30. Chapter 30

Chapter 30

A tap on the glass sent a deluge of emotions through Marinette, excitement to see Chat; an urge to shift into a defensive stance; fear of discovery; warm, tingling desire; and revulsion for feeling that while she was in love with Adrien. She was a mess.

Letting all of that go, she turned to the windows with a smile and unlocked them.

He dropped inside and bowed. "My princess." He straightened. "Did you like the interview?"

Staying away from the bed, she decided to sit on the desk since he always stole her chair. "It was very enlightening."

"How so?"

Deciding a nervous Marinette would get straight to the point, she asked, "Am I in trouble? Is someone after me?"

"I don't know." His eyes turned cold and determined. "But I'm making certain no one will ever harm you because of me."

"You can't."

He flinched. "What?"

"I won't allow you to terrorize the city in my name."

"It was just a warning."

"A hollow one?"

He shrugged.

"Chat Noir."

A corner of his lips lifted. "You never call me by my full name. It makes me feel like I'm in trouble."

"You will be if you do something irredeemable."

He lifted his hands in surrender. "Okay, fine. I'll just go after the person."

She supposed that was better. "What did Hawk Moth think about the interview? Or did he have you do it?"

"He doesn't control everything I do."

"So it was all you? Why? What spurred it?"

"I'm the villain, Marinette. Everyone in this city wants me stopped, and some people won't be as good-hearted as Ladybug."

That little statement warmed her to the core. After their last confrontation, she thought he hated Ladybug. "Have you received any direct threats?"


"Then I don't get it? What got you all worried for my safety."

"Hawk Moth said if people found out I loved someone, they'd use them against me."

Love. She bit her lip.

He smiled. "Relax. I know you're with someone."

She breathed out, then realized something and sat up straighter. "Couldn't Hawk Moth have been making an oblique threat, warning you to stay in line?"

His gaze fell from hers in thought. "I don't know." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Maybe."

He suddenly looked so sad, she jumped off the desk and placed a comforting hand on his arm. "Who is he to you?"

"He's. He's…" He shook his head, then looked at her. "I'd rather not waste my time with you talking about all that."


"Please. I came here to see you. Not to do another interview."

Her hand fell from his arm. She was so close to learning more about him. "Okay."

"Have you been keeping up with your training?" he asked.


"Good. I want to help you learn to defend yourself."

She drew her brows together. "We've already sparred a couple times."

"Yes, but our sessions will be more focused now."


"In case someone does try to come after you."

She crossed her arms. "You mean in case Hawk Moth decides I'm in the way?"

"He wouldn't." As he pushed some of her hair from her eyes, he gazed at her with such a tender expression that she nearly backed away. "Just humor me, okay?"

Being so close to him made her nervous. And not for her safety. She took a deep breath, then nodded.

"Is now okay?" he asked.

"Sure. I just have a dinner later with some friends."

The sparring session began like the last time: him working on her weak points. What made it different, though, was his intensity. He pushed her to move faster, to strike harder. He was dead serious in wanting her to be able to defend herself. And not just against other people, but himself too. It was obvious in that he had her counter moves only he could do.

Taking a break, she caught her breath and wiped her sweaty brow. "Why are you teaching me how to defend myself against you?"

His posture went rigid, but then he relaxed a little. "I should've realized you would pick up on that."


He turned away from her, his head hanging. "Sometimes it all turns into a blur. And I find myself reacting without thinking."

"Did you hurt someone? On accident?" For some reason, she thought of Adrien at the training center.

"I don't want that to happen to you." He faced her. "I don't want to ever hurt you."

"You won't."

"How can you know that?"

Placing a hand over his chest, she said, "Because, despite everything, I know your heart."


She knew because she'd worked with him for so long, seen him do everything in his power to save others. Part of her wanted to tell him the truth. What would he do if he found out? Would it wake him up, bring him back to her?


If he found out, would he hate her? Feel betrayed? Would he use the disadvantage of her civilian form to take her earrings? Not fully knowing was a knife in her gut. She wished she could just be completely honest with him for once.

"Hey." He touched her chin. "What's wrong?"


The doorbell rang and their gazes jerked toward her bedroom door.

"Are you expecting someone?" he asked.

She shook her head. "Maybe it's for Adrien."


Looking at him, she lifted a brow.

"Well, if it's for him, wouldn't they know he's not here?"

She shrugged and the doorbell rang again. "I better go see who it is."

"I'm staying in case it's a burglar."

"I doubt it's that." She chuckled at his overprotectiveness.

After running downstairs, she opened the door and instantly tensed. Her hand gripped the doorknob with enough force, had she been Ladybug, it would've crumbled in her hand. "Chloe."

Something fell over on the second floor. What was Chat doing up there?

"Marinette." Her name came out very different from how Chat had said it, more cool and pointed.

"Adrien isn't here."

She rolled her eyes. "I know that. Are you going to let me in?"

Despite the strong desire to slam the door shut, she stepped back and let the blonde through. "Do you want to leave a message for him?"

"I'm not here for him," she said while texting someone.


