37. Containment

CHAPTER SUMMARY: The invasion on Bandomeer doesn't go as planned.

The Stormtrooper crouches, his back pressed to a shipping crate. He grips his blaster, ears alert, sensitive to the slightest sound.

He hears them moving back there, whispering. There are at least three of them, maybe more, hiding behind a barricade a few meters away.

The trooper straightens, listening. He glances down when he hears a soft moan.

His friend slouches against the crate, a hand over the wound at his side. His armor's cracked, blood streaming over the white surface and dripping onto the floor. There's a pool of it now…


The wounded man doesn't answer.

"Stay with me, buddy." The trooper keeps his voice low. "Just stay with me. I'm gonna get you outta here." He gulps, looking at his blaster.

His captain's gonna kill him.

He broke the number one rule in combat— Stay with your unit.

He had the chance. There was the smallest window after the grenade went off, a second of quiet. He could've scrambled up and rejoined the others.

But he didn't. He couldn't.

Because Ninety-Six was lying out in the open, badly wounded, an easy target. So, he grabbed him and dragged him behind the crate.

Then chaos broke out again, the scum pelting his unit with fire. Before he knew it, they were all gone, not a single trooper in sight.

At first, he thought he was alone, the room silent as death. But he barely peeked over the crate before he was greeted by a barrage of fire. He instantly ducked and has been hiding ever since. It's felt like forever…

He pops up every minute or so, firing at the scum. They're keeping their distance for now. But when they figure out they've got the upper hand…

The trooper's blood runs cold.

He whips a hand to his helmet, activating his comm.

"This is FN-3184, requesting back-up," he whispers. "I repeat, this is FN-3184, requesting back up immediately."

He holds his breath. A lifetime seems to pass…

Nothing. Again.

He lets out an exhale, resigned to the reality.

No one's coming.

He sinks.

"Hey buckethead!"

He tenses at the call of the scum.

"Hey buckethead, is that just you over there?"

He instantly pops up, meeting the question with a round of fire. He ducks down, squeezing his eyes shut as the scum respond with their own fire, pelting the crate and the area around him. He keeps still until the shots die down.

"Nuuuh…" Ninety-Six moans, tugging at his helmet. He seems to want it off.

"Sorry, buddy." He sidles closer to him. "Gotta keep it on."

"Nuuuh…" He moans again, tugging harder.

Eighty-Four watches him struggle, his throat tightening.

"Ok, ok…" He sets his blaster down. "I got it. I got you." He unclicks the helmet and pulls it off.

Ninety-Six takes a giant gulp of air.

"I don't want to die in that thing…" He mumbles.

"You're not gonna die." Eighty-Four wipes the sweat off his face. "You're gonna make it. We both are."

Ninety-Six just moans, closing his eyes.

"Come on, man." Eighty-Four shakes him gently.

Then, he freezes.

The scum are quiet. Too quiet.

He snatches his blaster, straightening against the crate.

This is it. Any second now…

He grips his weapon, taut and ready.

It's possible he could take all of them out, especially if there are only three. He's well-trained, got a targeting system, better armor…

He can do this.

Eighty-Four takes a breath, trying not to tremble. He closes his eyes, concentrating on the sounds around him— every creak, every movement.

He hears the charge just before it happens.

He shoots to his feet, swinging around and firing. His heart drops at the sight of five attackers leaping over the barricade. He aims for the center, his targeting system honing in.

But suddenly, his attackers fly back in the air, crashing into the barricade behind them.

Eighty-Four gapes.

What the…?

A second later, he realizes what happened. He hears it approaching from behind, the hum of a weapon he's rarely heard yet recognizes immediately.

A lightsaber.

Eighty-Four roars, his heart swelling as he fires at the attackers scrambling to their feet. A couple shoot back but the others widen their eyes, then bolt to the nearest exit.

Eighty-Four follows them with his fire, two of them hitting the ground before they reach the doorway.

That's right! Run, scumbags! Run from the Supreme Leader of the First Order!

He can't wait to tell the others about this. He'll be the only guy in his unit who can say he's fought side by side with Kylo Ren. Thirty-Three's gonna be so jealous…

It takes all of his willpower to keep his eyes forward. Now more than ever, he needs to follow the protocol, make sure the enemy is neutralized.

Eighty-four scurries around the shipping crate, approaching the attackers quickly. He inspects the bodies, the bio-sensor in his helmet scanning for a pulse.

Four dead. One escaped.

He whips around, snapping to attention.

"They're down, sir."

A masked Kylo Ren stands by the crate.

"You know what to do." His voice is distorted.

Eighty-Four nods, turning to the exit. He starts forward.

But his steps are slow.

He knows the protocol. He needs to find the nearest unit and join them. All wounded are to be left where they are until the area is clear and med-vac comes through to pick them up.

But Ninety-Six won't make it that long…

Eighty-Four sinks, moving with a heavy heart.


He halts at the Supreme Leader's command. He straightens, turning to face him.

"Get him to medical." Kylo Ren nods to his friend.

"But…" Eighty-Four shifts a little. "What about the protocol?"

"Tell your captain I overrode the protocol."

For a moment, the trooper just stares, dumfounded.

Then, he scurries to the shipping crate, growing nervous as he approaches. He's never been this close to the Supreme Leader before…

He tries to focus on Ninety-Six, kneeling beside him.

"Hey, buddy." He slips a hand under his shoulders. "It's time. We gotta go."

Ninety-Six moans, eyes closed.

