37. Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Marinette pulled Master Fu's miraculous box out of her purse and just stared at it. She'd made her way back to the apartment to find it empty. Grateful for the alone time, she'd climbed the stairs, closed her door, and slid to the floor, wondering what she would do now. It all seemed so hopeless. She might as well just turn her Miraculous over to Hawk Moth and be done with it.

"Marinette," Tikki said, coming to rest on the wooden box in her hands. "We'll get through this."

"What if we don't?"

"We will."

"Nothing I've done has worked." She let her head fall back against the door, fatigue settling over her like a lead blanket. Her bones felt old, her spirit threadbare. "It just keeps getting worse."

Tikki flew directly in front of her face. "So long as you don't give up, there's always a chance for things to turn around."

Normally, optimism was her middle name, but she just couldn't muster any positivity right now. "They have Master Fu, Tikki. I'm no Guardian. And I'm clearly not a very good Ladybug. I'm sorry you got saddled with me."

Tikki put her hands on her hips. "Well, I'm not. You're stronger than all the others. You can do this. I know you can."

Marinette pushed her thousand-pound body off the floor and dragged herself to bed, then crawled under the covers. With the constant akuma attacks, she hadn't gotten much sleep, and, now, it seemed her body demanded the debt to be repaid.

Ignoring Tikki's concerned gaze, she turned away from the sunlit windows and curled into a ball. She squeezed the box tight to her chest and let herself sink into a deep slumber.

The next time she opened her eyes, she had no idea what time it was.

Settled on the pillow next to her, Tikki watched her with care.

"How long was I out?" Marinette asked.

"Through the night. The sun has been up for awhile."

She managed a nod, and closed her eyes again.

"Adrien came in a couple times," Tikki said.

She opened one eye. "Did he see you?"

"No. But the last time he seemed worried."


"Maybe because you were supposed to have gone in for your internship."

She knew what her kwami was trying to do, but she just didn't have it in her to care. "I'll call in sick."


"Tikki." She gripped the wooden box even tighter. "I just need a moment here. Please."

The kwami nodded, and she fell back asleep.


Adrien walked away from Marinette's door for the fourth time. He'd wanted her to get some sleep, but this was a bit much. It was a good thing his father decided to stay home for the day.

Banishing the memory of leaving the old man in the lair with Hawk Moth, Adrien stopped on the stairs and squeezed his eyes shut.

His father had promised he wouldn't hurt him. He just wanted to question the Guardian about the location of the other Miraculouses. Adrien's fears about Marinette interning under him seemed unfounded, so that meant he could believe him now too. He hoped.

Marinette's door opened and she stood in the crack, looking unlike her usual radiant self, hair a mess, face drawn and pale. It confirmed his suspicions that she'd caught a bug.

He rushed to her. "How are you feeling?"

She shrugged.

"Is it your stomach, your head, or all over?"

A corner of her lips lifted in an attempt to smile. "All over, I guess."

He touched her forehead. "No fever. Maybe it broke while you slept."

"Maybe." She shifted on her feet. "I just wanted to let you know I'm alive."

"I'll make you chicken noodle soup."

She went to shut the door but stopped. "You don't have to go through the trouble. I'll be fine."

"I want to." He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "I'll come get you when it's ready. Oh, and don't worry about my dad. He stayed home today, and I'll let him know you're sick."

She stared at him for a moment, then nodded and closed the door.

As he dropped the vegetables into the pot, someone knocked on the door, and he rushed to open it before the person woke up Marinette.

Alya barged in. "Where's that girl? She hasn't returned any of my texts." She looked right at Adrien trying to shush her. "From yesterday. That's not cool."

"She's sick."

"Oh." She lifted her nose and inhaled. "You're making soup?"


"Well aren't you just the sweetest." She walked into the kitchen, forcing Adrien to follow her. "Did you add any spices?"

"Nothing with heat." He tried to stop her from grabbing a spoon and tasting the stock, but failed.

She sipped the liquid and nodded. "Some heat is good. It'll help open her nose."

"She doesn't sound congested." He took the spoon from her and dropped it in the sink.

Her gaze landed on the whole chicken, now practically falling apart after having been cooked through. "I can help separate the meat."

