36. Chainbreaker

CHAPTER SUMMARY: Kylo Ren faces mounting pressure to deal with the Resistance

"Oh Elias…" The woman coos. "You can't be serious."

"But I am," the man intones. "You've always said wanted children, have you not?"

"But…" The woman's breath is faintly audible through the static. "Is it even possible? I mean, for us to…"

"Well, dear." The man's voice seems to get closer. "There's only one way to find out."

"Turn that shit off!"

A hulking man emerges from the forest, stalking to the campfire.

The men around it at glance at each other, kissing sounds wafting through the receiver.

"If that isn't off by the time I get there…" The giant picks up his pace.

A young red-haired man leaps up, scurrying to the subspace radio and flipping a switch.

Suddenly it's quiet, the fire crackling softly, insects chirping in the distance.

The giant shakes his head as he approaches. He's nearly seven feet tall and well-muscled, a gold ring piercing the center of his nose.

"I leave for ten minutes…" He kicks a Shistavanen sleeping by a log.

The wolfman flies up, eyes wide.

"Where's the trouble?" He grabs his blaster.

"The trouble…" The giant fumes. "Is that you're sleeping when you should be guarding the damn shipment." He points a transport in the center of the clearing.

"Oh." He sets down the blaster. "Right." He lies back on the ground.

"GET UP!" The giant roars.

The wolfman snaps up along with several others dozing around the fire.


The men straighten, half of them bleary-eyed, trying to shake themselves awake.

There are sixteen of them, some perched on logs, others lying in the grass. All of them are equipped with blasters, a few with more colorful weapons— carbine rifles, flame throwers.

"Idiots." The giant saunters to a log. "Pathetic." He takes a seat. "Raiden'll hear about this. You can be sure of that."

"But…" The red-haired man sits up. "Not all of us were sleeping. I was awake the whole time. So was Insen." He nods to the man beside him. "And Nex." He nods to another. "And—"

"Shut it, Toad." The giant points at him. "You sat there and watched them sleep, didn't you?"

Toad opens his mouth to protest but catches himself. He crosses arms, sulking.

"We'd have an easier time staying awake if we had some entertainment," he mutters.

"Oh, you want entertainment?" The giant perks up. "I'll give you entertainment." He puts a hand on his blade. "Let's have a little sparring match, just you and me."

Toad gulps.

"Knock it off, Rafe." The wolfman stands, making his way to a log. "We're out of bacta bandages, and I don't wanna clean up your mess."

The giant removes his hand from the blade but keeps his eyes on Toad.

"Raiden's gonna have your ass." He smirks. "All of you'll be doing time in the tunnels after we get back."

Several of the men cringe.

"When is that exactly?" A clawdite yawns, reptilian skin stretching over his face.

Rafe pushes out an exhale.

"I told you those blue bastards are bringing the shadow moss at dawn. Then, we're outta here"

One of the men wrinkles his nose.

"I hate that stuff." He shudders. "Makes me feel like my head's gonna explode."

"It's not so bad if you cut it with snuff." His friend nudges him. "You should try it—"

"No one's trying anything with the boss's shipment, you hear me?" Rafe points at the man. "We're here to guard and deliver. That's it."

"Yeah." The wolfman grunts. "All sixteen of us."

"Hey!" The giant snaps. "Do you have any idea how much that's worth?" He points to the transport. "Billions. Billions of credits worth of spice and drugs, more than you'll hope to make in a lifetime. Raiden's not taking any chances with—"

Suddenly, he stops, knitting his eyebrows. He's looking at Toad across from him.

The young man's face is white. He's trembling, eyes wide.

"Ch-" He lifts a finger. "Ch- Ch-" He's pointing at something in the distance. "Chainbreaker!"

Rafe shoots to his feet, whipping around.

But he stops at the sound of snickering.

He turns to find Toad covering his mouth.

"You…" He tries to contain his laughter. "You should've seen your face…" He bowls over, unable to contain himself.

"That's not funny." The giant seethes, retaking his seat. "You shouldn't joke about that."

"It's not like she'll be coming around here." The clawdite throws a branch on the fire. "There's no live cargo." He points to the transport.

"You know, Jac was there when she raided the farms on Chrona." Toad nudges the man beside him. "She blew through the overseers like they were nothing, took a hundred of the hands with her."

"I know someone who was there when she raided Kessel." The Clawdite lowers to his seat. "Said they had her in a corner, blasters pointed right at her, then..." He flicks his fingers. "She was gone. Just like that. Popped up from behind and started railing on 'em."

"That's nothing." Another man leans forward. "I know a guy who was there when she raided Pasher, said she waved a hand and smashed all their weapons against the wall like that."

"She's a witch."

"I heard she was a Jedi."

"She's not a Jedi," one of the men spits. "There are no Jedi anymore, dingbat."

"I heard she's from Dathomir." Toad looks around. "Descended from one of the nightsisters."

"No, she's from the unknown regions," a man corrects him. "Grew up with the Chiss."

"It doesn't matter where she's from." Rafe slips a long blade from the sheath at his side. "All that matters…" He looks up. "Is that if I ever run into that bitch, I'm gonna slice her to pieces."

Several of them men raise their eyebrows.

"Yeah, you do that." The wolfman blinks. "Everyone else she's run into crawls away, licking their wounds, but I'm sure you're the one who can—"

Suddenly, he stiffens, pointed ears shooting up.

"What?" Toad leans in. "Hear somethi—"

The wolfman shushes him, rising.

Rafe stands too, a hand on his blaster.

The wolfman glances at him, pointing to the forest.

The giant nods, then motions to the men.

In an instant, they're all on their feet, readying their weapons.

Rafe and the wolfman stalk to the trees, swift and silent.

The rest of them make a perimeter around the transport, blasters pointed at the forest.

Toad keeps close to the fire, keen on staying in the light. He's shaking, his weapon rattling in his hands.


He snaps to Nex.

"Don't worry," his friend whispers. "It's probably just the Narqs with the moss."

Toad nods, trembling. He glances at Rafe and Vik.

They're near the edge of the clearing now, moving quietly. The wolfman's ears are erect, taking in every sound. His eyes are glued to the forest, branches and brush barely visible in the dark.

There's something in there. He can smell it as well as he hears it. It smells like—

Suddenly, a purple blade cuts through the blackness.


The men pelt the forest with plasma shots, ripping up the trees.

But some of the shots bounce back, the blade whipping around with an electric whine. The wolfman howls, grabbing his shoulder.

The purple light charges, flying up and overhead.

Rafe swings around, firing his blaster.

But their attacker is on the other end of the clearing.


Wasn't he just behind him…?

He roars, charging into the fray.

The men are in chaos now, running and screaming.

"Right! To the right!"

