Chapter 1

Things were going wrong in her life at the very moment an arrange marriage, what world were they living in. Didn't they know that it was the 21st century, no ever gets in arrange marriage so why was this happening to her. At first she thought that she was cursed but now she believed that her parents were losing their sanity. Never in her life would she agree to this, to tie down a knot with a man you despite so much with every inch in your body. Never! She won't do it, she refuse to do it even if it is the last she does. 

"At least think about it" her mom said. 

"Think about what mom" she said in anger everyone knew that Brittany was a short tempered woman she always got away with whatever she did with no remorse or worry.  

"Think about the marriage Brittany it's a good deal for both companies. "  

"Oh so my life is now a deal."   

"your father is in debt he needs this deal to bounce back and they only agreed to help only with your hand in marriage to seal the deal forever." 

"FOREVER! Who wants to be stuck with one person for the rest of their lives, no mom tell dad I will not agree to this charade." 

"Brittany please stop being selfish your dad really needs help." 

"SELFISH!" she shouted before adding "my life is the one that is going to be ruined and you think that I am being selfish how shallow could you be mom" she left before her mom could form any more words. Why was no one understanding her decision, the man that they are pushing for to marry was know a the most biggest flirt, he was after all the famous 'Rockside bachelor' everyone knew who he was. His family had businesses all over the globe so money was never a problem so why instead of helping would they want her hand in marriage it's just that it made no sense.  

She was tired that her family never understood her at all they always thought she was selfish and inconsiderate of the feelings of others, not knowing that she was broken inside. She never once questioned their decision but this time she was going to do everything in her power to decline that ridiculous offer. 'To heck with them' she thought as she entered her car ready to go to work until she remembered that she didn't eat any breakfast because of her mother. 

She went to a restaurant and ordered breakfast menu because she knew that she had to in the office quick as she had a lot of work to do. And on top of that she had this stupid meeting that would take two hours for who knows what for, she doesn't know what it is about because her father just told her to be there on time and not to be late.  

She still had two minutes left before that meeting starting, everything about the meeting seemed weird because for started it was happening in a restaurant and they would have lunch after that and secondly her mother was going to be there as well. With how weird the meeting looked she was thinking of skipping until her father sent her a message telling her to forget about skipping after all he is the one that knows her best even if he always misunderstood her. Well she best go and check what was so special about this meeting. 

She stepped into the restaurant at 12:00 to see that everyone was waiting, her mother, her father, Blake Evans and his dad Tom Evans. To say that she was confused would be understatement, she was wondering why would her family do this it's like they had no idea that she had better things to do with her life than waste time with the world biggest jerk. 

"Dad what is going what are they both doing here " she stomped at the table before taking a seat. 

"Brittany watch your manners and they are here to discuss the wedding" he said. 

"What wedding who's getting married " 

"You and Blake are getting married. "  

"Me and who" she saying as if had no idea about the whole thing. 

"Brittany can you stop playing dumb."  

"Playing dumb dad I told mom to tell you that I said no" she said. 

"Oh she did but it doesn't matter cause you guys are getting married anyway " he said and took a sip of his whiskey.  

"Dad you can't seriously think that I would agree to get married to this douchebag" she said not believing the words that was coming out of her father's mouth. 

"And why won't you." "Well for started he's a manwhore and secondly I want NOTHING to do with this charade do if you'll excuse me I have places to be." She said and got out to walk out. Blake who was just sitting down and watching the show alongside his father got up from his chair and walked I'm he direction that she did. Brittany had no idea that she was being followed until she felt someone yanking her arm roughly and came face to face with Blake "what the hell" she managed to say before he started to drag her in direction of the men's toilet.  

"Blake stop it, let go you hurting me."  

"Shut up."  

"Blake what the hell."  

"Didn't I tell you to shut the fuck up."  

"Well you are hurting me, so let go of my arm." 

"I told you to shut up didn't  I" he screamed in her face.  

"So you don't want to get married to me." 

"No because would rather die than marry a pig like you." 

"Really what about your dad." 

"What about him." 

"Are you prepared to see him go to jail." 

"Why would he go to jail." 

"Well let's see for starters he is bankrupt, secondly he is in debt with banks and can't pay back." 

"Well so why do you guys want to help what's in it for you." 

"Well I get the company and the bonus is that I never have banged a redhead before." 

"You must be crazy if you think I am going to sleep with you."  

"Oh darling then how will we provide heirs if we don't do the deed."