20. Chapter 20

A/N: And there we have it! The 20th and Final chapter of the season! And there just may be a couple surprises in store for this chapter. Just you wait. :)

Amphibia: Adventures in Wartwood

Chapter 20: Reunion

Act I

Three months earlier

One day, Anne was biking her way to Saint James School. When she arrived, a girl approached her while she was putting her lock on the bike rack.

"Hey, Boobchuy! Whatcha eatin'? A puke bun?", Maggie cackled.

"It's not a bun. It's khao niew bing, a traditional Thai snack made up of rice and coconut milk. My mom made it for me because it's my birthday.", Anne explained.

"Oh. Well, happy birthday. Give me that!", Maggie demanded, trying to take Anne's snack.

"Hey! Get your own Thai mom.", Anne shouted.

"Stop! Leave her alone!", Alison shouted as Anne and Jackie noticed.

"Not you again...", Maggie sneered.

"You heard her, Margot! Leave her alone! Also, nice guitar solo, Vince.", Sasha added as Vince played the guitar.

"Yeah!", Vince grinned.

"Oh, yeah? Or else what?", Maggie asked.

"Or we're gonna tell you apart limb from limb, that's what else!", Alison shouted angrily.

"Chill out, Allison. I have something much worse in mind.", Sasha responded, making Maddie gulp nervously.

"Either you leave them alone and give Anne her little Thai snack back or... you can forget coming to my awesome house party next week. It'll be really sad when the whole class is enjoying the pool without you.", Sasha said.

"Huh?", Jackie and Alison puzzled.

"Aw, jeez, Sash. I was just playin'. Here.", Maggie said, giving Anne's snack back to her.

"Thanks, dude.", Anne grinned.

"No worries. You just gotta speak their language. But never mind that. Happy birthday, girl!", Sasha grinned before she and Anne squealed together.

"Yes!", Anne shouted before the school bell rang.

"Buzzkill.", Sasha said.

Later, the group was now in dissection class.

"Alright, class. Today's your lucky day cause it's Frog Dissection day.", the dissection teacher said.

"Gross.", one student said with everyone else groaning before Anne tilted one of the frogs over to show a frog resembling Hop Pop on the tray, surprising Anne.

"Ugh! Frogs are the worst.", Anne groaned.

"Right? Let's get outta here.", Sasha suggested before heaving.

"Mrs. Virk, the sight of blood... I- I'm gonna be sick.", Sahsa fibbed.

"Oh, dear. Anne, why don't you take Sasha to the sick room before she desecrates these beautiful frog bodies with her vomit. Thank you.", Mrs. Virk said as Anne then escorted her to the nurse's office before both giggled on their way here until Sasha passed by it.

"Yo, Sash. Sick room's over here.", Anne said.

"Forget the sick room. Forget school. Let's get out of here and celebrate your birthday in style.", Sasha suggested.

"Oof, skip school? I don't know, Sash-", Anne began.

"Anne, this is your 13th birthday. You only get one of these. So let's make it the best birthday in the history of birthdays.", Sasha said.

"Well... all right. I gotta be home by 6:00, though. My parents are throwing a big party and they really want me to be there.", Anne responded.

"Right, right, you got it. Now let's get this thing started!", Sasha said.

Later, the two were biking away from school.

"Yes!", Anne shouted before she and Sasha later arrived at the arcade where their sisters Jackie and Alison were and were also playing a sort of dancing game called "Super Dance Fun Time Fusion" together.

"Whoo! Top score.", Anne said before sighing as she then brushed the sweat off her forehead with Sasha kicking against the machine at least once to get the coins coming out of the slot with both giggling.

"Anne? Sasha? What are they doing here?", Jackie puzzled.

"Well, it's not much of a surprise. They did garner a reputation for being troublemakers.", Alison responded, worrying Jackie.

"You okay?", Alison asked.

"I need to keep an eye on them.", Jackie said.

"That's all well and good, but can you at least fight me in a match in Street Fighter first?", Alison asked.

"Well, okay. One match.", Jackie said before the two started fighting each other in a match in-game with Jackie playing as Ryu while Alison played as Ken.

"Hadoken!", Ryu said in the game as he uses said move.

Later, Sasha was doing graffiti while Anne was hesitant before she eventually, at Sasha's insistence, did one small spray. But then, the siren blared out, making Anne yelp and hide on the wall as the police car passed by, neither one knowing that Jackie was watching from above on a rooftop in worry.

Later, Anne was hanging on for dear life as Sasha pushed the cart forward while running.

"Whoo! Here we go.", Sasha said as she was starting to get in the cart to join Anne.

"Out of the way, Granny!", Sasha shouted as she and Anne dashed across the sidewalk with little regard for other people's safety as Jackie watched from behind a trash can.

"Anne...", Jackie sighed in worry.

Of course, Anne wasn't enjoying this as much as Sasha was as she whooped before she and Anne later arrived at a coffee shop, trying out a sweet new flavor.

"So that's what a unicorn tastes like. Corn syrup.", Anne said before she then noticed on her phone, two messages from her mom; both saying "Where are you?" and "Party starts in 15 minutes!".

"Oh, shoot. It's almost 6:00. I gotta go, dude.", Anne urged.

"Family party, right? Lame. Let me guess, a clown? With balloon animals?", Sasha asked, making Anne blush.

"I know it's not the coolest, but this is important to them.", Anne responded.

"Mmm-hmm.", Sasha said before gasping upon noticing a message from Marcy's phone, which showed a picture of a music box.

Play Boruto Music: "Hatred"

"Oh, my gosh. Marcy says she found the perfect gift for you downtown. A frog music box for the frog lover. I wonder if those gems are real. [pushes Anne] Come on. Let's keep this party train rollin'. Choo-choo!", Sasha laughed.

"Sorry, dude, you don't understand. I really gotta go.", Anne said.

Then, Sasha became stern.

"Oh, I understand, Anne. You're a good little girl who's gotta go home to her mommy and daddy. Come on. Hang out with your friends that love you.", Sasha suggested.

"Sasha, I'd really like to, but-", Anne began before Sasha interrupted, putting up her hand.

"Anne, this isn't cute anymore. We are meeting up with Marcy right now. End of discussion.", Sasha demanded.

Anne was shocked for a moment, but after said moment, she gave in.

