19. Chapter 19

A/N: Here we are, folks. We are getting very close to the 20th and final chapter of the season. I'm excited just thinking about it. Just think. The 1st Season Finale chapter for the story just 3 days shy of the 3rd season finale episode "All In" on Amphibia! :) In any case, there's a bit of a surprise for the 19th chapter which lasts from the near end of Act I up until the near end of Act II. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 19

Act I: Children of the Spores

One morning, Hop Pop was working on a boat called "The Green Lady", which he was blowing on before wiping it to put the finishing touches on it just as Jackie walked in, carrying Anne.

"Hey, Hop Pop. What you doin'?", Jackie asked.

"Well, Jackie, after five years of work on this gal, otherwise known as the Green Lady, I might actually finish.", Hop Pop responded.

But all of a sudden, a ball crashed through the window.

"Ah, crud!", Jackie exclaimed.

"My baby!", Hop Pop exclaimed at the same time while managing to make it to his boat and save it.

"Whew! That was close.", Hop Pop sighed.

"Where did that even come from?", Jackie puzzled before Sprig, Polly, Rose, and the triplets came in.

"Sorry about that, HP. We were trying to teach Polly how to play kickball.", Rose apologized.

"Which is challenging for obvious reasons.", Sprig asked.

"Dang it, kids! What have I told you about roughhousing near the windows? Now, come inside and play a quiet game. Hop Pop's working.", Hop Pop said.

"Okay. That toy boat looks great.", Rose grinned.

"Thank you, Rose. But it's not a 'toy boat.' It's a replica of a famous warship.", Hop Pop responded.

"Yeah, so, could you at least try to give him some space?", Jackie asked, earning Rose's nod before she, the triplets, Sprig, and Polly moved from the window, but not before Sprig tried to touch it.

"Scram!", Hop Pop shouted before Sprig moved away with Hop Pop grumbling before applying some more glue, or at least be about to.

But suddenly, the children burst into the room.

"Tongue tag! If you get tongued, you lose.", Sprig said.

"What the heck?!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Wait! No. Kids, cut it out. I said a quiet game.", Hop Pop exclaimed as Sprig tried to tag them, but missed every time.

"Be careful, guys!", Jackie shouted before Polly got in front of the boat with Sprig launching his tongue at Polly.

"No!", Hop Pop shouted before Polly dodged and Sprig hit the boat instead, prompting Jackie to leap toward it and catch it before it could land.

"Oops.", Sprig said.

"Phew. That was close.", Jackie said as she put the boat back on the table, nearly forgetting about Anne, who was on the table herself.

"Why don't you kids ever listen to me?", Hop Pop scolded before Jackie noticed Anne about to touch it as she rolled, not knowing about the boat.

"Anne, no, be careful!", Jackie said before, when Anne touched it, the boat fell, but this time, it landed on the ground, the mast breaking while the rest remained intact, making the blue baby gasp.

Of course, it was still enough to make Hop Pop scream.

"Anne...!", Jackie glared slightly before Anne noticed how sad Hop Pop practically is now.

"Sowwy, Hop Pop.", Anne apologized.

"Aw, it's all right. That was an accident. Everything's fine. We can still fix her. To Loggle's!", Hop Pop shouted.

Later, they group arrived at Loggle's.

"Okay, I'm going in. Give Bessie some mushroom treats if she acts up.", Hop Pop responded before she and Jackie, who brought Anne with her, went inside.

"Okay.", Rose said before Bessie purred upon seeing the bag.

Then, Hop Pop and Jackie entered the shop.

"Loggle! You've gotta help me save her.", Hop Pop urged before Loggle noticed the "her" that Hop Pop was referring to.

"Is that a 1/80 scale model of The Green Lady?", Loggle asked.

"Yeah! And she's damaged!", Hop Pop responded.

"Wait here. I have just the thing.". Loggle said before leaving with the Green Lady ship.

As they waited, though, the trio was caught by surprise by an unfamiliar stranger from behind.

"Excuse me.", the stranger said, making Jackie and Hop Pop shout in surprise.

"Oh. Uh, hello.", Hop Pop greeted.

"Is that your snail out there?", the stranger asked, gesturing to Polly, Rose, and Sprig outside with the triplets, riding on Bessie.

"Whoo-hoo!", Polly shouted.

"Show 'em what you got, Bessie!", Rose shouted before the police arrived.

"Sorry!", Rose apologized.

"Unfortunately, yes. Technically, Hop Pop's, but still.", Jackie responded.

"Those kids are driving me insane.", Hop Pop sighed.

"Unruly kids, is it? Well, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Apothecary Gary. You can also call me Apothe-Gary, or maybe just Gary, if you'd like.", Gary said.

"Okay. Just Gary, it is.", Jackie said.

"Well, anyway, I've got just the thing for your troubles. Just rub a little of this on their foreheads and your kids'll be behaving in a jiffy. See, it has these special enzymes-", Gary began before Hop Pop interrupted.

"Enzymes? Ol' Hopediah's not fallin' for no scam.", Hop Pop said before Gary laughed.

"Oh, it's not a scam. I guarantee, once you've tried it, you won't be able to live without it.", Gary assured.

"Eh, I don't know if I trust you.", Jackie said, suspicious.

"Me neither. In my experience, this kind of malarkey never-", Hop Pop said before noticing that he was gone.

