41. Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Marinette partly woke up, her mind fuzzy and her body…in pain? She grimaced. Her side ached and something was attached to her arm and clipped to her finger.

"It's okay, sweetie," her mom said. "You're going to be okay. Do you need more morphine?"

"Mom?" Her voice sounded rough, a little unused. How long had she been asleep? She tried to open her eyes, but they felt so heavy.

"We're here. It's okay." Her dad touched her shoulder. His large hand was soft, almost tentative.

Marinette finally pried her eyes open, then winced from the light streaming in through the windows.

"Close the blinds," her mom told her dad. "Sorry, sweetie, I should've thought of that."

His hand disappeared from her shoulder and sweet darkness filled the room. The hospital room, she finally realized. She'd been stabbed. Her earrings. She jerked to touch her earlobes. Tikki.

Her heart ached for her kwami.

"They're gone," her mom explained. "We asked the staff if they removed them for the surgery, but they said you didn't have any on when you were admitted."

"Who has your earrings?" her dad asked.

"Chat took them."

"And then gave them to Hawk Moth?"

"I'm not certain." Would anyone know if Gabriel had gone through with his plan? Had someone mysteriously lost their life? "But I know of a way to find out."

"Honey," her mom said, "you're in no position to do anything. You need to recover."

"Not like I am, but"—she cast her voice low since the door was open—"if I suit up, the kwami's powers will help speed up my recovery and allow me to investigate."

"But your earrings are gone."

"I have the Guardian's Miraculous in my room."

"No," her father protested. "You've already gotten hurt. Badly. No more."

Her mom gave her a sympathetic look. "I have to side with Tom on this one. It's too dangerous."

"I promise not to get involved. I just want to see—"

They shook their heads in unison.

"Okay. But can you go to the apartment and at least get the Miraculous? I don't trust Hawk Moth not to raid it now that he knows who I am."

"Do you think you're in danger?" her mom asked, looking out the door, then the window.

They might all be in danger. She just couldn't know right now. Not stuck in a hospital bed. "Grab some clothes for me while you're there, then go pack some of yours. When you're ready, come back here with the Miraculous."

"What do you have planned?" her father asked.

"Mom's right. We could be in danger, so be careful while you're out." She thought of the car outside the bakery when Gabriel had taken her to ask about the gramophone. He must've been onto her since then. Which meant he had hired goons watching her and probably her family. She'd hate it if her parents got hurt, especially because of her. "I'll sneak out later."


She interrupted her mom. "If it's not safe, then I can't be bound to a bed where anyone can just walk in. The suit will help me recover much faster than anything they can do for me here."

Narrowing her eyes, she finally nodded. "We'll be quick. I don't like leaving you here alone."

Her dad touched her shoulder one more time before they moved to the door.

"Mom?" When they stopped to look back at her, she continued. "I love you guys, and I'm glad I told you."

"Oh honey, we love you too." Her dad nodded in agreement as her mom darted to kiss her forehead.

After they left, she kept one eye on the door and window, and the other on the TV in her room. She'd flipped through all twenty stations at least ten times. She could watch the news, but her life was already stressful enough without the world's problems blaring in her face.

Her gaze flicked to the little digital clock on the stand next to her. It'd been half an hour since her parents left. Not too long, but the more time passed, the more she worried if they were okay.

Plus, she kept replaying the moment she'd found out who Adrien was over and over, and it just hurt too much. She loved him. And she found herself yearning for him despite everything. Which made her angry. Angry that she still cared about him. Angry that she hadn't put all the pieces together. Angry that she lost Tikki. When he ran off with her, he'd taken a part of Marinette. She'd grown so used to having her kwami around, she now felt empty and alone.

How did everything get so messed up? How had she not realized Gabriel was Hawk Moth? It didn't matter that he'd been akumatized years ago. She should've stuck with her gut. She should've been more focused, should've fought harder.