"Look." She put her phone in her purse. "I don't like you."

"The feeling is mutual."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "But Adrien clearly does. And, though I've done my best to make him see your shortcomings, he still likes you." She dramatically sighed. "You make him happy. And because of that I'm going to tolerate your presence."


"I know. I'm being quite magnanimous."

"Then I guess I can tolerate your presence too. For Adrien."

"Good. My father is hosting a charity banquet this weekend. You and Adrien are invited." She moved to the door. "It's formal, so buy a gown." Just before leaving, she stopped and faced Marinette, her nose wrinkling. "And I suggest taking a bath beforehand. And do something with that…" She struggled for a word as she pointed at Marinette's hair. "Saturday. Seven o'clock sharp." Turning on her designer heel, hair swishing out, she walked away.

Marinette closed the door, head swimming. Chloe had offered a truce. Had the world turned upside down? Had she fallen into an alternate dimension?

Soft laughter from upstairs had her spinning around. "Chat Noir, eavesdropping isn't nice."

He jumped over the railing and landed on his hands and feet. "I was just looking out for your safety."

She harrumphed. "How much of that did you hear?"

"If you're wondering if I heard who you're dating, then yes."

"You swear not to cause trouble or torture him?"

"Well..." He rubbed the tips of his claws together.

Marching to him, she jabbed him in the chest. "You better not or I'll have your hide."

Amusement and awe seemed to battle for the dominant emotion. "You really do like him, don't you?"


"Then I swear to treat him as I would myself," he proclaimed with a weird grin.

Not certain what that actually meant, but taking his word for it, she nodded.

"Adrien is a very lucky man." He swooped in and kissed her cheek so fast she didn't have a chance to flinch away. "Until next time, my princess."

He jumped to the second floor and disappeared into her bedroom as she touched her cheek.


Adrien waited for Marinette downstairs, thinking about their afternoon together. She liked both sides of him, and wanted to protect Adrien from Chat. Little Marinette against Chat Noir. It had warmed his heart and made him want to tell her who he really was. Surely she'd understand and would be okay with it. Or would she feel lied to, made out to be a fool? Would she never trust him again? She was all he had, what kept him together.

"Hey." Her gentle voice interrupted his downward spiral. "Lost in thought, huh?"

He stood. "A little."

"What were you thinking about?"


She beamed. "Really?"

Silly woman had no clue how amazing she was. "Of course. You're in my head often now. I find myself unable to wait to see you"—he swept up her hand—"to hear your voice"—brought her knuckles close to his lips—"to touch you." He placed a gentle kiss on her fingers and looked up at her. The expectant blush didn't disappoint. She caught her lower lip between her teeth, and he had to clear his throat to continue. "You're enthralling, Marinette."

"I agree. I mean, I feel the same about you." Her cheeks reddened even more, and he did his best to not smile at her slip up. "From the moment you gave me your umbrella. If you only knew." She laughed but then abruptly stopped. "No, actually you should never know."


"Because then you'll think I'm crazy and run away in fear."

A corner of his lips lifted. One of the things he loved about Marinette was how she always made him want to smile. Chloe was right. She really did make him happy. "I already think you're crazy and I'm still here."

"Well, if you really knew…" Her mouth snapped closed and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Hey!"

He chuckled as both their phones buzzed with a text. They looked at it, made a straight line to the elevators, and out of the building. Alya wasn't happy they were going to be late. That girl was one person he might run away from in fear.

They made it to her place in record time and knocked on her door. Marinette handed her friend a bottle of wine and hugged her as he greeted Nino with a nod.

"You weren't that late after all," Alya remarked.

Adrien closed the door behind them. "We only had to run across Paris' rooftops like Ladybug and Chat Noir."

Marinette barked a laugh. "If only. We wouldn't have been late at all."

"Could you imagine if you two were?" Nino asked. "How cool would that be?"

They walked into the living room and sat on the couch while Alya went into their small kitchen to grab a bottle opener. "Not that cool. Two lovers unknowingly fighting one another, plotting each other's demise." She sighed as the cork popped out. "A romantic tragedy."

Adrien and Marinette looked at each other. It was a good thing she wasn't Ladybug because that would just tear him apart. She didn't look as relieved, though. Did she know who he was, or at least suspect him to be Chat Noir?

Alya handed them each a glass. "Dinner will be ready in a bit."

Pouring himself some wine, Nino said, "At least Marinette is cool enough to know them."

Alya coughed and shot him a glare.

"It's okay," Adrien said. "I know she knows him."

Alya's gaze snapped to him. "You do?"

"Yeah it came up in conversation not long ago."

"And you're okay with that?"

He shrugged, then looked at Marinette to find she'd already downed half of her glass. He blinked, then asked, "You'd tell me if you felt unsafe, right?"

Swallowing, she nodded. "Yeah. Of course."

Alya sat down, watching them carefully. "So you're not jealous?"

He shook his head and tried to think of how to change the subject. He didn't want Marinette to feel guilty and refuse to see him.

"That reminds me," Marinette said. "Chloe came by today and acted really weird."

