28. Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Chat slipped into the Agreste mansion and crept upstairs, his footfalls silent on the marble floor, his form cloaked in the shadows stretching across the large space. He stayed clear of the cameras and motion detectors, away from the staff's corridors, even with everyone most likely asleep, and out of sight as he bent to sneak into his father's room.

The older man sat at his desk, working on his computer, back straight and shoulders tense, focused solely on the screen. Even when he thought he was alone, Gabriel didn't relax.

Chat moved like stale air, his heart beating a slow and steady rhythm, his mind clear, ready. He settled into a corner and leaned against the wall.

Why did he offer Marinette an internship? And have Adrien akumatize a person just to keep him away from the apartment? What was his plan, his intent?

Chat could think of nothing good. "Father," he said, his voice quiet, unrushed.

Gabriel flinched, his gaze darting around the room, searching for him. "Adrien?"

Still hidden in the darkness, he remained fixed and impassive. "What do you want with Marinette?"

He stood, his eyes narrowing briefly. "Her forgiveness...and yours."

The words—lies—grated against his ears. He stepped into the soft light of the room, arms crossed and jaw tight, his doubt glaringly obvious.

"Do you think I'd hurt her, the one you love?" Gabriel softly laughed.

Chat said nothing.

"You know, I think your mother will like her."

The statement softened the jagged edges of his mood. She would like Marinette. They were both kind and selfless.

"I can see why you're fond of her."

"Why did you keep me away if you were simply making amends?"

"I didn't want it to feel insincere, as if I was doing it just for you." He lowered his glasses and rubbed his eyes, relaxing slightly.

"You apologized partly for me?"

"Of course. We can't be at odds right now. Not when we're so close to uniting our family."

"Why offer her an internship?"

"To get to know her better. And, despite what I said, she does have talent."

Everything sounded right and was exactly what he wanted to hear, which was why unease still threaded around his neck like a noose.

Gabriel stepped from behind the desk toward him. "I know I've been hard on you since your mother passed, but I wouldn't harm Marinette, not out of spite or punishment or even revenge."

Chat wanted to believe him, he needed to believe him.

"I swear it. On your mother."

Exhaling, Chat's arm's fell to his sides and he nodded.

Gabriel grabbed his shoulder and squeezed. "For a moment there, you had me nervous."

Chat looked up at him. "I could say the same about you."

His father's soft smile didn't reach his eyes. Releasing him, he turned back to his desk. "Marinette mentioned an incident at the training center."

"Yeah, I don't know what happened."

"You need to be careful. No one can know you're Chat Noir." He paused and focused on him. "For the family name, but especially for Marinette's sake."

"But she's innocent in all this."

"Some people don't care. They see you as the villain and would do anything to stop you."

Chat's fingers curled into fists, the tips of his claws cutting into his palms through the gloves.

"The faster we get Ladybug's Miraculous, the faster our lives can return to normal and you won't have to fear for Marinette's safety."

Chat nodded. He would do anything to protect her. "Is that why your spies have started watching the apartment?"

His father blinked. Did he not expect him to notice he'd gone back on his word to respect his privacy? Gabriel clasped his hands behind his back and nodded. "For her safety."

Chat hated the thought of being watched, but he would relent for her.

"I'm thinking we need to alter our strategy," Gabriel said, changing the subject.

"I agree."

"Then would you finally agree to follow Ladybug and watch her transform back into her civilian self?"

He was so tired of fighting Ladybug, and the image of people going after Marinette kept playing out in his head. Needing to end this, he said, "Yes."

"Good." He walked back to his desk and sat. "I'll plan the next attack and contact you when we're ready."

Chat lingered for a moment longer, hoping his dad would offer him a farewell. This night, he seemed warmer, almost like how he used to be. But the older man didn't glance his way again.

On his way out, Gabriel cleared his throat and Chat stopped.

"I'm glad you came here, Adrien."

Chat's heart leapt. "Me too. And thank you for speaking with Marinette. She's really excited."

Gabriel nodded once, then went back to work.


