18. Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Through the metal bars of his makeshift prison cell, Chat Noir watched Ladybug zip away. The sly girl had tricked him, had him run right into a trap, a literal trap. The cell had dropped over him when he'd rounded a building.

Panting, she'd stopped her mad dash, turned to face him, glanced at his ring, then at him.

He tensed, clenching his hand into a fist so she'd have a hard time removing his Miraculous. But she didn't move. Her gaze softened, and his breath caught in his throat. The look she wore spoke volumes. She still had hope, even after all this time.

Muscles twitching from near exhaustion—the fight had been a doozy—he shifted, taking in the police standing guard not far away, as if they could stop him. Their portable prison cell was definitely no match for him.

Using his Cataclysm, he turned the bars to ash, made to go after Ladybug, but then realized he couldn't, not with a ticking clock over his head. Which had to have been her plan all along.

Growling in frustration, he vaulted himself to the rooftops and sprinted in the opposite direction of her. He landed behind a chimney, breath quick and high in his chest. Sitting—more like collapsing—he leaned against the brick. Beads of sweat slid down his face. Too tired to wipe his brow, the salty water stung his eyes, but he didn't care.

His Miraculous beeped its last warning and Plagg flew out of his ring, arms crossed and narrowed green eyes staring straight at him. "One of these days, you're actually going to hurt her."

"Or maybe she's going to hurt me." She was getting better at catching him off guard now and most of his mistakes didn't go unnoticed. He smiled. That was his Ladybug, always adapting to the situation.

No. She was his prey. He couldn't think of her as his Ladybug anymore.

He reached inside his jacket pocket for Plagg's food and groaned. She'd gotten some good strikes in that would no doubt nag him for several days.

"Eat," he told the kwami. "We need to report back, then get to the apartment as fast as possible." He didn't want to be late for the quasi date Nathaniel had set up with him and Marinette to show them his completed comic.

Plagg grumbled, either because he didn't like being commanded or because it wasn't Camembert being offered to him. He latched onto the trail mix bar and took a bite.

Adrien looked around the rooftop and stiffened. This was one of their hangout spots. He had to get out of here. "You ready?"

"Not yet," the kwami said around a mouthful of food.

Using the chimney for support, he got to his feet. This was the exact spot he'd found her after his father explained everything to him.

"Hurry, Plagg."

"If it were cheese, I'd be done by now, but this bar takes a lot of chewing." The kwami finished the sentence with a sidelong look at him.

"We need to go."

"Why?" He looked around, most likely for danger. Then he almost dropped the bar. "This is where you first told her you wanted her Miraculous."

Adrien nodded, hoping that would spur Plagg to eat faster, but no. He chewed even slower.

"Come on," he urged, fingers curling into fists.

"You don't like to remember turning on her, do you?"

Blocking out the memories, he growled at the kwami.

"You don't want to remember the look of betrayal on her face?"

Her blue eyes, widening in surprise, then shining with the beginning of tears, haunted him. "Stop."

"How she backed away from you in fear?"


"How she pleaded?"

Adrien covered his eyes as the memory overcame him.

"Chat!" Ladybug hopped to her feet with a bright smile. "I've been waiting for you."

He latched his weapon to his lower back and walked to her, taking slow breaths. His heart thudded in his chest, his knotted stomach twisted, and his mind raced with what he would say to her.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Of course, Milady." He tried to smile, but failed. "I just need to talk."

"It's a slow night. Plenty of time to talk and eat." She bent and lifted a bag of food from Marinette's parents' bakery. "I got your favorites."

He stopped beside her. "That's...great."

She plopped to her bottom and leaned against the chimney, then patted the spot next to her. When he didn't follow her lead, she asked, "What's going on? You seem off."

Careful to not sit too close to her, he looked her in the eyes and forgot everything he'd planned on saying.

"Cat's got your tongue?" She laughed.

He swallowed.

"Oh, come on." She playfully slapped his arm. "That deserved at least a smile from Mr. Pun himself."