"No, left damn it, left!"

The purple blade is everywhere, swinging up and down, filling the air with an electric hum. The men can barely see who's wielding it before it swoops overhead or flickers from one spot to another like it's teleporting.

"There's more than one! There's more than one!" Toad fires at the purple light.

Suddenly, his blaster rips out of his hands and he gasps, helpless as he watches it fly into the forest.

He hits the ground, crawling to the trees, trying to yank his dagger from its sheath. He glances at their attacker across the way.

It's a blur of limbs, small and humanoid. It looks like a girl…

"Light her up, damn it! Light her up!"

Men with flamethrowers charge at the girl from both sides, bursts of fire shooting out.

But she disappears before flames hit.

Toad gapes.

What the…?

He curls into a ball, squeezing his eyes shut.

This isn't real. This isn't real. It's just a dream. He's gonna wake up any second now…

There's screaming and blaster fire all around, electric whining moving from one side then the other.

Toad squeals when something large and heavy lands on top of him. He flails wildly, pushing it off. He opens his eyes to find Rafe unconscious on the ground.

Suddenly, it's quiet.

No blasters. No screaming. No electric hum. Just grunting and moaning and the soft crackle of the fire.

Toad looks right, then left, noting the bodies sprawled all over the clearing, half of them crawling to the forest.

He starts to sit up.

But he freezes when an electric blade shoots by his ear. He can feel the heat, purple crackling by his face.

He hears footsteps behind him and the blade moves, circling to the front. He keeps still, eyes forward.

"Is this your leader?"

He glances up.

He can't help but gape at the figure above.

It's a girl alright. Human. Pretty. And young, younger than he is by the looks of it.

She nods to Rafe beside him.

For a moment, Toad just stares.

Then, he nods.

In an instant, the blade disappears, and the girl crouches, leaning over Rafe to pat around his belt. Two figures burst from the forest, one stopping by the transport, the other running to the girl.

She takes the remote to the ship from Rafe's belt, then rises.

A tall figure approaches quickly. The girl lifts a hand and the man takes the remote, turning to the transport without a word.

A second later, it opens with a low clang.

Toad gasps, scrambling up.

But he's stopped by a purple blade shooting in front of his face.

He freezes.

"Do you know who I am?"

He keeps his eyes on the blade.

"Y-you…" He croaks. "You're the Chainbreaker."

"That's right." She crouches, the blade disappearing. "I'm the Chainbreaker."

She's right in front of him now, the glow of the fire behind her. She looks relaxed, an arm draped over her knee.

He stares at her, transfixed.

"I need you to do something for me." Her eyes are soft and steady. "I need you to get a message to your boss. Can you do that?"

He nods.

"Tell him I'm taking his shipment." She sticks a thumb to the transport. "I'm keeping it safe and intact. He'll get all of it back…" She leans in. "When he shuts down his slave markets."

Toad widens his eyes.

But a second later, he nods.

"Good boy." She stands.

Toad snaps to the transport when he hears the engines power on.


He looks back at the girl.

"One more thing." She attaches a metal hilt to her belt. "Tell Raiden that if he or one of his friends lays a finger on one of my allies or their property…" She leans down. "I'll have a little bonfire." Her eyes flicker. "And he'll never see his shipment again."

Toad tries to croak a response, but it gets caught in his throat.

The girl straightens.

"Have a good night." She turns, heading for the transport.

Toad watches her go, unmoving, hardly aware of his own body.

The girl ascends into the transport, and it closes behind her. A minute later, it lifts, hovering a few feet above the clearing. Then it rises, higher and higher until it's above the trees.

Finally, it shoots forward, disappearing into the night sky.

"This is nothing short of a declaration of war." Hux leans into the table. "Directly interfering with our negotiations—"

"But they're not." Voigt leans back. "They're only going to planets where we're likely to be. They're staying clear of the planets we're on."

"That's not true." Meric shakes his head. "I heard there's an admiral on Cerea as we speak."

"She's not there to interfere with negotiations." Kas turns to Meric. "She's just scrounging for donors."

"That's bold." Petrov sits up. "Seeking donors on the same planets we're negotiating with."

"Organa's no fool." Kas raises his eyebrows. "She knows how delicate negotiations can be. We need keep our hands off the donors until they're complete."

"But that's the problem," Hux spits. "Keeping our hands off the Resistance is what's gotten us here, is it not?" He scans the table. "They're numbers have exploded, 5,000 strong at least. They've got bases all over the galaxy, storehouses full of equipment. And now…" He leans in. "They're sending out teams to planets with resources they know we need, trying to convince them to keep it all to themselves."

He fumes.

"This is where a hands-off approach gets us." His blue eyes are cutting. "A strong Resistance, growing bolder by the day, gearing up for war." He grunts, sitting back. "If war's what they want, I say we give it to them."

"You do realize you're playing right into her hands." Kas glances at Hux.

He just stares coldly.

"Organa wants us to look like the aggressors." Kas looks to the other generals. "It suits her little fantasy, a destructive empire. If we respond to her pathetic attempts at interference with violence, we'll just bolster her numbers and our negotiations will grind to a halt."

"Who cares?" Hux twitches. "We won't need to negotiate after Starkiller's complete. And the Resistance can't grow if there's none of them left."

"So, you think an attempt to slow negotiations merits a total war?" Kas balks. "That makes us look reasonable."

"It doesn't matter what we look like." Hux sneers. "It matters that we're feared and respected."

"It does matter." Kas shoots forward. "No one will respect us if they see us as brutes and bullies. Everything we've accomplished over the past year— the resources gathered, the networks established, the allies won— is because we've earned the galaxy's trust. And you'd throw it away on a Resistance that's not even a tenth of our size?"

"That Resistance…" Hux leans in. "Is growing by the day."

"So, we fight them." Kas straightens. "But we fight them on our terms. We show that we're the ones with the right and the will to lead."

"So, what…?" Hux blinks. "We kill them with kindness?"

"No…" Kas grits his teeth. "We fight the real war, the ideological one. We expose them for rabble-rousers they are."

"So…" Hux smirks. "We fight them with ideas?" He glances to Meric, snickering. "Brilliant. You'll have us talk ourselves into an abyss."

"And you'd have us ruling over an asteroid field." Kas points at him.

"I'd have us show our strength and our dominion over this galaxy."

"Well, it's not up to you!"

At this, several generals turn to the head of the table.

The Supreme Leader sits casually, unmasked. His face is impassive, dark eyes steady. He's leaning back, fingers curled over the arm of the chair like a throne.

He observes coolly for a moment.

Then, he sits up.

"Are you done squabbling?" He raises an eyebrow.

Kas looks down, a little sheepish.

Hux shifts away, crossing his arms.