Chat jumped from the mansion to the neighboring building, then to the next one and the next, making his way back to the apartment. "Plagg?"

Don't tell me you believed him.

"Actually, I do." While the thread of unease was indeed loose, it chafed his skin. "But that's not what I want to talk about."


"Earlier today, when you mentioned Chat and Ladybug always being together, what did you mean?"

I used to think our powers of creation and destruction were two halves of a whole and our wielders were the same.

That couldn't be right. Ladybug had never shown interest in him that way. And now he loved Marinette. "But—"

Key words, kid. Used to. Maybe they always ended up together because they were always together.

For thousands of years, his kwami had believed something, only for Adrien to prove it wrong. He winced. How was Plagg not bitter about that? "I'm sorry."

For what?

"For proving something you believed in for so long to be wrong."

You live and you learn.

How unusually pragmatic of Plagg.

Landing on Marinette's balcony, he ignored his kwami's silent question, and tapped on her window. He hated disturbing her sleep, but this needed to be done.

Marinette stirred, then sat up, rubbing her eyes. Her black hair was pouffed in the back and her tank's strap hung off her narrow shoulder.

He tapped the glass again.

Her gaze snapped to him, and she shot out of bed.

Chat tore his wide-eyed gaze off her and breathed out hard. Note to self, she came out of her room in the morning wearing a bra. She did not sleep in one.

Marinette climbed on the desk and unlatched the window while he focused solely on her face and on nothing else, absolutely nothing else.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing," he said, his voice a little squeaky. He cleared it with a cough. "I just needed to tell you something."

Even sleepy, she looked radiant and downright delectable, which had nothing to do with the tightness of her top.

"Chat." She waved a hand in front of his face. "What did you need to say?"

"Um, just that I want to do the interview tomorrow." Realizing it was early morning, he corrected himself, "Today at three."

"Okay. I'll text her."

"Now?" he asked expectantly.

She sighed. "Sure. But she probably won't see it for awhile."

"That's..." Okay, he meant to say, but his gaze accidentally dropped. With the window open, the cool night air had an interesting affect on her body.

Her gaze followed his and, blushing, she quickly crossed her arms. "You wait out there."

Jumping down, she threw on a robe and tied it extra tight, as if she were afraid he'd hop in and try to ravage her. Well, she wasn't entirely wrong. The thought had crossed his mind. But he wouldn't...not unless she wanted him to.

Marinette grabbed her phone charging on the nightstand and quickly sent off a message, then made her way back to him. "I can't promise you anything, but that girl would move the moon if it got in her way, so I'm sure three will be fine."

He nodded. "Thanks."

As he straightened, readying himself to leap away, she took a step closer to the window. "Wait. Did something happen?" she asked. "I mean, what's the rush?"

"Nothing." He hated lying to her, especially because she was the one spurring him to do this. "I just had some time to think, and I do have something I want to say to everyone."


"You'll find out later." He paused in thought. "You'll be there, right?"

"If you want me there."

"I always want you. With me," he added quickly.

"Then I'll be there."

"Sweet dreams, my princess."


Alya put her phone on the little tripod and positioned it on the counter to record the couch, then made certain her internet connection was good for the live interview. She really needed to invest in better equipment, but, first, she needed money. Maybe after this interview, she'd be offered a job or, at least an internship somewhere.

The pillows on the couch looked too home-y. She might not have professional equipment, but she could certainly try to look professional. Grabbing them, she tossed them on the bed. Never mind that Nino was lying on it, listening to music.

"Hey," he said, giving her an accusatory look while pushing the pillows off him. "What was that for?"

"I didn't mean to hit you. It's just that they don't look right."

He sat up. "They looked fine."

"Not for the interview. Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to do it here."

"You mean, maybe we shouldn't have invited a bad guy to where we live and sleep?" he deadpanned. "That was the first thing I said."

"Not because of that. Our place isn't nice enough."

"Excuse you?"

"Everyone is going to see this interview, Nino. Everyone."

He watched her for a long moment as Alya shifted on her feet, and his eyebrows shot up. "You're nervous."

