12. Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - we are officially at the first quarter!

"Who is she?" Gabriel asked Adrien.

They stood in his father's room with the door closed so no one could hear them. Adrien should've realized he would've been listening in through the akumatized waitress.

"My roommate," Adrien finally answered, careful to not show any emotion.

Gabriel walked to his glass desk completely relaxed, which meant tenser than a taut barbed wire. The man did not know how to chill. "You never mentioned your roommate was a girl."

"I didn't think it was important."

He picked up a paper. "You like her."

It wasn't a question, and he didn't deny it.

"You need to get rid of her." Replacing the paper, he faced him. "No distractions."

Cold steel. "She isn't."

"You didn't even try to get Ladybug's Miraculous because of her."

"I told you I don't want anyone to get hurt."

Gabriel stepped to him, considering his son behind those cold eyes rimmed with glasses. Adrien wished he could read his thoughts. Was the man his kind mother had fallen in love with still in there? Or was Adrien wasting his time?

Standing before him, his father said, "As I've explained to you before, I will wear the earrings and erase the akuma's effects before combining the Miraculouses. You have no reason to worry about what harm they may cause."

"I just don't—"

Gabriel swiped a hand between them, anger finally cracking through his icy shell. "If you can't hold up your end of the bargain because of some girl, then it's over."

"I am holding up me end." He clenched his hands into fists. "And nothing is more important than getting her Miraculous."

They stared at each other for a long moment, then Gabriel exhaled through his nose and moved back to his desk. He sat and faced Adrien. "I guess you'll have to prove it to me."

Adrien's mouth fell open before he could clamp down on his surprise. Hadn't he already? He'd given up everything for their family.

Gabriel gestured for him to go and Adrien ground his molars so hard, he thought they would crack.


Marinette pulled out her friend's wedding gown from her closet and unzipped the cover. "Are you coming over later for the final fitting?" she asked Alya over the speakerphone.

"You know I am. Eight o'clock sharp."

Putting the dress over the mannequin, she said, "I hope you like it."

"Are you kidding? You made my wedding dress. Of course, I'm going to love it."

The gown was fun and quirky, but elegant and stunning, just like her friend. She honestly couldn't believe Alya had wanted her to make the dress. Marinette wasn't a professional seamstress at all, but it meant the world that her friend trusted and believed in her.

"You've been watching your weight, right?" she asked, examining her work.


"You know that's not what I mean. You're beautiful no matter your size. I just don't think I left enough fabric to let it out much." She sat back in her chair, chest tightening. "Maybe you shouldn't have asked me. I don't—"

"Stop panicking. I was just giving you a hard time." She laughed. "Yes, I've been watching my weight."

"I'm sorry. I just want it to be perfect for you."

"It will be."

A series of sharp taps pricked her ears.

"What's that sound?" Alya asked.

Marinette spun to face the windows. Outside, Chat hung upside down with a crooked grin. He waved.

"Nothing," she answered her friend. "I have to go."

"Okay." She sounded suspicious. "I'll see you in a bit."

Marinette climbed onto her desk and opened the top window. Warm air rushed in. "Chat?"

His smile widened. "The one and only."

She blinked at him, completely confused as to why he was there and how he knew which room was hers.

"You going to let me in?" he asked.


He looked shocked and offended, though it was so exaggerated, she knew he was teasing her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Checking up on you."


"You were there when the akuma attacked last night."

"I'm fine. From what I heard you got there before Ladybug." She eased off the table, and watched as he slipped inside, so sinuous and graceful. "You weren't following me again, were you?"

He laughed, but it came out strained. "No." He closed the window behind him, cutting off the city sounds of people and traffic, and hopped down to her.

"I heard you were trying to rescue me." She took a step forward and poked him in the chest. "I also heard you were the one who defeated the akuma."

His mouth opened and closed, as if he wasn't sure how to respond.

In a flash, she wrapped him in a hug. His lithe form was as rigid as a pole, but then he softened and placed his gloved hands on her lower back.

"Thank you," she said, squeezing him tighter.

He exhaled in her hair, his breath cool as it fanned across her neck.

She shivered.

"I would do it again in a heartbeat, Marinette."

Breaking the contact, she stepped back and asked, "Why?"

"Sometimes, I think you're the only person who doesn't think the worst of me."

He looked so sad, so alone. "What about Ladybug? You've been partners for years."

"Not anymore. We're enemies now, remember?" His gaze drifted to the wedding dress and his expression changed to curiosity. "Did you make that?" He walked to it and touched the ruched midriff.

Suddenly embarrassed, she shifted on her feet, wishing she could cover the dress.

"The detail is amazing. If—" He cut off whatever he was going to say with a click of his teeth. "Has Alya seen it?"

The question sounded so normal, like he was part of her regular life. "How did you know it was for her?"

"I follow the Ladyblog."

Trying to detect a lie, she watched him for a moment, then said, "She's only seen the design. She's coming over later for the fitting."

"I'm sure she'll love it."