What had made her think she could move out, have a boyfriend and an internship, and start university as if her life was normal? It wasn't. She was Ladybug. She had a responsibility to the city. People depended on her, and she'd let them all down.

"You should pay better attention to your surroundings," Gabriel said.

She flinched, twisting to look at him in the doorway, and hissed in pain. Her side burned enough to take away her breath.

"Careful now." He took a step inside. "You don't want to pull out your stitches." His gaze flicked to her ears and he scowled. "Where are your earrings?"

"He didn't bring them back to you?" Hope filled her and she barked a laugh. " Oh man, that's gotta sting, especially after all the brainwashing and lies and manip—."

He moved to her side and the machine tracking her heart rate beeped faster. Traitor. Gabriel smiled and leaned closer to her. "You should be scared."

Before she could process what had happened, Gabriel latched onto her wounded side and squeezed tight. She nearly bit her tongue to keep from crying out. "Listen to me carefully. I want those Miraculouses and you will tell me everything you know."

Sweat beaded her brow. "You'll get nothing from me," she bit out.

He was so close to her, she could see the white striations in his blue irises and her own furious face reflected back at her. Good, he couldn't see the terror filling her.

"What is going on in here?" a woman's stern voice asked. "You will back away from my patient, sir, right this instant."

Gabriel released Marinette, and she finally breathed out. He turned to the nurse who stood with her hands on her hips, like an imposing mountain. "It seems her wound is causing her problems. You should have a look at it to make certain nothing is wrong."

As he backed out of the room, he sent her a look that would've frozen a roaring fire.

The nurse checked her stitches, then her vitals. "It looks okay, but no more moving around." She leaned back. "Who was that man? Do I need to have him banned?"

She shook her head. If everything went to plan, she'd be out before the day was over so there was no point in risking the nurse's life. "I moved too quickly and he was just making sure I hadn't messed up anything."

The woman watched her for a long moment. "Use that buzzer if you hurt yourself again and I'll be right in here." With a baseball bat, her eyes seemed to say.

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you." And she was thankful. If she hadn't come in, who knew what Gabriel would've done.

"Girl," Alya said as she darted inside, "did I just see Adrien's dad?" She stopped when she saw the nurse. "Oh, do you need some privacy?"

The nurse shook her head. "I'm done. But you actually reminded me of something." She looked at Marinette. "A red-headed boy came by earlier while you were asleep."

That was sweet of Nathaniel to stop by.

As the woman left, Alya rushed to Marinette. "Did Adrien do this to you?" She worried her hands. "I should've told you right away. I should've called the police, the army, someone."

"Wait." Marinette looked at the open door to make sure no one was near. "You know?"

Alya nodded vigorously. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I found out the other day, and he swore he'd tell you, and he seemed so normal I thought it would be okay. But you must've not taken the news well, and I was the one who encouraged him. This is all my fault and I'm so sorry." By the end of the deluge, she was gripping Marinette's hand and holding back tears.

"It's not your fault. And it wasn't Adrien. It was Hawk Moth."

Alya's mouth fell open. "But why?"

"Remember, during our movie night, you thought I'd made a joke about being Ladybug?"

"Yeah. You really played it up too." She rolled her eyes.

"That's because I am. I had to take care of the akuma."

Alya seemed not quite ready to believe her. "Where are your earrings then?"

She tried not to wince at the reminder of losing Tikki. "Chat took them."

"What about all those times—"

"I was never around when Ladybug was?" She gave her best friend a look, encouraging her to see the truth. "Remember that time I said if I was Ladybug, I wouldn't tell you to keep you and my parents safe?"

"Then why tell me now?"

"Because Hawk Moth knows who I am. And everyone I love is no longer safe."

"So you're Ladybug." Her eyes widened. "You're Ladybug!"

"Shhh." She looked out the door again.

"Oh my god, I jinxed you guys. I said you two would be a romantic tragedy, and it's true."

