27. Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Adrien watched Ladybug swing away from the woman he'd akumatized, not even stopping to offer her comforting words. She'd dropped in with a Lucky Charm already in play, broke the woman's necklace, captured the butterfly, and left. No fighting, no talking, nothing. It was like she was in a hurry.

He placed his father's Miraculous on the stand and slipped on his ring. Plagg came out, not entirely pleased with being put away again.

"I doubt it'll happen often," Adrien said trying to placate him. "He had something important to do today."

"Yeah. Well, I don't like not knowing how you're doing."

Adrien smiled. "I care about you too."

"I didn't say that." He waved away a couple white butterflies fluttering around him.

"I know."

Plagg crossed his arms and grumbled something under his breath.

"What was that?" he asked, leaning closer to him, eyebrows rising expectantly.

"I said I do care about you. Now, let's get out of here. This place gives me the creeps."

Adrien wished he could hug his kwami. "Okay, But I want to see Marinette as Chat."

"Why? You're dating her now. You can mash faces together anytime."

His pulse jumped at the thought of kissing her. "I feel like the old me when I'm with her as Chat. And it's nice to have someone not running away in fear when they see me. Plus, I guess, I want her to accept all of me, Adrien and Chat Noir."

"Okay, okay. Transform already."

Adrien did so and jumped out the window. He made his way to her bedroom, but found it empty.

Maybe she's still at the training center, Plagg suggested.

Chat settled to wait on the railing outside her window. "What do you think of her?"

She's nice. Doesn't put up with your nonsense. But I don't think she likes Camembert. He paused. Maybe you should find someone else for a mate or whatever you call your significant other.

Chat laughed. The kwami's thoughts never veered far from his favorite cheese. "I can't believe I didn't see her as anything more than a friend until now."

You were too infatuated with Ladybug to see anyone else.

"True." Chat hopped to a window that held flowers, snipped off a thick stalk that contained a whorl of red petals, then jumped back to hers. "Maybe it was a good thing all of this happened."

I wouldn't go that far.

"What if I told her who I am?"

Now you're being ridiculous.

"No, seriously. What if she's the one? I can't hide who I am from her forever." Plagg was quiet, so he continued. "I'm not talking about today, but eventually." Or maybe he wouldn't even have to. If the wish canceled out the Miraculouses, there would be no Chat Noir. Plagg would be free, not bound to a person. And he could just be with Marinette as Adrien. Clean and simple.

There have been times when my wielder tied himself to another and revealed his identity.

Chat perked up. He never talked about his past. "Really?"


After a long torturous moment, Adrien asked, "But what?"

It's always been Chat Noir and Ladybug.

"What do you mean?"

Nothing. Forget I said anything.

"You can't leave it at…" Marinette's door opened, and Chat stood from his crouched position while tucking the flower in his belt at his back. "We'll talk about this later."

Marinette glanced his way and flinched in surprise. She was still in her workout clothes, so maybe she really had stayed longer there. Good, the better she learned to defend herself the more likely she'd be okay while he was around. Maybe it was selfish to put her at risk by being around him, but he couldn't kick her out, especially not now.

Daniel's bloody nose flashed in his mind, twisting his already knotted insides even more. He'd have to make it up to him somehow. Going off on the big guy wasn't planned. Hell, he wasn't even certain how it had happened, but it made him nervous. No. It had him frightened.

Instead of climbing to unlock the window, she waved him in and put her design book on the dresser. He hadn't realized she'd taken it with her to self-defense class.

"I don't have much time to hang out today," she said as she opened her closet doors. "I got an offer for an internship and had to rush to my parents to get my design book and now I'm running behind."

So that's where she'd been. "That's great news."

"I know," she said, bouncing on her toes while pushing clothes aside. He couldn't help but smile at her excitement.

"So what are you going to be late to?" Of course, he knew it was their date, but he had to pretend he didn't. She couldn't grow suspicious of him.

"That's none of your business." She pulled out a blue dress.

"That one's nice. It highlights your eyes."

Putting it against her, she faced him. "You think?"

"Or you could go as you are. If he doesn't appreciate your natural beauty, then you need to get rid of him."

