36. Chapter 36

Chapter 36 - third quarter!

"That's what he said?" Master Fu asked Marinette.

She'd rushed over as soon as she'd left Alya's place to tell him that Hawk Moth was basically blackmailing Chat. "Yes. And he lost his mom. That's the bait Hawk Moth is using to reel him in even more."

"But you only get one wish."

"That's what I said."

His gaze locked onto hers. "Careful you don't give yourself away, Marinette."

"I was—am being careful."

Both Tikki and Wayzz looked concerned.

"So what do we do?" she asked. "We can't exactly bring any of this up with him tomorrow."

"Yes." He rubbed his chin in thought. "The plan will have to continue as is."


"We cannot let him suspect you. It's too dangerous."

"I can always transform if he comes after me."

"You might not realize it until it's too late."

"It's kind of hard to miss him," she said, thinking of his skin-tight leather suit.

Master Fu said nothing, but it kind of looked like he wanted to. Just as she was about to ask, he shifted his attention to the gramophone concealing all of the other Miraculouses. "Take it. Hide it somewhere safe."

Her eyes bugged. "What?! I. I can't."

"Just in case something happens to me tomorrow."

She shook her head. He was entrusting her with all of the Miraculouses. It was just too much. "Master Fu—"

He took her hands in his. "When I first saw you, I knew you were the one for the Ladybug Miraculous. And I know you are the one to continue my legacy."

Her jaw dropped. Was he saying what she thought?

"There was a time when apprentices were chosen based on skill alone. The butterfly wielder was infamous among the Guardians. He had drive and ability, but, now I've come to see that he lacked compassion and kindness." Master Fu released her to poke her sternum. "He lacked your heart."

"You mean Hawk Moth was going to be a Guardian?"

He nodded.

"What happened?"

"A tragedy. He quickly lost his way."

She held up a hand, her mind still trying to process everything. "So you know who Hawk Moth is?"

"No. Only the Guardian who picks the wielder knows their identity." He nodded to the gramophone. "Take it, Marinette."


"When Tikki brought you to me with the Miraculous book, I knew you were different." Her Kwami smiled at her as he spoke. "And over the years, you've proven yourself to be true. I trust you."

She breathed out. "Where should I hide it?"

"Somewhere safe. But don't tell me." She opened her mouth to admonish him, but he added, "Just in case."

Did he think they were going to fail? She worried her lower lip.

"I know you'll succeed," he said.

"You mean we."

He just smiled and walked to the closet to pull out an empty box. "I'll show you how to open the secret compartment first. Just in case," he quickly added with a wink.

Not liking that kind of talk, she crossed her arms and leveled her gaze on him. But when he waved her forward, and despite it putting a bad taste in her mouth, she made sure to listen attentively...just in case.


Marinette stepped outside, carrying the rather light gramophone, and checked to see if Adrien had texted her back. She wanted to make certain he wouldn't be home when she appeared with a big box.

Her phone showed that he hadn't even read the message yet. He could be asleep. It was getting late, and he did say he had a big shoot tomorrow, lasting possibly the whole day.

She got moving down the street to her apartment. Worst case scenario: he's there and she'll just say she picked up some more stuff from her parents'. That was perfectly reasonable.

By the time she rode the elevator up to her floor, the box was not quite so light, which made getting the front door open tricky. After managing, she walked into a darkened room, confirming her theory that he was asleep. She breathed out in relief.

Stepping lightly, she climbed the stairs and came to a halt when Adrien opened his door.

He smiled. "I thought I heard you come in." His gaze dropped to the box. "What's that?"

She swallowed. "Just something I picked up from my parents' place."

"Oh?" He walked to her. "What's in it?"


One of his brows lifted. "Being secretive, huh? I'm officially intrigued." He offered to hold the box for her as she was most definitely sweating, but she gripped it tighter.

"It's just another family heirloom."

"Like your earrings?"


"You going to hold it all night?" A corner of his lips lifted in that grin she loved. "Cuddle it while you sleep?"

She tried to laugh but it came off strained.

"I was just joking." He opened her door for her. "Come on, I'll help you unpack it."