"I guess it's okay if I'm a little late...", Anne chuckled a bit nervously before she and Sasha left the coffee shop holding hands.

"Boom! I knew you'd change your mind.", Sasha grinned.

Of course, neither one knew that Jackie was watching them from a bush.

"Anne, you have to learn to stand up to Sasha. Otherwise, she'll ruin your life.", Jackie sighed in worry.

However, as she watched them leave, the little floating kitten was in the air, noticing them taking off, along with Jackie watching them, puzzling it.

"Mrew?", the little kitten puzzled as it tilted its head to the right.

End Boruto Music: "Hatred"

3 months later, toads jumped up and invaded on Wartwood with a roar, surrounding the frogs and cornering them with Fens even landing on top of Stumpy's log only to lose her balance and fall on her face.

"Sasha! The toads! We gotta go help our fr-", Jackie began.

"Chill out, Jackie. They're with us.", Sasha assured.

"They're what?!", Jackie shouted.

"I know. I can't really believe it either.", Alison responded.

"But why?", Rose asked before Sprig, Hop Pop, Ivy, Sylvia, Felicia, and Polly arrived.

"Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys! Toads! They're everywhere. We barely slipped out while the guards were-", Sprig began before Polly spoke up.

"Holy toot, another Anne!", Polly exclaimed.

"Oh. Right. Guys, meet Anne's 'bestie' from back home, Sasha.", Jackie introduced.

"Hey.", Sasha greeted.

"And here are our besties. Alison and Pat. Their triplets, Rebecca, Abby, and Sarah, are the besties of our triplets.", Jackie added.

"Hi.", Alison greeted.

"'Sup, frogs.", Pat added.

"Guys, meet the Plantars and Sundews. This is Hopadiah Plantar; Hop Pop for short.", Jackie said.

"Eh.", Hop Pop greeted.

"Sprig.", Jackie added.

"Hey, hey.", Sprig greeted.

"And Polly.", Rose finished.

"'Sup.", Polly greeted.

"Those are the Plantars. And now, for the sundews. These are Sylvia.", Jackie began.

"Why, hi, there.", Sylvia greeted.

"This is Felicia.", Jackie added.

"Hello.", Felicia greeted.

"And this is Ivy.", Jackie finished.

"Hiya.", Ivy greeted before Sprig went over to Sasha.

"Hey, I'm her bestie too. I guess that makes me your bestie-in-law.", Sprig laughed.

"Does it?", Sasha asked, making Sprig laugh awkwardly before coughing in as he felt some pain in his heart.

"Did y'all feel that?", Sprig coughed.

"Walk it off, boy. Yes, hi, nice to meet ya. Now, can someone please tell me why there's a toad army invading Wartwood?!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"You're Hop Pop? Thought you'd be taller.", Sasha commented.

"Huh?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"Sasha...", Alison glared.

"Oh, yeah. Relax, we're not invading anything. Come on, guys. You too, frogs. We don't want to keep Grime and Bombina waiting.", Sasha said.

"Captain Grime?!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Lieutenant Bombina?!", Sylvia exclaimed.

"The cruelest toad soldier of all time?!", Sprig added.

"With the fairest toad warrior of all?!", Felicia added.

"Here?!", Polly added.

"But why?", Ivy puzzled.

"Ah, he's not so bad once you get used to him. Now hurry up, nerds.", Sasha said.

"For the record, we're not nerds.", Jackie grumbled just before Anne grew legs underneath.

"What the...?", Jackie puzzled before she looked down and noticed that Anne now has legs.

"Oh, my gosh! Your legs just grew back!", Jackie exclaimed in surprise.

"I wanna see!", Rose shouted before she hopped over and saw them.

"Aw. They look so cute.", Rose grinned.

"But how? Ichabod said that she'd be back to normal in a few months. It's only been a few weeks.", Jackie said before pressing her fingers up to her chin.

"What was that about Ichabod?", Alison asked.

"I'll explain later.", Jackie responded.

"Sa... sha.", Anne said.

"And Anne even said her name!", Jackie gasped.

"Isn't she cute?", Rose added, just as joyful as Sasha grinned.

Later, Captain Grime and Lieutenant Bombina stood up on top of a stone wall and made his announcement.

"Attention, everyone! Captain Grime has an important announcement for all of you, so please pay attention!", Bombina urged.

"Thank you, lieutenant.", Grime said before clearing his throat.

"Frogs of Wartwood! We toads have come here to...", Grime began before the Plantars and Sundews stammered in fear.

"...invite you to a banquet.", Grime finished as he got out the confetti from his sleeves with one of the toads blowing a party horn and tossing some confetti.

"The moment we heard that Anne and all her siblings were here, we rushed over to reunite these friends and hold a celebration.", Grime stated.

"And that's also because we heard how Jackie stood up to Toadstool and, after he won, encouraged him to bring about promised change out of respect.", Bombina added.

"Yes, that, too.", Grime said.

"Aw, come here.", Alison said while hugging Jackie as everyone "aw'd".

"Really?", Hop Pop asked suspiciously.

"Yes. Despite my rough exterior, I really am just an 'old softy.'", Grime responded before Sasha cleared her throat.

Then Grime tried to give a smile, but it came off frightening, even scaring a baby into crying.

"Uh, maybe leave the smiling to me, okay?", Bombina suggested before giving a smile herself, with positive results with the crowd "aw'ing" as a baby even giggled before Sasha pushed Grime back.

"Uh, so, what do you say, Wartwood? You ready to party back at the tower?", Sasha asked before one of the frogs croaked.

"What do Jackie and Rose think?", Sadie asked.

"Well, I'm pretty sure Sasha was Anne's friend since kindergarten so I don't know. But I do know that Alison and Pat are our friends. So, if they say it's fine, it's fine.", Jackie responded as Alison and Pat grinned.

"Whoo! All aboard the party barge.", Sasha shouted.

Later, the frogs were stepping aboard the Party barge.

"Two parties in one night, whoo-hoo!", Wally shouted eagerly.

"Psst, Jackie, Rose, you guys're with me.", Sasha said, gesturing to the carriage, the spider of which was wearing glasses and snorting.

"Wow, cool.", Rose grinned.

"Okay, but only if the Plantars and Sundews can come along. Same for Anne, too.", Jackie added as the Plantars and Sundews grinned.

