62. No Place Like It







…His leg really hurt.



Like, really.



And these were his first thoughts, as Hiccup awoke.



His second thought, was that Toothless was being super loud.



His eyes fluttered open, and his vision was filled with the sight of his dragon’s large eyes. Gazing down on him with concern.



Despite how tired and oddly pained he felt, the boy managed a smile.



“Hey, Toothless…”



Happy to see that his friend was up, Toothless began nudging him. Clambering onto the bed, and licking him.



“I’m happy to see you too, bud!” Hiccup drowsily giggled.



He pet the dragon for a bit-



Until Toothless placed his heavy paw on the boy’s stomach, making him shoot upwards. Clutching his midsection in pain.



The dragon darted off the bed while Hiccup groaned. But when he opened his eyes again, he could see that he was somewhere he hadn’t been for a long time.



“I’m…in my house…”



His old house.



His old bedroom, to be precise.



Nearly exactly as he’d left it, a year ago.



Except for all the stuff Toothless was knocking over.



Overflowing with excitement, he bounded around the room. Jumping off a pillar, crashing into shelves, and generally making a mess of things.



Hiccup couldn’t help but sigh at these antics. Especially once the dragon started climbing up the rafters.



“Toothless, no!” He tried to cease the dragon’s playful rampage, but it was no use. “T-Toothless! Oh, come on…”



Rolling his eyes, the boy figured he’d have to go over there and stop him himself.



He positioned himself to rise from the bed, but…



Something was different.



Removing the covers, he looked down.



Something was definitely different.



He couldn’t help but gasp, as Toothless dropped down from the ceiling. Looking more somber.



He took a moment.



A moment to realize that this was his reality, and not some surreal dream.



A moment to tangle with the fact that this wasn’t going away. This is something he’d have to deal with for the rest of his life.





And he placed his feet on the ground.



One fur boot.



One metal peg.



Toothless sniffed at the object, before glancing upwards. Checking for Hiccup’s reaction.



The boy took a quick, horrified breath. His eyes, quaking with fear.



Before he took another breath, a deeper one. To steel his nerves.



He could do this…



Placing both hands firmly on the bed frame, he stood himself up.



Tentatively, he lifted his metal leg to take a labored step. Wincing with pain, and flinching when he heard the sound of steel against wood.



But he was standing.



He could do this.



Toothless watched as he exhaled once more, and readied himself to take another step.



And surged to catch him, when he fell over.



The toppled teen was briefly overrun with panic, an existential dread that he’d never be able to walk properly.



He couldn’t do this.



He couldn’t do this!



But Toothless was there to help him through it. He gently nudged the boy back onto his feet, and positioned himself so Hiccup could lean on him.



They’d do this together.



“Thanks, bud…” He whispered, more than a bit embarrassed.



It was slow-going, as Hiccup repeatedly had to stop when the discomfort became too much to bare. But soon they exited his room.



He wasn’t even going to try stairs, right now.



Instead he climbed onto Toothless’ back, and let the dragon ferry him to the living room.



And to his surprise, Mirabel was sitting at the dining table.



It was a bit strange, seeing her in this house.



She was alone, her head held low. Looking rather frazzled. Feverishly fiddling with her hands, and bouncing her knee at a rapid pace.



But when she heard their arrival, she quickly looked up. Her eyes wide, and her hands trembling.



She nearly tripped over herself, running over to them. And she fought every single urge she had to launch herself at the boy and tackle him into a hug.



Instead, she just stood there.



Gawking at him, unsure if what she was seeing was real.



Was he really here? Was he really awake?



He met her stare, not knowing how to respond.



But once the silence got a bit too awkward, he figured he had to say something.



So he stuck with the basics.






Shocked out of her silence, she released a choked giggle. “Hi…”



And her laughter induced his laughter.



They tittered for a moment, before their chuckling died down. And she just stared at him again, with quivering eyes.



She took a hesitant step.



And another.



Before she gently enveloped him into a hug, releasing a shuddering sigh.



They stayed like that for a moment, lost in the embrace.



“I…” She started. “I-It’s good to see you again…”



His dry wit resurfaced. “Yeah, most of me…”



Backing away from him a bit, she tried to ease his woes.



“It’s not…it’s not that bad.” She tried.



He regarded her with a deadpan stare.



“I’m literally missing my entire lower leg...” He stated.



She…couldn’t deny that…



In response, she grew a wry grin.



“Well, if it makes you feel any better…I didn’t exactly come out unscathed either…”



At his confused expression, she presented her arm.



And her long, splotchy burn scar.



And Hiccup blanched.



“W-Wait, what? What happened?” He asked, brimming with concern.



“The dragon exploded.” She replied, simply. “And…I was a bit too close.”



His breathing hitched, as he realized he was directly responsible for her injury.



She saw his reaction, and immediately spoke before he could say anything else.



“Don’t even try it!” She snapped, before he could apologize profusely. “This is not your fault. You did nothing wrong!”



His vocalized remorse shut down, he tiredly nodded.



He then grew a small smile of his own.



“You know they’re gonna freak when we get back, right?” He asked, making her giggle again.



“My dad’s gonna have a heart attack!” She responded. And knowing her father, she wasn’t even exaggerating.



“It…” He fumbled with the words he was looking for. “It looks kinda cool, though.”



“It’s proof. Proof that you survived impossible odds.” He held her arm in his hands, gently caressing the mark. “…You should wear it proudly.”



After a moment’s hesitation, she looked downwards.



“…So should you.”



He looked to her, eyes widening.



“Hiccup, I…” She paused, awful memories coming to her mind. “I really thought I lost you, back there…”



“And It made me realize that…that I love you. And I know we both felt it, but I don’t think we ever said it. So…I’m saying it…”



Her deep brown eyes gazed into his pine green ones, sparkling.



“I love you.”



Right now, there was nothing else in the world that mattered. Only the two of them.