Grabbing her arm to stop her, he asked, "I don't mean to sound rude, but why are you here?"

"To help you take care of my friend."

He lifted a brow.

She sighed and leaned against the counter. "Nino's grandparents are in town for the week."


"They decided to stay with us."

Finally understanding, he laughed. "And you needed to escape."

"They're driving me crazy." She squeezed her forehead, then looked at him with big, pleading eyes. "Can I hang out here for a bit? I make a fantastic sous chef. Just ask my mom."

While he liked Alya, sometimes she was a bit much. But maybe having Marinette's friend here would help her feel better. "Okay." He pointed at the sink for her to wash her hands. "You can separate the meat."

She turned on the water. "So, how did the big shoot go?"


"Yeah. Marinette said you would be gone all day yesterday because of a cologne commercial or something."

"Oh, yeah." With Everything going on, he'd totally forgotten that lie. "It went well."

Turning to him, she dried her hands and asked, "How do you forget something like that?"

"Just a lot going on, I guess."

She narrowed her eyes at him and he could practically see her suspicion like a thought bubble over her head.

When she removed her narrowed gaze off him to focus on the chicken, he breathed out and got to work on the noodles.

He struggled with getting the dough through the machine, and Alya came to his rescue. She reshaped it and carefully guided it into the slot.

"Thanks," he said. He supposed it was a good thing she'd come over after all. "Your mom showed you how to do all this?"

"Yeah. I'd make dinner for the twins when she had to work late at the hotel, and there were several months where they would only eat pasta. I got so tired of doing this, I broke down and bought noodles. The little shits said it wasn't the same and demanded mine." The smile on her lips lent the harsh words softness, even fondness.

He took her dish towel and tried to clean the dough off his Miraculous ring.

"I've always thought that was a cool ring," she said. "Where'd you get it?"

"My mom gave it to me," he lied.

"Is that why you never take it off?"

He tossed the towel on the counter. "I'm afraid of losing it."

She nodded in understanding as the last of the dough fell to the floured counter top. After plopping the noodles in the soup, she faced him. "Mind if I see it more closely?"

His stomach twisted, but he held out his hand.

"You, goofball. I can't get a good look at it with it attached to you."

"Well, that's as close as you're going to get to it."

"You really never take it off?"

He shook his head.

"Not even in the shower?"

"Not even then."

She shrugged and crossed the space to inspect his ring. "What metal is it?"

"I don't know. I—"

"Alya?" Marinette asked from the doorway, leaning against the frame, as if it was the only thing holding her up. She'd pulled her hair back into a ponytail, though not a very tidy one.

"Well, look who's finally come down," Alya said. "How are you feeling?"

One of her shoulders rose an inch, then fell. "I just looked at my phone. I'm sorry I missed all your texts."

"It's cool," Alya said. Adrien coughed and the brunette shot him a look. "It's a good thing I came over here. Your boy needed help with the noodles."

"I would've managed."

She hummed in mock agreement.

Adrien rolled his eyes and looked at Marinette. "It's almost ready."

"Thank you. Both. But you didn't have to go to the trouble."

"It's not a trouble. Besides"—Alya checked if the noodles were done—"it gave me a reason to be out of the apartment."

Adrien scoffed. "I've met them before. His grandparents aren't that bad."

"That's because they like you. Me, on the other hand." She shook her head. "They think I should be catering to his every whim, like some kind of Stepford wife."

"If you need a break from them later," Marinette said, "you can come here."


Adrien repeated the question with less enthusiasm and more surprise.

Showing the first real signs of life, Marinette slapped a hand to her face. "I'm sorry. I should've asked you first. It's your place, after all."

"No, no." He walked to her and grabbed her hand. "It's yours too." She smiled weakly at him, and he wished he could take away her sickness. He hated seeing her so down. Glancing at Alya, he added, "I'll let the concierge know it's okay for you to come here when we're out."

"Awesome. I seriously appreciate it." She checked the noodles again and turned off the burner. "It's all done now. I'll get out of your guys' hair."

"Stay and have some," Adrien offered. As much as he wanted some alone time with Marinette, he didn't want to be rude. "You did help make it."