"Come on." He hoists him up. "You're gonna make it, but you gotta help me out." He struggles to lift the dead weight.

Kylo Ren kneels on the other side, helping him bring Ninety-Six to his feet.

"That's it…" Eighty-Four pulls his friend's arm around his shoulders.

Ninety-Six moans, opening his eyes. He balks, nearly collapsing when he sees the Supreme Leader hovering over him.

"Whoa!" Eighty-Four struggles to hold him up.

The Supreme Leader steadies him. Once Ninety-Six gets his footing, Kylo leans over, sweeping the trooper's helmet from the floor. Then he stands, bringing it over the man's head and clicking it into place.

"Go." The Supreme Leader points to where he entered. "Stay on the south side."

"Yes, sir." Eighty-Four nods. "Thank you, sir." He starts hobbling forward with his friend. They're slow at first but soon pick up pace, Ninety-Six starting to carry more of his own weight.

"He's really tall…" The wounded man mutters as they reach the doorway.

"Yeah, and he just saved both our asses."

Kylo watches as they leave.

Then he turns, snatching the comm at his side.

"Southwest's clear. Send in med-vac."

"Sending them now, sir."

He reattaches the device, glancing around.

The room's clearly for storage, heavy crates stacked along the walls and strewn across the floor. Along with many bodies…

Kylo starts towards the other side.

These mining facilities all look the same. They're starting to run together, warehouses and processing centers built over a labyrinth of tunnels. This one's relatively small, but the mines under it are massive, stretching out for miles to the west.

He hopes Rey stays close to the compound.

He glances down as he steps over a body, one of Dark Shield's men. There are several of their own here too, more than he'd expect…

He sighs as he strides forward. He can't stop the thought from crossing his mind.

Part of him is itching to lead his own cadets into battle, put their skills to the test.

And part of him dreads the day.

He shakes his head, charging to the next room.

There are always casualties in war. It's just the nature of the thing. It's never bothered him before.

But back then, he didn't know the faces, the personalities behind the helmets. Now that he's building his own unit, getting to know the men, watching them grow…

Seeing soldiers lost in battle feels… different.

He sucks in a breath, pushing the thought to the side. He has more important things to focus on.

He grabs his lightsaber as he moves to the hall ahead, switching it on.

There are enemies close by. He senses their fear.

He barely gets two steps in before a throng of men rage into the hall, roaring and firing their blasters.

Kylo deflects the shots with the swing of his blade, then charges into the fray, meeting an attacker with a hard punch to the chest, the crossguard of his saber searing his flesh.

The man flies back, crashing into the others behind him.

He grips another man by the neck, slamming him to the wall with a crack. He slashes at the next, then grabs him and casts him down the hall. He rips and rends through oncoming bodies until they're nothing but a tangle of limbs, battered and bloodied on the floor.

He steps over the mess, continuing forward. There's a much bigger fight ahead… He can hear the chaos, screaming and thrashing.

He picks up his pace, his lips turning up.

He's enjoyed being on the ground for these invasions…

He lifts his weapon, preparing to slice through the door ahead.

But he halts at the sound of his comm.

"This is command with a request from 928-C."

He knits his eyebrows, reaching for the device.

Why would Sylas contact him mid-battle…?

"Request approved."

The comm goes quiet. Kylo lowers his hand, waiting.

"Sir." Sylas comes through a few seconds later. "We've got a problem."

"What do you mean?" Kylo darkens.

"The beacon's going off. You know, the beacon."

He goes cold.

Rey's calling the shuttle? Now?

"It's been going off for five minutes, and it's on the move."

"Where's it headed?" Kylo turns, charging down the hall.

"It started at the Northeast corner and is moving down."

"To the harbor?"

"Looks like it."

"How long until it gets there?" He picks up his pace.

"Maybe… ten minutes?" Sylas sounds worried. "And sir, I think you should hurry. One of the colonels just said a shipping depot exploded right where the beacon went off."

"I'm on my way." Kylo breaks into a run.

He races into the storeroom, heading straight for the next one, going back the way he came.

He needs to get to the nearest entrance to the mines. He passed one not five minutes ago…

He slides over a pool of blood, nearly losing balance. He sprints through another storeroom, then flies into a main hall, eyes trained on the end of it.


He leaps over bodies, starting to see the outline of an opening in the floor.

He skids as he approaches, then barrels down the staircase.

It's dim at first, a light strip attached to every other step. But by the time he reaches the bottom, it's as bright as the compound, industrial lights affixed to the ceiling.

He glances around the room, large with the earthen walls, minecarts lined up beside them.


He looks around wildly, noting two tunnels ahead, one to the left, a large opening in the right corner. He moves swiftly to the opening, his heart swelling as he turns the corner.

A railway.

This has to lead straight to the port. He'll make it to the harbor before she does.

He bursts down the tracks, staying in the center, heart pounding, senses heightened.

He feels her… It's faint but distinct, the energy of her presence calling him forward.

He picks up to a sprint, arms swinging by his sides, body on fire, burning under thick layers of fabric. He's both frenzied and focused, mind racing, Force senses fixed on her.

He knew this was going too well. Dark Shield's not the most dangerous gang they've come up against, but they're certainly the most motivated. After what the Empire did to this planet, every one of them are willing to die a thousand deaths to keep the First Order off it.

He shoots down the railway, following the curve of the tunnel, boots pumping against flat strips of metal. He's running so fast everything's a blur yet he feels like he's crawling.