"He's already seen me in my pajamas." She froze as if she'd said too much.

Chat wanted to snicker. Instead, he acted like he hadn't heard a thing. Walking to her, he pulled the long flower out from his belt and handed it to her.

She hesitantly took it. "How did you know I like snapdragons?"

"I didn't."

Looking down at the flower, she said, "Thank you, but—"

"It's not an engagement ring." He winked at her, enjoying how her eyes widened. "I saw it and thought of you, that's all."

She smelled it and smiled. "It's lovely."

Standing so close to her, seeing her enjoying the simple gift made him yearn to kiss her. As if sensing that, she walked away and put the flower on the dresser.

He sighed and reminded himself that he would kiss her later as Adrien.

She turned to him, suddenly shy. "Will you ever talk to me about you and Hawk Moth and Ladybug?"

"Huh?" The random question took him by surprise.

"I know you don't like talking about it, and I don't want to push you away, but I can't help feeling like you don't trust me."

"I trust you, but…" He breathed out. "One day, I'll tell you everything."

"When it's all over with?"

He nodded, and her shoulders sagged. "I do trust you, otherwise I wouldn't be here." Wanting to change the subject, he gestured to the gym bag she'd dropped by the door and asked, "I take it you're still learning to defend yourself?"

"Yeah," she said morosely, her mind still elsewhere.

"Good." He waggled his brows, trying to lighten her mood. "Care to show me some new moves?"

She chuckled. "I don't think we should."

"Are you implying that I can't control myself around you?" He slid a little closer to her. "Or that you can't control yourself around me?"

She rolled her eyes, but her visible gulp made his stomach flip in excitement. "It's not that. I just need to get ready."


"I do."

He shrugged. "Okay."

She hung the dress on the doorknob and marched to him. "Hands up, mister."

"Oh, I'm scared."

"You should be." They circled each other. "Why do you even care if I know how to protect myself?"

"Just in case something happens." If he had to teach her how to protect herself from him, then he would. The thought of hurting her made his skin crawl and his stomach turn sour. "I don't want you to get hurt. Ever."

She threw a punch, which he blocked and countered with ease. "Who's going to hurt me?"

"Hopefully, no one." He charged her, and she jumped deftly out of the way. "That was good."

"Yeah, but I keep falling back on defense. I should've attacked."

"Then let's do it again."

They worked on it until fleeing wasn't her first response. She sidestepped him and landed a couple strikes that might've hurt had she'd put any weight behind them.

Catching her arm, he pulled her into him, the front line of their bodies touching. The feel of her warm chest expanding outward with each quick breath, pressing more fully against him, made him growl.

Her eyes zeroed in on him, pupils dilated. His knees nearly buckled from the need to claim her lips, to feel more of her against him, to bathe in her scent.

"Chat." She blinked.

"I know." His voice came out too gruff, so he cleared it and stepped back. "You need to get ready."

She tucked back some hair behind her ear. "Yeah."

"Unless you need help in there?" He nodded to the bathroom. Her blush deepened to a bright red, and he chuckled. "I'm just joking." He wasn't, but he didn't want her to ban him from coming back. Jumping to the desk, he said, "Until next time, my princess."


Marinette got ready to go on a date with Adrien while thinking about Chat Noir. "I have problems," she announced to Tikki.

The kwami just giggled.

"No, really. It's weird to fight him, yet be attracted to him, while being in love with someone else." Normally, she'd stop seeing Chat out of respect for Adrien, but she needed to keep him close, which just made her feel all kinds of guilty. What kind of girlfriend would she be to Adrien once they became official? And what kind of friend is she being to Chat if she's just keeping him around to take his Miraculous? She sighed. "I'm not too late, am I?"

"Not any later than usual."

She put her brush down. "At least, I'm consistent."

Tikki flew alongside her as she walked out of the room. "Have you thought more about how you're going to take his Miraculous?"

Thankfully, he hadn't been there during the akuma attack. It had made cleaning up faster and prevented her from having to confront that problem just yet. "Besides trapping him in goo, I haven't been able to come up with anything."