"Of course I don't mind. The more the merrier.", Sasha responded.

"First class!", Hop Pop shouted.

"I call window seat.", Sprig shouted.

"No, me! No, me!", Polly shouted before all three Plantars burst in.

"Kids, stop pushing. Ow!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Ooh.", Ivy winced.

"That sounds like it hurt.", Sylvia said.

"They're fun.", Rose giggled.

Later, the group was already nearing Toad Tower.

"So, some mad scientist named Ichabod once turned you into a giant frog monster one time and then cursed you and the others, turning Anne into a baby?", Sasha asked.

"Yeah. But for some reason, Anne is starting to change back to normal faster than he let on.", Jackie responded as she tickled Anne a bit.

"That tickles.", Anne said.

"Wow. That is surprising.", Sasha said.

"I know, right?", Rose grinned, not knowing that Azog was noticing the frogs' arrival at the tower from afar.

"Yeah! This is fun.", a frog said, not knowing that Bombina was keeping watch and noticing Azog and the orcs with a glare, albeit a cautious one before gasping at the sight of Azog almost immediately.

"The she-toad knows we're here. We must strike now. It is time for the master to feast.", Azog sneered.

Meanwhile, the frogs were just getting off the Party barge.

"So, here we are.", Sasha said.

"Heh. Looks kinda ominous.", Jackie said before Rose nodded in agreement.

"Ominous.", Anne repeated before she grew a bit bigger, up to nearly the same size as Rose.

"Hey! You just grew to nearly my size!", Rose grinned.

"I know! Hey, Jackie! How long was it since I blacked out last?", Anne asked.

"Yep. She's getting better.", Jackie grinned.

"Good for her.", Sasha responded.

"Yo, Percy!", Alison called.

"Yes, Commander?", Percy asked.

"Pat, Sasha, and I are gonna give Jackie and the others a quick tour. While we do that, can you escort the frogs to the banquet hall?", Alison asked.

"Hey, I wanna go on the tour too.", Sprig gasped excitedly.

"Me three!", Polly shouted giddily.

"Me four!", Ivy added.

"Come on, kids. Give Jackie and her friends a chance to catch up.", Hop Pop said.

"Don't worry. We'll find you guys later.", Jackie assured.

"You can have fun in there if you want.", Rose added.

"We'll try.", Sprig groaned.

"You guys certainly seem close with those three. Anne, especially. What happened to, 'Ew, frogs are the worst'? And no. Her regression from earlier doesn't count.", Sasha responded.

"Well, they're actually pretty great once you get to know them.", Jackie responded.

"Yeah. We've been living in their basement since we got here.", Rose added.

"A basement? Yuck.", Pat commented in disgust.

"Follow me. We're gonna show you something crazy.", Sasha said.

"Such as...?", Jackie puzzled.

Act II

Later, Sasha, Alison, and Pat led Anne, Jackie, and Rose to their quarters.

"This is where we've been living.", Sasha said.

"Jalapeña!", Jackie exclaimed.

"Whoa...!", Anne said in amazement.

"It looks so cool!", Rose said in awe.

"I know, right? But that's not all.", Pat grinned.

"Yo, Brunton.", Sasha called with a snap of her fingers before he appeared.

"Oui, Commander?", Brunton asked.

"Bring us the usual.", Sasha said.

Later, three dishes were served. But those dishes were none other than...

"Pizza? Tacos? Hamburgers?! Hot Dogs?!", Jackie exclaimed.

"And even the pancakes with syrup on them?!", Rose shouted.

"And you got ketchup, too?!", Anne added.

"I didn't know you could eat those, here. At least most of them. Other than pizza, it just occurred to me we've been eating bugs for a month. Which doesn't seem bad, since Rose, Anne, and I are frogs now. But this food is even better.", Jackie grinned.

"Anything else, Commander?", Brunton asked.

"Run the hot water, please. For the shower.", Sasha responded.

"Wait. Did you just say shower?!", Jackie exclaimed.

Meanwhile, the frogs were just as excited.

"So, you experiment with other weapons or are you just a spear guy?", Polly asked to the guard.

"One more, and one more. One more. Last one.", Sadie said as she was drinking some punch quickly while Sprig couldn't help but feel suspicious.

"Uh, hey, Hop Pop? Something's not right here.", Sprig suspected.

"Not right, yeah, sure. Here, Sprig, load up on crab legs. These babies go fast.", Hop Pop responded, giving Sprig a plate and grabbing some more crab legs.

"No, I mean it. Don't the toads seem a little... on edge?", Sprig asked, noticing one of the toads dropping a sweat before looking to one direction and back to where he was looking.

"Eh, they're a militarized culture, Sprig. I'm not surprised they don't know how to let loose.", Hop Pop responded.

"Ah, forget this. I'm gonna go find Jackie, and the others.", Sprig said as he then left.

"Good idea. They can carry more crab legs.", Hop Pop said as he brought more crab legs to his plate.

"Hey, pal, I'm just gonna go for a walk, get some fresh air-", Sprig began before he heard ominous voices and peeped out the cracks of the door, making him gasp as Azog and the Orcs were marching.

"What the...?", Sprig puzzled.

"Wartwood Frogs!", Bolg shouted as he rode toward Azog and his army.

"The Plantars and the Sundews... they managed to escape the Archives.", Bolg reported before Azog got his army to stop marching and then spoke to him.

"And you haven't found them?", Azog asked.

"They fled... squealing like cowards.", Bolg responded.

"You fool! They have already arrived at the tower... they may very well be ready for the slaughter already! Ride to the Archives... Let the Legions come forth.", Azog ordered before bolg then took off and headed for the orcs

"Frogs! Toads! Humans! The Tower will be their tomb! To war!", Azog said as he led the charge, making Sprig shout.

"It's a trap!", Sprig shouted before hopping over to the table and make a very important announcement.

"Hey, everyone! This is a sham! We're not guests. We're prisoners for the orcs!", Sprig shouted, banging a crab leg against the plate.

"Prisoners?", one frog said in shock.

"What?", Sadie exclaimed before the crowd screamed as the guard whimpered.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Bombina reported to Grime about the orcs.

"Captain Grime, sir!", Bombina shouted.

"What is it, Leiutenant?", Grime asked.

"Azog and his orcs are advancing on Toad Tower as we speak.", Bombina reported.