Alya Cesaire-Lahiffe was always cool, confident, and certain. She placed her hands on her hips. "I am not."

Walking to her, he said, "It's okay to be nervous, babe."

Was she? Her heart was beating faster. And her mind was racing. She breathed out. "Maybe I am a little nervous."

"You're going to do great." He wrapped his arms around her, and she dropped her head on his shoulder, enjoying the comfort. "If you freeze, just think about me naked and that'll warm you right up."

She rolled her eyes, but smiled. "Thanks. I'll be sure to think about that time—"

"Don't say it."

"—you thought a spider crawled in your pants—"

He groaned.

"—and I found you screeching, butt naked, running around the apartment."

"You swore to never mention that."

Laughing, she hugged him tighter. "But it'll help me relax."

"The things I put up with for love."

Her phone buzzed the same time her doorbell rang. "Marinette's here."

As she ran off, he yelled, "What about my bruised ego?"

"I'll make it up to you later." She threw open the door and pulled her best friend inside. "Does the place look okay?"

Marinette took in the living room. "Yeah."

"Good." Dragging her friend further inside, she placed her next to the bar stool beside the phone. "You'll sit here out of view of the camera but in sight of Chat, who will be"—she rushed over to the edge of the couch—"right here where he can be comforted by your presence."

"I don't think he needs me to be relaxed."

"Just in case."

Marinette put her purse on the counter. "Whatever you say, boss."

"Do I look professional?" She smoothed her button-down shirt and tugged at her pencil skirt. It felt weird and restrictive compared to her normal clothes.

"More like hot."

"Shut up." Her cheeks warmed and she touched them in horror.

"What's wrong?"

"Look at me. I'm turning into you." She didn't blush and stammer. She was cool and collected and, aw, hell, this interview was going to be the death of her.

Tap, tap, tap.

Both their gazes jerked to the window, and Alya's stomach twisted at the sight of the black leather-clad super villain. No backing out now. Not that she would have.

"Are you going to let him in?" Marinette asked with a slight chuckle.

Alya took a deep breath, crossed the room to the window, and unlatched it.

Chat Noir slipped in and grinned at them. "Bonjour, ladies." His eyes remained on Marinette longer than necessary.

"First off," Alya started, "Thank you for agreeing to do this. Is there anything you want me to steer clear of?"

Plopping onto the couch, he stretched out his legs and leaned back. "Just don't ask about my identity."

"Not there."

He looked back at her. "What?"

She marched to him and pointed at the end of the couch. "You'll sit there. I'll be here. And Marinette will be over there."

Nino, now standing in the bedroom doorway, cleared his throat. His expression said she shouldn't antagonize the bad guy.

"Fine, Fine." Chat Noir sat up straight. "Is this okay?"

Nino's eyes nearly bugged out of his head and Marinette giggled. Alya just nodded and faced her friend. "Is he fully in view?"

She peeked at the screen and gave a thumbs up.

"Okay." Alya took a deep breath and looked at Chat Noir. "Do you want water or anything?"

"Nope. I'm ready when you are."

He didn't seem scary or angry. In fact, he seemed just like how he used to be: cocky but helpful. She sat, then gestured for Marinette to hit the record button.

Smiling at the phone, she said, "Welcome viewers, I am Alya Cesaire-Lahiffe and, today, I'm interviewing the infamous Chat Noir live." Turning to the super villain, she found him wagging his fingers in a mock wave. "Chat Noir, why did you turn on Ladybug? What was the cause of your change?"

"That's personal."

"Yes, but how are we to understand your position if you won't explain yourself?"

He looked to the side in thought. "All I'm willing to say is that I was enlightened."

"How so?"

"I learned that the only reason we have the superheroes is to fight Hawk Moth, and the only reason he started attacking is to get our Miraculouses."

"For what purpose?"

"Not for anything dastardly if that's what you're wondering."

"So you're saying we have nothing to fear from him?"


"Okay, but what does he want with the Miraculouses?"

"That's not my secret to tell, Mrs. Cesaire-Lahiffe. You'll have to ask Hawk Moth."