"Neither have I."

"You've never had this problem before?"

"This is the first time."

"Oh." She locked the front door behind them. She'd been hoping experience might've given her kwami a different perspective. "Well, we'll get through this and then if it ever happens again in the future, you'll be able to help your wielder more."

Tikki zipped into her purse as they neared the elevators. "I'm just hoping this doesn't ever happen again."

Marinette would've preferred if it had never happened to begin with.

After reaching the restaurant, she met Adrien in the front. He stood and smiled at her, green eyes twinkling slightly. That he actually wanted to be with her still made her head spin, her heart race, and her palms grow clammy. This was their first real date, she realized, and tripped over her feet.

He leapt her way and caught her. "You okay?"

She was in his arms. He was so close. They were touching. "Hi."

He blinked. "Hello."

Why did he have to smell so good? It made her head all cloudy and her legs all jello-y. She leaned in closer and inhaled.

"Do you like my cologne?"

She froze. Did she just? Oh man. It was a good thing he couldn't see her face.

Bending to her, he grazed his nose along her ear, then said, "You smell nice too."

His breath caressed her skin like silk. His voice buzzed every nerve and made her knees buckle.

His grip on her tightened. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Sorry," she said. "I, um, shouldn't have worn heels. You know how clumsy I am."

"I don't mind."

She peeked up at him in question.

"It just means that I get to hold onto you all night."

Her cheeks warmed.

"I love it when you blush."

His words made her think of Chat, and her face fell.

"Did I say something wrong?" he asked.

"No, no. I just remembered...that I have laundry to do."

"I guess I need to try harder if you're thinking about chores while you're with me."

If he tried any harder, he'd have to call an ambulance.

"Monsieur. Madame," the hostess said to them. "Your table is ready."

They followed her to a small table in the back corner and took their seats.

"What were we talking about?" he asked Marinette.

She picked up her menu and hid behind it. "I'm starving."

He chuckled, then told her his favorite dishes.

While looking them over, she said, "Your father came over today."

He grabbed her menu and lowered it, forcing her to look at him. "When?"

"After class. I found him in the apartment when I got home."

His gaze drifted to the side, his brows creasing.

"Is something wrong?"

"What did he want?"

She put down the menu, but he didn't release it, almost as if he'd forgotten it was in his grip. "To apologize."

His eyes widened. "Apologize?"

She nodded. Did the man never say sorry? What a strange family dynamic they had. "He said he was just trying to protect you."

Finally letting go of her menu, he leaned back, seemingly perplexed. "Did he say anything else?"

"I can't believe you didn't know he stopped by. I thought, maybe, you made him do it."

He barked a sardonic laugh. "No one makes him do anything."

"Well, he's actually nicer than I thought."

"Nice?" He looked at her like maybe she'd lost a few marbles.

"Don't get me wrong. He's still intense and intimidating as hell, but he was cool. He offered me an internship." When Adrien didn't move, not even to blink, she said his name to get his attention.

"Did you accept?" he asked out of the blue.

"Yeah. Why?"

He went vacant again, lost in thought. Just what was going on? "Adrien."

"Maybe you shouldn't take it."

She straightened. "Why?"

"Because he's probably doing it to keep an eye on you."

"That's okay. I don't mind proving that I'm not a threat to your family. And, maybe, once he gets to know me, he'll actually like me. Plus, the experience will be worth it."

"Yeah, but…"

"But?" she prompted.

He just shook his head, as if no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't fit the pieces of a puzzle together.

"Maybe, when you stood up to him," she offered, "he realized that you really do like me, and now he's just trying to make it up to you."

"I don't know."

"It'll be fine. Besides, what's the worst he can do? Give me crappy hours and menial tasks? Actually, that's expected from an internship." She laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

It didn't work. He just sat there lost in thought.

Great, she just ruined the date.

Thankfully, the waiter approached them, asking about their drink order.

Once he left, she grabbed Adrien's hand to keep him focused on her, but being so forward made her blush.

He froze at the sudden contact, then looked at her and the tension in his posture vanished. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For meeting me today. For staying with me. For being you."