"What! Impossible. He's been dead for a thousand years. Are you sure it was him?", Grime asked.

"Very sure.", Bombina said in confirmation.

"Alert the others and begin evacuating the guests.", Grime urged before leaving to do so.

"This could be bad. And I was so looking forward to having a relaxing celebration to take the edge off, too. But this doesn't make sense. If Azog was alive this whole time, how did he survive? Why hasn't anyone reported this? Why is he here? And what does he want?", Grime pondered.

In the new toads' quarters, the 6 triplets played around with each other, playing tag while the 6 friends relaxed on the couch.

"Wow, Ally. This is so surreal. I can't believe you and the others're really here.", Jackie grinned.

"I know, right?", Allison grinned.

"And once this is over, we can finally find a way out of this crummy, gross world. Although, I gotta admit, I am going to miss this world.", Sasha admitted.

"Once... what's over?", Anne puzzled.

"Oh, the orc attacks that have been going on lately.", Sasha chuckled.

"The what now?", Jackie puzzled.

"You don't know about the orc attacks?", Sasha puzzled.

"Well, I know of a few, actually.", Jackie responded.

"Oh, you do, do you?", Sasha responded.

"Heck, yeah, I do! Matter of fact, one of them even tried to steal our souls and bring them to their Dark Lord when we tried to stay at an Inn.", Jackie responded.

"Wow. You really get around, don't you?", Pat asked.

"Look, I'll explain. Just promise not to freak out or anything.", Sasha said.

"While we may be shocked, I think we're way past freaking out at this point. Right, girls?", Jackie asked.

"Right.", Rose and Anne nodded.

"Okay. Go ahead.", Jackie responded.

"So, we're all still here to celebrate. But the truth is, they're being protected by the toad guards in case the orcs turn up. Lately, those orcs have been trying non-stop to attack the tower.", Sasha responded.

"What? For how long?", Rose puzzled.

"Only since the day we turned into awesome toads.", Pat responded.

"The point is, their leader could be using the same methods as a certain orc recorded in ancient history.", Allison responded.

"Apparently, that orc's name is Azog. According to legend, his tendency for combat is as brutal as his methods.", Sasha added.

"We don't know if it's actually Azog leading them or not yet, but with every attack on the tower, they just get stronger in both number and strategy.", Allison responded.

"So, this time, in the chance any orcs break into the tower, the toads are just gonna feed them to that thing.", Sasha stated as she walked out toward the window where Grime and the others were seen prepping a monstrous plant.

"Hold her steady, boys!", Grime ordered before the monster roared.

"You keep a giant plant monster?!", Anne and Rose shouted excitedly.

"Yes. But only for emergencies. Now, can you please pay attention? Anyway, here's the thing. After we turned into toads and stopped the Orcs once, we struck a deal with Grime and Bombina. We'd help them defeat Azog and crush the Orc Army, and Grime, Bombina, and their army will help us find a way home.", Sasha responded.

"Wow. Okay. But where does the banquet fit in all this?", Jackie asked.

"Like I said, we are actually celebrating both our reunion and the promise of change. The whole banquet- My idea, obvi.", Sasha responded.

"So, you need us to make sure they stay put and stay safe so the Orcs can't hurt them, right?", Anne asked.

"Exactly. Now we just have to make sure these orcs can't touch those slimy frogs.", Sasha responded.

"Okay, Sasha, look. I like where you're head's at, but in our experience, when it comes to keeping secrets like these, it never turns out well. It could lead to disastrous consequences. But we'll put it this way. We'll keep the frogs safe as long as we can and lead them away from the orcs. They've grown to be like our family away from home. We owe them that much, at least.", Jackie assured.

"You will?", Sasha puzzled.

"No, Shasha. We will.", Anne replied.

"Yeah. Even if it means we go down fighting.", Rose added.

"I'm pretty sure it won't come to that if we can avoid it. Right?", Jackie responded.

"Okay...", Rose sighed as she, Anne, and Jackie left.

"Oh, and Sasha? When we all get out of this alive, I have something I want to ask you front and center.", Anne said before she then closed the door. but not before Lily, Andy, and Danny went out the door as well.

Afterwards, Sasha then slurped from her chalice with a straw in it.

"Oh, they're totally gonna die.", Sasha said.

Meanwhile, the crowd was now in a frenzied panic.

"We all gonna die! The orcs are comin' and we all gonna die! Panic! Mayhem! NO!", the usually calm Mr. Flour shouted.

"Calm down, you frogs, calm-", Bog began only to get pelted by tomatoes.

"Knock it off!", Bog shouted.

"They're gonna feed us to the orcs!", the frog exclaimed.

"Not on my watch. Take that. And that!", Sadie shouted while tossing some food at Bog and the other toads.

"Ooh! I wanna riot too!", Polly exclaimed as she prepared to toss the crab leg before Hop Pop stopped her.

"Polly, don't throw that. Throw this potato instead.", Hop Pop suggested before Polly then tossed said potato with Wally then jumping out for freedom only for the toads to stop him.

"Let me out. Let me out.", Wally pleaded before he was tossed toward some frogs, who gasped as they caught him, before Ivy then dropped the food on her plate and tossed said plate at one of the toad soldiers.

"Ouchie!", the toad soldier groaned.

"All right, that does it.", Bog began as he raised his mace before Jackie stepped in, cloaked in a black hood.

"Enough! Guards, leave us. They just need to know what's really going on here with those orcs outside and they're already on edge as it is.", Jackie assured, under the guise of Sasha.

"All right. We'll let you lot have that one for free.", Bog said.

"Enjoy your time with Commander Sasha.", another toad said as he and the toads then left with one of the toads gulping nervously before the toads closed the door with Jackie then letting her hood down.

"Hey, guys.", Jackie said as both Anne and Rose popped out from the cloak with giggles.

"Girls!", Hop Pop shouted.

"Jackie! Boy, are we glad to see you. We've got a situation. We're not guests. We're...", Sprig began before Jackie interrupted.

"Hold on there, Sprig. We know about the orcs coming to the tower. But it turns out, Sasha and the toads are just keeping you guys in here so you would be safe from the orcs if they come here", Jackie responded.

"In which case, they are.", Anne added, making everyone gasp.

"Say what?! But why?", Hop Pop puzzled.