She followed him in with leaden legs. Master Fu said to not let anyone see it. "Actually I was just going to leave it in the box. It's kind of gaudy."

"If it's a family heirloom, you shouldn't hide it in a box."

Feeling stuck in a corner, she sighed. "Fine. But I did warn you." She placed the box on her desk and pulled out the bronze and wood gramophone. "See. Gaudy. And it doesn't go with my room."

As she went to put it back in the box, he stopped her with a hand. "Are you kidding me? That thing is a work of art." He touched the design on the horn, then bent to stare at the artwork on the wooden base. "It's so detailed and just...beautiful." He straightened. "This does not belong in a box, Marinette."


"As a matter of fact, I would be honored if you displayed it downstairs."

Display? How was she going to get out of this? It really was a work of art. "Okay."


The only people who would see it was just them and Alya and Nino. Not that big of a deal. Besides, Master Fu had it out. "Yeah."

As he carried it for her downstairs, he asked how it came into their family.

"I have no idea."

He laughed. "You really should start to learn these things."

She had a lot to learn if she was going to become the next Guardian.

"How about here?" he asked, gesturing to a table along one of the living room walls.

After making room for it, he set it down and peered at the plate on the front of the base. Twin dragons surrounded some Chinese characters. "I don't recognize this. It must be an older dialect." Facing her, he said, "I can take a picture and try to get it translated."

"Nah. I'll just ask my mom." Master Fu probably wouldn't like that one bit.

Adrien shrugged, then threaded his fingers with hers. "I'm glad I got to see you tonight."

She blushed. "Me too."

"I probably won't see you in the morning. They're having me come in early to prepare."

"That's okay. I actually have to be somewhere too."

"Good. Now I don't feel so guilty missing your one day off." He stepped closer to her and her heart responded by shooting to her throat. "So how about a goodbye kiss tonight?"

Unable to speak, she nodded.

He gave her that crooked grin again and bent to place a simple kiss on her lips, then he pulled back and said, "Alright. Sleep well."

Her mouth hung open. "Hey!"

Appearing way too innocent, he asked, "Yes?"

"That's it? All I get is a granny kiss?"

"Granny kiss?"

"Yeah. That's what you call what you just did."


She pulled him to her and planted her lips on his.

Wrapping an arm around her waist, he drew her fully against him and met her with the same fervor. A fire bloomed deep in her belly.

His kisses and touches were like a song written just for her with a breathy chorus, a sweet melody of tingles, and a rhythm to match the beat of her heart. It left her entranced and dizzy and craving more.

He brushed a hand down her arm, eliciting a trail of goosebumps, and placed languid kisses across her jaw to the crook of her neck. He suckled the pulse point just as Chat had.

She tensed.

He pulled back. "Did I do something wrong?"

Besides remind her of Chat Noir? She cleared her throat. "No. That's just a tender spot."

"Okay. I'll have to remember that." He waggled his brows with a mischievous look.

She stared at him, unable to rid herself of the image of Chat.


She closed her eyes, willing herself to just see Adrien. When she opened them again, she was grateful Chat's face was gone. There was no way he could be him. "You just reminded me of someone for a moment there."

His face blanched and he separated himself from her.

Oh god, she shouldn't have said anything. "Not that I'm thinking about someone else while you kiss me."

He opened and closed his mouth several times, then finally worked his way up to asking, "Who?"

"No one."

"You can tell me."

She winced as she told the truth. "Chat Noir."

He swallowed.

"Are you mad?" She wasn't certain. He could be angry or stunned or appalled.

"I'm not mad at you." He relaxed as he took in her doubtful expression. "I swear. It's okay."


He wrapped her in a hug and rested his head against hers. "I could never be mad at you."

Squeezing him tighter, she said, "I could never be mad at you too."


Ladybug showed up at the old mill and found Master Fu already there talking to his kwami. They seemed to be in an intense conversation, so she stayed back.

It was a nice day. Sunny, not too warm, with a gentle breeze. Hopefully, that meant good things for their meeting with Chat. He would certainly see Master Fu as a more trustworthy person than Hawk Moth. He had to.