"Gary?", Hop Pop puzzled before Loggle arrived back with the repaired ship.

"Here we go, Hopediah.", Loggle said as Hop Pop yelled in surprise from the sudden appearance.

Of course, Jackie still couldn't help but feel suspicious about Gary, her suspicious glare remaining.

Then, the two left with Anne.

"Did you get everything, Hop Pop?", Rose asked.

"Yup. Now all I need is a quiet afternoon to fix this old gal.", Hop Pop responded.

"Well, listen, we'll be on our best behavior.", Sprig assured.

"Yeah. The least we can do is give you the time to fix it.", Rose added.

"We're sorry, Hop Pop. This is yours, by the way.", Polly said as she handed out the ticket.

"Thanks, kids. For the apology, not the ticket.", Hop Pop said before everyone rushed for the wagon.

"Whoo-hoo! Shotgun!", Rose shouted.

"Guys, wait!", Jackie shouted as she rushed over.

"Guess I won't be needin' this stuff after all.", Hop Pop said before Bessie then tried to lick it.

"Hey, shoo, girl. This ain't a snack.", Hop Pop exclaimed.

Later, everyone returned home again.

"I'll be in my study if anyone needs me.", Hop Pop said, carrying the Green lady.

Then Rose groaned.

"I'm starving.", Rose said.

"I think there's one more Beetle Bite left in the kitchen.", Sprig said.

Then, the children excitedly ran for it.

"Oh!", Polly shouted.

"No, they're mine!", Sprig shouted.

"Guys, be careful!", Jackie shouted before they inadvertently bumped into Hop Pop, making him drop the Green Lady again.

"Seriously?! Again?!", Jackie exclaimed before Hop Pop dropped his jaw.

"No! No, no, no!", Hop Pop said, starting to tear up with Anne getting just as sad.

"Sorry, Hop Pop. Let me get that for you.", Rose said before Hop Pop only smacked her hand away.

"Don't you touch her!", Hop Pop exclaimed, making Rose gasp.

"But... I just wanted to...", Rose began.

"I said don't touch her!", Hop Pop interrupted while speaking quickly as Jackie glared at Rose with the face that says, "I expected better from you", making Rose quiver sadly before leaving Hop Pop alone sadly as Jackie felt bad about how it had to come to this and sighed.

Later that night, Hop Pop, finally having had enough of their rough housing, spread the spores on Sprig's forehead first, then Polly, and even Rose before leaving the basement.

"Eh. Probably won't do nothin' anyway.", Hop Pop said before yawning only to be caught off-guard by Jackie clearing her throat.

"Ah! Jackie. I, uh... didn't see you there.", Hop Pop said as he noticed her giving her a look of shame.

"Seriously? You were Anne's last role model! How could you, Hop Pop?", Jackie scolded.

"I don't like this either, Jackie, but they weren't giving me much choice. Besides, there's a good chance that they might not work, anyway.", Hop Pop responded.

"We don't know that. What if it does something weird to them outside of what this 'Gary' says it's intended to do? What then, huh?", Jackie glared.

"That's why I'm only using this thing once. After that, I would never use this stuff again.", Hop Pop said.

"For your sake, you'd better not.", Jackie said before leaving to go to the basement with a glare.

Later, in the morning, Hop Pop was making breakfast.

"Kids! Breakfast!", Hop Pop called before he first noticed no one there.

"Dang kids always take so long to wake up.", Hop Pop said before turning to notice that Anne, Sprig, and Polly were suddenly there.

"Whoa!", Hop Pop reacted in surprise.

"Good morning, Hop Pop.", Rose, Sprig, and Polly said in unison, sounding as if they're hypnotized.

"There's a good chance they might not work, huh?", Jackie asked with a glare.

"Okay. Now, I'm gonna start workin' on my ship. So I want you kids to finish your breakfast quickly, then sit on that couch and not say a...", Hop Pop said as he laid out some omelets before then noticing that they disappeared very quickly.

"word.", Hop Pop finished.

Then, he went over to notice the trio on the couch.

"Yes, Hop Pop.", the trio responded blankly, making Jackie shudder.

"Don't hate that.", Hop Pop said.

"Uh..., let's go play Peek-a-boo somewhere else, Anne. And with the triplets, too, while we're at it.", Jackie suggested.

Then, he was painting a red smile on the small figure in the ship.

"There you go, Captain Happy.", Hop Pop said before he noticed how the trio was actually doing as they're told for once.

"Hey, kids.", Hop Pop chuckled a bit nervously before they turned to see him.

"Hey, Hop Pop.", the trio said in unison, making him shudder.

"Um, why don't you kids go outside and play-", Hop Pop began.

"Yes, Hop Pop.", Rose, Sprig, and Polly said as they went outside to play baseball.

Of course, as Hop Pop noticed outside while Jackie played with Anne and the triplets, given that they're currently mind-controlled, they weren't playing very well.

"Hooray.", Sprig and Polly said.

"Better close these to cut down the glare.", Hop Pop said, closing the window.

Later that night, Hop Pop is now almost finished making it as he then yawned.

"Almost done. Still, I shouldn't use any more of that gunk on the kids. Something about it just don't sit right with me.", Hop Pop said.

"That, we can agree on.", Jackie responded before Rose, Sprig, and Polly started clicking back to normal.

"Ugh, I feel weird.", Rose said.