Marinette refrained from saying she couldn't have jinxed them, since they'd been Ladybug and Chat Noir the entire time.

"Wait." Alya sat up straighter. "Who's Hawk Moth?"

"His dad."

Her brows lowered. "But he was just here."

Marinette nodded.

Alya's face hardened. "Did he come to threaten you?"

"Yeah, but I'm okay."

"Shit. We have to get you out of here. You're too vulnerable like this."

"We're already on it."


"My parents know the truth." At Alya's brightening eyes, Marinette lifted a hand to forestall the questions. "Long story. I'll tell you later. Right now, I need you and Nino to get ready. Go pack some stuff and sneak out of your place. Make certain you're not followed." She grabbed the pen and notepad off the nightstand to write down Master Fu's address, then handed it over. "Meet me here in an hour."


"I know Gabriel has henchmen watching me, so they might be focused on all of you now too. Also, I think we should get rid of our phones and credit cards. He's rich, who knows what kind of connections he has. And make sure Nino doesn't use his car. That'll be too easy to track." She finally looked at her friend who seemed a tad overwhelmed. "Where is Nino?"

"Dropping off his grandparents at the airport."

"Good, that'll make things less complicated. You should go. We need to move quickly."

Determination had Alya straightening. "Don't worry. I got this." She stood. "I'll see you in a bit."

Her parents came back not long after Alya had left. They seemed calm, but their eyes told another story.

"You were right," her mom said. "Someone was there."

"But he believed us when we said we were just getting stuff for your hospital stay," her dad added. He placed her luggage on the ground and reached inside to pull out a Miraculous box.

Marinette breathed out. "You guys are amazing. I don't know what I'd do without you." She gestured for them to shut the door, then slipped on the bracelet.

Wayzz flew out and looked around. "What happened? Where are we?"

She told him everything as quickly as she could, keeping out the small detail that Gabriel had just threatened her. She didn't want to upset her parents even more.

The kwami sunk to the bed. "It's a good plan. We can come up with something more comprehensive when we're in a safe place."

Marinette followed his instructions and transformed into Carapace, noting how weird it felt to not be Ladybug, then jumped out of bed. Her side stung, but it wasn't enough to make her grimace.

You should be strong enough to escape through the window, Wayzz said. Just try not to get into a fight on your way to Master Fu's.

She looked down at the green suit, the funny-shaped boots that made her feet look amphibious, then touched the hood covering her head. Everything felt so weird.

You'll get used to it.

The door opened and Nathaniel poked his head in. "I knocked but—"

She had jumped to the other side of the bed but he caught sight of her before she could duck under it.

Nathaniel stood frozen in the doorway. "Wha. Wha—"

Her mom rushed to him and pulled him inside before closing the door. "It's not what you think."

"Marinette?" Nathaniel asked with furrowed brows.

"Yeah." She pushed back her hood. "I was just trying on a costume I made. My parents brought it over and—"

"But you've been stabbed and, and, and you just flipped over the bed. And.."

You'll have to include him in the plans. The only advantage we have is Hawk Moth not knowing you have another Miraculous and we can't risk him talking about this.

"I agree." Besides, she didn't want to risk his life anymore than Alya's.

"Who are you talking to?" Nathaniel asked.

Her dad chuckled. "She often talks aloud. Don't mind her."

"Nathaniel, I'm Ladybug." She glanced down at herself. "Well, not right now. Chat Noir took my Miraculous, and until I get it back, I'm using another."


"Yes. And everyone I know is in danger. I need you to go with my parents to somewhere safe for several days." Or a week. Hopefully not months.


"I'm sorry you've gotten wrapped up in all of this."

He looked around the room, seemingly dazed, before focusing on her—more like staring at her. "I always thought Adrien could be a superhero. But you really are one. You're. You're Ladybug." He rubbed a hand over his face, missing how she'd winced at the mention of Adrien. "I'll do whatever you think is best."


