24. Chapter 24

Chapter 24 - 2nd quarter mark!

"This is your last chance," Hawk Moth said to Chat as they stood in his lair. "If you hold back again, our deal is over."

"But I haven't been—"

"You are!" He gripped his cane and breathed out hard. "After everything, you are."

It was true, of course. No matter how hard Chat tried to be cold steel, to think of her as his prey, he couldn't erase his memories of her as his partner, his friend...his love.

"I grow weary of this. Either she's your prey or she's someone else's. Someone much more dangerous than you, with zero fondness for her."

The thought of some psychopath laying waste to the city and to her filled him with acceptance. "She's mine," he said through gritted teeth.

"She's what?"

"She's. Mine."

"Your what?"

He curled his fingers into tight fists. "My prey."

"No more holding back?"

Shoving his fear and protests to the back of his mind, he stared his father in the eyes. "No."

Gabriel watched him closely for a long moment, searching for any sign of reluctance or doubt. "Good."

Chat walked toward the window, then stopped. "Akumatize Nino."

"What?" The surprise in his voice pleased Chat.

"He's my friend. I won't turn on him to help Ladybug."

A cruel smile crept into place. "He has to be upset for Nooroo's magic to work."

"So have one of your spies break his headphones."

His father laughed. "Yes. Good idea...son."

Chat's heart twisted. He hadn't referred to him so affectionately in a long time.

"Go. Get her Miraculous and let's bring your mother back."

Nodding once, Chat turned and jumped out the window.


Ladybug swung to the rooftop overlooking Chat standing in the middle of the street. She walked to the ledge and looked down at him. He stood differently. He'd even called her out differently. More certain than ever before. More cold. She shivered.

The police had already evacuated the local businesses and cordoned off the streets around them. They were standing by, ready to help if needed.

Lifting his head toward her, he said, "Let's end this once and for all."

He almost sounded like a different person. Almost like Hawk Moth.

She exhaled long and slow.

You might have to take his Miraculous, Tikki said.

"I know." The knife that had been lodged in her chest since Chat turned on her, twisted.

Can you do it?

"I don't think I have much of a choice."

Marinette, you can't let him have yours.

"I know," she bit out. Doing this meant she'd finally given up on him, she'd turned her back on him. It would break what little connection they had left. She touched the ragged ache in her chest.

Once he's out from under Hawk Moth's influence, he'll understand why you had to do it.

She hoped so.

"Face me!"

Stay strong, Marinette. Master Fu, all of Paris, and I believe in you.

She could do this. She could do this. She could do this.

Steeling herself, she jumped down to the street, and he immediately shifted into a fighting stance, staff still hooked to his lower back. In return, she didn't reach for her yo-yo at her hip.

"Chat." She'd tried to make her voice sound firm, but even she heard the pleading there.

He just stayed in his crouched position, watching her with eyes that felt foreign. There was no point in demanding her Miraculous. She would not give it up, and it seemed he'd finally accepted that fact.

"Please," she said.

He blinked, his face softening for a split second before hardening again.

She sighed and slid into her usual fighting stance. She had to be careful to not use the same moves as the ones from her self-defense class.

The air around them felt empty, like they were all that existed on the planet: no animals, no traffic, nothing. Yet it was full, charged, as if a dangerous storm brewed around them.

Her steady breaths were loud in her ears. He could probably hear them, along with the pounding of her heart. But he was so silent, practically a void, a wound walled off to prevent further infection.

They observed each other, waiting, gauging the other's resolve.

This wasn't her Chat Noir. She would not be fighting him today. No, this was Hawk Moth's creation. It was he who she would be fighting. Her Chat Noir was a prisoner. One she would free, no matter the cost.

As if he'd read her thoughts, he snarled and charged. It took four long steps to reach her, each footfall landing as if in slow motion. His arm stretched, fist aiming for her, coming so close it stirred the strands of hair near her face. His green eyes were two stones forged from icy determination and bitter resignation. She blinked, twisted around, and shoved him away with both of her hands.

Stopping mid-slide, he flipped to her with a sudden kick that sent her flying back against an advertising column. The thick glass cracked from the impact. Her breath rushed out, but she threw up her arms and blocked a flurry of punches. Her bones seemed to groan in protest at each heavy strike.

She had to escape before he overpowered her.

At his next punch, she grabbed his wrist, spun out of its path, and sent it barreling to the advertising column behind her. The glass shattered around his fist.

He didn't even grimace. Instead, he whipped his other arm around to backhand her.

