23. Chapter 23

Chapter 23

"Remember the plan, Nino," Alya said as they walked to Marinette's door for their dinner date.

"Don't mention what Chat Noir said about Marinette, and talk to Adrien to see what's going on with him."

"Perfect." She wanted to see if Marinette would tell her on her own. She was doing her best to be cool about the situation, but it was eating at her. "You ready?"

"Babe, I was born ready."

She laughed and hooked her arm around his as he rang the doorbell.

Marinette greeted them with a bright smile. "Welcome back!" She wrapped her arms around the both of them.

Alya returned the hug. "Are you ready to tell me everything I've missed." Hint. Hint.

"Of course. Get in here." She backed up so they could walk inside. "But you have to tell me how the honeymoon went first."

"Hey, man." Adrien said, slapping Nino's hand in some kind of guy greeting.

Alya pulled Marinette toward the stairs. "Show me the dress you made first."

She glanced at Adrien. "How long before the food is ready?"

"There's time." He waved her away. "Show her how amazing you are."

Marinette blushed and Alya smiled. She had her suspicions about Adrien, but he definitely made her happy. Too bad they were both dimwits who couldn't see they liked each other. "How's Nathaniel?" she asked as they climbed the stairs.

"You know, he's been a little strange lately."

"Oh really?" Alya hid her smile. He'd better have followed through with their plan.

"Yeah. He kept setting up times to meet with Adrien and me to show off his comic, but then he kept canceling at the last second. Something about a project."

Alya hummed. At least he hadn't botched that. Just thinking about his speech at the wedding reception made her cringe.

"What's wrong?" Marinette asked.

"Nothing." She jumped on her friend's bed. "Show me the dress."

"Yes, ma'am." Marinette pulled out the black garment from her closet and showed her the front and back. It seemed formal with the long sleeves, yet the short full skirt lent it a casualness.

"It's lovely. Sophisticated and simple." She pointed to the scalloped neckline. "With a touch of your girly flair. It's you."

She beamed. "Thanks."

As Marinette looked over her handiwork, Alya asked, "Anything exciting happen while I was away?"


"No akumas?"

"Just the one yesterday."

"Anything on Chat Noir?"

Marinette shook her head and put away the dress.

The girl wasn't going to tell her about him. She thought they didn't keep secrets. Alya ground her teeth.

Marinette hopped on the bed next to her. "Okay. Tell me about the honeymoon."


"How've you been feeling lately?" Nino asked as they watched a football match.

Adrien glanced at him. "Fine."

"A black eye, huh?" It was so weird to see him with the bruise. Adrien just didn't put out the tough guy vibe.

"That's what I get for not paying attention."

"At Marinette's self-defense class?"

He nodded.

Nino sighed. "Dude, just ask her out already."

Adrien shifted on the couch. "It's not the right time."


"Because it's too soon—"

Nino made a buzzer sound. "She wasn't even that into Nathaniel."

"I'm not certain she's that into me."

"Are you kidding me?"

He shook his head. The hardness that had been slowly surrounding his friend these past several months fell away as uncertainty overcame him. "She's never given me a hint."

"Have you?"

"All the time." He sagged a little. "I've told her I think she's gorgeous, that she's all I need. I can't be any more obvious than that."

Nino scratched his head. "Alya says Marinette is dense when it comes to guys."

"I don't want things to be weird around here"—he gestured to the apartment—"if I ask her and she says no."

"She won't say no."

"How do you know?"

Nino flopped back into the cushion, eyes on the game again. "I am married to her best friend." He didn't look at Adrien as the blond processed that information.

The conversation hadn't gone as Alya had planned. She'd told him to ask about why Adrien didn't like the Miraculouses and what was going on in his life that was changing him. But Nino chalked it up to Marinette. Love made people act weird. Granted, he'd started changing before then. Nino pursed his lips and snuck a peek at his best friend deep in thought.

Nah, he was fine.


Something was off about Alya. She seemed somewhat upset, slightly standoffish, but Marinette had no clue as to why. But maybe she was wrong. Alya had given all the juicy details of her honeymoon and Marinette was officially jealous. It'd sounded romantic and fun, and she wanted what they had. They were just so perfect for each other.

They walked down the stairs, and Adrien stood from sitting on the couch. He turned off the tv and smiled at her. Tucking back her hair, Marinette returned the smile.