“Yeah…” He whispered. “M-Me too…”



It wasn’t the most eloquent response, but she knew what he meant.



And it made her heart swell with joy.



An irritated warbling let them know that Toothless was sitting by the door. Beckoning them to go outside.



“Alright, alright! We’re coming!” Hiccup sighed. “I swear, he’s just a big kid…”



“Think of it this way…” Mirabel proposed. “It’s good practice for Fartmuncher!”



And he snorted, surprised that she still remembered that joke.



Deciding to not keep the dragon waiting any longer, they made to approach the door.



Though it wasn’t as easy as just going there.



With Mirabel supporting him, Hiccup tried his best to walk to the door. Toothless anxiously watching, and ready to pounce should he fall.



While they were making progress, it wasn’t exactly hasty.



Hiccup felt the need to speak again. “I-I’m sorry…”



The girl sighed. “Hiccup, I told you. It’s fine!”



“No, not about your arm! Though…I am sorry about that too…” He glanced away, feeling humiliated. “It’s just…how am I supposed to take you dancing like…this?”



She paused, stunned at his words.



With his gaze averted, he didn’t see her reaching over to his face.



Gently, she touched his cheek and turned his face towards her.



“We’ll get there.” She said, resolutely. “One step at a time.”



She seemed so confident, so determined. So positive that it would all work out.



He had no choice but to agree with her.



Finally, they reached the door. Hiccup grabbed the handle, gave it a pull-



And was met with a Monstrous Nightmare, screeching in his face.



He quickly shut the door, wracking his mind over how he was supposed to deal with a dragon raid in this condition…



Until he realized that the Nightmare looked familiar.



Opening the door again, he saw that it wasn’t just any Nightmare. It was Hookfang, with Snotlout atop him.



He was currently teaching a group of Vikings how to fly on dragon-back.



“Alright guys, get ready!” He instructed. “Hold on tight, here we go!”



And when they flew out of the way, Hiccup could finally see the rest of the village.



And it was unrecognizable.



Dragons were all over the place. Flying about, perched on huts, or just strolling through the town. There were feeding stations placed, filled with fish for them to enjoy. And villagers would frequently engage them with pats and scratches.



Even the island itself seemed different. The sky was brighter, the sun as shinier, the grass was greener…



Vikings and dragons, living together in harmony.



It was incredible.



So clearly, this was the afterlife.



“I knew it…I’m dead.” Hiccup groaned.



He was so focused on the astounding sight before him, he didn’t notice the hulking man walking up to him. Not until he’d already placed a warm hand on his shoulder.



“No, but you gave it your best shot!” Stoick laughed, before gesturing to the village. “So…what do you think?”



“A lot’s changed, since we got back!” Mirabel grinned.



He faced her. “Wait...how long was I out?”



“Oh, you know…” She nervously smiled, before squeaking out the answer. “…a week.”



Before he could question her further, shouts broke out from the town.



“Hey, it’s Hiccup!” “Hiccup’s awake!” “Our hero!”



A crowd of Vikings stormed up hill, all excited to see him. All harboring real, genuine praise for the boy.



Hiccup was still unsure that this wasn’t the afterlife.



“I never doubted him, ya know.” Spitelout said, elbowing another Berkian. “I always believed in him!”



“It turns out, all we needed was a little more of…” Stoick pointed to his boy. “…this!”



Hiccup gazed up at him with wide eyes, filled with the wonder of a childhood wish being fulfilled.



“You just…gestured to all of me…” he whispered. And Stoick only nodded, filled with pride.



“Well, most of ye!” Gobber shouted, forcing his way through the crowd. “That bits my handiwork!”



“With a little Hiccup flair thrown in! Think it’ll do?” He asked.



The teen glanced down, putting his metal leg out.



His mind was already seeing areas he could upgrade.



“I might make a few tweaks…” He admitted, earning laughs from the crowd.






The crowd had to part, lest they be squashed by a charging Luisa. Marching forth with her arms wide open.



Before he could even register what was happening, she scooped him up into a crushing hug. Leaking tears of joy.



“You’re okay!” She cried.



“Luisa…happy to see you, but…need…air…” He wheezed, while being constricted.



She suddenly remembered she needed to be gentler with him now, and quickly dropped.



“Oh, sorry! You alright? I-I didn’t hurt you did I?” She frantically asked.



“Aside from the broken ribs, I think I’ll be fine.” He snarked, making her smile sheepishly.



“Eh, I wasn’t worried.” Camilo blatantly lied, sauntering up to them. “He’s too dumb to die!”



Hiccup raised an eyebrow. “Your overwhelming concern just warms my heart, Milo…”



He suddenly felt something on his shoulders. He looked to see two vines holding onto him, before they quickly spun him around. Turning him towards a very cross looking Isabela.



He rolled his eyes, mentally preparing for the verbal and perhaps physical lashing that was about to take place.



But his eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets, when she did something he never expected her to ever do.



She hugged him.



Gently, she held him close. Happy just to feel him breathing in her grasp.



Hiccup was too stunned to even move.



The others around them shared his reaction.



“I’m glad you’re okay…hermanito…” She whispered, so softly that only he could hear.



But just when the boy was about to return the embrace, she broke it off.



And slapped him in the back of the head.



“If you ever scare me like that again, I’ll make you wish that dragon had killed you!” She snapped.



And Hiccup could only chuckle.



There was the Isabela he knew and loved.



Gobber stepped forth, holding Toothless’ saddle. Along with the tail-fin Mirabel had made for him.



“Smart thinking, bringing a spare!” He said, before presenting it to the boy.



It looked mostly the same, with its teal blue fabric and embroidered golden symbols. But there was one addition.



A golden skull, with two horns sticking out of its head.



“I figured we could use something to remember our time here!” Mirabel said, cheerily. “Y’know, aside from the four dragons.”