Carapace met everyone in Master Fu's apartment above the treatment room. It was about as big as her old bedroom at her parent's place.

"Dude, I love the new look," Nino said while dropping his giant duffle bag next to the tv. The news was on, the volume turned down low.

Alya held up a box. "I bought us prepaid phones." At Carapace's look, she added, "I used cash. Besides, we'll need a way to communicate when you're out superhero-ing."

Her dad came inside with a large box from the bakery in one hand and their luggage in the other. "I brought enough pastries for a week."

"And I brought actual food," her mom said right behind him, bearing packed grocery bags. She lifted to her toes to give Carapace a kiss on the cheek.

Nathaniel greeted everyone with a nod, but continued to stare at the door. He held onto the same folder from the last time he'd tried to show her his comic. "Adrien's not here?"

The mention of his name reminded her why he wasn't there and she winced in pain. It hurt worse than the stab wound, worse than even when Chat had turned on her, and she'd thought nothing could be worse than that.

Her mom rushed to her side. "Are you okay? I thought the suit was supposed to help."

"I'm fine. And it is helping." She was thankful the goggles hid the tears stinging her eyes.

"So where's Adrien?" Nino asked. "I tried calling him before leaving, but he never picked up."

She swallowed down the sudden lump in her throat. "We, um. We broke up. He left. I don't know where."

His and Nathaniel's eyes widened. Her mom rubbed a comforting hand over her back.

She needed to flee before they started bombarding her with questions and before she lost control over her tightly held chaotic emotions.

"I can't believe he left you. You guys were perfect for each other." Nathaniel walked to the wastebasket and dropped the folder in it. "I'm an idiot for thinking he was the coolest guy ever."

"He is cool," Nino piped up. "I'm sure his dad made him do it or something. He probably hates himself right now."

Nathaniel crossed his arms. "After everything she's been through, he shouldn't have just disappeared. It's not right."

"We don't know why." Nino got to his feet. "Let's not jump to conclusions."

"Marinette." Alya's worried voice snapped her attention to her as she stared at the tv.

She grabbed the remote and turned up the volume.

"—has been sighted near the Eiffel Tower," Nadia said, her face pale. "Two bodies painted red with black polka dots have been taken from the scene. Their identities are currently unconfirmed. The akumatized man made no announcement, gave no warnings or demands. But we believe he wants Ladybug. The superhero hasn't been spotted yet, but we're certain she's out there, hunting down this new villain."

Nadia continued reporting, but Carapace heard nothing else. Bodies. People were dead. Because of her. Because she couldn't stop Hawk Moth. "Wayzz?"

Even if you had Ladybug's magic you can't undo death.

"I have to stop him before he takes another life." Carapace stood.

"Sweetie." Her mom's worried look made her swallow. "You're seriously injured. Promise me you'll be careful."

"I will. It's not so bad in the suit," she lied. While she could flip and run and jump in it, she wasn't certain if she could take a hard hit, or even a mediocre one.

Her dad held her mom to him as they watched her.

"Don't forget your phone." Alya tossed her the prepaid one, and Carapace stuffed it into her pocket. "Call us if you need backup.

Carapace grabbed the shield off her back, jumped out the window, and used the green shell as a surfboard down the roof and across streets until she reached the Eiffel Tower with the setting sun dipping below the horizon. Police, reporters, and crime scene specialists were everywhere.

She walked to Roger, Sabrina's dad, and a police officer, and asked where the akumatized man was last spotted, what he looked like, and if they had any weapons or known special powers.

The older man, slightly more rotund over the years, yelled for backup.

"Wait," she said, hands in the air to show she wasn't a threat. "I'm La—a new hero sent to help Ladybug."

The men and women around her relaxed a little. Roger looked her over. "You're supposed to be a turtle?"

She nodded. "Tell me about this guy?"

"I don't know. No one does."

The policewoman next to him added, "They said a large shadow swept in, obscuring the lights. Then it was gone and the two girls were left hanging by yo-yos."