"Not sure on why exactly, but I have 2 guesses. Either they want to protect us, or they just don't want us getting in their way of fighting some orcs. But either way, Anne, Rose, and I can at least lead you all out and away from the orcs before we come back and help them. Somehow.", Jackie responded.

"Anyone got any ideas?", Anne asked.

"I do...n't. I don't.", Loggle responded, annoying everyone.

"Aw, come on!", everyone groaned.

"Geez, Loggle.", Sprig groaned.

"I've got one. What say we plant these boom shrooms around the joint? Blow the place sky high.", Wally suggested.

"Okay, first off, where did you even get these, and second of all, what?! No! We are NOT doing that.", Jackie rebuffed.

"Right. We're not doing it.", Wally responded before winking with his left eye, which is closed.

"Seriously. No boom shrooms.", Jackie said.

"Loud and clear.", Wally responded.

"Good. So, here's what we know so far. There's only one door, and the toads are outside it.", Jackie said.

"There has to be some other wa-", Anne began before getting a sort of smell coming from below and retched a bit (although it was more of a dry heave) before gasping.

"That's it!", Anne said.

"Huh? What's it?", Rose puzzled before she and Jackie noticed the way she was referring to and gasped.

"The sewer.", Anne said, much to everyone's disgust.

"Oh, yuck, really?", Felicia gagged.

"Deal with it, lady.", Polly responded.

"Well, I also agree that it is gross, but with the orcs coming, we're literally out of time.", Jackie responded as she then opened the sewer hatch on the ground.

"Yeah! It's time to get dirty!", Polly shouted as she jumped down into the sewers.

Later, the frogs, led by Anne, Jackie, and Rose were hesitantly going down, avoiding all things beneath in the sewer.

"Don't touch anything.", Felicia said anxiously before Toadstool fell for a moment.

"Oh, help me, Toadie.", Toadstool said as Toadie carried him.

"I got you, sir.", Toadie assured.

At one point, Anne, Jackie, Rose, and the others came across a giant caterpillar with many tongues resembling a crab's pincers before they moved back from it. Soon after, Toadstool was even carrying Toadie to shield himself from the gunk coming from the toilet, although he was kind enough to go around the spot, while Sadie noticed a giant rat popping out form one of the holes.

"Back, back, you filthy vermin!", Sadie demanded, not knowing that Wally was setting up some boom shrooms while humming.

"Just a little gift for our generous hosts.", Wally smirked before laughing as he pressed the button below, causing it to beep and flash as were the others apparently set up.

As for Anne, Jackie, and Rose, while they walked along the path, the little floating kitten flew up behind them (including the frogs), but still high up enough to avoid detection until it lowered itself down a bit.

"Me-ew.", the little kitten spoke before moving to the left side as Anne, Jackie, and Rose turned to their right, puzzled as to where it came from.

"Huh...?", Jackie puzzled.

"Mew.", the little kitten spoke before it then went to the left side again with the trio looking in the opposite direction.

"Me-ee.", the kitten giggled a bit as it swirled around and then went to the left side again.

"Meeeeeeeewwwwww. Mew-rew.", the little animal giggled as it then flipped backward and then moved a bit closer as Sadie noticed it.

"Huh? What kind of critter are you?", Sadie puzzled.

"Mew.", the kitten said in response as it floated around Sadie.

"Hey... You know what? I think I'll name you Mew.", Sadie said.

Meanwhile, Jackie, Rose, and Anne looked up and saw the upper hatch from above.

"Finally!", Jackie said before she climbed up the ladder.

"I think we made it. Ah! Fresh air.", Jackie sighed as she, Rose, and Anne got to the top only to have several axes and swords aimed at her.

"Meep!", Rose squeaked.

"Boy, those orcs really stink.", Sprig said as he popped up next before he saw for himself what the trio saw.

"Did I say stink? I meant, are devilishly handsome.", Sprig said before Azog walked up to the four who got caught.

"These ones are mine... Kill the others!", Azog shouted to his men before Mew, who heard Azog's voice, hurriedly touched Mrs. Croaker by the shoulder with a squeak.

"Huh? What's the big ide...", Sadie began before she and all the frogs, even Jackie, Anne, and Rose and the triplets, disappeared, much to Azog's disdain as he snarled.


Meanwhile, Captain Grime and Bombina were at the top of the tower as the giant plant monster snarled.

"Are you sure that will work, Captain?", Bombina asked.

"Of course I am.", Grime assured before the captain scoffed as he gave it the leg of a mantis, which the monster ate, much to his good mood as he chuckled.

But then, a toad soldier appeared.

"Captain, we've got a problem!", the guard shouted.

"What problem? And where are the guests?", Grime asked.

But it was right then that the little kitten suddenly popped up as well as Jackie, Anne, Rose, the triplets, and every frog and right at the very top of the tower, too, as if to answer.

"Mew?", Mew squeaked.

"Oh. Looks like they're right here, sir.", the guard said in slight relief.

"What the...?! How did you all get up here?", Bombina asked in surprise.

"And for that matter, uh..., what sort of creature is this?", Grime puzzled.

"That creature has a name, and that name is Mew. And I know because I named it.", Sadie responded.

"Mew-e?", Mew puzzled as it tilted its head to the left a bit slowly.

Just then, Sasha, Allison, and Pat walked up and widened her eyes upon seeing Jackie, Anne, Rose, and all the frogs up at the top of the tower.

"What the heck?!", Sasha shouted in surprise.

"Sasha?", Anne puzzled.

"How did you guys all get up here?", Sasha puzzled.

"Don't ask me.", Anne responded before Mew flew up to Sasha.

"Me-ee. Mew. Meeeeeeewwwww.", Mew giggled.

"Aw. It's so cute.", Alison grinned.

"This cute little thing saved you?", Bombina asked.

"And it wasn't the first time.", Jackie responded.

"Meewwweeee. Me-ew, ee-we. Me-wew. Mew. Mew-re.", Mew squeaked as it even formed a bubble and bounced on it as Anne, Rose, and the two sets of triplets watching in joy.

But then, Bombina shouted.

"INCOMING!", Bombina shouted before, all of a sudden, an arrow was shot out and headed right for Mew! But fortunately Mew bounced off the ball in the nick of time with the arrow missing the ball as well, although it landed on the stoney ground of the top.

"Ah, crud!", Jackie shouted.

