13. Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Adrien sprinted behind a building, transformed, and vaulted himself to the rooftops where he continued running toward Marinette.

He leapt across the street to his building below the cascading fireworks and found it oddly, and unfortunately, roofless. Falling into his apartment, he twisted mid-air and landed on his hands and feet in the kitchen. He straightened while overhearing Nathaniel asking what she didn't like about him.

"I can erase any of my faults," Nathaniel continued. "Do you wish I was taller? More muscular?"

"You shouldn't have to change yourself for anyone," Marinette said, sounding surprisingly calm.

"But I will for you."

"No. There's someone who'll love you the way you are. And you shouldn't expect anything less than that. "

"I don't want anyone else."

Chat slipped to the doorway and peeked around the edge. Marinette was definitely calm despite her situation. She stood, facing Nathaniel while leaning on one leg with wrists bound by a golden rope.

"Just take a deep breath," Marinette said, her hands lifted in a soothing manner. "You're emotions are clouding your—"

"They're not. I've always loved you and I always will." Nathaniel looked away and his face seemed to solidify in certainty. "And one day you'll love me too. We just need to get married first."

Chat's fingers curled around his staff, and he eased into the room, trying to stay out of Nathaniel's sight.

The distraught man drew on the tablet on his forearm, and Marinette's clothes slowly transformed into a wedding dress. Lace traveled up her arms and across her chest, then swept down in a slender cut, hugging her curves, before flaring out at the end. Her hair swirled into a soft updo that had her looking more beautiful than Chat had ever seen her.

His feet had stopped as he stared at her in awe.

Marinette looked at him and gestured with her eyes to Nathaniel, wanting him to attack.

Having been caught gawking, a blush spread across his cheeks, thankfully hidden under the mask. He refocused his attention on Nathaniel and crept closer to him.

"Chat Noir," Nathaniel said, though Chat sensed his father behind the words. "Prove yourself."

His breath turned to lead in his throat and his gaze darted to Marinette watching him with wide, trusting eyes.

I'm sorry.

He straightened and put away his staff.

"Chat?" Marinette asked, brows furrowed.

Once Ladybug got there, he'd take her Miraculous, and his father would put everything back to normal. She would be okay.

Trust me, he thought to her.

Why aren't you rescuing your lady love? Plagg asked.

Chat ignored him. He had to be cold steel.

"Please," Marinette begged, her posture now tense. "I need you to help me get out of here."

He shook his head, a knife piercing his chest.

Nathaniel—no, his father laughed. "Good. Now all we need to do is wait for Ladybug."

Marinette bit her lip, clearly trying not to panic.

Why wouldn't she trust him?

"No," Nathaniel said, clenching his stylus as he drew on the tablet. "We're getting married. Ladybug will find us at the chapel."

Stairs appeared, and, as he walked up them to the top of the building, the ropes binding Marinette's wrists pulled her along. A slide took them down to the street.

Nathaniel walked with purpose, a plan clearly set.

Chat kept his gaze trained forward unable to bring himself to see the fear and betrayal in her eyes.

"I'm sure you'd like all of our friends there," Nathaniel said to her.

"It's a sham marriage, so no, I'd rather not waste everyone's time." Her voice was solid. If she was scared, she hid it well.

He had to hold back a proud smile.

Do you really want to watch her get married to this guy? Plagg asked.

Of course not, but Ladybug would come before then.

"It's not a sham," Nathaniel said, drawing again. "It's real and everyone will be there." A dozen large, box-shaped men in suits appeared before him. "Go. Gather our friends, willing or not."

They turned and took off in a dead run in every direction.

"We'll need an officiant too," he said, more to himself.

He drew a news camera into existence. A light shone on him and Marinette, and he smiled pleasantly.

"Good evening, Parisians. Marinette Dupain-Cheng and I will be getting married in just a few minutes at the Chapelle Expiatoire. But we need someone to do the marrying." He stepped closer to the camera, filling its lens with just his face. "If no one comes, then rest assured it will no longer be a good evening." His smile twisted into a sneer before the camera disappeared with a single swipe on his tablet.

"This won't work," Marinette said.

"Someone will show up."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Nathaniel drew a majestic horse and carriage, complete with a driver. He looked at Chat. "I don't think there will be room. Surely, you understand."

Chat's hands tightened into fists. Where was Ladybug?

Nathaniel held out a hand to Marinette to help her up into the carriage. Her binds lifted her arms, but she fought, planting her feet and pulling back with all her might. Her lips pursed and her face turned pink from the effort.

After a long moment, she gave up, chest heaving.

Nathaniel tsked. He climbed inside the open carriage and watched as she was forced to do the same. "You'll come around."

"You can't force someone to love you," she said, looking right at him. "That's not how it works, and, deep down, you know that."

He looked away, uncertainty flashing across his face.