He whips around curves, races down straight shots, willing his body to move faster. He runs and runs and runs, his lungs exploding in his chest, but he never slows. His eyes are fixed on the path ahead, his body consumed by call of her presence, getting closer every second.

He's so focused he barely senses the attack in time.

He ducks, hitting the ground just as the shots go off behind him. They fly overhead as he whips around, crouched.

Two attackers advance down the railway, firing off another round.

But Kylo catches the shots, freezing them in mid-air.

The attackers back away as he stands.

Kylo extends a hand, sending the shots back to them just as they turn to run. One of them cries out, plasma ripping though his body, then collapses. The other stumbles, a shot piercing his shoulder just as he ducks into an opening.

Kylo races after him, grabbing his lightsaber and switching it on. He flies through the opening into a wide tunnel with wooden panels along the sides. He sprints forward, sensing his attacker not far.

He sees him just as he rounds a curve. He's several meters ahead, preparing to duck into another tunnel.

But Kylo freezes him in place before he gets the chance. He charges up to him, lightsaber humming at his side. The attacker struggles as he approaches, trying to break free of his invisible grip.

"What are you doing here?" Kylo stops behind him.

He doesn't wait for a response. He just lifts a hand over the attacker's head, pushing into his mind.

A few seconds later, he withdraws, darkening.

He steps back, thrusting his saber through the man's chest. The attacker barely makes a sound as Kylo switches off his weapon, watching him collapse to the ground.

The man was on patrol. Dark Shield's rigged the mines to blow, and he was guarding the bombs, one of several teams…

Kylo turns into the tunnel, a sick feeling in his gut. He breaks onto a run, reaching out with his Force senses.

He needs to find Rey now.

He picks up to a sprint, heading for a doorway at the end of a straight shot. He bursts into a small room, nearly empty except for a few crates arranged into a makeshift table. He races into another tunnel, her presence growing stronger. He focuses on her rather than his surroundings, navigating by instinct.

He starts to hear it, faint at first but growing louder with every second. It's an army of footsteps, moving quickly.

Kylo races down the tunnel, then ducks into another one, following the noise. The closer he gets, the more he feels the urgency, a convergence of frayed nerves filling the air with fear.

He flies around a curve and sees them just ahead, a crowd of people, skinny and sallow, scurrying through a tunnel crossing this one. He approaches quickly, boots pumping against the ground.

A few of the passerbys turn, eyes wide.

"Patrol!" One of them shouts.

The crowd jerks apart, ducking away.

Kylo slows, reaching up to unclick his mask and pull it overhead.

The people watch in fear as he enters the tunnel. They squish themselves against the wall, creating an open path on the other side.


He swings around, tucking the mask in the crook of his arm.

Rey races down the open path.

"You need to pull your troops out now." She grabs his arm, jerking him forward.

"What's going on?"

"They're on to us." She moves swiftly. "They knew we'd be here. They knew someone would be here."

"What do you mean?"

"Usually, the mines clear out after you show up, but this time there was patrol all over. I tried to manage it, mind tricked a bunch of them, but…" She shakes her head. "There were too many. We barely got half the rescues out when—" She tenses. "The whole depot went up in flames, everyone inside it…"

"Your team?"

She cringes. He feels her heartache, a heaviness just under the frenzy.

"Some of them made it but…" Her throat tightens. "Several were lost in the explosion. I'm not sure exactly. I was underground when it happened." She releases his arm as she gets to the front of the crowd, gesturing for them to follow. "And now I can't sense Min or anyone in her crew."


"Explosives unit." She picks up her pace as she rounds a curve. "They set to work this morning, and I haven't heard from them since. I've been reaching out, searching for them, but…" Her voice breaks.

"Rey." Kylo brings a hand to her back. "This isn't your fault."

"Yes, it is." She sucks in a breath. "They were my team, my responsibility."

"No." He shakes his head. "You didn't expect patrol. You had no reason to."

"I can't do anything about it now." She hardens, charging on. "All I can do is get these people to safety, and you have to do the same for yours."

He nods, grabbing his comm.

"Freeze inactive units and withdraw med-vac," he commands. "Get all equipment off the mines and pull active units out in stages, two every five minutes. Others should maintain the assault but are not to push further into the compound."

"Ben!" Rey grabs his arm. "You have to get all of them out. This place is gonna blow any—"

"Yes, sir!" The comm interrupts her.

"Rey." Kylo moves swiftly. "If I order a full retreat now, whoever's controlling the bombs will set them off."

She sinks, slowing.

"Then, we have to move, get to the port and onto the barges." She picks up her pace. "Then, you can pull out your troops, and we'll take the rescues across the harbor."

"You realize Dark Shield will be there." He rounds a curve with her.

"So, one of us will distract them while the other gets the rescues to safety."

"I'll be the distraction," he volunteers. "You deal with the slaves."

"We're close." Rey looks to the ceiling. "I can smell the sea." She runs ahead to an opening at the end of the tunnel.

Kylo glances behind him, hushed voices rising to a buzz.

"Shhh!" Rey whips around, bringing an index finger to her lips.

It doesn't do much good. The buzz dies down but there's still a low murmur, the slaves whispering furiously.

Rey extends a palm, and they start to slow. She gestures for Kylo to come forward.

"Go up through the railway." She points to the opening. "There's lots of cover in the port, big containers. Draw the attack right, and I'll take the rescues through entrance on the left."

"Don't go up until you hear fire." He takes his mask from the crook of his arm. "And stay low."

She nods, taking a breath. She looks determined but he feels her guilt, her terror, her sense of defeat.

