The Journey Begins

We stayed at a local inn in the town where we recharged. The two demons set out on a small quest of their own in search of blood from animals in the near by woods before returning shortly after. I stayed to myself in the corner of the room, and as I meditated I kept one eye open. My trust was destroyed when it came to getting close to anyone, But I had faith that my father would be avenged. So if it meant teaming up with these hell bound demons, so be it.

As first site of the sun rising over the horizon, we saddled up our belongings and set out with Kaiden and the cart to be delivered to the next town which was said to be quite the long distance. I brushed over one of the two cows pulling the cart, gripping the pack that hung over my shoulder tightly and took my place along side the cart. Xenneth hopped into the back of the buggie while Oriana took the other side parallel to me, leaving Kaiden to guide us up front.

"Are we all set to go?!" Kaiden yelled over to us three. I took a second to look back at the town I barely knew. "For you, father." And off we went.

The forest surrounding the path we set out on was eerily quiet and disturbing only the sounds of birds could be heard in the faint background as the wheels of the cart creaked forward.

Kaiden started to hum an old song to help make the passing time less awkward. I paid it almost no mind since my thoughts were elsewhere. Oriana gave The Change-ling a judgemental stare and sighed. "There better be plenty of blood ahead of us for its sake." she rolled her eyes as Kaiden continued the tune.