Nino reached for Alya and pulled her in for a kiss. "I missed you."

"Shut up." Her words would've sounded harsh if it wasn't for her affection oozing through the two syllables.

Marinette caught Adrien watching her, and they both quickly looked away.

"I've heard a lot about your cooking," Alya said to Adrien. "It better be good."

"No pressure. Thanks."

Alya grinned at him. "You're welcome."

They moved to the table as Adrien went to prepare their plates.

"He's actually practicing the recipes for tomorrow," Marinette explained. "So be honest and tell him if it's good." She bent closer to them and whispered, "It's important to him that it's perfect for his dad."

"Good luck pleasing that dude," Nino said out the side of his mouth.

Alya elbowed him. "Be nice,"

"I know he's not easy to get along with," Adrien commented as he walked in, carrying plates of food, and everyone leaned back in their seats, "but I have to try."

Marinette nodded. "It sounds like a step in the right direction."

"I guess the good thing is that you won't need any ice." Nino looked around expectantly. "Because he's so cold."

Alya smacked a hand to her face.

"What?" Nino asked, laughing at his joke.

She grabbed his hand and interlaced her fingers with his. "Nino, I love you, but sometimes you don't know when to be quiet." She faced Adrien. "I'm certain your dad will appreciate the gesture."

Setting down the plates in front of them, he paused in thought and frowned slightly. "Actually, I'll be surprised if he does."

Marinette's heart clenched for him.

When he left to get the last two plates, Alya turned on Nino. "No more jokes about his dad. Or you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight."

His mouth fell open. "Fine."

Then Adrien came back with the last of the plates, and Alya said, "The food looks really good."

Marinette thought so too.

"Thanks." He sat down. "Be honest, okay?"

They nodded and took a tentative bite.

"Dude! This is actually really good." Nino dug into his plate without looking up at them.

He should have because the smile Adrien suddenly wore made her insides flutter with happiness.

"Nino's right," Alya said. "This is good. Marinette said you could cook, but I thought she was just being nice."

Marinette scoffed. "I wouldn't lie to you."

Alya glanced at her and the flash of hurt had Marinette sitting back in surprise.

"So there's nothing you'd change?" Adrien asked.

Nino didn't stop eating to answer. He just shook his head. The girls both told him it was perfect. All the while, Marinette tried to figure out what she'd said to upset her friend. It clearly had something to do with lying. But the only thing she withheld from her was her superhero identity.

Marinette almost groaned. Had she said something when she was under Boozer's spell? "Alya, tell me about your adventure with Ladybug."

Adrien sat up straighter. "Yeah. How long had you been there before you took Boozer down?"

Alya blinked at them.

"Oh, man," Nino said. "You should've been there. Boozer was driving like a maniac trying to chase down Ladybug. Almost hit us. And then he comes up to her." He paused to laugh. "Dude, she was acting all silly, like she'd been drinking. It was pretty funny."

"Did she give anything away?" Marinette asked. Maybe she'd spilled the beans and Alya was waiting for her to confess.

"Nah. What was crazy though was that Chat Noir talked through Boozer."

Alya cleared her throat, and Adrien's fork dropped to his plate. The resulting clang cut through the room and made them jump.

He smiled. "Sorry. Butter fingers."

Nino looked at Alya, looking at Adrien, and Marinette watched all of them, very confused. "What happened?"

Alya sighed, as if in resolve. She put down her own fork and faced Marinette. "He said some things."

"I'm sure just the usual Miraculous demand, right?"

Nino studiously ate his food, Adrien stared at them both, still pale, and Alya just shook her head.

"What else could he have said that would have you acting strange?" Could he have mentioned her? No. Why would he have?

"Really, Marinette?" Alya crossed her arms.

"Maybe we should talk about this later," Nino suggested, staring pointedly at Alya. His gaze darted toward Adrien for a brief second.

What did Adrien have to do with anything about this?

Alya seemed about to give in to Nino's plea, but Marinette leaned forward. "Will someone please tell me what's going on here?"

"You've been spending time with Chat Noir. In your bedroom. And you never told me."

A thousand cotton balls couldn't have sucked out any more moisture from her mouth. She tried to swallow but failed. She snuck a glance at Adrien and found his eyes fixed on his plate while he slowly ate, just like Nino was doing. "Well, he stops by occasionally."