"The Resistance…" Kylo Ren leans forward. "Is baiting us. And if we take the bait…" He dips his chin. "We'll show weakness, not strength."

Hux sucks in a breath, but says nothing.

"We do not let their actions derail our agenda." Kylo scans the table. "We don't overact to their puny attempts at discord because we don't fear them. We hardly even notice them." He leans back. "That is what the galaxy should see in our response."

"So…" Meric glances to the Supreme Leader. "We are going to respond?"

"If our goal is to demonstrate indifference…" Voigt purses his lips. "Perhaps the best response is no response."

"No response?" Meric widens his eyes.

"Really, Victor." Voigt leans to Meric. "How much damage do you think they can do? Trust me…" He glances to Kas. "We've been through what? Over a hundred negotiations now? I can tell you exactly how this will go." He rests a forearm on the table. "Their little teams will convince a handful of planets to keep their resources privately owned. Then we'll show up, dangle the promise of money and influence and building projects in their faces—"

"And they'll fold." Kas smirks. "Anything the Resistance convinced them of will fade in light of what they could gain."

"But the problem…" Hux fumes. "Isn't the damage they could do. It's that they're openly undermining our goals. If we're so worried about what the galaxy thinks of us…" His lips twist snidely. "We should consider what doing nothing communicates. It shows that we tolerate brazen acts of defiance."

A few at the table nod.

"So, we respond."

The generals snap to the Supreme Leader.

"But the response must be commensurate with the action." Kylo Ren fixes his eyes on Hux. "If they seek to undermine our influence, we'll undermine theirs. If they seek to damage our reputation, we'll damage theirs."

"Are you referring to that holo?" General Ailen perks up. "The one from Kaddak?"

"What holo?" Voigt knits his eyebrows.

"You haven't seen it?" Petrov grunts. "It's been making the rounds. Half the galaxy's watched it by—"

Suddenly, a door whirs open, General DeVries scurrying through.

"You're late," the Supreme Leader bites.

"Apologies, sir." DeVries snaps to attention. "But I have good reason."

"Do you now?" Kylo cocks his head.

DeVries tenses.

Then, he walks swiftly to an empty chair, pulling it out and taking a seat.

"I've just been in communication with one of our shippers." He scoots in. "He moves all our capital in the Colonies and the lower half of the Mid-rim." He rests his forearms on the table. "Last night, he was robbed, lost half his transports and over five hundred billion credit's worth in merchandise."

Several of the generals jerk back.

"In one night?" Petrov shifts to DeVries. "By who?"

DeVries scans the table, eyes narrowed.

"The Chainbreaker."

The generals erupt in groans.

"Her again?" Meric rolls his eyes.

"Doesn't she rescue slaves?" Voigt flits his head. "What is she now? A pirate?"

"Apparently…" DeVries leans back. "She's told the shipper she'll give back the merchandise once he closes his slave markets."

Hux scoffs.

"Oh, I'm sure she will." He drips with sarcasm. "It looks like the Resistance just solved their donor problem."

"What was the merchandise?" Kas looks to DeVries.

"I'm not sure exactly." He shakes his head. "But knowing Raiden, probably spice and luxury goods. Maybe some drugs."

Meric grunts.

"So, the Resistance is peddling drugs now, are they?"

"This is perfect!" Ailen brightens.

The generals turn, knitting their eyebrows.

"I- I mean…" He stammers. "For us."

The generals just stare.

"Well..." He shifts a little. "This could be the answer to our problem." He nods to the Supreme Leader. "How we respond to the Resistance. You said we need to undermine their influence, their reputation."

Kylo Ren doesn't move. He's sitting back in his chair, appearing calm and relaxed.

But his blood just ran cold.

"Well, this could be how we do that."

"What do you mean?" Kas narrows his eyes.

"I mean we go after the girl." Ailen looks around the table. "She's their star, isn't she? She's their primary mode of influence, the core of their recruiting. So, we besmirch her, cast her as a thief, a villain."

"We could do a lot more than that." DeVries leans in. "We could arrest her, get her out of the Resistance and into a prison."

"That's be a pretty sight, wouldn't it?" Meric smirks. "The Chainbreaker in chains."

"That's easier said than done." Voigt crosses his arms. "You know what the girl is capable of."

"Nothing our Supreme Leader can't handle." Ailen juts his chin up, looking to the head of the table.

But he shrinks when he finds Kylo Ren glaring at him.

"Or…" Ailen looks down. "The Knights of Ren, perhaps?"

"That's an idea." Petrov sits up. "If there were ever a reason to call the Knights back in…"

Suddenly, Kylo shoots up, turning to the back of the room. He walks forward, stopping in front of the console.

The generals glance at each other. For a few seconds, the table is silent.

"Well, I like the idea." Meric leans back. "This girl's been drawing people to the Resistance for months. It's time we take her out."

"It shouldn't harm our reputation." Petrov shakes his head. "She's a known lawbreaker."

"I wouldn't count on that." Voigt looks to Petrov. "The galaxy loves her. To them, she's a hero."

"She's a criminal," Hux spits.

"Armitage…" Voigt's tone is condescending. "You and I both know criminality is a matter of perspective. Half the people in this galaxy view the girl's actions as a public service."

"Thieving and interrupting trade is a public service…?" Meric balks.

"If it's done to combat slavery, yes." Voigt shrugs. "Many find the practice distasteful, especially in the core worlds."

"Well…" Ailen starts tentatively. "Public opinion is easily swayed. And now that she's pirating, it shouldn't be too hard to turn people against her."

"He's right." DeVries scans the table. "She's practically shut down the south end of Tiberius route. Raiden says half the merchants in the Colonies have grounded their shipments until further notice."

"See." Meric points to DeVries. "She's a menace. I say we have Ailen make some holos and broadcast them everywhere, expose the girl for who she is."

"I can have it done in two weeks." Ailen nods. "Then when we arrest her, the galaxy will be on our side."

"Have any of you considered…"

The generals snap to the console.

The Supreme Leader turns, hands clasped behind him.

"That the best way to handle this girl is to render her unnecessary?"

The generals glance at each other.

"Or did you think I shut down the slave markets on Coruscant for fun?" He raises an eyebrow.

The generals just stare.

"W-wasn't that…" Ailen shifts a little. "To butter them up so they'd help us with the Corellian problem?"

Kylo Ren doesn't answer. He just turns, starting to pace the room.

The generals follow him with their eyes.

"As long as slavery exists…" He walks by the table. "There will always be a Chainbreaker and the threat of a slave rebellion."

Voigt and Kas look down, growing thoughtful.

"And with the number of slaves reaching the billions…" Kylo rounds the corner. "A slave rebellion would mean mass chaos. All our projects would grind to a halt, and we'd have to exhaust our resources just to keep the peace."

