25. Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Marinette peeked out her bedroom door to see if Adrien's was closed or not. It wasn't, which meant he was downstairs. She quickly shut her door.

"What are you waiting for?" Tikki asked. "Just go out there."

Her heart leapt at the thought of seeing him. He'd kissed her last night, said he liked her, and wanted her to stay with him. Adrien Agreste liked her. Her!

"You're doing it again," Tikki said.


"Spacing out while smiling."

"I can't help it." She sighed. Adrien had kissed her: soft, warm lips, caring and tender touches. And he smelled divine. He wanted her. Her!

The kwami giggled.

"What do I do when I see him? Kiss him? Talk about what happened? Or not mention it and play it cool."

"You'll have to decide that for yourself. But if you wait any longer, he's going to think you're avoiding him."

She straightened. Well, I can't have that.

Throwing open the door, she stepped out and ran into a hard, yet soft body. Strong arms wrapped around her and caught her as she fell backwards.

Surprise melted into embarrassment, and, refusing to look at him, she blushed.

He lifted her chin to him, but she still couldn't bring her eyes to meet his. "Hi."


He chuckled. "Are you not going to look at me?"

His warmth, the sound of his voice so close to her ear was turning her to goo, a hormone-filled, quivering pile of goo.

"That's very rude, you know. Especially after I confessed my heart to you."

He was trying to kill her.

"I was going to ask if you wanted breakfast, but I think I like this more." He dipped his head and nibbled on her earlobe.

She squeaked. Her body jolted, and she used the sudden movement to free herself and step back into her room. "Breakfast is great!" She grimaced at the noise level.

He squinted and rubbed his ear. "I'm sorry. That was cruel. But I can't help it. I love your blush."

Her cheeks ignited to a blazing fire, and his devious smile made her heart stutter offbeat. In a way, he reminded her of Chat.

"You're killing me, Marinette."

"You?! Do you know what you're doing to me?" He moved closer to her and she stepped back. "Ground rules here."

He stopped and lifted a brow in question.

"We're taking this slow. Okay?"

Now his cheeks flushed. "I wasn't going to. I mean, I wasn't expecting..." He created a little more distance between them, shifting into his usual shy-Adrien stance. "Slow is perfect. I don't want to make living here uncomfortable for you."

She breathed out in relief. "And privacy is still very important to me."

"Same here."



With both of them blushing, standing awkwardly, eyes everywhere but on each other, she had no idea how they were supposed to live together, let alone function normally.

He barked a laugh, and her gaze snapped to him. "Look at us. It's like we're fifteen again."

A corner of her lips lifted. "I feel fifteen again." Her cheeks warmed even more, proving her point.

"We're adults now."


"So let's go downstairs and eat breakfast."

She gave a sharp nod. "Yeah."

When he held out a hand for her to take, her heart twirled like a four year old with a ribbon.


After breakfast, Adrien left to meet his father as per "requested." He'd expected this. He did go against his dad, after all. But he still dreaded it.

Passing through the front gate, then through the front door, he stepped into the desolate mansion. A feather landing on the marble floor would've been heard like an avalanche.

"Natalie?" he asked, his voice echoing in the cavernous foyer.


He shrugged and walked up the stairs to his father's office to find it empty. Well, this was weird.

Stepping out into the hallway, a hiss perked his ears and had him ducking. A blade zipped by overhead and struck the doorframe.

What the?

Hawk Moth swung the cane's wooden shaft, and Adrien stumbled backwards out of the way. "What are you doing?"

"You've been lulled into complacency."

Adrien twisted away from a jab that was meant for his stomach.

"I've been too easy on you."

Blond strands fell to the floor as the blade skimmed way too close to his head.

"You clearly think you can do whatever you want."

"Father." Jumping over a low swipe, he stared at Hawk Moth. "Stop."

Plagg flew out of his pocket for the first time in front of his father. "Transform."

Adrien shook his head.

"Listen to your kwami," his dad said while thrusting at him again.

"No." He ran behind a statue and used it to block another swing. The head came clean off and broke into pieces as it hit the floor. His eyes widened at the sight.

"No?" Hawk Moth asked.

"Come on, kid. Transform."

Adrien drew in a breath and walked out from behind the now-headless statue. Spreading his arms, he looked his father in the eyes and said, "Do it. Kill me."

Plagg grabbed his ear and tried to get him to move out of the way, then mashed his little body against the side of his head as Hawk Moth's blade sailed for them both.

Despite his calm stance, Adrien's heart thrashed against his ribs. His legs hardened, as if commanding him to kick or run or something. But he forced himself to stay put, just like how he forced his eyes to stay open and locked onto his father's.

The blade stopped so close to his head, it was a silver blur in his peripheral vision.

Hawk Moth breathed out hard through his nose, stepped back, and sheathed the sword inside the cane. "Get out."

"I love her."

His jaw ticked.

"I love her as you love mother."

His father turned his back to him.