"Mewwwweee. Mew, rew.", Mew squeaked as it then recovered and turned to notice Azog and his men aiming their arrows.

"That's Azog...!", Sasha said in surprise.

"But how is he here?", Allison asked in worry.

"Yeah, we thought he was dead.", Pat added.

"Don't let the arrows touch you!", Grime shouted.

"Attack!", Azog ordered before more orcs fired their arrows again.

"Mew!", Mew squeaked before it quickly vanished as the arrows would've hit it.

"It just disappeared again?", Allison asked as Pat noticed something in surprise.

"Look!", Pat said in surprise before everyone turned to see Azog nearing the stone wall and then climbed up it with his sword with Mew reappearing near Azog, who then leapt toward it and tried to take a swing at the little creature.

"Mew-ew.", Mew said as it only vanished before he could land a hit and then reappeared.

"What's that thing doing?", Allison puzzled.

"Mew's distracting Azog, that's what she's doing.", Sadie smirked.

"That thing is keeping the orcs from creeping up closer to the tower so that none of us here would be killed.", Bombina guessed in slight surprise.

"Mew?", Mew squeaked before Azog tried to attack again only to miss with Mew vanishing again, not knowing that Azog's orcs were following right behind him just as Mew appeared near Azog again.

"Mew.", Mew teased before Azog struck, and missed, again before it flew over behind Azog.

"Mew-we. Meeeeeeeeewwww.", Mew giggled.

"Very impressive, Mew. Always playing Flipwart when everyone else is playing Bog Jump.", Grime grinned.

"Huh?", everyone puzzled.

"Well, see, Flipwart and Bog Jump are games, but Flipwart, of course, is far more complicated and... I'm trying to say the creature's smart.", Grime explained.

"Ohhhhh.", everyone responded.

"Thanks, Grime-sy. Speaking of games, looks like that Mew is having some fun with him, eh? Up top.", Sasha grinned.

"Ah... Um... Yes.", Grime said, high-fiving her.

"But can it keep this up for long?", Bombina asked in worry.

However, after sometime, confirming Bombina's fears, Azog finally had enough upon noticing his fellow orcs following him up the tower.

"Azog!", one of the orcs shouted before he, along with several others, delivered the wrecking ball with a chain strapped to it to Azog, who then delivered a powerful whack with said stone-made wrecking ball.

"Mew-re!", Mew yelped as it was knocked back past the tower.

"No!", Allison shouted.

"Mew!", Rose shouted.

From there, it was only a matter of time before Azog got to the tower first with a couple of orcs following up and then holding Hop Pop and the others back as soon as they crept up.

"No! Get your hands off me.", Hop Pop demanded before the orcs then knocked Sprig and Polly back.

"Kids!", Hop Pop exclaimed.

"Let them go!", Bombina shouted before she then attacked the orcs with her bare fists and even drew her heavy sword with a sharp tip at the end of the blade before clashing with the orcs a few times and then knocking them back with but a swift swing as the flat end hit them, knocking them off the tower to be fed to the giant plant monster, which chomped on them and burped after swallowing them.

"Pardon me.", the plant monster shouted.

Then, Bombina charged in toward Azog, who only clashed with her via his blade. Eventually, Bombina only managed a single scratch on his face, leaving Azog slightly unimpressed before he then raised his sword and then slashing her across the side while also knocking her back.

"Bombina!", Grime, Sasha, Allison, and Pat shouted before Bombina landed with green blood seeping slowly from her.

"Pathetic. You were only able to lay a scratch on me. You were nothing special.", Azog discouraged before he raised his sword, yelling out as he was about to strike when Sasha shouted.

"Enough!", Sasha shouted before Azog then turned to see Sasha with a growling glare before the orcs parted away, revealing, and turning to notice, Sasha.

"Sasha...!", Bombina groaned, trying to stand up.

"Easy, Bombina. That wound you got is pret-ty serious.", Grime said.

"No, you think...?", Bombina asked.

"Be careful, Sasha!", Allison shouted.

"We have no idea what he can do!", Jackie warned.

"You shouldn't have to fight him alone! We can do it together!", Anne added in assurance, drawing Tritonio's sword with a blue glow, intriguing Azog as he noticed said glow.

"Anne, are you really going to risk your life for these talking frogs? Don't you wanna get back home? grow up back to normal? See your family?", Sasha asked worriedly.

"Yeah, but-", Anne began hesitantly.

"Then put your sword down and leave Azog to me. End of discussion.", Sasha said sternly.

Anne's shocked expression changed to a nervous one. She looked around, then sadly lowered her guard. Needless to say, Sprig looked miffed at what's happening.

"Sorry, Anne. But it's the only way I can keep you safe.", Sasha said.

Suddenly, a sludgeball struck Sasha in the face.

"What the heck?!", Sasha shouted, making everyone gasp, all except Azog, who only gave a surprised grin.

"For someone who's Anne's best friend, you sure don't know her very well. She's brave! She's smart! She can take care of herself! And most of all, she's not gonna be pushed around by a bully like Azog!", Sprig shouted.

Anne smiled, touched by Sprig's words before Sasha wiped the sludge off her face.

"Yeah, but...", Sasha began.

"At least let me fight by your side, Sasha. I can take care of myself well enough.", Jackie assured as she drew out her two katana, which also glowed blue at the blades, further adding to Azog's intrigue as he gasped.

Sasha initially showed concern before she then grinned to her with a smirk.

"Well..., the more, the merrier.", Sasha smirked, drawing her own sword.

Play Howard Shore Music: "Out Of The Frying-Pan (Film Version Ending Partial)" (0:32/2:03)

"Wow...! Who would've thought? Frogs and toads on equal footing.", Hop Pop said in surprise.

For a moment, there was a stare-down as opposite sides glared against one another.

"Jackie, you don't have to do this.", Hop Pop assured before Jackie noticed Anne, who was holding Tritonio's sword in worry, looking to Jackie with said worry.

"Yes, I do.", Jackie responded.

"This should be fun.", Grime grinned.

"Be careful...", Bombina said in worry as Grime finished patching up her wound by tearing a piece of his cape off and using it to cover the area where she was wounded.

Soon, Jackie and Sasha roared as they charged toward Azog, who retaliated with a roar of his own, swinging his wrecking ball at Jackie and Sasha, knocking the latter off the tower.