“I know Berk isn’t your home anymore, but…” Gobber spoke, a bit emotional. “Ye’ll always be welcome here!”



Hiccup gratefully took the items, smiling brightly.






Panicked Vikings scrambled to evade Toothless, who was so excited he started jumping onto them.



He looked to Hiccup, expectantly.



And the boy knew he probably shouldn’t wait to put the fin on.



It was a beautiful day for a flight.




It was time.



They four and a half Madrigals had packed all their things, because it was time.



They were back in their normal clothes, because it was time.



They’d readied their dragons for the coming flight, because it was time.



The war was over.



The queen was defeated.



Berk was saved.



Dragons and Viking alike were free to live in harmony.



Their mission was complete, and now it was time to go home.



It was time to go back to the Encanto.



Walking through the village, a bit slower for Hiccup’s sake, they were surprised at how pleasant the weather was. Unlike the usual cold, dark, and gloomy Berk day, it was bright and sunny. Still not as warm as their destination, but much preferable to the Berkian standard.



They were frequently being stopped by people cheering and applauding for them. Thanking them for all they’d done.



All the bachelors wept, for Luisa was leaving. They’d witnessed true beauty, and now they never would again.



The local farmers had managed to get some of the plants Isabela gave them to grow, even in this cold climate. Their most successful yield being the banana tree, to Hiccup’s delight.



The villagers were actually kind of happy that Camilo was leaving. It lowered the number of psychotic teens on the island back to two.



And they were really, really going to miss Mirabel and her accordion.



Hiccup, Mirabel, and their companions never thought they’d feel this way, but for as tough and tasteless as these people could be…they were kind of going to miss them.



The group encountered several dragons on their way, as well. Exploring their new home, enjoying their freedom, or paying their respects to the heroes who gave them said freedom.



And one of these grateful dragons was familiar to them.



A wicked screech from up-high, alerted them to the presence of the Skrill. Forebodingly lurking on top of a hut.



The Madrigals stared up at it. Some with fear, some with annoyance.



“I literally just wanna go home…” Isabela groaned.



But despite his threatening appearance, it never moved to attack them.



From its elevated position, it dipped its head as a show of respect. Recognizing them as the stronger warriors.



“Uh…thank you?” Mirabel shrugged.



They then continued onwards, but the Skrill didn’t move. It watched them as they went, trying to figure out where they were heading.



Because the Skrill could feel it.



A storm was on the horizon.



And it wanted in.



While the group was walking, Camilo had a question to ask.



“So…where exactly are we going? Do we know which direction home is in, or…?”



An awkward silence fell on them, when they realized they didn’t.



“H-How’re we gonna get back home?” Luisa frantically asked. “We could just be flying aimlessly…forever!”



Mirabel slapped a palm to her head. “I should’ve kept track of where we were going, so we could find our way back!”



“But we didn’t even sail the whole way!” Isabela pointed out. “We were in the middle of the ocean, we got caught in that freaky storm, and then we were here!”



And that made Hiccup pause.



That storm…so similar to the one he and Toothless had found themselves in before waking up in the Encanto.



So similar to the one Gobber had told him about, that he and the other Vikings found themselves in before waking up in the Encanto as well.



Three times those golden clouds appeared, and each time they seemed to warp someone from Berk to the Encanto. Or vice versa.



The knowledge of magic being real was no longer a surprise to Hiccup, so the idea of those clouds also being magic was a legitimate one.



But what was the trigger? What caused them to appear?



As his companions continued talking, he tried to figure out the connection.



When he’d first ran away, he made a heartfelt wish to find somewhere he could belong. Somewhere he could be happy.



And he found the Encanto.



When he’d talked with Gobber about the time they spent looking for him, the man revealed that Stoick was single-mindedly determined to locate him. He had a heartfelt wish to find his son.



And they’d arrived at the Encanto.



And when he and the Madrigals were on their way to end the war, stuck dealing with the twins and Camilo for an inordinate amount of time, they made a heartfelt wish to get to the island as soon as possible.



And they woke up on Berk.



It was still so perplexing, the origins of these clouds were such a mystery. Where did they come from? Did they do this for anyone, or only him and the people he knew?



But while all his questions weren’t answered, one was.



He knew how they were getting home.



“We gotta wish for it.”



They all faced him, confused.



“If we wish with all our hearts to go back, those clouds will appear again. And take us home!” He said.



Camilo raised an eyebrow. “And you know this how?”



And so he explained. He explained his hypothesis, and everything he knew about the golden clouds. Though he couldn’t claim to know much.



“I dunno…that doesn’t make much sense…” Isabela groaned.



The boy regarded her with a half-lidded frown.



“Thank you for summing that up, woman who can control plants thanks to a magical gift given to her by a magical candle in a magical living house...” He shrugged. “It’s magic! I don’t think it’s supposed to make sense!”



The Madrigals weren’t entirely convinced, but they couldn’t deny his point. Magic kind of just did whatever it wanted to.



Besides, there was no harm in just flying out there and thinking about home. If nothing happened, they could figure something else out.



With this plan in mind, they finished their trek.



Finally, they arrived at the docks. Their time on Berk would end exactly where it began.



Stoick, Gobber, and the Riders were all present. Here to say their goodbyes.



Astrid was the first to approach them, while slightly smiling.



“…When I set out on this mission, Berk was at its lowest point…” She said. “But now look at it!”



“It’s…unbelievable! And I have you all to thank for it, so…” She began to look rather shy. “Thank you. There’s nothing I could ever do to repay you.”



“Well, there’s one thing you can do.” Hiccup spoke, trying his best to walk forward. He held out his hand, for a shake.



“Take care of the Riders.” She looked to him, confused. “They’re gonna need someone to lead them, and I can’t imagine anyone better for the job than you!”



“I mean, I can imagine someone…” Snotlout mumbled, crossing his arms.