"I hope so." She looked at it and suddenly questioned everything. Maybe it wasn't right at all. The cut could be all wrong. And the beadwork. And the draping of the skirt. The wedding was a week away. If she started now, maybe she could make another. Who was she kidding? She was no good. Maybe she should just hire someone.

"Woah, woah," Chat said. "What just happened in that pretty head of yours?"

She glanced at him. "Nothing."

"That was not nothing. You looked like the floor had just fallen out from under you."

"I'm just thinking, maybe, it's all wrong. That. That I'm—"

He crossed the space to her and took her face in his hands to stare down into her eyes. "You're phenomenal. You just have to believe it."

For some reason, she flushed under his touch.

He stepped back, hands falling to his sides.

The doorbell rang and both of their gazes shot toward her bedroom door.

"Alya?" he asked.

Oh, no. She smacked a hand to her forehead. "It's Nathaniel. I completely forgot."

"That boy from your dinner date?" His voice was tight.

"Yeah. He's actually here to see Adrien."

The doorbell rang again.

"I have to go." She looked from her door back to Chat, but he was already gone.


Adrien walked in the apartment to find Nathaniel sitting on the couch, watching TV. Marinette and Alya's voices drifted down from her room. He'd considered staying out longer to avoid the redhead, but it'd been an hour already.

Nathaniel jumped to his feet. "Adrien!"

"Hey." He tossed his keys in the bowl.

"Sorry to ambush you like this, but I wanted to see what you think." He swept his drawing notebook off the coffee table and walked to him.

Adrien hadn't even been able get two steps away from the door. "I really don't think—"

"This is the concept art for your character. I have several costume designs I thought looked cool."


She walked to the railing, trying to hide a smile. She thought this was hilarious, the little minx. "Yeah?"

Nathaniel was practically shoving the book into his hands, so he took it just to get him to back off. "Your boyfriend is here."

"Oh, he's not here for me. You two chat. We're just finishing up."

He grumbled, but smiled when he realized the redhead was staring at him.


Marinette zipped up the wedding dress and hung it back in her closet. "Are you certain you don't want to keep it at your place?"

"No way. I don't want Nino stumbling over it." Alya hopped off the bed. "Why haven't you broken up with Nathaniel?"

"Because I'm weak and pathetic."

Alya snickered. "No really."

"Really, Alya." She closed her closet door and leaned on it, head hanging. "I went to his place yesterday for that very reason and I couldn't do it."

"The longer you wait, the harder it'll be."

"I know."

Pulling her away from the closet door, Alya set her on the bed. "Practice on me, and then I'll drag Adrien out of the apartment so you can do it."

Her heart started racing. "I can't do it here."

"You have to and you will. No more stalling."


"Not another word, unless it's"—she changed her voice to sound like Marinette—"Nathaniel, you're amazing, but not the one for me."

"I don't sound like that."

Ignoring her, Alya made her repeat the words.


Adrien moved to the couch, flipping through the pages filled with sketches of him. They were good. Really good. Adrien looked at him, impressed.

"What do you think?"

"I like it?" He tried again. "I like it."

"But which one?"

"They're all good. Just maybe not the cat one." It looked way too similar to Chat Noir.

"Yeah." He chuckled. "I don't want anyone to think I'm doing a comic on a villain."

Adrien snapped the drawing pad closed. "Would you like something to drink?"

"No, I'm good." He took the book and opened it again, turning to a page. "I already drew the scene at the restaurant with you saving the fish guy. Here."

He put it back in his hands. Without looking at it, Adrien said, "Nathaniel, it's cool you're doing this and all, but I'm not a hero."

"You are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are. And the fact that you're so humble about makes you more of a hero."

"I'm not being humble. I'm just being honest."

"Another trait of a hero."




Marinette and Alya walked out of her room. "Adrien," Marinette admonished him. She looked at him with a raised brow.

He took a long breath. "Forgive me, it's been a rough day and I'm tired."

Nathaniel waved away his concern. "It's okay. Maybe we could go out sometime, so I can draw you better. I don't think I have the torso just right."

Adrien heaved a sigh.

The girls came downstairs. "Can I have a look?" Marinette asked Nathaniel.

"Definitely." He beamed.

Adrien quickly grabbed the book from him and ripped out the page of him dressed like Chat Noir.

They all looked at him with wide eyes.

He folded it, stuck it in his pocket, and smiled. "Just not that one. It's a bit much."

"Okay." Marinette took the book and sat on the couch. Nathaniel trailed after her.

As she scanned the drawings, Alya strolled over next to him. "Hey. How about we go get some ice cream for everyone."

Adrien looked askance at her. She seemed up to something. "I'm not hungry."

"But we really want some. Mind walking me there?" she asked, staring him down.

She was definitely up to something. He glanced at Nathaniel sitting next to Marinette and wondered if they were scheming to give the couple some alone time. He wanted to grind his teeth.

"Chocolate for me, please," Marinette said.

Nathaniel shook his head. "I'm good."

Adrien sighed and looked at Alya, then gestured to the door.


"Nathaniel," Marinette said, putting the sketchbook on the coffee table.

His gaze bounced from it to her. "You didn't like any of them?"