She blocked it at the last second. But damn. He wasn't holding back.

He came at her faster, harder. It reminded her of how he'd fought the bug guy. His fury lent him a speed that kept her on her toes, always reacting, barely able to counter with a punch or a kick. It was dizzying.

She focused on her breath to steady her racing heart and let her attention expand. She couldn't let him box her in, mentally or physically.

Ducking under a swing, she spun away and kicked his legs out from under him. He fell, then popped right back up as if landing on a trampoline and continued onward.

He was a speeding train, relentless and powerful, landing strikes that had her biting back cries of pain. For every punch she dodged, he landed two. For every kick she blocked, another hit with double the force.

Her arms were growing numb and sluggish. Even her legs felt like they'd gone through a wood chipper. But she forced herself to keep going.

Use your yo-yo, Tikki suggested.

If she did, then he would surely follow suit, and she was barely keeping up with him hand to hand. Adding weapons might just be too much.

No, she was capable, and if she timed it perfectly, she'd have his Miraculous and could finally take a break.

They flowed around one another, practically two spinning tops, trying to knock the other off balance. She doubted any onlookers could make out the barrage of attacks. Hell, she barely could.

One second, it was the classic back and forth. The next, they hit each other at the same time.

She blinked. Somehow, they'd ended up several feet apart.

Now, Marinette!

Grabbing her yo-yo, she hurled it, caught his arm, and yanked him to her. He fell to his stomach and landed at her feet. She stepped on his wrist and bent to take his ring.


Not wanting to see the betrayal in his eyes, she stared at the paw print on his black ring. He clenched his hand into a fist so she couldn't slip his ring off.

"You've left me with no choice," she said while trying to pry his fingers open.

"Hey, hey, heyyy," a male's surfer voice called from behind her.

She looked back over her shoulder to find the Bubbler standing victoriously in his red, blue, yellow, and black suit. Oh, Nino. She had to free him.

Chat tried to pull away, forcing her to hold on tighter.

No, she needed to get his Miraculous first. It had to be her top priority.

This was the perfect time for the police to help. She grabbed the flare from her boot and shot it overhead. A red light zipped across the blue sky before fizzling out.

The Bubbler laughed. "You think I'd let the police stop the fun?" He lifted his arms and pointed at all the bubbles floating above the buildings. Sure enough, each one contained a cop, even their cars.


He grabbed the wand from behind his back and aimed it at her. Several shimmering bubbles plowed toward her.

Releasing Chat, she spun her yo-yo, popping the bubbles into multiple smaller ones that floated away harmlessly.

Something rammed into her back and sent her sprawled out on the paved road. Hearing the familiar whoosh of Chat's staff, she rolled out of the way and flung herself up to the building with the Bubbler.

They fought, wand and bubbles against yo-yo with what little strength she had left. Using her newfound offensive skills, she charged him, hitting pressure points and every sensitive spot she could remember.

"No!" Chat Noir shouted.

He vaulted himself to the rooftop as well, forcing her to break off her attack. Two opponents and no backup was simply too much for her.

Use your lucky charm, Tikki said.

"That's the plan."

After fleeing and ducking behind a dumpster, she activated the special power and caught a large red fan with black polka dots. That was pretty straight forward.

Hiding the fan behind her, she ran out from the alley and stopped in the middle of the road, facing Chat Noir and the Bubbler as they walked toward her. The menacing sight made tingles rush up her spine. He'd never fought alongside an akumatized person before. He used to just watch and wait, or, lately, help fight them.

Are you ready? Tikki asked.

"I'm definitely ready to end this."


"Two against one isn't a fair fight," she yelled at them.

Chat shrugged. "Take it as a compliment, Milady."

Cocky cat.

Gripping her yo-yo with one hand, she held the fan behind her with the other and readied herself for another fight.

"Round two," the Bubbler said, then swung his wand.

Bubbles flew her way, and she quickly exchanged her yo-yo for the fan. The wind pushed the translucent spheres back toward them.

Chat's eyes widened in surprise. He whipped out his staff and proceeded to pop as many as he could. The ones that had escaped his frenzy coalesced around him until both he and Nino were ensnared.

Ladybug swung her yo-yo at the Bubbler's wand before it was swallowed up as well. Her weapon struck it with enough force to break it in two, and the little akuma floated out as Nino transformed back to his usual self.

"What?" He looked around, realized he was trapped inside a bubble with Chat Noir, and scooted as far away as he could. "Ladybug, get me outta here!"