Soft footsteps approached her and she smiled at Fu. His kwami no longer hovered nearby. "You ready?" she asked. "You know what you're going to say and everything?"

He nodded. "But first, I need to give you this." He held out his hand, clenched around an object. He didn't seem ready to give it up, whatever it was.

"Master Fu?"

"Keep Wayzz safe." He lowered his head and turned over his hand to reveal a small Miraculous box.

Her chest tightened. She couldn't imagine giving Tikki up. "But what if you need him?"

"I couldn't transform years ago. I certainly won't be able to today." He tried to give her the box, but she stepped back. "Just in—"

"Don't you say it."

He smiled. "I won't say it if you promise to keep him safe."

"You know I will."

"Good." He grabbed her hand and placed the box in her palm. "He can answer any questions you have. And whatever happens, remember to trust your heart."

Why did this feel like a goodbye? She tucked away the box and said, "Everything is going to be okay. Chat will see reason and come back to us, and you'll have Wayzz back in no time."

"That is the hope." His watch beeped. "It's four."

She took a deep breath, and they moved closer to the river to find Chat already there, standing alone. Her lungs constricted, holding onto the exhale as if it were a lifeline. Please see reason.

You can do this, Marinette, Tikki said.

Chat watched them as they approached, tense and uncertain. Did he think they were there to fight him? "This is the Guardian?"

Master Fu didn't straighten or cower. He just stayed his usual, humble self. "I am."

Glancing at her, Chat then refocused on the older man. "How come you're showing your real identity?"

"My body is not strong enough for the transformation."

"So you agreed to meet me defenseless?"

"Not quite." He nodded to Ladybug, and Chat clenched his gloved hands into fists. Fu's face saddened. "I came here to talk, not fight."

"She said you told her there would be repercussions if the Miraculouses are used to grant a wish."

"That is true."

"Is it?"

"Do you think I would lie?"

"I don't know you. Anything is possible." The words were sharp but not his mannerisms.

Hope bloomed in her even more.

"How do you know Hawk Moth hasn't lied to you?" Master Fu asked. "Why do you trust him more than Ladybug, more than your own conscience."

"My conscience is clear."

"Is it?" He took a tentative step forward. Chat didn't budge. "You do know that I'm the one who chose you to wield the cat Miraculous?"

His green eyes widened. "Does that mean?"

"Yes. I know your real identity."

He took a step back, almost in fear. Then his gaze landed on her. "Do you know?"

She shook her head, and he exhaled through his mouth.

"If you really are being honest, why haven't you told her something so important?"

So used to keeping their identities a secret, she hadn't really thought to ask him. She wasn't even certain she wanted to.

"To protect you. And her."

Chat's furrowed brows mirrored hers.

"I still believe you are worthy, and I still have hope for you."

"Then Hawk Moth is right, you are an old fool."

Master Fu took another slow step forward and gently placed a hand on his arm. Their close proximity had her nerves spiking. Looking him in the eyes, he said, "But picking you wasn't a foolish thing. You are selfless and caring. Everything Hawk Moth isn't."

Chat glanced at her again, and a battle raged within him. It played out on his face, his old self and Hawk Moth's creation vying for dominance, and left her whole body rigid with suspense.

He shifted his focus to Master Fu and his lips tightened.


She grabbed her yo-yo as he snatched Master Fu's wrist and catapulted up and over the river.


Tikki gasped in her head.

Ladybug backed up, ran forward, then leapt. Sailing over the water, the wind whipped at her hair and she stretched out her limbs mid-air. Adrenaline coursed through her veins.

Chat landed on the other side moments before her and vaulted himself and Fu further away.


She flung her yo-yo to catch his leg, but someone shot it off course with an energy blast.

Of course. An akuma.

A man wearing a tinfoil hat and a green camouflage bodysuit held a bizarre bazuka-looking gun.

Ignoring him, she took off after Chat, doing her best not to lose sight of the pair. She had no idea where he was taking Fu. Hopefully, not to Hawk Moth's lair.

A blast struck her in the back and made her fall to the pavement. She landed hard, knocking the breath out of her. Her muscles twitched as if they'd been electrocuted.