"Like I was a prisoner in my own body.", Sprig added as he woke up before Polly woke up next.

"I... I have all this anger, and I don't know what to do with it!", Polly shouted.

"Well, hey! Wanna shake it off with another game of tongue tag?", Rose asked.

"Heck yeah.", Sprig agreed.

"Let's play in Hop Pop's room. I like the obstacles.", Polly said.

"Wait, what?", Rose asked.

"No! Kids! Cut it out.", Hop Pop shouted, bracing the ship.

"Stop it!", Rose shouted.

"Go to bed now, and I'll give you ten coppers each!", Hop Pop responded before everyone stopped moving around in a frenzy and then left.

"Well, good night.", Sprig said.

"Sleep tight.", Polly added.

"I sure like money!", Rose added as she was the last one to leave.

"Phew! That was close... If only we did something like this sooner...", Jackie said before Hop Pop got out the vial.

"Hop Pop, what are you doing?", Jackie asked.

"I know what I said last night, but I'll just buy myself a little more time, and then never again.", Hop Pop said.

Later, he then did the same thing as last night, except for this case, Jackie stopped him.

"I can't let you do this!", Jackie whispered before Hop Pop then splashed some on Rose's face.

"What the...?", Jackie puzzled before growling at him as he left.

"Well, that's that.", Hop Pop said as he got up and went to his study to continue working on it.

"Dang it, Hop Pop! You don't know what you're doing! I'm not even sure what you're doing!", Jackie exclaimed.

Just then, much to her horror, Rose awakened with a bright purple glow. Only it wasn't Rose, at least not mentally. She was moaning as her eyes glowed pink with her pupils in a brighter shade of pink. And what's worse, there are mushrooms growing out of her head before she then crawled out of the basement just as Anne and the triplets woke up and got surprised.

"Wose?", Anne puzzled.

"No, Anne. That's not Rose anymore. Now, come on.", Jackie said as she picked her and the triplets up and went after her.

And apparently, Sprig and Polly fell victim to the same symptoms as they moaned while going down the stairs before going up to the door just as Hop Pop opened the doors of his study room.

"What's that?", Hop Pop puzzled before the three zombies turned to Hop Pop, making him gasp.

"This is all your fault, Hop Pop. I knew something was bad about those spores!", Jackie exclaimed before the three zombies opened the door.

"Kids! What's gotten into you? Huh?", Hop Pop puzzled before noticing someone at the door.

"Knock, knock.", Gary said.

"Gary? What the heck are you doing here?", Hop Pop asked.

"Gary, your potion is nothing but a bad omen waiting to happen!", Jackie scolded.

"Bad for you, maybe. I'm simply here to witness the birth of my new children.", Gary responded.

"Children?", Hop Pop and Jackie puzzled.

"That's right. That potion I gave you two was no ordinary elixir. It was made with a special blend of my very own spores.", Gary explained.

"Your spores?", Hop Pop puzzled before Gary then lifted off his hood to reveal on top of him, a giant mushroom resting on his head.

The sight made both Jackie and Hop Pop gasp in horror.

Of course, only Anne and the triplets giggled at the sight.

"Big mushwoom.", Anne giggled.

"Behold! My true beautiful self. Also, I am very big, aren't I? For you see, I am a rare species of mushroom able to control the mind of its host. And soon all of Amphibia will be under my command!", Gary said before cackling.

"You'll never get away with this! Nobody tricks Hop Pop into brainwashing our family and gets away with it!", Jackie shouted.

"Silence! Also, eyes up here, buddy.", Gary said, gesturing to the mushroom on top.

"Oh, sorry.", Jackie apologized.

"It's just, you're glowing, he's got the mouth-", Hop Pop added.

"I know, right? It's totally weird. I completely get it. Now, where was I? Oh, right. To me, my mushroom children!", Gary shouted before several more zombies appeared, especially Toadstool.

"Simmer down now.", Toadstool said.

But Ichabod, now brainwashed, also appeared as well.

"What the...? Ichabod's here, too?", Jackie puzzled before Gary cackled once more.

"Welcome to the family, Hopadiah!", Gary began before Hop Pop and Jackie closed the door.

"Oh, they're gone.", Gary said.

"We have to hold them off.", Hop Pop urged.

"Yeah, but I don't think they seem to care!", Jackie responded, gesturing to the fact that the zombies were trying to open the door.

"Kids, snap out of it.", Hop Pop urged before one zombie popped out near the window, which Hop Pop closed.

"Hop Pop, we've got a problem!", Jackie shouted, gesturing to Rose reaching for the door.

"Rose, no! Don't let them in!", Hop Pop shouted before she then let the other zombies in, swarming around Jackie, Anne, the triplets, and Hop Pop.

"Stay back!", Hop Pop shouted as Anne and the triplets grew nervous and whimpered before one zombie grabbed Hop Pop's leg and spat out spores, making him, Jackie, Anne, and the triplets all scream and run for the study room.

"Abandon ship!", Jackie shouted as she, Anne, the triplets, and Hop Pop left, although Hop Pop came back.

"What part of 'abandon ship' don't you understand?!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Well, I can't just leave her here.", Hop Pop responded.

"Dang it, Hop Pop!", Jackie grunted before they all fled, especially with the ship.

"I hope you're happy, Hop Pop! Thanks to you, everyone's turned into zombies!", Jackie glared.

