31. Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Marinette rushed downstairs to the kitchen where Adrien stood holding a pastry out for her. She grabbed it and asked, "How do I look?"

"Like you're ready to take over the fashion industry."

She appreciated the exaggeration. Though she did think she looked pretty strong in her version of the power suit. Her first day had to be perfect, she had to be perfect. "Are you sure?"


She blew out a breath to calm her nerves. "Thanks for breakfast."

After giving him a peck on the cheek, she turned to run out the door. Due to the early morning surprise akuma attack, she would already be just barely on time. Before she could get too far, though, he grabbed her waist and pulled her into him for a deeper kiss.

His lips were perfect. His hands were perfect. He was perfect.

But she had an internship to get to!

Unlatching herself from him, and not without a blush, she grinned as she made her way to the front door with him beside her.

"Do you want me to go with you?" he asked.

"If I show up with you, everyone will think I'm only there because I'm dating the big guy's son."

"Who cares what anyone thinks."

"I do. I'm just starting out here. I have to make a good impression."

He scoffed, and she elbowed him. "Okay. Okay." He opened the door for her. "Just promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise not to run anyone over or accidentally stab someone with a pencil." She smiled.

"No, I mean…" He seemed to struggle with what to say. "Just be careful, okay?"

"You're worried about Chat's enemies?" He hadn't mentioned the interview yet, which had kind of surprised her.

"A little. Do you want me to pick you up?"

Her heart filled her chest. "As sweet as that is, the no special privileges rule applies then too."

"Okay, okay. You better go before I decide to keep you here all to myself."

She grinned, leaned in for a quick kiss, then took off in a run to not be late.

When she stumbled into the reception area, the stylish man behind the front desk pointed her to the back with barely a second glance. He answered the phone with one hand and typed on a computer with the other.

Her little wave went unnoticed, so she let her hand fall to her side and walked down a long hallway, her heels clicking on the concrete floor. Posters of Adrien, some of the very same she had in her old room, lined the walls. Though they were larger, properly framed and well lit.

That was her boyfriend! A pleasant tingle made her smile.

Then she stepped into an absolutely huge space filled with workbenches and dress mannequins, spools of thread, swaths of fabric, racks of clothes, and boards overrun with drawings of designs. People worked frantically, some sitting, marking up papers, others using sewing machines, and more running from station to station carrying armfuls of sample cloths. It was overwhelming, but very tidy and rather organized. No doubt because Gabriel was in charge.

No one noticed her, so she just followed the walls, assuming Mr. Agreste, being a very private person, would have his own office.

She found the bathrooms, a kitchen, and a supply closet, then came upon an unmarked door. Gathering herself, she lifted a hand to knock, but someone grabbed her wrist.

"I wouldn't do that," a woman in a sleek dress said.

"But he's expecting me."

She let Marinette go. "The intern, huh? Well, he hates it when people knock. And he hates it when people come in empty handed."

"Oh." Was she expected to barge in? That didn't seem right. And last she checked, she couldn't walk through walls.

"Come here."

Marinette followed her to a large desk not far from his office. "Are you his assistant?"

She nodded, then grabbed a tablet and dropped it in Marinette's arms. Good thing she had quick reflexes. "I'll ring you in. You say nothing until he addresses you, especially if he's taking a call or concentrating on something or lost in thought." She waved a hand. "Better yet, just don't speak until spoken to."

Holy crap. What was this, a Devil Wears Prada remake? "Anything else I should know?"

"He hates it when people are late. Now go."

Oh my god, it was already ten minutes after.

As soon as the assistant got off the phone and waved her in, she eased open the door and tiptoed inside like a ninja scared for her life.

Gabriel sat at his desk, eyes glued to his computer screen. A window made up the entirety of the back wall and a chair was in front of him. The office had a mixture of dark and light with nothing personal decorating the space. No pictures of his family or silly trinkets. No awards or even a plant.

She stayed close to the door, in case she needed to flee.

A lifetime passed as she stood there waiting for him to acknowledge her. It became a game, a test of wills. Did he expect her to crack? Because she wouldn't. She was Ladybug. She had this.

He lifted his head and looked at her through his glasses. "You're late."

"It was a busy morning."


"There was an akuma attack and—"

"Not an excuse unless you're Ladybug."

She closed her mouth.

He stared at her.

"I won't be late again."

His eyes narrowed on her before he glanced pointedly at the chair. "Sit and go through the designs. Tag the ones that speak to you. Be prepared to explain why."

"Is this for something in particular? A theme I should know of?"

He said nothing as he went back to work on his computer.


And that was her day. Weird requests without much instruction and long spans of absolute silence. He glanced at her occasionally, which felt like the prick of an icicle on the back of her neck. He was never rude to her, just not warm. Not even lukewarm.