Her cheeks warmed even more.

He smiled. "And thank you for that."

Was it possible to float away and slide bonelessly to the floor at the same time?


Marinette and Adrien walked out of the elevators holding hands, fingers interlaced, palms touching, arms lightly swinging. She couldn't get over that he liked her more than a friend and a roommate.

Dinner had turned out great. The food was delicious and they hadn't mentioned his dad, the Miraculous drama, or any other awkward subject. Instead, they brought up random topics, seeing where their opinions differed, what they liked and didn't like, just getting to know each other even more.

Occasionally, he had said something that made her heart flip and tumble like a gymnast. The compliment that made her squirm, though, was when he'd said he loved the dress because it highlighted her eyes, bringing Chat to the forefront of her mind again. She had to sidestep that one carefully.

He stopped in front of the apartment door and looked at her for a long moment. "I enjoyed tonight."

"I think our first date was a success."

One corner of his lips lifted. "Wait until I tell Chloe about us."

Her soaring spirit crashed to the ground. "Chloe?"


The blonde hadn't been mentioned or seen since the bachelor party. Marinette had completely forgotten about her, and, now, insecurity wriggled inside her like a pile of snakes.

He squeezed her hand. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Even she heard the uncertainty there.

"You do know that we're just friends, right?"

"Does she know that?"

His brows lifted. "You think she's into me?" He laughed. "She has her sights set higher than me. I believe there's a prince who has captured her attention."


"She got jealous when she found out you moved in with me, but we talked and she's cool now."

Marinette just stared at him. Her brain couldn't make the words Chloe and cool go together.

"Seriously," he said. "She knows how much I like you, and when I tell her we're dating, she's going to be happy for me. For us."

Years of not liking her was proving a challenge to believe him. Who knows, though. If Gabriel could apologize, Chloe could very well be a saint.

What he'd said finally hit her, and a dopey grin took over. "How much do you like me?"

Slipping a hand around the back of her neck, his fingers threaded in her hair and he eased closer to her, so close their lips nearly touched. The sliver of space between them vibrated with the inevitable. She closed her eyes and leaned into his warm touch, relishing in the sensations cascading through her.

Then his lips touched hers, soft, yet certain.

As if the contact was an ember falling onto dry brush, a wildfire ignited within them. He pulled her against him and she eliminated what space was left, pressing her soft curves firmly against the hard planes of his body.

It was as if he were a incubus, drinking all of her in. And she let him, kissing him fully, savoring the feel of their lips moving together, the brush of their thighs and chests, each touch of a hand that gripped and caressed.

He leaned back, breathing hard, eyes half-lidded. "Does that answer your question?"

Not trusting her voice, she nodded. She stood on a cloud of desire and ecstasy. Adrien Agreste really did like her, and, based on that body-melting kiss, a lot.

"Good." He touched her jaw, thumb grazing over her lips, which were most likely pink and swollen. His crooked smile, unfairly sexy as it was, made her heart jolt. Then his hand fell away and he stepped back. "Goodnight, Marinette."

He got several feet from her before she remembered they lived together. "Adrien."

Stopping, he turned to her. "Yes?"

"We live together, remember?"

His brows furrowed, then pink spread over his cheeks. "Look at what you did to me?"


"You made me forget where I live."

"I didn't do that."

He walked back to her and unlocked the door. "You most certainly did."

She did, didn't she? She smiled from ear to ear and stepped inside the apartment with him.

AN - someone else, Kinythcosplay, did fanart for the story! And it's great! Check it out on this chapter on AO3 or on our tumblr blogs. Same name. I almost died when she said she wanted to do it. Once was unbelievable. Twice, now, is just mind blowing. I swear this fandom really is the best ever. Readers, artists, and writers alike. You're all great!

It seems there's been more newcomers, so I wanted to say welcome. I feel like you all are coming into my home and I should be offering a beverage and a comfy place to sit. Lol.

My sister and I have been brainstorming again. Those are fun sessions, just back and forth, building on each other's thoughts, shouting excitedly when we come on something. She's such an integral part to this story, I'm very grateful for her assistance!