"Nathaniel, listen to me," she continued. "You're better than this. Stronger than Hawk Moth. Fight it."

He blinked at her. "But I've always dreamed of marrying you."

"Not me. Someone who can't wait to have your ring around their finger. Someone who will happily say I do."

Chat held his breath, wanting him to see reason, wanting her free.

"You're right," Nathaniel declared. But, instead of freeing her, he told the driver to go.

What was he up to?

You not helping isn't winning any points with her, Plagg said.

"If I don't hold up my end of the bargain," Chat whispered as he walked behind the carriage, "he won't hold up his."

She might not trust you after this.

"I'll explain it to her. She'll understand."

Any moment and Ladybug would be there, especially now that he did that broadcast.

They stopped at the historic chapel and walked along the gravel path through the manicured garden. Nathaniel unlocked the wooden doors and had the lights turned on, while simultaneously decorating the place, all with the power of his tablet. Chairs appeared on each side of the domed room. Flowers, the color of Marinette's eyes, hung in the arched recesses along the curved wall and around the base of a large statue. A harp started playing on its own.

Chat couldn't help but be a little impressed.

"Nathaniel," Marinette tried again, but someone rushed into the building.

Hoping it was Ladybug, Chat turned, staff in hand, then sighed and put the weapon back.

A small, balding man huffed and panted, clearly not used to the exercise. "I'm here. I'm here." He wiped his brow. "Paris Officiant Paul Monfret, at your service."

"Good. Stand here." Nathaniel looked at Marinette. "Or would you prefer him by the statue?"

She tried to cross her arms, but, unable to do so. she settled on a glare.

"I guess either will do." Nathaniel walked to the doorway. "Here comes our friends."

The hulking goons came charging into the space, carrying or half-dragging their old classmates. Mylene was nearly frightened out of her mind and Alix kicked relentlessly at her captor. The men placed them in the chairs and golden ropes bound their legs to their seats. Everyone grumbled and hurled curses besides Alya. She held up her phone, most likely recording everything, and stared at Marinette in worry. Nino kept looking around the room, possibly for Adrien.

Where was Ladybug?

"Nathaniel, stop this," Marinette demanded. "I don't love you. I don't want to marry you. And I never will."

He clicked his tongue and bent over his tablet. "I was afraid you'd say that."

Every muscle in Chat's body demanded to attack him. His limbs ached from the need. But he couldn't. Gabriel would do much worse if he did.

Hearts appeared above Marinette. She lifted her head to look up at them, then snapped her gaze to Chat, fear no longer kept in check. "Chat, stop him before it's too late."

He tried to understand what was happening, but they appeared to be more decoration than anything else.

"Soon"—Nathaniel looked at Marinette, hand still on the tablet—"you will love me. Always and forever."

The hearts lowered closer to Marinette.

Oh. His pulse jumped.

"Chat, please," she urged.

He glanced to the doors, wishing Ladybug would show.

Growling in frustration, he leapt toward her, pushing her out of the way of the descending hearts. She fell to the ground as an odd, staticky energy zipped through him.

He blinked, looked at Marinette lying there staring up at him and felt nothing for her. Then the most wondrous voice swept through the room, drawing Chat's attention like a homing beacon.

Spinning toward the sound, he gazed at Nathaniel. His heart beat wildly as tingles erupted throughout his body. All the tension he'd been holding melted, and he glided toward the angelic creature on a cloud of love.

"What are you doing?" Nathaniel asked, backing away from him.

Chat stretched his arms toward him, fingers dying to touch that silky skin. "My love. Oh, my sweet, sweet love. I've finally found you."

Realization dawned on Nathaniel, and his face coiled into the most beautiful sneer he'd ever seen. "No. The hearts were meant for Marinette. Not you!"

Nathaniel turned his tablet to him, stylus in hand, but Chat bounded his way and captured him in a hug. "I love you, Nathaniel Kutrzberg. And I'll never let you go."

"Get him off me," the glorious redhead called to his divine creations.

The large men grabbed at Chat, but he fought back, while not letting go of Nathaniel. "But we're meant to be together. Don't deny my love."


Marinette watched in fascination as Chat tried to plant kisses on Nathaniel's face and hands while fighting off the goons. At times he was successful, brushing puckered lips across a cheek, forehead, and even an eye.

Just when she doubted if Chat had even wanted to be her friend, he'd saved her, taking the fall to keep her free. It made her heart swell to the point of bursting. But she couldn't lie there all day. She had to get the akuma.

Other than the sounds of the fight and the harp playing, all their friends were as quiet as the dead, watching the scene with gaping mouths. Alya continued recording everything, of course. That would complicate things.

And where was the officiant? She scanned the space and found him nowhere in sight. Smart man.

Careful to stay out of view of her friend's phone, Marinette searched for the stylus as she crept toward the writhing mass of bodies.