"I know...! Everyone's infected except-", Hop Pop said before noticing Bessie's pen with a gasp.

"That's it!", Hop Pop realized.

"What's it?", Jackie asked before noticing the pen as well.

"Oh, I see what you have in mind now.", Jackie grinned before the survivors rushed to the pen only to stop upon getting a snese that the zombified Polly was right behind them.

"Oh, no...!", Jackie squeaked before Polly then pointed at the two and let out an unearthly shriek, horrifying them.

"Shh! No, no, no. Polly, don't!", Hop Pop exclaimed before both the zombified Rose and Sprig held the two down, leaving Anne and the triplets to land on the ground.

"No! Guys, let us go!", Jackie shouted before Gary cackled again as he, with his slaves carrying him, entered the pen only to bump the big mushroom.

"Little lower, please.", Gary said as he was then lowered until entry and then raised up.

"Ah, there we go. Enough games. Time for your assimilation.", Gary threatened as he popped the mushroom onto the jar, filling it with spores with Anne and the triplets starting to cry.

"Sorry to disappoint you, you compost-eating fiend, but we've got you right where we want ya.", Hop Pop said.

"Hop Pop, the boat, please.", Jackie said.

"No, Jackie. I got this.", Hop Pop said before he got out the boat.

"Goodbye, sweet lady. May you find safe harbor in the beyond.", Hop Pop said before he then tossed the boat toward the latch for Bessie's pen, opening it.

"Bessie! Snack time!", Jackie and Hop Pop shouted in unison.

"Who's Bessie? Is that your wife?", Gary asked.

"Nope. Just your worst nightmare.", Jackie smirked before Bessie burst out of the pen and then purred as it sped out.

"Aw, gee!", Gary said as Jackie and Hop Pop then hopped up while everyone else was rammed, including Gary, who dropped the jar of spores toward the wall, shattering said jar and spiling it onto the wood and on the ground, making Gary gasp.

"My spores!", Gary exclaimed before Jackie leapt up and kicked him back before drawing her Katana, which are glowing blue.

"This is for controlling my family, you parasite!", Jackie sneered as Anne and the triplets gasped excitedly.

"Get him, Jackie!", the little children shouted.

"Parasite?! How dare you?", Gary responded angrily before Bessie then sucked up the mushrooms on the zombies' heads, snapping them out of Gary's control, especially Ichabod, who shook his head and saw Gary before growling angrily while everyone else was coming to.

"What the-?", Toadie puzzled.

"What a wonderful dream.", Loggle added.

"Hey, where am I?", another puzzled.

"Why am I in the barn?", Toadstool puzzled.

"Stop her! She's eating all the mushrooms!", Gary ordered before a blast fired near Gary, surprising him.

"You can't control me, nor can you control her!", Ichabod shouted.

"You...! Now, listen here. I don't know what you're thinking now, but stay out of this. This has nothing to do with you!", Gary exclaimed as Jackie held him at bay with her katana.

"This has EVERYTHING to do with me! Jacquelin and I are locked on an epic battle between light and dark! She is my nemesis and I am hers! And I can't have you and your little pedestrian...mind spores and an army of fungus zombies get in the way of that! You see, Jacquelin's fate belongs to me! Not you. Me! Me!", Ichabod shouted, firing his weapon at the mushrooms as the rest were eaten by Bessie, who noticed the big mushroom and then purred before running right toward Gary, who had to hold her back as Hop Pop pitched in.

"Come on, Hop Pop. Let's give Bessie some food.", Jackie smirked.

"I couldn't agree more.", Hop Pop concurred before the two started pushing him closer.

"Ah! No. Stop. Please! Have mercy, I beg of you.", Gary begged.

"You tried to brainwash my family with your spores and you dare ask us for mercy?!", Jackie exclaimed.

"I'm the last of my kind. Destroying me would wipe us off the planet forever.", Gary said.

After a moment, Hop Pop delivered his verdict.

"We can live with that.", Hop Pop said before he and Jackie shouted while pushing Gary close enough for Bessie to eat the big mushroom on top, making him writhe in pain before it was then plucked out from the victim's head, rendering the mind control effect dead and buried as the victim came to.

"Huh?", the victim puzzled.

"Phew. It's over...", Jackie sighed.

"Perhaps, but our battle isn't, Jacquelin. Not yet, at least.", Ichabod said.

"Yeah, whatever... Thanks for helping us, though.", Jackie responded.

"Don't get the wrong idea.", Ichabod said as he left.

"I never do.", Jackie responded with a slight glare.

"What day is it?", Toadstool puzzled.

"Well, you know, not the first time I've woken up in a shed.", a frog said.

"I gotta go home. My wife's gonna kill me.", another added as he and the others left before the only liberated frog that isn't Rose, Sprig, or Polly remaining turned to Hop Pop and Jackie.

"Hey, guys? Do you know where I live?", the frog asked.

"No. Can't say we do.", Jackie responded.

"Sorry, Gary.", Hop Pop apologized.

"Gary? The name's Lloyd.", Lloyd responded before he took his leave.

"Hop Pop, Sorry about your boat. It must've been very hard for you.", Jackie said.

"Yeah. But this fiasco made me realize that family is more important that a model ship, even the family that tries to keep said model ship safe.", Hop Pop grinned before Rose, Sprig, and Polly cleared their throats with glares.