"Hey." He brings a hand to her cheek. "Stop beating yourself up. We have a job to do, and we'll get it done together. Ok?"

"Ok." She lifts a hand to his wrist.

He leans in, briefly touching his forehead to hers.

Then, he straightens, lifting the mask and pulling it overhead.

She starts to back away.

"I'm not leaving without you." Her gaze is steady.

He nods. Then, he steps through the opening and onto the tracks.

He turns left, daylight pouring in from the top of a slope. He can hear birds outside, but little else, an encouraging sign. The fighting hasn't made here yet, and anyone in the port won't expect an attack from this direction.

He takes his saber from his side, but doesn't turn it on. He creeps up the slope, hunched over, careful to keep his boots from clinging against the railway. His Force senses are heightened, reaching out…

If he concentrates, he can approximate how many are up there.

He halts halfway up the slope, closing his eyes. He feels the energy of the sea, life teaming in the depths. He feels fear behind him, Rey and the slaves on edge.

But he doesn't sense a presence in the port, at least nothing distinct. Perhaps he's having trouble distinguishing the slaves from Dark Shield's men?

It makes sense. They'd both be feeling similar emotions, anticipation and dread.

He opens his eyes, resuming his progress up the slope. He grips his saber as he nears the top, preparing to switch it on. He pictures the port in his mind, large shipping containers in stacks, loading equipment, maybe some transports… Lots of things to throw around.

That's what he'll do first, toss a stack of containers across the room, knock down the first wave of attackers. Then he'll charge, keep them at the back of the port while Rey sneaks everyone to the front.

He straightens, picking up his pace, adopting that strange sense of calm in chaos. He emerges into the port, immediately turning and lifting a hand.

But he drops his arm.

He scans the port, knitting his eyebrows.

It's exactly how he pictured it, if not messier. There's a couple of open generators, parts splayed across the floor, stacks of containers, a broken-down transport, supply lifts, a few birds perched on top of them.

But there are no people. No Dark Shield.

Kylo steps off the tracks, heading to the back of the port.

He hears the sea. And the birds. He hears his footsteps, slow and measured.

But there's nothing else. He can't even hear the battle.

He picks up his pace, scanning the surroundings, half expecting attackers to pop out from behind the containers. He approaches a stack, walking around to see what's behind them.


He starts to the other side but halts, red blade shooting out at the sound of a metal clang.

A bird flies overhead, the equipment it knocked to the ground still rattling on the floor.

He shakes his head, turning off his weapon. He continues through the port, searching for entry points as he approaches the back wall. He can see several, but they're all sealed shut.

This is strange… The port should be crawling with Black Shield, wounded running from the battle, men regrouping for another phase of attack.

Unless, they're trying to keep the First Order in the center of the compound. Maybe they're creating a wall of defense, getting them to send in more and more troops so they can maximize casualties when they set off the bombs.


He turns, striding to the front of the port.

Whatever the reason, he can't waste time figuring it out. He needs Rey to get slaves on their way so he can order a full retreat.

He picks up his pace, attaching his saber to his side. He passes the opening to the railway, following the tracks to another opening not far. He lifts his hands to his mask, unclicking it and pulling it overhead. He turns when he reaches the entrance, barreling down the staircase. He doesn't get halfway before he sees Rey at the bottom, looking up expectantly.

"It's clear." He gestures for her to come up.

"Really?" She walks up a few steps.

"Really. Looks like you caught a break."

She scoffs weakly.

"About six hours too late." She shakes her head, turning back down.

He heads up the stairs, tucking his mask in the crook of his arm. Just as he reaches the top, he hears whispers behind him, the slaves scurrying up quickly. He turns to find Rey at the head of the pack, stopping next to him to instruct the others to move forward. She touches a few of them lightly as they pass.

"I'll start moving them onto the barges." Rey looks up. "Stay here until the last of them pass, then call your troops out."

He nods.

She touches his arm, widening her eyes. She doesn't have to say the words for him to hear them.

Almost there.

She turns, jogging by the crowd making its way to the front of the port.

He watches until she disappears, then shifts to the throngs of slaves scurrying by. He sighs, covering his eyes with a palm.

They're about to lose a lot men, not to mention the mines. It'll be Apatros all over again, a spectacular mess.

Another weapon in Hux's arsenal…

Kylo drags his palm over his face.

The slaves pass in waves, whispering excitedly. They feel different now, fear eclipsed by anticipation. They're on their way to life, to freedom.

He steps forward, peering down the stairs. There are still crowds of them coming up, but they're moving quickly.

All of them at least glance at him as they go, curious and a little awestruck. He wonders how many of them know who he is…

He leans in, looking down the stairs again. There are still throngs making their way up, but surely, most of them have passed by now…

He straightens, snatching his comm.

"Pull the troops out," he commands. "I want transports in the air for evac but keep a safe distance from the compound."

He sighs, reattaching the device.

Most of them won't make it, but they have to try. Even if they only save a few, it'll be worth the effort.

"Right away, sir." A response crackles through the comm.

The whispering of the slaves rises to a low buzz, filling the port. Kylo glances around, nervous they'll draw attention.

But he sees nothing.


He whips around at Rey's call.


He runs by the crowd, following her voice. He feels a wave of panic as he reaches the front. He looks around, the slaves packed onto a wide dock that wraps around the compound on both sides.

But there are no barges.


He finds Rey pushing through the crowd.

"The barges…" She runs up to him. "I don't understand. They were here yesterday."

"Did you check the sides?" He turns as he asks the question.

