19. Chapter 19

Chapter 19

Getting ready for self-defense class, Marinette came out of her bathroom, towel in hand, and froze.

Chat was in her room.

Heart in her throat, her gaze darted to the bed where Tikki had just been a moment ago, humming contentedly. She'd been next to her bag that he was currently staring at.

Not seeing her kwami, she nearly sighed in relief. Tikki must've hidden inside the bag...and Chat was about to reach inside it. She really needed to start locking that window.

She swallowed her concern and said, "You know, it's not polite to snoop."

He flinched and jerked his hand back. "I was just curious where you were going."

"It's my gym bag." She walked past him, shoved her towel inside the bag, then zipped it up. "You could've asked."

"You're right. I'm sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck in an Adrien-like way that softened her scowl. "I won't do it again. I promise."

She nodded and allowed herself to relax. "Do you need something then?"

"No. I just wanted to see you."

Narrowing her eyes, she asked, "Are you sure you're not just trying to make up for inviting yourself into my bedroom?"

"No…" A corner of his lips lifted. "It's just been a while, and I've missed my princess." His gaze pinned her to the spot.

Heat rose to her cheeks. The last time he'd been in her room, he'd left her feeling all confused. He'd been incredibly sweet, helping her with the dress she'd made.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

"Nothing?" Realizing how she'd phrased the word, she tried again. "Nothing."

He smiled and slunk toward her. His green gaze roamed over her face. "Were you thinking about me?"

"No," she lied, and he chuckled as if he knew the truth.

He turned away, and she sagged a little, taking in a breath. It seemed his close proximity had stolen all the oxygen from her lungs.

Sitting in her chair, he leaned back and tapped the armrest with the tips of his claws. "What made you decide to start working out? You look perfect."

Her blush deepened, and he grinned a little more. "It's actually for…" She trailed off, somewhat embarrassed.


"I've been taking self-defense classes."

He nodded. "Smart. Especially since you have the villainous Chat Noir sneaking into your bedroom." His words came out sultry, and she did her best to ignore the sudden butterflies in her stomach. He popped to his feet. "Let me see what you've got. Maybe I can help."


"Sure. I know how to fight, and your safety is important to me. I don't want anyone hurting my princess."

Sparring with him would help her when they really fought. But she might slip up and do something that would remind him of Ladybug. Unable to pass up the opportunity, she said, "Okay."

In a flash, he pounced on her, snatched her up, and landed on the bed, hovering over her.

This was not the kind of help she had in mind.

His blond hair fell alongside his face as he gazed down at her. "I have you trapped."

His smug expression lit a fire within her.

Recalling what she'd been taught in the ground classes, she knocked his weight off one of his arms and flipped him over, straddling his hips in the dominant position. "What was that?" she asked victoriously.

He blinked up at her, then cleared his throat. "Not bad."

"Not bad?! I got you, the infamous Chat Noir, pinned."

"You think so, huh?"

Hands on her hips, she nodded.

The next moment, she was on her back, bouncing a little on the bed, with a certain weight officially gone. She lifted to her elbows, half dazed, and caught him leaning against the far wall, lazily swinging his tail.

"What was that again?" he asked.

She grumbled and hopped off of the bed. "You've asked for it now, buddy."

He laughed. "Okay. I'll play fair."

After walking to her, he slipped into his usual fighting stance. She shifted into the one they taught in class.

They sparred, each holding back their strikes, giving only a tap to let the other person know a blow had landed. Then, he'd done something she'd never seen from him. The move had tripped her up and sent her falling backwards, arms flailing.

His face went slack with dread and he reached for her.

Their fingers caught and she used the contact to pull him off balance with her. She flipped their positions and landed on top of him.

He looked up at her, a scant couple inches away, eyes dark with desire. His warm scent flooded her head, clouding her thoughts. She licked her lips, and he lifted to kiss her with a suddenness that left her stunned.

Then something within her was unleashed, and she returned the kiss threefold.

Threading her fingers into his hair, she pulled him with her as she sat upright. He wrapped his arms around her and slid his hands along her back, one to graze across her ribs, the other to settle over the top of her hip, kneading the flesh there.

She opened her mouth to him and allowed the kiss to deepen, filling her with a heat she could hardly bare. It scalded her in an immensely pleasurable way that had her seeing stars. She leaned back, breathing in much needed air, and he planted hot kisses along her jaw. When he reached her neck, he sucked the tender skin there, and she bit back a moan, or, at least, tried to. It slipped out, and he tensed, coming to an abrupt stillness.

And so did she.