"So…" Meric gapes at the Supreme Leader. "You intend to declare slavery illegal?"

"I always intended it." Kylo continues pacing. "I simply waited for the right time."

"Sir…" DeVries pauses, hesitant. "Are you sure this is the right time? Our hands are quite full with negotiations and resource extraction. Half the Outer Rim is still overrun with gangs. We have to consolidate our power."

"Any effort to establish control will mean nothing if there's slave rebellion." Kylo halts. "We have to think five steps ahead, predict the greatest threats to our order and eliminate them."

"Yes, but…" DeVries tilts his head. "Is a slave rebellion really that likely?"

"It's more and more likely every day that girl's out there." Voigt looks up.

"All the more reason to throw her in prison." Meric leans in.

"That doesn't solve the problem." Kas shakes his head. "More than half the Resistance is made up of freed slaves now. They'll continue their work without her. We take down one Chainbreaker, and ten more could pop up in her place."

"Maybe we should get this slavery issue out of the way…" Petrov brings a hand to his jaw.

Hux grunts.

"Well, before we divert half our resources to charity…" He sits up. "We should consider the implications for us. We'll appear as hypocrites, will we not?" He scans the table. "Or did you think our troopers were volunteers?"

"Perhaps they should be." The Supreme Leader turns to the General.

Hux widens his eyes.

"Y-you…" He sputters. "You're not serious."

"I'm always serious." Kylo resumes pacing. "Our recruitment is soaring. If we opened up opportunities to join our military, volunteers would line up."

"You mean uneducated, undisciplined rabble," Hux spits.

"Don't discount the rabble." Petrov smirks at Hux. "The Supreme Leader's cadets have thrashed yours twice now, have the not?"

Hux sucks in a breath.

"We'll see how they fare against mine tomorrow." Petrov squints in challenge.

"Your affection for our lower ranks aside…" Hux turns to Kylo. "The reason we program our troops from birth is to ensure loyalty."

The Supreme Leader narrows his eyes.

"Didn't one of your men help a Resistance prisoner escape last year?" He cocks his head. "Or am I misremembering?"

"That…" Hux seethes. "Was an isolated incident."

"Oh, I'm sure." Kylo strides by the table. "But if our experiment with the so-called rabble from the lower ranks has taught us anything…" He nods to Petrov. "It's that training troops from birth doesn't ensure martial preeminence. In fact, perhaps it limits their capabilities, turns them into automatons rather than soldiers."

"Soldiers are automatons," Hux growls. "Their job is to follow orders without question."

"Their job is to fight." Kylo continues pacing. He remains relaxed even as Hux grows agitated. "And now more than ever they're fighting enemies who don't play by the rules. We need innovation in our ranks, not robotic execution."

"What we need is loyalty and uniformity!" Hux shoots from his chair. "Not a mish-mosh of scum from the filthiest corners of the galaxy!"

The Supreme Leader halts, turning to Hux.

"What we need…" Kylo's tone is even. "Is leadership that's logical and forward-thinking, not stuck in the past."

"Stuck in the past…?" Hux balks. "This entire organization exists to bring the past to the present, to revive the Empire in all its glory."

"Your glorious Empire didn't last a generation before it fell." Kylo hardens. "Is that what you'd have for us, to crumple under the weight of our hubris just as our reign begins?"

"The Empire was torn apart by rebellious thugs, the remnants of which are plotting to tear us apart as we speak!" Hux gestures wildly. "And yet you're having us watch as they spread through this galaxy like a disease, wasting our time on building projects and charity cases."

"Those building projects are the reason—"

"Shut up!" Hux shouts at Kas, his face turning red.

"Have we forgotten…?" Hux searches the table. "Who we are?" He starts walking beside it.

Kylo observes from the other side.

"We are the First Order!" Hux beats a fist against his chest. "We are the very embodiment of dominance and power. We are not a charity organization or gang of street rats! You all…" He scoffs. "Are so content to sit back and watch as we become a shadow of our former strength."

He shakes his head.

"Well, I won't do it." Hux clenches his fists. "I won't see us become as weak and pathetic as the New Republic. If I'm the only one in the room with the will to bring Snoke's vision to life—" He sucks in a breath. "Then so be it."

He whips around, charging for the door.

The generals gape as he stomps away.

"If you leave this room…"

Hux halts at the sound of the Supreme Leader's voice.

"You will no longer be a general."

He stiffens, keeping his back to the table. For a moment, he does nothing.

The generals are silent and still as statues. Only their eyes move, glancing from Hux to Kylo.

Finally, Hux charges forward, slapping a panel and exiting into the hall.

The door whirs shut behind him.

The room is dead quiet. The generals are frozen, staring at the door.

"Would anyone like to join him?" Kylo Ren breaks the silent.

None of the generals budge.

Kylo scans the table coolly.

"The First Order…" He strides towards the console. "Is not the Empire reborn. We are the Empire improved." He halts, shifting to face the generals. "We were established to build a reign that would last for millennia, and I will see it done. I will bring stability and the rule of law to this galaxy. And I will do it…" He leans in. "With or without you."

He makes eye contact with every general.

"But I'd rather do it with you." He straightens. "The choice is yours." His gaze lingers on the men. "You're dismissed." He turns to the console.

The generals glance at each other. They're visibly uncomfortable, shifting nervously.

Then all at once, a chorus of chairs scrape across the floor. The men rise, filing silently to the door. They exit one by one, their heads down, until only a single general remains.

Kas pushes his chair into the table. He stands by it awkwardly, like he's deciding what to do.

Finally, he turns to the Supreme Leader.

"Sir…" He steps towards him.

Kylo Ren stares at the console, his back to the general.

"I, uh…" He straightens. "Received a communique from Bonden this morning. We've come to terms. The pirates and Boroskan parliament are signing accords today."

"Good." Kylo doesn't move.

Kas nods.

He shifts a little, seeming reluctant.

"Also…" He takes a breath. "I wanted you to know…" He stares at Kylo's back. "I believe in your vision for the First Order." He juts his chin up. "Armitage is a self-aggrandizing fool. Most people see that. They see you're twice the leader Snoke was."

Kylo remains still. For a moment, both men are silent.

"Well…" Kas looks down. "That's all I have to say."

He starts to leave.

"Your loyalty…"

Kas halts.

Kylo turns his head.

"Is noted." He faces him fully. "And valued."

Kas lets out an exhale, relaxing.

"Go now." Kylo nods to the door.

"Yes, sir." The general snaps to attention. He turns a heel and marches to the door, exiting swiftly.

Kylo watches as the door whirs shut. He continues staring long after he's gone.