Chat just glared at her with eyes like green fire. He really did hate her now. "I will get your Miraculous."

Leaning closer to him, she looked straight at him so he'd see her resolve and said, "Not if I get yours first."


Adrien made it back just in time to prepare dinner and pick up. He unlocked the door and threw it open, careful to not drop the groceries. He would clean while the salt worked its magic on the eggplant, and—

The place was immaculate.

Marinette rushed out of her room and ran to the top of the stairs. "What took you so long? I thought I was gonna have to entertain your dad all by myself."

She was in her black dress and her hair was tied up in a soft bun. She looked prettier than he'd ever seen her.


"Oh, sorry." He snapped out of his stupor and went to put the groceries in the kitchen. "I got held up."

She had cleaned for him. The woman really was amazing.

Downstairs now, Marinette helped unpack the bags. "Are you nervous?"

"A little. He wants to inspect the apartment too."


"Yeah, Natalie made sure it was suitable first, otherwise I wouldn't have even gotten the place. But he's...meticulous."

She made a noise, and he turned to notice she'd gone pale.

"You'll be okay. Just don't take any offense to what he says or how he says it or even how he looks at you." He rubbed the back of his neck. "That's just how he is."

She nodded, albeit slowly. "Can I help with anything else?"

"You're good. You've done enough already." He pulled out the chef knife and cutting board. "What have you been doing all day, besides cleaning?"

"Oh, not much. So what do you think?" She stepped back to show him her dress, and he felt like a dolt for not acknowledging it first.

"You're beautiful. I mean, it's beautiful." How much looking was considered staring? He pulled his gaze back to the pile of vegetables in front of him, ready to be washed. "I think my father will appreciate the design."

"You do?"

"Yeah. But sometimes it's hard to tell with him."

Grabbing some plates and silverware, she said, "I'll get the table set."

By the time his father walked through the door, Marinette was refreshed, but noticeably nervous. She kept shifting on her feet and fidgeting with her dress, as if it didn't fit right, which was insane because it was tailored specifically for her.

Gabriel adjusted his glasses. "The concierge did not ask nearly enough questions to make me feel the security here is up to par."

"I told him you were coming," Adrien said.

"Not an excuse." His gaze swept the living room, then landed on Marinette.

She dipped her head in respect. "It's a pleasure to meet you again."

"Hmm." He gestured for her to turn around.

She did so without hesitation.

"Your design?"

"Yes, sir." She smiled but it was a little crooked.

He hummed again and walked away.

Adrien gave her a thumbs up when, in all reality, he had no idea if that was a good sign.

His father moved to the dining room as if he'd been there a hundred times. He'd probably studied the layout of the apartment and knew the exact dimensions. Taking his place at the head of the table, he sat and surveyed the tabletop decor, filled with candles, dishes, and flowers.

Marinette had gone a little overboard, but Adrien couldn't blame her. He pulled out her chair, then sat in his own across from her.

Adrien was excited to share the food he'd prepared with his father. It was his first time to do so. "I made dinner—"

"You could've called in the chef."

"Adrien is actually a really good cook. He's..."

Gabriel's upper lip curled, and she fell silent.

Okay. They would not be taking a moment to converse. Adrien stood. "Let me make you a plate."

He served his father first, careful to give the perfect portions just as he preferred. When he placed Marinette's plate before her, she offered a sympathetic smile. They were both nervous it seemed. He really wanted his father to like her and see just how amazing she was.

Gabriel watched their interaction as if looking through a magnifying glass. He showed no thoughts on his face. Zero. The man would kill at poker.

They ate in heavy silence. Each clink and scrape echoed in the room. Thankfully, nothing was crunchy. The sound would've been deafening.

"Father, Marinette is pursuing her design career at ENS. Like you did."

"I know."

Her brows shot up. "You do?"

"I make it a point to know everything about the people closest to us."

Adrien withheld a groan.

"You do?" This time it came out as a squeak.

"Yes. I know that you are a baker's daughter, made good grades despite your tardiness, and earned a scholarship."

She blinked as he took a bite of his greens and chewed thoroughly before swallowing.

"And," he finally continued, "I know that you are unable to afford this apartment, even with a roommate splitting the cost." He tapped his chin with his napkin. "I believe that's what freeloaders do. Take advantage of people's kindness."

Adrien's jaw dropped. What was he doing? "Father—"

Gabriel held up a hand and continued to stare down Marinette. "I know that you wish to be a designer and, while you do have a modicum of talent, you'll never make it." He leaned forward. "Never."