"Hanging?" That somehow made it worse.

"And those the shadow touched are different. Apathetic or empty." She shivered. "They've been taken to the hospital for an examination."

"Do you know where Ladybug is?" Roger asked.

"She's out looking for him." The lie just rolled off her tongue. It was getting too easy these days.

She left the crime scene and looked for a large shadow, but with nightfall the murderer could be anywhere. She was at a loss. Once again.

You're doing great, Wayzz said. Just stay focused.

She stopped on a rooftop to catch her breath, or more aptly, control her raging emotions that were making it hard for her to breathe. "It's just so hard." She felt like a garment coming apart at the seams.

And that's okay. You can do this. Don't forget that.

A cold breeze swept past her, leaving goosebumps to prick her skin even through the suit. She was so tired of fighting akumas, so tired of feeling. Maybe she should just go home. But even that seemed like too much effort. She leaned against a chimney.

What are you doing?

"Maybe this is all a waste of time. Hawk Moth has already won. He has Fu, the gramophone. Chat will undoubtedly give him my Miraculous and his." Her teeth chattered from the chilly air. "This is all just a waste of time and energy."

It isn't. You have to know that. When she didn't say anything, he added, What about the people who lost their lives?

She shrugged. "They're already dead. You said I can't change that."

His astonishment radiated through her, warm against the numbing cold. You're being affected by the akuma.

"No. It's just how I feel, Wayzz. I'm tired. There's nothing I can do."

You have to get out of here.

"Another Miraculous," a new voice, deep and masculine, said.

She jerked toward the sound, adrenaline finally bringing life back to her limbs.

"I wonder what other powers Hawk Moth will give me for this discovery."

Carapace pulled her shield off her back and held it in front of her, but she had no idea where he was. As far as she could tell, the wind was talking to her. "Where are you?"

"Right behind you."

She spun to find a broad, dark-clad hooded figure staring at her, his face and eyes too obscured to be discernible. Still, she felt his gaze like the blast of a frigid wind. "Why'd you kill those girls?"

"Why not?" He moved closer to her, his form blurring around the edges, nearly making her go cross-eyed. "Give me your Miraculous and I won't hurt anyone else."

Don't listen to him.

"How about you tell me where your akuma is and I'll make certain you and Hawk Moth share a cell."

He laughed. "He said you had heart enough for ten, but experiencing it is a whole other thing."

She cringed away from him as he moved closer to her.

Don't let him touch you.

"I know," she said, then jumped off the building, surfing on her shield down to the street. She landed and flipped the turtle shell shield to her hands. How was she supposed to fight with this thing?

He appeared behind her, laughing. "Draining you will be so satisfying."

A light turned on them and someone began talking, "Reporting live. Shadow Heart and Paris' new hero, Carapace, have just been spotted in a confrontation. Ladybug is still absent, as well as Chat Noir…"

The man continued reporting what he saw as Shadow Heart's form expanded, like a thick cloud of black smoke.

Coldness made her shiver, but she pushed back the apathy with her frustration and anger.

The black mass rushed to her and she leapt out of the way. "How do you fight a cloud, Wayzz?"

I don't know. You need to get out of here and regroup so we can come up with a plan.

"No." She wanted to put an end to this madness. No one else was going to die because of her.

"I feel your rage," Shadow Heart said. "It's enthralling, much more satisfying than the others."

He must consume people's emotions and leave them lifeless. You need to go.

She grit her teeth and charged the cloud as he morphed back into a shadowy man.

Lunging for him, he easily swept out of the way, laughing all the while. She kicked and punched him, but she might as well have been fighting air. He was so fast and so blurry she had a hard time keeping track of him.

The pointless attacks went on for minutes. Sweat collected at the nape of her neck under her hood. Her heart pounded. Her wound burned. But she couldn't let up. She had to stop him.