Realizing what she was doing, she gasped and jumped off him. "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." He got to his feet as she paced the room. "I can't do this."

"Because I'm Chat Noir?"

She rubbed a hand over her face, trying to ignore the lingering delightful sensations on her lips, jaw, and neck. Just thinking of what they'd been doing had her go all tingly again. She groaned. "No. I like someone else."

"Someone else?"

Stopping, she said, "I'm a horrible person." Then she turned to him, barely seeing his surprised expression. "You have to go."

"Wait. Who else do you like?"

She shook her head. "This is all too complicated." Her brain was going to explode. Not to mention her ovaries. Why wasn't he leaving? "You have to go. My class is going to start soon anyway."


She grabbed her bag, then ran out of the room and the apartment, pausing only long enough to lock the door.

Tikki flew out of her bag and looked at her. "That was…"

Insanely amazing. "It was wrong, I know. He's supposed to be my enemy. I need to get his Miraculous and end all of this craziness."

"Yes. But I was going to say it was an interesting development."


Chat stood alone in her room, utterly confused. She liked someone else. Who? He wanted to go after her and shake the answer out of her. Was it him, Adrien? Could it be possible?

So, um, Plagg said. Are we going to talk about this?


Good. I'm just going to pretend you didn't kiss her senseless then.

"Plagg," he groaned.

He'd been trying not to think about it. The memories flooded his mind, and he recalled how devious she'd been in flipping their positions mid-air. And her lips. Her warmth. How she felt under his hands. Ugh. She was driving him insane.

He needed to see her again. But not as Chat. That would be overkill.

She'd said she had a class. And he had the address she'd given him the other night on their somewhat-date. Which had its own bundle of questions.

Darting to his room, he grabbed a pair of gym shorts and a shirt, then leapt out of his window to the roof.

What are you up to now?

"I'm going to join her in the self-defense class."

The kwami snorted. I don't think Chat Noir will be welcome there.

"As Adrien."

You sure you want to do that? It might come off as a bit overprotective.

"I said I was going to make certain she wasn't lying to cover for someone actually giving her the bruises."

Yes, but she clearly has been taking classes. She even got you a couple times.

"I let her."

Uh huh.

"It's true," he lied. Marinette had quick reflexes and was surprisingly strong for her size. She might actually be able to take on most guys.

He hopped down to an empty corner, de-transformed, and walked into the training center. People sat around in the front as others worked out in a large open space in the back. Different classes were going on at the same time. Some worked punching bags, and Marinette was mixed in with them, putting on her gloves while talking to a guy.

"May I help you?" a burly man asked.

Adrien barely heard a word he'd said. Was that guy working with her the one she'd said she liked? They did seem awfully friendly, smiling and laughing. He casually touched her. Granted, to adjust her form as she focused on a heavy bag.

"Are you here for information or to take a class?"

He lifted his change of clothes. "To take a class."

"Then follow me."

Adrien filled out the paperwork and paid for the class, then went to change. He stepped onto the mats, barefoot as the sign dictated, and walked straight to Marinette.

"Hey," he said to her back.

She tensed and slowly turned around. "Adrien?"

The guy just looked at the both of them. Adrien nodded at him, but stayed focused on her. "I thought I'd come check this place out. I hope you don't mind."

"No, it's cool."

The guy stepped forward. "Hey, man." He stretched out a hand and Adrien shook it. "I'm Jeremy. I've been helping out Marinette since—"

"Since I started," she jumped in. Her smile was too big. Something was definitely up.

Jeremy nodded.

"I'm Adrien. Her roommate."

"Cool. Our girl has a lot of potential." He clapped her on the shoulder, and Adrien considered breaking his hand. "She learns quickly. But I guess that's because of her b—"

"Background," she cut in once again. "Remember that time I took fencing with you, Adrien?"

"Yeah. You gave me a run for my money." She'd gotten in a couple points.

"Fencing, huh?" Jeremy remarked. "This will be a bit different than that."

"That's why I'm here." He made sure to show teeth as he smiled.

"Let me find you a good partner then." Jeremy looked around, then ran off.

Once he was gone, Marinette swung to face him. "Why are you really here?"

He took a step back. "You made it sound like fun."

"You're here to make sure I wasn't lying, aren't you?" She breathed out hard. "I told you Nathaniel wasn't hurting me."

"I believe that it's not him."

Surprise flashed across her face. "Who else could it be?"

"I don't know." He glanced at Jeremy talking to a much larger bald guy. He certainly had the know how. He carried himself like a fighter who enjoyed the thrill.

"It's not him."

"So it is someone."

She laughed. "Your concern is sweet, but you don't need to show up here to investigate."