Finally, he steps to the chair at the head of the table. He lowers slowly, a wave of exhaustion setting in. He rests an elbow on the surface, burying his face in a palm.

He is so damn tired.

Mentally. Physically. In his bones, in his blood.

Part of him feels like he could fall asleep right here…

He sighs, dragging his hand over his face.

He gazes across the table, the images replying in his mind— Hux exploding, the looks on the generals' faces, the ripples of shock and disapproval…

And satisfaction.

Kylo closes his eyes.

There were men who agreed with every word Hux said, their hearts soaring to hear them spoken out loud.

There were men who were uncertain, not sure what to think.

And there were men who were tired, as tired as he is at this anchor wrapped around his feet, the small-mindedness that keeps First Order from becoming what it needs to be.

Kylo sinks in his chair.

He feels it… more and more every day, these forces ripping him apart.

Some in this organization would die to see his vision for the future come to life.

And some lurk like rabid dogs, waiting to smell blood, a sign of weakness…

So, they can swoop in and rip him to pieces.

This organization is fracturing— alliances forming, urgency rising, the pressure to choose a side. He sees it in front of him, the cracks spreading, growing deeper.

And he is desperately trying to hold it together.

Some days he's confident he can do this, mend the cracks with his bare hands, fuse the First Order into a single entity through hard work and sheer will.

But other days he feels like he's watching as everything he's built falls apart before his very eyes.

He just can't get ahead. Every time he feels like he's turned a corner, like the hard part is behind him, there's some new complication, another twist in the road.

Like this problem with Rey and the Resistance.

It's partially his own fault. He knows that. He's the one who told her to get aggressive with the slavers. And she certainly did…

But now he has to deal with that. He has to deal with this mess she's making, her influence over the galaxy, how she's emboldening the Resistance, making them strong.

He shakes his head.

He wishes he could say he saw this coming.

He should have. It makes sense given everything he knows about Rey— headstrong, powerful, a force to be reckoned with.

But the truth is, in all the time he spent imagining their future, Rey ascending to rule the First Order by his side…

He never once considered she'd develop a reputation on her own, become a leading figure in the Resistance before she accepted her destiny as his partner.

Of course she's become their star. These days, she's more well-known than his mother. She's so popular, she might as well be their leader.

How is it that he didn't see this coming, him, the man who thinks through every possible scenario, every challenge to his rule, his vision?

It just doesn't make sense. It's not like him, not like him at all.

He crosses his arms, churning with frustration and doubt.

For the briefest flash, he sees Rey, hears her voice his mind, what she said in the kyber cave.

"You're so obsessed with this fantasy of us ruling together you're blinded by it."

He sucks in a breath, sitting up. He pushes the thought away with intent to bury it.

But it lingers…

He tenses, staring across the table.

He used to see it. The future, stretched out before him, solid and clear like he'd already accomplished it.

But now?

He can't see a damn thing. It's murky, knotted, a mess he can't untangle. He knows where he needs to be… He just can't figure out how to get there.

He uncrosses his arms, leaning forward. He reviews the pieces in his mind, all the players on the board— him, Rey, Hux, his mother, the whole of the First Order and the Resistance. He runs through different arrangements, actions and reactions, considering how to get all the pieces where he wants them.

Part of him is intent on thinking this through until the path is clear.

And part of him wants to fall asleep in this chair.

The latter part starts to take over, his lids drifting over his eyes. His head starts to nod.

Suddenly, he snaps up.

He straightens, squaring his shoulders.

He needs to move. He needs to get out of this chair, out of this room, and somewhere where he can't focus on anything but the task at hand.

He shoots to his feet, moving around the table to stride briskly to the door. His steps are purposeful, his face alert.

But he's struggling to keep his eyes open. The effort's almost painful…

He slows as he nears the exit. He stops with a sigh, reaching for the panel. His gloved hand grazes the metal.

Then freezes.

Kylo stiffens, still as a statue. His senses are heightened, searching.

Is that what he thinks it is? He's so tired, his body could be deceiving him…

He tilts his head like he's listening.

No. That's real. The more he concentrates, the more he feels it, the warmth rising at his core. It starts to stretch into his limbs.

He drops his hand, surrendering to the feeling. There's something healing about it, a layer of exhaustion sweeping away.

His lips turn up.

This is exactly what he needs right now.

He takes a deep breath, savoring the oxygen. He lets it out slowly. By the time he finishes the exhale, he senses her behind him.

"You…" He turns to face her. "Have excellent timing."

Rey stands by the head of the table, a hand on her hip.

"Don't thank me." She smiles, stepping towards him. "Thank the Force."

He steps to meet her, spirits lifted just at the sight of her.

She stops in front of him, looking up with bright eyes.

"Hello," she greets cheerily.

He just slips a hand behind her waist, pulling her close as he descends. The moment their lips touch, he feels a weight lifted, his worries fading to the background.

It's a miracle, what she does to him. She's like a drug— her warmth, her softness, her manner. He thinks about it all the time, but it's nothing like the experience of it, feeling her body pressed to his, how she melts into him.

He takes it all in, kisses blending as he fumbles with his gloves, pulling them off and tossing them to the table, not sure if they actually land there. His hands search her body, starting at the hips, moving along the curves at her waist, up her back then down again. One hand slides to the nape of her neck, pulling her mouth into his as their kisses grow hungrier.

He only stops because he's out of breath, starved for oxygen. He pulls back just an inch, keeping her close. She looks up at him, fingers tangled in his hair, eyes glued to his like she couldn't look away if she tried.

He lifts a hand to her cheek, stroking it with a thumb. She scrunches her nose a little, a twinkle in her eyes.

It's these little movements as much as the touch of her—the nuances of expression, how her face seems to glow— that makes being with her such an escape. It's just her way, the little things that make her who she is, that make him love her.

He lifts a hand to her other cheek, framing her face. He gazes down at her a moment before he descends, his lips pressing softly to hers.

"You feel good," he murmurs, dropping a hand to her waist.

She smiles, stroking back a lock of his hair.

"And you…" She pulls away. She looks at him a few seconds, the gleam in her eyes fading. "Feel exhausted."

He grunts.

She cups his cheek, concerned.

"How long have you been awake?" She tilts her head.

He glances up, searching his mind.

He went to bed last night. But he's pretty sure he just laid there, not quite asleep, not quite awake…

"That's…" She tsks. "Not a good sign." She tucks his hair behind his ear. "If you can't remember how long you've been awake, that means it's time for a nap."

"The Supreme Leader does not take naps." He straightens. "The Supreme Leader barely has time to sleep."

"Well…" Rey looks disapproving. "The Supreme Leader is human, so maybe he should act like it."

He rolls his eyes, dropping his hand. He steps around her, moving to the head of the table.

