Brittany tried to push him away but he pulled her closer "and where do you think you're going cause we're not done talking."

"What exactly do you want to talk about because I am sure that we're done. I am not marrying you."

"Oh sweetheart you have no choice cause trust me if I have to drag you to the alter in your underwear then trust me I will."

"Why can't you just take a no for an answer cause as I already made it clear that I have no interest in spending my life with you."

"Like I said you have no choice."

When she tried one more to push him away he decided it a best idea to pin her on the wall, there was ladies who were coming in the bathroom but were ignoring the scene as if they didn't what was happening in there. She was getting annoyed with the way that he was behaving that she felt like killing him.

"Blake this is not funny anymore just let me go I am late for a meeting as it is."

"Didn't your father tell you that he cleared all your schedule for the day."

"Why the heck would he do that" "because you're spending the whole day with me" "there is no way that is happening."

He grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the ladies room and started dragging her out of the hotel and threw her in the car.

"And now where are you taking me" "my house" "but I do not want to got to your house. "

"Well it's not like you have a choice as I said we have a lot to discuss and the ladies room is not an appropriate place to discuss this important matters."

"And as I have said before if this 'important' matter is about the wedding then I have no desire to discuss."

"That's fine with me if you want to sent your father to jail while you could save him with a simple yes."

"If your memory is too weak then I will remind that this is my life we're talking about and not some fairytale."

"It could turn to be one if you allow it to happen after all we do have a history together."

"Oh yes the same bitter history that nearly destroyed my life. And you think that I would want to get married disgusting pig like you after what you did to me 5 years  ago."

"Well I suggest that you move on because it won't change what is going to happen like your dad said this wedding is happening whether you like it or not."

After that last sentence she didn't think that she even had a choice of refusing this marriage cause it seemed like it was sealed long before being announced to her. She felt helpless but she felt that she should at least try to look for a way to save her father without getting married to Blake.

"If you are thinking of a way to save your father without getting married to me then its futile because there is no bank that would grant your family a loan, and you shouldn't forget they the investors started pulling out because their exact words were that they cannot invest into a company that your father is ruining."

"What do you mean by ruining" "your father developed a gambling problem where he gambled  everything, in fact your house is the only thing that your father has and has not gambled it away."

"So what does all of this has to Mr with Mr marrying you."

"My father bought your company and given that our parents are friend they decided that we should get married to keep the business into he family as when we get married we will be binding the two families together."

That got Brittany thinking because she had no idea about her father's gambling problem where he ended up gambling everything they had except the house. She was sure that if it wasn't for Blake's father stopping in then she is so sure that they would have lost everything and ended up on the street. She didn't want to marry Blake but she knee she had no choice but to do it.

Never in her life had she ever thought that she would be  compelled to sacrifice herself and happiness for the sake of her family. She was so furious at her father for putting her into this situation, she hated Blake so much that even sitting in car with him as she was doing now she would be plotting for his murder.

"So if we were to get married would everything be fine then."

"Yes everything would be fine as I would be taking over the company."

"What would become of me then."

"What do you mean."

"I work at the company so what I am asking is that would I still be working."

"Of course I've heard that you did great for that company."

"So would you stop your sleeping around."

"Of course I would never cheat on you."

"It wouldn't be the first time."

"Can you stop dwelling in the past because I never cheated on you but you were too stubborn to listen to anything."

They reached his house and he was the first to come out and without opening the door for her he matched into his home, left with no other choice she decided to follow him inside. The moment she stepped a foot inside she felt as if she wasn't going to leave today. He offered a seat in front of him so that it would make it easier for them to discuss while facing each other.

"Okay so go ahead" she said.

"Well I do expert for us to consummate our marriage or I will look for pleasure elsewhere."

"That won't be necessary all I want is for your to be faithful I can tolerate anything but I will not tolerate cheating."

"I understand."