"I know. No matter how important my ship was, it didn't give me the right to use mind control on you.", Hop Pop said.

"Uh, no.", Rose responded.

"Ya think?", Polly asked.

"Heck naw.", Sprig added.

"But I guess we're sorry too. Looks like we pushed you pretty far. And Jackie... sorry I disappointed you...", Rose apologized.

"No, Rose... I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I guess with Anne being as young as the triplets, it's a bit easy to forget that you're still a kid. After all, you are 6.", Jackie said.

"Well..., we'll try to be better about listening to Hop Pop in the future.", Rose assured before Hop Pop chuckled.

"Yeah. I guess we're even.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Hop Pop, we broke a model ship. You crossed all kinds of ethical and moral lines!", Polly scolded.

"Well, maybe if you hadn't rough housed so much and broke the ship, none of this would've happened! Still, I don't like mind control, either. Also, he did just destroy his ship to let Bessie out and save us all.", Jackie retorted to Polly.

"Like I said, even.", Hop Pop responded.

"Okay...", Rose sighed.

"Fine.", Sprig groaned.

"Now come on. I'll make y'all some mushroom soup.", Hop Pop said.

"All right.", Polly grinned.

"Sounds good.", Sprig added.

"I see what you did there.", Rose said before Anne saw Jeremy going for the spores.

But before the beetle could get to it, Anne brushed the spores away.

"Bye bye.", Anne said before suddenly, her eyes glowed blue for the sclerae and light blue for the pupils while mushrooms sprouted from her head.

"Hold on, I just gotta bring Anne and the others with me.", Jackie said before noticing, much to her surprise, what was happening to Anne.

"Oh, no, Anne!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Huh..? Where have I been these past few weeks? Is this.. Bessie's pen...?", Anne thought telepathically before gasping.

"Huh?", Jackie puzzled.


"Anne...? Is that really you speaking?", Jackie puzzled.

"Uh, yeah. Although, not technically.", Anne said telepathically.

"Uh-huh. And you do know you have mushrooms on you, right?", Jackie asked as she picked her and the triplets up.

"I do?", Anne asked.

"Uh, yeah.", Jackie responded.

"What happened?", Anne puzzled.

"Well, let's just say that Hop Pop... He accidentally turned everyone into mushroom-infested, mindless zombies.", Jackie responded.

"WHAT?!", Anne shouted.

"It's a bit complicated. He can explain once I bring you over to him. You see, it felt like like it happen two days ago... well because it did happen two days ago.", Jackie said as she left with Anne and the mystified triplets.

Act II: Jackie and Rose of the Year

It all started as everyone was gathering in the center of town where a stage was set up with the "Frog of the Year" banner now present.

"Wow. So, Anne got into those spores and was able to talk?", Felicia asked.

"Well, technically, not talking so much as communicating telepathically.", Jackie explained.

"Well, that's odd.", Felicia said.

"I like it.", Sylvia added.

"I can see why. That's so cool.", Ivy grinned.

"Man, what is with this crowd? Are fruit flies on sale or something?", Anne laughed telepathically.

"No. Today's the day they announce the Frog of the Year award.", Hop Pop stated.

"Wait. Did you say Frog of the Year?", Jackie asked.

"That's right. Jackie. Every year, the town gets together and votes on the frog they think best embodies the values of Wartwood.", Sprig responded.

"We all voted last week. Don't you remember?", Polly asked.

"Huh. Not at all. Maybe I was mentally a baby when that happened.", Anne puzzled.

"Well, you got that right.", Jackie responded before it then showed a flashback with Jackie playing Hide-and-seek with Anne and the triplets.

"Jackie, we're gonna go vote for Frog of the Year now. Wanna come?", Hop Pop asked.

"Do I?!", Jackie exclaimed before she hopped over to them, carrying Anne.

"We'd like to go, too, please.", Rose added as she brought the triplets with her.

"Oh. you were so cute when we played together.", Jackie grinned.

"Blech.", Anne thought.

"All right, folks. It's time!", Toadstool said before chuckling.

"As you all know, the Frog of the Year goes to the most selfless, noble, blah, blah, blah... Let's get on with it. And this year's Frog of the Year award goes to-", Toadstool said as he was then given an envelope and opened it to notice a stupendous surprise.

"Well, this can't be right. Jackie and Rose Boonchuy?!", Toadstool exclaimed, making everyone gasp before cheering.

"Wait, what?!", Anne and Rose said in surprise.

"Go on, fellas. Get up there!", Hop Pop said, happily ushering the duo up on stage.

"A Plantar, Frog of the Year. I'm so proud.", Hop Pop said as he wiped his tear off only to find it stuck to his hand before trying to shake it off, but to no avail.

Then, the duo walked up to the stage.

"Wow! Thanks, everyone. This is all surprising. I... I don't know what to say.", Jackie said.

"I do. It's IMPOSSIBLE! I can understand 1 Frog of the Year. But 2?! There can't be 2 hosts for the party!", Toadstool exclaimed.

"Party? What party?", Rose puzzled.

"Oh, it's one of our oldest traditions. The Frog of the Year has to put on an incredible party for the whole town.", Toadie explained as he got out a scroll and opened it with the words, "Ye Olde Frog of the Year Bash" inside.

"Yeah. And that party is supposed to demonstrate the Frog of the Year's selflessness. But since there are two, this is not gonna be an easy task what with a potential clash of ideas and whatnot.", Toadstool said.

