63. Passing the Time

Dolores wasted no more time.



Her family was reunited. And while the sudden appearance of the dragons was surprising, they weren’t posing a threat.



There was nothing stopping them, and she wasn’t going to wait until something else came up to do just that.



A scant three days after Hiccup, Mirabel, and the others returned…



Dolores and Mariano were finally, finally married.



Dolores was thrilled.



After receiving that unfortunate vision, all those years ago, she’d always thought marriage just wasn’t in the cards for her. Despite how much she wanted it.



Thankfully, that wasn’t the case.



All throughout the preparations, all throughout the ceremony, and all throughout the reception, she had an enormous and grateful smile on her face. It was impossible to wipe off.



Not that anyone wanted to wipe it off.



The girl had such a burden to bear, with a gift like hers. She deserved to be this happy, especially on her special day.



Mariano was overjoyed as well, though he was also a tad fearful.



Well, more than just a tad…



After over a year of wanting to be married, only for a myriad of disasters to spoil it in one way or another, he was on high alert.



The normally mellow man was suddenly frantic, constantly looking over his shoulders. Darting his quivering eyes around on the lookout for anything that would jeopardize this day.



He’d gotten on his knees and begged Mirabel and Hiccup to ensure that the dragons wouldn’t ruin the ceremony.



His paranoia had gotten so bad, that Dolores broke the superstitious tradition of the bride and groom not meeting before the actual wedding. Just to speak with him.



She reassured him that even if everything went sideways, they’d still be getting married. Their love was all that mattered.



And despite her own anxieties, she actually found the idea rather funny. If after the tumultuous period of planning their wedding, the ceremony itself was chaotic as well.



It’d almost be symbolic. Of the hardships they’d faced just to find each other, and how willing they were to endure anything to be with one another.



And it worked.



A much calmer Mariano stood at the altar, in awe of the incredible woman who was to become his wife.



Not even minding the drizzle of happy tears Pepa was drenching the church in, they exchanged the most poetic and sappy of vows. And after an impassioned kiss, a new Madrigal was welcomed into the family.



The ceremony went off without a hitch, with no incidents whatsoever. Though the Maid of Honor, Isabela, had to produce some leaves large enough to work as makeshift umbrellas for everyone. They weren’t expecting Pepa’s cloud to be this big.



The reception was held outside, in the square. And the whole town was invited.



There was much celebration to be had as the newlywed couple shared their first dance as husband and wife, and much laughter to be had when Mariano tripped headfirst into the cake.



Dolores felt the need to say a few words. Through teary eyes, she thanked for family for helping her make this day possible. She thanked Mirabel in particular, for the amazing dress. And she told her Tio Bruno that she forgave him, for that upsetting prophecy.



In truth she’d forgiven him years ago, even when it still depressed her. But she wanted to declare it in front of everyone.



The scruffy man was looking awfully teary eyed himself.



The only time her smile dropped through the whole day, was when she and Mariano were cutting the cake.



Or what remained of the cake, after he fell into it.



She suddenly saw everyone staring behind her, with frightened eyes. And then she felt a warm huff of air hit the back of her head.



Quickly turning, she saw that a dragon had crashed her wedding.



A Deadly Nadder, lavender in color with pale yellow spines, was looking down at her with friendly eyes.



Mariano felt as if he was about to have a heart attack.



And Dolores was confounded.



How hadn’t she heard it approaching? Was this dragon particularly stealthy, compared to others of its kind?



Hiccup was immediately brought forth to handle it, but Antonio intervened.



“She heard the music, and wanted to see what was happening.” He translated. “She really likes this song!”



The Nadder proved this when it started bobbing its head to the beat, stomping in time with the rhythm.



“Dragons like to party…” Mirabel shrugged. “Who knew?”



Dolores eyed the dragon with suspicion.



“Okay…but why was it creeping behind me?” She asked her brother.



After he listened to some more squawking, he relayed the creature’s message.



“She likes how quiet you are! She hates loud noises…” He said. “Except for music, that’s the exception!”



Watching the dragon dance around served to greatly calm the fears of those present. Especially the villagers, who were less accustomed to the beasts than the Madrigals were.



And while Dolores was inclined to shoo it away, it looked like it was having a good time…



“Fine, you can stay…” She sighed, before growing a stern look. “But don’t make a mess!”



Overjoyed, the Nadder readied a squawk. The quiet girl prepared for her ears to be assaulted by the sharp noise.



But the Nadder’s chirping was as hushed as could be. Barely above a whisper.