Astrid took his hand, and firmly shook it. Nodding with determination.



“I mean it, I’m in your debt.” Spoke the shieldmaiden. “If you ever need anything, just come to me. I’ve got your backs!”



Mirabel considered these words…



“Alright, I got something for you.” The bespectacled girl grinned. “Take it easy!”



“You’re not at war anymore, you can relax!” Her grin then grew teasing. “Maybe work on your sense of personal-space!”



And Astrid laughed.



In a different time, that joke would’ve elicited a scowl from the girl at best, and a pummeling at worst.



But here and now, she laughed at a joke at her expense.



“So much really has changed…” Hiccup thought.



Snotlout swaggered up to Isabela, and she immediately readied a cactus. Hands ready to stick it onto his face.



But the stout boy held up his hands in surrender.



“Wait, wait! Just hear me out!” He pleaded.



Even though her gut told her to just prick him and be done with it, she opted to listen to him.



And if he said anything untoward, he’d become very acquainted with her Snaptrapper.



“I just…I just wanted to say…” He sighed, fighting to find the words necessary. “Look, I was really kinda skeevy and uncool with you. And…I-I’m sorry…”



…Isabela was not expecting that.



Not at all.



Her brow furrowing, she raised her hand again. Snotlout flinched, ready for the spines to assault his face-



But was surprised to see a flurry of rose petals, gently drifting onto him.



Amused by how frightened he looked by her little bait and switch, she chuckled over the boy.



He’d shown humility, and genuine remorse. And this was the last time she’d see him in who knows how long…perhaps forever.



So today, he would go un-cactused.



She then tossed her hair, and sauntered away.



And considering he wasn’t being mutilated by a desert plant, Snotlout considered this interaction a success.



The twins were in shambles.



“Almighty Loki, PLEASE!” Tuffnut cried.



“Don’t leave us!” Wailed Ruffnut.



They were both hanging onto his ruana, bawling their eyes out.



He was starting to get kind of uncomfortable.



“Sorry, guys. But I gotta go!” He brushed their hands off him. “Loki can’t stay in one place, he’s gotta spread the chaos!”



And he also feared that the longer he stayed gone, the harsher his punishment would be when he returned.



But they didn’t need to know that.



“Tell you what…” He reached into his ruana, and retrieved his helmet. Oversized horns and all. “You’ve been such fine minions, I’ve decided to make you my agents of chaos!”



He really just wanted to get them off his back.



But they’d been loyal servants. They deserved a reward.



Both twins held their hands out, and graciously received the present.



“Spread my influence, wherever you may go! And perhaps one day our paths may cross again…” He spoke, mysteriously.



Both siblings clutched the helmet, and feverishly nodded.



“I shall wear it with zeal!” Tuffnut proclaimed.



But Ruffnut didn’t like the sound of that.



“Uh…” She yanked the helmet towards her. “I’ll wear it with zeal!”



Tuff yanked it back. “No, I will!”



Ruff did the same. “I WILL!”



"NO, ME!"






And soon they broke out into a fistfight, clobbering each other until they tumbled off the docks and fell into the sea.



Where they continued to clobber each other.



Camilo would miss the free entertainment.



Hiccup had an announcement to make.



“Fishlegs!” He called, and the rotund boy hurried over.



He spoke in an authoritative tone.



“As headmaster of Berk’s dragon training academy, I hereby abdicate the position of headmaster, and relinquish it to Fishlegs Ingerman…”



“W-Wait, what?” Fishlegs sputtered. “Really? Me!?”



Hiccup smiled. “These guys are gonna need some help, if the dragons are gonna be living here now. You’re the one with all the facts ‘Legs. Can I trust you to handle this?”



After a brief, awestruck silence, the chubby boy snapped to attention and saluted. “Sir, yes sir!”



The only thing offsetting his rigid posture, was his dorky smile.



One of the bags Luisa was carrying started wriggling and writhing about, and that clearly wasn’t supposed to be happening.



Opening the bag, they saw that a Terrible Terror had snuck inside. The same one from the ring.



“What’s it doing here?” Luisa asked, as it skittered up and down her bicep.



It then flittered onto Camilo’s leg, climbed up Isabela’s back, and glommed onto Hiccup’s face, before finally settling on Mirabel’s head.



“I think it wants to come with us!” She giggled. And it chirped its confirmation.



“Uh, sure!” Hiccup agreed. “The more the merrier!”



Hearing this, the Terror began singing a little song.



It was very cute.



…And kind of annoying.



Gobber hobbled up to Mirabel.



“I just…I just want to thank ye.” He said, softly.



She tilted her head, confused. “For what?”



“For taking the lad in, when no one else would.” He replied. “Your whole family, in fact. I can tell, he really loves ye.”



“Well that’s good!” She grinned. “Because we really love him!”



This brought a smile out of the blacksmith.



But soon, the smile fell. “Listen…that leg of his…it’s gonna be difficult.”



“Now he’s strong, he’ll get through it. But he may need some help…” He looked to her with pleading eyes. “Please…take care of the lad.”



And wordlessly, she nodded. She’d already swore to do just that.



It was almost time to go. Their dragons were waiting at the end of the docks, the clear open sky was calling to them.



And they were all itching to see their home again.



But Stoick had something to say.



He already knew the answer to his question, before he’d even asked it. But he had to.



“Are…are you sure you can’t stay?”



Hiccup sighed. He was dreading this question.



“I’m sorry dad, but…I miss my home. I miss my family.” He softly replied.



Fighting through the misery that welled up from within his soul, Stoick reluctantly nodded.






He looked back up, when Hiccup continued.



“You’re my family too.” He smiled, gently. “I’ll visit, I promise!”



While it warmed his heart to hear that, the man was unsure of the specifics.



“But son, its thousands of miles away. A round trip would take nearly half a year!”



In response, the boy gained a confident look.



“Yeah, on a boat!” he said. “On a Night Fury it’ll take like, a week!”