"I'm surprised you're not tired…" He pulls out a chair near the end, lowering. "I hear you had a busy night." He shoots her a look as he settles down.

Rey instantly brightens.

"I've been recovering in the Falcon all day." She skips towards him. "Had a lot of sleep to catch up on after eleven raids." She stops in front of him, bouncing a little.

He leans back, staring evenly.

She bites her lip, barely able to contain herself.

"Oh, come on!" She slips onto the seat beside him. "Aren't you going to say something?" She scoots her chair to face him.

He rests an elbow on the table.

She wiggles, impatient for a response.

"I took your advice." She leans in. "I got aggressive, sent a message."

"You certainly did." He looks away.

Her face falls. She sits up, bringing her hands to her lap.

"You disapprove?" She knits her eyebrows. "But… It was your idea."

He sighs.

"I…" She shifts a little. "I just did what you said, went after their pockets. Now I have a million pounds of drugs and spice I have no idea what to do with." She widens her eyes.

He remains still. She watches, her confusion deepening.

"You…" He finally looks at her. "Couldn't have chosen target who didn't have dealings with the First Order?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Ah." She looks down. "I see."

For a moment, they're both silent. Rey stares at her hands.

"Actually…" She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "That's part of the reason why he was chosen. My team liked the idea of hitting the slavers and the First Order at the same time. That and we had a really good contact in Raiden's court."

He twitches but remains silent.

Rey presses her lips together.

"It's…" She straightens. "Not really that big of a deal, is it? He just a pawn, right? Moves around all your mining profits in the Colonies?"

Kylo grunts.

"Not anymore, he doesn't." He crosses his arms. "The way I hear it, barely anyone's shipping a thing in the region now."

She rolls her eyes.

"People are overacting." She shakes her head. "It's just Raiden stirring up trouble, trying to look like the victim in all this. Merchants have nothing to fear as long as they're not slaving. And…" She scrunches her face. "What's the First Order doing working with slavers, anyway?"

"Rey…" He sighs. "You do realize that's not all they are, don't you?" He looks up. "To you, they're slavers, but to us they're business partners. They deal in all kinds of goods, have transport networks, regional influence. They're convenient allies for tasks we don't have infrastructure for yet."

"Ok…" She starts slowly. "But Raiden can be replaced, can't he?"

He looks down.

"There are other big-time merchants in the area, ones who aren't slaving, right?

He hardens his jaw.

Rey leans forward, resting her forearms on her knees. He can feel her eyes on him.


He stares at the floor, arms crossed.

"Ben…?" She puts a hand on his knee.

He instantly softens. It's more of a reflex than a conscious action, a natural response to her touch.

He looks up.

Her eyes locks onto his, curious and full of concern.

"Ben, what's really going on?" She tilts her head. "There's no way you're this upset over losing a shipper. So, what is it?"

He doesn't answer. Instead, he just studies her a moment, her clear eyes, her soft expression. She always looks so ingenuous…

He sits up, uncrossing his arms.

She leans away, withdrawing her hand.

"You're…" He purses his lips. "Developing quite the reputation these days… Chainbreaker." He squints.

Her eyes flicker.

"You're generating a lot of talk." He rests a forearm on the table. "Drawing a lot people to the Resistance, emboldening them…"

Rey just stares evenly.

"And now you're pirating, at least that's the way the generals see it. They think you're a menace."

She hardens, a flash of defiance in her eyes.

They stare at each other wordlessly. He drums his fingers on the table then stops, flattening his palm.

"They want me to arrest you." His eyes are fixed on hers. "They think it's the best response to the Resistance's activities of late."

At this, she looks away.

"Like…?" She gulps.

"Like interfering with upcoming negotiations." His tone is flat. "Recruiting donors out of planets we're negotiating with now."

She presses her lips together.

"And this." He shoots up, striding to the center of the table.

She shifts, following him with her eyes.

He stops, reaching for a control panel at the edge. A second later, the table comes alive, a holo popping up from a small projector in the middle. At first, it's just a menu, a list of items. He navigates through until he reaches one entitled "Resistance Propo: Kaddak."

Rey sinks the moment he gets there.

He selects the item, then steps back, clasping his hands behind him.

A holo begins play above the table. It's short, only ten seconds, but it loops on repeat. It shows two Stormtroopers in the center of an operational camp, tents surrounding them. They're wielding electric batons, striking a man curled in the fetal position on the ground. He's thin and poorly dressed, clearly a slave. The man whimpers, tensing against the blows. At the bottom of the holo, words roll by, the same phrase translated into a dozen languages.

"The First Order helping the slaves."

Kylo lets the holo play for a minute. Then he reaches for the control panel and it disappears, the room becoming quiet.

Rey sits back in her chair, staring at the table.

He walks to his seat.

"There's been quite a bit of speculation…" He stops beside it, his back to her. "Everyone's wondering how the Resistance was able to get their hands on a recording taken from inside a First Order operational camp after an invasion they had no way of knowing would happen." He turns to face her.

She's still staring at the table.

"Rey…" He draws out her name.

She sighs, shifting.

"That holo was taken by someone from your team, was it not?"

She remains silent.

He glares at her.

"Did you know about this?" He demands. "Did you do this?"

"No." She snaps up. "At least, I didn't take the holo. I didn't even know someone snuck a recorder into the camp until afterwards…" She looks away.


"And…" She keeps her eyes on the table. "I told them we should wait to release it until after Llanic so we could get more footage."

"But there was no footage because that didn't happen on Llanic. I took care of it."

"I know." Her shoulders drop. "But…" She bites her lip. "Everyone wanted to release it anyway."

"And you let them?" He balks. "Even though you knew I'd taken care of the problem?"

She hangs her head.

"Rey…" He covers his eyes with a palm. "Why would you do that?"

"What was I supposed to do!?" She swings around in her chair. "This was always part of the plan, Ben. Everyone knew that." She widens her eyes. "I started this project to fight slavery, bolster our numbers, and eventually…" She pauses. "Use holos to make the First Order look bad for not doing anything about it." She sinks. "But then you did start doing something, so we decided to show how you were mucking it up."

"Mucking it up!?"

"Ben…" She closes her eyes. "Surely, you must know those operational camps are little better than prisons. Your troopers aren't trained to give humanitarian aid. They only know how to follow orders and bully people."

"I am doing the best I can with what I have." He shoots forward.

"I know that." She sighs. "But think about it from my perspective. I'm a Resistance leader, I was sitting on a holo that could bring negative attention to the First Order, and…" She shakes her head. "I had to do something. My team was all over me about it, and I didn't have a good reason to say no."