Alya lowered her brows. "And why does he occasionally stop by?"

"I don't know. Maybe he needs a friend."

"Oh, it sounded like you two were much more than friends."

Adrien suddenly coughed on his food. He reached for his drink and took a sip.

"Alya, can we talk about this upstairs?"

She followed her gaze to Adrien and rolled her eyes. "Fine."

They stood and walked briskly up the stairs, silent and tense. Marinette had no idea what she was going to say.


Nino shifted in his chair. "I'm sure it's nothing."

Adrien nodded.

"People can be friends with the opposite sex...while they visit in their bedroom...and keep it a secret from everyone." He grimaced. No matter how you sliced it, it sounded bad.

"Yeah." He took a bite of his food. "I'm sure she's just trying to help him."

"Exactly. It's Marinette. She'll help anyone. Even the villain."

Adrien bristled.

Thinking he was upset that she might be putting herself in danger, Nino added, "Which I'm certain he wouldn't hurt her. I mean, he hasn't attacked anyone besides Ladybug."

"How upset is Alya?"

"They'll talk it out and be okay." Nino stuffed a forkful of food in his mouth. "Just you wait, they'll come back laughing, all happy again."


"How come you never told me?" Alya asked after refusing to sit down.

"Because he asked me not to."

She sighed. "I get it. I do. But it still stings."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, and I'm sorry you had to find out about it that way." Marinette walked to her and pulled her in a hug. "If I keep a secret, it's to keep you safe."

"I can take care of myself," she said a little petulantly, but released her crossed arms and hugged Marinette back. "I'll forgive you if you tell me everything now that the cat's out of the bag."

Marinette laughed. "I guess that's only reasonable."

Alya darted to the bed, sat and patted the spot next to her. "And I mean everything."

Sitting with her friend, she told her how they'd first stumbled into each other, how he'd found her on a date with Nathaniel, how he'd been looking after her when the waitress was akumatized, then how he'd checked up on her after the attacks.

"That explains why he didn't want you to be spelled into loving the Evillustrator," Alya remarked.

Marinette nodded.

"You know what that means, right?" Alya asked.

"That he likes me."

"And do you like him?"

Her friend watched her so closely, she didn't even try to lie. "I think I do." Before Alya could flip out, she added, "He's different with me. He's soft and caring. He helped me make the dress. And he—"

"Kissed you," her friend finished her sentence. "Oh my god. That's—"

"Crazy. I know."

"Yeah, but how was it?"

"The kiss?"

"No. How was his hair."

Remembering the feel of it in her hands, she sighed. "It is really soft."

Alya pushed her shoulder. "Shut up."

"It is. And he kisses with as much passion as he fights."

"Sounds pretty damn hot."

Marinette blushed.

"Wait. But what about Adrien?"

"I know. I'm terrible." She fell back on her bed. "I like them both."

Alya lowered to the covers as well. "That's not terrible. What would be terrible is if you were still quasi dating Nathaniel while drooling over two other guys."

"I do not drool."

"You're drooling right now "

"I am not." Marinette elbowed her, and they laughed.

"Come on. You can tell me more later." Alya sat up and got to her feet. "I'm hungry." As they walked to the door, she added, "That boy can cook."

Marinette nodded, happy everything was cool between them.

"Do you think Chat Noir can?"

She gave her a sidelong look.

"Well, you might need to stack their attributes to see who you should keep."

"There probably isn't even a decision that needs to be made."

Alya stopped at the door. "Why do you say that?"

"Adrien might not even like me."

"Girl, don't be ridiculous. The boy is in love with you."

"How do you know?"

"He got a black eye because he kept watching you, missed a fashion show, and doesn't seem mad in the slightest." Alya opened the door and walked out. "Besides, I am married to his best friend."

AN - I just love Alya. Lol. Next chapter is the halfway point which will be major. Be prepared.

Welcome new readers! And old readers! And young readers! And old readers! Lol. Please excuse my goofiness. Thanks for continuing to stick with me. Even with my weird update schedule this week. Which reminds me. I'm going to conserve a chapter next week. Spring break is the following week, and you know what that means. No school, no writing. I figure everyone would rather have one chapter each week, instead of two, then none for practically two weeks.

In case you haven't picked up on it, my sister reads my notes, which is why I like to always thank her. Because she deserves at least that. The girl isn't getting paid to help me. Lol