"What happened?" Alya leaned forward, ready for the scoop.

"She said she would tolerate my presence since I make him happy."

Alya gaped. "Chloe is going to be nice to you?"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. She said tolerate, not enjoy."

Nino snorted as he pulled the food out of the oven.

"She's not that bad," Adrien said. "She has a good heart."

"Buried under six feet of coal," Alya murmured in her glass, then got up to help Nino.

"Really." Adrien faced Marinette. "You'll see. Just give her a chance."

"I plan on it."

"You do?"

"Yeah. She's your friend. It's only fair."

She really was amazing.

"Why are you smiling like that?" she asked while grinning herself.

His cheeks warmed. "Because I'm happy."

Alya waved them over. "Bring your happy butts to the table. Dinner is ready."

They ate and talked, the conversation flowing smoothly. Fits of laughter occasionally erupted, especially between the girls. He loved to see Marinette so joyous and carefree. Her blue eyes shone like a lake under a midday sun.

She touched his leg under the table. "You're doing it again."

He realized he was smiling once more. "I can't help myself."

"These two lovebirds," Alya said. "It's about time."

Adrien looked at the brunette. "Marinette mentioned something about me thinking she was crazy if I knew how she was."

Marinette's hand gripped his thigh hard enough to make him squirm. All that exercise was definitely making her stronger.

"Oh boy, you don't want to know." Alya took another sip.

"She had your schedule mapped out and knew everything about you," Nino said while laughing. "Probably knew more about you than you did."

Alya glanced at Marinette, then elbowed Nino, stopping him from going on about her thousands of posters.

Adrien blinked.

The table was as silent as a graveyard.

"It wasn't that bad," Nino tried to backtrack. "It's not like she spent an afternoon with a master plan to get you alone for a moment."

Alya took a big gulp of her wine.

Under his breath, he asked her if she really did do that.

Adrien glanced at Marinette who was redder than her wine and staring at her plate as if hypnotized. His heart melted. How had he been so blind? He reached under the table and grabbed her hand, then squeezed it. "Now that I think about it, I've always liked you as well. I was just too caught up in other things to realize it."

Nino laughed. "Ain't that right. He was so into Ladybug." Mimicking his friend, he added, "Ladybug this. And Ladybug that."

Marinette smiled. "She is pretty cool."

"I think you're cooler," Adrien said.

"Awww." Alya watched them with her chin on her hands and elbows on the table.

"Psht. Nobody is cooler than Ladybug." Nino glanced at Alya, then quickly added, "Except my old lady here."

She rolled her eyes and picked up her fork. "You know, Chat Noir used to think the same thing about Ladybug. I wonder if they could ever go back to that?"

Nino tapped his chin. "I don't know."

"No," Adrien answered.

"What?" Marinette asked in surprise. "Why?"

"She clearly broke his trust." They all gaped at him, so he turned to Alya. "If Marinette asked to borrow your most precious item for something very important, would you lend it to her?"

"Well, yeah. If it was really important."

"See. Because you're truly her friend, you'd do anything for her." He looked at Marinette. "And if she refused, how would you feel?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'd understand that she couldn't hand over something that was priceless to her."

"What if the life of someone very dear to you depended on you borrowing that item?"

"What if that item wasn't something she could just give away?"

He breathed out hard. "All I'm saying is that he clearly needs her Miraculous for something really important, and he thought she trusted him enough, cared about him enough, to give it to him."

"Do you think he would have given up his Miraculous if she'd been the one to ask?"

"In a heartbeat."

She fell back in her chair as if the breath had been knocked out of her. They stared at each other. It was crucial for her to understand his viewpoint.

"Are you sure you guys aren't Chat Noir and Ladybug?" Alya asked with a chuckle. "Because that was weirdly insightful."

Nino leaned forward. "Dudes, I'm kinda on the side of Chat Noir now. I'd be pissed if she didn't help me help someone I loved."

Marinette's mouth fell open.

"What do you think is wrong with the person he's trying to save?" he asked Adrien.

"How should I know? I'm not Chat Noir." Alya watched him so carefully he felt spread out on a dissection table. Scooping some food in his mouth, he chewed and swallowed it quickly. "This is really good, by the way."

AN - Season two spoiler: Plagg and Tikki don't know who Adrien and Marinette are here. Should I add that in the summary to make things less confusing? If it is confusing.

Thanks for sticking with me! And welcome, new readers! I'd hug you all if I could, but not in a creepy way, just a happy bear hug sort of way. But I'd also settle on a handshake. Even a head nod. Or a Fonzie "hey" and a finger point. Lol

My writing time has seriously suffered because of life. Thankfully, all the crazy stuff is finally done. But here's the thing. When I'm with my sister next month, I'll be busy with her and my husband and my kid and Disney and everything else, so there's hardly ever any writing time there. My plan is to get into gear now and write like crazy to have several chapters in my pocket for while I'm gone. This way there won't be a three week delay between chapters. I hope everyone is okay with just one chapter a week for the next two months.

And I can't forget to thank my lovely sister! A thousand cyber hugs until I finally get to do so in person.