"More like the heart of twenty," Shadow Heart said. "But I grow bored." His arm snapped out and struck her wounded side.

She fell to her knees, a cry of pain escaping her lips. Warm blood oozed down her chilled flesh.

"Pain is another salivating emotion," he explained as he bent over her. "Most can't handle much. Their bodies give out too soon, but you, I hope you, are different."

He gripped her throat and the coldness came back over her and so much more. It was like fire peeling away her skin, turning her to ash. She lashed out blindly, hitting and kicking, grabbing at her neck, but it didn't stop him, didn't even phase him.

Use the shield, a small voice in her head cried out. It was a ray of light, piercing through a sky of roiling clouds.

She grasped the shield and swung it, knocking his grip from her throat.

Wayzz reminded her of his power and she shouted, "Shelter!"

A green forcefield erupted from her shield, extending around her and throwing him back.

She took just enough time to catch a couple sweet breaths, her vision barely clearing, before she ran. Carapace sprinted past the news reporter, jumped to the rooftops, and kept going until she was certain he hadn't followed her.

Stumbling to a stop, she fell to her hands and knees, panting from the mad dash and from her open wound.

Her bracelet beeped.

You have to get back before—

"I know," she said through gritted teeth. She was a failure in every area of her life. Paris' new hero had just been seen fleeing the villain, unable to even hurt him.

She picked herself up and slunk back to Master Fu's, careful to not be seen as she dropped inside through the open window.

Everyone surrounded her as her Miraculous beeped it's last warning, igniting her de-transformation. The blood soaking through her shirt made the cloth stick to her side. They gasped and someone shouted commands, spurring everyone into action.

She was picked up and placed on the couch. Her shirt was partly lifted, exposing her wound, and someone dabbed gently at it. Water was brought to her, then a blanket, making her realize she was shaking. So much was happening, yet she couldn't take her focus off the tv.

The reporter that had been on site as she fought Shadow Heart was now interviewing someone, the man who'd been akumatized into the Conspirator. "I told you Ladybug isn't a hero, and neither is this new character. What is the government hiding? They gotta be up to something to put on this kind of a show."

"Do you think Ladybug has abandoned Paris?" the reporter asked a woman eyeing the conspiracy theorist like she wasn't certain what to think of him.

"Of course she has," the woman finally said. "Paris has never known a villain like this before. She'd be crazy to not run like that turtle girl."

The tv was suddenly turned off and Alya stepped in front of Marinette's stare. "Don't listen to that drivel. They're all just speculating and spewing nonsense."

But they were right. Ladybug was gone, and she was no hero.

AN - I have no idea what Carapace's powers/abilities will be, so I made it up. Hopefully they're believable. Lol.

Gabriel done gone and did it. He went full villain. I mean, he was before, but he just crossed a line.

Poor Marinette. The girl has been through so much. Things start changing next chapter though. It's Adrien's POV too, so we'll finally see what he's been doing. And there will be a happy ending to this story. Just hang in there. We'll get through this together.

Which reminds me, I took a break from the angst and wrote a fluffy one shot. I posted it on tumblr with the accompanying comic it's based on. It's so cute, from Ceejles, the one about Adrien marrying Marinette when he's taller than her. *Tumblr didn't like how long the reblog was, so I posted it on AO3. I can post it here too if that's wanted I just got lazy because of a stomach bug

ALso, I commissioned artwork from Shaniartist. It's of that picnic scene from a ways back—this story is so long. Lol—and it's just so soft and flowing and downright pretty. It's on our tumblr blogs, same names, if you want to check it out. It's also on the first chapter on AO3 as well as the 20th, since that's where the scene is.

My sister is brutal. You don't know what she's put me through to get this chapter as good as it is now. But that's also what makes her great. *eye twitches* lol

The amount of reviews I got on the last chapter was just staggering. I'm so relieved it went over well. Seriously.

Ack! I'm sorry this AN is horrendously long.