"No, no. They're all amazing." She shifted on the couch, looked at his soft blue eyes and kind face, and grimaced. "You're..." Her stomach twisted. She felt queasy. "You're an amazing guy, and—."

"I'm getting a bad feeling about this," he said, pale and shrinking.

"No, you shouldn't." She took a deep breath. Alya's voice yelled in her head to not chicken out. "Listen. You're amazing, but I'm not the guy for you. Er, I'm amazing, but not for you. No, wait. You're amazing, but not—"

"Is that why you came over to my place yesterday? To break up with me?"

She crossed an arm in front of her chest and nodded. Her mouth was drier than the Sahara desert.

"But you told Adrien that I was your boyfriend."

"Actually, he assumed that...and I just didn't correct him." She mumbled the last part, hoping he would miss it.

His back straightened. "Why didn't you?"

She shrugged, both arms now crossed over her chest. "I'm not sure exactly."

"Were you trying to make Adrien jealous?" he asked, voice hard but uncertain.

Her gaze snapped to him. "No, not at all."

A war of emotions played out on his face. One second, sadness flickered in his eyes. The next, anger. "What about me wasn't good enough?"

She groaned. "It's not that, Nathaniel. You're amazing. And you deserve someone as amazing as you."

"That's a cop out." He jumped to his feet, anger having won out over sadness. "Tell me why you couldn't love me back."

Back? He loved her? Oh no. She lifted her hands to calm him down. Last thing they needed was for him to get—

A black butterfly floated down to him and landed on the stylus tucked behind his ear. He morphed into the Evillustrator, wearing the same black beret and white and black uniform as the last time.

Great. Just great.


"Now, tell me what you're really after," Adrien said as they waited to pay for the ice cream.

Alya gasped, looking shocked and horrified and incredulous. After a moment of Adrien not backing down, she dropped the act. "What's with you?"


"No. The small creature in your pocket."

He looked down to make sure Plagg wasn't peeking out.

Alya snorted. "Don't tell me you really do have something in your pocket?"

"Of course not. I was just playing along." He laughed to sell the lie. "What about me?"

"Why are you no longer a Ladybug fan?"

The other people in line looked sideways at him, and Adrien turned his back to them. "I never said that."

Her brows lowered. "But you don't like the Miraculouses?"

"In a way."

"Yet you still like Ladybug?"

"Who doesn't? She's a true hero."

She rubbed her forehead. "Okay, so when did your opinion about the Miraculouses change?"

"When Chat Noir switched sides." That was close enough to the truth.

"Because the Miraculouses can be used for bad?"

Adrien glanced away and nodded, but it was way more complicated than that. He kept flipping between they were bad because they allowed his dad to be a villain, to they were good because they could bring his mother back. Though, more often than not, he settled on they were bad.

"What are you holding back?" Alya asked, eyeing him carefully.

"Nothing." She was way too observant for her own good. "I think our order is ready."

The man behind the counter held out their cups of ice cream. Alya grabbed hers and Adrien took Marinette's. As they walked out, Alya started right back up again.

"All right, no more deflecting. Why do you now think it'd be better if they never existed?"

He laughed. "That wasn't deflecting. It's called completing a transaction."

Jumping in front of him, she planted her feet and stared at him, waiting for a real answer. She really was tenacious.

He sighed and answered. "Because it would solve a lot of our problems."

"Which of your problems would they solve?"

"What are you trying to find out?"

"Deflecting again," she said, as if taking a mental note. She spooned in a mouthful of ice cream, then asked, "Do you hate Chat Noir?"

Adrien paused, taken slightly aback by the change in questioning. "I don't know."

"Defensive. Interesting." She tapped her chin. "A lot of people don't like him now. Some, like Marinette, think he can still be good again. Why are you on the fence?"

"I don't know. I don't even think too much about it."

"Ha! A lie." She held her spoon in the air, then quickly licked off the ice cream before it fell on her hand.

"Why am I under interrogation?"

"Why do you feel like you're being interrogated? What are you hiding?" She moved closer to him, peering at him through her glasses.

A loud explosion came from the direction of his apartment. Fireworks burst in the sky, a sparkling display of red and pink hearts, Cupids, and roses. They seemed too perfect to be real.

Alya looked at them. "Oh no."


"Nathaniel must've been akumatized."

His gaze zeroed in on her. "Why?"

"I got you out of the house so Marinette could break up with Nathaniel."

Adrien dropped the ice cream and ran.

AN - because we're just now reaching the first quarter, I have a feeling this baby is going to be long. If the number of chapters stay consistent, that would make 48 total. O.o

With Nathaniel finally out of the way, that can only mean one thing. Adrien and Marinette getting together. Don't expect it to happen quickly though. I have to torture you first. Lol!

Thank you so much for reading, favoriting, following, and commenting. I'm over 100 favorites now. So crazy! It all makes writing the story worth the time and effort.

My sister is better now, and the kids are back in school, which means we can pump out chapters faster now. Yay! I'm already working on the next one. Thanks for all the help, sis!

Update: another one edited!