“We’ll have to figure it out, dad. But I will be back!” He declared.



Despite his uncertainty, he knew one thing for certain.



When that boy had his mind set on something, he would make it happen.



He’d be back.



Leaning forward, he took the boy into a hug.



“Until then…” Stoick whispered.



And now, it was time.



Standing near the edge of the docks, the sunset behind them, the four and a half Madrigals faced the isle of Berk one last time.



They’d made friends.



Fought dragons.



Trained dragons.



And ended a centuries old war.



“A pretty good vacation…” Mirabel mused. “I’d give it a six out of ten.”



“Four.” Isabela refuted. “The smell docks two points. At least.”



Luisa gestured to their dragons. “I dunno, we got some pretty cool souvenirs! That’s worth a five, if you ask me.”



“Take it down to three.” Camilo added. “The food, man. The food…”



Their group shared some snickering, before Hiccup chimed in with his own dry joke.



“I defeated the Red Death, and all I got was this lousy peg leg…”



…There was complete silence…



Before they burst into uproarious laughter.



Wiping tears from their eyes, they mounted their dragons.



Sharing a final wave goodbye to the Berkians, they took off. The Terror frantically flapping after them.



They were soon joined by the other Dragon Riders, who soared with them a bit before they’d truly left Berk. Wanting to share one last flight, as a full team.



It was so freeing.



Up here, Hiccup wasn’t impaired. He wasn’t struggling to relearn skills he’d mastered at the age of two.



He was one with his dragon, and they were one with the skies.



They all soared over the endless ocean, doing loops and twirls and tricks. Sometimes racing each other, sometimes simply flying side by side.



But eventually, the Dragon Riders ceased their flights. Hovering in place, and watching their friends chase the sunset.



They knew they’d meet again, one day.



“Until then…” Astrid whispered, with a gentle smile.



Stoick watched their silhouettes, his son’s silhouette, rapidly become smaller and they flew into the horizon.



He knew he’d be okay, he was going to the safest place in the world.



But…it was hard.



It was so hard not to worry, when your only child was so far away.



Gobber placed a hand on his arm.



“He’s every bit the boar-headed, stubborn Viking you ever were…” He said, trying to calm his old friend’s fears. “He’ll be fine!”



And Stoick knew he was right.



But still, he watched his son leave.



Leave to live his life. The life he’d chosen, the life he was happy with.



And he prayed.



“Watch over him, Val…”



Now flying far from Berk, over the seas, the four and a half Madrigals put their plan into motion.



They thought.



They thought of their home. The bright sun, the colorful village, the vibrant villagers, the towering mountains.



They thought of their family, every single one so incredible in their own ways.



They thought of just how much they missed Julieta’s food.



And they made a wish.



Five hearts, beating as one, made a heartfelt wish.



“Take us home…”





And lightning struck.



The golden storm, in all its glory, appeared over the seas.



Crackling with lightning, rumbling with thunder, and overflowing with a mystical power.



They gazed upon it, but not with fear. They gazed upon the cyclone with joy, for they knew what it meant.



They were going home.



The Terror was absolutely terrified, and fought its way through the whirlwind to reach Toothless. It then clasped onto Hiccup’s back, making the boy laugh.



“Trust me, little buddy!” He called, over the howling winds. “You’re gonna like where it takes us!”



Hiccup looked to Mirabel, and waved her forward. “After you, milady!”



She rolled her eyes at his silliness, before willing Mariposa forward. He and Toothless followed her, and the others weren’t far behind.



Without a trace of apprehension, they raced towards the magical maelstrom. Feeling as if they could already hear, smell, and even see the Encanto.



They entered the hurricane, virtually bouncing off the puffy golden clouds.



Strangely, this tempest didn’t seem nearly as harsh as the other ones. The winds weren’t unmanageable, the rain was a light drizzle, the lightning was reduced to small sparks, the thunder wasn’t even as loud.



They were able to just cruise in the storm, and take in the sight of it.



And what a sight it was.



Gorgeous, golden clouds stretched for what seemed to be miles. Looking so puffy you’d think you could sleep on them.



A shimmering glowing rain, almost resembling falling stars, swirled around them.



And after a moment, the thunder started to sound strangely melodic. Almost like an otherworldly choir.



Each and every soul present, human and dragon, were completely captivated. Even the Terror had come out of hiding, and was flying solo once more.



It was breathtaking.



And then, they saw it.



The eye of the storm.



Shining so brightly, they couldn’t even see what lied on the other end.



But they knew what was there.






The six dragons picked up speed, darting forwards, accelerating at a rapid pace.



The winds blessed their flights, the lightning showed them the way, the thunder beckoned them to their destination.



Until finally, triumphantly, they all entered the eye of the storm.



They all entered the light.



And in a flash…



They were gone.






Along with those who'd followed.







“Which shoes should I wear?” “The dog ate my homework!” “Man, I’m hungry…”






“Sorry, but I’m in love with your brother…” “Hold the ladder steady!” “Can we get a kitty?”



And endless cacophony of voice.



“You’re too old to wet the bed!” “I’ll pay you back next week, I promise!” “Why’d I eat all that ice cream? I know I’m lactose intolerant! WHY DO I DO THIS TO MYSELF!?”



It was enough to drive someone insane.



But Dolores had grown accustomed to it.



She was highly adept at tuning most of it out, and simply focusing on what she wanted to focus on.



However, it was very hard to focus right now.



The Madrigal family was having another incomplete dinner. Just like they had every night for the last month and a half.



Spirits were dreadfully low.



Pepa had a near permeant rain cloud over her head, for the last few weeks. Felix himself was too down to cheer her up, so the two of them just moped together.



Antonio was no longer the little bundle of energy he once was. Every day he would ask when his brother, his cousins, and his favorite dragon would return. No one had an answer.