"Sasha!", Pat shouted before Sasha managed to grab onto the side and scrape a few orcs off along the way.

"Jackie!", Sasha shouted.

"Jackie, watch out!", Bombina warned before the girl in question groaned as she then sat up and saw Azog towering over her and then decided to use his sword to cut her through only for Jackie to block said sword with her katana.

For a moment, it worked, but soon, Azog began to overpower Jackie slowly felt Azog's blade cutting into her shoulder, making Anne gasp before he then tossed the katana away from Jackie's grip and raised it above her.

"Now, we end this!", Azog said before then lowering his sword.

But just then, everything went in slow motion for Anne as a heart-beating sound was heard, especially when it was rather loud for her case. Then, suddenly, she became angry, her eyes then turning blue before the sword she held glowed brighter and then started sparking out and then made a break toward Azog.

"Noooo!", Anne shouted in slow motion.

Just as Azog lowered his sword toward Jackie... CLANG! Anne had successfully clashed her sword against Azog's, catching the orc off-guard, surprising everyone, even Jackie and Sasha (who got back up in time to see another effect). In no time, Anne's body glowed bright blue and white before she started to age up again, making Azog move back slightly as this happens before the glow faded. Anne was finally back to her normal age!

"Anne...?!", Jackie gasped.

"This is for SASHA!", Anne shouted before then knocking Azog off the tower as Sasha moved out of his way only for him to use the sword to stop his further descent, scraping it against the stone wall before looking up with a glare.

End Howard Shore Music: "Out Of The Frying-Pan (Film Version Ending Partial)"

Then, Anne turned to Sprig.

"Thanks for believing in me, Sprig.", Anne grinned.

"Spranne against the world.", Sprig grinned.

"Anne..., I don't believe it!", Allison said in amazement.

"You just grew right back up...!", Pat added in awe.

"It's like she leveled up!", Rose added.

"Glad to have you back, Anne.", Jackie grinned.

"It's good to be back, Jackie.", Anne responded.

"I don't believe it... She actually managed to beat him...", Bombina said in surprise before Grime chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?", Sasha puzzled.

"I can see why she inspired Toadstool to make promised changes. And I can also respect that.", Grime grinned.

"Believe it or not, I think she has that kind of effect on everyone.", Anne responded.

"Except orcs, apparently.", Hop Pop added as more orcs appeared.

"Kill them.", Azog commanded as the orcs came closer and closer, Anne, Jackie, Rose, Sasha, Allison, and Pat standing firm, ready to fight, giving Bombina the courage to try again as she reached for her sword.

"Bombina, no! You're still damaged from that fight with Azog.", Grime said in worry.

"So, what? I'm supposed to let these orcs win?", Bombina argued.

But then, a sudden blast hit Azog, knocking him off the tower and onto the bridge, allowing the group to fight the orcs with Alison then pushing one orc off the tower with Pat doing the same, but with a headbutt.

"Whoa...! I just took down an orc!", Pat shouted gleefully.

"Pretty cool, huh?", Grime asked.

"Eh, never liked that guy.", Hop Pop responded.

"But where did that blast come from?", Bombina puzzled before Rose looked up and saw a familiar sight.

"Look!", Rose shouted.

"Take a guess.", Sasha said in response to Bombina's query before Mew then stopped by near the frogs and toads.

"Me-ew?", Mew said.

"Mew?! You're... alive! Oh, thank goodness.", Anne said in relief before everyone else followed suit as well.

"Aw.", Polly grinned.

"I always knew that one was a tough cookie to keep down.", Sadie grinned.

"Thanks for the help, Mew.", Rose grinned.

"Mew?", Mew said before then leaving.

"Hope we see each other again soon!", Pat shouted.

Meanwhile, Azog recovered and stood up in time to notice a sudden rumbling from below, much to his shock.

"Oh... What?", Grime puzzled as the building shook.

"What's going on?!", Bombina puzzled.

The boom shrooms had finally gone off.

"Wally? What did you do?!", Jackie shouted with a glare.

"What? I thought we agreed. Wait, could you not tell I was winking? Ah, curse you, one eye!", Wally shouted.

"We have to get everyone out of here fast.", Allison urged.

"I'll lead the guests to the exit.", Bombina assured.

"Yeah.", Jackie nodded before they decided to "hop to it".

"Retreat!", Azog shouted before he and his men dispersed and fled the tower as it crumbled.

Meanwhile, the tower was crumbling, alarming some frogs and toads.

Play Bill Withers Music: "Lean On Me"

"We gotta get out of here!", the toad said before he and his flanks left.

"Move, move, move!", the toad shouted before a few fell off.

"Everyone! Come on, get off the roof quick.", Hop Pop urged before everyone else left while the plant monster got crushed by the debris just as the tower started to tip down.

"Anne!", Sasha shouted in worry before screaming as she fell.

"Sasha!", Anne shouted before she quickly ran and then caught Sasha.

"Gotcha.", Anne assured as she held on tight to him.

"I've got you, Sash. You're gonna be okay!", Anne assured before she screamed as she suddenly slipped and only held on by the toes on her feet.

"Anne!", Jackie and Rose shouted.

"Sasha!", Allison and Pat shouted.

"I think that's everyone.", Hop Pop said before Anne shouted, much to the group's worry.

"Anne!", Sprig shouted as he rushed over for her.

"Can't... hold on... much longer!", Anne exclaimed before she suddenly fell only for Jackie to catch her.

"I got ya, Anne!", Jackie shouted.

"Me, too!", Rose added while hanging onto Jackie.

"We all got you!", Sprig added as he latched on to Rose with Hop Pop and Polly latching onto him as Allison and Pat joined in and helped as well.

"Hold on, kiddo.", Hop Pop urged.

"Hey, hey. Look at me, look at me! Everything's gonna be totally fine. Just hang on.", Anne urged.

"We got you, Anne. No matter what!", Hop Pop urged.

But all of a sudden, the part of the tower started to crumble.

"Uh, guys? I think we have a situation.", Polly said in worry.

While all this was happening, Sasha looked on at how far Anne was willing to go to save her, especially with everyone else pitching in to help as well.

"Hey, Anne? Let's do this together.", Sasha responded, touching Anne as she teared up a bit before giving a cute, determined face.