He pointed to her forearms. Now that she wore a tank top, he caught the new bruises there. "What about those?"

Jeremy walked up from behind him. "Blocking overhead strikes. She worked on them yesterday and everyone bruises their first time." He gestured to the guy he'd been talking to. "This is Daniel, your partner," Jeremy introduced him. He was definitely a big dude, taller and nearly twice as broad as him.

"Um, Adrien," Marinette said, "I don't think your dad would approve of this."

"What does his dad have to do with anything?" Daniel asked.

"Wait," Jeremy said, clapping his hands. "You're that model." He laughed. "Yeah, you definitely don't want to be here. People slip and accidents happen. With your profession, you'll be lucky if it's just a groin kick."

Adrien narrowed his eyes. "I'll be fine."

"Adrien, think about it," she said under her breath, looking not at him but up at Daniel.

"I'll be fine." If she only knew he was Chat Noir, then she'd be nervous for The Rock over there and not him.

The bell rang and they joined the others on the center mats The teacher had the class go through a warm up, then showed everyone what to work on: a set of strikes and counterattacks. It seemed simple enough.

The big guy had them move off to the side, away from the mass of people and rolled his shoulders. "Jeremy said you know fencing."

Adrien nodded.

"Know how to punch?"

"Of course."

"Good. Hands up."

He jabbed and Adrien deflected the strike while stepping into him with a cross and an uppercut, just as the instructor had shown.

"Not bad."

Adrien glanced to where Marinette performed the same actions with Jeremy. They flowed smoothly back and forth. He clearly wasn't being hyper aggressive with her, but he also wasn't letting her get away with anything.

Daniel had them switch, but he did the series faster. So Adrien picked up the pace, letting his gaze drift back to Marinette at the end.

"I know I'm not as pretty as her," the big guy said, "but eyes on me."

Adrien barked a laugh and ended up catching her attention. She waved at him. Jeremy swatted her hand down and had her refocus.

"You and her together?" Daniel asked as he gestured for him to attack.

"No. Why?"

They moved around a bit more, rather than sticking with the straight forward and backward instructions.

"You're both watching each other. And you're here because of her." After he threw the uppercut, he grabbed Adrien and added in a knee that stopped right in front of the blond's face. "Are you afraid she might be into someone here?"

Adrien looked at Marinette again, wondering if Jeremy was the guy she liked, and completely missed Daniel's ready stance. One moment he was watching her, the next a blast of pain shot through his skull. His head snapped back as a light exploded in the struck eye.

Important note, Adrien thought. Getting hit hurts a lot more when not in the Miraculous suit.

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry, man." Daniel bent and tried to look at Adrien's eye, but the blond had it covered with his hand. "I thought you were paying attention. Are you okay?"

"Adrien," Marinette said, suddenly next to him on the side he couldn't see. She peeled his hand away from his eye. "Let me see."

She and Daniel both sucked in a breath.

"I'll go get an ice pack," the big guy said and ran off.

"Does it hurt?" she asked. "That was stupid. I'm sorry. Of course it hurts." Then she slapped his shoulder. "What were you thinking watching me and not your opponent?" She clicked her tongue.

Jeremy came up on his other side. "You weren't much better, Marinette. Take this as a cautionary example."

She flushed under his pointed stare. Jeremy might very well be the guy she liked. Adrien's heart sank. For some reason, that hurt more than his eye.

Daniel passed Adrien the ice pack. "Thanks." His father was going to kill him. "How bad is it?"

"It won't swell closed," Daniel said. "I didn't hit you that hard. But you'll have a black eye."


Marinette darted to the side and came back with her gym bag draped over her shoulder. "Come on. I'll walk you home and get you set up there."

"You don't have to."

"Get your clothes and let's go."

"Okay. Okay."

Daniel followed Adrien to the men's locker room. "I normally wouldn't bother with this, but since I owe you one...Jeremy is happily married. He doesn't wear his ring when he trains, and he sees Marinette as one of his sisters. So you've got nothing to worry about here." Daniel clapped him on the shoulder and left the room.

So then who was the guy that she liked?

AN - My sister said she wants to punch him too. Lmao! And she's not a violent person. But the obliviousness is killing her. I love it though and so does she.

But hey, that kiss...am I right? Oh, she's in so much trouble. Lol

Thanks for be awesome readers. I love you guys. :)

To the guest mentioning about posting everyday, that would be awesome. But I think my husband would divorce me, and my kid would forget she had a mom. Lol! I'd love to be able to write fast, though. I think I'm slow compared to others.

Update: edited...a bunch. Lol