When he looked over her work, she'd get no response or, very rarely, a nod. She imagined it being a standing ovation. He'd even made her eat lunch with him. Not that she minded silent awkward lunches, but she'd been hoping to meet the other designers. The times she did get to escape his presence, people watched her with either suspicion or sympathy. No one but the assistant confronted her.

Did they know she was dating his son? Did they resent her? Based on one woman's expression, she pitied her. Just how many interns had he gone through and crushed?

By the time she'd left, the sky was starting to darken. She'd thought he'd never let her leave. And now she would be late for her Ladybug interview with Alya.

Father Time hated her.

"How'd it go?" Adrien asked over the phone.

"I think it went well," she answered as she moved down the street. "He wants me to come back tomorrow."

"That's great!"


"Yeah. There's a reason he doesn't take on interns."

"What's the reason?"

"It's a long story. I'll have to tell you another time. Did he say anything to you?"

"No. Was he supposed to?"

"I was just curious if he acted strangely or anything."

"Not anymore than usual." Realizing how that had sounded, she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Sorry. That was rude."

"It's okay. I know how my father is. So he didn't say or do anything?"

"Besides watch me out of the corner of his eye? No. But that's expected, right? He has to observe in order to direct."

He was quiet for a moment. "Yeah. I guess."

"What's going on?" It was as if he'd expected his father to try to hurt her.

"Nothing. Are you on your way home?"

"I actually have to run some errands. I'll be back later."

"Okay. Be careful."

He worried about her as much as Chat did. Smiling, she hung up with him, then quickly escaped to transform into Ladybug and zipped over to Alya's.

You did great today, Marinette, Tikki said.

"You think?" It was so hard to tell with that man.

A lot of people would have succumbed to the pressure. You didn't.

"I guess."

Now you just have to get through this interview without a single slip up.

She nearly lost her hold on her yo-yo's string. "No pressure."

You'll be fine. Just remember you're Ladybug and Alya isn't your best friend.

She'd only ever spent short bits of time with her as Ladybug. With Alya in journalism mode and Ladybug having to talk more, she worried she'd say or do something that would clue her friend into her real identity.

Outside Alya's apartment's balcony, Marinette waved at her. "Here goes nothing," she murmured.

You'll do great.

Alya opened the door, grinning from ear to ear. She almost squealed before she straightened and smoothed her face. "Welcome. Please come in."

Ladybug did her best not to giggle at her formal tone.

"Do you need something to drink before we get started?"

Nino sat next to the phone's tripod, officially taking Marinette's job. Alya thought she would be working late to show Gabriel she was serious.

"I'm fine. Thank you," Ladybug answered, glancing around the space as if taking it in for the first time. "Do you want me here?" she asked pointing to the end of the couch where Chat had sat.

"That would be perfect."

Ladybug sat on the edge of the seat, back straight, and Alya positioned herself close enough for the interview to appear intimate.

"Do you have any topics you want me to stay clear of?" her friend asked.

"Just my identity. And we have to keep it short. I need to get back out there." To the apartment before Adrien started wondering where she was.

Alya nodded, then gestured to Nino, who touched the phone. "Welcome again. I'm honored to have Ladybug here tonight. Unfortunately we aren't shooting this live in case Hawk Moth decides to take advantage of our city's hero's known location."

She faced Ladybug and continued. "Thank you for agreeing to do this. Would you like to start with a response to Chat Noir's interview?"

Ladybug nodded. "I just want to say that…"

Nino checked his phone, then stood and made his way behind the camera to the front door.

"...that protecting this city is…"

Adrien quietly followed Nino inside and sat on the bar stool next to him. She had to stop herself from smiling at him when his gaze landed on her. Which wasn't too hard to do, not with the way he looked at her. He really wasn't fond of her anymore. Well, maybe she could convince him she wasn't the bad guy.

She cleared her throat. "Protecting this city is the most important thing to me. If I could be out there all day and night to help save lives and prevent crime, I would. I love this city. It is my home. It's citizens are my family."

"What do you say to the people who think you don't want to stop Hawk Moth?" Alya asked.

"That couldn't be any further from the truth. The only reason I'm here is to stop him."

"Why has it taken you so long?"

"He's smart. Every time I think I'm close to discovering who he is, he slips through my fingers. And, as everyone knows, he never does his own fighting. He uses people, innocent people, to do his bidding. He's a coward, and, unfortunately, those kinds are the hardest to root out."

Alya nodded. "What about the people calling for you to hand over your Miraculous?"

"While I understand their frustration, I don't believe he will just go away. Once people have a taste for power, they never give it up."

"Couldn't that argument apply to you as well?"

"Well…" Adrien leaned forward in his seat. "As much as I love helping people, I'd much rather not have to be needed to do so at all. Again, I'm only here because of him." She interlaced her fingers. "When I first put on the earrings, I was afraid to fight, of failing. I didn't think I was good enough. I even tried to return them." She chuckled. "And then I saw you"—she looked at Alya—"recording everything, in danger, and I couldn't let you get hurt. I had to do something." She shifted her gaze back to the phone. "And that's still true to this day. Hawk Moth can't hide forever. Sooner or later he's going to slip up, and, when he does, I'll be there. Paris won't be under his threat forever. I promise."