"Well, for your information, we don't expect easy.", Jackie responded.

"Yeah. To thank you all for these votes, we'll all put on a party so big, it'll blow all your minds.", Rose said with an echo, making everyone murmur.

"I don't want my mind blown.", one villager said.

"It's a figure of speech. That means you'll all be thoroughly impressed.", Jackie assured.

"Oh, okay.", one villager said before the crowd cheered.

"I'm looking forward to seeing your progress for the party, then, Jackie. And I wish you the best of luck.", Toadstool said.

"Wow. Thanks.", Jackie said in surprise.

"I told you I'm a changed toad.", Toadstool assured as he and Toadie left.

"Yes, I believe you made that clear in the bugball game.", Jackie responded.

Later, everyone returned home.

"So, what ideas do we have?", Jackie asked before Anne laid down the blueprints for the party.

"A great party has three ingredients: entertainment, exclusivity, and spectacle. Hop Pop, you're in charge of entertainment. I dub thee Master of Ceremonies.", Anne dubbed, making Hop Pop gasp as he was handed a microphone.

"I've been waiting for this day my whole life.", Hop Pop grinned.

"Polly, exclusivity. It's your job to decide who gets into the party and who doesn't.", Anne said.

"That makes you the bouncer.", Jackie stated as she set down two poles with a violet rope, making Polly gasp.

"I can't wait to abuse this power!", Polly said as she took the poles and went off with them.

"And what about me?", Sprig asked in a singsong tone.

"Sprig, you have the most important job of all: the spectacle.", Anne said.

"Oh, my frog, oh, my frog, oh, my frog!", Sprig said eagerly.

"At the party...", Anne began before Sprig squealed.

"...you're going to tell Ivy how you feel about her.", Anne said.

"Wha, huh?", Sprig puzzled.

"Anne, I'm all for some romance as long as they come naturally, but are you sure that's the best idea?", Jackie asked.

"Yup. A legendary party needs a legendary spectacle. Can you imagine how excited party-goers will be to see true love blossom before their eyes?", Anne asked.

"I'm not really sure I'm ready for this.", Sprig puzzled.

"How you got to be the consultant, I'm not sure I'll ever know. But we literally don't have much time before the party later.", Jackie said.

"Don't worry, Sprig. I'll help you. And I'm sure Ivy will too.", Jackie assured.

Sprig groaned before reaching a consensus.

"Okay.", Sprig responded.

"Well, looks like everyone's all ready.", Rose grinned.

"Whoo-hoo! Come on, everyone. Let's bring the thunder.", Anne said before everyone cheered.

Later, there was some jackhammering as a statue of Jackie and Rose's likeness was being erected and Anne leading the way as she surveyed the progress as did Jackie and Rose.

"All right, let's see how things are going. Stumpy, stew's lookin' good. Decorations are up, glassware's looking polished.", Anne said.

"Hey, Loggle. That's a cool statue.", Rose grinned.

"Hey!", Loggle greeted.

"All right, Hop Pop, what jokes do you have in mind?", Jackie asked.

"Okay. Have you heard about the snail who went on a diet? He's a shell of his former self!", Hop Pop asked before a drumroll sounded.

"Hmm. Okay, okay. A little soft, but keep working on it.", Jackie said.

"Hiya, Sprig. Hi, Ivy. How's that romantic proposal going?", Rose asked before Sprig cleared his throat.

"So it's gonna go a little something like this, okay? 'Uh, Ivy, I got, uh, s-something to tell you, uh-' Oop!", Sprig exclaimed as he suddenly tripped on a rock only for Ivy to catch him.

"Whoa. Good catch.", Sprig said.

"Thanks.", Ivy grinned.

"Not exactly what we had in mind, but the catch could work.", Rose said before Jackie noticed Polly playing with the poles.

"Polly?! That's not what those are for.", Jackie said in shock.

"Says you.", Polly chuckled before she then inadvertently whacked someone carrying a crate, destroying some more from behind, including the glasses.

"Um..., maybe you might want to hold off on using those as nunchucks for the time being.", Jackie said.

"Yeah. Like, maybe when some giant monster shows up uninvited.", Rose said.

"Rose.", Jackie glared.

"What? It could happen.", Rose responded.

"Hang on. Hop Pop, lemme see those jokes.", Jackie said before she then looked over to them and read them over.

"You know what? Here's a thought. I have 2 suggestions. You can either improve on your written jokes or you can do some improv.", Jackie suggested.

"Improv? I've never done that before.", Hop Pop said.

"Maybe I could help you with that.", Rose offered.

"Sprig, Ivy, forget the engagement. You two can hang out at the party as just friends if you like.", Jackie suggested.

"Loggle! I'm gonna need you to re-do that statue. Make it cooler.", Anne suggested.

"You serious?", Loggle puzzled.

"Anne.", Jackie glared.

"Eh, it was worth a try.", Anne responded.

"Stumpy, do you think maybe we could dish out some exotic food like before on grand reopening?", Rose asked.

"And maybe even some Sashimi, if possible.", Jackie added.

"What's a sashimi?", Stumpy asked.

"It's fresh fish. If it's there, can you get it?", Jackie asked.

"I'll see what I can do.", Stumpy responded.