His muscles quivered. He felt sick.

Her grin fell. "I'm officially worried now. Talk to me, Chat."


She watched him as he fell silent, then nodded for him to continue.

"I need your Miraculous."

A loud guffaw burst from her lips. "You really had me going there. I actually thought something was wrong."

"I'm being serious."

She chuckled some more and reached into the bag of food.

He gripped her arm. "I need your Miraculous."

Her eyes narrowed as if trying to see the joke, but, as he stared at her with all the seriousness of someone in mourning, those blue eyes widened. "Why? How? Wh—"


She pulled her arm from him and scrambled to her feet. "Have you been akumatized?"

He stood and shook his head.

"Surely you wouldn't admit it if you were."

He let her turn him around, looking him over. "I'm me."

"No. My Chat wouldn't ask for this."

"I'm me—"

She shook her head.

"—but I need your Miraculous."

Acceptance replaced surprise as she watched him. "How did Hawk Moth get to you?"

"We talked. And he's not doing this for power. He has a noble purpose."

One of her brows lifted, warping her mask. "You believed him?"

He nodded. "I need you to trust me. Will you please give me your earrings?"

"No. Never."

He recoiled as if she'd slapped him. "Why?"

"Because he's manipulating you. You don't terrorize a city for noble purposes."

"You don't understand."

"You're right." Her eyes shone in the moonlight. "I thought we were partners. Friends."

"We are. Which is why you should help me."

A tear slid down her cheek. "Don't do this."

He stepped forward, reaching out to her, and she flinched back as if his hand was a snake. He balled his fingers into a fist and pinned his arm to his side. "I need your Miraculous."

"You know I can't. I won't."

"Not even to help me? To protect the city?"

"What?" She shook her head as if to clear it. "No. Whatever he's said, it was a lie. He's tricked you, Chat."

Anger flashed through him. "He didn't lie!" He thrust out a hand, this time not out of concern. "Give me your Miraculous."

She tried to step back but was blocked by the chimney.

Torn over what to do, he froze. He thought she would have trusted him enough to hand over her earrings. If she'd asked him, he wouldn't have hesitated.

Maybe they weren't really the friends she'd claimed them to be. A hole ripped through his chest, then widened to a chasm as he realized what he would have to do.

Hardening himself, he said, "Give them to me."

"Don't do this." Another tear fell from her eyes and her lips quivered. "Please."

The gaping hole in his chest throbbed, the pain threatening to buckle his knees. He shook his head.

"Chat." She wiped the moisture from her cheeks. "I'm begging you. Don't do this."

He moved to pin her against the wall and take the earrings himself, but she twisted out of the way, yo-yo in hand.

Thinking she was going to attack him, he reached for his staff. Except, his fingers found only his suit.

Sliding her hand out from behind her back, he realized she'd taken his weapon from him when she'd looked him over. Before he could reach for it, she hurled it away from them.

His mouth fell open.

"I had to do it, in case you'd been akumatized." She sniffed, her eyes still brimming with tears. "I can't give you my Miraculous. You had to know that."

He shifted into a defensive stance and waited for her to make the first move.

"I won't fight you, Chat. And that you think I would, hurts. We're partners."

"Not anymore."

She took a sharp inhale as if he'd cut her. Then she threw her yo-yo and swung away from him.

The hole in his chest flared in pain.

Adrien touched the spot. It was numb now, but the wound was always there, a reminder of what he'd lost.

"You okay, kid?" Plagg asked.

He found himself crouched on the rooftop, his head hanging between his knees. "I didn't ever want to hurt her."

"I know."

"Why couldn't she have just given me her Miraculous?"

Plagg settled on his shoulder. "You know why."

"But all of this craziness would finally stop."

The kwami sighed and took another bite. "I'm almost ready."

Chat nodded. He didn't want to report back to his father for another lecture. "He was different when Mom was around. And, with her back, he could be different again."

"Sometimes people change too much, get too set in their ways to go back."