Nathaniel still held onto it, though just barely. He struggled to free himself of Chat, pushing, shaking and trying to kick him off. No matter how much he yelled at his goons to get Chat, they could do nothing. It was like he had a Teflon exterior and hands coated in super glue.

She would laugh later. Right now she had to stay focused on the stylus.

Sneaking up behind them, she hid at the base of the statue…




She yawned.

"Marinette," Nathaniel said, reaching for her. Chat took advantage of the free space and climbed more on him. "Help me."

She lifted her bound wrists and shrugged.

Two of the goons latched onto Chat's legs and pulled. He moved a whole two inches.

"You cannot separate me from my dear Nathaniel." Without letting go of the redhead, Chat grabbed his staff and swung it at the men. The weapon connected with one and knocked him into the other.

They both fell in a tangled heap of limbs to the marbled floor, then scrambled to their feet.

Marinette leaned forward. The blow hadn't even fazed them. One's nose was clearly broken, smooshed to his cheek, yet he hadn't even winced or grunted. They just kept on trying to get Chat with an eerie single-minded focus.

"Oh, come on," Chat said in a long groan. "I'm just trying to show you my love."

"Get. Off. Of. Me."

Nathaniel reached his stylus toward his tablet, but Chat blocked him once again.

Needing him to knock the stylus free, she sighed and leaned back against the statue. If she snatched it out of Nathaniel's grasp, Hawk Moth would begin to think she was Ladybug. And with her bound hands magically leashed to Nathaniel, so many witnesses, and Alya recording everything, getting out of this mess would already be nearly impossible. She couldn't make one wrong move.

All of the goons jumped on Chat and Nathaniel, forming one giant dog pile. Some of their friends tittered. She couldn't tell which, blocked by the fight as they were. It did seem rather cartoonish.

The mashed pile twitched, then shot to the ceiling. Goons fell everywhere. She flinched as one dropped close to her. Chat's staff had extended practically to the ceiling before shrinking to its portable size once more.

"You wound me, my dearest, sweetest Nathaniel." Chat stroked the redhead's face. "Why don't you want me? Why don't you love me?" He snuggled his face into Nathaniel's chest and started crying.

It was rather sweet. She had no idea Chat was such a softie. Sure he loved to flirt and was protective of those he cared about, but this was a whole new side.

Nathaniel struggled to push him off, to free himself, and to draw on his tablet. Nothing worked.

The goons snuck toward them. One cinched his big arms around Chat and hauled him off Nathaniel. More men rushed to help their brethren, while others helped their creator sit up.

"Finally," Nathaniel said, positioning the stylus over his tablet.

"No!" Chat flung his staff.

Marinette straightened.

The weapon hit Nathaniel's hand and he cried out in pain.

Chat's eyes widened in alarm. "My baby!" He escaped the goons and flung himself at Nathaniel, apologizing with every breath he took.

The men were on him in a flash, and they were all back to the jumbled dogpile of before. All the while, the stylus rolled her way.

Thank you.

Careful to avoid being seen, she picked it up and crawled around the hulking statue, the train of her wedding dress trailing behind her.

Staying in a crouched position, she transformed, broke the stylus, and de-evilized the akuma, then changed back into herself, happy to be back in her normal clothes. Tikki winked at her before flying back into her pocket.

She crept to the front of the statue as the harp stopped playing and the flowers disappeared. When the chairs vanished, everyone gasped as they crashed to the floor.

Nathaniel sat up in his normal clothes with a hand rubbing his head, looking confused.

Chat was no different. "What happened?"

As she went to him, Alya rushed to her and stepped between them. "Girl, when I saw those fireworks, I got so scared. Adrien left me to go after you. And." She paused in thought. "I wonder what happened to him." Her friend shrugged and pulled her into a hug. "I'm glad you're okay."

She hugged her back, but looked for Chat. Where was he?


Chat had snuck out of the chapel as everyone checked on each other. Marinette was well and that's all he cared about. He looked around the building for any sign of Ladybug, hopped to the roof, and peered through the night.


All of his memories after the hearts claimed him were gone. He hoped nothing embarrassing happened. But he couldn't think about that right now. He had to find Ladybug and try to salvage the night.

She'd obviously been at the chapel, otherwise he'd still be under the magic's influence, yet she'd left no tracks and not one person had mentioned seeing her.

Chat sighed and leapt across the street.

Only one thing left to do now...face his father.

AN - you have no idea how many times I rewrote this chapter. Lol. I wanted it to be different, but I kept writing myself into a corner. Thankfully, my sister helped with brainstorming and came up with Chat falling in love with Nathaniel. Thank you, you beautiful woman. :D

Thanks for reading and for showing the love, and that includes all the guests whom I can't respond to individually. I appreciate it all.

Update: we still cracked up while going over this. Lol!