"Great. Thank you, Stumpy. Now, hop to it, everyone. We've only got 12 hours left, but if we play this right, we can rest as we enjoy this lit party. Hop! Hop!", Jackie shouted before everyone dispersed, not knowing that Toadstool was watching.

"I'm worried, Toadie. I can see they're tryin' hard, but if they let the stress get to 'em, they might wind up being the worst frogs of the year ever.", Toadstool worried as the last word echoed.

Later, night fell and the party started with everyone walking in.

"Oh, I'm so excited.", the female said in amazement.

"You said it.", the male added as Polly was checking the guests over as bouncer.

"You. You. Uh-uh! Not you.", Polly said, blocking out Wally.

"Aw!", Wally whined.

"Hang on, Polly. He's cool.", Rose assured.

"I'm just kidding, Wally. Get in there.", Polly grinned.

"Validation!", Wally cackled before entering just as the other Frogs gasped in amazement with both Jackie and Rose now in a fancy suit and dress with Jackie wearing said suit with nice hair and Rose wearing said dress.

"Welcome, my friends, to the best Frog of the Year party ever!", Anne declared while held by Jackie as Rose held the triplets with everyone gasping in awe once again with a frog DJ playing some tunes.

"Yo, I'm a frog deejay.", the deejay spoke before it even showed professional fire twirlers.

"Is that a chocolate fountain?", one of the villagers asked as Felicia noticed a bubble with a firefly inside and pushed it aside with a light grin.

"Chocolate fountain, Anne?", Jackie asked.

"Who doesn't love a good chocolate fountain?", Anne asked.

"All right, Stumpy, what do we got here?", Toadstool asked to Stumpy.

"This is all the exotic cuisine first introduced in me restaurant. And this is Sashimi. He's a mudskipper.", Stumpy responded.

"Ooh. And is it, uh, fresh?", Toadstool asked.

"Well, ya can't get fresher.", Stumpy responded before the mudskipper then suddenly woke up with a shriek and then lunged at Toadstool, chasing him.

Meanwhile, Hop Pop was starting to do some improv, although not doing so hot.

"All right, folks. It's time for some improv. You, sir, where are you from?", Hop Pop asked.

"I'm from the same town as you, buddy.", the frog responded.

"Oh! Great.", Hop Pop said.

"You know, I've been in Los Angeles myself for 6 years before my siblings wound up here via mysterious music box. With that kind of transportation, who needs airplanes, am I right?", Rose asked before everyone chuckled.

"That girl... is a genius.", Hop Pop said in awe as his eyes grew big just before Sprig and Ivy turned to each other.

"Hey, Ivy.", Sprig greeted.

"Hey, Sprig. There's something I've, uh, been meaning... to ask you. I, uh... Do you, um... Do you think you'd wanna go out with me sometime?", Ivy asked as she cleared her throat nervously.

This made Sprig gasp in surprise.

"Never mind. I'm stupid. This is stupid. This is stupid.", Ivy said with a mad blush, covering herself with her hat as she turned and walked away.

"Ivy, wait!", Sprig shouted before he grabbed Ivy and then kissed her on the lips, making her widen her eyes, her pupils of which grew big in surprise before they parted away from each other.

"I'd love to.", Sprig grinned, making Ivy blush.

"Wanna dance?", Sprig asked.

"Heck yeah!", Ivy responded before the two giggled as they went over to the dance board.

Speaking of which, the frogs there were quite baffled about how to go about dancing to an unfamiliar song.

"I don't know how to dance to this.", one of said frogs said.

"It's okay. If you don't know how to dance to it, that's fine. But for those who do? I'll show you how it's done.", Jackie said before then dancing along to the beat.

"Wow...", one frog said.

"So clever.", another frog added just before Hop Pop and Rose arrived.

"That girl is a genius in comedy, Jackie! A genius, I say!", Hop Pop said before leaving Rose with Jackie.

"You can take some improv lessons with me sometime!", Rose shouted.

"Ahh... Nights like these make party planning all worth it.", Jackie grinned.

"Yeah. Except for the giant fish attacking everyone.", Rose said, just noticing it.

"Wait, what?", Jackie puzzled before the two overheard the crowd screaming.

"This thing's gonna kill us.", one frog said as the mudskipper chased two frogs.

"I know. It's loaded with mercury.", another added.

"Well, that wasn't how the plan was supposed to go down.", Rose said.

"Yeah, in hindsight, it would've been better to cook it first.", Jackie agreed just before the mudskipper, while chasing a frog up the stairs, inadvertently broke the statue, causing it to tip down and land near the fire twirlers, causing one of the dropped sticks to land on the wooden statue, setting it on fire along with the entire staircase.

"At least the party's 'lit' now, Jackie.", Loggle grinned.

"But that's not what we had in mind!", Rose exclaimed as Jackie then noticed the triplets crying in Rose's arms before turning to Rose.

"You know what that means, Rose?", Jackie asked.

"Yeah. We're gonna fix this. Like a boss.", Rose grinned.

"My thoughts exactly. But how?", Jackie asked.

"Why don't you try this sash?", Anne suggested before Jackie then examined it and looked toward the mudskipper.

"Hey..., that's it!", Jackie said before running toward the mudskipper and leaping toward it just as it saw her and went for her.

Of course, Jackie managed to get on the mudskipper and place the sash in front of its mouth.

"Come here, you!", Jackie shouted before the mudskipper neighed like a horse as she picked Rose and the triplets up.