Mariano’s poetry had gotten awfully morose recently.



Bruno was an absolute mess of nerves, fidgeting and twitching far more than usual. At first, Valentina tried to reassure him that everything would be fine. But after all this time, she was looking pretty twitchy herself.



Julieta tried to keep herself together, at least during the day. When her siblings would come to her for support. During the night, her visage of strength would crumple, and she’d be the one needing support. Augustin tried his best to be that support, but he was cracking under the fear as well.



Alma had retreated into a completely stoic state, not showing even a hint of emotion. Because if she did, if she let one drop of her true feelings show, she knew she’d break.



Dolores just listened.



Every single day, at all hours, no matter what she was doing, she listened.



She listened for their voices.



Or their distinct footsteps, or their heart beats that she’d memorized, anything.



Anything to signify their return.



But as the days went on, it got harder and harder to listen. Knowing that she’d go to sleep that night, wake up in the morning, do it all again, and they still wouldn’t be here.



Sometimes she considered just staying in her soundproof room, not listening to anything.



But she couldn’t.



She wanted to be the first to hear them when they’d arrived.



The conversation at the table was nonexistent. No one even tried to say anything. They just picked at their food, and released downtrodden sighs.



With nothing else occupying her ears, Dolores just took in the various sounds of the Encanto.



“Do I really need gloves to smelt…?” “We’re almost there, guys!” “Just one more bite of cheese wouldn’t hurt!”



Dolores dropped her fork.



The sudden noise made everyone turn to her, confused. But she didn’t notice.



She was sitting there, wide eyed.



Because somewhere, in that sea of sounds…



She’d heard a voice.



A very nasally voice.



She sat, as still as humanly possible. Trying to find it again, trying to confirm if what she heard was real.



The quiet girl flitted her head about, desperately searching for the voice.



But she couldn’t find it.



Mariano was growing worried. “Uh…Lor?”



He slowly reached out to her, his fingers grazing her shoulder-



But then she suddenly stood, jolting out of her seat. Without a moment’s hesitation, she ran into the courtyard.



This greatly concerned everyone present. She only acted like this if there was trouble.



They all hastily stood from their own seats, their half-eaten food forgotten.



Hurrying to the courtyard, they saw the girl standing completely still. Swiveling her head back and forth, clearly listening for something.



“Dolores…” Alma spoke, stoicism giving way to a slight anxiousness. “What did you hear? What’s wrong- “



Dolores put a finger to her grandmother’s face and shushed her.



The old woman sputtered, mildly offended. But the quiet girl paid her no mind.



She knew she heard something. Something familiar. Something she’d been waiting to hear for weeks.



But just when she started doubting herself, just when she figured it was just her stressed mind playing tricks on her-



“Come on, Toothless!”



Dolores’ hands flew to her mouth.



Her eyes shot wide open.



Everyone looked to her with an increasing level of fear and tension. Bruno was already considering running back to the kitchen to grab some salt.



And then she spoke.



Two words.



Two words that meant the world to this family.



“They’re back…”



It was uttered quietly, more quiet than usual for Dolores.



So quiet, that no one had heard it.



“What was that?” Pepa asked.



And suddenly, Dolores burst with energy. She grinned widely, bouncing on her feet, and did something the girl never did.



She shouted.






And then she ran.



She ran outside, as quickly as she could. Casita opening the doors for her.



It happened so fast, it took them all a moment to register it. They just stood around with dopey expressions.



Much to Casita’s annoyance.



It clattered and clanked every tile in its arsenal, making a ruckus, and jolting those in the courtyard from their stupors.



“Just go already!”



And that’s when it hit them.



They all exclaimed with shock and joy, and ran outside as well.



Casita jovially waved its windows and doors and drawers and anything else it could, ecstatic to know that its family was being reunited.



Sprinting down the hill and into town, they found Dolores in the plaza. Looking around.



“They’re here! I know they’re here!” She said, hastily shuffling around the area. “But where are they?”



The missing Madrigals answered that question themselves.



Because then, resounding from the pink sky…



A sound.



Everyone in the plaza heard it, from the skies above.



That familiar shriek.



And their hearts exploded with happiness.



Because soaring over a mighty mountain was Toothless, his distinguishable ear-flaps swaying in the breeze.



And if they squinted, they could see a scrawny teen riding him.



Julieta choked out a sob, as Augustin held her. Both of them overjoyed to see their adoptive son.



Antonio was jumping upwards, his arms held high. As if he could somehow go up there and bring Toothless down himself.



But while it was great to see Hiccup and Toothless again, they couldn’t help but feel confused…



When four other dragons appeared behind them.



The five dragons all landed in the plaza, at the same time. Several villager taking fearful steps backwards, or flat out running away at the sight of them.



But to the Madrigals, these dragons may as well have been angels.



Because their children were atop them.



Mirabel only had a second to dismount Mariposa, before her parents swept her into a hug. Crying their eyes out.



“I’m okay…” She soothingly spoke. “I’m okay…”



Isabela and Luisa joined the hug as well, immensely happy to see their mother and father again.



Camilo was being smothered with affection by Pepa. Endless kisses pecked upon his cheek, while a raincloud of happy tears poured above them. Felix, Dolores, and Mariano laughing at the spectacle.



“It’s good to be back, Mami…” He said, patting her back and melting into the hug. She didn’t respond, too overwhelmed with tears to speak.



But then, his smile fell.



“…I’m grounded forever, aren’t I?” He asked. She simply nodded against his shoulder.



Bruno was smiling widely as could be, while water fell down his cheeks.



“It came true…a good vision came true…it really came true…” He muttered over and over, through his sniffles.



Valentina hooked an arm around his shoulder, and hugged him close. Trying to discreetly hide her falling tears.



Antonio rushed forth, towards Mirabel. His arms outstretched.



Seeing this, she gladly bent down to accept his hug-



But he ran right past her.



