whistling.

"I still can't believe you're bringing us to a day care, Hop Pop.", Sprig groaned.

"Look. I'm sorry, okay? But I have to go to the Annual Crop Convention. It's a long ways away, and I can't leave you kids on the farm alone for the weekend.", Hop Pop explained.

"What?", the group said in surprise.

"Are you kidding?", Rose asked.

"Wish I was, Rose. But you kids need supervision. Why, sometimes it feels like we have at least two wacky adventures a week!", Hop Pop exclaimed in response.

"You know, this trip kinda brings back memories. Back at home, and even back then, Anne was a good student in day care compared to high school.", Jackie said as baby Anne giggled before the wagon finally arrived at a sort of tower.

"Here we are!", Hop Pop said before someone exited the tower entry.

"Greetings. I am Tritonio Espada, the instructor of this day care.", a newt named Tritonio introduced.

"Huh. I thought Briar and Iris Bogwater ran this place.", Hop Pop puzzled.

"The Bogwaters retired last year and sold their business to me.", Tritonio explained.

"Well in that case, I'm Hopediah Plantar. This here is Jackie...", Hop Pop began.

"Hi, Tritonio.", Jackie greeted.

"Rose...", Hop Pop added.

"Hi.", Rose greeted.

"Sprig, Polly, Andy, Danny, Lily, and Anne. She may be gigantic, but she's also a child.", Hop Pop added as Polly blew a raspberry.

"Hey!", Jackie groaned.

"I think he's talking about me.", Rose whispered.

"Ah, yes. I shall educate them! Teach them true discipline!", Tritonio offered.

"Oh. I like the cut of your jib, Mr. Tray-tony. Did I say that right?", Hop Pop asked.

"Absolutely not.", Tritonio responded.

"This isn't so bad, I guess. There is a cool tower.", Sprig said.

"Well, at least we could start over. And help Anne be a good student. Certainly a lot better than how she was back at high school.", Jackie said.

"Uh, what's so bad about teachers?", Sprig asked.

"Let's just say that when it comes to the teachers here, she and them don't mix.", Jackie explained before it showed the teacher drawing a sort of square root of 9 on the chalkboard only to overhear Anne playing a video game during class.

"Okay, so then you carry the three and- Not again.", the teacher sighed before he then lifted up the book to spot Anne playing video games instead of studying.

"You'll never take me alive!", Anne exclaimed before the teacher went after her.

"Anne! Anne, get back here!", the teacher shouted as he pursued her.

"Anne thinks that teachers just don't like her for a good reason, other than being jealous of her so-called, 'carefree spirit'. Well, I say there is a good reason why they don't like her. And this time, things will be different.", Jackie said.

"Well, kids, looks like you're in good hands here with Mr. Tritonio. Hyah! Crop Con, here I come!", Hop Pop shouted as he took off for Crop Con.

"Finally. It is just us now. So let us cast aside these illusions, yes?", Antonio asked.

"Wait, what?", Jackie asked before Tritonio took off his apparent disguise, his outfit now being more of a swashbuckling type.

"Whoa!", Sprig and Polly said in unison.

"And this is no mere day care. This is a Combat Crash Course for kids.", Tritonio said as he kicked the sign, flipping it from a day care sign to a Combat Crash Course (for kids) sign.

"Yoo-hoo!", Polly whooped.

"Cool!", Sprig added.

"Adults, they shelter their children. I say no! Teach them to fight. For danger lurks around every corner of Amphibia. Stay on your toes! Trust no one!", Tritonio said as he got out a stick, even moving into different spots near the group.

"Ah! Look over there!", Tritonio shouted to Sprig.

"Ah! What is it? Danger?", Sprig asked before getting bonked on the head, making Anne and the triplets laugh.

"I said trust no one! Now, follow me, and we will begin the next lesson.", Tritonio said as he walked back inside the academy.

"Hit me again, Tritonio!", Sprig said before laughing.

"This guy's awesome!", Polly grinned.

"Well, I guess it'll be good to learn some self-defense in case we need to use it.", Jackie grinned.

"Yeah. I want to learn how to fight!", Rose grinned.