"Of course, I did!" She grabs his arm. "But they're not there. They're not anywhere."

The buzz of the slaves rises, cries filling the dock.

Kylo snatches his comm.

"Send evac to the southeast quadrant," he commands. "I need transports for airlift out of the harbor now."

"Yes, sir!"

"It's Dark Shield." He reattaches his comm. "It's why the port was empty. Some of them must've used the barges to escape." He turns to Rey. "You need to get these people in the sea."

"What!?" She jerks back. "But they can't swim!"

"They don't have to swim, just tread water until evac gets here."

"Ben, most of them haven't even stepped foot in water before!" Her hands fly out beside her. "They'll drown!"

"Well, they'll either drown out there, or burn to death right here!" He points down.

Several of the slaves gasp. Their fear reaches a fever pitch, a wave of hysteria ripping through the crowd.

Rey brings a hand to her forehead, frenzy splitting her in two.

"We don't have time for this." He grabs her arm. "Get in the water. They'll follow your lead." He pulls her to the edge of the dock.


Suddenly, they hear a boom in the distance, followed a low rumble shaking the docks.

Kylo whips to the port, expecting to see it burst into flames.

But it just rattles violently, the bombs going off in waves, starting in the center and cascading out.

And that's when he feels it. It's subtle, the smallest ripple in the Force, but he recognizes it from the training room.

It's the feeling he gets when Rey freezes time.

He whips to the sea.

And his jaw drops.

Rey's crouching, both arms extended beside her, palms flat.

But he's not looking at her. He's looking at the harbor.

It's… parted. Two walls of water shoot high in the air, a wide path between them.

In an instant, throngs of slaves start stampeding over the dock and down a muddy slope, desperate to escape the boom of explosives getting closer.

"Take them across." Rey's eyes are closed. "Now."

"W-Wha…?" Kylo gapes. "What about you?"

"I'm coming. Focus on them."

Without thinking, he drops his mask and jumps over the dock, sliding down the slope. He races with the crowd, gaining some distance before turning.

It's utter chaos, a river of bodies pouring over the dock, pushing so violently they're trampling each other. He's nearly swept up by the current, the masses pulling him back.

He Force-pushes them away, creating a split second of space so he can dodge from the crowd. They're racing down the path, shrieking and panicked, the ground shaking as the boom of explosives gets closer.

Kylo lifts a hand to the stampede, closing his eyes and concentrating as he reaches out through the Force.

It's been a while since he's done this, but urgency is a powerful motivator. First, he finds it in himself, a steady core like the eye of a storm, then projects it outward, manipulating the energy of the crowd, keeping them from trampling each other.

He's surprised by how easily it comes to him. Usually, he does this to create mass panic, not the opposite.

He feels the air change, fear tempering to a calm sense of focus.

Suddenly, a thunderous boom rips through his ears.

Kylo jerks to the dock.

But all he sees are billows of flames. They seem to hit a wall, an invisible barrier where the dock once stood.

He searches for Rey, feeling her just before he sees her. She's standing at the bottom of the slope, palms extended to the walls of water on either side.

He can't help but gape.

How is she doing this?

It's unparalleled, unheard of, manipulating physical environments on this scale.

Kylo stares for a few seconds before he shakes himself from his stupor, noticing several slaves helping survivors of the stampede from the mud.

He sees a woman crawling not far from Rey. He runs up to her, scanning a few bodies face down on the ground.

They're still, lifeless forms covered in footprints.

He grabs the woman, lifting her to her feet but she can't stand, one of her legs visibly mangled. He scoops her up, looking around.

The rest of the wounded hobble forward, aided by the few who stayed behind. He walks to Rey who slowly makes her way down the path, eyes closed.

"I'm ok." She assures as he approaches. "Go. Keep them moving."

He lingers beside her a moment. She feels strange, not like herself, like part of her isn't there.

He backs away, then turns to the crowd. He moves swiftly, glancing at the woman in his arms.

She's covered in mud, an arm wrapped around his neck. She's not looking at him but the sky, eyes wide, moving from side to side.

He can hardly blame her. The scene is surreal, like something from a dream.

Two walls of water shoot high overhead, creating a rushing sound like they're inside a wave. The walls look alive, water flowing up in a surging current. A few birds dive down, flying close to the sides as though hoping to pluck out some food.

Kylo directs his attention to the crowd, moving slowly now. The path is wide and jagged, covered with seaweed and mossy boulders, a few fish flopping in the mud. A handful of slaves lag by the side, mesmerized, reaching out to touch the wall of water.

"Keep moving." Kylo comes up behind them.

They widen their eyes, then scurry to rejoin the crowd.

He glances back at Rey.

She's several meters behind, walking slowly, eyes closed.

Suddenly, he jerks to the sky.

A First Order transport flies overhead.

Then another.

Then another.

He sucks in a breath, returning his attention to the crowd.

"Move!" He barks. He keeps his head down, adjusting his grip on the woman in his arms.

"Move!" He pushes through the slaves. "Now!"

They start to pick up their pace.

"Sir." His comm is barely audible above the sound of rushing water. "Evac's at the harbor but uh…" The voice trails off.

Another transport flies overhead.

"It's uh… There's…"

Kylo looks to the sky.

A couple of the transports hover above the walls of water.

"Sir, you have to see this." The voice crackles.

He tenses.

"Go!" He elbows a man lagging beside him. "Go!"

He looks to the other side of the harbor.

They're close. A quarter of a mile, maybe less.

"Keep moving!" He tries to keep his head down but can't resist the urge to glance up.