"Hup!", Jackie said,

"Thanks for the lift, Jackie.", Rose grinned.

"You can thank me later. We still have to detain this thing and stop the fire.", Jackie urged.

"Looks like they might need some help. Normally, I wouldn't consider such a thing, but...", Toadstool said before hopping up and landing behind Rose, much to her and Jackie's surprise.

"Mayor Toadstool?", Rose puzzled.

"Wait, why are you helping us? You haven't started helping before.", Jackie puzzled.

"True, but this is getting dangerous for everybody, not to mention I can't get money or votes from the dead whether I embezzle or not." Toadstool gruffly stated.

"That actually makes sense.", Jackie responded.

"He's lying, we totally won him over." Rose conspiratorially whispered.

"You two just do the steering, I'll grab as many as we can.", Toadstool ordered.

"Whoa. You really read my mind, Toadstool.", Jackie grinned.

"Upsy-daisy! I got ya. Vote for me.", Toadstool said as he picked the villagers up.

"Ah, faster! Let's go!", Rose urged before Jackie turned back.

"We've gotta put this fire out.", Anne urged.

You ever use a chocolate fountain before, Toadstool? Or basically, any fountain in general?", Jackie asked.

"What, are you kidding me? Of course I ha... Oh, I get it!", Toadstool said as he realized where she was going.

"Now!", Jackie shouted before Toadstool then grabbed the top nozzle of the chocolate fountain.

"Let 'er rip.", Anne urged.

"Full power!", Rose added before Toadstool then fired the chocolate fountain at the fire, dousing it with liquid chocolate with a grunt until the fire was put out completely and was naught but smoke with the mudskipper then laying down, exhausted.

"Whoo! We did it.", Toadstool laughed as he and the others got off.

"Yeah. We did.", Rose grinned.

"Sorry things got so out of control, guys. Honestly, if things like this keep happening with us around, why would anyone even vote for us? Why did they vote for us?", Jackie puzzled as she gave the sash to Toadstool.

"Jackie, we didn't vote for you and Rose because you're flawless. Far from it. We voted for you because of how far you've come. You both have grown so much in your time here, and this town just wouldn't be the same without you.", Hop Pop responded before the crowd cheered.

"Hear, hear. That's why I voted for 'em.", Wally responded.

"Aw. That's so nicier. Wait a minute, what did I just say...?", Anne puzzled before the mushrooms on her head fell out.

"Oh, dang it...", Anne said before her eyes returned to normal with Anne once again having the mind of a child as she giggled.

"Mama.", Anne said.

"What happened?", Rose puzzled.

"Sorry, Rosaline. But it looks like her smartness is smashed when the mushrooms dashed.", one villager said.

"But why did they fall out now?", Jackie puzzled.

"Don't know. But I have a feeling we'll know more about it when we get home.", Hop Pop responded.

"Okay.", Jackie and Rose responded before Toadstool spoke up.

"Gosh dang it, I have to say, even I'm a little impressed with how you two just saved the town from a raging inferno. Here. This belongs to you.", Toadstool responded, handing it back to Jackie and Rose.

"Thanks, Mayor.", Jackie grinned.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't mention it. Now come on, everyone. Let's try to salvage this party, shall we?", Toadstool asked before everyone cheered once more with everyone dancing to folk music.

"All right. Who's a good little mudskipper?", Stumpy guffawed as he handed one of his dishes over to the customer and petted the big mudskipper.

Meanwhile, Jackie and Rose were met with Toadie walking up to them.

"Ahem! Miss Frogs of the Year? There's some people waiting at the bridge for you. They say they're friends.", Toadie said.

"What...?", Jackie puzzled in surprise.

"Friends?", Rose puzzled.

A moment afterward, Jackie and Rose went out to the bridge with Anne and the triplets in tow. Aboard it were a hooded Sasha, Alison, and Pat, along with Rebecca, Abby, and Sarah, now clad in toad armor, who took off their hoods in surprise.

"Guys?!", Sasha said.

"Sasha?!", Jackie and Rose puzzled.

Then they squealed with joy!

"Oh, my gosh! I can't believe that it's you guys!", Sasha shouted before hugging the group.

"Oh, my gosh! You girls are here, too?! We weren't sure! We woke up alone with each other and...", Jackie began before Rose gasped.

"Is Marcy with you?! Where have you guys been?!", Rose shouted.

"I'll do you guys one better. Why are you all frogs? What has been happening to you? And why is Anne a pollywog?", Sasha puzzled, pointing to the cooing Anne.

"It's a long story.", Jackie and Rose responded.

"Well, what about you? Why are you and your siblings turned into toads?", Jackie asked.

"That's a long story. And I'll fill you in later. For now, I'm just glad we found you.", Sasha grinned.

"We came as soon as we heard.", Alison said.

"And we didn't come alone.", Pat added.

"Huh? What do you mean?", Rose puzzled.

"Get this! We found some cool toad friends and they offered to pitch in and help. Pretty cool, huh?", Pat grinned before a firefly passed by Grime in the shadows only to get eaten by him.

"Nice to finally meet you, siblings of Anne Boonchuy.", Grime said as he and his told soldiers stepped forward.

A/N: Uh-oh. Looks like things are starting to get real now. So, if you have ideas for how Reunion should go, apart from Anne regrowing back to normal, please let me know. I want to get things interesting. :)