Then, everyone was now inside the tower with Tritonio showing them what weapons to pick.

"Your next lesson is to pick your weapon. Find one that resonates with you.", Tritonio said.

"Wow...", Rose said.

"Yea-euh! Ooh, what are these?", Polly asked as she then hopped over to them while in her bucket.

"Ah, the noble boom shroom. Small, unassuming, but in the right hands...", Tritonio said as he then picked one up and pressed the stem at the bottom, causing it to glow and beep.

"Explosive!", Tritonio finished as the boom shroom exploded, making Polly gasp in awe.

"Perfect for you, I think. Who's next? No wrong answers.", Tritonio said before Jackie and Rose each checked out the other weapons with Rose picking the bo staff and Jackie picking the Katanas.

"Whoa...! I can whack somebody with this.", Rose grinned.

"And those katana aren't bad either.", Jackie said as she examined them just before they suddenly glowed blue for a moment before dimming, surprising her.

"Whoa. That's new.", Jackie said before Anne reached for the katana only for Jackie to move them away.

"Hold on, there, Anne. It's not exactly safe to play with them.", Jackie said as she put the Katana in their sheaths.

"Whoa, these are big forks.", Sprig said, holding tsais.

"Ah, excellent choice, Sprig.", Tritonio grinned as Polly started having some fun with some Boom shrooms, evident by her laughter.

"So, what's the next lesson?", Polly asked.

Later, the four frogs all did their drills as baby Anne watched.

"Wonderful, Sprig! Polly, truly inspiring. Magnefique, Rose! Ohohoh, truly daring, Jackie!", Tritonio grinned as the four leapt across the beanbag pillows.

Later, Sprig and Polly got across the monkey bars with the former swinging by tongue while Polly just hopped across the the top of the bars as did Anne and the triplets (mainly for playtime).

"Sprig, Polly, nice work!", Tritonio complimented before Rose and Jackie went up next with the former bouncing on every other bar while Jackie swung on every other bar not used by Rose.

"Oh, my! So nimble!", Jackie said.

The group was even climbing up the tower outside while Anne and the triplets were with Tritonio.

"That's it, children! Feel the stone beneath your hands, the strong breeze in your hair. Much like the breeze on a fast-moving train.", Tritonio encouraged.

"Man, Tritonio's so encouraging.", Sprig grinned.

"I know, right?", Rose grinned.

"You see, Anne? I told you Teachers can help!", Jackie added before she noticed how her hands were off the wall.

"Uh-oh.", Jackie said before falling down with a scream.

Fortunately, she saw a bush nearby and went toward a bush before landing in it. But the strangest thing was, she landed on her feet as she noticed.

"What the...?", Jackie puzzled.

"Even your fall is impressive, Jackie.", Tritonio said.

"Okay, how did I land on my feet?", Jackie puzzled.

Later, at night, the three frogs were eating dinner with Tritonio.

"Here, children, your quinoa macro bowls are ready.", Tritonio said.

Then, he noticed a couple of people missing.

"Where is the purple one? And the baby, for that matter? Do they not like quinoa?", Tritonia asked.

"She said she wanted some time to think.", Sprig said, pointing up to the tower where Jackie and Anne were looking up at the sky when Tritonio popped up.

"You must eat, Jacquelin. Only a fool fights on an empty stomach.", Tritonio advised.

"Tritonio, can I ask you something? How does this keep happening? First, Rose and I saved Anne, Sprig, Polly, and Hop Pop from the tomato monster. Next, we saved Anne from death by red leg. Then, she saved me from mutated slavery at Ichabod's hands, not to mention her hatching. And to top it all off, I managed to land on my feet. On top of a bush. I never do that.", Jackie said as Anne only giggled a bit.

"Mama.", Anne said.

"Oh, Anne. I wish you were still our age.", Jackie sighed with a bit of a giggle.

"Oh, Jacquelin. If events like this seem to happen often, I think it is clear you are a girl who is close to living up to her full potential. More literal than expected, but I digress.", Tritonio responded.

"Really?", Jackie asked.

"Indeed. In you, much like with Rose, I sense someone that, with a little effort could achieve greatness. And now, I believe you are ready for this. At least as a gift for the baby.", Tritonio said, offering it to Jackie.