There's a host of transports hovering above them now, six at least. No, seven…

One moves to the center, turning to fit between the walls of water.

"Go!" Kylo bellows. "Get on with it!"

He looks to the transport.

It descends a little, hovering high over the open space between the crowd and Rey. She's even further behind now, moving slowly.

Surely, it's not going to try to land here…

"Keep moving!" He barks.

The slaves scurry forward at a brisk pace, the front of the crowd not far from dry land.

He glances back.

The transport's descended nearly halfway down, closer to Rey than the crowd.

What is it doing...?

The next instant, Kylo goes cold, realizing the answer.

It's recording.

And uploading the holo to the First Order mainframe.

He looks to the sky.

Nine transports hover above the walls of water.

He growls, pushing through the crowd to a tall man just ahead.


The man and a few others halt, looking back.

"Take her." Kylo thrusts the woman in his arms towards the slave.

He widens his eyes, but does as Kylo asks. She's dazed, eyes glued to the sky, hardly noticing the transfer.

"Now, go!" Kylo points forward.

The man turns, moving away.

Kylo snatches his comm, pushing through the crowd.

"Get those damn transports out of the sky!" He barks into the device. "They're to land by the harbor and stay put until I say otherwise." He sucks in a breath.

"Yes, sir!"

He looks back at the transport hovering near Rey.

"And wipe any holos they're uploading to the mainframe." Kylo tenses, nearly crushing his comm.

"Right away, sir!"

He trembles as he reattaches the device, blood like pin picks in his veins. He looks ahead to see the front of the crowd crawling up the side of the harbor.

He glances up.

The transports are still hovering like spectators over an arena.

Kylo growls, clenching his fists.

If they don't start moving in five seconds—

As if on cue, the transport near Rey ascends, flying up from between the walls of water. The others disappear one by one, though they lag, seeming reluctant.

He pushes out an exhale.

"Keep moving!"

The slaves make their way briskly, but it's all Kylo can do not to shove them, get them to move faster. There's a river of bodies crawling up a muddy slope not far, a crowd gathering on dry land.

He glances back at Rey.

She's so far behind he can't make out her expression. She's still walking slowly, arms extended out like she's holding up the walls of water with her bare hands.

He jerks forward, mind racing, assessing the damage.

He doesn't have to worry about the slaves. They'll talk, but no one will believe them, least of all anyone in the First Order. The flight crews on those transports, however…

He darkens.

What is it they've seen, really?

Slaves escaping the explosion through a phenomenon they don't understand, an anonymous girl at the center of it. They'll have ideas about who she is, of course. He can guess what the leading theory will be…

And they're about to find him in the middle of this mess. There will be a lot of questions… And imaginations will go wild supplying the answers.

A cold pang of fear grips him.

He needs to contain this, get Rey off this planet as soon as possible. Then, he'll send the flight crews away, separate them and assign them somewhere remote.

He jerks from his thoughts, slowing as he reaches the slope. He glances back to see how many are behind him.

Not many, less than a hundred.

He starts making his way up, careful of his footing as he steps over slick boulders covered in moss.

He emerges at the top, moving with the crowd. They're spreading out, cries of relief rippling through them. Many seem dazed like they're half-awake but others are smiling and embracing.

He turns right.

The transports are on the ground, not far from the slaves. They're all open, the flight crews standing outside, gaping at the harbor.

He shifts to face it.

The last of the slaves are crawling up the slope. Only Rey remains below, walking with measured steps, not the slightest sense of urgency in her movements. Everyone's eyes are on her as she makes her way down the path.

"I told you she was the Chainbreaker." One of slaves nudges another.

Kylo backs away.

Suddenly, Rey drops her arms and bursts into a full-on sprint. The walls of water crash down, starting on the opposite side of the harbor and folding over into a gushing flood.

The slaves gasp, backing up as Rey races to the bottom of the slope and flips high in the air.

She lands crouching, a giant wave crashing over her, soaking her and everyone standing close to the edge.

The water sinks, the sea swallowing the cavity where the mines once were.

Rey stands, looking down at herself like she's surprised to find she's drenched.

For a moment, the crowd just stares.

Then, a few of the slaves put their hands over their hearts and bow. The movement's contagious, heads dipping down all over the crowd.

Rey glances around self-consciously.

Suddenly, a woman bursts forward, enveloping her in a tight embrace. All at once, the slaves erupt in cheers, waving their arms. Throngs of them rush at Rey and Kylo moves with them, pushing through the crowd.


He shoves past the slaves.


Rey catches his eye and starts towards him, weaving through the masses. She's elated, a huge grin on her face.

But it falls as he gets close.

"Rey." He grabs her arm. "You need to get off this planet."

"What?" She jerks back.

"In five minutes, head to the transports." He nods right.

"Ben, what's going on—"

He turns away, the slaves hardly noticing as he pushes past them. He fights his way through until he emerges from the mass, charging straight to the transports.

The flight crews are gathered together, their attention on the commotion now. They're eyes move to him as he approaches, not realizing who he is until he's close.

Several of them raise their eyebrows, surprised. He must be a sight, drenched and covered in mud.

"Get back on the transports." He halts in front of them. "Except this one." He points to the closest ship. "Who's the pilot for this one?"

"Me, sir." A woman steps forward.

He turns to her, opening his mouth to speak.

But he stops.

The flight crews just stand there, staring like idiots.


In an instant, they disperse.

"Seal them, shut down communications, and stay put until I say otherwise," he barks. He turns to the pilot, twitching. "Get in the cockpit and wait there."