"What about Chat Noir? You haven't mentioned him at all so far."

Ladybug breathed out. "Chat Noir has been duped. He's not a villain at heart. Hawk Moth must have something over him. I just wish I knew what."

"Should he go to jail once he's caught?"

No. "That's not for me to decide."

"How did it feel when he turned on you?"

"Crushed. He…" She stared at her hands, trying not to wring them. "He was my partner. I trusted him. We saved each other's lives countless times, and we had fun during the down times."

"Sounds like you were friends."

"We were," she answered quietly. "I would've done anything for him."

"Except give him your Miraculous."

"It's not mine to give."

"If you could, would you?"

Adrien shifted so far forward, she thought he'd fall off the stool. "No."

The room went dead silent.

"Not even to help him help someone he loves?"

"Do you know why Hawk Moth wants both Miraculouses?"

Alya shook her head.

"A wish will be granted, no matter what it is." Adrien slipped partially off the stool and righted himself. "But if they use them, the universe will balance itself out. If they wish for someone to come back to life, someone else will die. Or if they wish for wealth, others will become poor."

"How do you know this?"

She hoped Master Fu wouldn't be upset with her. "The Guardian of the Miraculouses told me."

"There's a guardian?"

"Yes. And I won't comment any further on it."

"Fair enough." Alya cleared her throat. "Thank you for sitting with me today."

Ladybug dipped her head.

"And thank you for watching," she said to the phone. "This is Alya Cesaire-Lahiffe, reporting for the LadyBlog."

Nino touched the phone and took it off the tripod as Adrien jumped off his stool. "Ladybug," the blond called.


"Is it true about the wish and the balance?"

She nodded.

His gaze fell from hers and his shoulders slumped a little.

"I'm sorry," she said, though she wasn't certain why she was apologizing.

Without addressing her or his friends, he turned and left the apartment.


After rushing to leave Alya's, she then rushed to get back home only to find it empty.

Double weird.

And the only text she had was from Nathaniel. He wanted to know if he could come over and show her the finished comic. She shot off a quick reply that he was more than welcome, then she texted Adrien what was happening. Partly so he wouldn't be surprised to find Nathaniel there, but mainly to make certain he was okay.

While she waited for Nathaniel, she threw together a little platter of food that included Adrien's Camembert. She'd never seen him eat it, yet the small supply always dwindled before it was restocked. And, not wanting him to be embarrassed, she'd decided to add it with the other cheese and crackers.

Nathaniel rang the doorbell, then greeted her with a kiss on the cheeks at the appropriate distance from her lips, which meant he really was okay with her and Adrien. She hadn't wanted to rub it in and make him feel uncomfortable or bad. But that meant she had to avoid him, which probably also made him feel bad.

"Is Adrien here?" he asked.

She shook her head. "But maybe he'll be here soon to see what you've come up with."

"That would be cool."

He had such a dreamy expression on, she did her best to hide her smile. "We can wait a bit and catch up if you want. I brought out some food too in case you're hungry." She gestured to the platter and he nodded, his gaze lingering on the Camembert with a slight look of surprise. Or was that distaste?

"Thanks, but I'm good." He sat down and and held onto a folder that most likely held the comic. "Anything new?"

"Well, yeah actually. I got an internship with Gabriel."

"Adrien's dad?"

"Yeah, but I didn't get it because of that. He didn't even know his father offered me it."

He leaned forward. "I didn't mean it like that. You're a great designer. You deserve that position."

"Thanks." She moved to the couch, scooped up some Brie, and bent to sit. With her food an inch from her mouth, her stomach clenching in anticipation, the akuma alert on their phones sounded and she cursed out loud.

His eyes widened. He'd probably never heard that kind of language from her.

"I'm sorry." She put her food down and stood, scrambling to come up with an excuse to get him out of the apartment. "I told Alya I'd go with her to check out the next akuma attack."

"Are you sure that's safe?"

"Yeah. We're going to stay out of the way. Is it okay if we do this later? I really am sorry."

"It's fine." He crossed the room to the door. "It was good seeing you. Even if it was for a couple minutes."

Her shoulders slumped. She was a horrible friend.

His smile fell. "It's okay. Really. Be careful out there."

After he left, she used the back entrance to the apartment, snuck out to transform, and made her way to the akumatized man, stomach grumbling in protest.

AN - poor Nathaniel. Lol. But now Adrien knows the truth. Just what will he do?

Thank you for reading! I'm so happy I'm not writing in a vacuum. I love writing and exploring a different world, but you guys keep me going and make it so much more fun. I read every comment right away, then again and again. lol. And I love every one.

My sister loves them too. And she loves you all too. And I love her. Goodness, there's so much love, it's like a Christmas special up in here. XD