Adrien took a slow step in his direction. "But my care for her doesn't lessen my commitment to you and mom. If anything, it helps me understand you better. I would do anything for her."

"Turn away from everything?" He looked over his shoulder at him. "Risk everything?"


Moving to Adrien, he placed a firm hand on his shoulder, and Plagg flew away from his father, as if afraid to be too close. "Then I am happy for you."

His face didn't look happy though.


"He kissed me, Alya," Marinette said over the speakerphone for the tenth time. She had to wait until close to noon to call her friend. Marinette was a morning person. Alya, not so much. "And then...he nibbled my ear earlier today."

"Girl, you better not be playing with me."

"I'm not, I swear. His father hates me though." She'd said that at least ten times too. Parents usually loved her, but no one was quite like Gabriel Agreste.

"Well, you can't have everything."


"What? Ladybug looks after you, Chat Freaking Noir wants you, and Adrien basically fought his dad for you. Oh, and you get to live in an amazing apartment for free." She paused. "Now that I think about it, I hate you too." Her laughter negated her words.

She groaned. "I forgot about Chat."

"You forgot about the dangerous, leather-clad man who sneaks into your bedroom and kisses you senseless?"

"I forgot that I have to break the news to him." Marinette leaned back in her seat, needing the support now that her spine was missing.

"I'll have the cops on speed dial."

That earned a snort.

Tikki watched her from the top of her dresser, clearly not liking the change of topic. Her kwami had said Chat was now too dangerous and unstable to be around as defenseless Marinette.

"He won't hurt me," she said to the both of them. "Besides, I can defend myself now...mostly."

"Mm hmm," Alya muttered into the phone.

"It's just that I don't want to hurt him or, worse, lose him. I don't think he has anyone else in his life right now, besides Hawk Moth, of course."

"It might be for the best if you lose him. I heard him and Ladybug are officially over. No more playing."

"They were playing before?" she asked out the corner of her mouth. Her bruises hadn't come from friendly sport.

"You saw the footage. Looked like they declared war. I just wish I knew what changed."

"Me too."

Silence filled the line before Alya tentatively said, "You could always ask him."

As Marinette, she very well could.

Tikki shook her head and flew to her ear. "You don't want him to become suspicious."

Marinette muted the phone. "You were okay with it before."

"That was before he snapped."

She waved a hand at Tikki. "He already knows I disapprove of what he's doing. Surely I can dig deeper."

"I don't think it's a good idea."

The kwami never thought anything was a good idea. "It'll look like a friend's concern. Which is true."

"Marinette!" Alya said with some bite. "Did you mute me?"

She quickly unmuted her. "Sorry! I was just um...going to the bathroom."

Her friend huffed. "Did you hear what I was saying?"


Alya grumbled. "I said, maybe you can set me up an interview with him."

Tikki and Marinette's brows creased. "With who?"

"Chat Noir."


"Yeah. It'll be great actually. I'll be the first to—"

"Alya." Had everyone gone crazy?

"Please?" her friend begged.

Marinette rubbed her forehead. "Really?"



"Absolutely. Come on, Marinette. Please?"

Tikki shook her head, but Marinette sighed in resignation. "Fine. I'll ask."

Alya squealed. "See, I could never hate you."

Loud kissing sounds threatened to deafen her. Marinette lowered the volume as Tikki crossed her arms in indignation. When the noise stopped, she increased it again.

"Hey, maybe you can ask Chat to shred Mr. Perfect's designer suits." Alya snickered. "I can't believe he said you don't have talent. Washed up old man."

Marinette couldn't help but smile at her friend's protectiveness.

"Who would want an internship with him, anyway?" She scoffed. "Not us."

"I didn't know you wanted one in the first place."

"You know what I mean."

Tikki's eyes bugged and she shot into the dresser. Marinette whipped around in her seat to see Chat climbing to her window. "Alya, I have to let you go."

"Is it Adrien or Chat Noir?" Her voice took on such a gossipy tone it was practically comical.


"I swear, you're life is better than any soap opera."

Chat waved at her from outside. If she only knew.

"I'll call you later," Marinette said.

"You better or I'm calling the cops."

She hung up and tried to think of what to say to him. 'Hi! The man I love says he's into me too, so we're done. Please don't go crazy.'

He tapped on the glass in question, and she popped out of her chair to let him in.

Landing beside her, Chat gave her his signature crooked smile and winked. "How's my princess?" Without giving her a chance to respond, he slipped a hand into her hair and leaned toward her.

She slithered away from him, skillfully avoiding his lips. "He said he likes me too!"

Chat froze. "What?"

"It all came out last night. And, well, while we're not a couple, it's kind of leading that way."

He grinned.

Her tense shoulders fell. "What so funny?"

"Nothing. You're just cute."

"I am not."

Raising his hands in surrender, he said, "You're right." He slid closer to her. "You're beautiful."

She eased back. "Chat, I just said—"

"That you're not in a relationship with anyone."

Her mouth fell open. "You don't care that I like someone else?"