Dolores was stunned. Perhaps this dragon really was quieter than her kin.



Unobstructed by their new guest, the reception continued on into the late evening.



Soon in was time for everyone to return home, and give the newlyweds some well deserved privacy for the rest of the night.



Bidding the Madrigals adieu, Hiccup and Toothless shepherded the Nadder back to where the other dragons were currently being held.  The mountains.



When you can fly, the unscalable suddenly becomes a lot more scalable.



Before they’d left, the Deadly Nadder turned back to Dolores and released another soft chirp.



“She’s thanking you, for letting her stay at your party!” Antonio cheerily translated.



As the lavender-scaled dragon flapped into the night, following Toothless, Dolores couldn’t help but keep her eyes on it.



A hand on her shoulder, from her mother, brought her out of her thoughts.



“Come on, Mija! Let’s go home!” She urged, smiling brightly. “You’ve had a long day!”



“And you’re about to have a long night!” Camilo smirked, laughing even as both his mother and sister smacked his head.



But they had a point.



With their long-awaited wedding day over, and going off with only the slightest of hitches, Dolores and Mariano made to follow their family back to Casita.



Wide smiles on both faces, and eternal joy in both hearts.



Eager to begin the next day. The first day of the rest of their lives.




It wasn’t long before there was another wedding in the Encanto.



Bruno, once reviled by the people and trapped in a life of solitude, was getting married.



It still felt unreal, especially to the man himself.



Even before he’d become a hermit, hiding away in his own home, the village had hated him for decades. His mother had tried setting him up with several young ladies, but each one vehemently refused. Considering It a torture to be shackled with Bad-Luck Bruno.



Despite being a hopeless romantic, Bruno had resigned himself to the fate that he’d most likely never be wed. It was disheartening, but he’d be fine. He still had his family!



…For a while, he didn’t have that either.



But now, he was back with his family. He was no longer a pariah. He had a wonderful, if a bit manic fiancée…



And a little, beach-ball sized dragon that wouldn’t quit following him.



Wherever he went, it seemed to be there. No one even saw it moving, it was just here one moment and gone the next.



Whether just hanging around his general vicinity, or appearing right in front of his feet, the Hobgobbler had become a constant presence in Bruno’s life.



It didn’t really do much of anything. Just sitting there, staring at nothing. Antonio had tried speaking to it, but the little dragon didn’t have anything to say.



It’d become a bit of a game, for him. Trying to spot where the small creature was whenever he entered an area.



And currently it resided at his feet, just a bit behind him. While he stood at the altar.



Any attempts to move it resulted in it popping back into that same spot. And it wasn’t causing any trouble, so they just let it be.



Camilo joked that it was his Best Man. Eliciting eye rolls from his actual Best Men, Felix and Augustin.



The wedding of Bruno and Valentina took place in the church, just as the last one did. Though this was a much smaller affair. Only family and those close to them were invited.



It would be easy to assume that a man as jittery as Bruno would be a quaking bundle of nerves, on such a day. But oddly enough, the opposite was true.



He felt strangely at peace, and had through the whole process.



If anything went wrong with the preparations, he’d laugh it off and try to amend the situation. While everyone around him scattered to get things just right, as the big day approached, he was more laid-back than ever.



He was used to things going awry. And he never figured he’d be getting married in the first place. As long as they were still being wed, any mishaps were inconsequential.



He was just really happy that this was happening at all.



Mirabel found it quite amusing, how nonchalant her Tio was about the whole ordeal. But she was also glad for him.



Though a bit disappointed. She’d prepared a pep talk, in the instance that he cracked under the pressure. Now it would go unused.



Valentina was in tears. Both when planning the wedding, and when she finally walked down the aisle. Staining her elegant white dress as liquid dripped down her cheeks.



She didn’t stop crying at the altar, where she had to sniffle through her vows. She couldn’t even muster the words I Do, simply opting to enthusiastically nod when her name was called.



She was positively overwhelmed with emotion. She too, never thought a day like this would come. A life of fighting for her survival somehow led to living in a sanctuary, surrounded by love. Sometimes it still didn’t feel real to her.



It was fairly humorous sight, seeing such a normally tough woman act so soft. But it was also very heart warming.



Bruno could not believe that this woman liked him so much that she was bawling while in the process of marrying him. It was so surreal.



Between this and reuniting with his beloved family, he felt like his luck might be turning around.



Pepa cheered the loudest, the moment their lips met. Though Julieta was a solid number two. Both of them immensely happy for their younger brother.