She sat straighter. "Would he agree to an interview?"

Laughing, he shook his head. "No. I don't think he would."

She shifted in her seat. "Okay then. Let's go back to what you said about this endless circle of Hawk Moth needing the Miraculouses and our heroes needing to stop him."

"Exactly." He leaned forward. "It's a circle. Remove one side and the other is pointless."

"So no Miraculouses would be better?"

"If they didn't exist, he wouldn't. If Ladybug would hand over her Miraculous, Hawk Moth would go away. Life would return to normal, similar to how it was before we came along."

"But she does good."

"Were we on a path of self destruction before she came along? Would we not survive without her?"

"Well...no. We would be fine."

He shifted forward even more. "Right. But because she's too selfish to—"

"I doubt anyone would call Ladybug selfish."

"Let me finish." He lowered his raised hands. "Because she won't relinquish her Miraculous, the city, which would easily make do without her, has to constantly be under an akuma threat. Every citizen has to worry if they're next. I think everyone should demand to have her hand it over."

"Like you're clearly willing to do?"

"Yes. I see that it's for the best."

"Which means you think you're the good guy in all this?"

He nodded.

"Wouldn't you miss having super powers, though?"

Leaning back, he placed his chin on his gloved hand. "I would miss the freedom of running across the rooftops, jumping from death-defying heights. I'd miss the power the Miraculouses give. It's a rush."

"Do you miss helping people, saving lives? Knowing you made a difference?"

He fell silent for so long, she considered asking another question. She glanced at Marinette to see what she thought, but the girl was sitting on the edge of her seat, staring at Chat Noir as if nothing else existed. Nino watched as well but not with the same kind of fervor.

"I do," he whispered, looking down.

"What was that?" she asked, mainly to be certain the phone's microphone would pick up his answer.

"I said I do miss all of those things." His voice was no longer carefree, nor smug. It couldn't be easy holding back your true nature. "I don't want anyone to get hurt. I don't want any child to have to lose a parent if it could be stopped."

Her breath caught. "Is that what happened to you? Did you lose your mother or father?"

He tensed. His glowing green eyes landed on her like a warning, maybe even a threat. She swallowed.

Marinette quietly cleared her throat and Chat Noir shifted his focus to her, which instantly softened. The iciness he emanated even warmed. A good journalist would seize on the intimate moment, people online had to be wondering who he was looking at in that way and why, but she couldn't do that to her friend.

"I want to conclude this interview with a statement," he announced without taking his gaze off Marinette. "I don't have much left in my life. What I do have, I hold sacred. And if anyone tries to use her"—his voice took on a sinister growl—"or harm her, whether in retaliation or because they think they're being a hero, I will stop at nothing to destroy them and everyone else in this city if need be."

The ensuing silence was a fog that filled the room, tangible and eerie. He really did love her. And it seemed this display was the whole purpose of the interview. Something must have happened. Was Marinette in danger? Alya wanted to ask a thousand questions, but he stood, thanked Alya, bowed to the phone—or was it to Marinette?—and then left.

No one had moved. She didn't think she had even blinked.

A blank-faced Marinette slowly reached out an arm and turned off the phone's camera.

AN - Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel. *shakes head* And Chat, don't dig yourself deeper into villainy, please.

Thanks for reading and commenting, and I hope everyone had/has a good spring break! Guys, another person, Chibi-Chisai, made fanart! But this time, it's the scene from chapter seven where they confront each other on the rooftops. It's great! I put it in the chapter on AO3, and it's on both of our Tumblrs. I'm thrilled people like this story enough to want to make art for it, to comment, to share with their friends, and to favorite/follow. It's more than I had ever hoped for when I started writing this. I wish I could squeeze all of you!

As always, thanks to my sister for taking the time to go over each chapter.

Which reminds me, if there's ever any mistakes; grammar, continuity, clarity; please let me know. My sister and I don't catch everything, nor are we professional editors, and I want the story to be as good as I can get it. So I'm cool with you guys letting me know. In fact, I'm very appreciative of the help.