She knits her eyebrows.

"Without my crew, sir?" She points to three others who lag nearby, unsure where to go.

"Assign them to another ship." He grits his teeth.

She shrinks, turning to her crew.

"Go with T-4160," she directs them.

He shifts away, sucking in a breath.

The slaves are all huddled together, moving like a single body, a swirling mass of laughing and cheering.

Kylo watches, their joy washing over him. It's a strange dissonance, elation grating against his own feelings, a dread at the pit of his stomach. He keeps his eyes forward, searching the masses, waiting for Rey.

It seems like a lifetime before she appears, the crowd opening up to let her through. They start to follow her, but she turns back, holding up a hand. She tells them something, he can't hear what, then continues to the transports.

He waits, hands clasped behind him. She smiles as she approaches but her eyes reflect her true feelings, confusion and concern.

"Come on." He turns, ascending the ramp.

She follows close behind.

He steps into the ship, large with four rows of seats and plenty of space in between.

"Ben, what's going on?"

He whips around.

"I need you off this planet." He keeps his voice low. "I assume your team has a rendezvous point?"

"Yeah." She knits her eyebrows. "But they'll be with the rest of rescues."

"And where's that?"

"The forest North of the mines, or…" She tilts her head. "What's left of them."

"Wait here." He moves swiftly to the front of the transport, tracking mud on the floor. He charges down a narrow hall, straight to the cockpit.

The pilot shoots up when the door whirs open.

"Sir." She stands at attention.

"Take me just past the Northeast quadrant and land by the forest."

"Yes, sir." She nods, retaking her seat.

He exits quickly, the door shutting behind him. He stops just outside, sinking. For a moment, he stands there, staring at the floor.

He jerks up when the engines turn on.

He heads to the main body of the ship, moving slowly now.

Rey straightens when he enters. She's standing between two rows of seats, the ramp closing with a clang behind her. She looks at him expectantly.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on now?" She crosses her arms.

"You need to get off this planet."

"You've said that. Why?"

He stops, covering his eyes with a palm.

"Rey…" He drags his hand over his face. "You just parted the sea in front of an audience of First Order flight crews."

"I-I…" She stutters. "I had to, Ben. It was the only thing I could think to do."

He grunts, dropping his hand.

Of course, it was. It just popped in her head and she did it, not bothering to question if she could.

Pure confidence. And power.

He turns, lowering to one of the seats.

"Ben." She sits beside him. "I'm sorry. I just panicked and—"

"Don't." He shakes his head. "You don't need to apologize. You don't need to be sorry. But…"

Suddenly, the transport jerks forward. It begins to rise, the engines kicking into full gear.

Kylo stares at the floor as the ship takes off. For a minute, he's silent.

Rey sits quietly, her hands in her lap.

"There will…" He starts slowly. "Be a lot of talk about what happened today."

"I figured." She shifts a little. "And… you think they'll know it was me?"

"No, I'm sure they'll think it's some other powerful woman with a reputation for rescuing slaves." He shoots her a look.

She sighs.

"You're worried they'll think there's a spy in the First Order feeding me information."

He scoffs.

"I wish that was all that's about to happen."

"What do you mean?" She knits her eyebrows. "What's about to happen?"

He looks down.

"There will be a convergence of gossip." Kylo leans over, resting his forearms on his knees. "People have been wondering how the bombs were disarmed in the last two invasions. Most think it was the slaves…" He keeps his eyes on the floor. "But there's about to be another theory, one that's likely to merge with a popular subject of First Order gossip…"

Rey tilts her head, not catching his meaning.

"Remember when I found you bleeding out on that transport and took you to the medical bay?"

She nods.

"There was a lot of talk after that. Then, some of the troops saw us together on Apatros, assumed you were the same woman."

She darkens.

"For months, people have been speculating, trying to figure out who my secret lover is. And after today, some will think they know."

"B-but…" She sputters. "That's absurd. All they know is that I was here."

"And that I ordered transports to the harbor right before you split it in two," he snaps. "And I was there when it happened."

"That still doesn't prove anything." She shakes her head

"Since when is gossip based on proof?"

She looks away. He senses her grow nervous.

"Could you…?" She fidgets with her hands. "Order the people on those transports not to tell anyone they saw you there?"

"I can." He sighs. "And I will. They're all about to be reassigned to new positions far from any of the dreadnoughts. But…" He sinks. "These things have a way of getting out. And when it does, it'll be like a contagion, infecting everything. I'll try to contain it, minimize the damage…"

Rey bites her lip. She keeps fidgeting, rubbing a thumb and index finger together.

"But no one will believe it, will they?" She turns to him. "Even if there's talk, no reasonable person would think it was true. It's ridiculous, the Supreme Leader in a relationship with a Resistance leader?"

"Yes, utterly ridiculous…" He grunts.

She droops, turning away. For a moment, she stares at her hands.

"You're right." He stares at the floor. "There will be plenty who think it's absurd. But there will be others…" He gulps. "Who think it explains things that don't make sense to them."

"Like what?"

"Like…" He takes a breath. "Why I haven't been more aggressive with the Resistance. Or why I've been taking care of the slaves after these invasions. Or why I just declared slavery illegal."

She presses her lips together.

"How…?" She shifts a little. "How's than been going over? The law against slavery?"

"Exactly how you'd expect." He sits up, crossing his arms. "Most people don't understand it, think we should be concentrating our resources on these invasions." He shakes his head. "Hux has been going wild, implying I'm out of my mind, unfit for leadership. And now…" He closes his eyes. "What happened today will be a gift to him. He'll do everything he can to make sure whatever rumors come out of it have teeth."