Alma still couldn’t say she was fond of the woman’s rowdier tendencies, but seeing her literally moved to tears at marrying her Brunito…it moved the old woman to tears as well.



The reception was much smaller, taking place in the tavern that Valentina worked in. Closed for the day, so its only occupants were family, friends, and Bruno’s rats.



…And the Hobgobbler.



They all talked, and joked, and ate, and danced, with Bruno being surprisingly good on his feet.



As the evening went on, everyone fell into casual little conversations with each other. Remarking on how much had changed, in such a short time.



“Brunooo…” Valentina cooed, bubbling with elation. “I’m your wife!”



“I-I know, Val!” He chuckled, giving her an amused look as they sat side by side at the bar.



She giggled again. “You’re my husband!”



He rolled his eyes, while smiling. “Yeah, we kinda had a whole ceremony for it…”



“I still can’t believe it! It feels like a dream!” She hollered, throwing her hands in the air.



She then grew a rather sultry look.



“Why don’t you give me some proof that it’s not?” She purred through half-lidded eyes.



He wasn’t going to turn down that offer.



They leaned in, eager to share another kiss…



But their lips met both sides of the Hobgobbler’s head.



The gruff woman gagged with revulsion, blowing her tongue out repeatedly. Trying to get the taste of dragon out. While Bruno gave the small creature a dirty look.



The Hobgobbler stayed perfectly still. But it seemed to develop a blush.



Later on, Mirabel swept Valentina into a hug. Smiling brightly.



“You’re my Tia now!” She cheered.



The woman grew a grin of her own, while returning the hug. “Damn straight, I am!”



She then faced all the Madrigal grandchildren, and pointed to them dynamically.



“I’m EVERYBODY’S Tia now!” She laughed, almost maniacally.



But then she noticed a scrawny teen, standing with them.



“Well…except for you.” Valentina said, looking towards Hiccup.



She abruptly pushed Mirabel towards him, while smiling smugly.



“When’re you gonna fix that?” She asked, while she and the others chuckled at their blushing expressions.



It was a strange, but delightful time.



Two more Madrigals had been added to their family. Despite the uncertainty their new, reptilian arrivals presented, they all couldn’t help but feel that good times were ahead.



And as Casita welcomed its newest member into her new, permanent home, the living house couldn’t help but have a thought.



“Two down…one to go…”




“So what seems to be the problem, Senora Madrigal?”



It still felt so weird to be called that. Though not a bad weird.



Valentina never liked doctor’s offices. The sterile rooms, the weird smells. The one they had in the village was a bit better, though not by much.



Whenever she found herself in one, it was either because she’d been injured and couldn’t handle it herself, or because her mom drank herself into a coma again. She tended to avoid them whenever possible.



But she could really use some professional help right now.



“What isn’t the problem!?” She asked, groaning with exasperation.



“For the last week I’ve been feeling awful! Stomach aches, headaches, I’ve been vomiting like nobody’s business!” She then sighed, before holding a hand out. “Juli’s food hasn’t been helping either, so just gimme a pill or something so I can get outta here…”



But instead of handing the woman her desired medication, the doctor seemed thoughtful.



“Hmm…if I recall correctly, you’ve been married to Senor Bruno for a little less than two months now, right?” He questioned.



“Yeah, why? What’s it to you!?” She shot back, suddenly very defensive.



The doctor held his hands up in surrender.



“I-I just have a suspicion as to what it may be!” He nervously answered. He’d forgotten how willing to jump to violence this woman was.



Regaining his composure, he spoke again. “To confirm, we’ll have to run a quick test. If that’s alright with you.”



With a huff, she agreed. She could feel her stomach churning again, and was willing to do anything to be freed of this.



After being subjected to the test, she impatiently watched the doctor pour over his notes with increasing agitation.



Just hurry up already!



“So what’re we looking at, doc?” Asked Valentina. “Food poisoning? Tape worms?”



She grew a murderous look on her face.



“I swear, if it’s a tape worm I’m gonna reach in there, pull it out, and strangle it myself!”



After a moment of being shocked by her odd exclamation, the doctor then chuckled knowingly.



“No, Senora Madrigal. This isn’t something you want to strangle!” He snickered.



The gruff woman then looked very offended.



“You saying I couldn’t do it!?” She asked, ready to raise her fists.



The doctor realized he couldn’t be coy with this patient, and decided to cut to the chase.



“It’s not a tape worm.” He shut down the idea with a deadpan stare, before his slight grin returned. “But there is something in your belly…”



She tilted her head, confused.



“Congratulations, Senorita Madrigal…you’re pregnant!”