He looked at the kwami, slightly afraid to ask the question that'd been lingering in the back of his mind. "Have I changed too much?"

Plagg shook his head. "No. You're still you, just...misguided."

Adrien got to his feet. "Then so is he."


He transformed into Chat Noir, jumped off the building, and ran back to the mansion.


Marinette sat at the table for four, though there were only three place settings, in a restaurant that consisted mostly of smaller, two-person tables. Everyone here looked to be on intimate dates. Romantic music played in the background, candles bathed the patrons in soft light, and deep red and rich fabrics decorated the space.

Why on Earth had Nathaniel picked this place? This was supposed to be a casual meeting for him to show them the finished comic.

And where were they?

After arriving just on time, she'd been sitting there for ten minutes now. Her water glass had already been refilled and people were starting to glance her way in pity.

To top it all off, neither of them were answering her texts.

The waiter approached her, and Marinette was tempted to order something. She was starving.

"Would you like more water?" he asked.

She shook her head. "They'll be here in a couple minutes."

With a polite smile, he turned away, probably not believing a word she'd said. She was starting to doubt them herself.

Five more minutes passed.

Sighing, she stood and grabbed her purse.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," Adrien said, rushing to her. "Were you leaving?" He looked around the table. "Where's Nathaniel?"

"I have no idea. I thought both of you stood me up." She smiled so it didn't sound like an admonishment.

"I had something come up and I couldn't use my phone."

"It's okay." She lingered by her chair, uncertain if they were going to stay since it was just them.

His gaze darted around the restaurant. "This is…"

"Yeah." She laughed. "I'm surprised he picked it."

"We can go if you want?"

Did she want a romantic dinner with Adrien? Of course. But maybe he didn't want it. And she shouldn't so soon after she'd just broken up with Nathaniel.

She opened her mouth to say they should leave, but the waiter came back bearing a bottle of champagne. "Welcome, sir. Please sit."

"I don't think I asked for that," Marinette said, gesturing to the champagne with creased brows.

"This was ordered for the table when the reservations were made."

"Nathaniel ordered the bottle?" she asked. That was so weird.

"Oui. He just called and said he was indisposed for the night, but he wanted you both to enjoy the champagne. Now, please sit."

They obeyed the command, and he poured them a glass, then walked away.

"That was...nice of him." Adrien shifted in his seat.

Not her choice of words, but they would do. "It was."

He took a sip from the glass. "You look beautiful as always."

Heat rushed to her cheeks. "You're just saying that to be nice."

"Absolutely not." He stared at her with incredulity. "I think you're gorgeous. It's..." His gaze dropped to the table. "It's distracting sometimes."

The warmth in her cheeks burst into a blazing fire. She snatched the menu off the table and hid behind it. He thought she was pretty. She wanted to scream and jump and dance and scream some more.

She composed herself and cleared her throat to make certain it wouldn't be all screechy, then looked around the large paper. "I think you're gorgeous as well."

His sudden blush made her heart cartwheel in her chest. She whipped the menu in front of her before he could see her grinning maniacally.

"I guess we should eat something while we're here," he suggested

"I am pretty hungry." All she had for lunch was a protein bar after the self-defense class, and then Chat had appeared.

"Me too." His rustling must've meant he'd picked up his menu.

They were officially on a romantic date. Except not. But she was still counting it. When Alya got back from her honeymoon, she would get a full report.

"Anything new?" he asked.

She peaked around the menu to find him looking at her. "I started taking ground classes at the self-defense place." Then behind the paper, she added, "And I completely suck at it."

He chuckled. "You'll get better with practice. No new bruises?"

"Nope. And look"—she dropped the menu to pull back her sleeve—"this one is completely healed. Along with most of the others."

"That's good."

"But I can't promise there won't be more."

This time, he disappeared behind his menu. "Where is this place?"

She told him and tried to look at what dishes the restaurant offered, but was unable to focus on the words. He thought she was pretty. And they were practically on a date.