He curled a finger under her jaw and drew her to him like a hypnotist. She blinked and stepped back even further. "But I care."

"You care that you're not in a relationship with anyone?"

"Yes. No." She shook her head. "It's leading that way. I want it to go that way."

He put his fists on his hips. "You really like this guy, don't you?"


"But you're into me too?"

She blushed.

He growled. It was a dangerous sound. Not run-for-your-life dangerous. More like, lock-your-chastity-belt dangerous. He prowled toward her, each step a sinuous move that had her nerves tingling, then stopped so close they practically touched. "Maybe he won't mind sharing."

"You don't even know who he is. Maybe he's the jealous type."

He brushed back her hair. "He won't be jealous of me."

His touch muddied her brain. She leaned into his gloved hand and closed her eyes. How could he be so gentle with her, yet so volatile with Ladybug? It brought out such an odd, tangled mix of feelings inside her.

"Where'd your thoughts go?" he whispered next to her ear. His cool breath fanning across the sensitive skin there made her shiver.

"What happened yesterday?" Using Alya's words, she added, "Why did you go to war with Ladybug?"

He sighed and stepped away from her. "I can't talk to you about that."

"But you can kiss me senseless?"

He smiled. "Senseless, huh?"

She rolled her eyes. "Was it Hawk Moth? Did he threaten you or something?"

"Look at you."

She glanced down at herself and softened her stance. She'd even curled her hands into fists.

"Were you going to take him on to protect little ole me?" Placing a hand on his chest, he batted his eyes at her.

"If that's what it takes."

He dropped the silly act and looked at her. "You mean it, don't you? You'd go fight Hawk Moth for me."

"To help you." She'd wanted to say save, but that would sound too much like


"That's...kind, but I chose to be with him. Now, if you really want to help me, you could get Alya to write something about Ladybug needing to give her Miraculous to me."

Alya. Maybe that was a path to get answers. "Or you could ask her yourself."

He lifted a mask-covered brow.

"She wants to interview you."


Marinette nodded.

"Um…" He glanced at her, a mischievous expression replacing his uncertain one. "Do you want me to do it?"

"Yeah. Maybe it'll help your cause." It wouldn't, but she sure hoped she was selling it.

He crept closer to her. "I'll do it for a kiss."


"Just one little kiss."

Good lord, she wanted to, but that was wrong. She looked down and breathed out. "I can't. I—"

"You're not officially with him." He touched her jaw, angled her face up, and leaned in closer. He smelled so delicious, like baking spices blooming over heat.

She pulled back. "Chat Noir, you listen here. I will not be seduced."

"For now." He chuckled as she glared at him. "Okay. Okay. I'll just say this guy is very lucky...whoever he is."

"Nope, I'm not falling for it. He will forever be a mystery to you."

"Until you start going on dates with him, and then maybe I'll just happen by and see who he is."

Dates. She'd forgotten about that. Adrien Agreste was going to take her on a date. It was something she'd dreamed of since she was thirteen.

He waved a hand in front of her face. "What was that goofy grin for?"

"Nothing. Just a joke that popped in my head."

He narrowed his eyes. "Fine. Don't tell me the truth." Turning from her, he walked to the desk and said, "I have to go. Tell Alya, I have some free time next week." He bowed with a flourish that would've been comical from anyone else. From him, it was just downright sexy. "Until next time, my fair princess."

In one smooth leap, he was out the window and away from her apartment.

"Quick, Tikki, spots on."

They performed one of the fastest transformations, then jumped to the rooftop and checked to see where Chat went after he left her, purely for reconnaissance reasons. She hoped to find Hawk Moth's lair.

In daylight, he should've been easily visible and looking like a flea, bounding from building to building, yet he was nowhere.

She spun around, searching high and low, even making certain he wasn't hiding, watching her. But nope. It was like he just disappeared.

Where could he have gone so fast?

The sound of someone knocking on her bedroom door drifted out from her open window. Adrien must finally be home! Careful not to squeal in delight, she slipped back into her room, de-transformed, and greeted him with a broad smile.

AN - is Hawk Moth done with Marinette? I don't think sooo. Just what will he do now? Muahaha

The story is still so much fun to write, mostly because of you all. I absolutely look forward to reading every comment and seeing the number of views. I know there are a lot of silent readers with no account to favorite or follow, and I just want to say hi and thanks for reading! And there's a lot of people from other countries where English isn't their native language and that's just awesome. Props to you because I only speak English and I wish I knew another language too.

Also, props to my sister. I read a chapter to her while she went out for a walk, and I was tired by the end. Lol!

To Anonymous Reader, thanks for commenting on the chapters as you went through the story. It was fun to see your progress.

To the guest who said my sister is better than yours, i totally laughed because that's a funny comment. I have no idea how old you are, but if you're young, I'm telling you, we fought hardcore when we were young and then we didn't talk much for awhile. Then, one day, we started and haven't stopped. And my writing has brought us even closer together. So there's still hope for yours. :)