Tears lined her eyes as she sat straight-backed in her chair. "I'm sorry you feel that way." She breathed in and placed her napkin on the table with so much care, she must've been holding a plethora of emotions back. "And, quite frankly, I'm sorry I ever looked up to you. That you were my idol." Then she stood and looked at Adrien, and his heart twisted, as if to wring out every drop of life it held.

She turned and walked out.

He shot to his feet, but his father said, "Let her go. It's better this way."

"You planned this from the beginning?" His fingers gripped the edge of the table.

"Attachments are a distraction and a weakness we cannot afford."


One of his father's brows lifted.

"Marinette is the kindest person I know. She's not freeloading. I had to practically beg her to move here."

Both brows were now lifted.

"And she can stay here as long as she wants." He ran out of the room and up the stairs to burst through her door.

She didn't glance his way as she shoved clothes and books into several suitcases. When she pulled out a drawer to dump its contents into a bag, he caught her hand. "Stay."

"No." She tried to wrestle her arm free while avoiding looking at him. Drawing pencils and erasers spilled to the floor.


She finally faced him and his chest constricted even more. Her cheeks were splotchy and wet. The blue in her eyes shone even brighter as if the tears somehow amplified the color. "I can't stay here now. Your father hates me."

"This is my apartment that I pay with the money I've earned. I say who stays. Not him."


"Marinette, please. I have never stood up to him, but just now. Just now, I did. For you. Because I want you here. With me."

"You do?" She looked away confused. "Why? I add nothing."

He shook his head and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "You couldn't be more wrong."

Her brows knitted together.

"You make me happy, Marinette. Just thinking about you brightens even my darkest moods."


He placed a gentle kiss on her lips, uncertain as to how she would respond. She had welcomed Chat, but she might not feel the same about him as Adrien. And then there was the other guy she liked. Despite what Nino had told him, he couldn't help but think it wasn't him.

When she lifted her face to return the kiss, the icy knot in the pit of his stomach melted. It was as if he'd jumped into a fire, and, instead of burning, he craved more of the mesmerizing flames. It swirled through his veins, skated along his skin, and ignited every nerve ending.

Touching the back of her neck, he flared his fingers across the soft skin there and traced the shell of her ear with his thumb. He stepped closer to her, careful to not eliminate the space between them entirely...just in case she didn't want him to.

The gap grew warm and seemed to magnetize, drawing him closer to her. He resisted, but she lifted to her toes and claimed his lips as her own.

While the kiss was similar to what they shared when he was Chat, passionate and immensely satisfying, there was something different. Then it clicked. They were both being careful. This was more than he could have hoped for, and he didn't want to ruin it or scare her away.

The front door opened and closed in what could only be his father leaving—he'd deal with him later—and Adrien pulled just a few centimeters back. Their lips still grazed one another, their breaths intermingled, their heartbeats thudded and galloped together as if in a three-legged race.

"I like you, Marinette," he said practically against her. "And, while I know you used to have a crush on me, I hope that one day you'll maybe see me in a similar—"

"I've never stopped having a crush on you."

He blinked and leaned back. "What?"

"I've always liked you. Well, not always. When I thought you'd put gum on my seat, I wasn't too keen on you. But then you gave me your umbrella, and…" She sighed. "I can't believe you actually like me."

"I've been giving you clues for the past couple weeks," he said exasperatedly.

"Alya says I'm—"

"Dense when it comes to guys. I know."


"Nino told me yesterday." He stepped back and immediately missed her close proximity. "So will you stay? Here? With me?"

She nodded and wrapped her arms around him in a hug that was both comforting and titillating. "Of course."

Adrien wanted to kiss her again, wanted to throw her on the bed and have as much of her as she would give him. But he stayed in her gentle embrace, absorbing as much of the moment as he could, from the feel of her against him to the sound of her melodic voice so close to his ear, and the smell of her filling his nose.

For the first time in months, he was at peace.

AN - okay. So we have the full split of Ladybug and Chat, and the joining of Adrien and Marinette. And Adrien finally stood up to his father. What will happen now? You'll just have to keep reading, my friend. ;)

70 thousand words and we've finally reached the halfway point. It's hard for even me to believe. Lol. But thanks for all the love. Favorites, follows, and reviews just bring so much joy, I can't even explain it. I guess it just makes it all feel worth it. So thank you, thank you!

And thank you to my sweet sister. She's been looking over my writing from the very beginning and has always shown interest and joy, which feels pretty special