Taking a deep breath, she lowered the large paper and grabbed her glass of champagne. "What about you? Anything new?"

He stayed frustratingly behind his menu. "Nope. Just got some exercise in, and then I spent some time with my father."

"I'm surprised he wants to have dinner with me," she said, then sipped her champagne.

"Same here." He put down his paper. "He was the one who'd brought it up too. I think it's good. Once he sees how amazing you are, he'll understand why I..."

"Why?" she prompted, trying to hide her excitement. He thought she was amazing, and wanted his dad to know her. She wanted to pinch herself to make certain she wasn't dreaming.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Why I picked you as a roommate...and a friend."

She smiled. "It's great you want your dad to like me and that you care enough about him to include him."

"Everything I do is for him. For our family." His gaze went distant, and a deep sadness suddenly filled the space around him. "Even if it's not exactly what I want."

She touched his hand resting on the table, and his gaze jerked to her. The ferocity in his green eyes, like a cornered cat, had her pulling back. She hadn't meant to invade his personal space, only to offer comfort.

He laid his other hand over hers and squeezed. "Thank you."

She was unable to speak, which was for the best. Otherwise, she might literally scream—she certainly was inside. Adrien was touching her hand!

She nodded, then glanced down at the glorious contact, highlighted by the candle. Angels sung on mountains high. Fireworks ignited around them. Crowds cheered. A corner of her lips lifted, and she hoped she didn't look all dopey.

He didn't move his hand.

Should she move?

Was it getting weird?

If this moment never ended, she would be absolutely okay with that. Who needed to eat? Not Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Her stomach grumbled, but she ignored it.

"Would the couple like to order?" the waiter asked.

They flew back in their seats and looked everywhere but at each other.

"We're not a couple," she said, shifting in her chair.

To which, Adrien agreed. "We're just friends."

The waiter blinked at them. "My mistake. Are you ready to order?"

Adrien shook his head and glanced at her.

"I need a couple more minutes, please."

Adrien and Marinette lifted their menus without saying a word to each other.

He'd just held her hand...with both of his. They were soft, but not weirdly so, and hard, more muscular than bony. And she wanted to touch them again. Though, any part of him would suffice, like his golden hair and those abs...those wondrous bundles of muscles lining his long, sinuous torso, preferably glistening from sweat.


She quickly picked one of the dishes and put down her menu to find he'd already done so...and had been watching her.

He looked away, flushing slightly.

Her insides fluttered with the force of a million butterflies.

"So...Nathaniel," he said, moving his champagne glass a little to the side. "I wonder why he couldn't make it."

She checked her phone to make sure he hadn't finally responded. Nope. Hopefully, it wasn't something serious. "I'm kind of worried. He's never done this before."

"We can leave and go check on him."

"Maybe we should." Her stomach protested the decision loudly.

He chuckled. "And then we can get something to eat."

As they stood, her phone buzzed. "It's Nathaniel. He says he's sorry he couldn't join us. An important project is keeping him busy. But to stay and have fun."

"That was oddly good timing." He looked around the room.

Did he think Nathaniel was hiding out amongst the other patrons? That was simply too preposterous to be true.

Still, her gaze flicked around the room as well.

"I guess we'll stay then?" he asked.

"I'm okay with that."

AN - Surprise! Another chapter only a day after the last one. Whaaaat!? A guest said it was their birthday, so I wanted to make certain to get this out just for them. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, guest-person!

So, I've been working on this flashback for a while now. This one, along with when Gabriel took Adrien's miraculous, have been in the outline for awhile now because I think they're crucial backstory info. I kinda want to write more though. If you have any requests, let me know.

Also, I've been thinking about getting art made for the fic. But I have no idea what scene/pose would best represent the fic. Let me know what you all think. And if you have any artist friends or are an artist, please pass me the info.

Thanks for sticking with me! Can you believe we're over 50k words now, and we're only six chapters away from the halfway point? My goodness. I hope everyone knows how grateful I am to have so many awesome readers. And an awesome sister. ;)

Update: edited