Instead, he scampered up to Mariposa.



“Love you too, Tonito…” Mirabel griped, though she was smiling.



He gazed at the dragon with a bright smile, and inquisitive eyes.



Mariposa looked down at the boy in absolute shock.



He was just…so…fluffy!



He greeted all the dragons, learning their names and starting conversations with them. In love with the fact that there were now five dragons in the Encanto.



Make that six.



Antonio suddenly found himself face to face with a small, green reptile. It sat upon his head, and bent over. Looking into his eyes.



“Hello there!” He greeted, and the Terror chirped in return.



The Terrible Terror had apparently decided that Antonio’s hair was the perfect nesting place. And after doing a quick turnaround, it settled onto his curls with a peaceful little grin.



The boy didn’t want to move, lest he disturb it.



Alma was overjoyed.



All her grandchildren were safe and sound. Her family was back together.



Truly, this was a blessed day!



But she noticed something was a bit off.



Hiccup hadn’t moved to join them.



He just stood behind Toothless, leaning on the dragon’s back like he was a table.



Now wasn’t the time for shyness!



“Hiccup, what are you doing back there?” She asked, shifting everyone’s attention to him.



She took on a joking tone. “Surely you’d like some hugs yourself, hm?”



The ones who didn’t know laughed at her little comment.



But the ones who did know looked to the teen, and winced with apprehension.



They knew what was coming.



Hiccup sighed, figuring he couldn’t hide it anymore.



And…hugs did sound nice.



With a deep exhale, he stood. And began walking around the dragon.



They noticed that he seemed to be walking a bit awkwardly. And what was that clanking noise?



It was only when he fully stepped out from behind Toothless, did they understand.



Mortified gasps broke out, when they saw it.



“Ta-Da…” He cheered sardonically, holding out his metal leg.



The Madrigals who’d stayed behind looked at the boy’s leg in horror. Augustin nearly fainted.



Julieta especially looked grief-stricken.



She slowly stepped towards him, as he stood on unsteady feet.



“What…what happened?” She quietly asked.



He shrugged, half-heartedly.



“When you’re fighting a giant killer dragon, there are certain risks you take…” He replied, uneasy at all their staring.



“B-But-But what about the food I gave you?” She asked, her breathing growing intense. “That should’ve helped!”



He nervously chuckled in response. “There were a lot of injured people. By the time everyone else was healed…there weren’t any left for me.”



With shuddering breaths, she closed the distance between them. Overwhelmed with sorrow.



“Oh, Nino…”



She held him in a gentle hug, feeling terrible that she hadn’t made enough food for when he needed it most.



“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…” She wept.



But Hiccup wasn’t having it.



He pushed her away, just a bit. So he could look her straight in the eyes.



“This is not your fault. You didn’t do this to me. And your food helped a ton of people! I can’t imagine how many Vikings would be dead, if it weren’t for you.”



“I chose to fight that thing, and I don’t regret it…” He stared into her eyes with a steadfast expression. “It’s not your fault, mom.”





He didn’t mean to say that last bit.



Everyone present gawked at his words, while Hiccup scrambled to fix his mistake.



“I-I’m sorry-that was a mistake-I didn’t mean-I just- “



She held him close again, this time with a smile.



“It’s alright!” She chuckled. “You can call me that, if you want to. I don’t mind…”



Hiccup sighed with relief, happy he didn’t make things awkward.



After having talked so much about the mother he didn’t have…



Seeing Julieta again made him appreciate the mother he did have all the more.



Another joined their embrace.



“Does that make me dad?” Augustin joked.



Though the hopeful look in his eyes sort of implied that it wasn’t just a joke.



Valentina stepped forth, admiring the leg.



“Now that is a wicked battle scar, little guy!” She complimented.



Hearing this, Mirabel entered the conversation with a grin. “Oh yeah? Check this out!”



She proudly presented her burn scar, even when a new set of gasps rolled in.



“Okay, why is everyone getting mangled?” Pepa asked, while checking all over Camilo for any scarring.



“We’re Dragon Riders…” Hiccup started.



“It’s an occupational hazard!” Mirabel finished.



Alma was terribly confused.



They were mutilated. Their bodies, irreversibly damaged.



And yet...they were joking about it?



They should be terrified, or miserable…



Or enraged, at the woman who’d allowed them to go in the first place…



“I-I don’t understand…” She spoke, softly. “You’re permanently disfigured! Why aren’t you upset?”



Mirabel stopped grinning, and faced her abuela.



“Someone once told me, that scars like these are proof. Proof that you’ve survived impossible odds, and that you should wear them proudly.” Her upbeat expression returned. “So that’s exactly what we're doing!”



“Gee, I wonder who this someone is…” Hiccup snarked.



“Eh, you wouldn’t like him. He’s a massive dweeb!” Mirabel teased.



Alma still couldn’t say she understood, but…



It seemed her grandchildren were much stronger than they appeared.



They then introduced their new dragons to the family.



Julieta was immediately smitten with Mariposa, to Mirabel’s glee.



Hercules took a liking to Augustin, and tried to gently nuzzle him. Slamming him into a wall. The man laughed good-naturedly, even when he was sure something was broken.



Alma remarked that Isabela’s Snaptrapper was perhaps the weirdest thing she’d seen in her life. Rosita, Violeta, and Lilliana were all horribly offended, though Pam won her over eventually.



Camilo got into trouble when he showed them Tonta.



“You named your dragon stupid?” Dolores asked, dumfounded.



Jolting with surprise, the Changewing slowly turned to the shifter with a withering glare.



Camilo tried to defend himself. “W-Who are you gonna believe, her? Or me?”



She took a moment to think, and remembering just who her rider was...



Tonta snapped at him.



The family watched as Camilo was viciously hunted down by his own dragon, all while laughing.



It was a joyous occasion.



The kids were all back, and they were okay.



They were together again.