"I always knew you were a villain." He walked up to her and kicked her foot. "Don't believe the mainstream media I said. Did anyone listen? No."

She sucked in a breath and crawled after Master Fu. They were getting further from sight and soon she'd have no idea where they went.

"It's all a conspiracy. Everyone's focused on you, and no one is watching the government."

She scrambled to her feet, forcing her legs to work properly. He shot her again, and the ground rushed up to meet her.

Use your Lucky Charm.

She needed to follow them, not risk running out of time. Master Fu was the real Guardian. Not her.

"But I'm watching them. Me, Conspiracist," he said beside her. "And so will everyone else when the Miraculouses belong to Hawk Moth."

He knelt and reached for one of her earrings.

Flipping over, she wrapped her yo-yo around his wrist, trapping it in place and kicked away the bazooka gun. Well, more like flailed. But it worked. The weapon clattered to the street, and she used what she'd learned from the ground classes to pin him in an uncomfortable position.

Her limbs no longer twitched or tremored.

He garbled some more nonsense, but she was too focused on quickly ridding herself of him to make it out. Ladybug hurled her yo-yo at the weapon, breaking it in half. No akuma.

Grumbling, she knocked off his tin hat, but still no akuma.

After a quick glance back to find Chat and Fu gone, she bit back a curse. "Where is it?" she demanded.

He laughed. "I'll never tell you, demon spawn."

Each second that passed, they would be further away. Master Fu, the real Guardian, would be further away. She just wasn't ready. She needed him.

The akumatized man tried to wriggle out of her grasp, but she just tightened her hold. He groaned in pain.

It's okay, Marinette. Master Fu knew this could be an outcome.

"But Chat was supposed to have seen reason."

"What?" the Conspiracist asked.

She ignored him while searching one handed for a trinket that might hold the akuma, all the while tears stung her eyes.

Maybe it is too late for him.

"No." She refused to believe it.

He rejected the truth. He keeps choosing Hawk Moth. What more do you need?

"He's just doing it because he has to."

"You're crazy," the Conspiracist said.

Finding a set of keys, she grabbed them and climbed over the man, planting her knees on his shoulders. "Look at me."

His face softened and he stilled under her. "You lost, Ladybug," Hawk Moth said through the man.

"I still have my Miraculous."

"But I have the old man and the other Miraculouses."

When he found out Fu didn't know their location, she hoped they wouldn't hurt him. "Let him go."

"Not a chance."

"Then free Chat Noir from whatever deal you have with him."

"Only if you give me your Miraculous."


"Then we are at an impasse."

Clenching her hand so tightly around the keys, she broke them and the akuma flew out. The man under her turned back to an average-looking guy, albeit a confused one, and tried to scramble away from her, calling her a demon spawn again.

She rolled her eyes and jumped off him, then caught the akuma and ran in the direction she'd seen them go.

But Master Fu was gone. Her chest ached at the thought of him alone in enemy hands.

And Chat…

Her shoulders sagged from the heaviness of her heart. It weighed her down, threatening to cave her in.

She'd tried everything, and that was the problem. There was nothing that she could do. Chat had to accept the truth of himself, of Hawk Moth, and the Miraculouses. She just hoped he came to that realization before it was too late.

AN - so, I made up some stuff about the show, because at this time, we don't know Hawk Moth's origin story. And I've gone back and forth over how it could play out, watching the episodes with master fu over and over again. And while it feels like he might've picked the butterfly wielder, "not wanting to make the same mistake again." I can't see him knowing Gabriel is Hawk Moth. Because why pick his son unless he was being manipulative. And he'd have to know, because it couldn't have happened that long ago. He might be super old but I doubt Gabriel is. The whole thing is confusing to me, lol, so I just went with my own version. Hope you guys are okay with that.

I'm finally at my sister's place! And we just went over this chapter together. It's fun to do it in person!

Thank you for reading and commenting! I love them all! And for the new reasers, welcome! If you binged this, I hope you've caught up on your sleep. XD

We're at the third quarter... *wailing* I don't want it to end.