He growls under his breath

"Ben." She sits up. "Please understand. I'm under a lot of pressure right n—"

"You're under a lot of pressure!?" He roars. "You don't know the meaning of the word." He sticks a finger in her face. "I've been hounded to do something about the Resistance for over a year." He beats his chest. "Half the people in this organization want to blow your bases to smithereens, and I've been holding them back like snarling dogs."

She flinches.

"And now you're gallivanting all over the galaxy, stirring up trouble…" He fumes. "Releasing holos, trying to slow down our negotiations…" He shakes his head. "I can't just do nothing anymore, Rey. I have to respond to this."

She sits up with a flash of panic.


He glares at her, jaw hardened. He feels her fear as well as he sees it, a cold pang in her chest. He stares at her a few seconds, black eyes piercing.

Then, he turns to the console.

"I don't know," he says quietly.

Rey gulps. She watches him a moment, then looks down, bringing her hands to her lap. She stares blankly, that coldness deepening. For a minute, neither of them say a word.

Finally, Kylo moves to his seat, lowering. He leans against the chair, crossing his arms, eyes on the table. They sit side by side, not glancing at each other once.

But they can't help but sense the other's emotions. They seem to blend into one, that dread at the pit of their stomachs, growing heavier with every second…

It's the cruelest irony. They're reaching the brink of war just as they've become so intimate. It's like the closer they get to one another, the closer they're organizations get to ripping each other to shreds.

The universe is laughing at them…

Kylo leans forward, resting his forearms on the table. He sighs, clasping his hands together.

"Rey…" He finally breaks the silence.

She doesn't respond.

"You…" He stares at his hands. "You asked me to think the idea of finding a diplomatic solution to this war."

She perks up.

"Well, I've thought about it."

She looks at him expectantly.

He turns to her.

"And I've decided I can't even consider it as long as the Resistance is stirring up trouble." His eyes darken. "I can't open up negotiations with an organization that's actively undermining mine. If you're serious about this…" He leans in. "I need you to convince the Resistance to back off."

"What?" Her eyes fly wide. "I can't do that."

"Sure, you can."

"Ben…" She shakes her head. "I'm just a team leader. I don't make those kinds of decisions. Your mother does."

"Look me in the eye…" He leans closer. "And tell me you don't have sway over Resistance leadership right now."

She struggles to maintain her gaze.

"You are their star, Rey." He sits back. "They'd be nothing without you and the entire galaxy knows it. I'm betting you could convince them of anything if you needed to."

She looks down, squirming in her seat.

"When you say back off…" She grips the edge of her chair. "What do you mean?" She glances up.

"I mean…" He dips his chin. "No more damning holos. No more teams trying to convince planets to keep their resources to themselves. And no more recruiting donors from planets we're negotiating with."

"What!?" She gapes at him. "You can't keep us from recruiting donors!"

"You can recruit donors." He twitches. "Just not on planets we're dealing with."

"The only reason we're doing that is because you kept shutting down our donors," she hisses. "How many people have you thrown in prison under false pretenses just because they were giving us money?"

He looks away.

"Fine." He hardens. "You have my word I won't lay a finger on your donors as long as you stay off planets we're negotiating with."

Rey grunts.

"And what I'm supposed to tell Resistance leadership? That I have the personal word of Kylo Ren?"

"I'm sure you'll think of something." He squints at her.

She blows out an exhale.

"This…" She shakes her head. "Will not be easy."

"I'm sure it won't." He keeps his eyes on hers. "But if you really want to end this war without bloodshed, I need you to do it."

"And if I do this…" She crosses her arms. "What do I get in return?"

"You don't get arrested," he replies coldly. "And you'll postpone this war by a few months."

She stiffens.

"I want more than that." She juts her chin up. "You're asking me to do something extremely difficult. I want something comparable from you."


"Yes." She leans back. "A show of good faith, something that demonstrates you'll be willing to work with us when the time comes."

"Like what…?" He narrows his eyes.

"Like…" She purses her lips. "Pausing the construction of Starkiller."

"You're kidding." He leans in. "Rey, I can't do that."

"Why not?" She challenges. "You're the Supreme Leader, aren't you?"

"That doesn't mean I can do whatever I want." His hands fly out beside him. "I have to make decisions with respect to the organization, and for most of the leadership, Starkiller is the embodiment of our power. It's our top priority. I can't just halt construction for no damn reason."

"I didn't say halt." She stares coolly. "I said pause."

He rolls his eyes.

"I can't do that without reason, either. What I supposed to tell everyone?"

"I'm sure you'll think of something." She squints with a glimmer.

He glares at her.

"Ben, you do not need that weapon." She hardens. "You don't want that weapon. I know you…" She leans in. "I know the kind of leader you want to be. You don't want to rule like a bully. You want to be just, fair, respected, someone the galaxy looks up to, not fears."

"But this…" He shakes his head. "Is not just about me."

"What's it about, then?"

He sucks in a breath. He shifts to the table, crossing his arms.

Rey studies him closely.

"Is it…?" She tilts her head. "About Hux?"

He grits his teeth.

She presses her lips together, watching him. A second later, she scoots her chair a little closer.

"Can I ask you something?" She props an elbow on the table.

He doesn't respond, keeping his eyes forward.

"Why can't you…?" She scrunches her face. "Just get rid of Hux, dismiss him from the First Order entirely?"

He lets out a half-laugh, covering his eyes with a palm.

"You have no idea…" He slicks it over his face. "I can't just get rid of him."

"Why not?"

"Because." He snaps to her. "He practically built this organization. Do you think Snoke bothered himself with the niceties of military infrastructure?" He raises an eyebrow. "It was all Hux and his team. He made the First Order into what it is. And those people, the ones who've been here from the beginning, are loyal to him."

Rey knits her eyebrows.

"More to him than you?"

He twitches.

"Some of them, yes." He looks away. "And they'd go with him if he left."

She widens her eyes.

"So, the First Order could split in two?"

He doesn't answer.

Her shoulders sink. She brings her hands in her lap, darkening.

"Can you…?" She bites her lip. "Minimize his influence somehow?"

"You don't think I've tried that?" He bites. "I've done everything I can possibly do. I've filled our ranks with fresh blood, developed relationships with generals who can keep him in check. I've reduced his responsibilities, demerited him. Today, I demoted him."


He nods.

"But it doesn't solve the real problem." He shakes his head.

"What's the real problem?"

He sighs.

"Meric." His lips twist grimly. "DeVries. Ailen, depending on the day. It's all the people in this organization who think like him or are easily swayed by grousing and gossip. I can't just snap my fingers and make them all disappear." He sits up. "I have to…" He furrows his eyebrows. "Convince them, show them what we must become. And to do that…"

He turns to Rey.

"I need time." He leans in. "I can't fight two wars at once. I have to focus on the internal war right now, get this organization stable and unified. I must do this." He tries to hide his desperation, but he hears it seeping through.