"Well, Anne is not really a baby, but wow!", Jackie said in awe.

"This blade has been in my family for many years, and now it is yours. Or your daughter's. Though, I must say, it is pretty weird for you to be with your daughter here at this place.", Tritonio commented as Jackie opened the sheath and noticed how it was glowing blue.

"What? I'm not her mother. I'm her sister. She was only like this because of what Ichabod did to her, Rose, and me 3 days ago.", Jackie responded.

"Heh. Sure, she is. Anywho, get some sleep, Jacquelin, for tomorrow, the real training begins. Wah-ha-ho!", Tritonio shouted as he then jumped off and fell down, leaving Jackie to gaze upon the sword's glowing blade and then to Anne, who was in awe.

"Eh, maybe when you somehow regrow back to normal one day, Anne.", Jackie grinned, making Anne give a cute groan.

The next morning, Jackie was fencing with Tritonio.

"Parry, swing! Imagine I'm a fearsome assassin. Or perhaps, a meddlesome train conductor.", Tritonio instructed as Anne watched the spar before he beat Jackie.

"Dang it! You're too fast.", Jackie said.

"Indeed. Now..., do you surrender? Or do you die...?", Tritonio said with a fierce glare, mkaing her gulp nervously before raising her hands.

"All right. I surrender.", Jackie said before Tritonio moved his sword from Jackie's neck.

"Excellent! You've all improved so much. Especially you, Jacquelin.", Tritonio said before she giggled.

"Now, come. It is time for your final test.", Tritonio said.

"What's that?", Rose asked.

Then, Tritonio led everyone to a sort of underground room, revealing a sort of blueprints for the test, even putting them on the clipboard.

"Tomorrow is our last day together. So I put together an exercise to test all the skills you've learned. I have rented a train, inside of which, I have hidden a fake priceless ruby. Also, I have hired actors to portray guards who will stop at nothing to keep the ruby safe. You must retrieve it using the wisdom and skills I have taught you. Now, study these plans. Become one with the plans. Eat the plans.", Tritonio said before ripping a piece off and eating it while smacking his lips and then flipping up toward the door.

"We leave at dawn!", Tritonio said before leaving.

"So does anyone else think this just looks like we're robbing a real train?", Sprig asked.

"Yeah. Could Tritonio be using us?", Polly concurred, looking at the note on the blueprints that says, "Note: Don't listen to the Guards no matter what they say about 'not being actors'".

"Well, he did say to 'trust no one'.", Polly responded.

"Don't say that. Tritonio's a good man. I'm close to proving to Anne that not all teachers are bad. I'm not about to back out. So, what are we waiting for? These plans aren't gonna study themselves.", Jackie said.

"You got me convinced.", Sprig grinned.

"As long as I get to use my boom shrooms, I'm good.", Polly grinned.

When dawn came, a beetle train was going down the railroad one day when the conductor noticed Sprig, dressed as an orphan in the middle of the railroad and stopped the train as the brakes squealed.

"Please, governor, I'm a poor orphan boy who done and twisted his wee ankle on these here train tracks.", the "orphan" pleaded.

"Poor kid. Guards! Help me!", the conductor sniffed before said Guards came out, apparently annoyed with how their day was going.

"Another day, another wounded orphan to move.", the guards said, not knowing that Jackie, Rose, and Polly, with Anne and the triplets brought along up to the train conductor seat before opening the lower latch and placing coal on top of the beetle, making it squeal and snort before moving forward.

"This ankle isn't twisted.", one guard said before the conductor turned and noticed the train starting up.

"Hey! The train!", the conductor exclaimed before he and the guards rushed to the train.

"Stop! Stop! No, no, no!", the guards shouted.

"Hey! Get back here!", the conductor exclaimed before Sprig then used his tongue on the conductor to stop him and the guards before leaping forward with a laugh and then joining up with Jackie, Rose, and the others.

"Acting is fun!", Sprig grinned just before the conductor then leapt up and tried to attack Sprig with his sword.

"I trusted you!", the conductor shouted.