"Thanks, but I'm having lunch with his family." She sighed and trudged to the front door. "Feel better, Marinette."

When she made to step outside, she abruptly stopped, as if she'd hit a wall.

"Alya" Chloe said from the hallway.

Alya backed into the apartment. "Chloe," she said just as cool.

Adrien squeezed Marinette's hand before letting her go. He darted to the entrance and waved the blonde in.

She didn't budge. "Is she sick? I heard her say feel better. That must mean she's sick."

"What's the matter, Chloe?" Alya asked. "Afraid of some germs?"

"Yeah. I'm not catching whatever she has."

Adrien sighed at the two of them. "She's not bad off. And her fever broke last night."

"Fine." She raised her voice. "I'm coming in, Marinette. Stay ten feet away." At his chiding look, she added, "Please."

He turned to go back into the living room and found Marinette still stuck to the door frame, not even paying attention to them.

"You look ragged," Chloe said with a face like she'd bitten into a lemon.

"What did you expect?" Alya remarked. "Her in a gown, ready for a ball?"

The blonde gestured to the door with a flick of her wrist. "Weren't you leaving?"

Alya dropped into a chair. "Nope."

Those two had always disliked each other, but if Marinette and Chloe could put aside their animosity, then surely they could too. "What are you here for, Chloe?" he asked.

"Well, since you're my best friend"—she fished in her large purse and pulled out a cream-colored envelope—"I wanted to hand deliver your invitation to my wedding."

"You've finally set a date! That's great news." He took the envelope and gave her a hug.

"Marinette's invited too, as your plus one, of course."

Alya scoffed, but Marinette didn't react.

He hoped she wasn't taking a turn for the worse. Viruses were like that.

"Marinette," Chloe said.

She glanced at her. "Oh, yeah. Congratulations."

Chloe's brows lowered, then she marched to Marinette and pulled her inside the kitchen before closing the door on them.

Alya stood, but Adrien said, "I'm sure she's fine."


"Just give them a moment."

Dropping back into the chair, she glanced at the gramophone. "When did you guys get that?"


"What's wrong with you?" Chloe asked, not buying the sick act one bit.


"Please. You can take them for a fool, but not me." She crossed her arms. "Why are you so morose?"

"I just have some things going on, Chloe. I'm sorry if I'm not all bubbly twenty-four-seven."

"I don't care if your perky or not, but I don't want you dragging down Adrien."

"I'm not—"

"Besides, the Marinette I know doesn't let 'things' get to her." She rolled her eyes. "The Marinette I know is annoyingly persistent, someone who doesn't let a bad situation stop her from getting what she wants. She wouldn't mope around in her pajamas. So whatever you have going on, snap out of it and do what needs to be done. Stop tormenting my Adrikins. He's acting like you're going to die."

She might've exaggerated that last bit, but, really, who did Marinette think she was? There was only room for one drama queen around here and that spot was hers.

Marinette just blinked at her, but she was at least standing on her own now.

Chloe nodded in approval, walked out of the kitchen, passed Adrien and Alya, and opened the front door. "Don't forget to RSVP."


After lunch, Adrien left to go check in with his father and Marinette went to her room. She pulled open her sock drawer and took out the Miraculous boxes.

Chloe was right. Marinette wasn't a quitter. She might not be a Guardian right now, but with Wayzz's help, she could learn. And, who knows, she might even come up with a plan to rescue Master Fu.

Tikki hovered nearby, hopeful.

"I'm going to talk to Wayzz for a bit," she said to her kwami.

"Of course."

"I'll switch back as soon as I can."

Tikki hugged Marinette's nose and nodded for her to take off the earrings.

AN - So now that we have the reaction to losing Master Fu out of the way—gotta love Chloe, lol—we'll get to see what she comes up with. And now you know Adrien took him to his father. *sighs* It'll take a mallet to the head, folks. A mallet.

As always, thanks for reading and for making this project fun! We're so stinking close to the reveal! And, in a way, it's closer than you think. ;)

My sister is the bomb. (I can say that again, right? Surprisingly, I saw it somewhere, and I'm relying on you youngins for confirmation. XD)