Blake knew that the reason she didn't want to marry him was because he knew she still blamed him for what happened 5 years ago even when he had tried to explain he too stubborn to listen to any reasoning. He knew that the only reason to be with her was to out up this charade and by the time the truth came out they will be married and since they were Catholics none of the family believed in divorce.

When he had presented this plan to their parents they were shocked that he still loved her even after 5 years since they broke up. Her parents had agreed because they knew deep down she still had feelings  for him, but her pride got in the way and she would never admit that she still loved him.

Her father decided to come with the plan that would leave her no choice but to agree where he would pretend as if he had gambled everything they had and that they only had the house left which would be sold within a week. Blake didn't want to cheat her in order to marry her but he had no choice as he well knew that once she has made up her mind then there is no going back.

Blake looked at the photograph on his nightstand, it was a photograph of him and Brittany they were at the beach and he was hugging her from behind. She was laughing as he was leaving butterfly kisses when he knew very well that she was ticklish.

He portrayed himself as a fuck boy just to make her jealous but he never expected that she would not even pay attention to him. He was so desperate back then, called her a hundred times to explain but she never picked and ended up blocking him.

Now that  she was going to be his wife he will show her that what she saw 5 years ago was nothing but a misunderstanding. He slept while remembering their moment which led to the sweet he had about their future.

Brittany woke up late as she was frustrated that Blake had kept her in the house for who knows how long. She knew that she still loved him but would never admit it, for 5 years she could not move on  due to her feelings for him.

When she used to see him with all those models she felt the need to match over and demand him of how he could move on so easily. She know that she didn't give him time to explain but she was still hurting, she received a call from her best friend Samantha.

Brittany: Hey

Sam: Hey so when where you going to tell me that  you were getting married to Blake the same Blake who broke your heart.

Brittany: what do you mean? Where did you get the information from.

Sam: what  do you mean? Don't you know that it is all over social media.

Brittany: WHAT

Sam: anyway back to the real thing when where you going to tell me that you two were going to get married.

Brittany: well my father ended up getting gambling problems. He gambled everything and the only thing left is the house which is going to be auctioned in a few days and only marrying Blake would save my family.

Sam: but Britt you know that if you marry him then there's is no divorce you could be stuck with him for eternity.

Brittany: I know and it's the price I'm willing to pay to ensure that my father does not face any humiliation.

Sam: I wish you luck.

Brittany: thanks bye

Sam: bye

After she cut the call she received Blake's phone call.

Brittany: Blake what do you want

Blake: I just want to tell you that the wedding has been set.

Brittany: WHAT!

Blake: didn't you see it on the news. Anyway get ready I'm coming to pick you up.

Brittany: what! Why?

Blake: dress shopping!

Brittany: how could you set the date without telling me or discuss it with me.

Blake: I will tell you when I come to pick you up so get ready.

Brittany: wait what...

The line went dead leaving her to wonder what the heck was happening, it seemed that everyone was making decision on her part without her even knowing which she had to put an to it before it got worse. She jumped into the shower and took a 15 minute shower because she didn't know hat time he could be arriving.

She wore a black jean and black tank top with black heels, she just finished straitening her hair when the doorbell rang and to say that she was annoyed would be understatement because she knew exactly who was on the door. Blake not knowing what to expect looked her body up and down at the way she was wearing and it took every inch in him to not grab her and have his way with her.

"Let's go" he said as he offered his hand but she looked at his hand and brushed it over and made her way to the car.

"So start talking, what the hell? How could you set the wedding date without telling me."

"I didn't think that you would make a fuss about it."

"You call it a fuss when everyone knows exactly when the wedding is happening except the bride."

"Geez I get but you don't to overreact about it."

"You call it overreacting don't you know that we Catholics only get married once."

"I'm sorry I will try to involve you more."

"Thank you, so when is the wedding."

"A week from now"

"In a week you must be joking."

"No don't your that your father has a week left to pay his debts so we have to get married immediately."


She looked at him and remembered how soft he hair was whenever she use to her hand through it.