"Oh, my gosh!", Sprig said, dodging the conductor's attacks before Jackie then squared off with the conductor and then tossed the sword up to the ceiling.

"Sorry about this!", Jackie said before pushing him out the way he came in.

"Orphan!", the conductor shouted before he landed on top of the guards.

"Wow, these guys are really good actors.", Rose said.

"Never mind that. Let's get that ruby!", Polly said before they then went to the Newtopia Treasury car, which is locked.

"You're up, Polly.", Jackie said before the boom shrooms exploded, allowing them entry toward the jewel.

"There it is. We did it, guys. Big T is gonna be so proud of us.", Rose said.

"Wait. Why does this jewel look real?", Jackie asked.

"Proud is an understatement!", Tritonio said before he then went inside as well.

"Tritonio!", the group said in unison.

"You've all done so well. Ah, here it is, the Tiger Moth's Eye. Now, I have one more question. What was the first lesson I taught you?", Tritonio asked as he picked up the Tiger Moth's Eye.

"Trust... no one!", Jackie said, realizing what he meant.

"Bingo.", Tritonio said before jumping up and then locking the door with a shovel, making Polly, Sprig, and Rose gasp.

"Tritonio, what are you doing?", Rose asked.

"Sorry, kids, but I never could've robbed this train by myself. And now that I have what I want, I'll be going. Give my regards to the guards!", Tritonio said before laughing as he left.

"I knew it! I knew something was off with him!", Rose shouted.

And with that, both Anne and the Triplets started crying as Jackie could only stare on in shock and look down at the ground.

"I can't believe this... He double-crossed us...", Jackie began as her mark flashed before it finally stopped with the mark glowing brightly.

"Jackie?", Rose puzzled.

Play Boruto Music: "Kawaki" (Ep. 189)

"He used me as a pawn...! I trusted him... and he BETRAYED ME!", Jackie shouted angrily with her voice distorting at the last two words as she clenched her hands into fists, one of which had a mark that appeared and worked itself all the way up from her arm to her head with the markings going over her eyes as her eyes glowed bright blue.

"Quick! Take cover!", Rose shouted to Polly, Anne, and the triplets.

"Ah, they were good kids. Too bad they have to go to prison forever.", Tritonio said before the roof suddenly burst open with the shovel landing and sliding near Tritonio, now horrendously broken in half, before he looked up and saw a livid Jackie, who now has a blue aura with her hair now moving upward, although still the normal color as she panted, holding her two katana, which are now not only glowing blue, but also sparking out blue lightning.

"Okay. That was just super awesome!", Polly whooped excitedly.

"BACKSTABBER!", Jackie shouted in a distorted voice filled with rage.

"Whoa. I did not see that coming. I have to say, even I'm impressed.", Tritonio said.

"I"M NOT FALLING FOR THAT ACT AGAIN!", Jackie shouted before tossing her Katana at Tritonio, who yelped as he tried to avoid the Katana, which etched themselves onto the train with one of them being very close to his foot.

"And... now, I'm scared!", Tritonio said.

"Guys, now!", Rose shouted before she, Sprig, and Polly all charged in with Sprig using his tongue to attack only for Tritonio to use his fencing sword to swing Sprig toward Polly.

"Oh, hi, Sprig.", Polly said before both Sprig and Polly were launched off the train.

But it was then that Rose saw this and then launched her self over to them with her Bo staff before using her tongue to grab them and set them back on the train before getting herself back up on the train just in time to see Jackie and Tritonio clashing with one another but with one difference: compared to before, Jackie was winning.

"Ah...! She's too fast! How is this possible!", Tritonio exclaimed.

"HOW MANY CHILDREN HAVE YOU TRICKED INTO ROBBING FOR YOU?! HOW MANY CHILDREN HAVE BEEN WRONGFULLY IMPRISONED BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID?! HOW MANY?!", Jackie shouted before finally destroying Tritonio's fencing sword with her two katana, breaking it in three pieces.

"My sword!", Tritionio shouted.

"I trusted you, Tritonio! You made me rob this train! And worst of all, you left me to be locked up in jail forever for YOUR crimes! YOU RUINED ME!", Jackie roared.