Perhaps some weren’t quite the same, but they were all here to help them with that.



It would take some adjusting, but finally. Everything could go back to normal.



Or so they thought.



They heard a squawk.



Descending from the skies, and landing in the square, a wild Deadly Nadder appeared.



Much to everyone’s shock.



“AGAIN!?” Felix asked, remembering an incident from a month ago.



But that wasn’t all…



Gronckles plopped onto the streets. Monstrous Nightmares slithered over houses. Terrible Terrors flittered about like scaly birds…



The Encanto was suddenly filled with dragons.



They were all over the place. Flying about, perched on buildings, or just strolling through the town.



The Madrigals watched the proceedings with shock.



Stunned villagers ran for their lives, while confused dragons watched them scurry with mild amusement.



Though the children immediately recognized the creatures they’d been learning about, and hopped about with childish glee. Finally, real live dragons!



Pepa’s thundercloud jolted with surprise, when she was caught off guard by a Zippleback flying overhead.



And she then felt a presence, looming behind her…



And a poke at her bottom.



Another jolt of lightning fired, in her surprise. And Pepa quickly turned to see a large, black and purple dragon. Glaring up at her.



She stared at it, unsure of what to do. Maybe if she didn’t move, it wouldn’t see her…



The dragon poked her leg, with its nasal horn. Making her spark again.



“S-Stop that!” She yelped. “Cut it out!”



But it refused.



It poked her, over and over. Making her cloud zap repeatedly, and absorbing the electricity each time.



It didn’t know why poking this human supplied it with constant lightning, but it wasn’t about to question a good thing.



Recognizing the Skrill as the one they’d fought before, Camilo could only chuckle. That dragon had no idea what it was in for.



This guys thinks he’s the one in control here?



Wait until Pepa got really angry…



Bruno was stepping back, when he felt something squish from under his feet.



Looking down, he was terrified to find that he’d accidentally stepped on a weird looking frog.



He quickly picked it up, and tried to resuscitate it with tiny CPR techniques. But Hiccup noticed something odd about it…



He pointed to the small, purple thing in Bruno’s hands. Eyes flashing with recognition.



“Hey…that’s a Hobgobbler!” He said.



The seer looked confounded.



“A What-Whattler?” He asked.



“A Hobgobbler.” Hiccup repeated. “Gobber used to tell me they were bad luck!”



Now that, Bruno didn’t buy.



It was such a goofy little thing, how could it be cursed?



It was probably just misunderstood!



The small dragon stirred in Bruno’s hands, and opened its vacant eyes. It might be looking at the man, but it was rather hard to tell…



The man sighed, relieved that he hadn’t just ended its little life.



Valentina, who’d been observing the powerful form of a distant Rumblehorn, looked over to her fiancé. Before reeling back in shock.



“What the heck is that!?” She questioned. “That’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen!”



And Bruno smiled. “I know, right?”



Alma was absolutely horrified.



Her home…



Her Encanto…



Invaded by dragons!



Mirabel tried to calm her down.



“It’s okay, Abuela!” She said, taking her grandmother’s trembling hands. “They’re not here to hurt anybody!”



“H-How do you know?” The old woman asked.



“They told me!” Antonio chimed in, finishing a conversation with a passing Hobblegrunt.



All eyes fell to the little boy, and he explained the situation.



“They said that now that the queen’s gone, they were looking for somewhere to live…” He pointed to Mirabel, Hiccup, and their Riders. “And they were so thankful to you for saving them, they just decided to follow you!”



His answer only gave them more questions.



“The dragons want to…live here?” Luisa asked.



“They like it here already!” Antonio replied, cheerily. “Can they stay?”



Alma looked incredibly wary, and she was surely about to shut the idea down.



But Hiccup had something he needed to say.



“Miss Alma, if I may…” He interjected.



“These dragons aren’t violent, they’re just looking for a new home. And yes, there’s a decent number of them. But it’s a manageable number! I’ve already got some ideas about where to keep them all!”



“Dragons are incredible, adaptable creatures. And when they work together with humans, both kinds prosper! I really think, once we get them acquainted with our way of life, having them here would only serve to help this community. I’m sure of it!” With that, he finished vouching for the reptiles.



“And if any of them get out of hand, we can handle it!” Mirabel spoke, besides Mariposa. “We’ve fought dragons way worse than these guys!”



Luisa, Isabela, and Camilo all agreed.



Alma was thinking this over, weighing every pro against every con…



Finally, she looked to Hiccup and Mirabel with a stern expression.



“You will be in charge of integrating the dragons into our community, and keeping things from going awry.” She declared. “But if they can’t behave, or if anyone gets seriously injured, they are out. Understood?”



The teens eagerly nodded, and she sighed. Pinching the bridge of her nose.



Just when she was hoping she wouldn’t have to worry about any more dragons…



Antonio was over the moon.



“I’ll help too! I can talk to them!” He cheered.



“And we’ll be here in case you screw anything up!” Isabela snarked, alongside Luisa, Camilo, and their dragons.



The teens were happy to have the help. Maybe this could work out.



No, it would work out!



“Alright, alright! Enough standing around and talking!” Julieta started steering the family back towards their home. “I’m sure you’re all hungry!”



The very thought of Julieta’s food was enough to bring Hiccup to joyous tears.



But before they could go, a buzzing Gronckle sneezed. Setting a wagon on fire.



Alma looked at the burgeoning flames with a fearful expression…



Before turning to Hiccup and Mirabel with a strict glare, and swiftly pointed to the blaze.



“We got it!” Hiccup shouted, mounting Toothless. While Mirabel hopped onto Mariposa.



While they rushed to put out the fire, so they could hurry up and get some dinner...



The young couple glanced to each other, and grinned.



It would be tough.



It would be a lot of work.



Their lives were about to get a whole lot more hectic.



But magic and dragons, In the same village?



To them…



It sounded like paradise.