She cringes.

"Ben." She shakes her head. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I'm sorry I made things worse for you. I'm sorry—"

"Rey, no." He looks up. "I told you. You have nothing to be sorry about. You did what was right in the situation. You saved a lot of people and showed immense power doing it." He leans in.

She softens, getting that look in her eyes, the one where she's lost in him.

He lifts a hand to her face, brushing back a damp strand of hair.

"It's no wonder the galaxy loves you." His fingers linger at her cheek.

She grows warm, bringing a hand to his.

Suddenly, the transport dips down, and they both snap up. The ship begins to descend, the hum of the engines slowing.

Kylo sighs, dropping his hand. He senses it in her too, the disappointment. As much as he needs her to leave, he can't help but want her to stay.

He always wants her to stay…

She bites her lip.

"So, what can I do?" She looks at him. "To make this better? Other than get away from here."

"Well…" He tilts his head. "It'd be nice if you could lay low for a little while, try not shut down any trade routes or part large bodies of water." His lips twist wryly.

She grunts.

"I'll do my best."

"And…" He exhales heavily. "For the time being…" His shoulders drop. "We shouldn't come together, at least not outside the bond."

She looks down, nodding.

They're both quiet for a moment.

The ship touches down, the roar of the engines receding.

Kylo looks back, eyeing the hall to the cockpit.

He waits, but no one emerges, the pilot staying put.

He turns to Rey.

"By the way…" She smiles, trying to look reassuring. "I talked with the General right before I came here, convinced her to tone things down for a while, so things should get easier for you on that front, at least."

"Good." He nods. "Good."

"Well…" She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "I guess this is it, then." There's a heaviness in her heart. "For now."

"For now." He gazes at her softly.

Her hair's damp and disheveled, her buns loose, strands sticking out of them. Her clothes are soaked through, mud all over her boots and pants. She's an absolute mess.

And all he wants to do is sit here and stare at her.

Her throat tightens. For a second, she leans around him, glancing to the front of the ship.

Then, she scoots in, curling her fingers behind his neck and pulling him to meet her.

He lifts a hand to her face as they connect softly. It's a gentle kiss, yet somehow it contains everything— all the passion, the love, the yearning.

It takes every ounce of his will to pull away.

"I'll see you," she whispers.

He nods, his hand lingering at her cheek. He withdraws reluctantly, rising. He heads to the back of the ship, pressing a panel to open it.

The ramp descends with a mechanical hum, a breeze blowing in as the forest is revealed not far ahead, a thick mass of trees.

He turns back with a sigh.

Rey stands, fidgeting. She steps forward, stopping just in front of him.

"It'll be ok." She reaches for his hand. "It's just talk. Give it time and things will settle."

He narrows his eyes but says nothing.

So young. So inexperienced. She has no idea the damage talk can do…

He gives her a half-smile.

"Alright." She releases his hand. "What should I do with the rescues on this end? Tell them to come here and wait?"

"Sure." He nods. "I'll send transports within the hour."

"Ok." She straightens. "I'll be off the planet by then."

His heart sinks.

"I…" She shuffles her feet. "I guess I better be on my way." She turns slowly.

He watches as she starts down the ramp, walking with measured steps. She picks up her pace as she reaches the bottom.

But she halts when she steps foot on the ground.

Suddenly, she turns, racing back up the ramp, so fast she nearly rams into him. She grips his hair, rising to her toes as she pulls him down.

"I love you," she whispers in his ear.

He slips a hand behind her waist, tilting his head against hers.

"I love you."

She nuzzles his neck.

Then, she withdraws abruptly, whipping around and racing down the ramp like if she doesn't move fast enough, she won't be able to leave.

He watches her run up to the forest and disappear through the trees. He lingers, almost like he expects her to return.

Then he shifts, walking to the panel to close the transport. The ramp retracts as he makes his way to the front of the ship. He heads straight to the cockpit, the door whirring open as he approaches.

The pilot's already standing at attention when he enters.


"Take me to my shuttle," he orders. "Then return to the harbor and wait for command."

"Yes, sir." She nods.

He turns away, walking to the main body of the ship. The engines are on by the time he gets there.

He continues to the back, then sinks onto one of the seats. He pushes out an exhale, glancing down.

He's a mess. He needs to change before he can do anything else.

He'll be mobbed the moment he gets to the shuttle, Petrov and colonels eager to deal with the destruction of the mines.

But he'll have to deal with the flight crews first. Once he's decent, he'll address immediate concerns, then go back to the harbor, give orders to the transports, get them off-world and on new assignments.

He might set up two operational camps, keep the slaves who saw it all separate from the others. Their talk won't mean much, but it can't hurt to contain their gossip.

Who knows? Maybe everyone will be so preoccupied by the mess from the explosions that there won't be much time for whispers about what happened at the harbor.

Though he very much doubts that…

He sighs, burying his face in a palm.

The truth is that he can't do much except wait and see what happens. There are many factors at play, things that have yet to be determined…

How much did the flight crews report about what they saw before he shut down communications?

If they did report something, what did they report, how was it received?

And did anyone see that holo before it was deleted from the mainframe? Did anyone get a chance to copy it?

He darkens.

If there's a holo floating around, this will turn into a very different sort of mess…

He sucks in a breath.

He has no idea easy or difficult this will be to contain.

All he can do is manage the situation and wait.

Only time will tell.