Valentina sat there, eyes wide as possible.



This news shocked her, stunned her, shook her to her very core.



Slowly, she moved her hands to lightly touch her stomach. Staring down at it in disbelief.



“…I-I’m gonna be…a mom?”



…Valentina’s mother wasn’t exactly a good mother.



Whenever she wasn’t cold and distant, content to spend her time getting wasted instead of nurturing her child, she was smacking her daughter around.



She claimed it was to toughen her up. To prepare the girl for the dangerous world they lived in.



But now, Valentina knew better.



Her mother was a cruel woman. Who hid behind cowardly excuses to justify her vile behavior.



And in that moment, she swore.



She swore to her unborn child, who she’d only known for about twenty seconds, that she’d never make them feel how she felt.



She’d never leave them bruised, broken, and left out in the cold. She’d never make them feel unsafe, with the one person they should feel safest with.



She’d be the best damn mother she could possibly be.



This, she swore.





And then she barfed.




Hiccup’s dragon training class had greatly expanded.



Firstly, he had new teachers.



Mirabel assisted him in the process, the both of them spouting useful facts. Antonio simplified the procedure by translating what the dragons had to say. And Isabela, Luisa, and Camilo lent a hand here and there.



Second of all, his class was no longer just curious children.



Pretty much everyone in the Encanto would stop by for a minute or two. Trying to learn everything they could about their new, scaly neighbors. Particularly if they were dangerous or not.



The village children were teaching the adults new things, and they were very smug about it.



And finally, he had actual dragons to show off.



The flock that had descended onto the village gave him the opportunity to present a wide variety of species to the people. Displaying different dragon types, classes, behaviors, and the like.



With Antonio’s help, most of the dragons were convinced to stay in the forested mountains for now. So they wouldn’t swarm the town, and scare anyone more than they were already.



Antonio had proposed they all stay in his room.



All of them.



It took a lot to convince him that this wouldn’t work.



It was slow going, getting the townsfolk to realize that the giant fire-breathing reptiles didn’t mean any harm.



They’d try to go about their days as normal, but this batch of dragons seemed especially curious. Following people as they went off to work, sitting atop their houses like amicable gargoyles, or sniffing at villagers who were too frightened to move.



It didn’t help that, no matter how well behaved a dragon may be, any creature is capable of making mistakes.



And dragon mistakes tended to be very…flame inducing.



Alma got a lot of complaints. A vast majority of the population were either fearful of the creatures, or downright against having them here. Feeling that it went against the purpose of the Encanto, providing safety to its inhabitants.



But Hiccup and Mirabel kept working to bridge the gap. To show the people that living with dragons would help the village, not hurt it.



And every time they saw a ten-foot lizard bounce around like a puppy, the Encanto Dragon Riders could see the people’s hearts opening up to dragons. Bit by bit.



Though the first village-wide acceptance came when one of the beasts had managed to rescue someone.



A little girl had fallen down a well. Dolores was taking one of her hearing-breaks, and hadn’t heard the child’s tumble.



But a dragon did.



Wasting no time, a nearby Terrible Terror skittered down into the depths after her. Mustering all its strength, it flapped the girl to safety.



By the time it was finished, a crowd of people had already gathered to retrieve the child. And upon seeing the dragon doing just that, the little thing was hailed as a hero.



A party was thrown in its honor, it was given all sorts of food and gifts, and it was immediately adopted into the girl’s family.



Mirabel and Hiccup were brimming with joy.



This was exactly what they were talking about! People and dragons, enriching each other’s lives!



Throughout the festivities, Alma eyed the small creature with a baffled expression. As if she hadn’t expected such a feat from such an animal.



But after a while, she seemed to finally relent with a small smile. And for the rest of the day, whenever she locked eyes with Mirabel or Hiccup, she’d grow an incredibly proud grin.



It wasn’t long before people were asking for dragons of their own.



At first it was eager children, then concerned adults asking for their eager children, or teenagers who thought they could show off to their friends if they rode in on a Nightmare’s back. And after a while, nearly the half the village was curious about befriending one.



Some were still definitely apprehensive. It was hard not to be, considering how dangerous the creatures looked at first glance. And these were people who were not accustomed to danger.



But the Encanto Dragon Riders worked hard to dispel those stigmas, and their efforts were paying off more and more with each passing day.



It was a bit of a pipe dream, but…



They hoped there would come a day when everyone in the Encanto was a friend to dragons.



But even if it was a long shot, they’d never stop trying to achieve that goal.



Even if it took them years.





…Four years, specifically.