She softens.

"Rey…" He reaches for her hand, framing it with both of his. "Please. I need you to convince the Resistance to back off so I can get the First Order where it needs to be. I can't do anything until I do this first." His eyes search hers. "Please."

She gulps. He tries to sense her emotions but he mostly just senses his own, all his fear and determination coursing through her.

She stares at him a few seconds.

Then, she starts to nod.

"Ok," she says quietly. "I'll do it. I'll convince the Resistance to lay low for…?" She glances to the ceiling. "Three months?"

"As long as you can give me." He widens his eyes.

"Alright." She takes a breath. "I'll do what I can."

"Thank you." He squeezes her hand. "Thank you." He brings the backs of her finger to his lips, kissing softly.

She smiles, filling with that warmth he's come to know so well.

But a moment later, the smile fades.

He releases her hand and backs away, sensing the shift.

"But…" She purses her lips. "I still want something in return."

He rolls his eyes, rising from his chair. He turns to walk to the console.

"It's only fair, Ben." She stands. "You have to give me something, anything, at least some hope that—" She sighs, her shoulders drooping. "That this could work, that we can find a way to resolve our differences without fighting."

He halts in front of the console, clasping his hands behind him. He stares at it a minute, the board alive with the flashing of data. He runs through the options in his mind, various scenarios, what makes the most sense in the present situation.

Finally, he turns.

"Ok." He squares his shoulders. "You'll get something in return."

She perks up.

"Tomorrow…" He pauses, holding his gaze. "I'm officially declaring slavery illegal."

She gasps.

"And in two weeks, I'll start shutting down slave markets in the core worlds."

She squeals, bursting forward and leaping into his arms.

"Really!?" Her eyes are like stars.

"Really." He can't help but smile.

She captures his lips, her legs and arms wrapped around him.

"Thank you." She can barely get the words out between kisses. "Thank you."

She drops slowly to the floor and he follows with his lips, never parting from hers. He takes her in eagerly, keeping her close.

And just like that, they become lost, the room fading away as their hands search the other, his at her waist, hers weaving through his hair. The melt into the wet and the warmth, the passion and the love, the bond that pulls them together even as so much else pulls them apart.

Kylo unlocks his lips but doesn't back away, framing her face as he rests his forehead on hers. They both close their eyes, surrendering to their connection. They stay just like this, losing sense of time, sense of space…

Finally, he shifts, bringing his lips to her ear.

"I'll miss you." He drops his hands to her waist.

"What do you mean?" She pulls back.

"I'll have to slow down the invasions." He straightens. "I have to divert resources from somewhere."

"But we're still meeting on Bandomeer, right? My team's leaving tonight."

"Of course. But everything after it…"

She sinks.

"Well…" She takes a breath. "We'll just have to find another reason come together."

"I'm sure we'll figure something out." He lifts a hand to her cheek.

"You know…" She purses her lips. "We'd see each other a lot more if you opened up negotiations with the Resistance."

He grunts.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves." He starts to pull back.

But she stops him, tugging at his shirt.

"Hey." She curls her fingers behind his neck. "You can do this. You know that, right?"

He knits his eyebrows, not catching her meaning.

"Manage Hux, turn the First Order into what you want it to be. You…" She brushes his hair back. "Are a great leader. Even people in the Resistance think so. You're strong, practical, forward-thinking. And you can be inspiring." Her eyes sparkle. "You're showing the galaxy that Kylo Ren is more than a scary man in a mask. You're showing the First Order too." She nods to the room. "Sylas says people love you here."

"Sylas is biased." He raises his eyebrows.

"Oh, I'm sure he is." Rey smiles. "But that's the point. You've earned his loyalty. That boy would do anything for you. I'm sure there are many who would." She cups his cheek. "Think about them. Don't think about Hux and his lot. Think about all the people in the First Order who believe in your vision, believe in you."

He gazes into her eyes, so bright and confident, and it's like he can see them there.

Sylas. Kas. Voigt. Petrov. The colonels, the lieutenants, the captains, his cadets, all the people who respect and admire him.

"Do it for them." She nods. "Protect them from Hux and his nonsense. Build an organization that's best for them, best for the galaxy. Be their hero." She squints, a twinkle in her eyes.

He instantly descends, capturing her lips with his. He basks in the moment, the way she makes him feel, like he can do it all, become what he was meant to be and so much more.

She wraps her arms around him as he cups the nape of her neck, the other hand running along the curves of her body, feeling the warmth.

Suddenly, she jerks back, pushing away.

"What?" He catches his breath.

But a second later, he darkens.

He senses it, that bite of disappointment and yearning, like she's already missing him.

It doesn't matter that he can't sense when the bond is ending. He always feels it in her.

Her eyes tighten. She keeps her gaze on his, soaking up these final moments.

"I'll see you on Bandomeer," she whispers, a hand at his cheek. "Until then, do me a favor…" She tucks a lock of hair behind his ear. "Get some sleep."

She barely utters the words before she disappears, her warm body fading in his arms.

He staggers, somehow surprised even though he knew it was coming. He goes limp, staring at the floor. His eyes are hollow, not registering the image.

He hates this feeling, like he just lost a part of himself. It never gets any easier. If anything, it only gets worse…

He closes his eyes, sinking. It doesn't take long for the exhaustion to set in, bearing down on him in a crushing wave.

He snaps up, squaring his shoulders.

He glances around the room, lingering on the table where he and Rey were sitting. It's like there are traces of her there…

He reviews their conversation, the agreement they came to, that she'll hold the Resistance at bay, buy him time to focus on what he needs to do here.

He feels a swell in his chest and not a small amount of relief. He steps forward.

He walks by the table, slowing to reach for his gloves. He sweeps them up and charges for the door, slapping the panel to exit into the hall.

He takes a sharp turn to the right, adopting his signature stride, brisk, purposeful steps. He pulls on his gloves as he glances around, operators and officers scurrying by. Colonel Russo catches his eye, walking with Vaden. Both men perk up, nodding.

He nods back.

But he doesn't slow. Instead, he picks up his pace, withdrawing into his mind as he charges forward.

There's a lot to get done.

He needs to meet with the head of communications, prepare to announce the new policy on slavery.

He needs to meet with Petrov, discuss adjusting the schedule of invasions, how best to divert their resources. They'll review the plan of attack on Bandomeer while they're at it.

Then, he'll go to that colonel from Voigt's division, the one who organized the raids on Coruscant. He did a fine job there, should do well leading the initiative on the rest of the core worlds.

And if Sylas is back after that, he'll meet with him, get a report on Borosk, bounce around some ideas about Hux and minimizing the fallout from his demotion.

Then, he'll get some sleep.