"I know, I know! And that is the worst mistake I ever made, believe me!", Tritonio responded in fear.

"Believe you? Trust you?! Trusting you was a mistake; a mistake I don't plan on making ever again!", Jackie glared angrily before then putting each katana near the side of Tritonio's head and threatened to sever his head as she moved her katana closer to his head, cutting through the roof of the car.

"Do you surrender? Or do you die...?", Jackie glared, preparing to finish him.

"Jackie, no...!", Rose said in worry before Jackie moved the katana closer until they're touching his neck.

"ANSWER ME, FILTHY LIAR!", Jackie shouted.

But it was right then that Jackie overheard Anne crying and turned to see that it actually was the case, much to her own horror before she gasped.

"Anne...?", Jackie said, fraught with regret.

Just then, Tritonio then raised his hands willingly.

"Huh?", Jackie puzzled.

"Well-played, Jackie.", Tritonio complimented before Jackie then suddenly groaned as the aura disappeared as well as the marking on her arm and the blue glow on her eyes, leaving Jackie exhausted.

End Boruto Music: "Kawaki" (Ep. 189)

"Jackie!", Rose shouted before she, Polly, Sprig, Anne, and the triplets rushed over to her as Jackie groaned.

"Are you okay?", Rose asked.

"Yeah... Just... a little tired for some reason...", Jackie groaned in response, giving a thumbs-up before she, Rose, Sprig, Polly, Anne, and the triplets laughed while Tritonio sighed in relief, still unnerved by her rage and how close she came to finishing him.

Later, Tritonio was arrested.

"Thanks, kids. The tower's been trying to catch this slimeball for months. Been robbing trains with kids for quite some time now, the sicko. Oh, and best of luck to Anne for her regrowing back to her normal age. Honestly, I don't know who's the sicko. Ichabod or Tritionio here.", the conductor said.

"Wait, what? That actually happened?", Tritonio asked.

"Told you.", Jackie responded.

"Wow. Again, I did not see that coming. As for my work, you do have to respect my creativity.", Tritonio said.

"We respect nothing!", Polly shouted.

"Yeah, get out of here, you fraud!", Sprig added before Anne and the triplets both gave out raspberries at him.

"See you around, Jacquelin. I wasn't kidding when I said you had potential. You certainly bested me.", Tritonio said.

"Save it, you lying crook. I just have one more question for you. Back when I was about to finish you, Anne's crying brought me back and reminded me of who I really am. And in that moment, it was your one chance to strike back and hit me. Why didn't you?", Jackie asked.

"Because we have one thing in common. I care about the children just as much as you.", Tritonio responded.

"Really? Y-You do...?", Jackie puzzled.

"Yes. Even the little infants. Speaking of which, I still can't believe that this baby is actually your older sister.", Tritonio said as he was then taken away.

"Neither can I, Tritonio... Neither can I.", Jackie sighed.

Later, they were waiting outside, practically bruised from the battle.

"Oof, you probably dislike teachers now, huh, Jackie?", Sprig asked.

"Yes...! With every ounce of my being! I can see why Anne hates teachers now. Still, I'd like to hold out hope that not all of them are bad. Besides, Tritonio might have been a crook, but he might be onto something.", Jackie said.

"Let's just hope that Anne gives her teachers another chance when we get home.", Rose grinned.

"Yeah...", Jackie said with a grin as Anne giggled before Hop Pop arrived, just as bruised as them.

"Hey, kids.", Hop Pop greeted.

"How was the convention, HP?", the group asked.

"Oh, fine. Didn't get swarmed by killer locusts, if that's what you mean. How was your weekend?", Hop Pop asked.

"Good.", Jackie and Rose said in unison.

"We didn't rob a train.", Sprig added.

"Nope. No crimes committed.", Polly responded.

"Good, good. Great to know we definitely didn't have two wacky adventures.", Hop Pop responded.

A/N: Looks like things have gotten intense, huh? Still, it was pretty cool to see such moments like this, huh? Far be it from me, but I am a bit of a fan of berserker rage moments. Why, you ask? Well, let's just say it all started with Broly. :) In any case, if you have ideas for how the next episode would go, you can let me know in your reviews. :)