"Okay, everyone! We'll all pull on 3! 1... 2... 3!", Allison shouted before everyone pulled as best they could.

They even pulled so much that, on Allison's part, they inadvertently flung Sasha into the air.

End Bill Withers Music: "Lean On Me"

"Sasha!", Allison and Pat shouted.

"No!", Anne shouted.

"Aw, crud!", Sasha shouted before Grime jumped and then caught Sasha with his arms.

"Oh! Thanks.", Sasha said.

"Thank you, Commander, for saving her. Thank you!" Pat sniffed as he hugged Grimes.

"We can celebrate later. Right now, we all must retreat!", Grime urged.

"Right.", everyone nodded before they fled.

As for the villagers, they were barely heading out the exit, even with Bombina leading the way, given her injured state as she winced from the pain after slashing through a few debris that got in the way.

"Curse these old legs.", Sadie said before she got picked up and placed on top of Toadstool.

"Hi, Mrs. Croaker.", Wally said.

"Mayor Toadstool?", Sadie puzzled.

"Uh-huh. If y'all die, who'll I get votes from? Huh?", Toadstool asked.

"Shut up and run!", Sadie urged before they fled up until Bombina got to the party barge.

"This way, everyone!", Bombina urged.

"You don't have to ask me twice.", Sadie responded before she and everyone else got on and rolled away.

"Oh, thank goodness.", Bombina sighed.

As everyone else fled, Anne, Jackie, Rose, Sasha, Allison, and Pat looked toward the general direction where Azog and the orcs fled.

"Yeah, you better run!", Pat shouted.

"We... We actually did it...!", Allison grinned.

"For now...", Jackie panted.

"That was the greatest fight ever!", Rose shouted before giggling and sighing.

"Also, I'm just glad you're okay, Jackie.", Rose said as she hugged her.

"Yeah, me, too. Although, my shoulder's gonna be bruised for a while after what Azog did.", Jackie grinned before Sasha, smiling, turned to Anne.

"Anne, are... are you okay?", Sasha asked.

"Oh, yeah. Never felt be-", Anne began before she started sobbing with everyone hugging her, not knowing that Mew returned and moved back from them with a flip.

"Aw.", Polly said.

"Meeeeeeeee.", Mew giggled for a bit.

"That's right, girl. Let it all out.", Sasha said as Mew then did a spinning flip and then took off again.

Then, Bombina caught up.

"Captain Grime!", Bombina shouted as she arrived toward Grime.

"Bombina! I mean, uh... ahem! Lieutenant. Did everyone get out of there safely?", Grime asked.

"Yeah... We did it...", Bombina said before falling a bit limp with Grime catching her with a gasp.

"Stay with me, Bombina. You're going to make it!", Grime said in worry as everyone watched.

"Yeah... I know... I guess the fight just left me a bit queasy in the legs, that's all.", Bombina assured.

"Well, thanks to your efforts as well as the other toads', we managed to keep the guests safe and drive the orcs away.", Grime grinned.

"That we did...", Bombina grinned before then sighing.

"I'm so tired...", Bombina said.

Meanwhile, however, at the archives, Bolg has already crafted a dark spell circle as instructed in front of Sauron's spirit before drawing his sword.

"It is time to awaken... Dark Lord...!", Bolg said before then smacking and scraping against (at the same time) the ground, causing the dark spell circle to light up in flames and travel toward Sauron's spirit, empowering it to the point it grew brighter and then burst out in an upward direction before exploding into a giant eye in the sky, which was noticed by Anne and the others.

"What is that thing?!", Rose shouted.

"I don't know, but it's huge!", Pat responded.

"And scary.", Jackie said.

"It definitely isn't good.", Allison added.

"What do you think happened out there, Anne?", Sasha puzzled.

"I don't know what just happened, but it's definitely bad.", Anne responded.

Meanwhile, Mew was flying off when it noticed an ominous light from behind it and turned around to see a horrible sight.

"Me-we!", Mew squeaked.

"It has begun... The Isles will fall. So shall the Titan's kingdom rise.", Sauron spoke as it then showed Marcy, Max, Alexis, Jamie, Alex, and Adam (the last 3 of which are triplets) just outside near the castle, watching in slight worry, if not puzzlement before it went to the frogs of Wartwood hopping aboard the party barge.

"What in frog's name is it, sir?", Toadie asked.

"I don't know, Toadie. But it ain't good.", Toadstool responded.

Meanwhile, only Andrias noticed it in Newtopia.

"The time of witches is over. The Age of the Titans has come...", Sauron finished before disappearing as Andrias then chuckled.

"Finally...", Andrias smirked.

Back at Toad Tower, Grime and Bombina was a bit unnerved.

"No... That can't be...!", Bombina said in shock.

"I thought this day would never come...", Grime said.

"Never thought what day would come, Grime-sy?", Sasha puzzled.

"The day that we witness the dark legend come to life.", Grime responded.

Later, inside the part of the tower that wasn't broken, while Bombina was now shown to have recovered some, still wearing the cloth on where the wound was made, Grime pulled out a big book with the title "History of Amphibia" on it and opened to the first page.

"Long ago, our ancestors were divided over the vast resources of our land and fought a war that seemed to have no end with the Frogs leading the villages, the Toads leading the tribes, and the Newts ruling the kingdoms and it seemed like we're doomed to endless war. But then Sauron, a malevolent force of unquestionable evil, appeared. He hungered for war and conquest and fed on the souls of our ancestors. And in time, half of our ancestors were at his mercy. But then, our ancestors came together as one to combat this evil. And soon, our ancestors were united against a common enemy led by the grandfather of the King of Amphibia-." Grime said before being interrupted by Anne.

"Wow, I didn't know you guys had a King." Anne said with genuine interest.

"Well, duh. We're not anarchists, Anne." Hop Pop said mater of factly.

"Speak for yourself." Polly said in protest before Grime cleared his throat.

"Anyway, as I was saying, led by our King's grandfather and his mighty blade, our ancestors fought back against this evil and locked him into a prison never to be seen again... until now.", Grime finished the story and grew a determined look.

"So we must prepare ourselves my fellow Frogs and Toads, because as of this moment… We are at war.", Grime stated.


A/N: So, what'd you think? Pretty cool way to end the first season story, huh? Well, in any case, there's more to come soon for Amphibia. But until then, I'll try some other stories for a while. :)